CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2

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CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2

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  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    CAT 400 Project Proposal:




    [Akbar Syahputra Lubis], [Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Dr.]

    [aslubis.ucom1 !], [sufril!]

    School of "omputer Sciences, #ni$ersiti Sains Malaysia

    11%&& #SM, 'enan(, Malaysia

    A(stract'ersons )ith disabilities ha$e been a ma*or concern in homes, hospitals as )ell as in many )orkin(

    en$ironments particularly for those )ho ha$e disfi(ured limbs. +he current a$ailable technolo(y incontrollin( and na$i(atin( the operatin( system -S only limits the user )ith palm and fin(ers to use thecomputer and e$en the mobile de$ices )ith touch capacitors only focuses on users )ithout the defecti$elimbs. /esearch leads in helpin( the disables ha$e been carried out e0tensi$ely and ma*ority focuses on only

    i ( i (l f i i ( h l ( h 22 ki ( d L3A' l i

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    i ( i (l t f ti i ( t h l ( h + 22 t ki ( d L3A' l ti

    #) Project Bac*+ro,-.

    +rackin( sensors ha$e been used in many applications particularly for (amin( and simple

    na$i(ations to enhance the user e0perience o$er the con$entional )ays of usin( technolo(y apparatus.

    :o)e$er, makin( these technolo(ies a$ailable for disable persons are still under researched and there

    are no specific methods that are robust and easy to use. 4or e0ample, some of the sensors are only

    limited to small $ie)in( area )ithin the )ebcam or small sensors such as the leap motion. 2n addition,

    )eb cameras are lo) end and $ery poor at measurin( the depth and distance of a person makin( it hard

    to performs specific (esture identification )hich is not friendly enou(h for disable and elderly persons[1].

    /ecently, Microsoft /esearch Ltd. has de$eloped a technolo(y kno)n as 6inect for the ; -; ii Motion "ontroller by ?intendo Ltd.

    and = De(ree of 4reedom =D-4 of Sony Mo$e "ontroller, this technolo(y eliminates the need of

    special controller and replace them )ith multiple sensors allo)in( specific (estures to applied. +oeliminates the depth, illumination and an(le issues, the system incorporated sensors such as the 2/

    emitter, microphone array, 2/ depth sensor, colour sensor and motorized tilt function to the system.

    4i(ure 1.1 sho)s the dia(ram of a 6inect system [

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    #sin( con$entional camera poses se$eral problems, especially related to body (esture. Sometimes, by

    usin( the )eb camera camera, the al(orithm could not read the body (esture completely due to the poor

    uality of the input ima(e, the li(htin( conditions and the back(round also affected the usability of trackin( (esture. +o sol$e this problem, by usin( the camera on 6inect )ith the 2/ depth sensors,

    distance, depth and positions can be detected and (estures of head, mouth, hands, body and le(s can be

    implemented by usin( the skeleton *oint trackin( [

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    zoom out any ob*ects, and also mo$e or rotate the ob*ect. A set of databases are to be used to store the

    commands relatin( to the (esture applied.

    +o run all the function such as $oice reco(nition, skeleton trackin(, measurin( depth and ni(ht

    $ision, 6inect need se$eral sensors to be utilised. 4i(ure B.< sho)s the type of sensors used by 6inect )hich

    can be utilised for the de$elopment of the proposed solution.

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    information about user hei(ht and characteristic of the body. 4i(ure B.B sho)s an e0ample of skeleton body


    4i(ure B.B9 Skeleton tracking

    >ith the inclusion of infrared sensor, the depth inside the room can be measured and lo) li(htin( condition

    b li d f d i 4i( B E @b h ) 0 l f h i f d d d h d l )

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    body into *oints trackin( so that (esture mo$ements can be identified. As for the database, standard S7L

    )ill be used. ?a$i(atin( the -S )ill be based on >indo)s platform and creation of ith 6inect system in mind, the de$elopment of this system can benefits for

    the disable people, and future possibilities can be applied for blind people or for others )ith other

    impairments. 2n addition, the a$ailability of the 6inect system at a cheaper cost, makin( it a$ailable for

    disable system )ill be an added ad$anta(e for them to interact )ith the computer and other technolo(ies.

    %) U-26,e-ess o Propose. Sol,t2o-

    +he uni ueness of the 6inect system to be incorporated in the proposed system is that it utilizes many

    sensors in a one )hole packa(e. And )ith the use of skeleton trackin(, tacklin( the usability for disable

    person is ne) in a sense that this solution is still under research. 4urthermore, third party no) de$elopin(

    6i f hi ( i d f l f l i ( ( A 0 l f hi i ) h i

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    &) Stat,s o Project

    "urrent status of this pro*ect is still on (oin(, and the milestones and timeframe of the pro*ect are listed out

    into a Cantt chart form in appendi0 A. At the moment testin( on the SD6 $1.% has been completed and

    de$elopment of the system is in pro(ression. +he dri$ers as )ell as the connector to the '" ha$e been

    implemented to make the 6inect system )orkin(. +he ne0t step is to call up the functions described in

    proposed solution section.

    9) Re ere-ces

    1. /en, G., Fin*in(, M., and Funson(, H, %o#ust &and 'esture %ecognition with KinectSensor ,

    Sin(apore, ?anyan( +echnolo(ical #ni$ersity.. C.Wolf Maintaining older people at Issues and technologies related

    tocomputer vision , Etia 2011.

  • 7/17/2019 CAT 400 Project Proposal - Edited 2


    #0) Appe-.28 A

    4i(ure A ()ro*ect timeframe and milestones 'antt +hart!

    No Tas* Start 2-2s; D,rat2o




    Octo(er No3 Dec Ja- e(r,ar< "ar Apr2l "a