Casus Tn.hayun

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  • 8/12/2019 Casus Tn.hayun


  • 8/12/2019 Casus Tn.hayun



    Case Report

    Non-Haemorrhagic Stroke

    Presented by:

    Agus Salim




    Has been accepted as one of requirements in undergoing senior clinical clerkship period of

    April 21 th May 28 st 2014 in Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine Sriwijaya

    University Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang.

    Palembang, 10 th May 2014


    Dr. H. A. Rachman Toyo, Sp.S(K)

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    Name : Mr. HD

    Age : 67 years

    Sex : Laki-laki

    Occupation : -

    Address : Perum Azhar Blok AX 06 No 17 Rt/Rw: 27/03 Kel.Kenten Laut,

    Kab. Banyuasin.

    Date of Admission : 07 Mei 2014Registry Number : RI14012432


    Patient was admitted to Neurology Department of RSMH due to sudden loss of


    + 12 hours before admission, patient was found unconscious by his neighbours inside

    of his house, nothings certain about the process, but they said to seeing him doing someworks outside before the incident. On the onset, whether there is or not headache was

    unkown, nauseas (-), vomitting (-), generalized tonic-clonic seizures (-), weakness on right

    side of the body (+), drooping mouth (+), slurred speech (could not be assessed), sensibility

    (could not be assesed).

    History of hypertension (-), history of stroke (-), history of heart diseases (-), history

    of head trauma (-), history of fever of unkown origin (-), history of a long time cough (-),

    history of previous loss of consciousness (-).

    This is the first time patient suffered these conditions and no family history of the same

    loss of consciousness.


    PRESENT STATEInternal State

    Conciousness : E 4M6Vglobal aphasia Nutrition : Overweight Temperature : 37 oC

    Heart : No abnormalityLungs : No abnormalityLiver : No abnormality

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    Pulse : 56 beats/minRespiratory rate : 16 times/minBlood pressure : 140/80 mmHg

    Psychiatric state

    Attitude : uncooperativeAttention : unattended

    Neurological stateHeadShape : Brachiocephali Size : Normocephalic Symmetric : SymmetricHematome : NoTumor : No

    NeckPosition : Straight Torticolis : No

    Nape of neck stiffness : yes

    Spleen : No abnormality Extremities : see neurological state Genital : Not examined

    Facial Expression : FlatPsychological contact : None

    Deformity : NoFracture : NoFracture pain : NoVessel : No wideningPulsation : No disorder

    Deformity : NoTumor : NoVessels : No widening

    CRANIAL NERVES N.I: Olfaktorius nerveSmellingAnosmiaHyposmiaParosmia

    N.II: Opticus nerveVisual acuityCampus visi


    HemianopsiaOculi fundus Edema papil Atrophy papil Retina bleeding

    N.III: Occulomotorius, N.IV: Trochlearis, and N.VI: Abducens nervesDiplopiaEyes gap

    PtosisEyes position

    Right Not examined Not examined Not examined Not examined





    No No No

    Right No



    Left Not examined Not examined Not examined Not examined





    No No No

    Left No



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    Strabismus Exophtalmus Enophtalmus Deviation conjugae

    Eyes movement

    Pupil Shape Size Isochor/anisochor Midriasis/miosis

    Light reflex direct consensuil accommodation

    N.V: Trigeminus nerveMotoric

    Biting Trismus Corneal reflex

    Sensory Forehead Cheek Chin

    N.VII: Facialis nerveMotoricFrowningEyes closingGiggling

    Nasolabial foldFacial shape

    rest Speaking/whistling

    Sensory 2/3 anterior tounge

    Autonomy Salivation Lacrimation Chvosteks sign

    N.VIII: Statoacusticus nerveCochlearis nerveWhisperingHour tickingWeber test

    Rinne testVestibularis nerve

    No No No No

    No abnormality

    Round 3 mmIsochor


    Positive, NormalPositivePositive

    Right No disorder


    Not examined Not examined Not examined

    Right Normal Normal

    Not examinedFlat

    Drooping mouth No disorder

    Not examined

    No disorder No disorder No disorder

    Right Not examined Not examined Not examined

    Not examined

    No No No No

    No abnormality

    Round 3 mmIsochor


    Positive, NormalPositivePositive

    Left No disorder


    Not examined Not examined Not examined

    Left Normal Normal

    Not examined Normal

    No disorder No disorder

    Not examined

    No disorder No disorder No disorder

    Left Not examined Not examined Not examined

    Not examined

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    N.IX: Glossopharingeus, and N.X: Vagus nerves

    Pharyngeal archUvulaSwallowing disorderHoarsing/nasalisingHeart beatReflex

    Vomiting Coughing Occulocardiac Caroticus sinus

    Sensory 1/3 posterior tounge

    No No



    No No



    No disorder No disorder

    Not examined

    No No



    No No



    No disorder No disorder

    Not examined

    N.XI: Accessorius NerveShoulder RaisingHead Twisting

    N.XII: Hypoglossus NerveTounge ShowingFasciculationPapil AthrophyDysarthria

    MOTORICArmsMotionStrengthTonesPhysiological Reflex

    Biceps Triceps

    Radius UlnaPathological Reflex

    Hoffman Trommer Leri Meyer


    Clonus Thigh

    Right No disorder No disorder

    Right Not examined Not examined Not examined Not examined





    Negative Negative Negative




    Left No disorder No disorder

    Left Not examined Not examined Not examined Not examined



    Normal Normal

    Normal Normal

    Negative Negative Negative




    Lateralisation to the right

    Lateralisation to the right

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    FootPhysiological reflex

    K P R A P R

    Pathological reflex

    Babinsky Chaddock Oppenheim Gordon Schaeffer Rossolimo Mendel Bechterew

    Abdominal skin reflex Upper Middle Lower





    Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative

    Negative Negative Negative Negative


    Normal Normal

    Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative

    Negative Negative Negative Negative

    SENSORY Not Examined



    Kyphosis : No Tumor : NoLordosis : No Meningocele : NoGibbus : No Hematome : NoDeformity : No Tenderness : No

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    Nuchal rigidityKerniq


    Neck Cheek Symphisis Leg I Leg II

    Right No No


    No No No No No

    Left No No


    No No No No No

    GAIT AND BALANCE Not examined

    ABNORMAL MOVEMENTSTremor : NoChorea : NoAthetosis : NoBallismus : NoDystoni : NoMyoclonus : No

    VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONMicturition : CatheterizedDefecation : No abnormality

    LIMBIC FUNCTIONGlobal aphasia

    SPECIFIC EXAMINATIONCranium X- Ray : Not performedVertebral column X- Ray : Not PerformedThorax X-Ray : PerformedElectroencephalography : Not performed

    Electroneuromyography : Not performedElectrocardiography : Not performedArteriography : Not performedPneumography : Not performedHead CT-Scan : PerformedHead MRI : Not PerformedLumbal Puncture : Not Performed

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    Thorax Rontgen Mr.

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    Laboratory Findings07 t May 2014 09 t May 2014 Normal value

    Haemoglobin - 13,3 12,6-17,4 mg/dLRBCs - 4,21 4,20-4,87 x 10 /mm

    WBCs - 8,7 4,5-11,0 x 103


    Haematocrits - 37 43-49 %

    CT Scan Mr HD

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    PLT - 260 150-450 x 10 /uLBasophils - 0 0-1 %Eosinophil - 1 1-6 %Rod Neutrophils - 0 2-6 %Segment Neutrophils - 63 50-70 %Lymphocytes - 30 25-40 %Monocytes - 6 2-8 %Prothrombin Time 11.7 - 12-18 detikINR 0.89 -APTT 27,7 - 27-42 detikFibrinogen 362 - 200-400 mg/dLTotal Protein 7,5 6,9 6,4 8,3 g/dLAlbumin 4,1 3,7 3,5 5,0 g/dLGlobulin - 3,2 2,6-3,6 mg/dLTotal Cholesterol 174 177 65 mg/dLLDL 115 120

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    Name : Mr. Hayun Darwis

    Age : 67 years

    Sex : Laki-laki

    Nationality : Indonesia

    Occupation : -Address : Perum Azhar Blok AX 06 No 17 Rt/Rw: 27/03 Kel.Kenten

    Laut, Kab. Banyuasin.

    Date of Admission : 07 Mei 2014

    Registry Number : RI14012432

    ANAMNESISPatient was admitted to Neurology Department of RSMH due to sudden loss of

    consciousness.+ 12 hours before admission, patient was found unconscious by his neighbours inside

    of his house, nothings certain about the process, but they said to seeing him doing some

    works outside before the incident. During the onset, the presence of headache was unkown,

    nauseas (-), vomitting (-), generalized tonic-clonic seizures (-), weakness on right side of the

    body (+), drooping mouth (+), slurred speech (could not be assessed), sensibility (could not

    be assesed).

    History of hypertension (-), history of diabetes melitus (-), history of stroke (-),history of heart diseases (-), history of head trauma (-), history of fever (unknown patient

    lives alone), history of a long time cough (-), history of previous loss of consciousness (-).

    This is the first time patient suffered these conditions and no family history of the same


    PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONConsciousness (GCS score) : E 4M6Vglobal aphasia

    Blood pressure : 140/80 mmHgPulse rate : 56 x/m

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    Respiration rate : 16 x/m

    Temperature : 37 C

    Neurological examination:

    N III : round pupil, isocoria, Light reflex +/+, diameter 3 mm

    N VII : flattening of right plica nasolabialis

    Right side drooping of mouth

    N XII : not examined (patient held his mouth shut)

    Motoric function Right trunk Left trunk Right arm Left arm



    Tonus decreased n decreased n

    Clonus - -

    Physiological ref. decreased n decreased n

    Pathological ref. - - +B, C -

    Sensory function : not examined

    Limbic function : global aphasia

    Vegetative function : catheterized

    Meningeal signs : -

    Abnormal movements : -

    Gait dan balance : not examined


    Clinical Diagnosis : - Hemiparese dextra flaccid

    - Parese N.VII dextra tipe sentral

    - Global aphasia

    Topical Diagnosis : Partial Anterior Circulation Infact (PACI)

    Etiology Diagnosis : Cerebral Embolism


    Non-pharmacology : Head elevation 30 0 O2 2 L via nasal cannula

    Lateralisation to the ri ht

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    2. Posterior Circulation Infarct (POCI)Posterior Circulation Infarct Clinical

    Findings:Patients Clinical Findings:

    Ipsilateral cranial nerve(s) disfunctionand contralateral sensoric/motoric


    Flaccid right side hemiparesis

    Bilateral sensoric or motoric function No

    Conjugate eye movement disturbance(horizontal and vertical)


    Isolated Hemianopia or cortical blind No

    Conclusion: POCI as topical diagnosis can be eliminated.

    B. Etiology Differential DiagnosisSiriraj Stroke Score

    Siriraj Stroke Score :

    = (2,5 x level of consciousness) + (2 x vomiting) + (2 x headache) + (0,1 x diastolic blood

    pressure) (3 x atheroma markers) 12

    = (2,5 X 0) + (2 X 0) + (2 X 1) + (0.1 X 80) (3X0) 12 = -2


    0 : Look at CT Scan findings. -1 : Non Hemorrhagic 1 : HemorrhagicConclusion: Non hemorrhagic stroke

    Gajah Mada Algorithm

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    There was only Babinsky pathological reflex found in Mr. HD. According to Gajah MadaAlgorithm, the etiology of Mr HD condition was infarctions.

    Etiology differential diagnosis based on anamnesis:

    1. Hemorrhagic StrokeAnamnesis: In patient:

    - Loss of consciousnees > 30


    - There was loss of consciousness

    - Occured during/after physical


    - Patient was said to be doing

    some works before losing his


    - Preceded by headache, nausea,

    and vomiting

    - History of hipertension

    - Headache was unknown, no

    nause, no vomiting

    - No history of hipertension

    So, hemorrhagic as the cause can be eliminated.

    2. Cerebral ThrombosisAnamnesis: In patient

    - No loss of consciousness - There was loss ofconsciousness

    - Occured during rest - Occured after activity

    So, cerebral thrombosis as the cause can be eliminated.

    3. cerebral embolismAnamnesis: In patient

    - Loss of consciousness < 30


    - There was loss of consciousness

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    - Arterial fibrillation - No arterial fibrillation- Occur during activity - Occured after activity

    So, cerebral embolism as the cause cant be eliminated yet.

    Conclusion:Etiology Diagnosis: Cerebral Embolism.




    Acute ischemic stroke is characterized by abrupt neurologic dysfunction due to focal brain

    ischemia resulting in persistent neurologic deficit or accompanied by characteristic

    abnormalities on brain imaging.

    Until recently, stroke was defined using clinical criteria alone, based on duration of

    symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer. If the symptoms persisted for less than 24 hours, the

    condition was termed transient ischemic attack (TIA) However, modern neuroimaging

    techniques, especially diffusion MRI, have shown that defining stroke or TIA based only on

    duration of symptoms may not be accurate, since permanent brain damage can occur even

    when symptoms last only minutes. Therefore, recently proposed definitions of TIA take into

    account both the duration of symptoms (typically less than an hour) and lack of acuteinfarction on brain imaging .Ovbiagele and colleagues estimated that adopting a definition of

    TIA based on the above criteria would reduce estimates of the annual incidence of TIA by

    33% (currently estimated to be 180,000 annually) and increase annual number of strokes by

    7% (currently estimated at 820,000 per year).


    It is important to recognize that ischemic stroke results from a heterogeneous group of

    disorders whose final common pathway leading to clinical manifestations is interruption of

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    blood flow through vascular occlusion. This results in an infarct of which the size is

    dependent on extent, duration, and severity of ischemia. Brain infarcts resulting from arterial

    occlusion are divided based on their macroscopic appearance into white (bland) and red

    (hemorrhagic) infarcts. By gross anatomy, the former are composed of few or no petechiae

    while the latter are characterized by grossly visible blood. This latter term is equivalent to

    hemorrhagic transformation, which refers to leaking of red blood cells into a dying and

    ischemic brain tissue, and should not be confused with parenchymal hematoma, which

    represents a homogenous collection of blood usually resulting from a ruptured blood vessel.

    Serial brain imaging studies in patients with acute stroke have demonstrated that hemorrhagic

    transformation of an initially bland infarct can occur in up to 80% of patients. The risk of

    early hemorrhagic transformation and parenchymal hematoma is greatly increased by

    administration of thrombolytics or anticoagulants in acute ischemic stroke.

    Gross anatomy studies reveal that arterial infarcts evolve over several stages. In the first 12 to

    24 hours after the ictus, the lesion is barely visible to the naked eye. Swelling reaches its

    zenith at days 3 to 5; in large strokes this can become life threatening due to displacement

    and compression of neighboring structures. Between days 5 and 10, the infarcted brain

    becomes sharply demarcated from the unaffected brain tissue. The chronic stage, occurring

    weeks or months after the ictus, features a fluid-filled cavity that results from reabsorption ofnecrotic debris, hence the name liquefaction necrosis.


    Two major mechanisms are responsible for ischemia in acute stroke: thromboembolism and

    hemodynamic failure. The former usually occurs as a result of embolism or in situ thrombosis

    and leads to an abrupt fall in regional cerebral blood flow (CBF). The latter usually occurs

    with arterial occlusion or stenosis, when collateral blood supply maintains CBF at levels that

    are sufficient for preservation of brain function under normal circumstances. In these cases,

    cerebral ischemia may be triggered by conditions that decrease perfusion proximally to the

    arterial lesion (systemic hypotension or low cardiac output) and increase metabolic demands

    (fever, acidosis) or conditions that lead to "steal" of blood from affected to unaffected areas

    in the brain (carbon dioxide retention). Strokes occurring through these mechanisms are

    located predominantly in the so-called borderzones or watershed regions, which are areas in

    the brain bordering major vascular territories such as the middle cerebral artery

    (MCA)/internal carotid artery or MCA/posterior cerebral artery interface. Caplan and

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    TABLE High Risk Versus Low or Uncertain Risk Conditions for Cardioembolic Stroke

    Artery-to-artery embolism. Emboli occluding brain arteries can also originate from large

    vessels situated more proximally, such as the aorta, extracranial carotid, or vertebral arteries

    or intracranial arteries. In these circumstances, the embolic material is composed of clot,

    platelet aggregates or plaque debris that usually breaks off from atherosclerotic plaques. This

    is a major mechanism responsible for stroke due to large vessel atherosclerosis, which

    accounts for 15% to 20% of all ischemic strokes.


    Thrombosis represents an obstruction of flow with thrombus formation resulting from an

    occlusive process initiated within the vessel wall. In the vast majority of cases this is caused

    by atherosclerotic disease, hence the name atherothrombosis. Less common vascular

    pathologies leading to vessel stenosis or occlusion include arterial dissection (intracranial or

    extracranial), fibromuscular dysplasia, vasospasm (drug induced, inflammatory, or

    infectious), radiation-induced vasculopathy, extrinsic compression such as tumor or other

    mass lesion, or moyamoya disease.

    Small vessel disease. Thrombotic occlusion of the small penetrating arteries in the brain is

    another important cause of strokes, accounting for another approximately 20% to 30% of all

    ischemic strokes. This type of vascular lesion is strongly associated with hypertension and is

    characterized pathologically by lipohyalinosis, microatheroma, fibrinoid necrosis, and

    Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms. Lipohyalinosis is characterized by replacement of the normal

    vessel wall with fibrin and collagen and is specifically associated with hypertension.

    Microatheroma represents an atheromatous plaque of the small vessel that may involve the

    origin of a penetrating artery. This latter mechanism is believed to be responsible for larger

    subcortical infarcts. Fibrinoid necrosis is usually associated with extremely high blood

    pressure, leading to necrosis of smooth muscle cells and extravasation of plasma proteins,

    which appear microscopically as fine granular eosinophilic deposits in the connective tissue

    of the vessel wall. Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms are areas of focal dilatation in the small

    vessel wall, which may thrombose, leading to vessel occlusion.

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    Following vessel occlusion, the main factors ultimately determining tissue outcome are

    regional CBF and duration of vessel occlusion. A decrease in regional CBF leads to

    diminished tissue perfusion. In persistent large vessel occlusion, local perfusion pressure,

    which is the main factor influencing the eventual outcome of tissue, depends on several

    factors such as the presence and extent of collaterals and systemic arterial pressure (due to

    loss of the ischemic brain's autoregulatory capacity). It is inversely correlated to the local

    tissue pressure (which is increased by ischemic edema).

    Cerebral Blood Flow Thresholds in Acute Cerebral Ischemia

    The difference in tissue outcome following arterial occlusion is based on the concept that

    CBF thresholds exist, below which neuronal integrity and function are differentially affected.

    Early human studies performed in the 1950s during carotid artery clamping for carotid

    endarterectomy using intracarotid xenon 133 injections reported that hemiparesis occurred

    when regional CBF fell below 50% to 30% of normal, and permanent neurologic deficit

    occurred if mean CBF fell below 30% of normal. Evidence also indicated that development

    of permanent neurologic sequelae is a time-dependent process; for any given blood flow

    level, low CBF values are tolerated only for a short period of time, while higher CBF values

    require longer time for infarction to occur. Several investigators have studied the relationship

    between EEG changes and regional CBF during carotid clamping. EEG would slow down

    when mean CBF fell below 23 mL/100 g/min, while at values below 15 mL/100 g/min the

    EEG would become flat.

    Figure 1 Schematic drawing of the different cerebral blood flow thresholds in man. aFurlan M,

    Marchal G, Viader F, et al. Spontaneous neurological recovery after stroke and the fate of the

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    ischemic penumbra. Ann Neurol 1996;40(2):216-226.Marchal G, Beaudouin V, Rioux P, et

    al. Prolonged persistence of substantial volumes of potentially viable brain tissue after stroke.

    Stroke 1996;27(4):599-606.Marchal G, Benali K, Iglsias S, et al. Voxel-based mapping of

    irreversible ischaemic damage with PET in acute stroke. Brain 1999;122(pt 12):2387-

    2400. bHeiss WD, Grond M, Thiel A, et al. Tissue at risk of infarction rescued by early

    reperfusion: A positron emission tomography study in systemic recombinant tissue

    plasminogen activator thrombolysis of acute stroke. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab

    1998;18(12):1298-1307.Heiss WD, Thiel A, Grond M, Graf R. Which targets are relevant for

    therapy of acute ischemic stroke? Stroke 1999;30(7):1486-1489.Baron JC. Perfusion

    thresholds in human cerebral ischemia: historical perspective and therapeutic implications.

    Cerebrovasc Dis 2001;11(suppl 1):2-8. Reprinted with permission from S. Karger, AG,


    The concept of CBF threshold in focal cerebral ischemia proposed by these early human

    studies was then reinforced by landmark studies performed by Symon and colleagues (1977),

    who investigated the relationship between severity of local CBF impairment and degree of

    neurologic dysfunction at various durations of ischemia in a baboon model of MCA

    occlusion. Symon and colleagues (1977) demonstrated that brain tissue perfuses between

    certain CBF values (22 mL/100 mg/min to 8 mL/100 mg/min) even when prolongedhypoperfusion stops functioning, but maintains its structural integrity and, most importantly,

    can be salvaged with reperfusion. Figure 2 depicts a summary of metabolic and

    electrophysiologic disturbances according to reductions of cortical blood flow at different


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    Figure 2 Thresholds of metabolic ( left ) and electrophysiologic ( right ) disturbances during

    gradual reduction of cortical blood flow.SEP = somatosensory evoked potentials; EEG =

    electroencephalogram; ATP = adenosine triphosphate.Hossmann KA. Pathophysiology and

    therapy of experimental stroke. Cell Mol Neurobiol 2006;26(7-8):1057-1083. Reprinted with

    permission from Springer Science and Business Media.

    The time dependence of ischemic thresholds in producing permanent or transient neurologic

    damage has been demonstrated by Jones and colleagues (1981) in primate studies using a

    temporary or permanent MCA occlusion model. These experiments demonstrated that the

    CBF values below which brain tissue becomes infarcted are dependent on the duration of

    vessel occlusion. Two hours of continuous MCA occlusion in awake macaque monkeys

    required CBF values of 5 mL/100 g/min to produce infarction, while 3 hours of continuous

    occlusion resulted in infarction if CBF values were 12 mL/100 mg/min or less. Permanent

    occlusion resulted in infarction if flows were 18 mL/100 mg/min or less. It should be noted

    that 30 minutes of occlusion did not result in infarction even at CBF values below 5 mL/100mg/min.

    It is important to understand that the blood flow thresholds studied in most animal and human

    experiments refer to ischemic tolerance of the brain cortex. Thresholds for deep white matter

    or basal ganglia have not been studied rigorously and are simply unknown. It is believed,

    however, that gray matter is more susceptible to infarction than white matter, and that within

    the gray matter the basal ganglia have a lower ischemic tolerance than the cortex.

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    Concept of Ischemic Core and Ischemic Penumbra

    The notion that in acute stroke, depending on the extent and duration of hypoperfusion, the

    tissue supplied by the occluded artery is compartmentalized into areas of irreversibly

    damaged brain tissue and areas of brain tissue that are hypoperfused but viable led to the

    concept of ischemic core and ischemic penumbra proposed by Astrup and colleagues (1981).

    The ischemic core represents tissue that is irreversibly damaged. PET studies in humans

    suggest that beyond a certain time limit (probably no longer than an hour) the ischemic core

    corresponds to CBF values of less than 7 mL/100 mg/min to 12 mL/100 mg/min. The

    ischemic penumbrar presents tissue that is functionally impaired but structurally intact and, as

    such, potentially salvageable. It corresponds to a high CBF limit of 17 mL/100 mg/min to 22

    mL/100 mg/min and a low CBF limit of 7 mL/100 mg/min to 12 mL/100 mg/min. Salvaging

    this tissue by restoring its flow to nonischemic levels is the aim of acute stroke therapy.

    Another compartment, termed by Symon and colleagues (1977) oligemia , represents mildly

    hypoperfused tissue from the normal range down to around 22 mL/100 mg/min. It is believed

    that under normal circumstances this tissue is not at risk of infarction. It is conceivable,

    however, that under certain circumstances, such as hypotension, fever, or acidosis, oligemic

    tissue can be incorporated into penumbra and subsequently undergo infarction.

    Evidence in the literature suggests that there is temporal evolution of the core, which growsat the expense of penumbra (Figure 3). This process occurs because of the interaction of a

    multitude of complex factors acting concomitantly or sequentially. It is known that the

    ischemic penumbra represents a dynamic phenomenon that evolves in space and time. If

    vessel occlusion persists, the penumbra may shrink because of progressive recruitment into

    the core. Alternatively, it may return to a normal state following vessel recanalization or

    possibly neuroprotective interventions. It thus appears that the ischemic penumbra represents

    a transitional state between evolution into permanent ischemia as one possibility and

    transformation into normal tissue as the other possibility. On the basis of a rat model of MCA

    occlusion studied in a multimodal fashion assessing CBF, metabolism, and gene expression,

    Ginsberg (2003) concluded that the penumbra lies within a narrow range of perfusion and

    thus is precariously dependent on small perfusion pressure changes; that the penumbra is

    electrophysiologically dynamic and undergoes recurrent depolarizations; and that it is

    metabolically unstable, being the site of severe metabolism/flow dissociation.

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    Figure 3 Experimental model of middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. Serial MRIs

    (coronal sections) at three levels in the brain depicting the apparent diffusion coefficient ofwater (ADC) ( blue ) demonstrating the time-dependent growth of the ischemic

    core.Hossmann KA. Pathophysiology and therapy of experimental stroke. Cell Mol

    Neurobiol 2006;26(7-8):1057-1083. Reprinted with permission from Springer Science and

    Business Media.

    Restriction of acute stroke therapy aimed at vessel recanalization to 3 hours from onset of

    symptoms for IV thrombolysis and 6 hours for intraarterial thrombolysis is based on the

    concept that the ischemic penumbra has a short lifespan, being rapidly incorporated into the

    core within hours of the ictus. Recent evidence suggests, however, that penumbral brain

    tissue of significant extent is present even beyond 6 hours of stroke onset. PET studies using

    quantitative CBF assessment or markers of tissue hypoxia such as 18F fluoromisonidazole to

    assess penumbra, included ptients studied within 6 hours to as late as 51 hours after stroke

    onset and reported the existence of penumbra comprising 30% to 45% of the total ischemic

    tissue at risk. Several investigators have estimated the penumbra based on diffusion/perfusion

    MRI (diffusion-weighted imaging [DWI]/perfusion-weighted imaging [PWI]) mismatch in

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    acute stroke. Since the diffusion abnormalities are presumed to represent an approximation of

    the irreversible ischemic lesion and the perfusion abnormalities are presumed to represent the

    brain territory at risk, the area of mismatch between DWI and PWI is considered a territory

    still viable but at risk of undergoing infarction and corresponds theoretically to the concept of

    ischemic penumbra. The major shortcoming of this concept derives from the lack of

    quantitative data provided by MRI imaging. It has been shown that the DWI lesion is not

    precise in distinguishing between irreversible and reversible. It incorporates both types of

    ischemia and therefore cannot be considered equivalent to the ischemic core. Additionally,

    the PWI lesion has been shown to incorporate both imminently threatened brain and brain

    that will not undergo infarction as a consequence of persistent vessel occlusion. Since, by

    definition, penumbra represents tissue that will undergo infarction with continuous vessel

    occlusion, assessment of penumbral extent based on perfusion MRI is also not precise.

    Using MRI technology, Schlaug and colleagues (1999) demonstrated that penumbra

    comprises about 40% of the total ischemic territory in a cohort of patients that was studied

    within 24 hours of symptom onset. Similar extent of penumbral volumes has been reported

    by numerous other investigators. These reports have also described that the presence of

    diffusion/perfusion mismatch is highly correlated with the presence of large vessel (internal

    carotid artery, MCA, or major division) occlusion. SPECT studies performed acutely in patients with large vessel occlusion have confirmed these findings. Insights into the

    pathophysiology of acute stroke as it relates to reversible versus irreversible brain tissue are

    provided by a study in which a homogenous group of patients with stroke due to

    angiographically proven M1 MCA occlusion were studied within 6 hours of symptom onset

    with xenon-CT-CBF technology. This study, in which core and penumbra were determined

    based on established perfusion thresholds, indicated that within this time frame, irrespective

    of the point in time at which the patients were studied, the ischemic penumbra was

    consistently present and relatively constant, comprising approximately one-third of the MCA

    territory. In contrast to the penumbra, the ischemic core was highly variable, ranging from

    20% to 70% of cortical MCA territory. The authors found that both in patients who

    recanalized and in those who did not recanalize, the extent of core and not that of penumbra

    was correlated with clinical outcome.


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    After the clinical diagnosis of stroke is made, an orderly process of evaluation and treatment

    should follow.

    The first goal is to prevent or reverse brain injury. After initial stabilization, an emergency

    noncontrast head CT scan should be per- formed to differentiate ischemic from hemorrhagic

    stroke; there are no reliable clinical findings that conclusively separate ischemia fromhemorrhage, although a more depressed level of consciousness and higher initial blood

    pressure favor hemorrhage, and a deficit that remits suggests ischemia. Treatments designed

    to reverse or lessen the amount of tissue infarction fall within five categories: (1) medical

    sup- port, (2) thrombolysis, (3) anticoagulation, (4) antiplatelet agents, and (5)


    MEDICAL SUPPORT When cerebral infarction occurs, the immediate goal is to optimize

    cerebral perfusion in the surrounding ischemic penumbra. Attention is also directed toward

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    preventing the common com- plications of bedridden patients infections (pneumonia,

    urinary tract, and skin) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) with pulmonary embolism. Many

    physicians use pneumatic compression stockings to pre- vent DVT; subcutaneous heparin

    appears to be safe as well.

    Because collateral blood flow within the ischemic brain is blood pressure dependent, there is

    controversy about whether blood pressure should be lowered acutely. Blood pressure should

    be lowered if there is malignant hypertension or concomitant myocardial ischemia or if blood

    pressure is > 185/110 mmHg and thrombolytic therapy is anticipated. When faced with the

    competing demands of myocardium and brain, lowering the heart rate with a 1-adrenergic

    blocker (such as esmolol or labetolol) can be a first step to decrease cardiac work and

    maintain blood pressure. Fever is detrimental and should be treated with antipyretics. Serum

    glucose should be monitored and kept at

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    increased incidence of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage, treatment with intravenous

    rtPA within 3 h of the onset of ischemic stroke improved clinical outcome.

    Results of other trials of rtPA have been negative, perhaps because of the dose of rtPA and

    timing of its delivery. The European Coop- erative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS) I used a

    higher dose of rtPA (1.2 mg/kg), and ECASS-II tested the NINDS dose of rtPA (0.9 mg/kg;

    maximum dose, 90 mg) but allowed patients to receive drug up to the sixth hour. No

    significant benefit was found, but improvement was found in post hoc analyses. ATLANTIS

    tested the NINDS dosing of rtPA between 3 and 5 h and found no benefit. Three major trials

    using streptokinase reported increased mortality for patients receiving strep- tokinase. Early

    administration of the fibrinolytic agent ancrod appears to improve outcomes for patients with

    acute ischemic stroke; although the drug has not been approved for clinical use, its efficacy provides further evidence that thrombolytics should have a role in treatment of acute

    ischemic stroke.

    Because of the marked differences in trial design, including drug and dose used, time to

    thrombolysis, and severity of stroke, the precise efficacy of intravenous thrombolytics for

    acute ischemic stroke re- mains unclear. The risk of intracranial hemorrhage appears to rise

    with larger strokes, longer times from onset of symptoms, and higher doses of rtPA

    administered. The established dose of 0.9 mg/kg administered intravenously within 3 h of

    stroke onset appears safe. Many hospitals have developed expert stroke teams to facilitate

    this treatment. The drug is now approved in the United States, Canada, and Europe for acute

    stroke when given within 3 h from the time the stroke symptoms began, and efforts should be

    made to give it as early in this 3-h window as possible. The time of stroke onset is defined as

    the time the patients symptoms began or the time the patient was last seen as normal. A

    patient who awakens with stroke has the onset defined as when they went to bed. Table 349-2

    summarizes eligibility criteria and instruc- tions for administration of rtPA.

    There is growing interest in using thrombolytics via an intraarterial route to increase the

    concentration of drug at the clot and minimize systemic bleeding complications. The Prolyse

    in Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism (PROACT) II trial found benefit for intraarterial pro-

    urokinase for acute middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusions up to the sixth hour following

    onset of stroke. Intraarterial treatment of basilar artery occlusions may also be beneficial for

    selected patients. Intraarterial administration of a thrombolytic agent for acute ischemic

    stroke is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); however, many

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    stroke centers offer this treatment based on these data.

    ANTIPLATELET AGENTS Aspirin is the only antiplatelet agent that has been prospectively

    studied for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. The recent large trials, the International

    Stroke Trial (IST) and the Chinese Acute Stroke Trial (CAST), found that the use of aspirin

    within 48 h of stroke onset reduced both stroke recurrence risk and mortality min- imally.

    Among 19,435 patients in IST, those allocated to aspirin, 300 mg/d, had slightly fewer deaths

    within 14 days (9.0 vs. 9.4%), significantly fewer recurrent ischemic strokes (2.8 vs. 3.9%),

    no excess of hemorrhagic strokes (0.9 vs. 0.8%), and a trend towards a reduction in death or

    dependence at 6 months (61.2 vs. 63.5%). In CAST, 21,106 patients with ischemic stroke

    received 160 mg/d of aspirin or a placebo for up to 4 weeks. There were very small

    reductions in the aspirin group in early mortality (3.3 vs. 3.9%), recurrent ischemic strokes(1.6 vs. 2.1%), and dependency at discharge or death (30.5 vs. 31.6%). These trials

    demonstrate that the use of aspirin in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke is safe and

    produces a small net benefit. For every 1000 acute strokes treated with aspirin, about 9 deaths

    or non- fatal stroke recurrences will be prevented in the first few weeks and 13 fewer

    patients will be dead or dependent at 6 months.

    Agents that act at the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor are undergoing clinical trials in acute

    stroke treatment. Early results show that intra- venous abciximab can be used safely within 6

    h of stroke onset and suggest that it may be effective.

    ANTICOAGULATION The role of anticoagulation in atherothrombotic cere- bral ischemia

    is uncertain. Several trials have investigated antiplatelet versus anticoagulant medications

    given within 12 to 24 h of the initial event. The U.S. Trial of Organon 10172 in Acute Stroke

    Treatment (TOAST), an investigational low-molecular-weight heparin, failed to show any

    benefit over aspirin. Use of subcutaneous unfractionated heparin versus aspirin was tested inIST. Heparin given subcutaneously afforded no additional benefit over aspirin and increased

    bleeding rates. Several trials of low-molecular-weight heparins have also shown no consistent

    benefit in acute ischemic stroke. Therefore, trials do not support the use of heparin or other

    anticoagulants for patients with atherothrombotic stroke.

    In spite of the absence of evidence, heparin is still used frequently to treat stroke and TIA,

    primarily based on beliefs about its impact on pathophysiology. Theoretically, heparin may

    prevent propagation of clot within a thrombosed vessel or may prevent more emboli from

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