Castle Crashes

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  • 8/10/2019 Castle Crashes


    Castle Crashes






    List of Combos

    [Note: These combos are actually how many times you need to hit the

    enemy not necessarily how many times you press the buttons. For instance,

    with the XXXYY combo you can actually rapidly hit the light attack button

    (X ! to " times in the time it takes to do # animations, so actually

    per$orming # consecuti%e light hit animations is what you need be$ore you

    should start hitting the hea%y attack button (Y.&

    'ain article: trength

    Throw Combo

    To Perform:%ress an' a 'irection while stan'ing next to an


    PS3:%ress to per)orm on the %*3.

    Eect:+nem( is thrown in the 'esire' 'irection, causing 'amage.

    Level ee!e!:one

    ote:) (ou are er( )ast, (ou can permanentl( throw enemies either

    b( slamming them into the groun' oer an' oer, or throwing them

    upwar's oer an' oer.

    Stom" Combo

    To Perform:%ress on top o) an enem( that has )allen.

    PS3%ress to 'o a stomp on an enem( that has )allen.
  • 8/10/2019 Castle Crashes


    Eect:ou stomp on an enem( propelling him into other enemies

    hurting them as well.

    Level ee!e!:one

    ote:n a multipla(er game (ou ma( be able to permanetl( "eep anenem( or a boss li"e the necromancer on the groun' b( repeate'l(

    stomping as a team.

    #$ic% Li&ht Att'c% Combo

    To Perform:%ress .

    PS3:%ress .

    Eect: )ast attac" that can be repeate'l( use'.

    Level ee!e!:one

    ote: )ter a certain number o) consecutie hits, enemies will suer

    no hitstun an' attac" (ou.

    (e'v) Att'c% *ith S"i+ Combo

    To Perform:%ress 2 times.

    PS3:%ress 2 times.

    Eect:Character attac"s with man( hea( attac"s punctuate' b( a


    Level ee!e!:one

    ote:4he reen night7s spin is slightl( 'ierent than the others. t

    )eatures the reen night 'oing a bac"8ip instea' o) simpl( spinning

    his weapon.

    I+,+ite (overi+& Att'c% Combo

    To Perform:)ter jumping into the air using the button, %ress the 9

    button times, )ollowe' b( the button once. 4his 9 an' button

    combo can then be repeate' oer an' oer. ; ,

    ...< =epen'ing on the time between when (ou jump an' score

    the >rst hit, (ou ma( onl( be able to hit 3 times with be)ore

    nee'ing to use to bounce bac" up, or (ou might be able to score

    5 hits be)ore using to slam-bounce.

    PS3n or'er to 'o the n>nite ?oering ttac", go up in the air

    with . &hen (ou are in the air, press )our times, an' press .

  • 8/10/2019 Castle Crashes


    Eect:our character will hoer in the air, hac"ing at enemies, then

    slamming them to the groun'. 4his will repeat oer an' oer.

    Level ee!e!:one Can be 'one at @eel 1 i) (ou use it on an

    enem( at the e'ge o) the screen, higher leels with some points

    spent in agilit( are nee'e' to use it eectiel(.