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Page 1: Casting
Page 2: Casting

ROLE- StudentsI have chosen NOT to use a-level students because the student role needs to be played by younger actors who go to school still as they would be able to fit the character criteria more as they currently live it everyday and the piece needs to look as real as possible. I also feel that that if I used a-level students that I know my piece would not be as effective as they are most likely to be my friend and I might not be able to direct them as well as if I didn’t know them.

Page 3: Casting

ROLE- Teacher

I have chosen NOT to use male actors as the role of the teacher due to the fact that the student casting is all girls and I think a woman would be able to relate to the students more as she is female herself. It is also stereotypical to have a female teacher therefore it will look realistic using a female teacher.

Page 4: Casting

ROLE- Students

This was the original casting of our choice as they are all drama enthusiasts and would be able to get into character. However we decided not to use all three of them and only use one due to the fact that our piece is set in south London which is a multi-cultural place and these actors are all white. I also decided that as we need the piece to look as real as possible we would need real people and not actors as they could make the final product look to theatrical.

Page 5: Casting

ROLE- StudentsThese are the actors that we have chosen for our final product as they are from different backgrounds. They are also media students so they would be able to use my work in ‘showreels’ and also for experience for themselves.