Castillon a#2 Soil Composition 2014-2015

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  • 8/12/2019 Castillon a#2 Soil Composition 2014-2015





    CE 410-4C


    Assignment No.2


    Castillon, Benelle Jose P. Castillon


    July 08, 2014

    Engr. Jesus Ray M. MansayonInstructor

  • 8/12/2019 Castillon a#2 Soil Composition 2014-2015



    is a subset ofgeology specializing in the scientific study

    ofchemistry,crystal structure,and physical (includingoptical)properties of

    minerals.Specific studies within mineralogy include the processes ofmineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical

    distribution, as well as their utilization.


    Early writing on mineralogy, especially on gemstones, comes from

    ancientBabylonia,the ancientGreco-Roman world, ancient and

    medievalChina,andSanskrit texts fromancient India and the ancient

    Islamic World.[1]

    Books on the subject included theNaturalis

    Historia ofPliny the Elder,which not only described many different

    minerals but also explained many of their properties, and Kitab al Jawahir

    (Book of Precious Stones) by Muslim scientistAl Biruni.TheGerman

    Renaissance specialistGeorgius Agricola wrote works such asDe re

    metallica(On Metals, 1556) andDe Natura Fossilium(On the Nature of

    Rocks, 1546) which begin the scientific approach to the subject. Systematic

    scientific studies of minerals and rocks developed in post-

    Renaissance Europe.[1]

    The modern study of mineralogy was founded on the

    principles ofcrystallography (the origins of geometric crystallography, itself,can be traced back to the mineralogy practiced in the eighteenth and

    nineteenth centuries) and to themicroscopic study of rock sections with

    the invention of themicroscope in the 17th century.
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    Historically, mineralogy was heavily concerned withtaxonomy of the rock-

    forming minerals; to this end, theInternational Mineralogical Association is an

    organization whose members represent mineralogists in individual countries. Its

    activities include managing the naming of minerals (via the Commission of New

    Minerals and Mineral Names), location of known minerals, etc. As of 2004 there

    are over4,000 species of mineral recognized by the IMA. Of these, perhaps 150

    can be called "common," another 50 are "occasional," and the rest are "rare" to

    "extremely rare."

    More recently, driven by advances in experimental technique (such asneutron

    diffraction)and available computational power, the latter of which has enabled

    extremely accurate atomic-scale simulations of the behaviour of crystals, the

    science has branched out to consider more general problems in the fields

    ofinorganic chemistry andsolid-state physics.It, however, retains a focus on the

    crystal structures commonly encountered in rock-forming minerals (such as

    theperovskites,clay minerals andframework silicates). In particular, the field has

    made great advances in the understanding of the relationship between the

    atomic-scale structure of minerals and their function; in nature, prominentexamples would be accurate measurement and prediction of the elastic

    properties of minerals, which has led to new insight intoseismological behaviour

    of rocks and depth-related discontinuities in seismograms of theEarth's mantle.

    To this end, in their focus on the connection between atomic-scale phenomena

    and macroscopic properties, themineral sciences(as they are now commonly

    known) display perhaps more of an overlap withmaterials science than any other

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    CRYSTAL STRUCTURE- Inmineralogy andcrystallography,crystal

    structure is a unique arrangement ofatoms ormolecules in

    acrystallineliquid orsolid.A crystal structure is composed of a pattern, aset of atoms arranged in a particular way, and a lattice exhibiting long-

    range order and symmetry. Patterns are located upon the points of

    alattice,which is an array of points repeating periodically in three

    dimensions. The points can be thought of as forming identical tiny boxes,

    called unit cells, that fill the space of the lattice. The lengths of the edges of

    a unit cell and the angles between them are called thelattice

    parameters.Thesymmetry properties of the crystal are embodied in

    itsspace group.A crystal's structure and symmetry play a role in

    determining many of its physical properties, such ascleavage,electronic

    band structure,andoptical transparency.

    CRYSTAL HABIT- The crystal habit of a mineral describes its visible

    external shape. It can apply to an individual crystal or an assembly of

    crystals. Inmineralogy,shape and size give rise to descriptive terms applied

    to the typical appearance, or habit ofcrystals.Each crystal can be described

    by how well it is formed, ranging fromeuhedral (perfect to near-perfect), tosubhedral (moderately formed), and anhedral (poorly formed to no

    discernable habit seen).The many terms used by mineralogists to describe

    crystal habits are useful in communicating what specimens of a

    particularmineraloften look like. Recognizing numerous habits helps a

    mineralogist to identify a large number of minerals. Some habits are

    distinctive of certain minerals, although most minerals exhibit many

    differing habits (the development of a particular habit is determined by the

    details of the conditions during the mineral formation/crystal growth).

    Crystal habit may mislead the inexperienced as a mineral's internalcrystalsystem can be hidden or disguised.
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    CRYSTAL TWINNING- Crystal twinning occurs when two separate

    crystals share some of the samecrystal lattice points in a symmetrical

    manner. The result is an intergrowth of two separate crystals in a variety of

    specific configurations. A twin boundary or composition surface separates

    the two crystals.Crystallographers classify twinned crystals by a numberoftwin laws.These twin laws are specific to thecrystal system.The type of

    twinning can be a diagnostic tool in mineral identification. Twinning can

    often be a problem inX-ray crystallography,as a twinned crystal does not

    produce a simplediffraction pattern.

    CLEAVAGE-inmineralogy,is the tendency of crystalline materials

    to split along definitecrystallographic structural planes. These planes of

    relative weakness are a result of the regular locations of atoms and ions in

    the crystal, which create smooth repeating surfaces that are visible both in

    the microscope and to the naked eye.

    LUSTRE- is the way light interacts with the surface of acrystal,rock,

    ormineral.The word traces its origins back to thelatin lux, meaning "light",

    and generally implies radiance, gloss, or brilliance. A range of terms are

    used to describe lustre, such as earthy, metallic, greasy, and silky. Similarly,

    the term vitreous(derived from the Latin forglass,vitrum) refers to a glassy

    lustre. A list of these terms is given below. Lustre varies over a wide

    continuum, and so there are no rigid boundaries between the different

    types of lustre. (For this reason, different sources can often describe the

    same mineral differently. This ambiguity is further complicated by lustre's

    ability to vary widely within a particular mineral species.) The terms are

    frequently combined to describe intermediate types of lustre (for example,

    a"vitreous greasy" lustre). Some minerals exhibit unusual opticalphenomena, such asasterism (the display of a star-shaped luminous area)

    orchatoyancy (the display of luminous bands, which appear to move as the

    specimen is rotated). A list of such phenomena is given below.
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    DIAPHANEITY - In the field ofoptics,transparency (also

    called pellucidity or diaphaneity) is thephysical property of allowing light to

    pass through the material without being scattered. On a macroscopic scale

    (one where the dimensions investigated are much, much larger than the

    wavelength of thephotons in question), the photons can be said tofollowSnell's Law.Translucency (also called translucence or translucidity),

    is a super-set of transparency, allows light to pass through; but, does not

    necessarily (again, on the macroscopic scale) follow Snell's law; the photons

    can be scattered at either of the two interfaces where there is a change in

    index of refraction, or internally. In other words, a translucent medium

    allows the transport of light while a transparent medium not only allows

    the transport of light but allows for the image formation. The opposite

    property of translucency is opacity. Transparent materials appear clear,

    with the overall appearance of one color, or any combination leading up to

    a brilliant spectrum of every color. When light encounters a material, it can

    interact with it in several different ways. These interactions depend on

    thewavelength of the light and the nature of the material. Photons interact

    with an object by some combination of reflection, absorption and

    transmission. Some materials, such asplate glass and cleanwater,allow

    much of the light that falls on them to be transmitted, with little being

    reflected; such materials are called optically transparent. Many liquids and

    aqueous solutions are highly transparent. Absence of structural defects(voids, cracks, etc.) and molecular structure of most liquids are mostly

    responsible for excellent optical transmission. Materials which do not allow

    the transmission of light are calledopaque.Many such substances have

    achemical composition which includes what are referred to

    asabsorption centers. Many substances are selective in their absorption

    ofwhite lightfrequencies.They absorb certain portions of thevisible

    spectrum,while reflecting others. The frequencies of the spectrum which

    are not absorbed are either reflected back or transmitted for our physical

    observation. This is what gives rise tocolor.The attenuation of light of all

    frequencies and wavelengths is due to the combined mechanisms of

    absorption andscattering.
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    STREAK- (also called "powder color") of amineral is thecolor of the

    powder produced when it is dragged across an unweathered surface.

    Unlike the apparent color of a mineral, which for most minerals can vary

    considerably, the trail of finely ground powder generally has a more

    consistent characteristic color, and is thus an important diagnostic tool inmineral identification. If no streak seems to be made, the mineral's streak is

    said to be white or colorless. Streak is particularly important as a diagnostic

    for opaque and colored materials. It is less useful forsilicate minerals,most

    of which have a white streak and are too hard to powder easily.The

    apparent color can vary widely because of trace impurities or a disturbed

    macroscopiccrystal structure. Small amounts of an impurity that strongly

    absorbs a particular wavelength can radically change the wavelengths of

    light that are reflected by the specimen, and thus change the apparent

    color. However, when the specimen is dragged to produce a streak, it is

    broken into randomly oriented microscopiccrystals,and small impurities

    do not greatly affect the absorption of light.The surface across which the

    mineral is dragged is called a "streak plate," and is generally made of

    unglazedporcelain tile. In the absence of a streak plate, the unglazed

    underside of a porcelain bowl or vase or the back of a glazed tile will work.

    Sometimes a streak is more easily or accurately described by comparing it

    with the "streak" made by another streak plate.Because the trail left behind

    results from the mineral being crushed into powder, a streak can only bemade of minerals softer than the streak plate, around 7 on theMohs scale

    of mineral hardness.In case of harder minerals, the color of the powder

    can be determined by filing or crushing with a hammer a small sample,

    which is then usually rubbed on a streak plate. Most minerals that are

    harder have an unhelpful white streak.Some minerals leave a streak similar

    to their natural color, such ascinnabar andlazurite.Other minerals leave

    surprising colors, such asfluorite,which always has a white streak,

    although it can appear in purple, blue, yellow, or green crystals.Hematite,

    which is black in appearance, leaves a red streak which accounts for its

    name, which comes from the Greek word "haima," meaning

    "blood."Galena,which can be similar in appearance to hematite, is easily

    distinguished by its gray streak.
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    HARDNESS- The Mohs scale of mineral hardness characterizes the

    scratch resistance of variousminerals through the ability of a harder

    material to scratch a softer material. It was created in 1812 by the

    Germangeologist andmineralogistFriedrich Mohs and is one of several

    definitions ofhardness inmaterials science.The method of comparing

    hardness by seeing which minerals can scratch others, however, is of great

    antiquity, having been mentioned byTheophrastus in his treatise On

    Stones, c. 300 BC, followed byPliny the Elder in hisNaturalis Historia,c. 77


    SPECIFIC GRAVITY- is the ratio of thedensity of a substance

    compared to the density (mass of the same unit volume) of a reference

    substance.Apparent specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a volume

    of the substance to the weight of an equal volume of the reference

    substance. The reference substance is nearly alwayswater for liquids or air

    for gases. Temperature and pressure must be specified for both the sample

    and the reference. Pressure is nearly always 1atm equal to 101.325 kPa.

    Temperatures for both sample and reference vary from industry to

    industry. In British brewing practice the specific gravity as specified above is

    multiplied by 1000.


    Focuses on the chemical composition of minerals in order to identify,

    classify, and categorize them, as well as a means to find beneficial uses

    from them. There are a few minerals which are classified as whole

    elements, includingsulfur,copper,silver,andgold,yet the vast majority ofminerals are chemical compounds, some more complex than others. In

    terms of major chemical divisions of minerals, most are placed within

    theisomorphous groups, which are based onanalogous chemical

    composition and similar crystal forms. A good example of isomorphism
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    are families of anions (and their compounds) with the formula [SiO2+n]2n-


    Important members are the cyclic and single chain silicates {[SiO3]2-


    the sheet-forming silicates {[SiO2.5]-}n. Silicate compounds, including the

    minerals, consist of silicate anions whose charge is balanced by

    variouscations.Myriad silicate anions can exist, and each can formcompounds with many different cations. Hence this class of compounds is

    very large. Both minerals and synthetic materials fit in this class.


    The structure of silicates

    Since Si invariably occurs in tetrahedral coordination the fundamental unitof the silicate structure is the Si-O tetrahedra. The different types of silicate

    structure arise from the ways in which these tetrahedra are arranged: they

    may exist as seperate unlinked entitites, as linked finite arrays, as infinite 1-

    dimensional chains, as infinite 2-dimensional sheets or as infinite 3-

    dimensional frameworks. These possibilities give rise to the six primary

    structural types of silicates, each with a characteristic Si : O ratio (more

    strictly this should be the ratio of tetrahedral cations to oxygen, the reasons

    for which are discusssed later):

    Orthosilicates (or neosilicates): independent Si-O tetrahedra, Si : 0 = 1 : 4,for example theolivinegroup.

    Sorosilicates: two linked Si-O tetrahedra sharing one oxygen, Si : 0 = 2 : 7

    Cyclosilicates : closed rings of linked Si-O tetrahedra sharing two oxygens,

    Si : 0 = 1 : 3, for example beryl.
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    Inosilicates: continuous chains of Si-O tetrahedra, sharing two oxygens

    (single chains, Si : 0 = 1 : 3, for example thepyroxenegroup) or alternately

    sharing two and three oxygens (double chains, Si : 0 = 4 : 11, for example


    Phyllosilicates:Continuous sheets of Si-O tetrahedra sharing three oxygens,

    Si : O = 2 : 5, for example the micagroup.

    Tektosilicates:Continuous framework of Si-O tetrahedra sharing all four

    oxygens, Si : O = 1 : 2, for example thefeldspargroup.

    The requirement for charge balance or electronic neutrality in these

    different structural types is maintained by the dispersal of other cations in

    6-fold (octahedral), 8-fold (cubic) or 12-fold (icosahedral or close packed)

    coordintaion between the individual tetrahedra or arrays of tetrahedra in

    the silicate structure. For example, in single chained inosilicates (Si : O = 1 :

    3) there is a net excess of two negative charges per tetrahedra. (SiO3)n2n-
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    where nis the number of tetrahedra in the chain, and2n-

    represents the

    charge excess of the chain forming elements. Theoretically the charge

    excess could be alleviated in a number of different ways, for example by

    adding one bivalent cation or two univalent cations per 3 oxygens.

    However, the location of these cations, which must reside in spaces(termed sites) between the individual chains of Si-O tetrahedra, must be

    such that they simultaneously satisfy the requirement for electronic

    neutrality of all oxygens in the structure. Fortunately, this constraint

    severely limits the range of compositions and structures found in the

    inosilicates (as indeed it does with all other silicates).

    If we look at the detail of the single chain structure we find that in each

    tetrahdron there are two linking O atoms that are each bonded to two Si

    atoms and two peripheral O atoms each with bonds to only one Si atom.

    Since each Si atom shares its 4+ charge with the surrounding four oxygens

    of the tetrahedron, the requirement for the electronic neutrality for each of

    the two linking O atoms is completely satisfied. In contrast, each of the

    peripheral O atoms have a net excess of one negative charge. In order to

    satisfy this each of these oxygens can be bonded with 3 neighbouring

    bivalent cations in octahedral coordination (as shown above) or with four

    bivalent cations in 8-fold coordination. In thepyroxenegroup bothpossibilities occur, each placing profound constraints on the way in which

    the adjacent chains are located with respect to each other.

    In double chain inosilicates (Si : 0 = 4 : 11) the chain forming elements give

    rise to the basic formula: (Si4O11)n6n-

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    where the net excess of charges per 11 oxygens is equivalent to 6 negative

    charges. The sheet forming elements in phyllosilicates (Si : 0 = 2 : 5) give

    rise to the basic formula: Si2O5)n2n-


    GRANULAR SOIL- are described as the type of soils where cohesion

    between particles of the soil is absent or minimal. Working and compacting

    on granular soils such assands and gravels is a really hard job to perform.

    Due to their composition, water can enter or leave the voids with relative

    ease. If voids in the sand are completely filled with water or are completely

    dry there are no forces holding the sand particles.



    Clay minerals arehydrousaluminiumphyllosilicates,sometimes with

    variable amounts ofiron,magnesium,alkali metals,alkaline earths,and

    othercations.Clays form flat hexagonal sheets similar to themicas.

    Clayminerals are commonweathering products (including weathering

    offeldspar)and low temperaturehydrothermal alteration products. Clayminerals are very common in fine grainedsedimentary rocks such

    asshale,mudstone,andsiltstone and in fine grained

    metamorphicslate andphyllite.Clay minerals are usually (but not

    necessarily) ultrafine-grained (normally considered to be less than 2

    micrometres in size on standard particle size classifications) and so may

    require special analytical techniques for their identification/study. These

    includex-ray diffraction,electron diffractionmethods, various spectroscopic

    methods such asMssbauer spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,and SEM-

    EDS orautomated mineralogy solutions. These methods can be augmented

    bypolarized light microscopy,a traditional technique establishing

    fundamental occurrences or petrologic relationships. Clay minerals can be

    classified as 1:1 or 2:1, this originates from the fact that they are

    fundamentally built of tetrahedral silicate sheets and octahedral hydroxide

    sheets, as described in the structure section below. A 1:1 clay would consist
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    of one tetrahedral sheet and one octahedral sheet, and examples would be

    kaolinite and serpentine. A 2:1 clay consists of an octahedral sheet

    sandwiched between two tetrahedral sheets, and examples are talc,

    vermiculite and montmorillonite.


    Knowledge of the nature of clay became better understood in the

    1930s with advancements in x-ray diffraction technology necessary to

    analyze the molecular nature of clay particles. Standardization in

    terminology arose during this period as well with special attention given to

    similar words that resulted in confusion such as sheet and plane.


    Like all phyllosilicates, clay minerals are characterised by two-

    dimensional sheetsof corner sharing SiO4tetrahedra and/or

    AlO4octahedra. The sheet units have the chemical composition (Al,Si)3O4.

    Each silica tetrahedron shares 3 of its vertex oxygen atoms with other

    tetrahedra forming a hexagonal array in two-dimensions. The fourth vertex

    is not shared with another tetrahedron and all of the tetrahedra "point" in

    the same direction; i.e. all of the unshared vertices are on the same side of

    the sheet. In clays, the tetrahedral sheets are always bonded to octahedral

    sheets formed from small cations, such as aluminium or magnesium, and

    coordinated by six oxygen atoms. The unshared vertex from the tetrahedral

    sheet also forms part of one side of the octahedral sheet, but an additional

    oxygen atom is located above the gap in the tetrahedral sheet at the center

    of the six tetrahedral. This oxygen atom is bonded to a hydrogen atom

    forming an OH group in the clay structure. Clays can be categorized

    depending on the way that tetrahedral and octahedral sheets are packagedinto layers. If there is only one tetrahedral and one octahedral group in

    each layer the clay is known as a 1:1 clay. The alternative, known as a 2:1

    clay, has two tetrahedral sheets with the unshared vertex of each sheet

    pointing towards each other and forming each side of the octahedral sheet.

    Bonding between the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets requires that the

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    tetrahedral sheet becomes corrugated or twisted; causing ditrigonal

    distortion to the hexagonal array, and the octahedral sheet is flattened.

    This minimizes the overall bond-valence distortions of the crystallite.

    Depending on the composition of the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets,

    the layer will have no charge, or will have a net negative charge. If thelayers are charged this charge is balanced by interlayer cations such as

    Na+or K

    +. In each case the interlayer can also contain water. The crystal

    structure is formed from a stack of layers interspaced with the interlayers.


    Clay Minerals:1. The Crystalline minerals whose surface activity is high are called clay


    2. The behavior of the fine grained soils depends to a large extent on

    the nature and characteristics of the minerals present.

    3. Clay Mineralogy is the science dealing with the structure of the clay

    minerals on microscopic, molecular and atomic scale. It also includes

    the study of the mineralogical composition and electrical propertiesof the clay particles.

    Primary Valence Bonds:

    Primary Valence bonds hold together the atoms of molecule. These

    are of two types

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    Ionic Bond:

    In an atom the electrons carrying a negative charge revolve about the

    nucleus. Some elements have an excess or a deficiency of the electrons in

    the outer shell one atom joins another atom by adding some of the

    electrons to its outer shell or by losing some of electrons from its outershell.

    C ovalent Bond:

    This type of bond develops between two atoms by sharing of

    electrons in their outer shell.

    Two atoms, each lacking one electron, may combine by sharing of

    pair of electrons.

    Primary valence bonds are very strong. These bonds do not break innormal soil engineering applications. Therefore, primary valance bonds

    are not much relevance in soil engineering.

    Hydrogen Bond:

    The hydrogen bond has only one electron. The number of electrons

    required to fill the first shell is The atom can be considered either as a

    cation (with one excess electron) or an anion (with one electron

    deficiency). The bond between the hydrogen cation (H+ ) and anions of two

    atoms of another element is called Hydrogen Bond.

    Hydrogen bond is considerably weaker than primary valence bond.

    However, it is fairly strong and cannot be broken during normal soil

    engineering problems.

    Secondary Valence Bonds:

    Secondary valence bonds are intermolecular bonds which develop

    between atoms in one molecule to atoms in another molecule. A molecule

    is electrically neutral. i.e., it has no charge. However the construction of themolecule may be such that centres of the negative and positive charges do

    not exactly coincide. The molecule may behave like a bar magnet, with two

    electrical dipoles. Consequently, an electrical moment is developed inside

    the molecule; a molecule with such a structure is called a dipole. In nature,

    two dipolar molecules orient themselves in such a way that net attraction

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    occurs. The attractive forces so developed are known as Vander Waal

    Forces. (After Vander Waal who postulated the existence of a common

    attractive forces between molecules of all matters in 1873)




    This is the most common mineral of the kaolin group. The building

    blocks of gibbsite and silica sheets are arranged as shown in Fig. 2.4 to give

    the structure of the kaolinite layer. The structure is composed of a single

    tetrahedral sheet and a single alumina octahedral sheet combined in units

    so that the tips of the silica tetrahedrons and one of the layers of the

    octahedral sheet form a common layer. All the tips of the silica

    tetrahedrons point in the same direction and towards the center of the unit

    made of the silica and octahedral sheets. This gives rise to strong ionic

    bonds between the silica and gibbsite sheets. The thickness of the layer is

    about 7 A (one angstrom = 10~8 cm) thick. The kaolinite mineral is formed

    by stacking the layers one above the other with the base of the silica sheet

    bonding to hydroxyls of the gibbsite sheet by hydrogen bonding. Since

    hydrogen bonds are comparatively strong, the kaolinite crystals consist of

    many sheet stackings that are difficult to dislodge. The mineral is therefore,

    stable, and water cannot enter between the sheets to expand the unit cells.

    The lateral dimensions of kaolinite particles range from 1000 to 20,000 A

    and the thickness varies from 100 to 1000 A. In the kaolinite mineral there

    is a very small amount of isomorphous substitution.

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    Generally differ only in the stacking arrangements which for, for

    engineering purpose, are irrelevant.


    Halloysite minerals are made up of successive layers with the same

    structural composition as those composing kaolinite. In this case, however,

    the successive units are randomly packed and may be separated by a single

    molecular layer of water. The dehydration of the interlayers by the removal

    of the water molecules leads to changes in the properties of the mineral.

    An important structural feature of halloysite is that the particles appear to

    take tubular forms as opposed to the platy shape of kaolinite.



    The prototype of the three-layer minerals are the primary minerals of

    the mica group


    Montmorillonite is the most common mineral of the montmorillonite

    group. The structural arrangement of this mineral is composed of two silica

    tetrahedral sheets with a central alumina octahedral sheet. All the tips of

    the tetrahedra point in the same direction and toward the center of the

    unit. The silica and gibbsite sheets are combined in such a way that the tips

    of the tetrahedrons of each sheet and one of the hydroxyl layers of the

    octahedral sheet form a common layer. The atoms common to both thesilica and gibbsite layer become oxygen instead of hydroxyls. The thickness

    of the silica-gibbsite-silica unit is about 10 A (Fig. 2.5). In stacking these

    combined units one above the other, oxygen layers of each unit are

    adjacent to oxygen of the neighboring units with a consequence that there

    is a very weak bond and an excellent cleavage between them. Water can

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    enter between the sheets, causing them to expand significantly and thus

    the structure can break into 10 A thick structural units. Soils containing a

    considerable amount of montmorillonite minerals will exhibit high swelling

    and shrinkage characteristics. The lateral dimensions of montmorillonite

    particles range from 1000 to 5000 A with thickness varying from 10 to 50 A.Bentonite clay belongs to the montmorillonite group. In montmorillonite,

    there is isomorphous substitution of magnesium and iron for aluminum.


    The basic structural unit of illite is similar to that of montmorillonite

    except that some of the silicons are always replaced by aluminum atoms

    and the resultant charge deficiency is balanced by potassium ions. The

    potassium ions occur between unit layers. The bonds with thenonexchangeable K+ ions are weaker than the hydrogen bonds, but

    stronger than the water bond of montmorillonite. Illite, therefore, does not

    swell as much in the presence of water as does montmorillonite. The lateral

    dimensions of illite clay particles are about the same as those of

    montmorillonite, 1000 to 5000 A, but the thickness of illite particles is

    greater than that of montmorillonite particles, 50 to 500 A.


    Is a hydrous, silicate mineral that is classified as a phyllosilicate and

    that expands greatly when heated. Exfoliation occurs when the mineral is

    heated sufficiently, and the effect is routinely produced in commercial

    furnaces. Is formed by weathering or hydrothermal alteration of biotite or



    Is very common, and is often an uninteresting green mineral coatingthe surface of more important minerals. However, there are some crystal

    forms and varieties that are attractive on their own right. Chlorite also

    forms as inclusions within other minerals, especially Quartz, where it makes

    the host mineral green and may even cause phantom growths.

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    Coarse-grained soils have good load-bearing capacities and good

    drainage qualities, and their strength and volume change characteristics are

    not significantly affected by change in moisture conditions under static

    loading. They are practically incompressible when dense, but significant

    volume changes can occur when they are loose. Vibrations accentuate

    volume changes in loose, coarse-grained soils by rearranging the soil fabric

    into a dense configuration. Fine-grained soils have poor load-bearing

    capacities compared with coarse-grained soils. Fine grained soils are

    practically impermeable, change volume and strength with variations inmoisture conditions, and are susceptible to frost. The engineering

    properties of coarse-grained soils are controlled mainly by the grain size of

    the particles and their structural arrangement. The engineering properties

    of fine-grained soils are controlled by mineralogical factors rather than

    grain size. Thin layers of fine-grained soils, even within thick deposits of

    coarse-grained soils, have been responsible for many geotechnical failures,

    and therefore you need to pay special attention to fi ne-grained soils. In

    this book, we will deal with soil as a construction and a foundation

    material. We will not consider soils containing organic material or theparent material of soils, rock. We will label our soils as engineering soils to

    distinguish our consideration of soils from that of geologists, agronomists,

    and soil scientists, who have additional interests in soils not related to

    construction activities.


    1. Fine-grained soils have much larger surface areas than coarse-

    grained soils and are responsible for the major physical andmechanical differences between coarse-grained and fine grained


    2. The engineering properties of fine-grained soils depend mainly on

    mineralogical factors.

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    7. Two coefficientsthe uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of

    curvatureare used to characterize the particle size distribution.

    Poorly graded soils have uniformity coefficients, 4 and steep

    gradation curves. Well-graded soils have uniformity coefficients .4,

    coefficients of curvature between 1 and 3, and flat gradation curves.Gap-graded soils have coefficients of curvature ,1 or .3, and one or

    more humps on the gradation curves.


    The permeability is a measure of the rate at which fluids passes

    through a porous medium.

    COMPRESSIBILTYIf the normal stress in the soil is increased, and the pore fluid is free

    to drain from it, the particles are forced together.

    If the stress increment is removed, and the pore fluid is free to return

    to the soil, some expansion takes place as the adsorbed layers return to

    their original thickness. However, particles which have been forced into

    contact, or which have been rearranged by rotation, do not return to their

    original positions. Thus, much of the volume change is irreversible.

    The compressibility and swelling properties also depend on the

    nature of clay minerals, and the nature and concentration of the cations in

    the adsorbed layers.

    Where clays contain considerable quantity of montmorillonite, large

    volume changes accompany changes of stress, as a result of the changes in

    the thickness of the water layers within the crystals.

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    Soil Mechanics and Foundations 3rd Ed., C. R. Scott

    Soil Mechanics and Foundations 3rd ed. - M. Budhu (Wiley, 2010) BBS

    Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, V.N.S. Murthy