4/22/2014 CAST UDL Lesson Builder: Create and Edi t My Own UDL Lesson Plan http://l essonbui l der.cast.org/cr eate.php?op=edit&pi d=35382 1/2 Lesson Ove rview Unit Description Lesson Description for Day State Standards SIM*SWEATSHOP Title: SIM*SWEATSHOP Author: Ryan Friederich Subject:  Social Studies Grade Leve l(s) :  9–12 Duration:  47 Minutes Learning experiences:  fulfill the rol e of a s hoe maker - s ee what harsh fac tory conditions are like and  what a Prog ressive Era factory worke r woul d ha ve fel t.  In this s imulation the student is working as a shoe maker in a mondern factory that has poor working conditions. The s tudent only makes .05 per day and has to work for 12 hours doing the same monotonous s kill ov er and over again . If the student gets tired they must us e som e of their money to buy food and water or else the s creen will go blurry. There are times throughout th e game where the s tudent is expected to m ake other purchases with their salary to help their family - otherwise they will again ge t tired and the sc reen will go blurry and shake. If the quota is met they are expected to do more. If the quota isn’t met they are fired. NETS: 1. Creativity and Innovation ·  c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues Iowa Core History ·  Und erstand the effect of ec onomic needs and wants on individua l and group decisions o Und erstand the c hoices made by indivi duals, firms , or government officials often have unintended consequences that can offset the initial effects of the decision. o Und erstand the his torical relationship between economic growth, higher production level s, new technologies, and s tandard of livi ng. Goals Unit Goals:  Lesson Goals:  Using the SIM*SWEATSHOP experience, students will compare/contrast the experience of a 21st century sweatshop worker to that of a progressive era factory worker using a Venn diagram with 100% accuracy. Methods A nticipator y Set: The "hook" of the lesson will be a five minute cli p covering the "Triangle Shirtw aist Factory F ire" from the documentary, "America the Story of Us."

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  • 4/22/2014 CAST UDL Lesson Builder: Create and Edit My Own UDL Lesson Plan

    http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/create.php?op=edit&pid=35382 1/2

    Lesson Overview

    Unit Description

    Lesson Description for Day

    State Standards


    Title: SIM*SWEATSHOPAuthor: Ryan FriederichSubject: Social StudiesGrade Level(s): 912Duration: 47 Minutes

    Learning experiences: fulfill the role of a shoe maker - see what harsh factory conditions are like andwhat a Progressive Era factory worker would have felt.

    In this simulation the student is working as a shoe maker in a mondern factory that has poor workingconditions. The student only makes .05 per day and has to work for 12 hours doing the samemonotonous skill over and over again. If the student gets tired they must use some of their money to buyfood and water or else the screen will go blurry. There are times throughout the game where the studentis expected to make other purchases with their salary to help their family - otherwise they will again gettired and the screen will go blurry and shake. If the quota is met they are expected to do more. If thequota isnt met they are fired.

    NETS: 1. Creativity and Innovation c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

    Iowa Core History Understand the effect of economic needs and wants on individual and group decisions

    o Understand the choices made by individuals, firms, or government officials often haveunintended consequences that can offset the initial effects of the decision.

    o Understand the historical relationship between economic growth, higher production levels,new technologies, and standard of living.

    GoalsUnit Goals:

    Lesson Goals: Using the SIM*SWEATSHOP experience, students will compare/contrast the experience of a 21st centurysweatshop worker to that of a progressive era factory worker using a Venn diagram with 100% accuracy.

    MethodsAnticipatory Set: The "hook" of the lesson will be a five minute clip covering the "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire" from thedocumentary, "America the Story of Us."

  • 4/22/2014 CAST UDL Lesson Builder: Create and Edit My Own UDL Lesson Plan

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    Introduce and Model New Knowledge: New knowledge will come from the HippoCampus lesson, "The Progressive Impulse: Municipal, State, andNational Reforms"

    HippoCampus allows students to read the lesson in one page, read the lesson on multiple pages that arebroken into sections, or watch and listen to the lesson with visuals.

    Provide Guided Practice: The students will have options to watch or read the lesson. I will also cover the lesson in more detail for thestudents who need additional assistance. When it is time to play the game I will have students follow a linkon Moodle. I will also assist students who need additional help getting to the URL.

    Provide Independent Practice: Students will have choices when viewing, reading or listening to the lesson.

    As a wrap-up we will discuss the Venn Diagrams in small groups and then as a large group. Students willcompare scores from the game in a classroom contest for 5 points extra credit.

    AssessmentFormative/Ongoing Assessment: Students will be assessed throughout the lesson on their ability to make comparisons between two differentperiods in history. I will be formally assessing them through conversation on their ability to draw similaritiesand differences between sweatshop and factory working conditions and experiences.

    Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment: The summative assessment will be a Moodle quiz over the HippoCampus lesson and the Venn Diagramcomparing the two experiences.

    MaterialsWeb Sites

    Municipal, State, and National Reformshttp://www.hippocampus.org/HippoCampus/History & Government?loadLeftClass=CourseCombination&loadLeftId=10&loadTopicId=1624HippoCampus LessonSIM*SWEATSHOPhttp://www.simsweatshop.com/game/The game