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Existing System

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This chapter contains the gathered researches from different sources. These different studies will be used as a guide and support to the research. The related literature starts with the good and important effects of different gadgets used in learning areas and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to Students when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered related studies and articles done by various researchers.

Foreign Literature

Jessica White (2005) said that, technology has completely changed the scope of education in America. Most states require a technology aspect to their school improvements plans. They have embraced the idea that using technology in their classroom makes the subject anything from math to art-more accessible to many kinds of students. Educators, administrators, parents, and students are so well-versed in technology that it has become norm in even the most economically disadvantaged schools.She also stated that controversy exist about some students having access too much information. Some internet sites are not monitored by educational sources. Students who have not been taught the proper way to research on the internet might make a research hypothesis based on a website whose information is untrustworthy. Educators should be cautious and explain exactly what their expectations to their students are. Plagiarizing-detection software checks that students arent stealing information in using it as their own research. However, this software wasnt available when much of the controversy first became an issue.According to the National School Boards Association (nsba.org) study (2006), technology has large impact on students achievement across the subject area classes. This means that no matter what subject a student is using technology in, there has been some sort of positive impact. The same study showed that the students can use the internet to become a better researcher, communicate with a wider variety of people and become better analytical thinkers. The use of technology in the classroom has changed greatly from its early use and continues to improve todays as technology changes along with times.

The effects of technology in the classroom are so wide-reaching that educators are still utilizing different aspects from computer-based assessments and progress monitoring to opening up the worlds potential for their students. The state of Florida uses FAIR (Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading), a computer-based method of assessment that allows teachers to access right-there information on their students reading levels, possible teaching indicators, screening diagnostic and almost instant progress monitoring at the students reading aptitude. The information is available almost instantly after students take the assessment, allowing teachers a nearly immediate time frame in which to use that information in classroom and assessment procedures. Students have the benefit of being able to access information from an almost unlimited resource. Teachers have the ability to quickly communicate with other educators from all over the world to collaborate on lesson planning and staff development. Parents have access to their students discipline, attendance and grade reports.In the classroom, all types of students can use technology. Not just who are at the top of educational food chain, but even those lower quartile students who have access to technology in their classroom have made incredible learning gains. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) defines learning gains as gains made in education from one school year to the next as measured the state standardized testing. (NCLB) identifies these lower quartile students as those whose schools have over 75 percent of lower-income pupils with a need for Title I Federal funds, Reading First Federal funds, etc.). Blogging, reading and response journals for students and teachers, and software to help students read at grade level are just some of the potential uses of technology in the classroom that keep the students involved and active as well as excited about learning.Andrea Hermitt (2007) as written in her study, in lesson integration, by incorporating technology into lessons, students will become more engaged in and excited about the subject at hand. Lessons that would normally be tedious for many, such as science and technology can be much more engaging with virtual field trips and streaming video. In exploration, gadgets allow through exploring the internet and doing research. The act of looking up information and researching papers with such an extensive resource can keep students engaged in a project and learning far longer than they would do with a set of encyclopedias, while in terms of special needs in classrooms; each student is able to go at his or her own pace with the help of technology. This allows the students get individual instruction directly from the computer, which allows the teacher to accomplish more while feeling less stretched. Special needs students who are handicapped can also make use of assistive technology which can allow them to communicate better.On the other hand, finding the right materials online to integrate into a lesson is not always easy. This means teachers may spend a lot more time planning lessons and become overwhelmed and frustrated. Some students will explore beyond the bounds and parameters of the project and become distracted by other activities that they find on internet. Special needs technology can be very expensive and take an inordinate amount of money to acquire and operate.Margaret Kay (2008) mentioned that the growth and prevalence of modern technology has opened up the ways in which teachers can communicate ideas to their students. Kids frequently use and participate in technology in a non-academic setting through video games, television, cell phones and the internet. As students progress through the schooling system, they may be required to use technologies to research and present their ideas. Thus, incorporating technology into the classroom curriculum may not only be a familiar way of communicating with todays techno-savvy children but also necessary in preparing them in an increasingly technological society.Kate Bradley (2009) said that, as technology becomes more prevalent in everyday life, schools have an obligation to ensure that students are prepared to use that technology in workplace. Beyond the obligation, however, are myriad advantages to using technology and electronic gadgets in the classroom. In learning options, technology has none of the barriers of traditional teaching methods such as lecturing which is typically structured toward a specific learning style. With technology, students have the options of learning visually, textually, through auditory means or even with a hands-on approach, manipulating physical objects instead f simply watching or reading about them. One student may extract understanding from a well-written article online, while another may get the same information from a youtube video. Teachers now have far more flexibility in their lessons plans along with resources for reaching and engaging every student. With so many technological options to accommodate different learning styles, the chances for students success increases significantly.As cited also in her study, in quality of information with technology and the availability of internet in the classroom, an entire world of information opens up to students have access to the worlds most up-to-date and relevant information from diverse global sources. They also have to access to sources with a more exciting interactive approach to the subject. With experience, students learn to quickly distinguish between reputable and non-reputable sources, enabling them to glean large amount of information in a short time.In contrary to the conclusion of others, Cynthia Roberson (2011) she concludes that, teaching and learning in todays school can be quite challenging for teachers and students alike. Not only have expectations changed for the teachers, but students also are expected to learn a lot more and at earlier grade than before. Using gadgets in the classroom such as iPods, smart boards and digital electronic devices, satisfies the growing list of technology standards and prepares students beyond K-12 classroom.Gadgets also help to make the learning environment interesting and engaging.As we move toward a more digital society, kids are being exposed to technology and digital device at a young age .So when they come to school; they have little to no patience for lecture style teaching. Students are seeking a high tech digital experience in the classroom. And while they may not get this exactly, with the continual use of various digital and high-tech gadgets, they are coming close. Gadgets that are improving the quality of education in todays school. The impetus for incorporating technology standards into the curriculum for most school systems is preparation for real life. Because society is becoming more technologically advanced school systems are have to keep up with trends to better prepare students for life outside of school.James Kendrick (2013) according to his study he emphasize that drives mobile device has improved a lot those days, and especially in the last ten years. Mobile gadgets have gotten smaller, more powerful, and very useful. They are everywhere and play increasingly greeter roles in the lives of most everyone .Availability of mobile device is rapidly spreading throughout the world and making significant improvements in many lives.Mobile technology, in the form of phones, tablets, and notebooks, is making our lives better than ever before. It does this in many ways, not the least of which making communications routine. We can be in touch with those we need to reach, whether for educational purpose, work related or personal in nature.Kate Coen (2013) she stressed that, modern technologies like television and computers provide identifiable educational advantages, such as greater access to information and more compelling presentation of that information. Over-use of technology, though, especially such gadgets as cellphones, I Pods and video games, presents a whole range of problems which may interfere with a student ability to learn and attend to lessons a2c.cording to him in terms of social networking. Students who use their gadgets to participate in social networking sites may post material considered inappropriate by school authorities. They may also develop an unfavorable reputation based on those picture or comments. Pictures of misbehavior can adversely affect their chances of getting into the university of their choices or of getting a job.As he mentioned also the creativity of pupils in school in the post, children and young people filled up their free time by reading books, socializing, or engaging in active, creative play. A fixation an gadgets reduce participation in of all these, especially the aspect of creation. Digital worlds can be vast, but they are always structured not requiring the imagination and invention and inventiveness of unstructured play. Some children become less creative and less able to entertain themselves.As cited also in his study due to devotion of children and young people to gaming, texting, talking on the phone or socializing online. Some pupils may attempt to do this in class, with disrupts their learning, and at home it detracts from study time. Kids putting in long hours on their gadgets will give less attention to assignments and may be irritable when they are away from their gadgets. They might also sleep less, which can slow down their thinking the next day.John Ireland (2014) mentioned that with advances in technology, student study habits have dramatically changed. Technology has affected the way teachers presents information; slaving over books in the library and scribbling down notes on paper.The internet allows students to access virtually all in information that is publicly available from the comfort of their homes. They do not need to travel or even to go to a library. Books are scanned in to the internet, museums have work available online, and college library sites offer online access to academic journals. The role of professors has slowly changed; they are no longer the dispensers of information but instead facilitate learning by providing guidelines and recommended resources.Although its easier to access more information, he mentioned that, its also easier to become distracted from work when using technology an affliction known as DAD(divided attention discover). With the temptation to check balances, speak to someone on a smart phone or download a song available at the click of a button, many students have trouble finishing essays or doing some important reading.

Local Literature

Laurilla (2009) obtained varied facts; she implied that the use of mobile phones are common to younger sector of the society. Report from Media Use Statistics said that almost two-thirds of the teenagers today are cellular phone owners. The youths are expected to be frequent texters, since they grew along the modernization and technological innovation of cellular pside from thathones. Because of this, there is a raging nationals debate about the state of writing and how high-tech communication by teens might be affecting their ability to think and write.Aside from Laurilla, a research on the use of shorthand method of texting was conducted by Tiempo (2009). He said that another form of communication in texting is code-switching. This is common to a number of Cebuano people. Tiempo says that code switching is a natural bilingual behavior that usually happens in any informal conversations, whether it is direct or indirect. Through his qualitative method of analysis, this study of Tiempo entitled Cebuano Code-Switching, text jargon, and Fricative Productive in Short Messaging Services (SMS) found that there is no significant differences between the texting styles of both males and females.

Related Studies

Montiel and Estuar (2009) made a study about the usage of mobile phones nowadays and they concluded that text messaging is the most effective way of communicating with other people. A, it is the fastest and cheapest among the communication technologies of the new generation because of its sending shortened messages (SMS) or texting feature. This feature allows people to communicate with each other regardless of how far they are from each other. Thus, texting feature made mobile phones very popular in our country, that even the youth are getting hooked up to this new form of technology.Estuary research showed that there is a high rate of ownership and high rate of usage of cellular phones regardless of what school or gender students belong. Private school students were more frequent users of cost-incurring features, whereas public school students were more frequent of no-cost features of mobile phones. The former have also had a higher rate of texting compared to their public schools counter parts. In addition, the number of days one can survive without a cellular phone or without having to exchange messages is higher among males public school.An example of that would show the rapidly growing popularity of cellular phones is the report from Sify news (as cited in Proysen,2009) about a 13 year old girl from California who had sent 14, 258 messages in a month (13th January 2009).These communication gadgets are used by adolescents not only for communication purposes but also for maintaining their relationships with other people. Cell phones provide them the ability to show who they are and to express what they feel through texting feature. According to Pertierra et. Al.(as cited in Estuar, 2009), the cellular phone is like an extension of ones self. Compared to other forms of communication that the new world offers like the telephones and electronic mail, mobile phone technology greatly augments the non-confrontational nature of Filipinos.Mark Griffiths (2010) mentioned in his study that, a lot of media coverage was given to research carried out on young childrens technology use by the US pressure group Common Sense Media and electronic learning experts V-tech. Based on a survey, 1, 463 parents of children aged under eight, it was reported that 38 percent of children aged under two years of age had used iPhones and/or kindles for playing games or watching films. The study called Zero to Eight Children Media Use in America, 2013 also reported that one in three young children use a mobile phone or tablet before they can talk; 29 percent of children started using electronic gadgets as toddlers; children under two spent an average of 15 minutes a day using electronic gadgets; and that children between two and four spent an average of two hours a day watching television.Engaging with technology is good for children in moderation, but that excess involvement with all things electronic may have a downside. Over the last decade, ther have been countless independent research projects all claiming to ive pointers as to the long term effects of children spending more and more time in front of the screen. There appears to be a movement that automatically views technology as the way forward on lot of things, particularly in education, and that the only way of self-betterment among our children is through increasing technology use. That is not to say that technology does not have positive side.A low (2011) according to him, he stated that teens pick up quickly on advances in technology. Whether its a new app everyones using at school, anew social media platform or a gadget, technology is a pervasive part of humans social lives. According to Pew research, 78 percent of teens use the internet and 93 percent of teens have access to a computer at home. Though technology itself doesnt spell disaster for your teens well-being, its important to educate yourself on influence.Late nigh screen time is linked to increase stress, depression and sleep disorders, according to a 2012 study at the Birmingham maple Clinic. If your teen seems so exhausted, unable to finish school work or uninterested in activities he used to enjoy, technology may be influencing his mental health. Encourage your teen to unplug an hour or so before bedtime and do another activity for relaxation (e.g. journal writing and reading books) and model this kind of evening relaxation yourself. Another is peer pressure, has always had a hold on teen behavior and social media plays a key role in your childs decision. A UW Madison study states that teen s are more likely to engage in drinking, drug use or sex if their peers boast about these activities on social media. Kids younger than 16 are especially likely to believe any picture or status updates they see are true, according to the study. Also because teens dont often realize the permanence of things they post to the internet, theyre likely to make impulsive decisions (texting nude photos, for example) that will hurt social lives.Steve Johnson (2012) gadgets make many things more efficient but like every other aspect of life; they come with their own set of advantages as well. As stated in his study, as of 2011, electronic gadgets account for 15 percent of total household electricity consumption worldwide, as reported by the International Energy agency. By 2022, that number will double, by current estimates. Electronic gadgets have seen a revolution. In the past, most gadgets served a single purpose: phones called people, TVs showed television shows. Now, gadgets are evolving to be multi-purpose tools. Mobile phones today not only call, but most allow texting, email, web-surfing and a host of other features. These gadgets whether a computer or phone allow people to stay more organized, stay in constant communication and gain access to the outside world much more easily than was ever possible without electronic gadgetry. Electronic devices are designed to save time and make people more efficient. For many people, the increase of new inventions takes up more time. An efficient gadget might actually provide someone with less free time due to assortment of additions its providing. They make work that was once impossible without a physical office hub.Chris Rowling (2013) concluded that, many have claimed the computer is the single greatest invention of the last century, and there are now more and more computers making it in to the classroom. This is of great importance to children as they are very few jobs left anymore where a computer is not well as other classes where computer programs are used as an alternative to standard teaching. The presence of computers in classrooms has not only given children the chance to learn how to operate computers nut has also allowed for a major change in the way educators teach students.Learning about technology itself is also a vital part of education, as this is the generation that will design, build and operate the new machines and devices in the years ahead. Computers have played a large role in this through animations where the operations of machines are explained in a visual way, which allow students to better understand the different elements of modern machines. Computer programs also allow students to create and run simulations on design packages; which means they can make more complex designs without the need to build a physical working model.On the other hand, there has been some opposition to ideas such as computers in school as parents are worried that children will no longer interact with each other and will be able to access inappropriate materials online. This is certainly true and is an area teacher and parents should be rightly worried about. Although technology is a major part of our lives, it is also important to ensure children understand the difference between interacting with a machine that will do what it is told and other children. Access to computers in school is only restricted by the number of students per computer, but internet access itself is strictly limited with huge number of sites that contain objectionable material or viewpoints blocked. The use of computers can be limited to class time only; ensuring students gain a balance between using computers and normal social interaction.

A Patel (2013) stated that, nowadays, children are getting so devoted to modern day gadgets that they tend to forget they have a life. People are becoming lazier day by day in performing everyday tasks; its due to human intelligence up to some extent. A fact that is human intelligence evolved, so were our gadgets and internet. Due to the vast availability of smart phones, laptops and computers, the number of devices connected to the internet was higher than the number of people on earth. Surprisingly, about that 40 percent of people socialize on internet than face to face conversation. Due to this statements, he quoted that man has become slaves to the modern day gadgets.Elizabeth Mott (2014) as cited on her study about the campaigned of Herbert Hoover for the U.S. presidency in 1928, he promised A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. His vision of pervasive prosperity couldnt overcome the countrys oncoming economic depression. If Hoover ran for high office less than 100 years later, he could promise A cellphone in every hand and a computer in every home. An d reflect the status quotation, not the future. Gadgets pervade modern life with convenience communication and some mixed messages about connectedness.In 2014, more than half of the American public thinks that by 2064 upcoming innovations will produce profound change that improves life and society. In a study conducted by Pew research and Smithsonian magazine, 81 percent of adults thought laboratories would provide custom-grown replacement organs for people who needed transplants. Among the ideas that prompted a negative response, 66 percent rejected the idea of genetic manipulations to give parents designer babies and 65 percent cringed at the thought of robots as home health aides and caregivers.


Education must share the responsibility of developing technologically literate people (Bitter & Legacy, 2008). Both systemic reform and curriculum cannot be achieved without the aid of technology (Fletcher & Wolf, 2007).Grading and reporting are relatively recent phenomena in education. In fact, prior to 1850, grading and reporting were virtually unknown in schools in the United States. Throughout much of the nineteenth century most schools grouped students of all ages and backgrounds together with one teacher in one-room schoolhouses, and few students went beyond elementary studies. The teacher reported students' learning progress orally to parents, usually during visits to students' homes (Guskey).Students are evaluated on academic progress and on quality of citizenship. Report cards are issued every marking period and will be supplemented by interim reports at the mid-point of each marking period. In evaluating the performance of pupils in a given subject area, teachers take into account both oral and written work. In addition, a student evaluation includes unit and/or activity tests, daily written/oral work, homework, projects and/or outside assignments, and final semester examinations in specified courses. (www.sbo.nn.k12.va.us)


Our Lady of Lourdes Collegeis a college school located in Novaliches, Quezon City,Metro Manila,Philippines.It was founded in1997and is currently headed by Engr. Ismael J. Alamares.

The courses offered are:

Bachelor of Elementary EducationBachelor of Science in CommerceBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in CriminologyBachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant ManagementBachelor of Science in Information TechnologyBachelor of Secondary EducationBachelor of Arts in PsychologyAssociate in Computer TechnologyOne-Year Certificate Architectural TechnologyOne-Year Certificate in Food Preparation & Beverage ServicesThree-Year Diploma Civil EngineeringThree-Year Diploma in Architectural TechnologyOne-Year Certificate Computer Programming

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:The aim of the study is to confirm the grading system suitable to accurately provide the students academic performance. It also aims to identify the advantages of incorporating a computer program for grade computation. Finally, this study aims to measure the efficiency of using grade-computing program as the preferred computation medium compared to its inefficiency.

(GENERAL PROBLEM)The general problem of the study is the errors in computing grades

(SPECIFIC PROBLEM)*Slow process in computing grades*Retrieving data to each student*They only have written files for the grade*Delayed submission of reports

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY:(General Objective)The general objective of the study is to lessen the errors in computing grades.

Specific Objective*To lessen the slow process in computing grades*To retrieve data to each student*To have a soft and hard copy*To submit report on time

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION:SCOPE The instructor has an authority to manipulate and edit the grades of the students. The instructor can add, edit, view and delete subjects and students.The instructor can encode grades of the students automatically once the system installed.The instructors can change their password to secure the encoding of grades of the students. The students can inquire and verify grades in their respective instructors. The system automatically back up the database.

DELIMITATIONThe system cannot generate flexible grading computation. If the instructor submitted wrong grades of student, the system is not reliable in human error. The grade encoding process relies on the instructor.It cannot print documents and gradesThe system has no capability of online connection.

Significance of the Study:

This study was made to develop a system; Our Lady of Lourdes College Grading System is designed specifically for instructors/ teachers use for an easy grading computation and performance recording.This study will benefit the following person: Instructors/Teachers of Our Lady of Lourdes College it can help them to encode the grades fast and easy. Students of Our Lady of Lourdes College it can help them to inquire their grades in a more efficient way. They can get their summary of grades directly to the instructor. Registrar of Our Lady of Lourdes College it can help them to lessen their tasks in preparing of summary of grades of the students, because of on- time submission of grades by the instructors.

Conceptual Framework

Context Diagram

Definition of Terms Conceptual Framework- A theoretical structure of assumptions, principles ,and rules that together the ideas comprising a broad concept.Data- Information in raw or organized form (such as alphabets, numbers, or symbols) that refer to or represent, conditions, ideas, or objects.Database- A collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.DFD- A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through information system.MySql- MySql databases allows you to create a relational database structure on a web-server somewhere in order to store data or automate procedures.PHP- PHP is an acronym for PHP Hypertext Processors. An open source, server-side, HTML embedded language used to create dynamic Web pages.Sotware- Organized information in the form of operating systems,utilities,programs, and applications that enable computers to work.System Architecture - The conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior and more views of a system.Technology- Knowledge of tools, machines, techniquis crafts, system or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function.XAMPP- Is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP server, MySQL databases and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and perl programming languages.

Local Literature WAMP5(WAMP means windows Apache Mysql PHP) is a platform of web development under Windows. It allows you to develop dynamic Web sites with Apache server, PHP5 script language, and the database of MySQL release 5. It also possesses PHPMyAdmin and SQlite manager more easily your databases. Importance of computer application is Increasing day by day. In the latest decades of the millennium winning organization are those when are willing to integrate business strategy and computer information technology in plying their perspective trades. The use of computer information technology results for them to be able to develop products last and make decisions a fast ability to have fluid organization structures. Able to cope with demanding work force and external environment by the rapid development of innovative and lastly using information system confirms the companys mission vision. Lack of enrolment in schools can leads to chaos and troubles, as Stated by Ace Adrian (2011). Students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll that is why such system Is extremely useful in the way that it retrieving vital information of the students. Without it can lead difficulty both for the administration of school and student in enrolment process

Many countries nowadays. Especially the developing nations arechallenged by the rapid technologies changes. This has radically changed the living and working styles of the entire society. The transformation hasbeen driven partly by rapid technological innovation. While in the 20thcentury saw the rise of the industrial revolution with steam-powered machines intensifying and expanding human productive power, the 21th century was characterized by the birth of machine- powered flight and the emergence of broadcasting and made possible new ways by which human creativity even more and made possible new ways by which humans could live and work together.Operations on human anatomy are now entrusted to computer technology. Web applications are popular due to ubiquity and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers are key reasons for its popularity. A significant advantage of building web application to support a standard browser feature is the ability to perform as specified, regardless of the operating system installed on a given client. A web-based enrolment system has featured that meet most of academic instructions systems needs and requirements this includes standardized modules for student registration, enrolment, grade management, and other modules that are deemed necessary to operate a school. Windows 7 is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs and media center PCs It was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009 and became generally for retail on October 22 2009, less than three years after release of its predecessor, Windows vista windows 7 is succeeded by windows 8. Adopting the theory of Stephen McHenry which is known as the iterative implementation covers the breakdown of overall functionality of thesystem will have since that this kind of system to a what he called feature set and those feature sets represents different process involve in an enrollment system. It helps locate what feature an enrolmentsystem will have since that this kind of system does many activities and processes. According to Dunn and Scott (2005), science and technology is The root of emerging innovations in this world. For many years now, a Person in this field of expertise does not stop to reshape the landscape of Todays business world. As stated by Holmes (2006), The internet is neither an Extraordinary communication tool nor revolutionary, it simply represents the Current stage in the development of human capabilities through written Language, which itself modem technology is at their highest peak, Web-based enrolment system is currently emerging on markets for they are offering transaction convenience and services efficiency through the use of internet. This system become a powerful tool in dealing with information management regarding Grade Inquiry transactions According to Forman (2007), continuing innovation in technologies can lead to organizational changes the range from improvement of day to day operation and easy access it provides for the end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in offering of their services.

Table of Content

Chapter1: Problem and Its Background Introduction Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Objective of the Study Significance of the Study

Chapter2 : Review of Related Literature and the Studies Foreign Literature Local Literature Foreign Studies Conceptual Framework Definitions of Terms Chapter3: Research Mythology System Development Strategies and Mythologies System Architecture (Existing System) System Development Life Cycle Data Flow Diagram Database Design Other Modules


Prepared by:Villoso, Jeshemel De Sotto, Rose Ann Manlutac , Erika MaeSegaya, Louela

Professor: Joselito V. San Juan

Chapter1: Problem and Its Background Introduction Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Objective of the Study Significance of the Study

Chapter2: Review of Related LiteratureAnd the Studies

Foreign Literature Local Literature Foreign Studies Conceptual Framework Definitions of Terms

Chapter3: Research Mythology System Development Strategies and Mythologies System Architecture (Existing System) System Development Life Cycle Data Flow Diagram Database Design Other Modules

System Architecture (Existing System)