Case Vignette Assignment 3

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  • 8/17/2019 Case Vignette Assignment 3


    Case Vignette Assignment 3 (10 points)

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    “I’m not good with or around eole,! Brandon reorts. "ver since high school he has exerienced challenges when meeting new

     eole or being around large grous o# eole, esecially i# he does not know them. $his seems to be the case in most all social situations nomatter where he is%at school, out and about in town, or at work. &arely i# ever can he be in one o# these situations and not #eel anxious. When he

    gets around these settings he is con#ident that eole are looking at him and thinking about him critically, 'udging his aearance and making #un

    o# how he comes across. (#ten when it gets close to the time #or these events he will #eel tense, hot, have trouble breathing, and trembles.

    Sometimes he can grit his teeth and get through these situations, but other times he decides to avoid them altogether.

    While avoiding these situations has an immediate e##ect o# reducing his anxiety, it has come at a signi#icant cost. Brandon has #ew #riends, and the

    ones he has he has had #or a long time. )e would like to meet new eole, but he can’t seem to get himsel# to interact with others. )is has created

    a signi#icant strain on his ability to date and have a romantic relationshi, and he #eels deressed and hoeless when he thinks about that. )e was

    not very active in high school with social and extracurricular activities, and he has avoided alying #or and acceting a #ew 'obs because o# the

    amount o# social interaction they re*uire. Sometimes he is better able to tolerate social situations i# he has some alcohol, which has raised some

    issues in times when he has been out with #riends and he has drank to excess.

    +. Based uon this vignette identi#y the likely diagnosisdiagnoses, including any alicable rule out -&( diagnoses -i# any. /ist I01 code

    number, diagnosis, and any alicable seci#iers

    1iagnosis2 345.+5 Social 6nxiety 1isorder 

    7. )ow would you suort or 'usti#y your diagnosis8 What details suort what criteria8 "xlain

    these in narrative #orm, meaning that each answer needs to be at least a paragraph or more  -one

    to two sentences will not su##ice with attention to writing using complete sentences, aroriate

    grammar -selling, unctuation and clear organization and expression of content.

    $he details I #eel suort the diagnosis are his anxiety relating to being around eole at

    school, out with #riends or at work. )e also stated that he #eel eole “'udge, think about him

    critically, make #un o# how he comes across!. )e also reorted that he can sometimes “grit his

    teeth and get through the situations but other times decides to avoid them!. )e stated this has

    gone on since high school -longer than 9 months since he is able to buy alcohol. )e reortssigni#icant strain on his ability to have relationshis or meet new eole. )e has avoided 'obs or

    activities that re*uire being around lots o# eole.

    :. What conditions would you look to rule out8

    ;a'or 1eressive 1isorder, Substance 6buse 1isorder -6lcohol

    4. What are three ieces o# in#ormation you would like to know that would hel you to either

     better suort the diagnosis or to better understand this individual8

    +. I would ask a *uestion #or more in#ormation about deressive symtoms8

    7. I would ask a *uestion related to how much and o#ten he consumes 6lcohol or other


    :. I would ask how o#ten he is able to maintain being in these situations vs. comletely

    avoiding them8

  • 8/17/2019 Case Vignette Assignment 3



    “I don’t drive beyond old ;r. ;c)enry’s barn.! ;alcolm actively avoids going into stores and being in crowds. )e does not like to

    drive, but he will within his town, but he has oints where he will go no #urther away #rom his home. “It’s like I have a radius, like a dog chained

    to ost that can only go so #ar.! ;alcolm has avoided driving and getting out ever since he began having eriods that would “seem to haen #or

    no reason! where he would sweat, #eel clammy and di