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 Contents  Contents  IntroductionandOpenGame  IntroductionandOpenGame  ContentNotice  ContentNotice   pg.3  pg.3 

 Almas  Almas   pg.4  pg.4  Chupacabras  Chupacabras   pg.5  pg.5 

 DeepSeaSerpent  DeepSeaSerpent   pg.6  pg.6 

 Globster  Globster   pg.7  pg.7 

 Kongamato  Kongamato   pg.8  pg.8 

 Maero  Maero   pg.9  pg.9 

 Mokele-Mbembe  Mokele-Mbembe   pg.10  pg.10 

 Naitaka  Naitaka   pg.11  pg.11 

 Orang-Bati  Orang-Bati   pg.12  pg.12 

 Tatzelwurm  Tatzelwurm   pg.13  pg.13 

 BonusTemplate:MistCreature  BonusTemplate:MistCreature   pg.14  pg.14 

 BonusTemplate:Sea-Claimed  BonusTemplate:Sea-Claimed   pg.15  pg.15 

 OpenGameLicense  OpenGameLicense   pg.16  pg.16 

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 Introduction  Introduction Cryptozoology: the study of “hidden animals” (whether they are actually animalian or not). This small fringe science is

certainly not without its detractors in either the covered or true world. For the mundanes, cryptozoology is often considered

to be either merely a subset of zoology or an outright pseudoscience not worthy of discussion. Those knowledgeable of the

true world treat it as being a rather pointless subsidiary of magibiology that doesn’t differentiate between types of creaturewell enough. Whatever one’s personal opinion of cryptozoology is, however, many monsters that are deemed “cryptids” do

indeed exist, and they can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Case Files: Cryptid Creatures is the second title in the Case Files series for the Molti Segreti Nascosti campaign setting.

This time, the focus is on creatures pulled from the annals of the often ridiculed field of cryptozoology, from monstrous

“apemen” around the world to strange things found in the deep waters of lakes and oceans. In game terms, none of the

creatures presented are actually of the Animal creature type – various facets push them into some other creature type – but

the term “cryptid” as applied to them in the real world is carried over into the campaign setting. While most templates and

feats referenced in this title are from either the Modern SRD series or the Molti Segreti Nascosti Core Rulebook Extended

Edition, two new templates are provided for specific supernatural cryptid variants.

 DesignationofOpenGameContent  DesignationofOpenGameContent -All creatures in this book are designated Open Game Content .

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 Almas  Almas Physical Features: The almas vaguely resembles the famous Neanderthal, but with a more wiry frame and more impressive

height of around 6 ½ to 7 feet on average. Its body is coated in a layer of dense reddish-brown hair, which grows

 particularly long on the scalp as human hair would.

Origin: While there are no specific fossils to lend credence to the theory, the general consensus amongst magibiologists isthat the almas are either an offshoot or extremely close relative of the Neanderthals they so closely resemble. Another theory

holds that they are an offshoot of  Homo denisova, whose fossils have been found in the Altai mountains alongside humanand Neanderthal remains.

Region and Habitat: Almas cling to the mountains of central Asia, with most tribes being found in the Tien Shan,

Caucasus, and Altai mountain ranges. They are mostly hardy survivors that can cling to existence in seemingly desolate and

 barren rocky peaks, but do poorly in warm temperatures.

Habits and Personality: Almas live in clans of four to ten individuals that migrate between a set pattern of various

mountain caves as they follow herds of argali sheep and ibexes, with one cave in particular being treated as the “homecave”. As long as a herd stays in the same region, an almas clan can be found in the same cave, only disappearing if human

hunters become prominent. When not hunting, almas clans tend to create wooden or stone tools, create strange effigies of 

abstract gods, and gather human goods they find fascinating to forge an altar that acts as the centerpiece of their home cave.

These alters have been found to contain such varied objects as walking sticks, old Red Army uniforms, mufflers and other 

vehicle pieces, and braided locks of horse hair.

Combat: Almas are surprisingly loathe to engage in combat with other humanoids, even to defend themselves, when

compared to creatures such as the yeti. Attacks are typically mock charges or painful but ultimately nonlethal strikes. If itcan manage, an almas will always attempt to stun a humanoid combatant and then run away.

Other Information: Almas were frequently experimented on by Soviet scientists knowledgeable of the true world during

the Cold War. The infamous Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov was called upon at least four separate times to try to force almas-human

mating, and KGB shadow agents made numerous attempts to train almas in combat. Both experiments failed miserably,

with the combatant almas refusing to learn how to utilize firearms and always holding back against their trainers in staged

fights, and the human-almas forced pairings never producing children.

Species Traits

Nonlethal Expertise (Ex): Almas suffer no penalties when they attempt to deal nonlethal damage with natural attacks or 

melee weapons that normally deal lethal damage.

Skills: Almas gain a +2 species bonus to Listen checks, as well as a +4 species bonus to Climb and Jump checks.

Bonus Feats: Almas gain Simple Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.

Almas: CR 1; Medium-size Humanoid; HD 2d8+6; HP 15; Mas 16; Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; Defense 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14

(+4 natural); BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (1d6+2, club) or +3 melee (1d4+2, slam); Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+2, club)and -2 melee (1d3+1, bite) or +3 melee (1d4+2, 2 slams) and -2 melee (1d3+1, bite); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Cold

resistance 5, low-light vision, nonlethal expertise; AL clan; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con

16, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 7.Skills: Climb +7, Jump +7, Listen +4, Spot +2, Survival +2.Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Great Fortitude.

Advancement: By character class.Possessions: Crude clothing, club, various personal belongings.

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 Chupacabras  Chupacabras Physical Features: The average chupacabras (singular and plural – chupacabras means “sucker of goats”, while the

colloquial ‘chupacabra’ would mean “sucker of a goat”) is a vaguely primatoid entity, looking almost like a chimpanzee that

got twisted by a funhouse mirror. Its clawed hands and feet dangle on gangly limbs, the back of the creature is dominated by

spines or plates, and most of its facial features are shrunken compared to its two bulbous, glossy black eyes and a mouth

filled with nail-like teeth.

Origin: The speculations on the origin of the chupacabras are as numerous as they are often contradictory. Different particular stories from various groups include them being the products of natural evolution in either Patagonia or Europe

(being trans-Atlantic migrants in the latter case), interplanar migrants, war beasts created by a Department facility in Puerto

Rico, tools of hate against the Latin American community crafted by the Thule Society, or extraterrestrial lifeforms that

came with the Reptoids or Grays. Just as puzzling as the how of the chupacabras' origin is the when and where, with stories

again ranging widely from their first appearance on Earth being in Puerto Rico in 1995, Puerto Rico and Argentina in the

1970s, Italy in the 1940s, or even Spain in the 1400s.

Region and Habitat: Chupacabras can theoretically dwell in any hot environment in the Americas from steaming jungle toarid desert, though all verified cases of the creatures come from Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Argentina.

Habits and Personality: Chupacabras are solitary, territorial, and secretive, hiding themselves away during the day and

skulking around stealthily at night. When not hunting, they are sleeping or moving from nest to nest, and the only time that

two chupacabras are ever seen together is during their brief and violent mating season. A masochistic ritual affair during thismating season leads to the laying of eggs that will hatch into two to four precocious hatchlings that quickly leave their nest

 before their mother ends up potentially consuming them as sustenance, fending for themselves from day one. If there are

any other aspects of chupacabras daily life, they have not been recorded.

Combat: Chupacabras are archetypical sanguivorous nocturnal predators, staying holed away during the day and hunting

 prey at night. Targets are typically creatures that the chupacabras can overwhelm with ease such as a chicken or a goat. After 

the prey is either asleep or otherwise caught unaware, the predator quickly leaps upon the target’s back, piercing the neck 

with its two longest fangs and holding on until the target breathes no more. The creature then siphons the prey’s blood

 before hopping off to its lair to sleep off its meal. If faced with a combat situation outside of hunting or attempting to gorge

itself on a large animal such as a cow before a period of torpor, a chupacabras will attempt a bulldog approach, attacking the

face of the target with its jaws while lacerating the neck and chest with its claws.

Other Information: So-called “Texas chupacabras” – canine entities seen the continental United States, especially in Texas

 – are decidedly not true chupacabras, instead being a case of attaching the name of one creature to another: in most cases, acoyote that has contracted mange. In many ways, the “Texas chupacabras” have actually become more infamous than the

actual creatures, mostly thanks to the viral nature of the Internet and American media. Further muddying the waters when it

comes to defining cases are winged chupacabras, a rare variant of the true chupacabras that has bat-like wings in the stead

of standard arms. There is a 10% chance that a chupacabras encounter is with a winged variant, in which case the

chupacabras uses all of the stats below but adds a flight speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability).

Species Traits

Blood Drain (Ex): With a successful grapple check, a chupacabras can establish a hold of a creature and siphon out blood,

dealing 1d3 points of Constitution damage each round the hold is maintained.

Vice Grip (Ex): Surprisingly strong for their small size, chupacabras gain a +4 bonus to grapple checks.

Skills: Chupacabras gain a +4 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.

Bonus Feats: Chupacabras gain Weapon Finesse (Claw and Bite) as bonus feats.

Chupacabras: CR 2; Small Magical Beast; HD 3d10+3; HP 19; Mas 15; Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 16, touch 14, flat-

footed 13 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural); BAB +3; Grap +3; Atk +7 melee (1d3, claw); Full Atk +7 melee (1d3, 2 claws) and

+2 melee (1d4, bite); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Blood drain, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, vice grip; AL none;

SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 4.

Skills: Hide +14, Listen +2, Move Silently +10, Spot +2.Feats: Alertness, Improved Damage Threshold, Weapon Finesse (Bite and Claw).

Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small).

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 DeepSeaSerpent  DeepSeaSerpent Physical Features: The deep sea serpent takes the standard design of a sea serpent, enlarges it to an average of 62 feet in

length, and takes aquatic adaptations to a further extreme. Its tail ends in a whale-like fluke, while its head has an oarfish-

like general design combined with long needle-like teeth and a bioluminescent lure. Furthermore, its lungs are atrophied,

removing its ability to effectively take in air rather than utilize its gills in water.

Origin: Deep sea serpents are related to the common sea serpent, the two species having a common ancestry from some

time around the Miocene.

Region and Habitat: Deep sea serpents are found in the hadopelagic zone – the deepest of deep sea trenches. Unlike many

hadopelagic organisms, deep sea serpents seem capable of shrugging off pressure differentiations, giving exceedingly rare

visits to the lighted world of the open ocean.

Habits and Personality: A deep sea serpent’s life is a solitary one, spent undulating through deep water. Nothing truly fazes

these predatory giants – giant and colossal squid, sperm whales, and large abyssal sharks are all no challenge for an adult

specimen when its lethargic journey is interrupted by the rumbling pangs of hunger. More than one specimen within severalmiles of each other is a near impossibility. When two of these serpents are seen together, it is always during the mating

season, wherein they perform a magnificent display that only five humans in the entire world have ever witnessed – the two

abyssal titans circle and slide around each other in ribbon-like patterns, flashing bright red display fins and flickering lures

in a glorious ritual. The mating results in around three to five new serpents, the mother leaving them to fend for themselves

soon after birth. While most young end up becoming prey to the very creatures they would hunt in adulthood, enoughsurvive to keep the world’s population stable.

Combat: Deep sea serpents are very straightforward in combat – anything small enough to be swallowed is inhaled, whileanything larger is bitten and bludgeoned as the great serpent slithers around its combatant. An individual that encounters a

ship or submarine it perceives as threatening – usually due to high amounts of sonar ping, which agitates the beast – will

swim underneath it before rapidly ascending to ram into the vessel.

Other Information: Rumors exist of an ancient and powerful deep sea serpent that slumbers in the Marianas Trench.

 Nicknamed Abuelo Sierpe (“Grandfather Snake”), this creature is said to be able to call forth dark magic with a mere twitch

of its massive tail and toss submarines with a mere thought. Abuelo Sierpe is an advanced (60 HD) deep sea serpent with the

Spellpowered and Sea-Claimed templates.

Species Traits

Capsize (Ex): A submerged deep sea serpent that surfaces under a boat or ship less than 40 feet long capsizes the vessel95% of the time. It has a 50% chance to capsize a vessel from 41 to 60 feet long and a 20% chance to capsize one over 60

feet long.

Elusive (Ex): As a full round action, a deep sea serpent can make a surprisingly silent underwater dash, moving up to its run

speed without leaving any trace of its movement such as waves.

Hazy Outline (Su): Like its common relative, the deep sea serpent can make its outline difficult to see. As a full-roundaction, a deep sea serpent can blur its outline for a number of rounds equal to its Hit Dice. This distortion grants it one-half 

concealment (20% miss chance). A deep sea serpent cannot be recorded on any visual media while in this state—a

 photograph shows only a fuzzy haze. A see invisibility spell does not counteract this effect, but a true seeing spell does.

Powerful Tail (Ex): The mighty tail of the deep sea serpent is treated as if it were a primary attack even when used as a

secondary attack. In addition, when a deep sea serpent deals damage to an object with its tail or constrict damage, it ignoresthe first 10 points of hardness the object possesses.

Surge (Ex): As a full round action, a deep sea serpent can plow forward with immense speed, effectively moving twice its

run speed (400 feet) in that round. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while surging.

Swallow Whole (Ex): This ability works as per the common sea serpent's swallow whole ability, with the exception that the

deep sea serpent must have 33 points f damage done to its gullet to create an opening for escape. As a size Gargantuan

creature (rather than size Huge as per a standard common sea serpent), the deep sea serpent holds more opponents.

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Deep Sea Serpent: CR 19; Gargantuan Magical Beast; HD 23d10+207; HP 333; Mas 31; Init +9; Spd swim 50 ft.; Defense

33, touch 11, flat-footed 28 (-4 size, +5 Dex, +22 natural); BAB +23; Grap +49; Atk +33 melee (6d10+14, bite) or +33

melee (6d8+14, tail slap); Full Atk +33 melee (6d10+14, bite) and +33 melee (6d8+14, tail slap); FS 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach15 ft.; SQ Aquatic, capsize, cold immunity, constrict 6d8+14, darkvision 120 ft., elusive, fire resistance 20, hazy outline,

improved grab (bite), low-light vision, powerful tail, surge, swallow whole; AL none; SV Fort +22, Ref +20, Will +12; AP

0; Rep +0; Str 39, Dex 20, Con 28, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11.Skills: Hide +3, Listen +12, Move Silently +11, Spot +4, Swim +22.Feats: Breaching Fling, Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,

Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack.Advancement: 24-46 HD (Gargantuan); 47-69 HD (Colossal).

 Globster  Globster Physical Features: A globster is, unsurprisingly, a glob – specifically, it is a 12 foot long glob of detritus from the sea.

While a generally “clean” globster is blue with a dull brown undercurrent in its translucent body, individuals can resemble

 piles of whale blubber, rotting fish meat, or oil-soaked chum.

Origin: A globster is sea detritus given life in a manner much like that of the infamous sewer sludges plaguing urban public

waste systems.

Region and Habitat: Globsters can be found in any warm waters, but are typically seen decomposing on beaches and brushed off as a piece of a regular sea animal carcass.

Habits and Personality: Globsters aren’t exactly the winners of any personality contests. They are simplistic to a fault,

merely eating and creating more globsters before eventually being consumed by a particularly hungry sea predator, ripped

apart by extreme weather, plowed through by a powerful ship, or slain by monster hunters.

Combat: A globster strikes with its pseudopods and oozes around prey to squeeze them. Some globsters that are beached

are actually alive but temporarily stunned, and can spring to life to attack an unwary onlooker, but this is merely a lucky

coincidence for the globster rather than any form of strategic planning.

Other Information: While globsters do not advance in size beyond Large, a single source of detritus may create several

globsters if it is particularly sizable. Woe be unto the individual who is unfortunate enough to find an extremely rare

“globster communion” formed from the entire carcass of a whale!

Species Traits

Camouflage (Ex): A motionless globster looks like a mere chunk of something rotten from the sea. A successful Spot check 

(DC 15) is required to recognize it as a living creature.

Create Spawn (Ex): A globster's digestive system is messy. Bloating up as it feeds, a globster eventually regurgitates a part

of its gained bulk into a newly formed globster. This action causes 1d6 points of damage to the original globster, and the

newly formed globster holds no subservience to its parent. To create a spawn, a globster must consume the dead bodies of 

two size Large creatures, four size Medium creatures, eight size Small creatures, or sixteen size Tiny creatures.

Decompose (Ex): A globster's corpse retains its stench aura for 1d10 days after it has died.

Nausea (Ex): Any creature struck by a globster must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or become nauseated for 1 round. Once

a creature makes this saving throw, it is immune to further nausea effects from that particular globster for 24 hours. This is

considered to be a poison ability, and the save DC is Constitution-based.

Stench (Ex): In addition to being nauseating to the touch, a globster wafts a heinous stench around itself in a 30 foot radius.

Any creature that smells the globster must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or be sickened for 2d4 rounds. A creature that

succeeds its save is immune to the globster's stench aura for 24 hours.

Water Dependency (Ex): Every hour the globster is out of water, its bulk begins to dry out, causing 1d4 points of untyped

damage to the globster.

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Globster: CR 5; Large Ooze; HD 6d10+30; HP 63; Mas -; Init -5; Spd 20 ft., swim 40 ft.; Defense 16, touch 4, flat-footed

16 (-1 size, -5 Dex, +12 natural); BAB +4; Grap +11; Atk +6 melee (2d6+3, slam); Full Atk +6 melee (2d6+3, 4 slams); FS

10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ blindsight 30 ft., camouflage, cold resistance 10, constrict 2d6+3, create spawn, decompose,electricity resistance 10, immunity to bludgeoning and piercing, improved grab (slam), nausea, stench, water dependency;

AL none; SV Fort +7, Ref -3, Will -3; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 16, Dex 1, Con 20, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1.Skills: None.Feats: None.Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large).

 Kongamato  Kongamato Physical Features: The kongamato superficially resembles a stereotypical “monster movie amalgam” pterosaur – long beak 

filled with sharp teeth, leathery wings, and a serpentine tail. Appearances can be deceptive, however, and these flying beasts

are no exception. Kongamato are actually primal dragons that superficially resemble pterosaurs through a case of 

convergent evolution. An adult specimen tops out at around 18 feet in length, though even larger individuals are spoken of.

Origin: The ancestral kongamato arose in Africa during the peak of the humid post-dinosaur world of the Eocene.

Region and Habitat: Kongamato dwell in deep swamps in regions of south-central Africa.

Habits and Personality: Adult kongamato are sluggish and aloof loners that lurk in stagnant, weed-choked parts of theswamp with water levels high enough to submerge the majority of their bulk, rarely showing themselves to other lifeforms.

They are known to have a hatred of crocodiles that borders on psychosis, violently stabbing the large reptiles to death before

arranging their corpses on sharp trees around their home waterway. Humans that happen to wander far enough into the

wetlands to find a kongamato are treated little better, being attacked as any other prey animal would be. Indeed, the only

intelligent creatures a kongamato will actually tolerate are the kinori – after all, the great winged beasts have found that the

kinori are all too willing to lavish them with praise and goods, treating them like royalty.

Combat: The lance-like beak of the kongamato is its primary weapon, used to stab and tear at the innards of prey. This beak 

stab can be augmented with the strong crashing of its wings or a smash of its tail if necessary. If faced with a powerful or 

magically-inclined opponent, the kongamato will unleash a powerful sonic screech.

Other Information: Juvenile kongamato, referred to as olitiau, haunt the shadows for miles around the swamps of adult

specimens, often attacking fishermen that happen to wander too close. Stats for an olitiau are effectively that of a dire batthat has its creature type changed to Dragon rather than Animal (Dire).

Species Traits

Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, a kongamato can unleash a screech that produces a sonic boom in a 50 foot

cone. This attack deals 10d6 points of sonic damage, with a Reflex save (DC 20) being allowed by the target to take half 


Piercing Beak (Ex): The exceedingly sharp beak of the kongamato is treated as a +2 weapon for overcoming damage


Wailing Dive (Su): When a kongamato makes a charge while flying or uses the Flyby Attack feat, it can let a portion of its

sonic energy out with ease, allowing it to deal an added +1d6 sonic damage to its bite attack.

Kongamato: CR 15; Huge Dragon; HD 19d12+152; HP 275; Mas 26; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (poor).; Defense 26,

touch 8, flat-footed 26 (-2 size, +18 natural); BAB +19; Grap +39; Atk +29 melee (2d6+12, bite); Full Atk +29 melee

(2d6+12, bite) and +27 melee (2d6+6, tail slap) and +27 melee (1d8+6, 2 wings); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ Acid

resistance 10, breath weapon, cold resistance 10, damage reduction 15/+2, darkvision 60 ft., electricity resistance 10, fire

resistance 10, low-light vision, piercing beak, spell resistance 26, wailing dive; AL none; SV Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +13;

AP 0; Rep +0; Str 34, Dex 11, Con 26, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 12.Skills: Climb +19, Hide +2, Intimidate +16, Jump +17, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Speak Draconic, Spot +7, Survival +7,

Swim +19.Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Snatch, Sunder.Advancement: 20-30 HD (Huge); 31-40 HD (Gargantuan).

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 Maero  Maero Physical Features: The maero are vaguely human-like entities with muscular and decidedly hairy bodies, long arms, bony

fingers ending in claws shaped like spearheads, bloodshot eyes sunken deep into their sockets, and long fang-like teeth that

 protrude out of mouths that cannot fully close.

Origin: Like the humans known as the Maori, the maero were islanders that eventually rafted their way to New Zealand. Itis unknown whether the maero or humans reached New Zealand first or possibly even arrived around the same time.

Region and Habitat: Few maero are left in the world of the living, but those that are can be found clustered together in the

dense, protected mountain rainforests of the Catlins region of southern New Zealand.

Habits and Personality: Maero culture is a deeply religious one, focused around the belief in an innate spiritual power 

 birthed in the depths of the planet. In the farthest reaches of ancient caves untouched by tourism and exploration, they

gather around stones coated with etchings in luminescent paint, divining the great questions of life from the scars and

craters that tell the life story of the primal rocks. Stones that happen to have fossils in them are of particular merit,

considered to be signs and portents of earth-shattering importance. In spite of their great intellect, however, maero also possess a deep streak of abject cruelty. The cave people have never forgotten that the Maori defeated them and drove them

to near-extinction. Time has only made this wound fester, not heal, and the sight of a human is one that a maero cannot

abide by. While the lands of these creatures are rarely traversed by human feet, those that do enter the lands of the maero are

 believed to have defiled the spirit of the land by their presence and are attacked. Captured humans are either eaten or pitted

against other captives in gladiatorial blood sports that take place in large cavern antechambers lined with blood-paintedglyphs. A long history of such captures has lead to the maero adopting the language of the Maori and English, though they

will rarely converse with a human unless it is to utter demoralizing taunts.

Combat: Maero are sometimes referred to by English New Zealanders as “Catlins trolls”, and with good reason – while not

actually related to trolls, they do share the northern giants’ infamous brutality and ability to regenerate even if they are

hacked apart. A maero combatant will typically use the environment to its advantage, such as attacking from a height or 

trying to get a foe tangled in underbrush. When it comes down to performing the deed of killing, however, the tools of the

trade are the vicious “railroad spike” teeth and rending claws that the maero sport. A maero that is clearly on the losing end

of a fight – one that has had all of its limbs hacked off, for instance – will let out a subsonic “whoop” to let other maero

know to come to its aid.

Other Information: Maero are lead by a priest, typically with levels in either Dedicated Hero and Mystic or Dedicated

Hero and Wildlord.

Species Traits

Call for Help (Ex): Whenever a maero calls for help, there is a 75% chance that there are 1d4 other maero nearby that will

come to aid it within 3d8 rounds.

Flurry of Blows (Ex): A maero can decide to strike with ferocity rather than accuracy. This works as per the Martial Artist

class feature of the same name, with the maero's claws being the attack of focus.

Regeneration (Ex): Acid and fire deal normal damage to a maero. If a maero loses a limb or body part, the lost portion

regrows in 3d6 minutes or instantly if reattached.

Maero: CR 7; Large Monstrous Humanoid; HD 8d8+48; HP 84; Mas 22; Init +4; Spd 40 ft.; Defense 20, touch 13, flat-

footed 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +7 natural); BAB +8; Grap +19; Atk +14 melee (1d8+7, claw); Full Atk +14 melee (1d8+7, 2

claws) and +12 melee (1d6+3, bite); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ Call for help, darkvision 60 ft., flurry of blows,rend 2d8+10, regeneration 5; AL tribe; SV Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 24, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 14,

Cha 14.Skills: Bluff +9, Hide +12, Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) +10, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Sense Motive +9,

Speak Maero, Speak one human language (typically English or Te Reo Maori), Spot +9.Feats: Alertness, Multiattack, Power Attack.Advancement: 9-15 HD (Large) or by character class.Possessions: 5 lb. Satchel containing sacred stones and gathered food.

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 Mokele-Mbembe  Mokele-Mbembe Physical Features: Mokele-mbembe are 40 foot long beasts with a strange mish-mash of features – a body like that of an

elephant, tail like that of a crocodile, legs like those of a hippopotamus, feet like those of a monitor lizard, a long neck like

that of a python, and head like that of a rhinoceros, all wrapped in a package of thick grayish-brown scales.

Origin: While some mundanes that have heard tales of the mokele-mbembe believe it to be some sort of living dinosaur,these giant beasts are actually powerful water spirits born of the mighty Congo River.

Region and Habitat: The great swamps and jungle tributaries of the Congo River Basin are the natural habitat of the


Habits and Personality: Mokele-mbembe are solitary, standoffish, and ill-tempered beasts. They dwell alone in underwater 

caves or the deepest and most inhospitable parts of swamp-bound lakes or torrential rivers, their bulky bodies lodged into

the muddy bottom as they sluggishly watch the lifeforms that move around them. Like the kongamato that they sometimes

fight against for territory, the mokele-mbembe have a particular mundane animal that they have a strange fixated hatred on – 

in this case, hippopotami. A common hippopotamus that wanders too close to a mokele-mbembe will be rapidly assaulted.

Combat: A mokele-mbembe will more often than not simply use its immense bulk as a weapon, crushing smaller foes

under it. Combat against foes too swift or too large to trample are a combination of rapid movements of the tail and neck,

allowing the mokele to simultaneously use its immense tail and vicious nasal horn to bludgeon and gore the target.

Other Information: There are cases in which a mokele-mbembe’s spiritual side utterly overwhelms its natural one, creating

an incorporeal, ghost-like spirit of the waters. Such a mokele-mbembe effectively has the Spirit template, even if its spirit

subtype would technically normally prevent it from actually gaining the aforementioned template.

Species Traits

Fetid Flesh (Ex): While mokele-mbembe can and do eat plant matter as sustenance, much of their energy by siphoning

magical traces from the waters around them. In this process, they also happen to make their flesh particularly potent. Any

creature that bites a mokele-mbembe or otherwise ingests its flesh must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or contract West

 Nile virus.

Stop the Flow (Su): The name mokele-mbembe means “the one who stops the flow of rivers”, and with good reason. Once per day, a mokele-mbembe can take a full round action to effectively stall inclement water conditions, lowering its status by

one (stormy to rough or rough to calm). This effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the mokele-mbembe’s Constitution


Mokele-Mbembe: CR 16; Gargantuan Magical Beast (Spirit); HD 22d10+176; HP 297; Mas 29; Init +1; Spd 20 ft., swim

30 ft.; Defense 28, touch 7, flat-footed 27 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +21 natural); BAB +22; Grap +44; Atk +28 melee (3d8+15,

gore); Full Atk +28 melee (3d8+15, gore) and +26 melee (2d8+5, tail slap); FS 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ Acid

immunity, amphibious, constrict 1d8+5, damage reduction 20/+2 and ballistic, darkvision 60 ft., fetid flesh, immune to

disease and poison, improved grab (tail), stop the flow, trample 3d8+15; AL none; SV Fort +21, Ref +14, Will +10; AP 0;

Rep +0; Str 30, Dex 12, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9.Skills: Listen +14, Spot +13, Swim +18.

Feats: Ability Focus (Trample), Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Damage Threshold, Iron Will, Lumbering

Gait, Multiattack, Power Attack.Advancement: 22-33 HD (Gargantuan); 34-66 HD (Colossal).

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 Naitaka  Naitaka Physical Features: The naitaka, or n’ha-a-itk, resembles an immense serpent with thick pectoral flippers, fluked tail, and

rough greenish-brown skin that superficially resembles the bark of a mossy log. Male naitaka have a vaguely horse-like

shape to their head, whiskers like those of eastern dragons, and two giraffe-like knobs on their heads. Naitaka are typically

around 35 feet in length.

Origin: These lake serpents have been around since at least the last glacial expanse retreated, carving up the lakes and

rivers of the northern hemisphere.

Region and Habitat: Naitaka dwell in deep, cold freshwater lakes in the lakes of Canada and the northern United States.

Groups of them that dwell in the same lake tend to be given affectionate local nicknames by those mundanes that know or 

simply believe in their existence, with such titles as Ogopogo, Manipogo, Pressie, Cressie, and Ponik.

Habits and Personality: Naitaka hide themselves in the shadows of the abyssal portions of their home lakes, silently

sliding around the bottom and hiding in crevices and caves that dot the lake’s floor and walls. Their prey is found in these

depths as well – sturgeon, true eels, and mussels are all a regular part of the naitaka’s diet, as are the corpses of large landmammals that sink to the icy bottom. A naitaka that actually heads to the lighted topwater is almost always in search of 

salmon or trout during their most active periods or pluck an unwary deer or herd animal from the shoreline, though there are

also times when a specimen slides just beneath the water’s surface to soak up the rays of the sun in what appears to be a

form of recreation for the serpents.

Combat: While naitaka would rather avoid fights entirely, as they know they are relatively fragile for creatures of their 

immense length, they can defend themselves ferociously if the need arises. Their sinuous bodies can curl around foes like a

constrictor snake, suffocating them as its powerful forelimbs and fish trap-like jaws batter the foe down to further deplete itsoxygen supply.

Other Information: The Shuswap people speak of more supernaturally-inclined naitaka as frightful fog-dwelling water 

demons that will bring foul weather and consume those that swim or canoe near their caves unless they receive a sacrificial

offering such as a young animal. While thankfully rare, these heinous serpents do indeed exist. A water demon naitaka has

the statistics of a 20 HD naitaka with the Mist Creature and Elemental Exemplar templates.

Species Traits

Hazy Outline (Su): This works as per the common sea serpent and deep sea serpent special quality of the same name.

Skills: A naitaka can easily make itself resemble a log, granting it a +20 bonus to Hide checks when it is submerged.

Naitaka: CR 8; Gargantuan Magical Beast; HD 12d10+48; HP 126; Mas 18; Init +1; Spd swim 40 ft.; Defense 23, touch 7,

flat-footed 22 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +16 natural); BAB +12; Grap +39; Atk +19 melee (3d8+16, bite); Full Atk +19 melee

(3d8+16, bite) and +14 melee (2d6+5, 2 slams); FS 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ Amphibious, cold immunity, constrict

1d6+5, damage reduction 15/ballistic, darkvision 60 ft., improved grab (bite), hazy outline; AL none; SV Fort +12, Ref +9,

Will +5; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 32, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 7.

Skills: Hide -8 (+12 when submerged), Listen +10, Speak Low Saurian, Spot +8.Feats: Alertness, Improved Constrict, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Power Attack.

Advancement: 13-24 HD (Gargantuan); 25-36 HD (Colossal).

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 Orang-Bati  Orang-Bati Physical Features: An orang-bati mostly resembles an upsized (around standard human height) gibbon with a hairless

charcoal gray body, save for the fact that it has long, pointed ears and bat-like wings instead of arms.

Origin: Orang-bati seem to be direct offshoots of the apes known as gibbons, though how or why they developed flight is

unknown. No fossils of any ancestral transitory stage between primal gibbons and orang-bati have been found in the humid,all-consuming jungles they dwell in.

Region and Habitat: These strange flying humanoids can be found roosting on isolated Indonesian islands that have

adequate jungle habitat, caverns, and fishing spots. At least one orang-bati was encountered as far north as Vietnam in 1969,

when the American First Marine Division encountered a female specimen late at night on the outskirts of the occupied city

of Da Nang.

Habits and Personality: Groups are made up of 4 to 12 individuals lead by two “wise folk” – almost always the oldest

male and oldest female of the tribe, though exceptions are made when an individual shows powerful talent in true magic – 

and make their homes in a local cave system. The daylight hours are spent sleeping and tool-crafting while the wise folk  brew up herbs and teach the tribe oral traditions of their people. It is only at night that the orang-bati take flight from their 

cavernous homes, flying silently through the night in search of fish and small game to feed the tribe. An orang-bati that is

seen as having betrayed the wise folk is shunned and driven from the caves, forced to live and hunt alone away from tribal

lands. Such desperate shunned individuals will sometimes go to drastic measures to survive, including attacking human

children, which has mistakenly lead to local legends portraying the whole species as night terrors and anthropophages.

Combat: Orang-bati craft primitive stone weaponry such as spears and axes, but typically attempt to ward danger away

with wing strikes and bites before taking up arms. Whether or not it is using a weapon, an orang-bati always attempts tokeep in flight, staying just above their foe to avoid having to use their feet to stand on the ground rather than hold items.

Other Information: While the orang-bati are not exactly common creatures, even rarer are their monstrous cousins known

as the ahool. The ahool are ashen-furred monstrosities born of dark rituals meant to invoke Ravana, god of the rakshasa, and

are found in the service of his priests. Ahool are orang-bati with the Brute and Archfiend-spawn templates.

Species Traits

Blindsight (Ex): The orang-bati's blindsight is based on echolocation, and is thus negated by anything that blocks soundsuch as a field of magical silence.

Pedal Dexterity (Ex): While an orang-bati has no hands on its wings, its feet have opposable big toes and extremedexterity. As such, their feet are fully capable of acting as hands, performing tasks such as wielding weapons, grasping

levers, or using tools.

Skills: Orang-bati gain a +10 species bonus to Listen checks.

Bonus Feats: Orang-bati gain Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.

Orang-Bati: CR 2; Medium-size Monstrous Humanoid; HD 2d8+2; HP 11; Mas 12; Init +4; Spd 20 ft., climb 10 ft., fly 80

ft. (poor); Defense 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 natural); BAB +2; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (1d8+1, spear); Full

Atk +3 melee (1d8+1, spear) and -2 melee (1d4, bite) and -2 melee (1d3, 2 wings); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ

Blindsight 120 ft., low-light vision, pedal dexterity; AL tribe; SV Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 12, Dex 18,

Con 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14.

Skills: Climb +9, Hide +6, Listen +14, Move Silently +6, Search +6, Spot +4.Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Flyby Attack.

Advancement: By character class.Possessions: Crude harness with 3 lb. food satchel, spear.

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 Tatzelwurm  Tatzelwurm Physical Features: The tatzelwurm (“clawing worm”) has the appearance of a relatively large (typically 4 to 6 feet in

length) serpentine lizard with a vaguely cat-like head, serrations on its back, and no hind limbs.

Origin: A primal dragon of apparently natural origin, the tatzelwurm was probably crawling through rocks beneath western

dragons since at least the Pliocene.

Region and Habitat: Tatzelwurms are mostly found in the alpine regions of Austria and Sweden, though a few sporadicreports have also come out of France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.

Habits and Personality: A lot about the tatzelwurm’s nature can be discerned from other local names it has bestowed on it.

For instance, the alternative name stollenwurm (“worm in the holes”) refers to the fact that these serpentine dragons are

found slithering their way through crags and crevices high in the rock-strewn mountain passes. Much of the tatzelwurm’s

year is spent either sleeping wedged in rock crevices or lying in wait for prey. While it prefers easy meals such as marmots,

a tatzelwurm will not hesitate to take down a horned ungulate such as a chamois or ibex if it can ambush one away from its

herd. Like the much larger western dragons, tatzelwurms do have a tendency to hoard items, though in their case it is moreoften interestingly-shaped bones and horns from prey rather than anything of human value. These secretive serpents can

also speak the mother tongue of Draconic, but only speak brief and hostile sentences. Even a fully grown western dragon

does not truly gain respect from a tatelzwurm – they are simply too ill-tempered and sluggish to care about any form of 

 pecking order other than the food chain.

Combat: The third name for this creature, the springwurm (“jumping worm”) hints at how it engages in combat. A

tatzelwurm will pounce from its hiding place, attempting to latch onto the face of its target. Once it nears the foe’s mouth, it

attempts to expel a toxic vapor that weakens the unlucky victim. Enemies that prove resistant to the poison breath aresavagely attacked with swift claw strikes.

Other Information: Those that travel through Germany may find themselves noticing mundane statues that show what

appear to be winged tatzelwurms. These are not merely a case of mistaken appearance when translating the supernatural into

mundan legend – these are statues of the vile spitswurm (“worm of the mountain peak”). Spitswurms bear a strong

resemblance to the giant wyrms found farther east, and may in fact be a bridging point between them and the tatzelwurm. A

spitswurm uses tatzelwurm stats, but has a fly speed of 50 feet with poor maneuverability.

Species Traits

Poison Gasp (Ex): When grappling, instead of making a bite or claw attack, a tatzelwurm can instead breathe a poisonous

vapor (inhaled, Fortitude DC 12, initial and secondary 1d2 Str) directly into the foe's face. A tatzelwurm must begin its turnalready in a grapple to use this ability – that is, it cannot begin a grapple and use its poison gasp in the same turn. The save

DC is Constitution-based, with a +1 species bonus to the DC total.

Skills: Tatzelwurms gain a +6 species bonus to Hide checks when in rocky areas.

Tatzelwurm: CR 2; Medium-size Dragon; HD 3d12+3; HP 22; Mas 15; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch

12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural); BAB +3; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d8+2, bite); Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+2, bite) and+0 melee (1d4+1, 2 claws); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Cold resistance 5, damage reduction 3/+1, darkvision 60 ft.,

low-light vision, poison gasp, pounce; AL none; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 3,

Wis 14, Cha 6.Skills: Climb +12, Escape Artist +6, Hide +5 (+11 in rocky areas), Move Silently +5, Speak Draconic.Feats: Dodge, Improved Damage Threshold.

Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-9 HD (Large).

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 BonusTemplate:MistCreature  BonusTemplate:MistCreature Mist creatures are shocking entities seen only in glimpses, briefly seen in rolling banks of fog or rising mist from an early

morning lake. They can be elemental entities from the realms of air or water, dwellers in a realm of mists, or things of the

material world that are tied to the hazy and forgotten places of the world. A mist creature is typically a ghostly pale color,

with any hair, fur, or feathers becoming wisps of fog that swirl around even when the winds are still.

Creating a Mist Creature

“Mist creature” is a template that can be applied to any living, corporeal creature that lives in or around water, so long as itdoes not have the Earth or Fire subtypes.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.Size and Type: The mist creature gains the Air and Water subtypes if it does not already have them. Animals and Vermin

that gain this template become Magical Beasts.Special Qualities: Mist creatures gain the following special qualities.

-Air Mastery (Ex): Any creature that is airborne suffers a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against the mist creature.-Amphibious (Ex): All mist creatures can breathe air and water with equal ease.

-Cloud Sight (Ex): A mist creature can see through fog, gas, mist, smoke, and clouds without inhibition. Creatures andobjects do not gain concealment from the mist creature if they are in such areas.

-Gaseous Form (Su): A mist creature can transform into a floating mist form (as per the gaseous form spell) at will.

Becoming mist or returning to its normal form is a move action.-Immunities (Ex): Mist creatures are immune to inhaled poisons, as well as spells or attacks that are related to clouds, fog,

gas, or mist.-Resistances (Ex): Mist creatures have cold resistance 10 and fire resistance 10.-Spell-like Abilities (Sp): 3/day-create water, obscuring mist; 1/day-cloudkill, shunt storm.

Caster level equal to the total HD of the mist creature, and saves are Charisma-based. A mist creature can still use its spellswhen in gaseous form.

Ability Scores: Same as the base creature, with the following adjustments: Str -2, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2.Skills: A mist creature that is in gaseous form while in an area affected by fog, clouds, smoke, or similar conditions, it

receives a +15 bonus to Hide checks.Languages: If the mist creature can speak, it gains Speak Aquan and Speak Auran as bonus vocal languages.

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 BonusTemplate:Sea-Claimed  BonusTemplate:Sea-Claimed The open ocean is a vast, unforgiving expanse. Even more unforgiving are the abyssal reaches at the bottom of these great

“watery deserts”, where only the hardiest lifeforms survive in an inky black realm. It is from these depths that the sea-

claimed, relentless undead with powers tied to the dark and deep, crawl forth. They are frightful monsters to behold, their 

 bloated flesh turned into pale, ice coated blubber that clings to skeletons that crawl with isopods, crabs, and other deep sea

scavengers, their teeth warped into a ghastly array of sharp spikes, and any hands contorted into curving claws. The equallyrotted mind of a sea-claimed is consumed with a never-satisfied hunger for warm flesh that can rival the cravings of any

ghoul. While most settle on consuming sea life that dwells in the abyss, some intelligent sea-claimed dream of bigger things, putting aside their hatred of the warmth and light of the sun’s rays in order to find and sink ships and consume their human


Creating a Sea-Claimed

“Sea-claimed” is an acquired template that can be applied to any living, corporeal creature that could feasibly have its dead

 body sit at the bottom of the open ocean – for example, while a whale is likely to leave a carcass and a sailor could fall

overboard and drift into the briny deep, a sea-claimed elephant would be highly unlikely.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.Size and Type: Sea-claimed become Undead with the Cold subtype.

Speed: If it does not already have one, a sea-claimed gains a swim speed equal to its base land speed.Defense: The sea-claimed gains a +3 natural armor bonus to Defense.Attacks: If the If the base creature possesses at least one mouth but has no natural attack with it, the dread lacedon gains a

 bite attack with each mouth - the bite attack is primary if the base creature has no natural attacks, or secondary if it does. If the base creature possesses at least one arm but has no natural attacks (such as slams) with it, each limb gains a claw attack.

The claw attack is secondary unless the creature has no other natural attacks at all, in which case it is primary. The damage

dealt by each type of attack is based on size: 1 bite no claw damage if size Fine, 1d2 bite and no claw damage if Diminutive,1d3 bite and 1 claw if Tiny, 1d4 bite and 1d2 claw if Small, 1d6 bite and 1d3 claw if Medium-size, 1d8 bite and 1d4 claw if 

Large, 2d6 bite and 1d6 claw if Huge, 2d8 bite and 1d8 claw if Gargantuan, and 4d6 bite and 2d6 claw if Colossal.Special Qualities: Sea-claimed gain the following special qualities.

-Create Spawn (Su): While a sea-claimed usually ravenously devours fallen foes or invites its host of scavengers to

 partake in the feast, a slain foe that remains unmoved on the ocean floor until the next new moon will rise as a sea-claimed.

Moving the body from its resting place, dismembering it, or other forms of disturbance will prevent this spawn creation – a

simple act of scavenging such as nibbling at small pieces of flesh without moving the body or taking off limbs, however,

will not. The spawned sea-claimed is obedient to the original sea-claimed as long as it is within a 30 foot radius – otherwise,the spawn is free-willed.

-Improved Grab (Ex): A sea-claimed gains improved grab with its primary natural attack.-Nauseating Flesh (Ex): The flesh of a sea-claimed is even more rank than what one would normally expect from an

undead creature. A creature that damages a sea-claimed with a bite attack, swallows one whole, or otherwise consumes a

 part of its flesh must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be nauseated for 1 day. Even on a success, the target is still

nauseated for 1d4 rounds.-Paralysis (Ex): A creature damaged by a bite or claw attack from a sea-claimed must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10

+ 1/2 the sea-claimed's total character level + its Charisma modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds.-Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will-freezing hands; 3/day-darkness, obscuring mist; 1/day-icicles.

-Turn Resistance (Ex) Sea-claimed have +4 turn resistance.Ability Scores: Same as the base creature, with the following adjustments: Str +4, Dex +4, Con -, Int +2, Wis +4.

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 OpenGameLicense  OpenGameLicense OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich

Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison,

Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip

Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, JamesWyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Creature Collection Revised Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Advanced Bestiary, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Matthew Sernett.

Bane Ledger II Copyright 2005, Bloodstone Press.

Tome of Horrors III Copyright 2005 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, with Casey Christofferson, Erica

Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark 

Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb and Bill Webb.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam

Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter,

and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Molti Segreti Nascosti Core Rulebook Extended Edition; Copyright 2013, Rappy Winters.

Case Files 2-Cryptid Creatures; Copyright 2013, Rappy Winters.