CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1 Endpt2 Habitat Plant/Anima Media Dur Orig Dur Unit Orig Dur Preferred Dur Unit Preferred Conc Type Conc Value1 Orig Conc Units Orig Conc Value1 Purity Adjusted 1 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BCM BCM CARO NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 19 ppm 19 2 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM PRCO NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1 3 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM PRCO NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1 4 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM PRCO NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1 5 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50 6 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50 7 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50 8 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50 9 732116 Phosmet 4242 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Red clover BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 5 ppm 5 10 732116 Phosmet 4242 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Red clover BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50 11 732116 Phosmet 10337 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Melilotus alba White sweetclover BCM BCM ACRR LOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 5 ppm 5 12 732116 Phosmet 10337 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Melilotus alba White sweetclover BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 5 ppm 5 13 732116 Phosmet 230 Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Culicidae Aedes aegypti Yellow fever mosquito BEH BEH PHTR EC50 aquatic Animal FW 8 h 0.333333333 d F 0.0049 mg/L 0.0049 14 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO DVP DFRM NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 10 d 10 d F 30 mg/kg 30 15 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken BCM ENZ CEST IC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 400 ppm 400 16 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken BCM ENZ CEST IC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 560 ppm 554.4 17 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BCM ENZ CEST NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 9.2 ppm 9.2 18 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BCM ENZ CEST NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d A 19 ppm 19 19 732116 Phosmet 4930 Chordata Aves Passeriformes Hirundinidae Tachycineta bicolor tree swallow BCM ENZ CEST NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 19 d 19 d F 3.75 kg/ha 3.75 20 732116 Phosmet 4987 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Capra hircus Wild Goat BCM ENZ CEST LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 5 mg/kg bdwt/d 5 21 732116 Phosmet 10669 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae NR Apidae Bee family BEH FDB FDNG NOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 7 d 7 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260 22 732116 Phosmet 10669 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae NR Apidae Bee family BEH FDB FDNG NOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 3 d 3 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260 23 732116 Phosmet 10669 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae NR Apidae Bee family BEH FDB FDNG NOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 9 d 9 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260 24 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 19 ppm 19 25 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d A 19 ppm 19 26 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d F 14.8 ppm 13.7048 27 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58 28 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 22 mg/kg 21.076 29 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58 30 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 5 mg/kg 4.79 31 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 4 d 4 d A 30 mg/kg 30 32 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 d 1 d A 30 mg/kg 30 33 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 4 d 4 d A 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 34 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO GRO WGHT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 10 d 10 d F 2500 ppm 2500 35 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO GRO GAIN LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 500 mg/kg 495 36 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO GRO GAIN NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 800 ppm 792 37 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58 38 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 22 mg/kg 21.076 39 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 20 mg/kg 19.16 40 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 5 mg/kg 4.79 41 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58 42 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 13 d 13 d A 30 mg/kg 30

CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

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Page 1: CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1 Endpt2 Habitat Plant/Anima Media Dur Orig Dur Unit Orig Dur Preferred Dur Unit Preferred Conc Type Conc Value1 Orig Conc Units Orig Conc Value1 Purity Adjusted

1 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BCM BCM CARO NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 19 ppm 19

2 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM PRCO NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1

3 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM PRCO NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1

4 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM PRCO NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1

5 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50

6 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50

7 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50

8 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50

9 732116 Phosmet 4242 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Red clover BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 5 ppm 5

10 732116 Phosmet 4242 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Red clover BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 50 ppm 50

11 732116 Phosmet 10337 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Melilotus alba White sweetclover BCM BCM ACRR LOAEL terrestrial Plant ART 21 d 21 d A 5 ppm 5

12 732116 Phosmet 10337 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Melilotus alba White sweetclover BCM BCM ACRR NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 21 d 21 d A 5 ppm 5

13 732116 Phosmet 230 Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Culicidae Aedes aegypti Yellow fever mosquito BEH BEH PHTR EC50 aquatic Animal FW 8 h 0.333333333 d F 0.0049 mg/L 0.0049

14 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO DVP DFRM NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 10 d 10 d F 30 mg/kg 30

15 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken BCM ENZ CEST IC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 400 ppm 400

16 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken BCM ENZ CEST IC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 560 ppm 554.4

17 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BCM ENZ CEST NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 9.2 ppm 9.2

18 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BCM ENZ CEST NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d A 19 ppm 19

19 732116 Phosmet 4930 Chordata Aves Passeriformes Hirundinidae Tachycineta bicolor tree swallow BCM ENZ CEST NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 19 d 19 d F 3.75 kg/ha 3.75

20 732116 Phosmet 4987 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Capra hircus Wild Goat BCM ENZ CEST LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 5 mg/kg bdwt/d 5

21 732116 Phosmet 10669 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae NR Apidae Bee family BEH FDB FDNG NOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 7 d 7 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260

22 732116 Phosmet 10669 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae NR Apidae Bee family BEH FDB FDNG NOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 3 d 3 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260

23 732116 Phosmet 10669 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae NR Apidae Bee family BEH FDB FDNG NOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 9 d 9 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260

24 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 19 ppm 19

25 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d A 19 ppm 19

26 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d F 14.8 ppm 13.7048

27 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58

28 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 22 mg/kg 21.076

29 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58

30 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 5 mg/kg 4.79

31 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 4 d 4 d A 30 mg/kg 30

32 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 d 1 d A 30 mg/kg 30

33 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat BEH FDB FCNS NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 4 d 4 d A 1.5 mg/kg 1.5

34 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO GRO WGHT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 10 d 10 d F 2500 ppm 2500

35 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO GRO GAIN LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 500 mg/kg 495

36 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO GRO GAIN NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 800 ppm 792

37 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58

38 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 22 mg/kg 21.076

39 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 20 mg/kg 19.16

40 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 5 mg/kg 4.79

41 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 10 mg/kg 9.58

42 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 13 d 13 d A 30 mg/kg 30

Page 2: CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

Conc Value1 Operato Conc Value1 Preferred Conc Value2 Orig Conc Value2 Purity Adjusted Conc Value2 Operato Conc Value2 Preferred Conc Units Preferred Number of Conc pH Hardness Hardness Unit Organic Matter Value Organic Matter Unit Organic Matter Type % Purity Test Loc Exp Type Test ID Ref # Author Title Source Publication Year Comments

1 19 ppm 3 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/lactating Jersey cows// EXPDUR/silage aged 44 days prior to start of feeding, exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 7 day standardization period// EDES/study 1, corn plants sprayed with insecticide, one day following treatment the corn was harvested and made into silage and fed to cows// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter// GENERAL/OEF, VITA also reported and RSDE not coded, not detected in milk

2 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

ORG/Vernal// EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Rapid City 1// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

3 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

ORG/Vernal// EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Rapid City 2// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

4 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

ORG/Vernal// EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Gregory// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

5 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Pioneer variety 530// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in vermiculite grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day test tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

6 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Pioneer variety 530// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in soil grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day test tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

7 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Vernal variety// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in vermiculite grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day test tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

8 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Vernal variety// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in soil grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day tes tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

9 5 50 50 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Kenstar variety// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in vermiculite grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day test tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

10 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Kenstar variety// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in soil grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day tes tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

11 5 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Arctic variety// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in vermiculite grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day test tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

12 5 50 50 50 ppm 2 95.7 Lab DA NO 64478 Smith CR;Funke BR;Schulz JT;

Effects of Insecticides on Acetylene Reduction by Alfalfa, Red Clover and Sweetclover Soil Biol Biochem 10(6): 463-466 1978

ORG/Arctic variety// EDES/Author tests BCM effects in soil grown plants, germinated in petri dish, at germination, as controls, seed and radicle either notinoculated or inoculated with Rhizobium, plants then transferred to test tubes for growth and testing, last day tes tubes were stopped and injected with acetylene for 1 hour// GENERAL/OEF, GRO NODE also reported not analyzed, bacterial growth also reported//

13 0.0049 mg/L 5 to 7 7.2 44 mg/L CaCO3 100 Lab S NO 60134 Simonet DE;Knausenberger WI;Townsend LH;Turner EC;

A Biomonitoring Procedure Utilizing Negative Phototaxis of First Instar Aedes aegypti Larvae Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 7(3): 339-347 1978

14 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976

ORG/gestation day 9// EE/hypognathia, edema, dislocation of extremities//

15 400 ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 38751 Sherman M;Ross E;Chang MTY; Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Several Organophosphorus Insecticides to Chicks Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 6(): 147-153 1964

ORG/Single comb White Leghorn // GENERAL/Also tested, acute toxicity with no reported control.//

16 554.4 ppm 4 >99 Lab FD NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Single Comb White Leghorn chicks// EDES/Author tests growth and mortality in subacute toxicity study//

17 9.2 19 19 19 ppm 3 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/lactating Jersey cows// EXPDUR/silage aged 44 days prior to start of feeding, exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 7 day standardization period// EE/acetylcholine hydrolized// EDES/study 1, corn plants sprayed with insecticide, one day following treatment the corn was harvested and made into silage and fed to cows// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter// GENERAL/OEF, VITA also reported and RSDE not coded, not detected in milk

18 19 ppm 1 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/Jersey cows 81 to 176 days in gestation// EXPDUR/exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 5 day standardization period// EE/activity acetylcholine hydrolyzed// EDES/study 2, spiked silage// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter// GENERAL/OEF ABRT reported, no clear dose response//

19 3.75 kg/ha 1 100 FieldN SP NO 47897 Burgess NM;Hunt KA;Bishop C;Weseloh DV;

Cholinesterase Inhibition in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) Exposed to Organophosphorus Insecticides in Apple Orchards in Ontario, Canada Environ Toxicol Chem 18(4): 708-716 1999 EE/plasma, brain also reported//

20 5 mg/kg bdwt/d 2 95 Lab IG NO 38047 Mount ME;

Comparison of Measurement of Dialkyl Phosphates in Milk/Urine and Blood Cholinesterase and Insecticide Concentrations in Goats Exposed to the Organophosphate Insecticide, Imidan Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 72(2): 236-244 1984

EXPDUR/Other durations reported.// EE/Additional response site is plasma. Recovery data also reported.// GENERAL/Clinical toxicological signs also reported. Also reported, urinary concentrations of metabolites from acute single dose.//

21 1260 ai g/ha 1 50 FieldN SP NO 36954 Hagley EAC; Pesticides, Pollination, and Fruit Set on Apple Can Entomol 115(11): 1535-1536 1983

ORG/Honey bee// EDES/Author tests repellency of test chemical applied to apple trees in full pink stage of blossom development//

22 1260 ai g/ha 1 50 FieldN SP NO 36954 Hagley EAC; Pesticides, Pollination, and Fruit Set on Apple Can Entomol 115(11): 1535-1536 1983

ORG/Honey bee// EDES/Author tests repellency of test chemical applied to apple trees in full pink stage of blossom development//

23 1260 ai g/ha 1 50 FieldN SP NO 36954 Hagley EAC; Pesticides, Pollination, and Fruit Set on Apple Can Entomol 115(11): 1535-1536 1983

ORG/Honey bee// EDES/Author tests repellency of test chemical applied to apple trees in full pink stage of blossom development//

24 19 ppm 3 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/lactating Jersey cows// EXPDUR/silage aged 44 days prior to start of feeding, exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 7 day standardization period// EDES/study 1, corn plants sprayed with insecticide, one day following treatment the corn was harvested and made into silage and fed to cows// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter// GENERAL/OEF, VITA also reported and RSDE not coded, not detected in milk

25 19 ppm 1 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/Jersey cows 81 to 176 days in gestation// EXPDUR/exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 5 day standardization period// EDES/study 2, spiked silage// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter//

26 <= 13.7048 ppm 1 92.6 Lab FD NO 37334 Johnson JC Jr.;Bowman MC; Fate of Bidrin and Imidan when Fed in Silage to Lactating Dairy Cows J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1225-1228 1968 ORG/lactating Jersey breed//

27 9.58 mg/kg bdwt 4 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2669 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

28 21.076 mg/kg bdwt 4 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2669 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

29 9.58 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

30 4.79 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

31 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 8 to day 12. Additional durations reported.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 8//

32 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 12 to day 13. Additional durations reported.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 12//

33 1.5 30 30 30 mg/kg bdwt 3 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 0 to day 4// EDES/Multiple doses starting on gestational day 0.//

34 2500 ppm 1 100 Lab FD NO 48673 DeVaney JA;Ivie GW;

Systemic Activity of Coumaphos, Famphur Crufomate, Ronnel, and Phosmet Given Orally to Hens for Control of the Northern Fowl Mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago) Poult Sci 59(): 1208-1210 1980

ORG/started pullets// GENERAL/three control types used. One with no treatment, one with acetone treated feed, one with acetone treted capsule.//

35 495 ppm 1 >99 Lab DT NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Single Comb White Leghorn chicks// EXPDUR/observed for two weeks// EDES/Author tests growth and mortality in acute toxicity study//

36 792 ppm 4 >99 Lab FD NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Single Comb White Leghorn chicks// EDES/Author tests growth and mortality in subacute toxicity study//

37 9.58 mg/kg bdwt 4 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2669 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

38 21.076 mg/kg bdwt 4 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2669 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

39 19.16 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

40 4.79 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

41 9.58 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

42 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 8 to day 21// EE/Maternal body weight also reported as not significantly different from control.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 8//

Page 3: CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1 Endpt2 Habitat Plant/Anima Media Dur Orig Dur Unit Orig Dur Preferred Dur Unit Preferred Conc Type Conc Value1 Orig Conc Units Orig Conc Value1 Purity Adjusted

43 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 1 d 1 d A 30 mg/kg 30

44 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO GRO WGHT NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 4 d 4 d A 1.5 mg/kg 1.5

45 732116 Phosmet 3275 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Violales Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaya GRO GRO HGHT NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 5 wk 35 d A 0.125 % 0.125

46 732116 Phosmet 3275 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Violales Caricaceae Carica papaya Papaya GRO GRO HGHT NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 5 wk 35 d A 0.25 % 0.25

47 732116 Phosmet 10472 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Megachilidae Megachile rotundata Alfalfa leafcutter bee MOR MOR MORT NR-LETH terrestrial Animal MIX 24 h 1 d A 1.1 ai kg/ha 1.1

48 732116 Phosmet 5208 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Halictidae Nomia melanderi Alkali bee MOR MOR MORT NR-LETH terrestrial Animal MIX 24 h 1 d A 1.1 ai kg/ha 1.1

49 732116 Phosmet 50 Arthropoda Malacostraca Isopoda Asellidae Asellus brevicaudus Aquatic sowbug MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 48 h 2 d F 100 ug/L 100

50 732116 Phosmet 16836 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Eulophidae Colpoclypeus florus Eulophid wasp MOR MOR MORT NR-ZERO terrestrial Animal NONE 21 d 21 d F 300 ppm 300

51 732116 Phosmet 16836 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Eulophidae Colpoclypeus florus Eulophid wasp MOR MOR MORT NR-LETH terrestrial Animal NONE 1 d 1 d F 750 ppm 750

52 732116 Phosmet 16836 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Eulophidae Colpoclypeus florus Eulophid wasp MOR MOR MORT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 48 h 2 d F 75 ppm 75

53 732116 Phosmet 4910 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera Honey bee MOR MOR MORT NR-LETH terrestrial Animal MIX 24 h 1 d A 1.1 ai kg/ha 1.1

54 732116 Phosmet 4910 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera Honey bee MOR MOR MORT NR-LETH terrestrial Animal NONE 18 h 0.75 d A 0.1 % 0.1

55 732116 Phosmet 4910 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera Honey bee MOR MOR MORT NR-ZERO terrestrial Animal NONE 18 h 0.75 d A 0.01 % 0.01

56 732116 Phosmet 4907 Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica House fly MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 48 h 2 d F 3.2 ug 3.168

57 732116 Phosmet 4907 Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica House fly MOR MOR SURV LC50 terrestrial Animal MAN 3 d 3 d F 2 ppm 1.98

58 732116 Phosmet 16829 Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Tortricidae Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique banded leaf roller MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NR 120 h 5 d A 259 AI mg/L 259

59 732116 Phosmet 16829 Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Tortricidae Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique banded leaf roller MOR MOR MORT LC90 terrestrial Animal NR 120 h 5 d A 891 AI mg/L 891

60 732116 Phosmet 16829 Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Tortricidae Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique banded leaf roller MOR MOR MORT LC90 terrestrial Animal NR 120 h 5 d A 3522 AI mg/L 3522

61 732116 Phosmet 16829 Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Tortricidae Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique banded leaf roller MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NR 120 h 5 d A 1398 AI mg/L 1398

62 732116 Phosmet 16935 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae Trichogramma platneri Parasitic wasp MOR MOR MORT NR-LETH terrestrial Animal NONE 48 h 2 d F 750 ppm 750

63 732116 Phosmet 16935 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae Trichogramma platneri Parasitic wasp MOR MOR MORT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 48 h 2 d F 75 ppm 75

64 732116 Phosmet 16935 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae Trichogramma platneri Parasitic wasp MOR MOR MORT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 48 h 2 d F 750 ppm 750

65 732116 Phosmet 16935 Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae Trichogramma platneri Parasitic wasp MOR MOR MORT LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 48 h 2 d F 750 ppm 750

66 732116 Phosmet 27 Arthropoda Malacostraca Amphipoda Gammaridae Gammarus pseudolimnaeus Scud MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 48 h 2 d F 2.4 ug/L 2.4

67 732116 Phosmet 16865 Arthropoda Insecta Lepidoptera Noctuidae Lacanobia subjuncta Speckled cutworm moth MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal CUL 7 d 7 d F 171.4 mg/L 171.4

68 732116 Phosmet 20 Chordata Actinopterygii Siluriformes Ictaluridae Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 24 h 1 d F 13000 ug/L 13000

69 732116 Phosmet 11437 Chordata Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Anas sp. Dabbling duck MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 1620 ppm 1620

70 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken MOR MOR MORT NR-ZERO terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 800 ppm 800

71 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 2 wk 14 d F 707.0(585.2 TO 854.0) mg/kg 699.93(579.348 TO 845.46)

72 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken MOR MOR MORT NR-ZERO terrestrial Animal NONE 1 wk 7 d F 800 ppm 792

73 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 25.2(22.9 TO 27.7) mg/kg 25.074(22.7855 TO 27.5615)

74 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 23.1(22.2 TO 24.0) mg/kg 22.9845(22.089 TO 23.88)

75 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 24.9(21.9 TO 66.0) mg/kg 24.7755(21.7905 TO 65.67)

76 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 23.14(19.74 TO 36.82) mg/kg 23.0243(19.6413 TO 36.6359)

77 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD16 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 17.14(15.04 TO 20.30) mg/kg 17.0543(14.9648 TO 20.1985)

78 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD16 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 18.5(16.1 TO 19.7) mg/kg 18.4075(16.0195 TO 19.6015)

79 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD1 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 12.4(2.9 TO 15.0) mg/kg 12.338(2.8855 TO 14.925)

80 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD1 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 11.47(7.07 TO 13.50) mg/kg 11.41265(7.03465 TO 13.4325)

81 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD0.1 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 9.11(4.26 TO 11.49) mg/kg 9.06445(4.2387 TO 11.43255)

82 732116 Phosmet 4913 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Mus musculus House mouse MOR MOR MORT LD0.1 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d F 9.9(1.1 TO 13.2) mg/kg 9.8505(1.0945 TO 13.134)

83 732116 Phosmet 4435 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 2000(1450 TO 2830) ppm 2000(1450 TO 2830)

84 732116 Phosmet 4435 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MOR MOR MORT LC50 Terrestrial Animal NR 8 d 8 d NR 1217 ppm 1198.745

85 732116 Phosmet 4435 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 8 d 8 d F 1217(106 TO 1392) ppm food 1217(106 TO 1392)

86 732116 Phosmet 4435 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 5 d 5 d A 2072 ppm 2072

87 732116 Phosmet 4435 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 5 d 5 d F 2041 ppm 255.125

88 732116 Phosmet 2994 Chordata Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Mallard duck MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 4050(2680 TO 6100) ppm 4050(2680 TO 6100)

89 732116 Phosmet 2994 Chordata Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Mallard duck MOR MOR MORT LC50 Terrestrial Animal NR 8 d 8 d NR 5000 ppm 4925

90 732116 Phosmet 2994 Chordata Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Mallard duck MOR MOR MORT LD50 Terrestrial Animal NR 18 d 18 d NR 500 lb/acre 500

91 732116 Phosmet 2994 Chordata Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Mallard duck MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 8 d 8 d F 5000 ppm food 5000

92 732116 Phosmet 2994 Chordata Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Mallard duck MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 14 d 14 d A 1830(1270 TO 2630) mg/kg 1830(1270 TO 2630)

93 732116 Phosmet 4456 Chordata Aves Galliformes Odontophoridae Colinus virginianus northern bobwhite MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 840(670 TO 1050) ppm 840(670 TO 1050)

94 732116 Phosmet 4456 Chordata Aves Galliformes Odontophoridae Colinus virginianus northern bobwhite MOR MOR MORT LC50 Terrestrial Animal NR 8 d 8 d NR 501 ppm 493.485

95 732116 Phosmet 4456 Chordata Aves Galliformes Odontophoridae Colinus virginianus northern bobwhite MOR MOR MORT LC50 terrestrial Animal NONE 8 d 8 d F 501(339 TO 781) ppm food 501(339 TO 781)

96 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat MOR MOR SURV LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 10 d 10 d F 30 mg/kg 30

97 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat MOR MOR SURV NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 6 d 6 d F 30 mg/kg 30

98 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat MOR MOR SURV NOAEL LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 19 d 19 d F 0.06 mg/kg 0.06

99 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat MOR MOR MORT LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 25 mg/kg 23.95

100 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat MOR MOR MORT NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 20 mg/kg 19.16

101 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 2 wk 14 d F 245(161 TO 367) mg/kg 242.55(159.39 TO 363.33)

102 732116 Phosmet 4 Chordata Actinopterygii Salmoniformes Salmonidae Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout,donaldson trout MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 24 h 1 d F 760 ug/L 760

103 732116 Phosmet 4 Chordata Actinopterygii Salmoniformes Salmonidae Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout,donaldson trout MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 24 h 1 d F 750 ug/L 750

104 732116 Phosmet 4 Chordata Actinopterygii Salmoniformes Salmonidae Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout,donaldson trout MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 96 h 4 d F 560 ug/L 560

105 732116 Phosmet 4 Chordata Actinopterygii Salmoniformes Salmonidae Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout,donaldson trout MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal FW 96 h 4 d F 500 ug/L 500

106 732116 Phosmet 4437 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Phasianus colchicus ring-necked pheasant MOR MOR MORT LC50 Terrestrial Animal NR 8 d 8 d NR 3146 ppm 3098.81

107 732116 Phosmet 4437 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Phasianus colchicus ring-necked pheasant MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 14 d 14 d A 250 mg/kg 250

108 732116 Phosmet 4437 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Phasianus colchicus ring-necked pheasant MOR MOR MORT LD50 terrestrial Animal NONE 14 d 14 d A 237(171 TO 329) mg/kg 237(171 TO 329)

109 732116 Phosmet 385 Mollusca Bivalvia Mytiloida Mytilidae Mytilus galloprovincialis Mediterranean mussel MOR MOR MORT LC50 Aquatic Animal SW 96 h 4 d A 56000 ug/L 56000

110 732116 Phosmet 4997 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus domesticus Domestic Chicken GRO MPH RATO NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 7 d 7 d A 800 ppm 800

111 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO MPH OSSC LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 13 d 13 d A 30 mg/kg 30

Page 4: CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

Conc Value1 Operato Conc Value1 Preferred Conc Value2 Orig Conc Value2 Purity Adjusted Conc Value2 Operato Conc Value2 Preferred Conc Units Preferred Number of Conc pH Hardness Hardness Unit Organic Matter Value Organic Matter Unit Organic Matter Type % Purity Test Loc Exp Type Test ID Ref # Author Title Source Publication Year Comments

43 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 12 to day 13. Additional durations reported.// EE/Fetal weight also reported.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 12//

44 1.5 30 30 30 mg/kg bdwt 3 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 0 to day 4// EE/Fetal weight also reported.// EDES/Multiple doses starting on gestational day 0.//

45 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.25 % 4 100 Lab SP NO 25114 Sherman M;Sanchez FF; Further Studies on the Toxicity of Insecticides and Acaricides to the Papaya Hawaii Agric Exp Sta Tech Bull 74(): 5-63 1968

EXPDUR/after initial treatment; // EE/mean increase in height// EDES/Grown in pots// CHAR/3 E.C. (3 lb. act/gal.)// GENERAL/Minor foliar damage also reported//

46 0.25 % 4 100 Lab SP NO 25114 Sherman M;Sanchez FF; Further Studies on the Toxicity of Insecticides and Acaricides to the Papaya Hawaii Agric Exp Sta Tech Bull 74(): 5-63 1968

EXPDUR/after initial treatment; // EE/mean increase in height// EDES/Grown in pots// CHAR/50 WP// GENERAL/No foliar damage reported//

47 1.1 ai kg/ha 1 50 NR FS NO 91624 Mayer DF;Lunden JD;Kovacs G;

Susceptibility of Four Bee Species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) to Field Weathered Insecticide Residues J Entomol Soc B C 94(0): 27-30 1997

EDES/chemical applied to alfalfa field, this foliage was used to dose the bees after 2 hours and at 8 hours post treatment// CHAR/Phosmet 50WP//

48 1.1 ai kg/ha 1 50 NR FS NO 91624 Mayer DF;Lunden JD;Kovacs G;

Susceptibility of Four Bee Species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) to Field Weathered Insecticide Residues J Entomol Soc B C 94(0): 27-30 1997

EDES/chemical applied to alfalfa field, this foliage was used to dose the bees after 2 hours and at 8 hours post treatment// CHAR/phosmet 50WP//

49 0.1 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9233 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


50 300 ppm 1 100 Lab EN NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001 CHAR/XLR//

51 750 ppm 1 100 Lab EN NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001

EDES/Exposed to residue from 1 day after treatment// CHAR/50WP//

52 75 ppm 2 100 Lab C NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001 CHAR/50WP//

53 1.1 ai kg/ha 1 50 NR FS NO 91624 Mayer DF;Lunden JD;Kovacs G;

Susceptibility of Four Bee Species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) to Field Weathered Insecticide Residues J Entomol Soc B C 94(0): 27-30 1997

ORG/worker// EDES/chemical applied to alfalfa field, this foliage was used to dose the bees after 2 hours and at 8 hours post treatment// CHAR/phosmet 50WP//

54 0.1 % 4 >=95 Lab SP NO 96694 Harris CR;Svec HJ; Laboratory Studies on the Contact Toxicity of Some Insecticides to Honeybees Proc Entomol Soc Ont 100(): 165-167 1970

ORG/pure Italian strain// EDES/Potter spray tower used// CHAR/19:1 acetone : olive oil solvent mixture//

55 0.01 % 4 >=95 Lab SP NO 96694 Harris CR;Svec HJ; Laboratory Studies on the Contact Toxicity of Some Insecticides to Honeybees Proc Entomol Soc Ont 100(): 165-167 1970

ORG/pure Italian strain// EDES/Potter spray tower used// CHAR/19:1 acetone : olive oil solvent mixture//

56 3.168 ug >99 Lab EN NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Susceptible S-Stauffer strain// EE/per 25 females// EDES/Author tests mortality in study, chemical evaporated to residue in petri dish//

57 1.98 ppm >99 Lab DT NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Susceptible S-Stauffer strain// EDES/Author tests mortality in study, chemical incorporated in chicken droppings// GENERAL/LC50s for fly larvae fed droppings from chicks fed insecticides also reported, no conc measured in droppings//

58 259 AI mg/L 5 to 9 100 Lab FD NO 70966 Ahmad M;Hollingworth RM;Wise JC;

Broad-Spectrum Insecticide Resistance in Obliquebanded Leafroller Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Michigan Pest Manag Sci 58(8): 834-838 2002

ORG/second instar, Kalamazoo strain// CHAR/Imidan WP// GENERAL/strain resistance factors also reported//

59 891 AI mg/L 5 to 9 100 Lab FD NO 70966 Ahmad M;Hollingworth RM;Wise JC;

Broad-Spectrum Insecticide Resistance in Obliquebanded Leafroller Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Michigan Pest Manag Sci 58(8): 834-838 2002

ORG/second instar, Kalamazoo strain// CHAR/Imadan WP// GENERAL/strain resistance factors also reported//

60 3522 AI mg/L 5 to 9 100 Lab FD NO 70966 Ahmad M;Hollingworth RM;Wise JC;

Broad-Spectrum Insecticide Resistance in Obliquebanded Leafroller Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Michigan Pest Manag Sci 58(8): 834-838 2002

ORG/second instar, Berrien strain// CHAR/Imidan WP// GENERAL/strain resistance factors also reported//

61 1398 AI mg/L 5 to 9 100 Lab FD NO 70966 Ahmad M;Hollingworth RM;Wise JC;

Broad-Spectrum Insecticide Resistance in Obliquebanded Leafroller Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Michigan Pest Manag Sci 58(8): 834-838 2002

ORG/second instar, Berrien strain// CHAR/Imidan WP// GENERAL/strain resistance factors also reported//

62 750 ppm 1 100 Lab EN NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001

EDES/Exposed to residue from 1 day after treament// CHAR/50WP//

63 75 ppm 2 100 Lab C NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001 CHAR/50WP//

64 750 ppm 1 100 Lab EN NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001

EDES/Exposed to residue from 1 Day after treatment// CHAR/50WP//

65 750 ppm 1 100 Lab EN NO 63713 Brunner JF;Dunley JE;Doerr MD;Beers EH;

Effect of Pesticides on Colpoclypeus florus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Parasitoids of Leafrollers in Washington J Econ Entomol 94(5): 1075-1084 2001

EDES/Exposed to residue from 1 day after treament// CHAR/50WP//

66 0.0024 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9231 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


67 171.4 ppm 4 to 8 100 Lab EN NO 82540 Doerr MD;Brunner JF;Schrader LE;

Integrated Pest Management Approach for a New Pest, Lacanobia subjuncta (Lepidoptera Noctuidae), in Washington Apple Orchards Pest Manag Sci 60(10): 1025-1034 2004

ORG/F3 generation neonate larvae from Chelancolony. // EDES/Leaf disk bioassay//

68 13 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9223 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


69 1620 ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 73198 Shellenberger TE;Gough BJ;Escuriex LA; The Comparative Toxicity of Organophosphate Pesticides in Wildlife

In: W B Deichmann, (Ed ), Pesticides Symposia, Inter-Am Conf Toxicol Occup Med , Univ of Miami Schl of Med , Miami, FL(): 205-210 1970

ORG/Pekin// CHAR/corn oil also added to diet//

70 800 ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 38751 Sherman M;Ross E;Chang MTY; Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Several Organophosphorus Insecticides to Chicks Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 6(): 147-153 1964

ORG/Single comb White Leghorn // GENERAL/Also tested, acute toxicity with no reported control.//

71 699.93(579.348 TO 845.46) ppm 5 >99 Lab DT NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Single Comb White Leghorn chicks// EXPDUR/observed for two weeks, death occurring between 1 and 24 hours in higher doses// EDES/Author tests growth and mortality in acute toxicity study//

72 792 ppm 4 >99 Lab FD NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Single Comb White Leghorn chicks// EDES/Author tests growth and mortality in subacute toxicity study//

73 25.074(22.7855 TO 27.5615) mg/kg bdwt nr 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Litchfield Wilcoxon method//

74 22.9845(22.089 TO 23.88) mg/kg bdwt nr 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Litchfield Wilcoxon method//

75 24.7755(21.7905 TO 65.67) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

76 23.0243(19.6413 TO 36.6359) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

77 17.0543(14.9648 TO 20.1985) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

78 18.4075(16.0195 TO 19.6015) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

79 12.338(2.8855 TO 14.925) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

80 11.41265(7.03465 TO 13.4325) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

81 9.06445(4.2387 TO 11.43255) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

82 9.8505(1.0945 TO 13.134) mg/kg bdwt 3 99.5 Lab GV NO 61388 Haley TJ;Farmer JH;Harmon JR;Dooley KL;

Estimation of the LD1 and Extrapolation o the LD0.1 for Five Organothiophosphate Pesticides Eur J Toxicol 8(4): 229-235 1975

ORG/CD-1, 25 to 30 g// GENERAL/Probit method//

83 2000(1450 TO 2830) ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 73198 Shellenberger TE;Gough BJ;Escuriex LA; The Comparative Toxicity of Organophosphate Pesticides in Wildlife

In: W B Deichmann, (Ed ), Pesticides Symposia, Inter-Am Conf Toxicol Occup Med , Univ of Miami Schl of Med , Miami, FL(): 205-210 1970 CHAR/corn oil also added to diet//

84 1198.745 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 98.5 FieldA OR 1362 35243 Hill EF;Heath RG;Spann JW;Williams JD; Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmenta Pollutants to Birds

U S Fish and Wildl Serv No 191, Special Scientific Report-Wildlife(): 1-61 1975

85 1217(106 TO 1392) ppm 6 100 Lab FD 643893 35214 Heath RG;Spann JW;Hill EF;Kreitzer JF; Comparative Dietary Toxicities of Pesticides to Birds

U S Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Special Scientific Report-Wildlife No 152(): 57 p.- 1972

EDES/Exposure for 5 days and observations made on day 8.// CHAR/Also used propylene glycol as a solvent// BCF = NR//

86 2072 ppm 5 98.3 Lab FD NO 50181 Hill EF;Camardese MB; Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmenta Contaminants and Pesticides to Coturnix

U S Fish Wildl Serv , Fish Wildl Tech Rep No 2(): 147 p.- 1986

GENERAL/Mortality and food consumption data also reported.//

87 255.125 ppm 5 12.5 Lab FD NO 50181 Hill EF;Camardese MB; Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmenta Contaminants and Pesticides to Coturnix

U S Fish Wildl Serv , Fish Wildl Tech Rep No 2(): 147 p.- 1986

CHAR/12WP// GENERAL/Mortality and food consumption data also reported.//

88 4050(2680 TO 6100) ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 73198 Shellenberger TE;Gough BJ;Escuriex LA; The Comparative Toxicity of Organophosphate Pesticides in Wildlife

In: W B Deichmann, (Ed ), Pesticides Symposia, Inter-Am Conf Toxicol Occup Med , Univ of Miami Schl of Med , Miami, FL(): 205-210 1970 CHAR/corn oil also added to diet//

89 > 4925 mg/kg bdwt 2 NR 98.5 FieldA OR 1364 35243 Hill EF;Heath RG;Spann JW;Williams JD; Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmenta Pollutants to Birds

U S Fish and Wildl Serv No 191, Special Scientific Report-Wildlife(): 1-61 1975

90 > 500 lb/acre 2 to 5 NR 100 Lab SH 1590 35249 Hoffman DJ;Albers PH;

Evaluation of Potential Embryotoxicity and Teratogenicity of 42 Herbicides, Insecticides, and Petroleum Contaminants to Mallard EggsArch Environ Contam Toxicol 13(): 15-27 1984

91 > 5000 ppm 3 100 Lab FD 643894 35214 Heath RG;Spann JW;Hill EF;Kreitzer JF; Comparative Dietary Toxicities of Pesticides to Birds

U S Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Special Scientific Report-Wildlife No 152(): 57 p.- 1972

EDES/Exposure for 5 days and observations made on day 8.// CHAR/Also used propylene glycol as a solvent// BCF = NR//

92 1830(1270 TO 2630) mg/kg bdwt ~4 97.2 Lab OR NO 50386 Hudson RH;Tucker RK;Haegele MA; Handbook of Toxicity of Pesticides to Wildlife Resour Publ No 153, Fish Wildl Serv , 2nd Edition, U S D I , Washington, DC(): 90 p.- 1984

EE/Toxicity symptoms also reported// EDES/Acute toxicity study//

93 840(670 TO 1050) ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 73198 Shellenberger TE;Gough BJ;Escuriex LA; The Comparative Toxicity of Organophosphate Pesticides in Wildlife

In: W B Deichmann, (Ed ), Pesticides Symposia, Inter-Am Conf Toxicol Occup Med , Univ of Miami Schl of Med , Miami, FL(): 205-210 1970 CHAR/corn oil also added to diet//

94 493.485 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 98.5 FieldA OR 1361 35243 Hill EF;Heath RG;Spann JW;Williams JD; Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmenta Pollutants to Birds

U S Fish and Wildl Serv No 191, Special Scientific Report-Wildlife(): 1-61 1975

95 501(339 TO 781) ppm 6 100 Lab FD 643892 35214 Heath RG;Spann JW;Hill EF;Kreitzer JF; Comparative Dietary Toxicities of Pesticides to Birds

U S Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Special Scientific Report-Wildlife No 152(): 57 p.- 1972

EDES/Exposure for 5 days and observations made on day 8.// CHAR/Also used propylene glycol as a solvent// BCF = NR//

96 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976 ORG/gestation day 9// EE/live fetuses//

97 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976 ORG/gestation day 13// EE/live fetuses//

98 0.06 1.5 1.5 1.5 mg/kg bdwt 2 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976

ORG/pregnant// EE/preimplantation loss, implantaion sites, corpora lutea also reported//

99 23.95 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

100 19.16 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

101 242.55(159.39 TO 363.33) mg/kg bdwt 2 >99 Lab GV NO 96637 Sherman M;Herrick RB;Chang MTY;Menn JJ;

Comparative Toxicity of Imidan and Homologs Containing Asymmetrical Esters to the Chick, Rat, and House Fly J Med Entomol 4(4): 451-455 1967

ORG/Sprague Dawley// EDES/Author tests mortality in acute toxicity study//

102 0.76 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9213 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


103 0.75 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9209 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


104 0.56 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9214 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


105 0.5 mg/L 7.2 40 mg/L CaCO3 NR 100 LAB S 9210 857 Julin AM;Sanders HO;

Toxicity and Accumulation of the Insecticide Imidan in Freshwater Invertebrates and Fishes

Trans Am Fish Soc 106(4): 386-392 (Publ in Part As 6797) 1977


106 3098.81 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 98.5 FieldA OR 1363 35243 Hill EF;Heath RG;Spann JW;Williams JD; Lethal Dietary Toxicities of Environmenta Pollutants to Birds

U S Fish and Wildl Serv No 191, Special Scientific Report-Wildlife(): 1-61 1975

107 > 250 mg/kg bdwt ~4 97.2 Lab OR NO 50386 Hudson RH;Tucker RK;Haegele MA; Handbook of Toxicity of Pesticides to Wildlife Resour Publ No 153, Fish Wildl Serv , 2nd Edition, U S D I , Washington, DC(): 90 p.- 1984

EE/Toxicity symptoms also reported// EDES/Acute toxicity study//

108 237(171 TO 329) mg/kg bdwt ~4 97.2 Lab OR NO 50386 Hudson RH;Tucker RK;Haegele MA; Handbook of Toxicity of Pesticides to Wildlife Resour Publ No 153, Fish Wildl Serv , 2nd Edition, U S D I , Washington, DC(): 90 p.- 1984

EE/Toxicity symptoms also reported// EDES/Acute toxicity study//

109 > 56 mg/L 7.1 to 7.9 NR 100 LAB NR 146213 14927 Serrano R;Hernandez F;Pena JB;Dosda V;Canales J;

Toxicity of Bioconcentration of Selected Organophosphorus Pesticides in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Venus gallina Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 29(3): 284-290 1995

ORG/6.95 G SOFT TISSUE, 5.13 CM// CHAR/93-99 % PU, ST, PHOSMET//

110 800 ppm 5 100 Lab FD NO 38751 Sherman M;Ross E;Chang MTY; Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Several Organophosphorus Insecticides to Chicks Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 6(): 147-153 1964

ORG/Single comb White Leghorn // EE/Mean weight to gain ratio. No clear dose response.// GENERAL/Also tested, acute toxicity with no reported control.//

111 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 8 to day 21. Additional durations reported.// EE/Skeletal anomalies and soft tisse anomalies.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 8//

Page 5: CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1 Endpt2 Habitat Plant/Anima Media Dur Orig Dur Unit Orig Dur Preferred Dur Unit Preferred Conc Type Conc Value1 Orig Conc Units Orig Conc Value1 Purity Adjusted

112 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO MPH OSSC LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 9 d 9 d A 30 mg/kg 30

113 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat GRO MPH ABNM NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 16 d 16 d A 30 mg/kg 30

114 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle PHY PHY MILK NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 56 d 56 d A 19 ppm 19

115 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle PHY PHY MILK NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d A 19 ppm 19

116 732116 Phosmet 4938 Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos taurus Domesticated cattle PHY PHY MILK NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 42 d 42 d F 14.8 ppm 13.7048

117 732116 Phosmet 4435 Chordata Aves Galliformes Phasianidae Coturnix japonica Japanese quail PHY PHY NRXN LOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 60 d 60 d F 25 mg/d 25

118 732116 Phosmet 16733 Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera postica Weevil POP POP ABND LOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 7 d 7 d A 1 AI lb/acre 1

119 732116 Phosmet 16733 Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera postica Weevil POP POP ABND LOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 7 d 7 d A 1 AI lb/acre 1

120 732116 Phosmet 16733 Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera postica Weevil POP POP ABND LOAEL terrestrial Animal NAT 7 d 7 d A 1 AI lb/acre 1

121 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat POP POP SEXR NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 13 d 13 d A 30 mg/kg 30

122 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat POP POP SEXR NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 9 d 9 d A 30 mg/kg 30

123 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat POP POP SEXR NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 16 d 16 d A 30 mg/kg 30

124 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa POP POP BMAS NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1

125 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa POP POP BMAS NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1

126 732116 Phosmet 3615 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Fabales Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa POP POP BMAS NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT NA hv NA hv A 1 AI lb/acre 1

127 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP PILS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 10 d 10 d F 30 mg/kg 30

128 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP PILS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 6 d 6 d F 30 mg/kg 30

129 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP PILS NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 19 d 19 d F 1.5 mg/kg 1.5

130 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP PRFM LOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 25 mg/kg 23.95

131 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP PRFM NOEL Terrestrial Animal NR 15 d 15 d NR 20 mg/kg 19.16

132 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP RSEM NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 13 d 13 d A 30 mg/kg 30

133 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP RSEM NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 9 d 9 d A 30 mg/kg 30

134 732116 Phosmet 4510 Chordata Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Rattus norvegicus Norway rat REP REP RSEM NOAEL terrestrial Animal NONE 16 d 16 d A 30 mg/kg 30

135 732116 Phosmet 4209 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Rosales Rosaceae Malus sp. Apple REP REP INFL NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 7 d 7 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260

136 732116 Phosmet 4209 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Rosales Rosaceae Malus sp. Apple REP REP INFL NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 3 d 3 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260

137 732116 Phosmet 4209 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Rosales Rosaceae Malus sp. Apple REP REP INFL NOAEL terrestrial Plant NAT 9 d 9 d A 1260 ai g/ha 1260

Page 6: CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class … · CAS Number Chemical Name Species Number Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common Name Effect Group Effect Meas Endpt1

Conc Value1 Operato Conc Value1 Preferred Conc Value2 Orig Conc Value2 Purity Adjusted Conc Value2 Operato Conc Value2 Preferred Conc Units Preferred Number of Conc pH Hardness Hardness Unit Organic Matter Value Organic Matter Unit Organic Matter Type % Purity Test Loc Exp Type Test ID Ref # Author Title Source Publication Year Comments

112 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 12 to day 21. Additional durations reported.// EE/Skeletal anomalies and soft tisse anomalies.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 12//

113 30 mg/kg bdwt 3 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 0 to day 16. // EDES/Multiple doses on gestational day 0 to 16.//

114 19 ppm 3 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/lactating Jersey cows// EXPDUR/silage aged 44 days prior to start of feeding, exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 7 day standardization period// EE/production// EDES/study 1, corn plants sprayed with insecticide, one day following treatment the corn was harvested and made into silage and fed to cows// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter// GENERAL/OEF, VITA also reported and RSDE not coded, not detected in milk

115 19 ppm 1 100 Lab DT NO 37338 Johnson JC Jr.;Lowrey RS;Bowman MC;Leuck DB;Beck EW;Derbyshire JC;

Responses from Cows Fed Silages Containing Imidan Residues J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1219-1224 1968

ORG/Jersey cows 81 to 176 days in gestation// EXPDUR/exposure preceded by 10 day adjustment period and 5 day standardization period// EE/production// EDES/study 2, spiked silage// CHAR/Imidan 3-E ai 0.36kg per liter//

116 <= 13.7048 ppm 1 92.6 Lab FD NO 37334 Johnson JC Jr.;Bowman MC; Fate of Bidrin and Imidan when Fed in Silage to Lactating Dairy Cows J Dairy Sci 51(8): 1225-1228 1968

ORG/lactating Jersey breed// EE/milk production//

117 25 mg/d 1 100 Lab DA NO 95291 Varsik P;Buranova D;Kondas M;Kucera P;Goldenberg Z;Pokorna V;

Chronic Toxic Neuropathy After Organophosphorus Poisoning in Quails (Coturnix coturnix japponica) Bratisl Lek Listy106(10): 293-296 2005

EE/Somatosensory evoked potential(SEP)of right nerve after tibial nerve stimulation measured at spine as latency of first positive wave // EDES/Author tests peripheral neuropathy in long term orally exposed organisms // GENERAL/also reported spinal SEP for left nerves and negative wave latencies and cortical SEP for right and Left nerves as well as negative wave latencies //

118 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Rapid City 1// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

119 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Rapid City 2// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

120 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Gregory// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

121 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 8 to day 21. Additional durations reported.// EE/% males// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 8//

122 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 12 to day 21. Additional durations reported.// EE/% males// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 12//

123 30 mg/kg bdwt 3 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 0 to day 16. // EE/% males in offspring// EDES/Multiple doses on gestational day 0 to 16.//

124 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

ORG/Vernal// EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Rapid City 1// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

125 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

ORG/Vernal// EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Rapid City 2// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

126 1 AI lb/acre 1 100 FieldN HS NO 88952 McLeod MJ;Twidwell EK;Gallenberg DJ; Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1993 Arthropod Manag Tests19(): 172-173 (No. 7F) 1994

ORG/Vernal// EE/Stats to C control// EDES/Gregory// GENERAL/CONTR C and B//

127 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976

ORG/gestation day 9// EE/preimplantation loss, implantaion sites, corpora lutea also reported//

128 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976

ORG/gestation day 13// EE/preimplantation loss, implantaion sites, corpora lutea also reported//

129 1.5 mg/kg bdwt 2 100 Lab GV NO 94874 Martson LV;Voronina VM;

Experimental Study of the Effect of a Series of Phosphoroorganic Pesticides (Dipterex and Imidan) on Embryogenesis Environ Health Perspect 13(): 121-125 1976

ORG/pregnant// EE/preimplantation loss, implantaion sites, corpora lutea also reported//

130 23.95 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

131 19.16 mg/kg bdwt 5 NR 95.8 Lab OR 2671 35457 Staples RE;Kellam RG;Haseman JK;

Developmental Toxicity in the Rat Afte Ingestion or Gavage of Organophosphate Pesticides (Dipterex, Imidan) During Pregnancy Environ Health Perspect 13(): 133-140 1976

132 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 8 to day 21. Additional durations reported.// EE/Dams with complete resorptions, early and late resoprtions,, implants, viable fetuses, and fetuses per dams.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 8//

133 30 mg/kg bdwt 1 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 12 to day 21. Additional durations reported.// EE/Dams with complete resorptions, early and late resoprtions,, implants, viable fetuses, and fetuses per dams.// EDES/Single dose on gestational day 12//

134 30 mg/kg bdwt 3 100 Lab GV NO 96426 Short RD;Minor JL;Unger TM;Breeden B;Van Goethem D;

The Effect of Imidan Administered to Pregnant Rats

EPA/600/1-80/008, U S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D C (): 23 p (NTIS/PB80-159627)- 1980

ORG/Wistar from Charles River Breeding Lab. Final BW.// EXPDUR/Gestation day 0 to day 16// EDES/Multiple doses starting on gestational day 0.//

135 1.1214 lb/acre 1 50 FieldN SP NO 36954 Hagley EAC; Pesticides, Pollination, and Fruit Set on Apple Can Entomol 115(11): 1535-1536 1983

ORG/MacIntosh variety// EDES/Author tests flowering and fruit setting of apple trees after test chemical application// GENERAL/OEF, FRUT also reported//

136 1.1214 lb/acre 1 50 FieldN SP NO 36954 Hagley EAC; Pesticides, Pollination, and Fruit Set on Apple Can Entomol 115(11): 1535-1536 1983

ORG/MacIntosh variety// EDES/Author tests flowering and fruit setting of apple trees after test chemical application// GENERAL/OEF, FRUT also reported//

137 1.1214 lb/acre 1 50 FieldN SP NO 36954 Hagley EAC; Pesticides, Pollination, and Fruit Set on Apple Can Entomol 115(11): 1535-1536 1983

ORG/MacIntosh variety// EDES/Author tests flowering and fruit setting of apple trees after test chemical application// GENERAL/OEF, FRUT also reported//