Cars & Driving_level 4

Cars & Driving_level 4. How old were you when you learned to drive? What is the most difficult thing about learning to drive? Is driving an essential

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Cars & Driving_level 4

How old were you when you learned to drive?

What is the most difficult thing about learning to drive?

Is driving an essential skill? Why do you think so?

What situations are illustrated

in these pictures?

How common are they in your


Complete the definitions with one word

road rageA device ____ a

tube __ one end, that the police can

ask a driver __ blow into to see

how much alcohol the driver ___


Anger __ violence between drivers, _____ caused __ difficult driving



Nelson Toledo

Complete the definitions with one word

road rageA device with a

tube at one end, that the police

can ask a driver to blow into to see

how much alcohol the driver has


Anger or violence between drivers, often caused by difficult driving



Nelson Toledo

Have the police ever asked you to blow into a breathalyzer?

If so, what happened next?

If not, what would you do?

What was the worst case of a road rage incident you have ever heard of?

Why is road rage becoming socommon nowadays?

Are you a reckless driver?

Is this a typical scene in your

city? How often does it happen?

What are the effects of heavy

traffic on people’s lives?

Is there a solution for the

problems caused by heavy traffic?

What features do you look for when you are thinking of buying a car?

What are the advantages and

disadvantages of owning a car?

Have you ever bought or sold a

car and then regretted it?


What do you think of reducing the driving age in Brazil to 16?

Have you ever been in a car accident?

What do you think of traffic legislation in our country?

End of activity.

Voice Chat moderators :

please end session here and see

following slide for teachers’ feedback


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