Cultural Kitchen ARGENTINA Carl Schurz High School May 14 th , 2013

Carl Schurz High School May 14 th, 2013. Lotería Lotería is a Latin American game of chance, similar to bingo, but using images on a deck of cards instead

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Carl Schurz High School May 14 th, 2013 Slide 2 Lotera Lotera is a Latin American game of chance, similar to bingo, but using images on a deck of cards instead of plain numbers on ping pong balls. Every image has a name and an assigned number, but the number is usually ignored. Each player has at least one tabla, a board with a randomly created 4 x 4 grid of pictures with their corresponding name and number. Each tabla represents a different selection of images, which are called one by one. In order to win, all the images on the tabla need to be called and preperly marked. The winner then calls LOTERA and wins a price! Slide 3 El Presidente (The President) The current President of Argentina is Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, who was sworn into a second term on 10 December 2011. Slide 4 La Bandera (The flag) The Argentinean flag is a tri-band flag with horizontal bands colored light blue, white, and light blue with the yellow Sun of May charged in the center. Slide 5 El Mapa (The Map) Argentina is located in South America. It is a federation of 23 provinces. It has a geographical area of 2,780,400 km2 and it is the fourth by population, with over 41 million people. Slide 6 La Capital (The Capital City) The capital city of Argentina is Buenos Aires. It is the largest city in this country. Slide 7 La Flor (The National Flower) El Ceibo is a South American tree that grows between 8 and 10 meters high, it has carmine red flowers and a crooked trunk. It was declared the National Flower of the Republic of Argentina on December 2, 1942. Slide 8 La Bebida (The Traditional Drink) El Mate is a traditional infused drink from South America, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. It is prepared from steeping dried leaves of yerba mate in hot water. Slide 9 El Baile (The traditional Dance) The tango is a partner dance that originated in the 1890s along the Ro de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay, and soon spread to the rest of the world. It is considered a very sensual dance. Slide 10 El Animal (The National Animal) The horneros are brown birds native to South America with rather short tails and fairly long bills. They are known for building mud nests that resemble old wood-fired ovens (The Spanish word "hornero" comes from horno, meaning "oven"). Slide 11 El deporte (The National Sport) Pato (horseball) is Argentinas National Sport. It originated in Argentina in the early 1700s. In 1941 the Federacin Argentina de Pato was created. In 1953 was declared as Argentina's national game. The name derives from the use of a live duck instead of the six- handled ball which is used in the modern sport. Slide 12 La Mujer (The Woman) Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (7 May 1919 26 July 1952) was the second wife of President Juan Pern (18951974) and served as the First lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. She is usually referred to as Evita. She has become a part of international popular culture, most famously as the subject of the musical Evita Slide 13 El Escritor (The Writer) Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges (24 August 1899 14 June 1986), known as Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator born in Buenos Aires. His work embraces the "character of unreality in all literature". Slide 14 El Cantante (The Singer) Carlos Gardel (born Charles Romuald Gardes; 11 December 1890 24 June 1935) was a singer, songwriter, composer and actor, and is perhaps the most prominent figure in the history of Argentinean Tango. Slide 15 El Deportista (The Athlete) Lionel Andrs "Leo" Messi (born 24 June 1987) is an Argentinean footballer who plays as a forward for La Liga club FC Barcelona and the Argentina National Team. By the age of 21, Messi had received Ballo, dOr and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations. At the age of 24, Messi became Barcelona's all-time top scorer in all official club competitions. At age 25, Messi became the youngest player to score 200 La Liga goals. Slide 16 El Himno Nacional (The National Anthem) The Argentina National Anthem name originally was Marcha Patritica (Patriotic March), and was later renamed Cancin Patritica Nacional (National Patriotic Song) and finally Cancin Patritica (Patriotic Song). A copy published in 1847 called it Himno Nacional Argentino and the name has remained ever since. Its lyrics were written by the Buenos Aires-born politician Vicente Lpez y Planes and the music was composed by the Spanish musician Blas Parera. Slide 17 La Montaa (The Mountain) Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Americas at 6,960.8 m (22,837.3 ft). It is located in the Andes mountain range, in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, and lies 112 kilometres (70 mi) west by north of its capital. Slide 18 El Da Festivo (The Holiday) The May Revolution (Revolucin de Mayo) was a week-long series of events that took place from May 18 to 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires, capital of the Viceroyalty of the Ro de la Plata. This Spanish colony included roughly the territories of present-day Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. The result was the removal of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment of a local government, the Primera Junta (First Junta), on May 25. Slide 19 Los Pases Fronterizos (The Surrounding Countries) Along with the Atlantic Ocean, five countries have borders with Argentina. Those countries are: Slide 20 Los Pases Fronterizos (The Surrounding Countries) Chile to the West and South, Slide 21 Los Pases Fronterizos (The Surrounding Countries) Bolivia to the North, Slide 22 Los Pases Fronterizos (The Surrounding Countries) Paraguay to the North, Slide 23 Los Pases Fronterizos (The Surrounding Countries) Brazil to the Northeast, Slide 24 Los Pases Fronterizos (The Surrounding Countries) and Uruguay to the Northeast. Slide 25 La Religin (The Religion) According to the World Christian Database, Argentines are: 92.1% Christian, 3.1% agnostic, 1.9% Muslim, 1.3% Jewish, 0.9% atheist, and 0.9% Buddhist and others. Argentine Christians are mostly Roman Catholic. On March 13, 2013, Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as Pope of the Catholic Church, becoming the first pope from the New World. He took the name Pope Francis. Slide 26 El Aperitivo (The Appetizer) Las empanadas are a traditional appetizer in Argentina. They are Slide 27 La comida (The Food) El Churrasco in the most traditional food of Argentina. It is Slide 28 El Idioma (The Language) El Espaol is the official language of Argentina, usually called castellano (Castilian) by Argentines. Argentina is the largest Spanish-speaking society that universally employs voseo (the use of the pronoun vos instead of t (you), which occasions the use of alternate verb forms as well). Slide 29 La Economa (The Economy) El ganado (cattle) and other meats are some of the most important livestock export products of Argentina. Nearly 5 million tons of meats (not including seafood) are produced in Argentina, long the world's leading beef consumer on a per capita basis Slide 30 El Lugar Turstico (The Tourist Site) Las Cataratas del Iguaz (Iguaz Waterfalls) are Slide 31 El Territorio (The Territory) Las Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) are Slide 32 La Agricultura (The Agriculture) El limn (lemon) in one of the most important fruit harvests, produced mainly in the valleys of the Ro Negro Province, Neuqun Province, and Mendoza Province. Slide 33 La Agricultura (The Agriculture) Las uvas (grapes) -mostly grown for the wine harvest - are also one of the most important fruit harvests, produced also in the valleys of the Ro Negro Province, Neuqun Province, and Mendoza Province. Slide 34 El Ro (The River) El Ro Paran (The Paran River) is Slide 35 El Traje Tpico (The Traditional Dress) El Traje Gaucho is Slide 36 La Moneda (The Currency) El Peso Argentino is Slide 37 La Descendencia (The Descendant) Most Argentineans have roots in Italy. It is estimated up to 24 million Argentines have some degree of Italian descent (up to 60% of the total population). Italians began arriving in Argentina in great numbers from 1857 to 1940, and this migratory flow continued to the early 1950s, with Italy also having the most emigrants to Argentina for the decades 19802000. Slide 38 La Industria (The Industry) The Argentine wine industry is the fifth largest producer of wine in the world. Argentine wine, as with some aspects of Argentina cuisine, has its roots in Spain. Slide 39 El pasatiempo (The Hobbie) El ftbol soccer is Slide 40 El Hombre (The Man) El Gaucho is Slide 41 EL FIN (THE END) Thank you for your attention. We hope that you learned something new about Argentina. It was a pleasure sharing with you our work. We hope you enjoy your stay in Chicago and we wish you a safe trip back home. Sincerely, The teachers and students from Carl Schurz High School, a Chicago Public School. ADIOS!!!