1. Which of the following is located in the Greater Antilles? (A) Cuba (B) Nicaragua (C) Bolivia (D) Honduras 2. As a group, the islands, Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico are known as: (A) The Lesser Antilles (B) The Greater Antilles (C) Latin America (D) The Hispanic Caribbean 3. The island containing Haiti and Dominican Republic is known as: (A) Trinidad (B) Cuba (C) Antilles (D) Hispaniola 4. The Tainos walked along the __________ to get to the Caribbean (A) Flat Bridge (B) Bering Strait (C) Alaska (D) Antarctica 5. The practice of using indigenous labour in the Caribbean in exchange for conversion to Christianity is referred to as (A) asiento (B) genocide (C) encomienda (D) indentureship 1

Caribbean Studies Paper 1- Specimen Paper

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1. Which of the following is located in the Greater Antilles?

(A) Cuba

(B) Nicaragua

(C) Bolivia

(D) Honduras

2. As a group, the islands, Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico are known as:

(A) The Lesser Antilles

(B) The Greater Antilles

(C) Latin America

(D) The Hispanic Caribbean

3. The island containing Haiti and Dominican Republic is known as:

(A) Trinidad

(B) Cuba

(C) Antilles

(D) Hispaniola

4. The Tainos walked along the __________ to get to the Caribbean

(A) Flat Bridge

(B) Bering Strait

(C) Alaska

(D) Antarctica

5. The practice of using indigenous labour in the Caribbean in exchange for conversion to Christianity is referred to as

(A) asiento

(B) genocide

(C) encomienda

(D) indentureship

6. What was the earliest source of slave labour in the new world, once European settlements were established to exploit natural resources and grow agricultural crops?

(A) Indigenous people

(B) Africans

(C) Indentured servants, mostly of European heritage

(D) None of these; slave labour was not used in the early New World enterprises7. Which of the following BEST explains why the ancestors of the Amerindians ended up in the Americas(A) They wanted to discover and explore new lands

(B) They were pushed out by enemies who were stronger than they were

(C) They were following the herds of deer which they needed for food

(D) The mineral resources of the Americas scattered them

8. The genocide of the Tainos after Spanish conquest occurred MAINLY because:

(A) they were exported to Europe

(B) they were killed in wars

(C) they were offered as human sacrifice

(D) they were overworked and ill-treated

9. The term Maroon means

(A) Runaway slaves

(B) Mountain dweller

(C) Enslaved African

(D) Forest hunter

10. The Encomienda system was introduced by the:

(A) French

(B) English

(C) Spanish

(D) Dutch

11. The act of freeing slaves from their literal and figurative bonds is called:

(A) emancipation

(B) abolition

(C) manumission

(D) indenture

12. Social structures, groups and institutions work together towards achieving social stability, and ensuring that a collective will of the members of society is achieved.

This statement BEST summarizes which view of society?

(A) Marxist

(B) Socialist

(C) Interpretive

(D) Functionalist

13. Social institutions are part of the (A) social system

(B) framework of social organizations

(C) sociological perspectives

(D) justice systems

14. Marxists regard religion as the opiate of the people because it

(A) helps the poor

(B) makes the population happy

(C) allows suffering of the poor

(D) allows exploitation of the poor with rewards promised in the afterlife

15. All of the following describe functionalist understandings of society EXCEPT

(A) members of society agree to how social institutions function

(B) each social institution performs a function for society

(C) social institutions operate in such a way as to ensure inequalities

(D) there is consensus in society

16. Conflict perspectives of society maintain that

(A) capitalism is responsible for social differences between members of society

(B) some persons are naturally more able than others and should be justly rewarded

(C) the most talented in a society should be the leaders based on a system of meritocracy

(D) the social relation of production are reflected in the unequal share of the societys resources among social groups

17. Identify the statements below which describe how the social institution of education impacts on Caribbean people(I) Children learn values of obedience, conformity and respect

(II) Schools select students and allocate them to different experiences

(III) Education serves the needs of the labour market

(IV) There is high status associated with denominational schools

(V) Education is seen as an avenue to social mobility

(A) I, II, and III only(B) I and II only

(C) I, II, IV and V

(D) I, II, III, IV and V

18. Which of the following is an example of material culture?

(A) Norms

(B) Food

(C) Symbol

(D) Language19. The World Bank and IMF were ORIGINALLY created to:

(A) Help alleviate poverty in third-world, developing countries

(B) Rebuild ruined European economies after the World War II

(C) Lend money to poor people around the world

(D) Finance projects associated with the newly-created United Nations20. What is the MAIN difference between the World Bank and IMF?

(A) The IMF is headquartered in New York City, while the World Bank is headquartered in Washington D.C

(B) The IMF is mainly funded by the United States, while the World Bank is mainly funded by the United Nations

(C) The World Bank gives loans for all types of project, such as building dams or combatting aids; while the IMF mainly focuses on loans dealing with a countrys financial and monetary problems

(D) There is no difference. They do the same things.21. Research objectives are important because they:(A) contain dependent and independent variables

(B) prove the relationship between variables

(C) indicate the sources of information relevant to the study

(D) guide the researcher in developing relevant questions to research questions22. An example of a primary source of information is obtained from

(A) a letter

(B) a tribute

(C) a textbook

(D) an interview

23. Which of the following is NOT a scientific method of sampling?

(A) Random

(B) Systematic

(C) Probability

(D) Convenience24. The MOST important function of the literature review in research is to

(A) clarify the problem statement

(B) link the research to important writers

(C) establish the major concepts in the review

(D) provide information for the introduction

25. A valid source of secondary information for research in Caribbean Studies would be(A) textbooks

(B) interviews

(C) observations

(D) questionnaires

26. Which of the following should be considered when identifying a topic for research?I. Was the problem previously researched?

II. Is the problem researchable and manageable?

III. Is the problem an issue of significance to the government?

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only

(C) II and III only

(D) I, II and III

27. Which of the following statements is a hypothesis?(A) Examine the causes of obesity in St Johns Village

(B) What are the causes of youth violence in Mt Hope Village?

(C) To what extent has pollution affected the village of Mt Deaux?

(D) The use of alcohol is responsible for the poor performance of students at St Johns High School

28. Max is conducting research on topic The effects of illegal drugs among teenagers.In determining whether to use participant observation or questionnaires, Maxs MAIN consideration could be

I. reliability

II. sample size

III. ethical issues

(A) I and II

(B) I and III only

(C) II and III only

(D) I, II and III only

29. A series of fights have occurred in a school. An investigation was carried out in which students were interviewed on the cause of fights. The data would BEST be presented using

(A) text

(B) tables

(C) charts

(D) graphs

30. A teacher wishes to carry out an investigation on the types of food consumed by first form students at a high school. She wants an unbiased sample. What type of sampling should she use?

(A) Random

(B) Stratified

(C) Purposive

(D) Convenience

Grand Total 30 marksEND OF EXAMINATION1