Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide

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  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    ar ean eop eResponse to


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Focus Points

    Defnition o Key Terms

    Oppression and Resistance in Pre-columbian times

    Oppression and Resistance under Encomienda

    Blacs Resistance to !la"ery- T#e $aitian Re"olution

    T#e Peasantry

    %ndentured &abourers

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    What is oppression?

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Defnition o Key Term

    Genocide: t#e deliberate illin' o a lar'e 'roup o people( especia

    a particular nation or et#nic 'roup)

    Resistance: e*orts made to stop or f'#t a'ainst somet#in' or som

    demonstratin' opposition to somet#in')

    %nsurrectionary Resistance: an act or instance o "iolent uprisin' a'

    ci"il aut#ority or an establis#ed 'o"ernment)

    on-insurrectionary Resistance: non-"iolent( usually indi"idual actio

    a'ainst oppression)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Defnition o Key Term

    Re"olution: a sudden( radical( or complete c#an'e( oten accompan"iolence+ an o"ert#ro. and t#orou'# replacement o an establis#e'o"ernment or political system by t#e people 'o"erned resultin' iper"asi"e c#an'e in society and t#e social structure)

    Peasantry: a social class constituted by small armers and tenants(

    s#arecroppers( and laborers on t#e land .#ere t#ey orm t#e main in a'riculture)

    /arrona'e: a strate'y o resistance in .#ic# indi"iduals and small 'a.ay rom t#e source o oppression)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanbeore 149

    Durin' t#e pre-Columbian era t#e Kalina'os .ere a source o oppression or tKno.n or t#eir .arlie nature( t#ey .ere dili'ent in creatin' .eapons and ustrate'ies t#at .reaed #a"oc in t#e Tainos li"es)

    Kalina'os raided Taino "illa'es and ensla"ed t#eir .omen ol)

    T#e Taino resisted .it# bo.s and arro.s( spears and t#e inamous macana1.ooden 2s.ord club3 .#ic# .as eared by t#eir oppressors because o its supotential)

    Because t#e Kalina'os .ere more rut#less and silled in .ar( t#ey .ere oteand t#e Tainos resisted by mo"in' out o t#e &esser 4ntilles into t#e lar'er 4nislands)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "I found very many islands lled with people without numbe

    all of them I have taken possession for their Highnesses... Aas I arrived in the Indies, on the rst Island which I found, I some of the natives by force in order that they might learn might give me information on whatever there is in these pa

    "hey...brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears an

    other things... hey would make ne servants... !ith fty mcould subugate them all and make them do whatever we w


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistaunder !ncomienda

    %n urt#erin' t#eir imperialist ambitions t#e !panis# establis#ed settt#e indi'enes5 #omeland)

    6T#e comin' o t#e Europeans .it# t#eir .eapons o iron and steel atracer do's and #orses( .as an unprecedented e7perience or t#e npeoples3 8/o#ammed 9;= ar'ue t#at t#e term 2'esuitable in describin' t#e !panis# treatment o t#e Taino) T#ey estim6some ?( people .ere belie"ed to li"e in $ispaniola in ;@A9) Bonly

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanunder !ncomienda

    T#e !paniards e*orts to settle t#ese colonies .ere met .it# resistance roTainos and Kalina'os alie)

    Becles and !#ep#erd 89@= uote #istorian G)K) & .#o ar'ues t#at and Kalina'o #ad built a ci"ili0ation and a #omeland( .#ic# t#ey .ere prepdeend in a spirit o defant 2patriotism5)

    Bot# non-insurrectionary and insurrectionary orms o resistance .ere utili

    indi'enes deended t#eir #omelands)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanunder !ncomienda

    on-insurrectionary orms o Resistance:

    reusal to .ormalin'erin'

    suicide 8#an'in'( poisonin'=


    pretence 8deaness( lac o understandin' o oppressors5 instru

    marrona'e 8#idin' in ca"es and mountains=

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanceunder !ncomienda

    Becles and !#ep#erd 89@= state t#at t#ere .as constant tension

    encomenderos #ad deep ears because t#e Tainos continuously res


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistance u!ncomienda

    T#e frst orm o insurrectionary resistance documented in Caribbe#istorio'rap#y is t#e destruction o ort a"idad ater Columbus5 re!pain in ;@A9)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "bad feeling had arisen and had broken out in warfare bof the licentious conduct of our men towards the Indian for each Spaniard had ve women to minister to his plea

    Guillermo Coma

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanceunder !ncomienda

    #en Columbus returned to $ispaniola in ;@A?( #e ound t#at t#e #e #ad let on &a a"idad .ere all dead( illed by t#e %ndians ater in"aded t#e in'dom o /a'uana 'o"erned by t#e earless caciue

    T#e rape o t#eir .omen( t#et o t#eir property as .ell as an

    t#e !paniards sou'#t to coloni0e t#eir #omeland .ere t#e main reainFuenced insurrection amon' t#e Tainos)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanceunder !ncomienda

    /o#ammed 89;

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    %nsurrectionary orms o Resistance:

    destroyin' o crops

    poisonin' .ater supplies

    burnin' store#ouses

    orcin' !paniards to see ood in t#e #interlands and ambus#in'

    ormin' alliances .it# t#e Kalina'os and .a'in' .ar a'ainst t#e

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistance u!ncomienda

    ;@A@ caciue Guacana'ari ou'#t a'ainst Columbus and @ meencroac#ed on t#e interior o $ispaniola)


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistance !ncomienda

    T#e Kalina'os resisted t#e !panis# and ot#er Europeans t#rou'#:

    ;) 'uerilla .arare 8a orm o irre'ular .arare in .#ic# a small 'roup

    combatants use military tactics includin' ambus#es( sabota'e( rai

    and-run tactics( and mobility to f'#t a lar'er and less-mobile trad


    9) bein' #i'#ly mobile and eludin' capture in canoes on numerous oc

    ?) ormin' alliances .it# one set o Europeans a'ainst ot#ers)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Oppression and Resistanunder !ncomienda

    T#e Kalina'os .ere unrelentin' in t#eir resistance a'ainst Europeadomination) %n t#e end Europeans si'ned treaties .it# t#em .#ic# t#eir sur"i"al into contemporary times)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "#ac$s Resistance to %#a&

    on-insurrectionary met#ods:


    pretendin' to misunderstand instructions





  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "#ac$s Resistance to %#a& .omen capitali0ed on issues associated .it# t#eir emininity- a= e7a'

    emale complaints b= prolon'in' t#e period o 'estation( sometimes

    breasteed babies or as lon' as t.o years)


    amputated t#eir bodies

    syncretic reli'ious practices use o 4rican .ords8 baan( poto-poto

    mimicin' European masters t#rou'# son' and dance


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "#ac$s Resistance to %#a&

    %nsurrectionary /et#ods:

    destruction o property 8maimin' o animals( dama'e to mac#ine

    o felds=

    murder 8illin' o"erseers=

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "#ac$s Resistance to %#a& Re"olts Rebellions

    /aroon ars

    ;>?; C#ristmas!am !#arpe Rebellion

    Berbice Re"olt

    Bussa Re"olt

    Bus# e'ro Iprisin'

    Tacy Rebellion

    Guadeloupe Blo.-Ip

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    "#ac$s Resistance to %#a&

    e. ensla"ed blacs .ere able to purc#ase t#eir reedom )

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The Hiti!



    Th ' iti R # ti

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The 'aitian Re&o#ution(1)91*1+,4-

    T#e most successul sla"e re"o


    Th ' iti R # ti

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The 'aitian Re&o#ution(1)91*1+,4-

    $aiti 8!aint Dominue= .as t#e .orlds leadin' su'ar producer) Kno6Pearl o t#e %ndies3 t#e renc# colony #ad o"er > su'ar plantat

    made more proft t#an all ;? 4merican colonies combined)

    T#e .#ites .#ic# totaled LM o t#e population o.ned t#e means o

    production and amassed #u'e profts rom su'ar .#ile t#e ensla"e.#ic# ormed AM .ere e7ploited under a brutal system o sla"ery

    Th ' iti R # ti

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The 'aitian Re&o#ution(1)91*1+,4-

    #en t#e renc# Re"olution be'an( .#ite settlers on $aiti called oindependence)

    Bouman Dutty( a blac ensla"ed $aitian called on #is ello. ensla#a"e t#eir o.n re"olutionJ

    %n ;NA;( about ;( sla"es rose in re"olt) T#ey burned su'arcaand illed planters) T#e uprisin' ormed t#e impetus or ;? years oin .#ic# bot# sides su*ered massacres)

    Th ' iti R # ti

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The 'aitian Re&o#ution(1)91*1+,4-

    Toussaint &5Ou"erture( a reed( educated blac .anted to end sla"e'ain independence or $aiti)

    $e rallied t#e ensla"ed peoples to re"olt in ;NA; 1 led armies a'ainrenc#( !panis# and Britis#)

    By ;>;( #e too control o t#e territory( reed t#e ensla"ed and crconstitution)

    %n ;>9 Toussaint .as captured and renc# domination and sla"eryreinstated in $aiti)

    The 'aitian Re&o#ution

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The 'aitian Re&o#ution(1)91*1+,4-

    $In overthrowing me, you have done no more than cut downtrunk of the tree of the black liberty in %t. &omingue ' it wilback from the roots, for they are numerous and deep.#

    Toussaint ./Ou&erture

    The 'aitian Re&o#ution

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The 'aitian Re&o#ution(1)91*1+,4-

    T#e taste o reedom t#at Toussaint #ad 'i"en t#e blacs caused t#continue to f'#t t#e renc#)

    &ed by General Dessalines( t#e $aitian army ou'#t a brutal .ar arenc# army)

    $aiti became t#e frst and only blac colony to ree itsel rom Eurodomination)

    On anuary ;( ;>@ ean acues Dessalines proclaimed $aitian


  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The Peasantry as Resista

    T#e de"elopment o a peasant class in t#e Caribbean is lined to t#abolition o sla"ery) %n act peasantry in t#e re'ion dates bac to ;>

    T#e peasantry e7isted in opposition to and in competition .it# t#e despite t#eir interdependence)

    $istorically peasants in t#e Caribbean e7isted on t#e cre"ices o soany area .#ere t#e main economic acti"ities o t#e Europeans did control)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The Peasantry as Resista

    4ccordin' to /ars#all( Caribbean peasantries incorporated non-a'r

    acti"ities suc# as fs#in'( s#op eepin'( and casual estate .or)

    Caribbean peasantries #a"e al.ays in"ol"ed t#e production o 'oo

    subsistence and or sale in local and international marets)

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    The Peasantry as Resista

    En#anced money and time mana'ement sills) En'endered sel-relplannin' and political a.areness amon' e7-sla"es) /aintainin' soceconomic stability in rural and non-plantation areas "ia attempts to'eneratin' communities( "illa'es( c#urc#es( sc#ools)

    4dded to t#e establis#ment o t#e local cooperati"es mo"ement anBans

    4dded to t#e e7port and trade o Caribbean countries "ia t#e di"ero a'ricultural produce)

    Resistance by 0ndenture

  • 7/25/2019 Caribbean Peoples Response to Oppression and Genocide


    Resistance by 0ndenture.abourers

    %ndentured labourers resisted by:


    runnin' a.ay

    reusin' to .or

    establis#in' small businesses