Historically, a career has been defined as paid employment. With this definition, who are the people with a career in your country? Can you think of a other (and hopefully better) way to define a As career guidance practitioners we can intervene on a macro level (the broad social and economic framework). How? What injustice can LGBT + people experience in education and work? NEETs (not in employment, education or training) are often considered problematic by the general public. Can you explain the NEETs situation from another viewpoint using these Discussion/ reflection Discussion/ reflection Discussion/ reflection Discussion/ reflection As career guidance practitioners we can intervene on a meso level (the community and organisations that provide support). How? Why should you encourage to informal work (such as volunteer work, household work)? The conventional recruitment process demotivates many NEETs. Do you have any creative and untraditional ideas or thoughts on this? «Neoliberalism assumes that the best way to full human needs is to decrease the power of the state» What consequences can this decrease in state power lead to?

careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

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Page 1: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Historically, a career has been defined as paid

employment. With this definition, who are the people with a career in your country? Can you

think of a other (and hopefully better) way to

define a career?

As career guidance practitioners we can intervene on a macro level (the broad social and economic framework). How?

What injustice can LGBT + people experience in education and work?

NEETs (not in employment, education or training) are often considered problematic by the general public. Can you explain the NEETs situation from another viewpoint using these keywords; powerlessness, structural oppression, injustice?



As career guidance practitioners we can intervene on a meso level (the community and organisations that provide support). How?

Why should you encourage to informal work (such as volunteer work, household work)?

The conventional recruitment process demotivates many NEETs. Do you have any creative and untraditional ideas or thoughts on this?

«Neoliberalism assumes that the best way to fulfil human needs is to decrease the power of the state»

What consequences can this decrease in state power lead to?

Page 2: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Page 3: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

With globalization and technology many jobs will disappear. This change in the labour market will affect people. Who do you think this change will affect the most?

Research across several years has found that careers advisors and teachers push people of colour into stereotypical occupations or towards low status vocational routes. Why, do you think?

In Norway, «social inclusion» is a term used in schools, society and by politicians. Why is this term a bit problematic?

How can you talk about unjust with your clients?

Page 4: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Page 5: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Norm criticism is a critical perspective that focuses on norms and values in society by analysing and visualising structures of exclusion and power in what is taken for granted in everyday life.

Can you think of some norms leading to exclusion for a group of people?

One of the five signposts towards a socially just approach to career guidance is:

Build a critical consciousness

Why do you think this is important and how can you do this?

One of the five signposts towards a socially just approach to career guidance is:

Name oppression

Why do you think this is important? What do you need to know about your clients before you can name oppression with them?

One of the five signposts towards a socially just approach to career guidance is:

Question what is normal

How can you talk to your clients about this?

Page 6: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Page 7: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

One of the five signposts towards a socially just approach to career guidance is:

Encourage people to work together

Why do you think this is important?

One of the five signposts towards a socially just approach to career guidance is:

Work at a range of levels

How can you do this and what will this mean to your client?

How can you provide just to your clients?

How can you work together in your organization to highlight social justice?

Keywords: purpose, values, shared language and knowledge, priorities

Page 8: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Discussion/reflection Discussion/reflection

Page 9: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Optimistically “it will take more than 70 years before gender wage gaps are closed completely”

Page 23

“In Europe, 52% of all people with severe disability do not participate in the labour force.”

Page 34

«The neoliberal paradigm is characterised by measures such as reduction of social benefits and services, constriction of eligibility criteria and preferment of private insurance— all of which ultimately serve to limit social rights»

Page 35

“As many as 47% of jobs are at risk of being computerised and a further 13% might be wiped out once machines become able to ‘understand’ and process natural language.”

Page 36

Page 10: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Quotes Quotes

Quotes Quotes

Page 11: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

“Career guidance can be conceptualised as a service that reflects, promotes and facilitates the “status quo”, or one that sets out to “trouble” and challenge it by imagining a world as it could and should be.”

Page 53

“As practitioners we must respond to the fact that a significant number of our clients may view their gender and sexual identity differently from us.”

Page 55

“6.1% of Europeans aged 15 to 19 and 16.7% aged 20 to 24 are NEET (not in employment, education or training)”

Page 64

“Social justice is not just about helping individuals but also about ‘righting a wrong and bringing about a fairer society”

Page 53

Page 12: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Quotes Quotes

Quotes Quotes

Page 13: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

“It is not possible to advance the interests of certain groups of individuals without some change in social structures”

Page 53

“While we have to offer career development interventions to individuals who are economically, socially and culturally disadvantaged, the service programmes also have to recognise the differential realties and experiences in relation to their social contexts of paid and unpaid work”

Page 68

“Provision of support and opportunities for young people through organisational input and the mobilisation of social networks is a necessity.”

Page 73

“Many NEETs feel demotivated and hopeless when they are engaged with the labour market through conventional recruitment processes.”

Page 75

Page 14: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Quotes Quotes

Quotes Quotes

Page 15: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you
Page 16: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

“Labour markets in Europe and other western countries have been racially segregated throughout the 20th century (Roediger, 1991; Penn, 1998), and racial segregation in the labour market is still significant.”

Page 83

“According to Royal Academy of Engineering (England) 71% of white engineering graduates find full-time jobs after six months compared with just 51% of black and minority ethnic students. Although employment prospects on the whole are very good, a black or Asian engineering graduate is more than twice as likely to be unemployed as a white counterpart of similar age and gender with similar study and attainment characteristics.”

Page 90

“Skewed recruitment practices based on gender, social background, race, religion, age, functionality and other related factors must be viewed as a failure because not everyone is given the same opportunities in life.”

Page 218

“The norm-critical approach is about being aware of and seeing norms as well as seeing ourselves in norms and challenging conceptions of the ‘others’”

Page 222



Page 17: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

“We (Hooley, Sultana, Thomsen) have often criticised academic discourses on ‘career’ and the practices of career guidance for being overly individualised and ignoring the context and constraints within which individuals build their lives and careers.”

Page 1-2

“Even though it seems insurmountable for individuals scholars, practitioners and policymakers to address individually what seems to be ‘overarching systemic problems that require political and economical resolve and action at macro levels, both national and supranational’, he (Sultana) nevertheless reminds us of the everyday collective struggles that can be battled through choice of approach and of stance as a profession.”

Page 6



Page 18: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Do not assume what type of job

your client would prefer.

Be brave.

Build a critical, participative and

inclusive framework.

Encourage both formal (paid) and

informal (volunteer) work.

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Page 19: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Be creative.

Dare to talk about inequalities in


Challenge your own normative ideas.

Encourage the client to tell you about his or her


Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Page 20: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Pay attention to the client’s context.

Provide a safe and collaborative


Suggest taking the meeting outside.

Go for a walk with the client.

(If given the possibility:) Advocate on behalf of your client in some way.

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Page 21: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

Listen to your clientShow interest, ask questions.

Encourage your client to meet or join a group with people in the same situation. Sometimes standing with others is more powerful that standing alone.

Maybe your clients have an idea of how you can help them the best way.

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Page 22: careerguidancesocialjustice.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewHow can you do this and what will this mean to your client? How can you provide just to your clients? How can you

After the session, ask how your client experienced the conversation. Maybe you can get feedback on how

you can do your job better, more understandable,

clearer and so on.

You are now meeting a new individual with a story different from anyone else. Reset your mind, do not assume you know this person.

May I suggest you ask the client what he/she wants to talk about today?

It is good to have a plan for the conversation, but maybe the client also has a plan.

Focus on your client’s strengths and knowledge.

Meeting the clientMeeting the client

Meeting the clientMeeting the client