Melanie Coulson Assistant Director, Coaching & Advising June 21, 2016 Career Exploration Staff Training

Career Exploration Staff Training

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Page 1: Career Exploration Staff Training

Melanie CoulsonAssistant Director, Coaching & Advising

June 21, 2016

Career ExplorationStaff Training

Page 2: Career Exploration Staff Training

• Learning about yourself and the world of work• Identifying and exploring potentially satisfying occupations• Developing effective strategies to realize your goals

What is Career Exploration?

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• Key questions include:• What do you like to do?• What keeps your curiosity?• What motivates you?• What do you like to work with?

People, concepts, things, data?• What do you value?• What skills do you possess? What

new ones can you develop?

• Use self-assessment skills to explore:• Interests• Skills• Experiences• Values

Understanding Yourself & Self Assessment

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Major & Career Exploration Pre-Screen Questions

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• Transferrable Skills Guide• Best Self Exercise• Values Inventory• Values Interest Questionnaire• My Ideal Day of Work Visioning Exercise• Assessments (SQ, SII, MBTI etc.)

Understanding Yourself & Self Assessment

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• Knowledge of Careers: Use career research skills to identify:• Career Fields• Educational Options• Requirements• Work Settings• Future Outlook

Gathering Information

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• Informational Interview• TIARA Method• Trinity University Alumni Group• Alumni Database• TrinityConnect• Exploratory Course List

• Major Exploration Short List of Majors• Major Fact Sheet• What Can I Do With This Major?• Occupational Card Sort• Possible Lives Mapping• Possible Lives Fact Sheet

Gathering Information

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• Use decision-making and action-planning skills to identify:• Personal fit in job market• Practical considerations• Next Steps


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• Important questions for the student to consider:• Do I have the resources to pursue these options?• What challenges might be presented in the job market?• Where are my academic strengths?• What career areas or clusters interest me?• How can I narrow down my options?• Should I pursue graduate school?• What else do I need to know to identify my career objectives?• What can I do to enhance my academic life? (study abroad, internships, etc.)• Do I need to conduct more self-assessment or career research


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• Attend events on campus• Workshops /Programs• Information Sessions• Panels• Making Connections

• Gain Experience• Job Shadow• Internship• Research• Study Abroad


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• Occupational Outlook Handbook• O*Net Online• The Riley Guide• Vault• Hoovers• Texas Reality Check• Salary.com• Internships.com• GoinGlobal• Career Explorer
