Af zal Hussain It s use in Formula 1 and sports cars.

Carbon Fibre Final Final

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8/3/2019 Carbon Fibre Final Final

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Afzal Hussain

Its use in Formula 1 and sports cars.

8/3/2019 Carbon Fibre Final Final

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Made up of fibres

Small strands woven together

Epoxy resin

Aluminium layer

High strength to weight ratio

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F1 andMotorsportF1 andMotorsport

Developed initially in the 1980s

Extremely high torsional stiffness

Amazing crash performance

Very lightweight

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8/3/2019 Carbon Fibre Final Final

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Very thin, pure carbon fibres

Epoxy polymer provides reinforced strength

Resin acts as glue to hold fibres together

70% Lighter than Steel40% Lighter than Aluminium

35% Lighter than Magnesium Alloy

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High resistance to:




Very high stiffness and compression

Customization of fibre arrangement

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Up to £600 / kgUp to £600 / kg

Several Key Reasons:

Complex material


Inability to auto manufacture

Demand on resources are high

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1. http://atlasf1.autosport.com/2000/dec27/gray.html

2. http://www.carkeys.co.uk/features/technical/567.asp

3. http://www.answers.com/topic/epoxy-1

4. http://www.geocities.com/vpkelly.geo/

5. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080924110914AAUxrME

6. http://ww.cardesignonline.com/production/materials/carbon-fiber.php

7. http://www.plasancarbon.com/template/default.aspx?maincat=1&catId=2&PageId=9

8. http://www.netcomposites.com/education.asp?sequence=35