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  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation



    An investigation into the effectiveness of the

    resources provided by The Mico University

    College library to facilitate evening students


    Group 2 Catalyst

    Sylvia McIntosh ID# 091125323 June Douglas ID# 111123590

    Edna Gooden ID# 091125245 Deena White ID# 091125277

    Fiona Williams ID# 091125043 Keno Edwards ID# 20131878

    Clive Hayles ID# 1231711308

  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation



    1. To what extent is The Mico University fully

    equipped to facilitate resources needed

    for research?

    2. What measure can The Mico University

    College put in place to improve the

    facilitation of resources in the library?

  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation



    The Mico University College library is one of the main resource thatstudents used to acquire information to aid in research. Is it fully

    equipped to facilitate all the resources needed for students

    research? It is on this premise that an investigation was done to

    provide answers.

    A standardized open ended interview schedule was developed to

    ascertain data that would provide feedback on the services provided

    by the Mico University College library. The aim of this survey was to

    find out if the evening students are benefitting from the resources

    provided by the library.

  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation


    This project proceeds through rigorous planning, observingand reflecting, with each of these activities beingsystematically and self-critically implemented andorganized. It involves students who are affected by the

    services provided by the library. It also enhances theprocess of group collaboration.

    Data Analysis is the process of systematically applyingstatistical and/or logical techniques to describe and

    illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003) various analyticprocedures provide a way of drawing inductive inferencesfrom data and distinguishing the signal (the phenomenon ofinterest) from the noise (statistical fluctuations) present in

    the data.

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    Advantages of interviews1. They are useful to obtain detailed information.

    2. They allow more detailed questions to be asked.

    3. They usually achieve a high response rate.

    4. Respondents own words are recorded.

    5. Ambiguities can be clarified.

    6. Interviewees are not influenced by others in the group.

    7. Some interviewees may be less self-conscious in a one-to-one situation.

    Disadvantages of interviews1. They can be very time-consuming.

    2. They can be costly.

    3. Different interviewers may understand and transcribe interviews in

    different ways.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of interviews

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    1. Informal, conversational interview - no predetermined questions are

    asked, in order to remain as open and adaptable as possible to theinterviewees nature and priorities; during the interview the interviewergoes with the flow.

    2. General interview guide approach - the guide approach is intended toensure that the same general areas of information are collected from each

    interviewee; this provides more focus than the conversational approach,but still allows a degree of freedom and adaptability in getting theinformation from the interviewee.

    3. Standardized, open-ended interview - the same open-ended questionsare asked to all interviewees; this approach facilitates faster interviews

    that can be more easily analyzed and compared.

    4. Closed, fixed-response interview - where all interviewees are asked thesame questions and asked to choose answers from among the same setof alternatives. This format is useful for those not practiced in interview inn and adaptable as possible to the

  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation


    This interview was designed to provide feedback on the services provided by the libraryat the Mico University College. I assure you that all personal and sensitive information

    collected will be treated confidentially.

    1: How often do you use the library?


    2: Do you believe that adequate materials are provided in the library to enhance



    3: How do you feel about the number of books allotted to borrow?

    4: Do you think the opening hours of the library facilitate evening school students?


    5: In your opinion, how do you think the services of the library can be improved?

    Interview Schedule

  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation


    Participants were purposively chosen. They

    are evening students of The Mico University

    College. They were randomly selected from

    different educational departments. Our aimwas to get their feedback on the services

    provided by the library. Selecting students

    from several departments would give a truereflection of the total populous.

    Selection of Participants

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    We interviewed a total of five evening students one maleand four females. These students were selected fromdifferent departments. Three from Early Childhood, onefrom primary and one form secondary.

    From question one only 40% of the participants uses theservices offered by the library regularly. However, fromquestion two it was identified that 60% of theparticipants agreed that the library facilitates their needsto get resources needed for their research. 20% thinks itdoes not facilitate their needs and 20% are not sure.some students think it is more convenient to use theirpersonal computer rather than the library.

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  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation


    Question five requested ways to improve the libraryservices the participants suggestion were recordedunder 5 categories: time, books, staff/security,space/location and other resources. 60% of theparticipants suggested a change in the opening hours,60% of the participants suggested an increase in thenumber of books or types of books. 60% of theparticipants suggested a better service from staff andsecurity. 40% of the participants suggested better use of

    the space with one hinting at the creation of a newlibrary. 40% of the participants suggested bettermanagement and up keep of other resources andservices offered.

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    Data Analysis

    Using pie charts and bar chart to show result

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    Library usage



    Of the



    60% say theyhardly use the

    library while

    the other

    40% uses itoften

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    Provision of adequate Materials



    Not sure20%

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    Limit on books allotted for borrowing




    Did notknow


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    Opening hours to accommodate evening





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    Suggestions on Improving the library


    60% 60% 60%

    40% 40%

    Time Books Staff/Security Space/Location Other resource

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    Based on the data collected majority of the eveningstudents who participated in answering theinterview schedule agreed that the library has

    being facilitating their needs to get resourcesneeded for their research.

    The research has shown that 60% of theparticipants chosen agreed that the library is

    fully equipped to facilitate the resourcesneeded for research. On the other hand,20% disagreed while 20% were indecisive.

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    Suggested ways to improve the library services:

    Longer hours needed.

    Weekend staff from student population.

    More specialized books. More accommodating and student friendly


    New library or specialized library . Up keep of printing and copying resources.

  • 8/12/2019 CAR Powerpoint Presentation



    Retrieved on July 25, 2014 from Grounded

    Theory- Data Analysis (n.d.).



    Retrieve on July 25, 2014 from datamanagement/datopic.html.