l k Capitalinka Investment Management Services LLC Global Investment Management & Strategic Advisory with Experience & Track-record Connecticut London Mexico City Washington, D.C. Istanbul Baku Almaty Toronto with Experience & Track record INVESTMENTS FINANCING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT VALUE MANAGEMENT

Capitalklinka Investment Management Services LLC · Capitalklinka Investment Management Services LLC ... (AIG, Soros, LhLehman, ... VP- Crystal Palace Football Club

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l kCapitalinka Investment Management Services LLCGlobal Investment Management & Strategic Advisory

with Experience & Track-recordConnecticut ■ London ■ Mexico City ■ Washington, D.C.

Istanbul ■ Baku ■ Almaty ■ Toronto

with Experience & Track record


Capitalinka: Profile

A boutique independent global strategic advisory & investment management firm

D i i l i t t t d l t t t Deep principal investment, corporate governance development, venture managementand capital markets track-records for growth companies in global markets

Global Experience built since mid-90’s on credible investment platforms (AIG, Soros,L h B k hi Citib k M ill L h t )Lehman, Berkshire, Citibank, Merrill Lynch, etc.)

A Strong and Capable Global Operating Team led by Serkan Alan Elden, formerManaging Director/Equity Partner of AIG’s US$83 billion AUM asset managementb ibusiness

A Credible International Board and North America & Europe based Strategic AdvisoryBoard with substantial global network and execution reach-out in the oil & gas,i f t t t l d i t t & fi i k t Si ifi t i iinfrastructure, telecom and investment & financing markets. Significant experience infundraising, capital market listings, bond-raisings as well as corporate governancebuild-ups.

With 20+ f f E i th t i i l i d i t With 20+ years of focus on Eurasia, the team is uniquely experienced in venturedevelopment and growth management of companies from Eurasia (Turkey, CaspianRegion, Emerging Europe, Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East)

2 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Senior ManagementF d d C i li k d h l d h l b l i 2004

SERKAN ALAN ELDENSenior Managing Director

Founded Capitalinka and has led the global team since 2004

Managing Partner, Energylinka- a global oil & gas focused merchant-banking & strategicadvisory business

CEO/President (Turkey & Middle East/Eurasia) & Managing Director/Global Equity/ ( y / ) g g / q yPartner, Investment Manager of various private equity platforms - AIG Investments(1998-2013, with 3 year sabbatical)

Board Member, Finance Coordination Committee Member & Corporate GovernanceCoordinator - Ulusal Factoring, Turkey’s leading non-bank financial services platform(2011 2013)(2011-2013)

Strategic Advisory Board Member, Caspian Corridor (2012)

Chairman, Young Society Leaders Board, American-Turkish Society-New York (2014- )

d b h b f k ( ) f Board Member- American Chamber of Commerce - Turkey (2009-2014). US Dept ofCommerce Honor Granted for Service to U.S.-Turkish commercial activities (2014)

CEO & Senior Investment Advisor- Fintur US$1.5 billion Telecom Portfolio (Kazakhstan-Kcell, Azerbaijan-Azercell, Georgia-Geocell, Moldova-Moldcell) (2004-2007)

Board Member/AIG Representative, Burren Energy plc (U.K.) through London StockExchange IPO (1999-2004)

Senior Investment Officer- US Gov’t Enterprise Fund in Central Asia (1996-1998)

Corporate Finance/Investment Manager Degere (Tatneft Nizhnekamsnefthekim JVs & Corporate Finance/Investment Manager, Degere (Tatneft-Nizhnekamsnefthekim JVs &Kazakh Republic Trading Co, Kazakh Consulate in Istanbul) (1994-1996)

Senior Advisor to Chairman of Central Asian Stock Exchange (Kazakhstan) (1995)

University of North Carolina (MBA) & Hacettepe Uni. (BSc Electronics Eng)

3 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Core Team

HUSAM BODEURSenior Director

Senior Director of Capitalinka’s Global business (Connecticut & Ankara) (2013- present)

Country Manager & European Portfolio Manager for Riverside Company (2011-2013)

Turkey Country Representative, TAQA, Abu Dhabi National Energy Company, (2010)

Vice President at Bedminster (former Soros) Capital Management- Europe (2007-2009)

Managing Director of Calik Energy & Telecom (Turkey & Caspian) (2002-2007)

Coordinator Samsun-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline (Turkey) with ENI & Shell (2006-2007)Coordinator, Samsun Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline (Turkey) with ENI & Shell (2006 2007)

Transaction & Investment Manager (From Privatization to Exit), Bursa Gas Distribution(Turkey) (2005-2007)

Project Manager, Drilling Services for TurkmenNeft, Turkmenistan’s National O&G Co(2003)

Project Manager, Construction of 3 Power Plants (500 MW), Turkmenistan (2003-2005)

Principal Analyst for Frost & Sullivan (U.S.) (2001-2002)

Privatization Consultant for Africa, The World Bank (U.S.) (2000-2001)

Overseas Representative for Havelsan (Turkish Defense Electronics Co) (1995-1997)

Project Manager at Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (Turkey) (1989-1995)

Advisor in Electronic Warfare for Turkish Air Forces (1990-1991)

Columbia University (MPA/MIA) , Hacettepe University (BSc in EE and MSc in Telecom)

Speaking Turkish (native) and English

4 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Speaking Turkish (native) and English

Capitalinka: Core Team

H.E. KRIM NATIRBOVSenior Director/

Operating Partner of Capitalinka Investment Management Services LLC (Washington, D.C.)(2014- present)

Senior Director of Energylinka (Washington, D.C.) (2014- present)

f l k ( h ) ( )Senior Director/ Operating Partner

Strategic Partner of Capitalinka Investments (Washington, D.C.) (2011- present)

Founder & Managing Partner, Natir Associates (1996-present)

Business Development and Executive Positions with various U.S. Corporations

First Deposit Corporation (CA)

TNT Global Logistics

B.A. Degree in History from the University of California in Santa Cruz

Substantial Experience and Expertise in Business Development globally, including in hightechnology, oil & gas, telecommunication industries

The Living Crown Heir of the Circassian Khanate (Grandson of the Last Princess ofCircassia, who migrated to the U.S. after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia).

5 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Core Team

ERIK C FITZGERALDSenior Investment Officer

Joined Capitalinka Investment Management Services in CT in 2014 to help build upNorth America investment and strategic advisory business

k h h ’ d ( ) d d Berkshire Hathaway’s Guard Insurance, Actuary (2013-2014)- pricing and productallocation strategies under the CEO’s office

Cukierman Investment House (Israel), M&A Senior Analyst (2012)- M&A andstrategic management

Segal Rogerscasey, Investment Consultant (2010-2011)- part of the investmentmanagement team with US$ 400 billion assets under advisement

Iridian Asset Management, Analyst Intern (2008)- research and modelling ininvestment management for a US$10 billion mutual fund portfoliog $ p

Merrill Lynch, LLBH Group (Private Banking Sector), Analyst Intern (2007)-services to HNW client portfolio

University of Connecticut, MBA Program, Part-Time Student

University of Connecticut, School of Business (2009)

6 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Global Team North America

- K. Natirbov, A. Smith (Washington, D.C.)

- R. Robledo (Mexico City)

- E. C. Fitzgerald, H. Bodeur (Connecticut)

- R. Cebe (Toronto)


- S. Hume-Kendall, K. Hunter (London)

- T. Sundell (Geneva/Riga)

- K. Koprulu (Monaco/Istanbul)

Asia/Eurasia/Middle East/Africa

- A. Zengin (Baku)

- M. Akif Yasin, F.Yucesoy, G. McBride, T. Ismen, S. Kadibesegil (Istanbul/Izmir)

- H. Bodeur (Ankara)

- T. Sundell (Africa)

- A. Handjani (U.A.E.)

7 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Board of Directors

Lord Aldeburgh (Simon Hume-Kendall) (U.K.)

- Founder of Burren Energy plc- brought Burren to a full London Stock Exchange listing in 2003

- Owner of Shipping Ventures- Norex plc, Olympic Cruise (Nasdaq), Bahama Cruises (CarnivalCruise exit), Volga Sumo Shipping (VSTT), Common Brothers plc, Sovereign Navigation(Romania), Appledore plc (Britain’s largest ship-repair group), Common Brothers plc (Britain’soldest ship owning company)

- Serial Venture Capitalist- English Wines Group, Heritage Hotels, Lamberhurst Holdings, etc.

- Chairman- Risc (U.K.), VP- Crystal Palace Football Club (1990-98), Chairman ClydesdaleBank

Kemal Köprülü (Turkey/Monaco)

- 20 years of investment, banking, corporate and finance experience in Turkey (Interbank,Ci ib k)Citibank)

- Board Member, Hiref Cultural Design Company; Chairman (Turkey)- Galaxy PetroleumMonaco

- Honorary Consul of Monaco and Rep of Monacan Royal Family in Istanbul

- Publisher of Turkish Policy Quarterly

Raul Robledo (Mexico)

- Managing Partner of EMVA and Nomisma Consultares

- Former CEO of Lehman Brothers-Mexico

- Advisor in the legendary Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) privatization in its sale to Carlos Slim

- Family routes with Turkey & the Middle East from the Ottoman Empire days

8 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: International Strategic Advisory Board

Ezra K. Zilkha (U.S.)

- President, Zilkha & Sons (New York)

- Legendary Name of the Global Banking Industry- Managing Director of Zilkha Bank, the firstprivate banking system in the Ottoman Middle East established in Baghdad in 1899

- Honorary Trustee of the Brookings Institute (U.S.)

- Former Board Trustee and Management roles at CIGNA Wesleyan Revlon Cambridge- Former Board, Trustee and Management roles at CIGNA, Wesleyan, Revlon, CambridgeAssociates, American International Bank (Wachovia-Fidelity JV in Europe), Goldsmith,Princeton Uni.

9 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory Services…

Overall Asset Management Allocation Strategy Development & Execution

Venture Development Strategyp gy

Growth Management

Strategic Guidance in Market Penetration: Road-mapping & Execution

Investment Criteria based Targeted Company Screening Investment Criteria-based Targeted Company Screening

Market Presence Support, Management & Regional Representation

Partner Selection & Partner Negotiation Support

Transaction Build-up (Term Sheet/Preliminary Agreement Structuring & Negotiations)

Investment Appraisal Coordination & Support for Investment Approvals (Board Presentations and Board Review Support)

Due Diligence Management (including selection & management of all advisors and investment banks Due Diligence Management (including selection & management of all advisors and investment banks in coordination with the management)

All-around Transaction Management Services (Advisors Selection & Management to Deal Closing)

Financing & Co-Investor Consortium Build-up’s (Identifying and negotiating w/ the Banks and other g p ( y g g g /co-investors)- inc. preparation for stock exchange listings, bond offerings

10 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Investment Management & Corporate Governance Services

Active Senior-level Board Representation & Participation (including independent board membership,board advisory roles and/or management committee support)

Regional & Global Acquisition Management

Access to private equity partnerships, alternative financing schemes & international capital markets

Monitoring & Reporting Coordination

Partnership Management Partnership Management

Corporate Governance Enhancement (Board Construction, Committee Construction & Management,Governance Reporting Construction & Management)

Dispute Management & Resolution (including Management Changes)

Legal Defense (Selection and management of legal advisors; building-up of the arbitration & court casesand management of the arbitration/court processes)

Exit Management (Partial and full exits through IPOs/SPOs, exit partner search,execution/implementation of put options/arbitral orders/dispute settlements Liquidationexecution/implementation of put options/arbitral orders/dispute settlements, LiquidationManagement)

11 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

InvestimentA: Capitalinka’s Knowledge-Sharing & Education Platform

CapitAlinka participates in investment development,knowledge-sharing programs through its education & socialplatform, InvestimentA

Select recent participations include:p p 2014- Keynote Address & Strategic Discussion Leader at the Kazakhstan

Stock Exchange, Almaty 2013- Columnist of the Investment Page, the Optimist Monthly Nov 2012- Caspian Corridor Platform of AsiaHouse & CityUK, London Oct 2012- Russell 20/20, Partner, Turkey & Iraq Annual Investor Tour May 2012- IFC/EMPEA Emerging Markets Private Equity Conference

(Washington, D.C.) May 2012- Energy Arena led by Turkish Minister of Energy & Kurdistan

Regional Gov’t (Erbil, Iraq) Feb 2012- Chairman of Turkey Day at the Superreturn International

(Berlin)( ) Nov 2011- Oxford Univ. Said Business School Private Equity Institute

seminar on Emerging Markets Private Equity Investing Nov 2011- The Ditchley Foundation’s Panel Board Membership for Central

Asia panel (U.K.) Sep 2011- Organization of Turkish PM Erdogan’s meeting with the U.S.

private equity community in New York in partnership with Investmentp q y y p pAgency

Sep 2011- American-Turkish Society’s Selection of Young Society Leaders Mar 2011- Key Note Speaker on Investment Environment at the launch of

US - Oman Free Trade Council in Muscat May 2008- White Paper for the Development of the Private Equity

Management Industry in Saudi Arabia in collaboration with Saudi Inv.g yAgency

2008- mergermarket Mid-market M&A in Turkey Roundtable &Whitepaper

2006-2007- Member, Shanghai Cooperation Organization BusinessCouncil- Kazakhstan



Istanbul ■ Baku ■ Almaty ■ Toronto


Capitalinka: Investment Management & Strategic Advisory

energylinka (Global) A Global Energy Investment Management & Strategic

Advisory Venture, focusing on “structured oil & gas”y g gand “alternative energy”, “infrastructure” ventures andtransactions globally

Operating from bases in New York, Washington D.C.,London, Istanbul, Baku, Almaty and Mexico CitySi ifi k d i hi d k Significant track-record, transaction history and networkof partners in global oil & gas & energy transactionsglobally

Focusing on bringing international investors and NorthAmerican energy and infrastructure players together ingy p y gthe New Energy Game in North America

Substantial Experience and Coverage in the Caspian,Middle East and African markets in primarilyExploration & Production and oil-value chain businessesC G h C i Middl E E Coverage Geography: Caspian, Middle East, EasternMediterranean Rim, Africa & Americas

Working with companies and investors in the whole oil& gas value chain in cooperation with governments andregulating platforms to create solutions for new trendsg g pin the energy markets and bottlenecks in the traditionaloil and gas geographies where dislocations take place

Convergence Strategy towards Principal InvestmentPartnership

14 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory & Growth Management

Burren Energy plc (U.K./Caspian Region/Africa) A Caspian-borne integrated oil&gas company with first

producing asset in Turkmenistan Role: Full-cycle Active Transaction & Investment

Management, including Board Representation Investment funded by AIG Silk Road Fund in 1999 Lord Aldeburgh started Burren with two partners in 1994g p Serkan Elden invested in early stage of Burren with AIG

owning 10% of shares Supported the company in all critical rounds of funding,

including to buy-out Mobil’s and Monument’s PSA shares tolid l f h d iconsolidate management control of the producing asset

Expansion into shipping and marketing. Supported theacquisition of an Africa-based producing production sharingagreement. Helped assess other Caspian acquisitionopportunities.pp

Led a minority-block of 40% to protect governance interestsagainst largest financial investor’s non-arms-lengthacquisition pressures. Won the battle to establish agovernance committee as a sub-committee of the board tomanage company as if it were a Takeover Panel (U.K.)manage company as if it were a Takeover Panel (U.K.)governed firm

Supported the IPO on the main-board of London Stock Exc. Company reached a market cap of US$3.5 billion, eventually

sold to Italy’s ENI

15 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record


Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory

Growing Oil & Gas Junior Co (Confidential)(Middle East & North Africa)

Management of a junior oil & gas company established by aroyal family office has asked Capitalinka for its support inbuilding strategic partnerships in the broader Eurasia region

The company was a 50 000 kbbl/d+ oil producer with The company was a 50,000 kbbl/d+ oil producer withsignificant further oil and gas reserves under management

In 2013, Capitalinka designed and managed targetdiscussions for the firm to explore merger alternatives

Capitalinka identified a global venture development strategyCapitalinka identified a global venture development strategyfor the firm’s major shareholder’s management

Capitalinka also explored and had discussions for certainstrategic alliances on behalf of the major family officecontrolling the oil company’s board

Capitalinka identified various venture growth directionstowards bringing the firm to a major global stock exchange

Capitalinka also identified various capital raising sources forthe firm’s major shareholder

16 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory

Structured Currency Swap Businessin Oil & Gas Producing Emerging Markets of Africa

The sharp decline in the oil and gas prices and thehit on Emerging Market currencies has createdsignificant arbitrage opportunities and need fori t ll t b i ithinvestors as well as corporate business withexposure to oil-producing world as well as emergingmarkets

In 2014, Capitalinka has partnered with a U.K. basedregulated currency house RVB Currency to have aregulated currency house, RVB Currency to have astructured approach to the business

Structuring solutions to investors and tradingbusiness with needs to have a continuous and stableflow of local currencies in exchange ofginvestment/trading US dollars or Euros

Primary Areas of Focus:- Africa (primarily oil producing regions

such as Nigeria and Angola)suc as N ge a a d go a)- Caspian Countries

17 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Investment Management

Galatasaray Sportif (Europe) Sports Marketing JV between the UEFA-cup winning football

l b G l t d t AIG d i t itclub, Galatasaray, and two AIG-managed private equityfunds (AIG Blue Voyage Fund and AIG Global Sports &Entertainment Funds)

Role: 4-years of Full-cycle Active Investment Management,including Management Board Representationincluding Management Board Representation

US$20 investment under management for apprx. 20% ofshares

Active management of the governance - appointed CFO andinternational sports marketing management companyinternational sports marketing management company(Sportfive). Designed and implemented the day-to-daymanagement committee including club, AIG and Sportfiverepresentatives.

IPO’ed the company on Istanbul Stock Exchange with moreIPO ed the company on Istanbul Stock Exchange with morethan 5x oversubscription and 70+% international investorparticipation

Exit in 2004

18 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Investment Managementl l k ( k )Ulusal Faktoring A.S. (Turkey)

One of the leading independent non-bank, regulatedfinancial services companies in Turkey

Invested in 2011 via Global Emerging Markets Partners Invested in 2011 via Global Emerging Markets PartnersViaduct Fund

Role: Full-cycle Transaction & Investment Management,including Board Membership and Corporate GovernanceCoordinator role at the Investee. Also President of theinvestment company in Luxembourg

Currently under management: Appointed the CFO in first month of investment.

Appointed outside legal counsel and establishedAppointed outside legal counsel and establishedfinancing and governance committees

Established governance and financing committees Obtained the first independent rating for the company-

upgraded the rating to A+ only in a matter of a yearupgraded the rating to A+ only in a matter of a year Led the company’s TL 60 mil (US$34 mil) capital raising

through inaugural bonds from Turkish domesticinvestors in October 2012A hi d 79% th i t ith 27% f ROE Achieved 79% growth in assets with 27% of ROE

Worked with the company to build and execute thecompany’s growth strategy. Major plans includedexpansion of the company’s funding base, via new financingchannels and instruments, including further use of capital-

19 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

channels and instruments, including further use of capitalmarkets based products

Capitalinka: Corporate Governance & Investment Management

Degere (Oil & Gas, Non-ferrous Metals & Chemicals)(Russia, Switzerland, U.S., Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine)

Degere was one of the first international petrochemicals trading Degere was one of the first international petrochemicals tradingand transportation companies operating in the Soviet Union(started in 1987)

JV partners with Soyuzchimexport (Soviet Union) in the firstTurkish-Soviet joint venture

JV partners with Tatneft, Nizhnekamsnefthekim, Kamaz,Gazprom, Orgsyntez and Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs

First international platform to open Republic of Tatarstan tointernational financial markets for its independent oil exports

Partnerships with Jezkazgansvetmet in one of firstinternationally structured commodities financing transactionsin the Former Soviet Union

Strategic Advisory to international oil &gas and mininginvestors (Moncrief, Frontera, Turkish Petroleum, WMC) ininvestors (Moncrief, Frontera, Turkish Petroleum, WMC) intheir market penetration to Russia and Kazakhstan

Strategic Advisory to U.S. Energy Efficiency Companies, U.S.Dept of Energy and Ukrainian Steel mills in Energy EfficiencyProjects

Transportation & Logistics Infrastructure Financing for oil andgas, chemicals and other commodities (Romania-Galatiterminal, Istanbul- Izmit Gulf container terminal JV with P&O)

Coordinated investment & financing strategies of thecommodities trading group (1994-1996)

20 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

commodities trading group (1994 1996)

Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory in Refinancing & Capital Markets Penetration

SOCAR Refinancing (2006)The First Corporate International Capital Markets p pOffering from Azerbaijan

St t Oil C f A b ij R bli (SOCAR) h d 1995 State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) had a 1995-structured loan arrangement with two of its production sharingagreement partners to finance its carried interest in the first PSAsin Azerbaijan

SOCAR wanted to refinance these loans with a much cheaperpcapital-markets based instruments

Azerbaijan- until then- had no corporate issuing a privately placedcapital market financing product in the global markets, which wasa challenge for the proposed target refinancingC it li k b ht th d l t it L d k t t Capitalinka brought the deal to its London market partnerWighams to help structure the financing consortium

An underwriter (BNP Paribas) was chosen to refinance SOCAR’soutstanding loans with a proper financing structure and moreattractive financing termsg

The transaction appeared as the “First” major international capitalmarket transaction issued by a corporate out of AzerbaijanRepublic

21 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Private Equity Fund & Investment ManagementAIG Private Equity Funds- First PE funds in Eurasia(Turkey/Russia/Caspian Region/Central Asia)

The pioneer introducers of Private Equity business model to theThe pioneer introducers of Private Equity business model to theFormer Soviet Union and Turkey- mid 90’s

Role: Helped source/conceptualize, launch and manage AIG SilkRoad Fund (vintage: 1997) and AIG Blue Voyage Fund (vintage:1999)

Opened up and managed Caspian-investments out of Baku LP’s included major U.S. and multilateral institutional investors

(EBRD, US Oil Company Unocal, US Agribusiness CompanyArcher Daniel Midland, Finnish Sovereign Wealth Fund FinnFund,etc.)etc.)

Helped create major local/regional champions (Kazakhtelekom,Vimpelcom, AFM Movie Theaters, etc.).

9 out of 10 investments were profitable. 3 IPO’s, including 2 first-time local IPOs on Istanbul Stock Exchange and 1 London maingboard listing. Portfolio Co’s reached to sale to global strategics(Marathon Oil, ENI, etc.)

On-the-ground management of the fund and investments out ofAlmaty, Baku and Istanbul for 6 years. Results:

lk d d % ( l d )- AIG Silk Road Fund: 2.6x, 22.7% IRR (unlevered equity)- AIG Blue Voyage Fund:2.2x, 25.5% IRR (unlevered equity)

22 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Investment Management & Strategic Partnership Management

Pinebridge Sale to Pacific Century Group (Hong Kong) AIG Investments, the asset management arm of AIG, had

US$750+ billion of AUM at September 2008 when AIG had aUS$750+ billion of AUM at September 2008 when AIG had adeal with Fed for a US$180 billion bail-out

Third party asset management business of AIG Investmentshad well above US$100 billion AUM with 40 years of track-record

AIG and AIG Investments management agreed to spin-outthe third party asset management business in a formal saleprocess in November 2008

In September 2009, Pacific Century Group (Hong Kong) ledby Richard Li signed a deal with AIG to buy out US$83by Richard Li signed a deal with AIG to buy-out US$83billion AUM platform of third-party asset management.

Approximately 90 partners of the firm (out of c900investment professionals) negotiated an equity partnershipin the newly named PineBridge Investments

Role: Negotiated participation in the spin-out transaction asone of the global equity partners of the newly-createdPineBridge Investments

Exit ownership in 2013

23 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Strategic AdvisoryBaker & McKenzie International’s Penetration to Turkey

Baker & McKenzie International is one of the world’s top law-firms with presence in almost all key markets in EurasiaThe firm wanted to strategicall be presented in Turke for long The firm wanted to strategically be presented in Turkey for longyears until 2012

Esin & Co, led by Dr. Ismail Esin, a prominent M&A-focusedand corporate law-firm got itself built successfully over a decadein the 2000’s and reached a 50+ lawyer platform.

capitAlinka and its partner, Serkan Elden, had long years ofprofessional experience and relationship with both Baker &McKenzie as well as Esin & Co.

In 2012, capitAlinka has helped Baker & McKenzie and Esin &C t t t i ll li k d th i b i f T kCo to strategically link-up and merge their businesses for Turkeyto create one of Turkey’s largest and in terms of volume ofbusiness, the biggest law-firm

With this, Baker & McKenzie has become immediately a leadinglaw-firm with local lawyers in the country where legal firms and

d l f l ll d hy y g

transaction-oriented law-firms are very locally-driven. Thetransaction has positioned Baker & McKenzie right at the topfirst quartile of the transaction world in Turkey.

Esin & Co’s lawyers, with Dr. Ismail Esin in the lead, becameglobal partners and lawyers of Baker & McKenzie with theg p ytransaction.

The transaction has also created a unique example for the legalfirms in Turkey, which has later opened way to other similartransactions.

24 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory & Investment ManagementGlobal Investment Group (CT, US) Investment Portfolio

A U.S.-based multi-family office with private equity and strategicA U.S. based multi family office with private equity and strategicinvestments under management globally

Primary Assets Advised: Telecom Services, Technology, Logistics &Real Estate, Natural Resources

Strategic Advisory to the growth management of the largest logisticsg y g g g gcenter management company located at the busiest airport in the region,at the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul

Strategic Advisory to the growth of the CT-based technology company,Telenity (www.telenity.com), for its global penetration to telecomcompaniescompanies

Role: Outsourced CIO Role & Independent Board member oninternational subsidiary

Helped the company and management to develop a vision beyondoperational management. Turned the company from an operational-p g p y pmindset to an “investment” and “know-how” mindset over a period of3 years

Identified various partnership and acquisition opportunities.Completed the acquisition of the only free-trade zone in NorthernCyprus at the Famagusta PortCyprus at the Famagusta Port

Helped structure the venture-development strategy for the assetrecovery at one of the oldest copper mining geographies in the world

Served on the board of the international subsidiary of the Free ZoneCompany as independent director for 5 years

25 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

p y p y

Capitalinka: Strategic Advisory & Corporate Governance Managementh b fAmerican Chamber of Commerce- ABFT

Established in 2004 as an American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey,ABFT is the leading association which houses c100 leading Americancorporations (such as GE, Citibank, Dupont, UPS, JP Morgan, WellsFargo AIG etc ) as membersFargo, AIG, etc.) as members.

Serkan Elden became a board member of AmCham in 2009 and over aperiod of close to 5 years, he served as an anchor board member,serving as the first, longest serving and only continuing director in 3consecutive terms. Throughout this period, he took on SecretaryG l T d M b hi D l t l t thGeneral, Treasurer and Membership Development roles at thechamber.

His main success in AmCham is turning it around from a 30 activemember mediocre business platform to a respected, active c100member association. He was also recognized for bringing the platformg g g pfrom a financially strained position into a 200% growth in substantiallystrong revenue generation level.

While tripling the membership base, the organization also increasedquality of its governance, quality of its operational delivery tomembers, to Turkish and American business community and its levelmembers, to Turkish and American business community and its levelof service integration with the U.S. and Turkish governments. Theorganization became a respected venue for U.S. Government officials(U.S. Secretaries and Undersecretaries of Transportation, Energy,Commerce, etc.) as well as Turkish Government officials (PrimeMinister, Min of Finance, Min. of Industry & Trade, InvestmentA t ) d l b l CEO (GE Citi D t t )Agency, etc.) and global CEOs (GE, Citi, Dupont, etc.)

In December 2013, U.S. Department of Commerce and AmChamseparately have honored Serkan Elden for his service to the Chamberand for building of U.S.-Turkish commercial and investment relations.

26 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Capitalinka: Investment Management & Strategic Advisory

Arya Women’s Investment Platform (Global) Capitalinka’s Most Recent Investment Management

Advisory Projecty j Arya is a new investment platform in Istanbul that

brings together investors, professionals andentrepreneurs who want to invest in women becausethey believe women to be an opportunity.A b li i b i i h Arya believes in becoming a strategic partner ratherthan just a source of funding for the companies it investsin. Arya invests in women led entrepreneurship. Thismeans that it does not only support womenentrepreneurs and businesses with a women’s focus, butalso creates the Woman Investment Effect that has muchalso creates the Woman Investment Effect that has muchgreater impact.

Arya Investment Criteria: Women Leadership

L Y R $500K 5M Last Year Revenues: $500K-5M High growth potential Scalable Coachable team Coachable team

Platform in the process of booting up with a group ofwomen entrepreneurs led by A. B. Serter in Turkey &the U.S.

27 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Reaching Out to Capitalinka

+1 646 480 0794+1-646-480 0794

[email protected]


28 Global Strategic Advisory & Investment Management Services with Experience & Track record

Connecticut ■ London ■ Mexico City ■ Washington, D.C.

Istanbul ■ Baku ■ Almaty ■ Toronto