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Page 1: Capitalization



This presentation is brought to you by

Grammar Bytes!, ©2012 by Robin L.


This presentation is brought to you by

Grammar Bytes!, ©2012 by Robin L.


Page 2: Capitalization


Do I need a capital letter?

Do I need a capital letter?

Or should that letter remain lower case?

Or should that letter remain lower case?

Page 3: Capitalization

This presentation covers capitalizing

the first letter of the first word of a sentence, the

pronoun I , and proper nouns.

This presentation covers capitalizing

the first letter of the first word of a sentence, the

pronoun I , and proper nouns.

Page 4: Capitalization

A capitalization item on an A capitalization item on an objective test might look like objective test might look like this this .. .. ..

A capitalization item on an A capitalization item on an objective test might look like objective test might look like this this .. .. ..

Page 5: Capitalization

Sample ItemSample ItemSample ItemSample Item

Wanda wouldn’t offer her little brother a Wanda wouldn’t offer her little brother a

Christmas cookie because he ate all of her Christmas cookie because he ate all of her

Halloween candy last october.Halloween candy last october.

A.A.BrotherBrotherB.B.CookieCookieC.C.OctoberOctoberD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Wanda wouldn’t offer her little Wanda wouldn’t offer her little brotherbrother a a AAChristmas Christmas cookiecookie because he ate all of her because he ate all of her BBHalloween candy last Halloween candy last octoberoctober.. CC

A.A.BrotherBrotherB.B.CookieCookieC.C.OctoberOctoberD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Wanda wouldn’t offer her little Wanda wouldn’t offer her little brotherbrother a a AAChristmas Christmas cookiecookie because he ate all of her because he ate all of her BBHalloween candy last Halloween candy last OctoberOctober.. CC

A.A.BrotherBrotherB.B.CookieCookieC.C.OctoberOctoberD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Is brother, cookie, or october a problem?

Is brother, cookie, or october a problem?

October needs a capital letter, which option C


October needs a capital letter, which option C


Page 6: Capitalization

Capitalize the first Capitalize the first letterletter of the of the first first wordword of a of a sentencesentence..Capitalize the first Capitalize the first letterletter of the of the first first wordword of a of a sentencesentence..

the rotten pear sat in a puddle of goo the rotten pear sat in a puddle of goo on the kitchen counter.on the kitchen counter.

Dude, formal writing is not the same as texting your friend!

Dude, formal writing is not the same as texting your friend!

TThe rotten pear sat in a puddle of goo he rotten pear sat in a puddle of goo on the kitchen counter.on the kitchen counter.

Page 7: Capitalization

Capitalize the pronounCapitalize the pronoun II..Capitalize the pronounCapitalize the pronoun II..

If that liar Darlene claims that she spent If that liar Darlene claims that she spent the night studying, i will say that i saw her the night studying, i will say that i saw her kissing Thomas at the movies.kissing Thomas at the movies.

If that liar Darlene claims that she spent If that liar Darlene claims that she spent the night studying, the night studying, II will say that will say that II saw saw her kissing Thomas at the movies.her kissing Thomas at the movies.

Don’t be lazy! Capitalize those I ’s.

You deserve a capital letter!

Don’t be lazy! Capitalize those I ’s.

You deserve a capital letter!

Page 8: Capitalization

Capitalize Capitalize proper nounsproper nouns..Capitalize Capitalize proper nounsproper nouns..

On tuesday, september 18, elizabeth On tuesday, september 18, elizabeth cooked her first pot of squid eyeball stew. cooked her first pot of squid eyeball stew. On On TTuesday, uesday, SSeptember 18, eptember 18, EElizabeth lizabeth cooked her first pot of squid eyeball stew. cooked her first pot of squid eyeball stew.

Proper nouns include the days of the week,

the months of the year, and names.

Proper nouns include the days of the week,

the months of the year, and names.

Page 9: Capitalization

Other Proper NounsOther Proper NounsOther Proper NounsOther Proper Nouns

TitlesTitles beforebefore NamesNames

Specific Specific PlacesPlaces

OrganizationsOrganizations CompaniesCompanies Product Product

NamesNames ReligionsReligions LanguagesLanguages

NationalitiesNationalities HolidaysHolidays DepartmentsDepartments Historical Historical

ErasEras Regions of the Regions of the

CountryCountry Course Course

NamesNames Titles of WorksTitles of Works

Page 10: Capitalization

Titles Before NamesTitles Before NamesTitles Before NamesTitles Before Names

PProfessor rofessor StoneStone

UUncle Jerryncle Jerry PPresident resident


the nursing the nursing pprofessorrofessor

my my uunclencle the the ppresident of resident of

our stamp our stamp collecting clubcollecting club

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 11: Capitalization

Specific PlacesSpecific PlacesSpecific PlacesSpecific Places

TTito’s ito’s TTaco aco PPalacealace

NNew ew YYork ork CCity ity GGatorlandatorland

the the ttaco aco sstand tand outsideoutside

a a ccityity a a ttheme heme pparkark

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 12: Capitalization


WWorld orld WWildlife ildlife FFundund

AAmerican merican RRed ed CCross ross

DDoctors octors WWithout ithout BBordersorders

an an eenvironmental nvironmental ggrouproup

an an eemergency mergency rresponse esponse aagencygency

a a mmedical edical hhumanitarian umanitarian oorganizationrganization

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 13: Capitalization


SStarbucks tarbucks CCorporationorporation

TThe he CCoca-oca-CCola ola CCompany ompany

AApple pple IInc.nc.

a a ccoffee offee hhouseouse a a ssoda oda ssupplierupplier a a ccomputer omputer


Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 14: Capitalization

Product NamesProduct NamesProduct NamesProduct Names

FFrappuccinorappuccino OOreo reo PPower ower MMacac

a a ffrozen rozen ccoffeeoffee a a ccookieookie a a ccomputeromputer

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 15: Capitalization


BBuddhismuddhism SSeventh eventh DDay ay

AAdventistsdventists DDruidsruids

mmeditation editation ppracticeractice

vvegetariansegetarians nnature ature


Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 16: Capitalization


FFrench friesrench fries RRussian boar ussian boar SSpanish mosspanish moss

ffried ried ppotatoesotatoes wwild ild ppigsigs aair ir pplantslants

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these! But use lower

case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 17: Capitalization


BBraziliansrazilians the the FFrench rench ancient ancient


ssummerummer t touristsourists wwine ine

cconnoisseursonnoisseurs ppyramid yramid bbuildersuilders

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 18: Capitalization


TThanksgivinghanksgiving HHalloweenalloween FFourth of ourth of JJulyuly

ffamilyamily d dinnerinner ccostume ostume ppartyarty ffireworks ireworks sshowhow

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these! But use lower

case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 19: Capitalization


DDivision of ivision of MMotor otor VVehiclesehicles

OOrlando rlando FFire ire DDepartmentepartment

IInternal nternal RRevenue evenue SServiceervice

ddriver’sriver’s l licenseicense ffirefightersirefighters ttax ax ccollectorsollectors

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 20: Capitalization

Historical ErasHistorical ErasHistorical ErasHistorical Eras

LLate ate CCretaceousretaceous

OOld ld KKingdom ingdom the the GGreat reat


wwhen hen ddinosaurs inosaurs llivedived

pproliferation of roliferation of ppyramidsyramids

ppoor oor eeconomic conomic ttimesimes

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 21: Capitalization

Regions of the CountryRegions of the CountryRegions of the CountryRegions of the Country

the the SSouthouth the the NNortheastortheast the the WWestest

the the ssouth exitouth exit blowing from theblowing from the

nnortheastortheast wwest of the mallest of the mall

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 22: Capitalization

Course NamesCourse NamesCourse NamesCourse Names

FFundamentals undamentals of of BBiologyiology

IIntermediate ntermediate AAlgebra lgebra

CContemporary ontemporary LLiteratureiterature

bbiologyiology aalgebralgebra lliteratureiterature

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these!

But use lower case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 23: Capitalization

Titles of WorksTitles of WorksTitles of WorksTitles of Works

MMoby-oby-DDickick AAliensliens TThrillerhriller

a thick a thick nnovelovel the best the best mmovie ovie

ever madeever made a dance a dance aalbumlbum

Capitalize these!

Capitalize these! But use lower

case for these!But use lower

case for these!

Page 24: Capitalization

Quick TestQuick TestQuick TestQuick Test

Directions:Directions: In the items that follow, choose In the items that follow, choose the option that corrects an error in the the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.”“No change is necessary.”

Show me what you


Show me what you


Page 25: Capitalization

Byron likes spicy foods, so he chose the Asian Byron likes spicy foods, so he chose the Asian

chicken wrap. Martha prefers bland dishes and chicken wrap. Martha prefers bland dishes and

ordered a large basket of french fries.ordered a large basket of french fries.

A.A.asianasianB.B.LargeLargeC.C.FrenchFrenchD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Item 1Item 1Item 1Item 1

Byron likes spicy foods, so he chose the Byron likes spicy foods, so he chose the AsianAsian AAchicken wrap. Martha prefers bland dishes and chicken wrap. Martha prefers bland dishes and

ordered a ordered a largelarge basket of basket of frenchfrench fries. fries. B CB C

A.A.asianasianB.B.LargeLargeC.C.FrenchFrenchD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Byron likes spicy foods, so he chose the Byron likes spicy foods, so he chose the AsianAsian AAchicken wrap. Martha prefers bland dishes and chicken wrap. Martha prefers bland dishes and

ordered a ordered a largelarge basket of basket of FrenchFrench fries. fries. B B CC

A.A.asianasianB.B.LargeLargeC.C.FrenchFrenchD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 26: Capitalization

Item 2Item 2Item 2Item 2

Janelle will take Fundamentals of Biology next Janelle will take Fundamentals of Biology next

semester; she hates Science classes but needs the semester; she hates Science classes but needs the

credits to transfer to a university.credits to transfer to a university.

A.A.fundamentals of biologyfundamentals of biologyB.B.sciencescienceC.C.UniversityUniversityD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Janelle will take Janelle will take Fundamentals of BiologyFundamentals of Biology next next AAsemester; she hates semester; she hates ScienceScience classes but needs the classes but needs the BBcredits to transfer to a credits to transfer to a universityuniversity.. CC

A.A.fundamentals of biologyfundamentals of biologyB.B.sciencescienceC.C.UniversityUniversityD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Janelle will take Janelle will take Fundamentals of BiologyFundamentals of Biology next next AAsemester; she hates semester; she hates sciencescience classes but needs the classes but needs the BBcredits to transfer to a credits to transfer to a universityuniversity.. CC

A.A.fundamentals of biologyfundamentals of biologyB.B.sciencescienceC.C.UniversityUniversityD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 27: Capitalization

Item 3Item 3Item 3Item 3

My family prefers to cook a ham on holidays, but My family prefers to cook a ham on holidays, but

uncle Bart is a vegetarian, so my mother prepares uncle Bart is a vegetarian, so my mother prepares

““tofurkey” for him.tofurkey” for him.

A.A.HolidaysHolidaysB.B.UncleUncleC.C.VegetarianVegetarianD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

My family prefers to cook a ham on My family prefers to cook a ham on holidaysholidays, but , but AAuncleuncle Bart is a Bart is a vegetarianvegetarian, so my mother prepares , so my mother prepares BB CC““tofurkey” for him.tofurkey” for him.

A.A.HolidaysHolidaysB.B.UncleUncleC.C.VegetarianVegetarianD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

My family prefers to cook a ham on My family prefers to cook a ham on holidaysholidays, but , but AAUncleUncle Bart is a Bart is a vegetarianvegetarian, so my mother prepares , so my mother prepares BB CC““tofurkey” for him.tofurkey” for him.

A.A.HolidaysHolidaysB.B.UncleUncleC.C.VegetarianVegetarianD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 28: Capitalization

Item 4Item 4Item 4Item 4

Dai is vietnamese, but she grew up in Puerto Dai is vietnamese, but she grew up in Puerto

Rico, where she attended cooking school; now Rico, where she attended cooking school; now

she is the head chef at the Cuban restaurant on she is the head chef at the Cuban restaurant on

Orange Avenue.Orange Avenue.

A.A.VietnameseVietnameseB.B.Cooking SchoolCooking SchoolC.C.cubancubanD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Dai is Dai is vietnamesevietnamese, but she grew up in Puerto , but she grew up in Puerto AARico, where she attended Rico, where she attended cooking schoolcooking school; now ; now BBshe is the head chef at the she is the head chef at the CubanCuban restaurant on restaurant on CCOrange Avenue.Orange Avenue.

A.A.VietnameseVietnameseB.B.Cooking SchoolCooking SchoolC.C.cubancubanD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Dai is Dai is VietnameseVietnamese, but she grew up in Puerto , but she grew up in Puerto AARico, where she attended Rico, where she attended cooking schoolcooking school; now ; now BBshe is the head chef at the she is the head chef at the CubanCuban restaurant on restaurant on CCOrange Avenue.Orange Avenue.

A.A.VietnameseVietnameseB.B.Cooking SchoolCooking SchoolC.C.cubancubanD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 29: Capitalization

Item 5Item 5Item 5Item 5

Turn left! We need to go west on Highway 50; Turn left! We need to go west on Highway 50;

otherwise, we will be heading toward otherwise, we will be heading toward

Daytona beach.Daytona beach.

A.A.WestWestB.B.highway 50highway 50C.C.Daytona BeachDaytona BeachD.D.No change is necessNo change is necessaary.ry.

Turn left! We need to go Turn left! We need to go westwest on on Highway 50Highway 50; ; AA BBotherwise, we will be heading toward otherwise, we will be heading toward

Daytona beachDaytona beach.. CC

A.A.WestWestB.B.highway 50highway 50C.C.Daytona BeachDaytona BeachD.D.No change is necessNo change is necessaary.ry.

Turn left! We need to go Turn left! We need to go westwest on on Highway 50Highway 50; ; AA BBotherwise, we will be heading toward otherwise, we will be heading toward

Daytona BeachDaytona Beach.. CC

A.A.WestWestB.B.highway 50highway 50C.C.Daytona BeachDaytona BeachD.D.No change is necessNo change is necessaary.ry.

Page 30: Capitalization

Item 6Item 6Item 6Item 6

Katelyn used her last dollar to buy m&m candies; Katelyn used her last dollar to buy m&m candies;

she would have enjoyed a Pepsi to wash them she would have enjoyed a Pepsi to wash them

down but the cafeteria prices were too expensive.down but the cafeteria prices were too expensive.

A.A.M&MM&MB.B.pepsipepsiC.C.CafeteriaCafeteriaD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Katelyn used her last dollar to buy Katelyn used her last dollar to buy m&mm&m candies; candies; AAshe would have enjoyed a she would have enjoyed a PepsiPepsi to wash them to wash them BBdown but the down but the cafeteriacafeteria prices were too expensive. prices were too expensive. CC

A.A.M&MM&MB.B.pepsipepsiC.C.CafeteriaCafeteriaD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Katelyn used her last dollar to buy Katelyn used her last dollar to buy M&MM&M candies; candies; AAshe would have enjoyed a she would have enjoyed a PepsiPepsi to wash them to wash them BBdown but the down but the cafeteriacafeteria prices were too expensive. prices were too expensive. CC

A.A.M&MM&MB.B.pepsipepsiC.C.CafeteriaCafeteriaD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 31: Capitalization

Item 7Item 7Item 7Item 7

Juan is taking a religion class this semester; he Juan is taking a religion class this semester; he

likes the professor and the readings, but he most likes the professor and the readings, but he most

enjoys the intoxicating perfume that Isabella, his enjoys the intoxicating perfume that Isabella, his

tablemate, wears.tablemate, wears.

A.A.ReligionReligionB.B.ProfessorProfessorC.C.PerfumePerfumeD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Juan is taking a Juan is taking a religionreligion class this semester; he class this semester; he AAlikes the likes the professorprofessor and the readings, but he most and the readings, but he most BBenjoys the intoxicating enjoys the intoxicating perfumeperfume that Isabella, his that Isabella, his CCtablemate, wears.tablemate, wears.

A.A.ReligionReligionB.B.ProfessorProfessorC.C.PerfumePerfumeD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Juan is taking a Juan is taking a religionreligion class this semester; he class this semester; he AAlikes the likes the professorprofessor and the readings, but he most and the readings, but he most BBenjoys the intoxicating enjoys the intoxicating perfumeperfume that Isabella, his that Isabella, his CCtablemate, wears.tablemate, wears.

A.A.ReligionReligionB.B.ProfessorProfessorC.C.PerfumePerfumeD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 32: Capitalization

Item 8Item 8Item 8Item 8

Patrick visited the police station to see if someone Patrick visited the police station to see if someone

had found Squeeze, his 9-foot albino python, but had found Squeeze, his 9-foot albino python, but

officer Rodriguez said that no reptiles had been officer Rodriguez said that no reptiles had been

recently caught.recently caught.

A.A.Police StationPolice StationB.B.PythonPythonC.C.OfficerOfficerD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Patrick visited the Patrick visited the police stationpolice station to see if someone to see if someone AAhad found Squeeze, his 9-foot albino had found Squeeze, his 9-foot albino pythonpython, but , but BBofficerofficer Rodriguez said that no reptiles had been Rodriguez said that no reptiles had been CCrecently caught.recently caught.

A.A.Police StationPolice StationB.B.PythonPythonC.C.OfficerOfficerD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Patrick visited the Patrick visited the police stationpolice station to see if someone to see if someone AAhad found Squeeze, his 9-foot albino had found Squeeze, his 9-foot albino pythonpython, but , but BBOfficerOfficer Rodriguez said that no reptiles had been Rodriguez said that no reptiles had been CCrecently caught.recently caught.

A.A.Police StationPolice StationB.B.PythonPythonC.C.OfficerOfficerD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 33: Capitalization

Item 9Item 9Item 9Item 9

Jeffrey thought he would hate humanities, but Jeffrey thought he would hate humanities, but

once Professor Kimble reached the Italian once Professor Kimble reached the Italian

renaissance, the beautiful marble nudes got renaissance, the beautiful marble nudes got

Jeffrey’s attention.Jeffrey’s attention.

A.A.HumanitiesHumanitiesB.B.professorprofessorC.C.RenaissanceRenaissanceD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Jeffrey thought he would hate Jeffrey thought he would hate humanitieshumanities, but , but AAonce once ProfessorProfessor Kimble reached the Italian Kimble reached the Italian BBrenaissancerenaissance, the beautiful marble nudes got , the beautiful marble nudes got CCJeffrey’s attention.Jeffrey’s attention.

A.A.HumanitiesHumanitiesB.B.professorprofessorC.C.RenaissanceRenaissanceD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Jeffrey thought he would hate Jeffrey thought he would hate humanitieshumanities, but , but AAonce once ProfessorProfessor Kimble reached the Italian Kimble reached the Italian BBRenaissanceRenaissance, the beautiful marble nudes got , the beautiful marble nudes got CCJeffrey’s attention.Jeffrey’s attention.

A.A.HumanitiesHumanitiesB.B.professorprofessorC.C.RenaissanceRenaissanceD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 34: Capitalization

Item 10Item 10Item 10Item 10

Niki is a practicing hindu, so she was offended Niki is a practicing hindu, so she was offended

when Sean pulled into a McDonald’s drive-thruwhen Sean pulled into a McDonald’s drive-thru

to order a Big Mac.to order a Big Mac.

A.A.HinduHinduB.B.mcdonald’smcdonald’sC.C.big macbig macD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Niki is a practicing Niki is a practicing hinduhindu, so she was offended , so she was offended AAwhen Sean pulled into a when Sean pulled into a McDonald’sMcDonald’s drive-thru drive-thru BBto order a to order a Big MacBig Mac.. CC

A.A.HinduHinduB.B.mcdonald’smcdonald’sC.C.big macbig macD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Niki is a practicing Niki is a practicing HinduHindu, so she was offended , so she was offended AAwhen Sean pulled into a when Sean pulled into a McDonald’sMcDonald’s drive-thru drive-thru BBto order a to order a Big MacBig Mac.. CC

A.A.HinduHinduB.B.mcdonald’smcdonald’sC.C.big macbig macD.D.No change is necessary.No change is necessary.

Page 35: Capitalization

the end.the end.TThe end.he end.TThe he EEnd.nd.
