Capital Goods Leasing Business

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  • 8/19/2019 Capital Goods Leasing Business



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    Year No. 27

    It lfPht..t '1.,P«p. I.T-flt\.h




    51 h

    March, 19'

    'C:o.T mll~~T fmtlJ


    P ro clamatio n No.1 03 /19 98

    C ap ital Goods L easin g Busin ess

    Proclamation.. Page 71

    PRO CLA MA nO N N O.1 03/1998



    W HEREAS, for those investors who have the de:

    know ledge and profession to participate in various inv

    ment activities but could not act due to lack of capital

    n ecessary to create an en ab lin g en viro nm en t fo r th e establ

    men t o f alte rn ativ e source s o f fin an cin g;

    W HEREA S, it is believed that lessors of capital gc

    . Uv 1< U U lI >ULU llUI l1 S,

    W HE REA S, the existing law s concerning capital g

    in g busin es s a re fo und in comp le te ;

    1I..Tr\\lT   T'UDDDDADD :- J n.'LL A nO' .


  • 8/19/2019 Capital Goods Leasing Business


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  • 8/19/2019 Capital Goods Leasing Business



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    Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27


    March, 1998-Page 71



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    (b) the agreement shall be a full pay-out and non-

    cance lab le agreement;

    (c) the lessee may, by mutual agreement, have an

    option to buy or return the capital goods to the

    les so r o n th e te rm in atio n o f th e lea se a gre emen t

    (d) a statem ent that the lessee undertakes to insure

    an d m aintain th e cap ital g oo ds.

    2) In the case of an operating lease agreement:

    (a) the cap ital go od s leased sh all rem ain th e p ro perty

    of the lessor to whom the lessee shall return on

    the term ination of the agreement\ unless

    otherwise the parties agree that the lease be

    fu rth er ren ewed o r th e le ase d c ap ital good be

    purc ha sed by th e lesse e;

    (b) the lessee or the lessor shall have the right to

    cancel the agreem ent provided that. the party

    causing dam~ge to the other by early ter-

    m ination of the agreem ent shall pay com pen-


    (c) a statement that the lessor undertakes to insure

    an d m ain tain th e cap ital g oo ds.

    3) In the case of a hire-purchase agreem ent:

    (a) an equal percentage ofthe ow nership, w ith each

    in stallm en t p ayment, shall be tran sferred to th e

    lessee and , u pon effectin g o f th e .last paymen t,

    the ownership of the capital goods shall

    au tomatic ally b e tra nsferred to th e lesse e;

    (b) the p~rties shall provide, in the agreement, for

    the manner by which ownership rights and

    c1aims arising form the agreement shall be

    settled betw een the lessor and the lessee in case

    of early term ination of the lease agreem ent by

    e ither par ty ;

    (c) a statem ent that the lessee undertakes to insure

    and-main ta in th e cap ita l g oods.

    6. D efaults in Paym ent of Rent and O thers

    I) W here the lessee defaults in the payment of the rent,

    or commits another fault which may breach the

    agreem ent, the lessor shall grant him a period of 30

    days for rem edying the d~fault so far as the default

    may b e remed ied .

    2) W here the lessee does not remedy the default within

    th e p erio d s pe cifie d in sub-A rticle (1 ) o f th is A rticle,

    the lessor m ay rescind the agreem ent, repossess the

    leased capital go od s an d claim related d am ag es.

    3) W here the lessee defaults in the paym ent of the rent,

    the lessor m ay recover accrued unpaid rent together

    with interest and damages, whether the default is

    rem edied or n ot.

    7. D efects on the Leased C apital G ood

    I) The lessor may not warrant against a defect which

    was made known to the lessee on the making of the


  • 8/19/2019 Capital Goods Leasing Business


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    q .S / . F ede ra l Nega ri t Gaze t~ - No. 27


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    2) The lessor shall make good any damage which the

    lessee has suffered ow ing to the defect of the capital

    goods w here the lessor knew or should have know n

    of the defect on delivering the capital goods to the

    le ssee and fa iled to in fo rm th e la tter a cc ord in gly .

    3) Unless otherwise provided in the lease agreement,

    the lessor shall not be liable for defects in and for

    unfitness for intended use of the capital goods


    purchases in conform ity with the specifications

    g iv en b y th e lessee.

    4) The lessor has the right to rescind the agreement,

    w ith p rio r n otice, and to repo ssess th e leased cap ital

    goods, where the lessee does not make use of the

    c ap ita l g oods in a cc ord an ce w ith th e le ase ag reemen t

    or accepted norm or usage and such use entails risk

    o f irrep arab le dam age to th e cap ital g ood s leased .

    8. Bankruptcy

    I) The obligations and conditions of the agreement

    shall continue w ith an organ legally subrogated to

    the judicially bankrupt lessor as long as the lessee

    performs his obligations in accordance with the

    te rm s o f th e lea se ag reemen t.

    2) The lessor shall not lose his ownership right on the

    capital goods leased eventhough the lessee is

    j ud ic ia lly bankrupt.

    9. Damages

    I) W here the agreement is rescinded by the lessee, and

    the lessee does not deliver the capital goods after

    h av ing b een giv en d ue n otice to su rrend er th e cap ital

    goods to the lessor, the lessor has the right to

    repossess the leased capital goods im mediately and

    c la im damages .

    2) Where the lessor suffers any damage owing to

    defau lt o n th e part o f th e lessee p rior to th e tran sfer of

    th e leased cap ital g oo ds from the lesso r to th e lessee,

    the latter shall m ake good such dam age to the form er

    so long as the lessor acted in good faith and costs

    were incurred by him for purchase of the capital

    goods at the request of the lessee.

    3) Where, in the case of financial lease or operating

    lease ag reem en t, th e lessee fails to return th e cap ital

    goods on the expiry of the agreem ent, the lessor has

    the right to repossess the leased capital goods and

    claim related dam ages unless otherw ise provided in

    the agreement.

    10 . T rans fe r o f R ig ht

    The lessor has the unilateral right to assign his rights

    under the lease agreem ent to third parties, but w ithout

    in frig em en t of the lessee's rig ht to th e q uiet en jo ym ent

    o f th e cap ital g oo ds leased .

    11. C laim by T hird P arties

    I) Any action by a third party claiming a right on the

    cap ital g ood s sh all b e bro ugh t ag ain st th e lessor.

  • 8/19/2019 Capital Goods Leasing Business



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  • 8/19/2019 Capital Goods Leasing Business


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    L.V.') .).

    16. D epreciation Allow ance and Incom e Tax

    I) In case of financial lease or operating lease.

    depreciation allow ance for capital goods shall he

    deductible from the rental incom e received hy the

    lessor, as legal ow ner of the leased capital goods.

    H ow ever, depreciation allow ance shall he for the

    benefit of the lessee in case of a hire-purchase


    2) The rent received by ithe lessor through the lease

    ag reem ent sh aH b e treated as in come.

    3) Rent paid by the lessee shall be treated as an

    operating expense of the lessee and is deductihle

    from his incom e for the purpose of taxation.


    Power s and Dutie s a t th e M in istry

    The M in istry sh all:

    I) reg ister lease ag reem en ts;

    2) take appropriate measures in order to ensure the

    return of the leased capital goods to the lessor.

    where the lessee has the obligation to return the

    leased capital goods to the lessor but fails to return

    it and may order the police to facilitate the


    3) issue other directives required for the implemen-

    ta tion o f th is P roclamation.

    18. A pp lica bility of O th er L aw s

    Unless otherwise expressly provided by this

    P ro clam atio n, the relev an t p ro vision s o f th e C iv il C od e

    and the Commercial Code shall apply to lease


    19. E ffec tive Date

    This P ro clam atio n shall en ter in to force as o f th e



    of M arch, 1998.

    D one at A ddis A baba, this


    day of M arch, 1998.