Capetown Collision

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  • 8/10/2019 Capetown Collision


    VTS: lifting the fog of legal liability

    Russell Mac William* and Darryl Cooket

    In November 1998 a Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) system, linked to a TrafficSeparation Scheme (TSS), as established at the port of !ape Ton" In#an$ary %&&& a collision occ$rred beteen to vessels ithin the !ape TonTSS" The parties ho s$ffered losses as a res$lt of this collision s$ed the 'ort$thority on the basis that the VTS operator had failed to provide relevant

    information, recommendations, arnins and directions to either of thevessels" The case settled d$rin the trial" This article e*amines the liability ofVTS for cas$alties occ$rrin ithin an area monitored by it, $sin the facts ofthis case to hihlihtthe leal iss$es hich arise"

    I I!TR"D#CTI"!"n the afternoon of $% &anuary $''' a motor (essel )referred to in this article asVessel D+, -as reaching the end of her (oyage from .ahia .lanca to Ca/e To-nVessel D -as a bulk carrier0 -ith a gross tonnage of 120314 tons and she -as carrying

    5'0''' tons of -heat 6s the (essel a//roached Ca/e To-n she entered fog -hichbecame increasingly thick #nbekno-n to the master and cre- of Vessel D0 a VesselTraffic Ser(ices system )VTS7,0 -hich -as linked to a Traffic Se/aration Scheme)TSS+,0 had been introduced at the /ort of Ca/e To-n on % !o(ember %443 The(essel7s Ca/e To-n charts had not been u/dated since the introduction of the VTS andthe TSSThe VTS -as o/erated by the 8ort 6uthority and the VTS "/erator )VTS"+, -as anem/loyee of the 8ort 6uthority % The TSS and the VTS e9tend a considerabledistance beyond the /ort limits but fall -ithin South 6frican territorial -aters TheTSS contains four re/orting /oints for (essels /roceeding in or out of the /ort 6diagram de/icting the TSS is set out in igure % belo-

    + Senior !o$nsel, practisin at the ar in !ape Ton"t '$pil member of !ape ar- formerly ttorney, practisin as a director at.airbrides" The a$thors (toether ith dvocate / 0rae S!) representedthe plaintiff in the case described in this article" The a$thors ish to thank

    !aptain Terry $hes .N# .2IN for his comments and assistance in so$rcina n$mber of the p$blications referred to in the article"

    1" The VTS3 acted sim$ltaneo$sly as a 'ort !ontrol officer

  • 8/10/2019 Capetown Collision


  • 8/10/2019 Capetown Collision


    8age 152 ;;"

  • 8/10/2019 Capetown Collision


  • 8/10/2019 Capetown Collision



  • 8/10/2019 Capetown Collision


    B or e9am/le0 in %453 the IM" ado/ted resolution 6%B3 )=STV,0 Recommendationon 8ort 6d(isory Ser(ices SubseEuently in %43B the IM" ado/ted Resolution 6B3A)%2,0 ?uidelines for Vessel Traffic Ser(icer5 This Regulation is associated -ith S";6S Regulation VH3 $0 -hich -as ado/ted on2 &une %44A and came into force on % &uly %4440 as -ell as Regulation VHl$ A See also !athanial .o-ditch0 The 6merican 8ractical !a(igator0 $''$ .icentennIal

    =dition ).ethesda0 Maryland0 $''$,0 13A

    8age 15AVTS: ;ITI!? TG= "? " ;=?6; ;I6.I;IT