North Heights Church of Christ 11710 S. Memorial Dr., Bixby, OK 74008 ~ 918-369-5810 North Heights Church of Christ 11710 S. Memorial Dr., Bixby, OK 74008 ~ 918-369-5810 Website: http://www.northheights.org E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, December 16, 2018 The Church: Christ the Head (Ephesians 1:15-23) People often seek for positions of authority. Many have the desire to give orders, but only some will be an example to their followers. Leaders come and go while having varying levels of influence left behind to be remembered. Unfortunately, history has shown the Church has not been immune to unhealthy leadership. If you ask people who is the head of the Church you might get a number of answers. For some they might think of a universal figure like a Pope. For others they may think more at the local level to a favorite pastor. Others might think historically and think of the Apostles. Yet it was Paul an Apostle himself who said that Jesus was made head of the Church by the heavenly Father (Eph. 1:22). Notice some of the implications of this truth. Jesus has the preeminence, which means he has absolute rule and authority. The Church is not a democracy set up for everyone to have an equal vote. It is not a Republic, set up to have wise elected representatives make decisions they deem best. Jesus is the head, not one of many heads. Any authority outside of his is delegated for the good of the disciples. Jesus is also the only source for true and lasting peace in this world. Faith in Christ gives us peace with God and peace with one another. Consider as well that because of our perfect head, the rest of the body (Church) is perfected and made to be holy and blameless without blemish. No other man is capable of being this kind of head for the Church. It seems that reason would suggest that one who claims to be a close follower of Jesus would want to be a member of that of which Christ is the head. We should belong to the church because Jesus is the head of but one body, the church, “Which is his body, the fullness of him that fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:23). Because of this, we need to turn to the New Testament Scriptures to seek out that one body and become members of it, as God would have us to do. Call to Action: Consider how you can make Jesus have a higher place of prominence in your life and decisions you make. How can we as God’s people make every effort to consider Jesus more in both our times of worship and our individual daily pursuits and activities. It is good to remember that Christ is the head of his Church. Be committed to remembering you are a member of that Church and so Jesus is your head as well. Do all to the glory of God. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all(Eph 1:22-23). Prayer: Almighty God, you have set an order to all things in this world. Help each of us as we seek to know our place and serve you faithfully in the things you desire us to do. Forgive us when we go beyond your ways as we humbly return to you with a penitent heart. This we ask in Jesus name, Amen. --Grant B. Sullivan Service Schedule Sunday 9:45 Bible School 10:45 AM Worship 5:00 PM Worship Wednesday 7:00 pm Bible Study Elders Bill McConnell Grant Sullivan Deacons Ira Nicholson Minister Grant Sullivan Let Us Rise Up and Build (Neh. 2:18) Today’s Sermon Topics: Morning: The Lord Our Deliverer Evening: A Loving Church TV Channel 19 / Cable 1007 Sunday 7:30 am - Search TV 8:00am - The Truth In Love ************************ Mission Fields Bro. NagabhushanamSouth India * Bro. Greg Clodfelter - Kenya Cliff Lyons - Russia* Bill Dilks OK Prison Ministry* Hope Harbor Children’s Home World Bible School THOSE TO SERVE DEC 16 DEC 23 Morning Service: Announcements: Doug Welch Doug Welch Visitor Cards: Cecil Beeson Cecil Beeson Song Leader: Travis Battles Duane Sullivan Opening Prayer: Jon Horn Bill McConnell Scripture Reading: John Breeding Cecil Beeson Lord's Table: David Martin Richard Roberts Richard Roberts Gordon Smith Gordon Smith David Martin Brandon Johnson Brandon Johnson Closing Prayer: Jim Lower David Martin Count Contribution: John Breeding Cecil Beeson Richard Roberts Doug Welch Count Attendance: Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Nursery Attendant: Dara Sullivan Juanita Corn Evening Service: Announcements: Doug Welch Doug Welch Visitor Cards: Ken Loden Ken Loden Song Leader: Jim Lower Jim Lower Opening Prayer: Milton Smith Ken Loden Lord's Table: John Breeding John Breeding Closing Prayer: Richard Roberts Milton Smith Count Contribution: Ken Loden Ken Loden Count Attendance: Ken Loden Ken Loden DEC 19 DEC 26 Wednesday Evening: Song Leader: Cecil Beeson Doug Welch Opening Prayer: Gordon Smith John Breeding Closing Prayer: Ken Loden Bill McConnell Count Attendance: Duane Sullivan Duane Sullivan Sound: Dec. 16 - Brandon Johnson PM - Duane Sullivan Dec. 19 - Duane Sullivan Communion Preparation: December Beeson

capA North Heights Church of Christnorthheights.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/NH-Bulletin... · 2018-12-16 · capA (Grant Sullivan Let Us Rise Up and Build in this world. Faith

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North Heights Church of Christ

11710 S. Memorial Dr., Bixby, OK 74008 ~ 918-369-5810

North Heights Church of Christ 11710 S. Memorial Dr., Bixby, OK 74008 ~ 918-369-5810

Website: http://www.northheights.org E-mail: [email protected]

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Church: Christ the Head (Ephesians 1:15-23)

People often seek for positions of authority. Many have the desire to give orders, but only some will

be an example to their followers. Leaders come and go while having varying levels of influence left behind to

be remembered. Unfortunately, history has shown the Church has not been immune to unhealthy leadership. If

you ask people who is the head of the Church you might get a number of answers. For some they might think

of a universal figure like a Pope. For others they may think more at the local level to a favorite pastor. Others

might think historically and think of the Apostles. Yet it was Paul an Apostle himself who said that Jesus was

made head of the Church by the heavenly Father (Eph. 1:22). Notice some of the implications of this truth.

Jesus has the preeminence, which means he has absolute rule and authority. The Church is not a

democracy set up for everyone to have an equal vote. It is not a Republic, set up to have wise elected

representatives make decisions they deem best. Jesus is the head, not one of many heads. Any authority

outside of his is delegated for the good of the disciples. Jesus is also the only source for true and lasting peace

in this world. Faith in Christ gives us peace with God and peace with one another. Consider as well that

because of our perfect head, the rest of the body (Church) is perfected and made to be holy and blameless

without blemish. No other man is capable of being this kind of head for the Church.

It seems that reason would suggest that one who claims to be a close follower of Jesus would want to

be a member of that of which Christ is the head. We should belong to the church because Jesus is the head of

but one body, the church, “Which is his body, the fullness of him that fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:23).

Because of this, we need to turn to the New Testament Scriptures to seek out that one body and become

members of it, as God would have us to do.

Call to Action: Consider how you can make Jesus have a higher place of prominence in your life

and decisions you make. How can we as God’s people make every effort to consider Jesus more in both our

times of worship and our individual daily pursuits and activities. It is good to remember that Christ is the head

of his Church. Be committed to remembering you are a member of that Church and so Jesus is your head as

well. Do all to the glory of God.

“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is

His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Eph 1:22-23).

Prayer: Almighty God, you have set an order to all things in this world. Help each of us as we seek

to know our place and serve you faithfully in the things you desire us to do. Forgive us when we go beyond

your ways as we humbly return to you with a penitent heart. This we ask in Jesus name, Amen.

--Grant B. Sullivan

Service Schedule


9:45 Bible School

10:45 AM Worship

5:00 PM Worship


7:00 pm Bible Study


Bill McConnell

Grant Sullivan


Ira Nicholson


Grant Sullivan

Let Us Rise Up and Build

(Neh. 2:18)

Today’s Sermon Topics:

Morning: The Lord Our Deliverer

Evening: A Loving Church

TV Channel 19 / Cable 1007


7:30 am - Search TV

8:00am - The Truth In Love


Mission Fields

Bro. Nagabhushanam–

South India *

Bro. Greg Clodfelter - Kenya

Cliff Lyons - Russia*

Bill Dilks

OK Prison Ministry*

Hope Harbor Children’s


World Bible School


DEC 16 DEC 23

Morning Service: Announcements: Doug Welch Doug Welch

Visitor Cards: Cecil Beeson Cecil Beeson

Song Leader: Travis Battles Duane Sullivan

Opening Prayer: Jon Horn Bill McConnell

Scripture Reading: John Breeding Cecil Beeson

Lord's Table: David Martin Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith David Martin

Brandon Johnson Brandon Johnson

Closing Prayer: Jim Lower David Martin

Count Contribution: John Breeding Cecil Beeson

Richard Roberts Doug Welch

Count Attendance: Gordon Smith Gordon Smith

Nursery Attendant: Dara Sullivan Juanita Corn

Evening Service: Announcements: Doug Welch Doug Welch

Visitor Cards: Ken Loden Ken Loden

Song Leader: Jim Lower Jim Lower

Opening Prayer: Milton Smith Ken Loden

Lord's Table: John Breeding John Breeding

Closing Prayer: Richard Roberts Milton Smith

Count Contribution: Ken Loden Ken Loden

Count Attendance: Ken Loden Ken Loden

DEC 19 DEC 26

Wednesday Evening:

Song Leader: Cecil Beeson Doug Welch

Opening Prayer: Gordon Smith John Breeding

Closing Prayer: Ken Loden Bill McConnell

Count Attendance: Duane Sullivan Duane Sullivan

Sound: Dec. 16 - Brandon Johnson PM - Duane Sullivan

Dec. 19 - Duane Sullivan

Communion Preparation: December – Beeson

Page 2: capA North Heights Church of Christnorthheights.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/NH-Bulletin... · 2018-12-16 · capA (Grant Sullivan Let Us Rise Up and Build in this world. Faith

You enrich our day by your presence.

We look forward to your return.

If you are a guest today, we are glad you are

here! We want to make sure that we do not

overlook your visit. Please fill out the visitor

card and place it in the collection plate or hand

it to the minister when exiting the auditorium. Please keep these mentioned, their families, and

those we are not aware of in your daily prayers.

Samra Loden continues to recover from an upper-respiratory infection.

Jim Campbell has been diagnosed with the flu.

Hannah Burt went back to the hospital due to the alarm going off on her defibrillator and is facing another surgery.

Congratulations to Laverne Shepherd on the birth of her new great-granddaughter. Ellie Elizabeth Jolly is the new daughter of Laverne’s granddaughter Courtney Jolly and the granddaughter of Laverne’s daughter Cindy Tucker.

‘ I call on you, my God, for you will

answer me; turn your ear to me and

hear my prayer.’ Psalm 17:6)

Scripture Reading

Isaiah 12:2-6

Ongoing Illness or Homebound:

Members: Ira & Jeanneane Nicholson, Sharon Helms, Mel Lovitt, Lyle Davis, Bill McConnell, Abbie Barthel, Debbie Sullivan, Bob McConnell, Diane & Mark Sullivan, Ernestine Breeding, Bonnie Wright , Kevin Willett, Laverne Shepherd, Wanda Willett, Maxie McConnell

Family and Friends:

Battling Cancer: Jeaneane Thomas (former member), Linda Greene (sister-in-law of Wanda Greene), Linda Hunt (daughter of Ira and Jeanneane Nicholson), Danielle Seacrest (cousin of Terri Johnson), Linda Unger (mother of Danielle Seacrest), Gary Snelson (friend of Duane Sullivan), Ann Marie Welsh (friend of Samra Loden), Pam Treadway (daughter-in-law of Earline Treadway), Jim Campbell, Karen Johnson (daughter of Earline Treadway), Tommy Treadway (son of Earline Treadway), Mel Staley (former member), Orl Wright.

Other Health/Personal Issues: Hannah Burt (friend of Richard & Debbie Roberts), Shelley Lopez (daughter of Lyle Davis), Jean Mitchell (friend of Joyce Lawyer), Jean’ son, Jimmy Mitchell, Jack Zeigler (nephew of Wanda Willett), Myrtle Sullivan (mother of Mark & Duane Sullivan), Larry Peterson (uncle of Dara Sullivan), Hannah

Bauer, Randy Kemp (cousin of Wanda Greene), Bobby McConnell (brother of Bill McConnell), Amera Chalakee (daughter of Lyle Davis), James Gentry (father of Juanita Corn), Debbie Gadzinski (sister of David Smith), Ashley Walker, wife of Jeremy Walker), Edna Lacey (mother of Mary Smith), Janie Thurman & Geraldine Walters (aunts of Dara Sullivan, Pat Balbin (grandfather of Lauren Battles), Leah Mason (friend of the Sullivan family), Leslie Phipps (daughter of Orl and Bonnie Wright), Carol Long (sister of Norma Beeson), Joe Ussery (father of Kim Martin).

Upcoming Events at North Heights: Dec. 26 Monthly Devo Night Dec. 30 Hope Harbor Collection

Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Lock-In

Area Events:

Jan. 13 Youth Area Wide - Glenpool

Get-Together for Battles Today There will be a get-together following the evening service for Travis and Lauren Battles. This will be Travis and Lauren’s last Sunday with us here at North Heights as Travis will begin a job with a new company, and they will be moving to Edmond. We have been blessed to have this young couple as a part of the North Heights family.

Souls present week of: December 9, 2018


Bible School - 22

Morning Service - 44

Afternoon Service - 27

Wednesday -

Weekly Budget: $ 2,035.00

Contribution: $ 2,406.00

New Year’s Lock-In Dec. 31 – Jan. 1

12932 S. Elwood Ave.

Glenpool, Oklahoma

Co-Hosts: Glenpool Church of Christ &

North Heights Church of Christ

(Ages 3rd

grade and up unless parent is present)

Youth Angel Tree Project

Many thanks to all who made donations

to the youth group’s Angel Tree project.

With your assistance, three young children

in our community will be blessed with

gifts and necessities for Christmas this

year. Thank you for helping bring joy to

these children.
