A Pipe Dream Thesis: Legalizing cannabis would benefit the U.S. society on many levels including reduction in crime rate, steady economic growth and medical field. I. If legalized – black market and crime associated with the drug will disappear. The thrill and romanticism are gone, means less immature users. II. Government economical benefit by taxing and spending less on drug reinforcement. Buyers will no longer fund terrorist groups. III. Health benefits available, health risks are over exaggerated. No solid research to prove addiction or brain damage. Statistics from government research: “During 2004, 49.1% of college students and 57.4% of young adults (ages 19–28) reported lifetime use of marijuana.” Cannabis is a natural alternative to anti-depressant chemicals. More research will be allowed if drug is legalized. A Pipe Dream Marihuana, pot, hemp, Mary Jane, ganja, weed, grass, herb, reefer, chong – those are all derivatives of a plant named Cannabis Sativa. Its history

Cannabis Legalization Essay

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A Pipe Dream


Thesis: Legalizing cannabis would benefit the U.S. society on many levels including

reduction in crime rate, steady economic growth and medical field.


I.                   If legalized – black market and crime associated with the drug will

disappear. The thrill and romanticism are gone, means less immature users.


II.        Government economical benefit by taxing and spending less on drug

reinforcement. Buyers will no longer fund terrorist groups.


III.       Health benefits available, health risks are over exaggerated. No solid research

to prove addiction or brain damage. Statistics from government research: “During

2004, 49.1% of college students and 57.4% of young adults (ages 19–28) reported

lifetime use of marijuana.” Cannabis is a natural alternative to anti-depressant

chemicals. More research will be allowed if drug is legalized.


 A Pipe Dream


Marihuana, pot, hemp, Mary Jane, ganja, weed, grass, herb, reefer, chong – those are

all derivatives of a plant named Cannabis Sativa. Its history dates back to 2737 BC, cannabis

was used through the ages as a drug, medicine, textile, and more. Currently it is the most

used illicit drug in the United States. Sentiments aside, from pure pragmatic reasons the

United States will benefit if marijuana is legalized. Legalizing it will force the black market

and crime associated with it to vanish, the economy will benefit when less money is spent

on drug programs, medical field possibilities are vast.

Marijuana use is romanticized in the pop-culture and associated with a higher social

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status among the teenage population. Criminalization of use is adding the “thrill” of

breaking the law. According to the 2005 “National Survey on Drug Use and Health” 97

million Americans 12 years and older tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime. Crime

associated with growing, cultivating, preparing and distributing marijuana is great. More

then a million people are arrested each year on drug law offences, more then 40% are for

marijuana violation. In response to the War on Drugs – narco-dealers are getting more

competitive, violent, more high-tech in growing and importing marijuana, thus raising prices

for the user. This is the main reason the crime rate goes up, when poor users are compelled

to steal in order to pay the higher price. If marijuana is legalized crime rate associated with

this drug production, distribution will decrease dramatically.

It takes anywhere from two to five minutes to read this paper. According to the

‘Office of National Drug Control Policy’ the War on Drugs budget for 2006 exceeds 40 billion

dollars. Every second you spend reading this paper - $1,268 of tax money is used funding

the War on Drugs. This is just a preliminary number not even taking into account the price of

housing an inmate for the marijuana violation. That is on average $40,000 a year. Relaxing

the drug law and marijuana prohibition can cut the cost dramatically. Money spent by

marijuana users will stay in the US economy instead of funding Columbian or Afghan mafia.

If legalized government can tax the marijuana the same as it does with tobacco and alcohol

and use taxes to provide medical assistance for the marijuana addicts if such necessity


Marijuana addiction is a favorite argument against the legalization. Health risks and

social factors are also used as a scare tactics. There are pleortha of TV ad campaigns where

marijuana is blamed for about every unsound teenage decision as well as such health risks

as addiction, inflicting permanent brain damage and serving as a gateway drug. What these

ads fail to mention is that there is very little or no research is available to support those

claims. This is one of the reasons medicinal use of marijuana is legal in eight states and

used to treat: Glaucoma, Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea, AIDS Wasting Syndrome, Epilepsy,

Multiple Sclerosis, Pain, Insomnia and Depression.  In the case of Kenneth L. Jenks and

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Barbara J. Jenks vs. State of Florida the court has recognized the validity of marijuana as an

anti-depressant. As far as the addiction goes even the leading anti-marijuana campaign

abovetheinfluence.com admits: “Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction in some

people.” Same is true about the long-term use of tobacco or alcohol.  The site also fails to

mention that well known effects of memory loss, not able to study or poor judgment are

experienced by users when they are “high” and disappear within two to four hours.

            Legalizing marijuana will not bring the doomsday and fall of civilization as many

believe. As a mind-altering substance like alcohol and tobacco, marijuana, if legalized,

should be regulated, taxed, and quality controlled by government.  By all means its usage

should not be encouraged. Taxes will benefit the economy and contribute to a decline in

crime rate and prison population.  Use of cannabis in the medical field will give patients an

alternative to harsh chemicals that in most cases have worse side effects then marijuana.