ITP.O . CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. Box 160, Canberra 1 A.C.T. asni Registered by Australia Post; Publication number NBH 1859 VOLUME 24 NOVEMBER 1987 NUMBER 11 PreskIenVs Annual Report For 1986/87 The past year has been another active and highly successful year for the Canberra Bushwalking Club- I understand that Alan Vidler, the statistician will provide quantitative evidence to support this very general statement. The walk programme maintained its usual high standard with the able assistance of the walk secretaries and not a few leaders. It was very gratifying to see a number of new members leading their first walks. It might be a bit stressful but it is worth it - as leader YOU can determine when the tea stops will occur. The Club's continuing interest and support for conservation issues is of paramount importance. Club members have been active in campaigns to stop further wood chipping on the south coast of 119W. However, much more work needs to be done to protect Australias magnificent natural heritage from the mindless depredations on money hungry developers. Some of the social highlights of the year were:- the mindbogglingly, slothful weekend of coastal camping at Meroo Point; Sue Feary. National Parks and Wildlife Service's archaeologist speaking on the prehistory of the Nursery Swamp area; Ed Stokes illustrated talk on his 3 month journey retracing the steps of McDouall Stuart's epic overland journeys from Adelaide to Darwin; Kern-Ann's report on a group trip to Kakadu. Very special and sincere thanks to our seemingly tireless and patient editor of "ITS. Vance Brown. (Over the past 2 years I have been late consistently with my reports and he has not been angry once!) øThis should not be used as an excuse for late copy - ed. fl! There are many hours of work involved in the production of each month's 'IT" - even with computers. Vance should be congratulated for the considerable amount of effort he has put into 'IT" over the past years. The literary merit of "IT" has also been boosted by Cue's contributions. While bushwalkers are often strong on oral history, those who actually research and write about the history of areas are a rare breed. Thank you. Clic - please keep the articles flowing. In conclusion I would like to thank all the members of the 1986-87 committee for their constant good humour and tireless efforts all the year to maintain the smooth running of the Club. It was a pleasure working with such a cheerful and committed group- Thanks also to those who led and participated in walks. Best wishes to the new committee for 1987-88 Rene Davies

CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

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Page 1: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring



Box 160, Canberra 1 A.C.T. asni Registered by Australia Post; Publication number NBH 1859


PreskIenVs Annual Report For 1986/87 The past year has been another active and highly successful year for the Canberra Bushwalking Club- I understand that Alan Vidler, the statistician will provide quantitative evidence to support this very general statement.

The walk programme maintained its usual high standard with the able assistance of the walk secretaries and not a few leaders. It was very gratifying to see a number of new members leading their first walks. It might be a bit stressful but it is worth it - as leader YOU can determine when the tea stops will occur.

The Club's continuing interest and support for conservation issues is of paramount importance. Club members have been active in campaigns to stop further wood chipping on the south coast of 119W. However, much more work needs to be done to protect Australias magnificent natural heritage from the mindless depredations on money hungry developers.

Some of the social highlights of the year were:-

the mindbogglingly, slothful weekend of coastal camping at Meroo Point;

Sue Feary. National Parks and Wildlife Service's archaeologist speaking on the prehistory of the Nursery Swamp area;

Ed Stokes illustrated talk on his 3 month journey retracing the steps of McDouall Stuart's epic overland journeys from Adelaide to Darwin;

Kern-Ann's report on a group trip to Kakadu.

Very special and sincere thanks to our seemingly tireless and patient editor of "ITS. Vance Brown. (Over the past 2 years I have been late consistently with my reports and he has not been angry once!) øThis should not be used as an excuse for late copy - ed. fl! There are many hours of work involved in the production of each month's 'IT" - even with computers. Vance should be congratulated for the considerable amount of effort he has put into 'IT" over the past years.

The literary merit of "IT" has also been boosted by Cue's contributions. While bushwalkers are often strong on oral history, those who actually research and write about the history of areas are a rare breed. Thank you. Clic - please keep the articles flowing.

In conclusion I would like to thank all the members of the 1986-87 committee for their constant good humour and tireless efforts all the year to maintain the smooth running of the Club. It was a pleasure working with such a cheerful and committed group- Thanks also to those who led and participated in walks.

Best wishes to the new committee for 1987-88 Rene Davies

Page 2: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

PresMent's Prattle Search. and Rescue issues feature prominently in this month's newsletter with a proposal to contribute $500 towards the purchase of new two-way radios for use by the NSW Federation of Bushwalkinq Clubs as well as a reminder about the next S & R practice weekend at Medlow Gap in the Blue Mountains.

While the Club has not, to date, had to call upon Federation in this area, the fact that the service is provided is an assurance that assistance be available should we ever require it.

Recently the Club was called upon to help with a search in the Bundanoon area. Owing to a number of factors only two club members were in a position to assist - a fairly poor showing considering our proximity to the search area

Your Committee plans to review the Club's search and rescue procedures both for our own members and for the buhwalking frátePnity gene trally. Developments and any proposals affecting the current system will be discussed in later issues of "IT".

In the meantime it is important that all Club members review their own commitment to S & R Can indication of your availability for S £ R is required with membership renewal). If you are unsure of what demands are put upon those who become involved give Dave Drohan a call or. better still, take the opportunity to attend the practice at Medlow Gap.

To end on a social note do not forget that December 12/13th is the annual Christmas weekend. at Meroo Point. Offering walks for the energetic or sun, sand and surf for the slothful, this event has always been enjoyed by those who have attended in past years. Further details are elsewhere in this issue.

Greg Ellis


On November the 18th the Canberra Bushwalking Club will hold its annual trash and treasure sale. This is a most interesting event whereby members bring their surplus gear to be put under the hammer- So rummage through your used but useful gear and put it up for sale. Items preferably should be oriented towards Club activities. We can look forward to a one man show with Steve Gisz as the auctioneer. -

Eddy De Wilde

Concerning Conservation I attended the AGM of the Environment Centre on September the 30th. It was decided there that owing to lack of interest from member groups the Environment Centre would decline the offer of bicentennial funding for an environmental event in 1988. Unfortunately, although our club and four others indicated interest in the event, this was less than 85% of all member groups.

The Conservation Council, in an attempt to gain financial independence from diminishing government crants, is organising a Conservation Festival, on December 4-6th See details elsewhere in "IT".

Those members interested in walking in present state forest areas, proposed to be entered in the National Estate and maybe becoming the future Coolangubra National Park. are advised that Patrick Tobin and myself will be leading walks in these areas in late January and early February. Presently unlogged they may not remain that way for long.

Julie Andrew

Page 3: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring


The Correspondence Column The Club has received a copy of the United Nations' annual report on the State of the Environment. It talks about world wide health/environmental issues and could be of interest to members.

In case members are not aware. I would like to point out that the Club receives newsletters from other walking clubs which give information about their own club walks. These could be useful to members visiting interstate. The newsletters (recent editions) are available for perusal at monthly meeting and also from the Club library. The library is available at Keith Thomas's. 9 Barney Street. Downer before the Club meetings each month.

Kate Moore

To I!q Coa5taI Camping Weekend - December 12-13th

This is the ultimate in lazy bushwalks I challenge anyone to white-ant a weekend that involves a mere 100 metre walk from the cars to set up camp.

Following last year's highly acclaimed camping weekend at Meroo Point. this year's will be bigger and better. Held on December 12-13th at Meroo Point, this weekend is ideal for relaxing, for catching up with old friends, for introducing non-bushwalking friends to the Great Outdoors, and for bringing along those too young or too broken-down to do long -roughs.

Meroo Point is on a lovely stretch of coastline near Termeil. It offers plenty of scope for daywalks for the energetic (eq George Carter's trip), and surfing and sunbaking for the rest. On Saturday night we may have a Maori-style hungi (a beast baked in a pit in the sand). On Sunday there will be a damper baking competition.


There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring your own; and there is not much good wood to spare so again try to bring a bundle. The above map will show you how to get there. Anyone wanting transport should contact the Social Secretary, Eddy De Wilde, on 589940(h).

Notice of Motion The Federation of Bushwalking Clubs' Search and Rescue Unit has aked for a donation from clubs to help cover the cost of new two-way radios required for searches. These are needed urgently as the existing ones no longer carry out there function properly. The total cost of these radios is $20000 of which about $8000 has been raised.

The Canberra Bushwalking Club does use S & R equipment when it helps in searches but, unfortunately, in the last call out in August to the Bundanoon


Page 4: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

iI search on l y two club members responded.

The motion to be put at the next meeting is 'that the Canberra Bushwalking Club donate $600 to the 145W Federation of Bushwalking Clubs' radio fund".

Dave Drohan

IT CQLLLITIQNS "IT" collations are social events where the Club magazine is collated, labelled and prepared for posting. These are traditionally hosted by non-committee members and provide an opportunity for people to participate in the running of the Club. They are normally held on the second Tuesday of the month at 8pm. Venues from December onwards are needed so if you are prepared to host on of these events contact the publisher. Ted Rogers. on 909266(w), or a committee member.


Dick Hodqson, S Bulloo Place, KALEEN, ACT 2617, 414639(h), 768933(w): June Hornby, 9/4 Keith Street, SCULLIN, ACT 2614. 640730(h), 465886(w)

Prospective Members

Dianne Bowey, 4 Olney Place, WANNIASSA. ACT 2903. 312273(h). Peter Bowey, 4 Olney Place, WANNIASSA. ACT 2903, 313273(h). 469143(w). Barry McHugh, 1/22 Blackall Avenue. QUEANBEYAN, NSUJ 2820, 976694(h), 761664(w). Margie McHugh, 1/22 Blackall Avenue, QUEANBEYAN. 145W 2620. 976694(h). Janne Stevenson. 48 Gellibrand Street, CAMPBELL, ACT 2601, 473481(h), 689092(w). Susan Turner, 3/36 Carinya Street. QUSANBEVAN, 145W 2620, 971229(h).

Visitors required

Hick Crofts is sick and would appreciate visitors. At the time of writing it is not certain where he will be so would-be visitors should contact Anton Cook 474142[h) or 8109661w) for more information.

It is possible to publish photographs in IT. These preferably should be high contrast black and white and not too large to fit on the page. So if you would like to add interest to your walk report with such illus±rations please include them. "Fontasy" can easily spread the text around them.

"$OOtJ'ffift G1A$131001 10 $ORifi" ts befts a country situated in one of the most mountainous areas of the world. where only 20% of the land is even moderately flat, one does not go bushwalking in the Republic of Korea, one goes mountain ciimbnq.

To vist any of South Korea's 17 national parks, which contain Buddhist temples dating from the 6th century and lots and lots of mountains, one must first consider what to wear since appearances are important in the Land of the

Page 5: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

1 L.A

Morning Calm. Knjckerbcckers or special walking trousers with pockets at mid-thigh, always tucked into thick red and blue patterned socks worn inside sturdy boots with matching red laces, seem to be "de rigeur". Also essential is a sleeveless over jacket. again with lots of pockets sometimes even on the back. This is. of course, for men; women in this very chauvinistic country just do not go mountain climbing.

Then you need supplies; you do not have to worry too much about these as you are never going to be more than earshot distance from a loud party of revelling Koreans (imagine Tasmania with 45 million Tasmanians). However, kimpab, rice and vegetables rolled in seaweed, and soju, a clear liquid sold in glass bottles which looks like mineral water but is actually 40 proof, are readily available at the start of every journey; and along the route at 2 kilometre intervals. The Koreans. you see, like to drink.

You do not need to worry about maps as the vegetation and terrain are such that you will be on a trail all the way, and it will be signposted, although a working knowledge of Korean is more than useful if you have a particular destination in mind. In any case Koreans do not believe in maps, and the ones you will find bear only a passing resemblence to features on the ground. What the direction of the causal relationship is here remains unclear.

You might, of course, decide to go camping. In this case you will pitch your brightly coloured (electric blue and yellow are favourites. tent as close as possible to one of the innumnerable streams or rivers; preferably, indeed, on a sand bank (more accurately described as a rock bank) in the very midst of the river. Your drinking and general carousing will soon render you oblivious to the fact that a considerable number of your fellow campers are swept away each year in flash floodsJ

When you have finished your communing with nature it is time to return to the hoard of national park souvenir shops and purchase a bus ticket for the long slow ride home through the traffic. You will need more soju at this point as the buses all sway home in time with the aisle dance steps and staggers of their merry-making passengers, all the while emitting diesel fumes, loud music, boisterous singing, and lots of empty soju bottles.

John Haydon

$ftwC 1ifl'0I0

October (18)17-18th - Newnes hrea, Glowworm Tunnel

Maps: Ben Bullen, Cullen Bullen, Mt Morgan & Rock Hill

I was surprised that so few were tempted by Rene's glowing preview. Rene was surprised too, when we arrived at our Friday night campsite at 11pm to the tune of rocking car stereos, an occasional blast of a chainsaw and two dirt bikes burning rubber. We awoke to a cool overcast Saturday. forded the ankle deep Wolgan and ascended the track to the base of the cliffs. Among the trees we followed the remnants of a railway, heavy iron culverts. sleepers and neatly cut sandstone retaining walls. Though amazed by their presence my attention was drawn to the high walls across the valley featuring a unicorn like prong called the Horn. We turned into a deep cleft,the rails continued and suddenly we arrived a the tunnel mouth. With our little torches we entered night in broad daylight. Because of a curve in the tunnel there is complete darkness and it was no until this blackout that the glowworms appeared. Galaxies of green lights in the impenetrable darkness (the tunnel went for 300-400 metres).

We took an attractive course over weathered sandstone with writhing shelves of harder stone, artwork of the grating elements. We were on our way to Deans Creek on of the many deep crevasses in the tortuous geography of the Blue

Page 6: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

drawn to the high walls across the valley featuring a unicorn like prong called the Horn. We turned into a deep cleft,the rails continued and suddenly we arrived at the tunnel mouth. With our little torches we entered night in broad daylight. Because of a curve in the tunnel there is complete darkness and it was no until this blackout that the qlowworms appeared. Galaxies of green lights in the impenetrable darkness (the tunnel went for 300-400 metres).

We took an attractive course over weathered sandstone with writhing shelves of harder stone, artwork of the grating elements. We were on our way to Deans Creek on of the many deep crevasses in the tortuous geography of the Blue Mountains. On the map it looks like a brain with blood vessel creeks wriggling down to arterial rivers. Clambering 200 m down on of the blood vessels we entered the labyrinth. Under an overhang we ate while the scene presented itself. The confinement of the chasm seemed to push its features in your face like changing from a standard to a macro lens. We had started walking on the earth but now we were in it, it had absorbed us and we were absorbing it. Here the sun was not allowed to meddle with the colours, the subdued light produced tones of rare depth. We passed through a hallway with wall hangings of emerald moss and balconies of ferns and shining wet stones underfoot. The water free of reflection flowed like glass among column straight trees.

Further down a freshet fell from a spout into a pool circled by luxuriant ferns. Wading the sandy creek and crawling and climbing its obstacle course we covered about one kilometre per hour, but we were not concerned with progress but with beauty.

On a junction we camped in comfort below an undercut cliff. Sunday dawned fine,the gorge widened and the sunlit water sparkled. In addition to boulders we now had to surmount steaming black logs, occasionally debris was as tight as beaver dams. Keith Thomas had mentioned Tigersnake a few times, I sensed it to be something special. With pride Keith guided us up a side creek, a short ascent over broken sandstone took us to a narrow corridor. In awe I followed the winding slot, it led to a circular room, took a turn and continued as a water course narrowing till it ended below a thin waterfall. What a beauty

Constance Gorge the next side creek was to be our exit, vines hung like cables between masts. The higher we went the hotter and drier it got. Crossing a pass we descended rough and rocky Zoebles Gully to the Wolgan and the railway. With blood sweat and tears the tracks and been laid and the shale wrested from the ground and now that the noisy intruder.s had left the old enduring earth was healing its wounds. In time only the photographs and the qlowworm tunnel will remain.

Eddy De Wilde

virlw< ?fl41f I45

November 28-89th - Canoe Flat, Shoalhaven River - S/tl/W

Map: Caoura 1:25000.

This is a weekend walk in the beautiful Shoalhaver, Gorge. We will descend the track down Badgery's Spur then proceed downstream to Canoe Flat which is a delqhtful camping site on the junction with Silly Bulloo's Creek. It has a wide sandy beach, good swimming, a nice grassy area for the tents and fresh water from the creek. We should reach the campsite by lunchtime so Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning can be spent exploring Billy Bulloo's Canyon or oust relaxing. It will be necessary to cross the Shoalhaven so waterproof your pack, and there is a 500 metre climb out up Badgery 's Spur.

Vance Brown

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November 28-29th - Snowj Mountain Lodge Trip - S/E-M

Map: Mt Rosciusko 1:50000

Comfortable overnight accommodation is a feature of this trip. It should be ideal for those who like to daywalk but not camp overnight, family groups and weekend walkers who would like a change of pace. Accommodation is available in a YMCA Ski Club lodge at Guthega, a very scenic locale with superb views of the Main Range from Mount Kosciusko to Mount Tate. The lodge has modern cOoking, heating, showering and sleeping facilities and accommodates 25. Depending on numbers the overnight charge should be in the range $10-13 per person.

Departing at 7-30 am on Saturday we should arrive at Guthega at 10-30 am. After settling in and an early lunch in the lodge the afternoon hours can be spent climbing Guthega Trig and exploring the southern Rolling Grounds. On Sunday I expect to walk to Mount Tate and possibly Mount Twyham. Depending on numbers and inclination one or more very easy rambles may be arranged on both days for the more "relaxed" walkerá.

Please advise me as soon as possible on 470437(h) if you intend to come; the first in get the best beds. Please bring your own food, grog, pillow slip, towel and sheets or sleeping bag. A communal evening meal on Saturday night could be arranged if people are interested. Make this an opportunity to socialise with fellow walkers. -

Barry Mayfield

December 19-20th - Croajinalong National Park, Lake Rarracoota - WE

Maps: Eden and Mallacoota 1:100000.

The walk will be mainly on fire trails, walking tracks and beach although side trips will be possible. It will involve much changing of scenery passing through forest, farmland, coastal scrub, swamp, grassland and sand dunes. Away from the tracks the scrub is very thick and tangled with thorny vines and razor-edged palms. As I have already beaten my way through this scrub, I would probably need a good reason to do it again.

We camp at Lake Barracoota, a fresh water lake protected from the sea by a line of sand dunes. The lake shore has plenty of reeds and waterfowl as well as some hunters. While graded M/E it' does not take much to turn this into a L/R. It is a walk full of choices and variety.

Norm Becker

Sundall December 20th - Endrick Falls - S/M/W

Map: Nerriga 1:25000,

Get away from those pre-Christmas chores by a trip to beautiful Endrick Falls. The route involves about 1 kilometre down a firetrail. a descent of about 150 in down a fairly steep but open ridge and an attractive 2 km walk up the Endrick River Gorge to the falls. Endrick falls are spectacular and plunge into the apex of one of the biggest swimming holes in the area. If the weather is fine we will have a prolonged lunch break at the falls before returning to the cars. Waterproofing your pack is recommended, though it is seldom necessary to swim to reach the falls. If numbers warrant there will bo two parties the other being led by Anton Cook.

Vance Brown

Page 8: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring



is VtSb

• Guided walks

• Seminars

• Concert of fine music

• Sound and vision show on

the Roev River \Vi1derne*

• Kinsse'c Sheet Markel

• linv iron men buy of

1 11 Cc nbc rra


\'()tJIZ IJ)CAI. CONSERVAlION vol(:l I /zz

Page 9: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

Festival Program

Preliminary Notice

The Conservation Council is organising a Conservation Festival over the weekend

4th-6th December, to raise funds for its work.

Friday 4th l)ecember

* The Festival begins on Friday evening at 7.0prn with an auction dinner at

University I-louse. Numerous items will be auctioned. from a weekend

\Vilderness Tour to gift vouchers and \vine.

Saturday 5111 Deceniber

• Morning: Guided nature walks in the local area.

• Afternoon: A series of seminars looking at the natural history. aboriginal

history and impact of European settlement on ACT and the NS\V south

coast. The seminars will be held in the Senior Citizens Club, Watson Street.

Turner, from 1 .00pm.

• Evening: A concert of fine music, together with a sound and vision show by

David Tatnall on the Roger River Wilderness. To be introduced by Dorothy

Green. The concert will be held in the \Vesley Hall, Forrest, from 800pm.

Sunday 6th December

* From 9.00am to I .00pm our regular monthly Kingsley Street Market vilI be

held. We want this one to be a special Festival Extravaganza, so why not think

about having a stall, or come along to do some Christmas shopping! There will

be local produce, crafts and second-hand items for sale. We also serve the finest

morning teas this side of Devon! This market will be rL;n jointly with the

Environment Centre. whose bookshop will open from 900am to I .00pm.

* Join us on a mini-bus tour of urban Canberra to look at the good, the bad and the

ugly of our city's development. We'll even visit what's left of City Hill! The tour

will leave from the Kin2sley Street Market at 1100am. returning at 500pm.

Lunch will he provided.

We hope to oranise a fuji run. More detaik soon.

Eveijj.ng: 'llic 1-estival will end with a get-together at Corroborce park, Ainshic.

from 700pm. BYO.

The Conservation Council needs your support if it is to continue its work. Please

come to the Festival, and tell all your friends! Watch for further details closer to ihle

time. For enqui r I e s . phone t lie Council off Icc on 477808.

Page 10: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring


Activitg Programme November 14-15th - Nattai River, Martins Creek Canyon - MIM-R

This is a walk through spectacular river gorges in the Burragorang catchment area north-west of Mittagong. Map: Hilltop. Nattai 1:26000. Leader: George Carter 812130(h). 461420(w). Phone bookings only. Transport approx. $15.

Sunday November 15th - Black Springs - HIM

Walk up the Fishing Gap fire trail then down a bridle track to the Cotter River below Mount Franklin for lunch. We might return via Mount Domain. Map: Tidbinbilla 1:26000. Leader: Carolyn Ho £ Kate Moore 640483(h). Transport approx. $6.

Sunday November 15th - Long Point to Badgery's - MIM/W?

A walk through part of the beautiful Shoalhaven Gorge, it will be necessary to cross the river twice. Map: Caoura 1:26000. Leader: Vance Brown 513997(h). Transport approx. $12.

Wedne5day November 18th - Monthly Meeting

8pm at Dickson Library. dinner at 6pm at Parakeet Restaurant. This month there will be an auction - see Social Page.

November (20)21-22nd - KananQra Area - MIRIW

This walk includes the Urn Rover Trail, Mount Wheengee Whungee and Creek. Wallara Ridge and Barallier's Crown. We will drive to Kanangra on Friday night. The walk features steep and rough river and ridge walking. Find out why Barallier did not make it across the Blue Mountains. Waterproof your pack. Map: Kanangra & Yerranderrie 1:26000. Leader: Meg Mckone 646902(h), 954389(w). Phone bookings only. Transport approx. $26.

November 21-22nd - Selwyn to Boltons Hill - LIM

This easy alpine walk is entirely on Phone bookings only. Map: Cabramurra Transport approx. $20.

track with a couple of short climbs. 1:26000. Leader: Rod Peters 612680(h).

Sunday November 22nd - Kiandra to Tabletop Mountain - LIE

This long stroll is through subalpine woodland featuring Spring flowers and views of the main range. It is on tracks virtually all of the way. Map: Yarrangobilly 1:100000, Leader: David Truman 646700(h). Transport $20.

Sunday November 22nd - Murramarang National Park - MIM

From Pebbly Beach walk along fine beaches and interesting headlands and cliffs. Return along an open coastal ridge with fine view of the Budawangs to the NW and of the ocean to the east. Map: Kioloa 1:25000. Leader: Rod Daigleish 813614(h). Transport approx, $15.

Wedne5day November 25th - Ab5eiling In5truction, Ainslie Quarry - SIE

This will start at 6pm. the quarry can be seers from the road. Drive to the summit and descend the SE side. It will not be on if it rains. Leader: Keith Thomas 487816(h). 537241(w).

Tuesday - November 24th - Committee Meeting

8pm at Carolyn Ho's. 16 Gurner Place. Latham.

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November 28-29 - Snows Mountains Lodge Trip - SIE-M

Two high country day trips based in a lodge. See preview in this IT. Phone bookings only. Map: Kosciusko 1:80000. Leader: Barry Mayfield 470407(h). Transport approx. $20

November (27)28-29 - Woila Circuit - LIR

This is an energetic walk in some of the most magnificent ridge country in SE Australia. A good level of fitness and some scrambling ability are essential. Map: Badja £ Snowball 1:26000. Leader: John FOns 316326(h), 484582(w). Transport approx. $14.

November 28-29th - Shoalhaven River. Canoe Flat - S/M

This fairly easy walk descends Badgery's Spur then follows the Shoalhaven River to a delightful camping spot at Canoe Flat. It will be necessary to cross the river. Map: Caoura 1:28000. Leader: Vance Brown 613997(h). Transport approx. $12.

November (27)28-29th - S & R Training Weekend at Medlow

The exercise is to be held at Medlow Gap in the Blue Mountains, you will be able to drive to the Gap as the gates will be unlocked. See article in the September IT. Contact Dave Drohan 413666(h), 863100(w).

Sundag November 29th - Pigeon House - M/M

Climb up to Pigeon House from the north and descend via Longfella Pass and the ridge to Yadboro Flat. Map: CMW Budawangs. Leader: Anton Cook 474142(h), 810986(w). Transport approx. $17.

Sundau November 29th - Flea Creek from PiccadillH Circus - M/M

Descend 700 metres from Two Sticks Road to follow the grassy shaded banks of Flea Creek and the Goodradigbee for lunch and a swim. Phone bookings only. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Worm Becker 316061(h), 467672(w). Transport approx. $5.

December (4)5-8th - Crikeq Creek and Whungu-Wheengu Creek

(Not Whungu Whungu CreekL) These are two little known, but long high quality canyons in the Northern Blue Mountains. There are some awkward abseils, swimming and shivering. Map: Rock Hill. Wollangambe & Mount Wilson 1:28000. Leader: Ian Hickson (048) 214633(h). (048) 211733(w). Phone bookings only. Transport approx. $30.

December 5-6th - Jillicambra Mountain, Tuross River - HIM

A short walk up the Tuross River leads to one of the best camp sites you ever imagined then there is a side trip up Jillicambra for views over the Deua-Wadbilliga, area. There will be plenty of opportunities for swimming. Map: Belowra I Badja 1:25000. Leader: David Campbell 641511(h), 496369(w). Transport approx. $14.

Sunday December 6th - Shoalhaven River from Warri Bridge - M/M

We will follow the river downstream for about 6 km. There are lots of poois and sandy beaches. Map: Braidwood 1:100000. Leader: Ted Rogers 806266(w). Transport approx. $7.

Sunday December 6th - Bundanoon, Morton National Park - MIM

Explore the moss covered rocks and rain forest of Coal Creek, visit the disused Erith Coal Mine and adjacent falls. Bush bash along the escarpment for marvellous views from a variety of lookouts, descend 260m to Bundanoon Creek for lunch and a swim if you are game. Return via Nicholas Pass and the Amphitheatre. Map: Bundanoon 1:26000. Leader: Jan Armour 478242(h). Transport approx. $14.

Page 12: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

12 December 7-25th - New Zealand, Dusky Track Plus - M/E

This is a spectacular S day walk in Southern Fiordland from Lake Hauroko to Dusky Sound and Lake Manapouri. Could be combined with Caples Track or others (eq. Routeburn, or Hope-Kiwi-Harpers Pass)- Map: Fiordland National Park. Leader: David Truman 545700(h).

Tue5day December 8th - IT Collation

8pm at Kate Moore's, 24 Hirschfeld Cres. McGregor. This will be preceded by a Barbecue at 6pm - BYO everything.

December 12-13th - Meroo Point - S/E

The Canberra Bushwalking Club's annual social weekend at beautiful Meroo Point. Camp 200 metres from the cars 60 metres from an idyllic beach. There will be the option to go on George's Clyde Gorge walk on the Sunday, if you are feeling energetic.

Sunday December 13th - Clyde Gorge, Ca5tle Gap - M/M

This scenic walk winds up the Clyde River around the magnificent cliffs of Byangee, Pigeon House and Talaterang Mountains. We will sample crystal swimming holes and gain superb views as we climb through Castle Gap. Map: CMW Budawangs, Corang 1:25000. Leader: George Carter 512130(h), 461420(w). Phone bookings only. Transport approx. $16.

Sunday December 13th - Mt Namadgi via Mt Mauls - L/R

Starting from Orroral Valley (early) we go via Nursery Creek and Rendezvous valleys, climb up to the summit of Mt Mavis and down into Creamy Flats. We continue up again to the summit of Mt Namadgi then out via the saddle to the south of Mt Mavis. The walk features alpine wild flowers and a Bora ground on Namadgi. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader: Mike Morriss 957823(h). 893103(w). Transport approx. $6.

Wedne5dag December 1Gth - Club Christmas Picnic - S/E

The venue will be announced next month.

December 19-20th - Croajinalong National Park, Lake Barracoota - M/E

Walk through varied coastal scenery mainly on firetrails. walking tracks and beaches. See preview in this IT. Map: Eden & Mallacoota 1:100000. Leader: Norm Becker 316061(h). 467572(w). Transport approx. $30.

Sunday December 20th - Majors Creek - S/M/ld?

This is a fairly short walk with rock hopping and swimming - some compulsory, so waterproof your pack. Phone bookings only. Map: Monga 1:26000. Leader: Greg Ellis 916933(h) 758862(w) & Patrick Tobin. Transport approx. $15.

Sundaq December 20th - Endrick Falls - S/M

Spectacular Endrick Falls is one of the best swimming holes in the area. there are also natural jacuzzis if the ri':er le'.'el is right. A waterproof pad Is recommended though 'ou are unlkelv to get more than your feet

on the walk As this is nor-maui' a popular trip there may be two parties with two leaders. Map: Nerriga 1:29000. Leader: Vance Brown 513997(h) and Anton Cook 474142(h). Transport approx. $13.

Saturday December 28th (Boxing Day) - Colinton Gorge - S/E/W

A slack wet esky trip; carry esky 300m from cars, walk 3km through paddock, then lilo back to esky for slothful activities. Meet at Rambah Village Shops at lOam. Kids welcome if safe near deep water. Phone bookings only. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Margaret Roseby 883679(h).

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January (Dec 31501-3rd - Kanangra Walls, Kowmung Rgver - M/R/W

The walk includes Kanangra Walls. Cambage Spire. }Cowmung River, Bulga Denis Canyon and Kanangra. We will drive to Kanartgra on Thursday night so we can enjoy the Kowmunq at leisure. Briny a book and your Christmas leftovers and New Year goodies. Map: Yerranderrie 1:25000. Leader: Meg Mckone 545902(h). 854355(w). Phone bookings only. Transport approx. $25.

January/February 1988 - South America

Walk the southern tip of South America, Tierra Del Fuego. This is extremely remote country with spectacular mountains etc. The duration is flexible and the return fare via New Zealand and the trans-polar route is approximately $2000. Leaders: Chris Sinkora 811623(h). 897296(w) and Brian Palm 489245(h). Phone bookings only.

January (8)940th - Wollangambe River, Dufaurs Creek - M/R/W

This Classic lilo trip provides a good introduction to the horizontal canyons of the Blue Mountains. Map: Mount Wilson £ Wollangambe 1:28000. Leader: Keith Thomas 467816(h). 637241(w). Transport approx. $30.

January 9-10th - Mount Twynam, Watsons Crags, Blue Lake - M/M

Walk through open grasslands above the tree line with superb views. wildflowers and some snowdrifts remaining from the winter. Map: Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Geoff Wood 826237(h). 653030(w). Transport approx. $30.

Saturday January 9th - Burrawarra Point - S/M

This is a heavily eroded section of coastline just south of Batemans Bay with islands, arches, cliffs and beaches. There will be plenty of time for swimming. Phone bookings only. Map: Mojo 1:25000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 315889(h). Transport approx. $18.

Sunday January 10th - Shoalhaven Gorge, Rainbow Ridge - L/M

See this beautiful gorge from angles you would not believe possible and spend the afternoon sampling the sandy beaches and pools of the Shoalhaven. For a little excitment we will climb up Mt Pollock and follow the razor sharp Rainbow Ridge back to the river. Phone bookings only. Map: Caoura 1:26000. Leader: George Carter 612130(h), 461420(w). Transport approx. $12.

January 16-17th - Bumberry Creek, Tuross Gorge - L/R/W

This is the 7th annual L/R trip - heaven for dedicated rock hoppers - hell for others (do not come) - numerous compulsory swims - ring me to discuss the trip if I do not know you. We will meet up with Vance's day trip. Map: Belowra 1:25000. Leader: Alan 'Jidler (064) 532260(w). Transport approx. $15.

Sunday January 17th - 4th Annual Turo55 Cascade5 Bludge Trip - S/E

This is more of a social event than a walk so the usual limit will not apply. The 'walk" is only 2 or 3 km down the road from where we leave the cars to Tuross Cascades with its rock pools and natural waterslide. There is an option 15/MD to Tuross Falls if I can get someone to lead it. This is taxr weather trip and will only go if it is a nice day. Map: Cobargo 1:100000. & Belowra 1:25000. Leader Vance Brown 613997(h). Transport $16.

Sunday January 17th - Pierce5 Creek Waterfall - M/R

This is a picturesque waterfall in the valley between the Hardy and Tidbinbilla Ranges. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Ted Rogers 806286(w) Transport approx. $3.

Page 14: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

Information NOTE The walk secretary. George Carter is pleased to accept walks from leaders

at any time. Please contact him to put your walk on the programme.

Bookings for trips should be made by 5.00 pm on Thursday on the appropriate sheet in Paddy Pallin's shop in Lonsdale Street or by telephoning the leader before 5.00 pm on Thursday.

N . B. Do not telephone Paddy's to book.

Walkers are reminded that there can be dangers associated with bushwalking and that they participate entirely at their own risk.

Equipment for club walks can be hired from Eddie Ce Wilde 589940.

Library The Club library is held at the home of Keith Thomas. S Barney Street Downer, (478175), at B - 7.45 pm on the night of club meetings.

Transport costs are presently 18 cents per kilometre per car and are divided equally among ALL participants. This amount is a guide only and

can be varied at the discretion of the leader depending on the condition of the roads and the number of passengers per car. The figures given for individual trips are approximate values based on four people per car.

Grading of walks

CS) Short under 12 km/day CE) Easy firetrails, tracks, beaches etc. CM) Medium 12-20 km/day CM) Medium bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub CL) Long over 20 km/day CR) Rough much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles

1W) Wet compulsory swims, many river crossings

NOTE: In calculating distance 1 km is added for every 100 metres climbed.

NOTICE TO ALL WALKERS The leader should check that:

Each applicant is capable of completing the proposed trip. This is done by observation on previous walks or by contacting them personally and asking where, when and with whom they have walked previously.

Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any special equipment or skills needed.


Committee 1987-1988 PRESIDENT:






Greg Ellis 916533(h) 768862(w) Geoff Wood 825237(h) 653030(w) Carolyn Ho 549228(h) 788102(w) Kate Moore 540483(h) 413000(w) George Carter 512130(h) 461420(w) Anton Cook 474142(h) 810955(w)

Eddy De Wilde 589940(h) Vance Brown 513937(h) 465600(w) Ted Rogers 805265(w) Julie Andrew 414824(h) 724542(w)

Dave Drohan (413566h. 683100w) is the Search and Rescue Officer and David Campbell (541511h, 498359w) the Check-in Officer

Page 15: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring


Canberra Bushwalkind Club inc.

Membership Renewal Form

Name- ......................................

Residential Address- ..............................

. ... ...............Postcode- .......

Postal Address (if different)


Home phone number - - - - - - - - - Work phone number- .........

Other Person (if household membership)

Namr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Work Phone Number- ..............

I/We enclose $ - - - - - - - being the membership 5ubscriptiong for the

Canberra Bushwalking Club for the jjear 1987/88

Signed- ---- ... ... ------------Date . ............ ... .

1997/88 sub5criptions are : OrdinarM $ 15.00 Household (2 adults, same address $23.00)

Other information - cross out if NOT true

I am willing, on occasion, to lead day walks. YES / NO

weekend walks YES 7 NO

I am willing to take part in search and rescue YES / NO

Page 16: CANIIERRA NflHWALECW© CLUI JINC. ITP.O Box 160, …...Sunday there will be a damper baking competition. , There are one or two minor inconveniences: there is no fresh water so bring

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