> Candidate Training 2012

Candidate Training

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> Candidate Training 2012

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What is the Union?

The Union of UEA Students is an independent, registered charity, with trustees that look after its assets on behalf on its membership, all students at UEA.

The Union also ‘wholly owns’ two companies:• Students’ Union Services Ltd – which runs the UFO, Paper

Shop, Travel Shop & Post Office• Waterfront Ltd – which runs the Waterfront in the city

These two companies give all their profits, tax-free, to the Union (a charity).

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What do we do?

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Where does the money come from?

University Block Grant (14%)

University Repairs and Utility Grant (8%)

Sports Association Fees (5%)

INTO Fees (1%)

Home Run Fees (1%)

Commercial Income (70%)

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Who does it?

• The Union’s Student Officers set the direction of the Union, and help ensure its being ‘member-led’ at all times.

• The majority of the actual ‘work’ is done by the Union’s Staff Team.

• The Staff Team is led by the Chief Executive. They’re responsible for looking after the operational goings-on, whilst officers look after political/policy issues.

Underneath this, we have Senior Management Team, who look after departments of the Union.

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Our Membership

The Union has an extremely diverse membership:

This diversity challenges how the Union operates, and how involved different students feel in what we do.

Certain groups of students are ‘hard to reach’- due to their circumstances or some other factor:

• They may find it more difficult to take part in our activities

• They may find the Union’s messages less interesting or


• They may have drastically different needs to ‘traditional’


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>>Diversity Quiz

What percentage of students disclosed a disability in 2009/10?

7.7% of all UEA Students

- The largest grouping of students to disclose a disability are students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia.

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>>Diversity Quiz


What proportion of UEA students are…?


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>>Diversity Quiz

68% of the 1,892 international students at UEA come from which 9 countries?

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>>14,313 UEA Students 2009/10


Health1,227 (8.6%)

Arts and Humanities3,314 (23.2%)

Science3,236 (22.6%)

Social Science5,032 (35.2%)


Full-Time12,184 (85.1%)

Part-Time2,130 (14.9%)


Undergraduate11,804 (82.5%)

Postgraduate Taught1,655 (11.6%)

Postgraduate Research854 (6.0%)

Fee Status

Home11,820 (82.6%)

EU444 (3.1%)

International1,813 (12.7%)

Exchange212 (1.5%)

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>>Hard to Reach

Students on Placement

Health Students

Mature Students

Part-Time Students

Students with Disabilities

International Students

INTO Students

LGBT Students

Students that Work

Students with Caring Responsibilities

Local Commuting Students

Students with faith commitments


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What’s it like to be a Part-Time Officer?

As a Part-Time Officer you have the opportunity to shape your role around your interests, and run campaigns with Union support.


Student Officer Committee


ChampionVariety of RolesUnion Council

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Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission

To create positive change in the education of UEA students by effectively representing their collective views.

To provide a range of high-quality, member-led services which embrace the needs of all UEA students.

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Mission, Vision, Values

Our Values

DemocracyWe are the legitimate voice of UEA students. Our policies and priorities are member-led.

CollectivismStudents are stronger when they organise together locally, nationally and internationally. Unity is our strength.

EmpowermentWe support our members to make change.

EqualityWe believe that all students deserve equal rights and opportunities. As such, we campaign to challenge discrimination and we promote equality in our organisation and beyond.

SustainabilityWe are not just here for the students of today, but also for the students of tomorrow. We are financially and environmentally sustainable.

QualityEverything we do, we do well.

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Mission, Vision, Values

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Strategic Plan 2010/13


What’s the point of having a Strategic Plan?

What sort of things might it include?

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How to Write a Manifesto

• Start by making a list of the reasons you want to run in the elections and the types of changes you might make if you got elected.

• Test your ideas out on a couple of good mates.

• Don't include too much information on your A4 page – sometimes, less is more!

• Always include a good photo – it's rare that a candidate will win without one!

• Make sure your manifesto has your name in big letters on it – and make sure that it's

• the same name as is on your nomination form. There's nothing worse than voters

• being confused at the ballot box.

• Adding a bit of your own personality is good!

• If you’re going to have a theme or a gimmick, use it on your manifesto too.

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During the campaign you are allowed to spend up to the limit set by the DRO.

The money is spent out of your own pocket and then can be reclaimed by candidates who achieve at least 10% of the first preference vote (as set out in our constitution)

It is important that you provide receipts for everything you purchase and you MUST account for all materials, so borrowed pens or paints need to be accounted for even if you don’t actually buy them.

It is important for you to account for everything because if you overspend the budget you will be disqualified from the election process and won’t be allowed to reclaim anything.

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A Day in the lifeThe officer leading this training will go through

their campaign day…







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The DRO will now go over some election rules and allow you to ask some questions on them.