Canadian National Railways # 40...9 Boiler 45 10 Smoke-box 51 11 Cab and Upper Boiler Mountings 58 Appendix – Identification Marks 64 2 1 Summary This report sets out the findings

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Page 1: Canadian National Railways # 40...9 Boiler 45 10 Smoke-box 51 11 Cab and Upper Boiler Mountings 58 Appendix – Identification Marks 64 2 1 Summary This report sets out the findings
Page 2: Canadian National Railways # 40...9 Boiler 45 10 Smoke-box 51 11 Cab and Upper Boiler Mountings 58 Appendix – Identification Marks 64 2 1 Summary This report sets out the findings


Canadian National Railways # 40 Survey Report Contents


1 Summary 2

2 Conduct of the Project 4

3 #40 – Past, Present and Future 5

4 Frame 11

5 Wheels 16

6 Cylinders and Driving Gear 25

7 Valves and Valve Gear 31

8 Firebox 37

9 Boiler 45

10 Smoke-box 51

11 Cab and Upper Boiler Mountings 58

Appendix – Identification Marks 64

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1 Summary This report sets out the findings of the artefactual research project carried

out on behalf of the Canada Science and Technology Museum (CSTM)

into the Canadian National Railways (CNR) steam locomotive #40. The

project was undertaken between October 2007 and March 2008. It

should be read in conjunction with the archival research project

undertaken by Dr. David McGee that preceded this work.

#40, built to the standard track gauge, was made by the Portland

Company of Portland, Maine, and delivered to the Grand Trunk Railway

in November 1872. It continued in the railway’s service until the end of

1902, prior to sale to the timber haulage company, the Chaudiere Valley

Railway (CVR), at the beginning of the following year. It remained in

the service of that company until c1947, and was subsequently acquired

by the CNR to be exhibited in different parts of Canada during the 1950s.

#40 was taken into the keeping of the CSTM in 1966, and since then has

been in store in the Museum’s Conservation Department.

The project was undertaken over the pit in the Department’s warehouse

to the rear of the Museum. Within the constraints of ten working days, it

sought to examine each component to ascertain its material, dimensions,

identity, function and probable history. Basic data were first established,

including centre lines for the boiler, cylinders and wheels, to which all

other components could be related. Photographs were taken of

components and assemblies, whilst the recorded dimensions were

subsequently used to prepare detailed drawings which are reproduced in

this report. The project was undertaken with the full co-operation and

assistance of the Conservation Department staff, and was conducted with

all due regard to health and safety practices. The findings of this project

are grouped under functional headings in this report, namely Frame,

Wheels, Cylinders and Driving Gear, Valves and Valve Gear, Firebox,

Boiler, Smoke-box, Cab and Boiler-top Fittings.

#40 retains much of the character and appearance of an early 1870s-built

American locomotive. As such, it is an important artefact, and worthy of

its place in the CSTM collection as the oldest main line locomotive in the

country (two much older industrial locomotives, Samson and Albion, are

in the collection of the Museum of Industry in Nova Scotia).

In common with all long-life locomotives, it has been re-built and

modified throughout its working life, and in preservation. Some

components, such as the main frame, are probably original, albeit without

identification that would confirm this fact. One exception is the forged

reversing arm on the right side of the locomotive which is stamped ‘233’,

the Portland Works number for #40. There may be others whose identity

is yet covered in layers of paint.

The key events in #40’s career began with its involvement in an accident

at Onondaga in 1873, which may have led to replacement of some

components. The locomotive was rebuilt in 1890, when a new boiler,

firebox and smoke-box were fitted, enabling the locomotive to burn coal

and probably replacing its spark arrestor stack with a plain vertical tube

version. A number of other components, identified as being of GTR

origin, were also

probably fitted at that

time, or during another

overhaul at the

railway’s Stratford,

Ontario, shops. Air

brakes charged by a

Westinghouse pump

were fitted, possibly in

1890, and were used

by the engine until the

end of its operating


CNR #40 over the pit in

the Conservation

Department workshop

A further substantive change occurred prior to its sale to the CVR in

1903, when the GTR fitted smaller diameter driving wheels, apparently

to suit the higher tractive effort required for the timber haulage. In

keeping with the very different economics of industrial railway operation,

the modifications undertaken during the engine’s 44 year service on the

CVR appear to have been minimal. An overhaul did take place around

1925 however when new wheels were fitted to the truck and the tender,

and the tender was fitted with a new tank.

Its appearance in preservation was determined by the CNR when it took

over ownership of #40 and undertook restoration, both in the St. Albans

shops of the Central Vermont Railroad in 1950, and in its Stratford shops

in 1951. These overhauls were to prepare the engine for haulage around

Canada and to appeal to an audience keen to see an historic locomotive

from the 1870s. The Westinghouse brakes were removed from the

locomotive, but were retained on the tender. The locomotive therefore

contains both operating and historic features which are inaccurate.

The front of the engine in particular is erroneous. The stack is taller than

it was at the end of its working life on the CVR; the replica lamp shelf is

supported by uncharacteristic stays; the pilot seeks to represent an 1872

appearance in spite of subsequent changes; and the large ‘knuckle’

coupler is a 1950s operating requirement.

The CSTM therefore has a number of options to consider regarding the

proposed restoration of #40. The options, which are listed in section 3,

range from ‘do nothing’ (but undertaking a good clean and re-paint),

through to reversal of the later alterations and re-presentation of the

engine into earlier working forms. This can only be achieved through

modification of the artefact, including the replication of lost components.

In the context of curatorial best practice, and available budget, this will

present the Museum with challenging decisions.

Dr. Michael R. Bailey and Dr. John P. Glithero March 2008

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2 Conduct of the Project The project was undertaken in accordance with best industrial archaeology practices, as previously developed by

the authors on the Samson and Albion locomotives for the Museum of Industry in Nova Scotia (1994), the so-

called Braddyll locomotive for the Timothy Hackworth Victorian and Railway Museum (in north east England,

now part of the National Railway Museum - 1996), and the Rocket locomotive for the British Science Museum/

National Railway Museum (1999).

The archival research work for this project was undertaken by Dr. David McGee on behalf of the Canada Science

and Technology Museum. Dr. McGee’s report, and all appendices, drawings and photographs, were made

available to the authors at the beginning of this project. They have proved invaluable in developing an

understanding of the locomotive’s appearance and probable history before work began, and in interpreting the

physical evidence during the research and interpretive phases.

The Portland Engine Company’s archive of works books, drawings and photographs, retained by the Maine

Historical Society in their Portland premises, include detail component descriptions of its products recorded in its

‘casting books’. In spite of this title, volume 15 of that series contains a comprehensive component description of

#40 as built, including forged, rolled, steel, non-ferrous and timber components, as well as cast iron ones.

Frequent reference is made to this volume in this report, the citations foreshortened to ‘CB’.

The component and elevation drawings identified by Dr. McGee have been used to provide evidence of

component origin and to assist with detailed descriptions. Similarly, the Portland Company’s photographs,

together with those taken of #40 and sister locomotives in service, have also been used as further evidence of

original and modified component appearance.

The detailed examination work, which was carried out over the pit in the Museum’s Conservation Workshop, was

undertaken with full regard to health and safety requirements and normal workshop practices. Hard hats and

suitable clothing and foot-wear were used. It had been established, before the project’s commencement, that the

boiler remained lagged with asbestos, which was

exposed through partial corrosion of the cladding sheets.

To ensure a safe working environment, the Conservation

Workshop Manager brought in specialist contractors to

secure the lagging, by application of both a sealant and

tapes. Further traces of what appeared to be asbestos

were noted in the ash-pan during the project. The need

for removal of all asbestos will be a particular

consideration for the locomotive’s proposed restoration.

The project was undertaken in five phases:

1. Component examination - to establish its material and likely date or era of manufacture, and its relationship

to adjacent components to determine the phasing of modifications. Most components have been painted,

apparently in the 1950/51 restorations prior to the locomotive’s exhibition around Canada. Stamped and

inscribed identification marks could therefore only be viewed by removal of the paint. This was undertaken on

selected components only, partly with the assistance of the Museum’s conservation staff. Time prevented

removal of all paintwork, and it is recommended that any restoration of the locomotive should make provision

for this removal with a view to a complete listing of all identification marks. Those marks that were seen were

recorded and are listed in the Appendix to this report. Chalk was used to highlight the cast identification

marks, and to infill the inscribed marks to aid sighting and photographic recording.

Some assemblies were dismantled by the Conservation Services Officer to allow for examination of otherwise

inaccessible components. These were the cylinder casing and cover, valve chest cover, check valve and

firebox washout plug, all on the left side of the locomotive. The smoke-box door was opened to allow

inspection of its interior. The interior of the firebox and boiler were seen through the use of a borescope

connected to a monitor. The images through the lens were recorded digitally for future reference.

2. Component measurement - to develop a better understanding of size, origin and relationship with other

components, and to enable detailed drawings to be prepared. Basic data for the locomotive were first

established, including centre lines for the boiler, cylinders and wheels, to which all other components could be

related. Plumb lines were used to obtain accurate centre lines from a rail-top datum.

3. Component and assembly photography – to obtain a detailed visual record, including the relationship with

adjacent components. It was necessary for the digital photographs to be taken from several different angles,

often in very restricted space due to the close proximity of other parts of the locomotive. The photographs

have proved invaluable in the preparation of this report, allowing further interpretation of each assembly, as

well as with preparation of the drawings.

4. History interpretation - through consideration of all physical, measurement and photographic evidence. This

assessment has included the probable sequence of modifications to provide a comprehension of the likely

phases in the locomotive’s career, in turn offering evidence with which the Museum may wish to consider its

restoration for public display.

5. Report preparation - setting down the evidence and the conclusions, and providing detailed drawings and

photographs to substantiate those views.

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3 CNR #40 – Past, Present and Future

3.1 History

The following is a history of #40, as far as is known, incorporating both the archival evidence provided by Dr.

David McGee in his 2007 report and the physical evidence recorded in the later chapters of this report.

First phase 1872 - 1890

The locomotive was built by the Portland Company (works #233), and delivered to the Grand Trunk Railway

(GTR) in November 1872 with the running #362. It was one of a batch of 22 standard gauge locomotives ordered

by the railway at a time of its gradual conversion from the earlier 5 ft 6 in gauge. It was a 4-4-0 tender locomotive

Fig. 3.1 Works #254, completed April 1873 five months after #233, of similar appearance but with smaller driving wheels

[Intercolonial Railway #66] (MHS 29-2a-28)

with 5 ft 6 in diameter driving wheels, each with 16 spokes and two balance weights. It had 16 in x 24 in

cylinders. Although the boiler pressure is not recorded, a pressure of about 100 lb/in2 is likely, which would have

provided 7,900 lb of starting tractive effort. It had a fire-grate area of 14 sq ft and a heating surface of c.912 sq ft.

The dome of the parallel boiler was fitted over the firebox crown, and the bell located over the leading boiler ring.

The locomotive would have been employed by the GTR on main line passenger services and was apparently in

service in Western Ontario in 1873, when it was involved in an accident at Onondaga. There is no other known

reference to #40 until 1890. During this 18 year period of service, it is likely that the locomotive was taken into

the railway’s Stratford, Ontario, shops for two major overhauls, apart from routine maintenance at other times. To

aid re-assembly by the shop fitters, components were identified by cast, stamped or inscribed marks. It is likely

that some components identified with GTR marks, including those inscribed with #362, were replaced during

these years.

Second phase 1890 - 1902

Boilers and fireboxes on American-built locomotives before 1880 had a life of typically 15 years (John H. White,

Jr., A History of the American Locomotive, Its Development:1830-1880, p.105). This was therefore consistent

with the replacement, after 18 years, of #40’s boiler and firebox in 1890, as recorded by the GTR eleven years

later (CRHA, GTR Locomotive Stock List, January 1st 1901). This re-building of the locomotive would have

included replacement of other components, again identified with GTR marks, including those inscribed #362.

The new deep firebox was fitted with a brick arch, indicating that coal was then used rather than wood. A tubular,

rather than spark arrestor stack, would probably have been fitted, and contemporary photographs of other GTR

locomotives confirm the railway’s use of coal. The new parallel boiler, with a working pressure of 135 lb/in2,

increased its starting

tractive effort to 10,700 lb.

It had its dome fitted to the

first ring of the shell,

whilst the bell was re-

located over the firebox

crown. The locomotive

and its tender were

equipped with

Westinghouse air brakes,

probably at this time. The

air pump was apparently

on its right side.

Fig. 3.2 Works #253 as rebuilt for coal burning [GTR #379] (NAC 200781580)

In 1898, the railway undertook a re-numbering of its locomotive fleet, with #362 being re-allocated the number

‘40’. It is likely that it received at least one major overhaul at Stratford shops during or after that year as several

components are stamped ‘40’, some replacing a scored out ‘362’. A further re-numbering, due to be carried out in

1903, had allocated the number ‘129’, but the locomotive being sold, second-hand, in January that year occurred

before re-numbering took place.

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Third phase 1903 - c1925

In January 1903, #40 was sold to the Chaudiere Valley Railway (CVR) in Quebec, for the purposes of hauling

timber between Breakeyville and the banks of the St. Lawrence River. The locomotive’s driving wheels were

replaced, apparently at that time, with others of 5 ft 2 in diameter re-assigned from another GTR locomotive. The

replacement wheels have 14 spokes and three balance weights. Following the modifications, the tractive effort of

the locomotive increased to 11,400 lb better lending itself to freight duties than passenger operations. From

photographic evidence, it is apparent

that the firebox was converted to

wood burning by the removal of its

brick arch and the fitting of a spark

arresting stack, and it is likely that

this conversion was undertaken at

the time of sale. The CVR retained

the number ‘40’ throughout the

locomotive’s service on the line.

Fig. 3.3 #40 in service on the CVR pre-

1910 (CMST 670008SI – DM report,

Appendix 6, Ref. 15)

No records of service on the CVR have been seen, but it is likely that its work programme was much reduced from

that of its GTR duties, and that, in common with many industrial systems, its maintenance regime was

considerably less stringent than for a main line operation. The surviving components suggest little replacement of

GTR components, and it probably went without a major overhaul until the mid 1920s, probably 1925.

Fourth phase c1925 - c1947

In c1925 #40 was overhauled, its

truck and tender wheel-sets were

all replaced, whilst its tender tank

was replaced with a new straight-

sided version, probably mounted

on the same frame. At some time,

possibly with this overhaul, a new

Westinghouse brake pump was

fitted to the left side of the smoke-


Fig. 3.4 #40 in service on the CVR c1925 (CMST 670008SI – DM report, Appendix 6, Ref. 16)

Fifth phase c1947 - 1966

The CVR abandoned its track, and probably its operations in 1947, but it is possible that #40 had been taken out of

service before this time. The

Canadian National Railways (CNR)

took over the line and, seemingly

#40, at about that time. Photographs

show it to be either in use as a

stationary boiler or simply

‘dumped’, apparently in Charny yard

near Quebec City.

Fig. 3.5 #40 out of service apparently in

Charney Yard in 1949 (CMST Stephens


In 1950 the CNR restored #40 as an historic exhibition locomotive at the St. Albans shops of the Central Vermont

Railroad which it owned, for which

purpose some modifications were

made to offer the appearance of an

1872-built locomotive. A new

wooden pilot with vertical struts was

made. The height of its stack was

increased by a taller replacement

tube under the spark arrestor.

Fig. 3.6 #40 following restoration in 1950

(CMST 670008SI – DM report, Appendix

6, Ref. 22)

In 1951 the locomotive was further refurbished and repainted in the Stratford, Ontario, shops for the purposes of

exhibition all round Canada as part of the CNR’s ‘Museum Train’. For these long distance movements the

locomotive was hauled within a longer train of braked vehicles, and a new ‘knuckle’ coupler was therefore fitted

to the front beam. Whilst the locomotive was un-braked for these movements, new air lines were fitted along the

length of the tender and locomotive, allowing it to be included within an otherwise fully braked train. A new air

reservoir was fitted to the right side of the tender, whose brakes remained active. By 1960, #40’s sporadic career

in the Museum Train had ceased and it was stored in the CNR yards at Richmond, Ontario.

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3.2 Present (1966-2008)

In 1966, the CNR donated the locomotive, with other vehicles, to the

National Archives of Canada, but, by agreement, they were taken in by the

new National Museum of Science and Technology, the fore-runner of the

Canada Science and Technology Museum (CSTM).

Since taking ownership, the Museum has stored #40 without further

restoration, in its conservation workshops, and it remains much as it was

restored in 1951.

Fig. 3.7 #40 in store with CSTM in 2007 (CSTM)

3.3 Future

Should the CSTM pursue the restoration of #40 for public display, consideration would need to be given as to the

form such restoration would take. There are seven options that could be considered:

First Option - Continuation of its present form for static display

The locomotive has not been cleaned or painted since the cessation of the Museum Train by the CNR in the 1950s.

This option would therefore require thorough removal of all dirt, grease and paint, prior to remedial work and re-

painting. It would also require the removal, under controlled conditions, of asbestos lagging round the boiler and

waste asbestos present in the ash-pan. The boiler cladding sheets are corroded and would need replacing with

similar sheeting.

It is recommended that when paint is being removed by the conservation team, the further identification marks

that are revealed are duly recorded, and that the Appendix of this report be supplemented with the additional


It is also recommended that loose components, such as the ash-pan damper arms, and missing components, such

as the eccentrics (if they can be found) are re-fitted. The opportunity also presents itself for damaged components

to be re-formed, and broken components repaired. It is not recommended, however, that worn components, such

as the truck wheels, should be re-machined as these serve to illustrate an integral part of the history of the


Re-painting would be in the form of the CNR’s 1951 restoration, thus reproducing the scheme already present.

Second Option - Return to its 1950 Restored Form

This option would reverse the alterations made in 1951 at the Stratford shops to allow #40 to be hauled around

Canada in the CNR Museum Train. It would thus require the removal of the ‘knuckle’ coupler and of the two air

brake lines fitted along the length of the locomotive and tender. The absence of the coupler would leave a space

in the middle of the pilot requiring the manufacture and fitting of a replica coupling bar and bracket as can be seen

in Fig. 3.6. Similarly, the transverse uncoupling lever would need to be replaced by one comparable with that

removed in 1951. It is possible that one may be found amongst the collections of early 20th century rolling stock

elsewhere in Canada.

Third Option - Return to its c1925 – c1947 form for static display

This option would allow the locomotive and tender to be returned to the form when last in service as a working

locomotive for the CVR. In addition to the remedial work outlined in the first option and the alterations in the

second option, the restoration programme would require the work undertaken in the St. Albans shops in 1950 to be

reversed, and certain replica components to be added:

· The fitting of an early type of ‘knuckle’ coupler, commensurate with one in use from 1925 or comparable

with that fitted to the tender. It is again possible that such a coupler may be found amongst other

collections of early 20th century rolling stock.

· Removal of the replica pilot and its substitution by a new replica with horizontal ribs.

· Removal of all replica wheel-splashers and the two ‘Portland Stars’.

· Reduction of the height of the stack by the substitution of a shorter vertical tube beneath the spark


· Replacement of the wooden replica lamp brackets with other, more robust, replica steel versions, thus

allowing the removal of the two stays, now bolted to the smoke box door periphery.

· The 1950 replica lamp would need to be replaced by a replica of that latterly used by the CVR

Additional consideration would need to be given to the fitting of a Westinghouse pump and bracket on the left side

of the smoke box, with all attendant pipe-work, together with all brake reservoirs, activating cylinders, operating

arms and clasps. This would need to be preceded by a design study based on the evidence seen from surviving

photographs (such as Fig. 3.4) and based on knowledge of locomotive braking layouts. Alternatively, the

locomotive’s braking system could be omitted and the public informed accordingly when the locomotive is on

display. This option would allow the locomotive to be painted in one or other of the schemes adopted by the CVR

as seen in surviving photographs, such as Fig. 3.4.

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Fourth Option - Return to c1925 – c1947 working condition

This may be considered to be an option as it appears that the CNR may itself have considered this in 1950. The

cylinders appear to have been re-bored and the CNR mud-hole plugs at the front end of the firebox suggest this

was considered. No evidence has been seen that confirms that trial steaming was undertaken, but the existence of

a lead plug in the steam inlet space of the left side steam chest suggests that it has been put in due to a crack in the

chest or in the upper part of the cylinder itself. Such a feature would be unacceptable for steam operation and

were this option to be considered it would almost certainly require the casting, machining and fitting of a replica

cylinder and steam chest. The condition of the right side cylinder and steam chest is unknown.

The boiler shell and firebox probably date from 1890, and their suitability as a pressure vessel to meet the rigorous

requirements of today’s standards would require detailed consideration by a qualified boiler inspector. The

condition of the axles would need to be established by qualified personnel using crack detecting equipment.

It is clear from severe wear noted on the wheels (Section 5.3) that the bearings and suspension are no longer

suitable for the movement of the locomotive, and would need replacing.

A modern braking system, acceptable to modern standards would be required, with due consideration regarding its

appearance in relation to the locomotive’s mid-20th century appearance.

Fifth Option - Return to its 1903 – c1925 form for static display

Further reversal of modifications, beyond those of the second option, would be required to return #40 to its initial

CVR operating appearance. In particular, the cab body, parts of which were probably renewed in c1925 would

need to be reversed. Replica arched windows would be required replacing the rectangular ones now installed.

However, this removal of components that were in situ during the working life of the locomotive would challenge

present day curatorial standards and would require particular consideration.

The presence of truck wheels cast in 1924 would not be historically accurate, but they are of a similar form to

those first installed and may therefore be acceptable.

If braking was to be considered, an earlier form of Westinghouse brake pump would be required on the right side

of the locomotive. It may be possible to recover such equipment from other early 20th century locomotives now in

preservation, but alternatively replication would be required.

The tender would need to be returned to its pre-1925 appearance by the substitution of a narrower tank with a

flared top. The wheel-sets were probably fitted in 1925 and, being cast in 1915/6, may therefore be acceptable.

Sixth Option - Return to its 1890 – 1903 form for static display

Although requiring further work beyond that considered for the fifth option, this option has the attraction of

presenting a locomotive of the former Grand Trunk Railway. The presence of 5 ft 2 in diameter wheels, rather

than #40’s original 5 ft 6 in wheels, would not be a major issue as a number of its sister locomotives were so

fitted, and the wheels date from the 1870s.

A faithful presentation of the locomotive from this era would, however, see it returned to coal burning form.

Although a replica brick-arch may be ignored for public display, a vertical tubular stack would be needed to

replace the surviving spark arresting one, again challenging curatorial standards.

Seventh Option - Return to its 1872 - 1890 form for static display

Although this was apparently in the mind of the CNR in 1950/51 when restoration was undertaken, this could not

be considered as a serious option, as so much of the locomotive differs from that originally built. Such

consideration would be better directed towards a complete replica locomotive based on what has been learnt from

this project, and hence without risk to the historic artefact that #40 now represents.

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4 Frame

Fig. 4.1 Frame drawing for Portland shop #191-3 (Drawing #1423 now torn in two, but shown here digitally restored) 4.1 Main frame arrangement The Portland Company’s casting book (p.246) states that the frame design for shop #s 191-3 should be adopted for

#40. The drawing of #191-3’s longitudinal frames has therefore been compared with #40’s frames. They are of

typical North American forged iron bar form, which accord closely with the drawing. Their overall length

exceeds the design length of 26 ft by ⅜ in, but this is in manufacturing tolerance and they may well be the original

frames, or replacements to the same layout.

The left-side and right-side frames have each been forged in two parts. The front members, of 3½ in square

section, have small downturns at the leading end, which are bolted to the front beam.

At their rear, the

front frames

terminate ahead of

the front driving

axle, being turned

down and bolted to

the leading horn

members of the rear


Fig. 4.2 Left side front frame member (forward view)

The rear frame forgings are built

up to form the leading and trailing

axle-box horns, joined by upper

and lower horizontal bars of 3 in

and 2 in depth respectively. The

upper bars are braced by rising

diagonals to the front frame

members, to which they are

bolted, and continue to the rear of

the frame, where they are braced

by rising diagonals from the rear


Fig. 4.3 Left side mid-frame (rearward view), showing join of front and rear members

This arrangement provides no continuous buffing line, the rear of

the frame being higher than the front beam (Fig. 4.1). This design

reflects the expectation that locomotives would normally haul

their trains in a forward direction, and not tender-first, and thus

not be subjected to undue thrust from its front end.

Fig. 4.4 Right side rear frame (forward view),

showing rising diagonal from rear horn, and cross tie

No horn stays are shown on Fig. 4.1, but the surviving stays on #40’s trailing horns, incorporating axle-box side

clearance adjustment, are likely to be original, or, if replaced, are of similar form. The forgings for the leading

axle horns, however, continue forward as diagonal braces (Fig. 4.3). These are bolted through the main frame

together with the rear member braces, and with large blocks added to the underside. The overall depth of all

frame components at this junction is 10½ in. The trailing ends of these stays/braces are keyed and bolted to

brackets on the underside of the lower horizontal members.

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Fig. 4.5 Right side trailing axle horn-stay Fig. 4.6 Left side leading axle horn-stay

There are two possibilities for this additional feature. One is that the original design was inadequate, risking

breakage or distortion of the frame in traffic for all locomotives so fitted. Some evidence towards this possibility

is offered by #191-3’s frame drawing.

A rough pencil sketch has

been added to it in the

form as described above,

suggesting that this

improvement was being

considered by the Portland

Company. It is notable

that later locomotives were

fitted with similar braces

by the Company when

built. The stays/braces

may therefore have been

fitted at the time of #40’s

manufacture, or

subsequently retro-fitted.

Fig. 4.7 Detail from Fig.1, showing pencil sketch for rising diagonal

Alternatively, it is possible that #40 had these forgings fitted following the Onondaga collision of 1873. #40’s

frame does not reveal any evidence of repair arising from the accident, or indeed any subsequent rough shunts that

may have occurred. However, if the original forward frame members had been damaged by the “terrible force

smashing both engines to some extent” (Brantford Expositor report), and subsequently replaced, the frames may

then have been strengthened by the addition of the diagonal braces, perhaps undertaken by the Portland Company.

4.2 Transverse Members

The longitudinal frame members are 42½ in apart, the same separation recorded for #40 when built (CB, p.246).

Transverse members are bolted to them to form a secure framework.

The largest of these is the cast iron smoke-box saddle, the body of which is 2 ft 11 in wide and 2 ft 6 in long. The

casting book entry for #40 (p.241) shows that the same design of saddle used for shop #152 was first adopted

(Drawing #1544). There is, however, some confusion between the radius of the saddle shown on this drawing and

the radius of the original smoke-box shown on Drawing #1462 (discussed in section 10.1). It is possible therefore

that the original saddle has been replaced by a later casting of similar form to accommodate the change of radius.

Fig. 4.8 Smokebox saddle drawing for shop #152 (Drawing #1544)

The base of the saddle is widened to 42½ in to fit within the frame, to which it is secured with horizontal bolts.

The base also sits on ¼ in deep shelves, uniting the undersides of the frame and saddle base, secured to both with

vertical studs.

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The casting book (p. 246) records that #40 was

erected with three forged frame-ties, but

without dimension. The frame retains three

ties, but all of different sections. One, of 2¼ in

x 1 in section at the mid-frame, is bolted to the

lower frame members just in front of the

firebox front-plate, its left side being cranked

to align with the bolt. Another tie, of 2 in x

1 in section, is bolted to the diagonal members

Fig. 4.9 Mid-frame cross tie (rearward view) at the rear of the frame (Fig. 4.14). Fig. 4.10 Leading frame cross tie and boiler bracket (rearward view)

The third tie, of 2¾ in by 1⅛ in section, is

bolted to the rising diagonals at the leading end

of the rear frame members. Bolted to it is a

plate iron boiler bracket, profiled and widened

with an angle iron on its upper edge to form a

saddle to support the boiler.

Between the leading tie and the saddle casting

is a ⅜ in thick wrought iron ‘spectacle’ plate

(‘yoke’, CB, p.246), 14¼ in deep x 84½ in

wide, bolted to the cast iron valve rocking

shaft bearings (Section 7.5), which are, in turn,

bolted to the frame. The plate is further

secured to the frame with hook bolts. It is

unlikely that these would have been fitted

Fig. 4.11 Spectacle plate (‘yoke’) (a) with boiler saddle (forward view) when #40 was constructed, and have apparently

(b) with left side hook bolts (rearward view) been added in response to a potential weakness

of the rocking shaft bearings.

The ‘spectacle’ plate extends 17½ in either

side of the frame. The rear slide-bar blocks are

bolted to the leading faces of the spectacles,

(Section 6.3). A plate iron boiler bracket is

also bolted to this plate, again widened with an

angle iron to form a boiler saddle.

4.3 Rear-end and draw-gear

The horizontal and rising diagonal members at the rear of the frames are forged to form a 6 in deep rear face. The

rear end of the locomotive is otherwise quite

different from its arrangement when built. It

was first fitted with a ¼ in thick wrought iron

footplate (CB, p.250) which, being 4 ft 2 in

wide, was bolted to the rear frame members

and provided a rigid rear-end to the frame. A

small draw casting was bolted to the underside

of this footplate (CB, p.242 - drawing #1846)

through which was fitted the draw-pin and the

drawbar. This arrangement was dispensed

with either through accident or failure, during

#40’s time with the GTR. Fig. 4.12 Original draw casting (Drawing #1846)

The GTR replaced the footplate and draw

casting by a larger and more substantial draw

casting, the full width of the frame. The

casting, which includes the railway’s GTR

initials, is fitted over, and rebated within, the

horizontal frame members, to which it is

secured directly with vertical bolts.

Fig. 4.13 Right side frame (side view) with GTR

draw casting

The casting incorporates a deep drawbar-pin

bracket. The drawbar is a 4¼ in by 2½ in

forging. The train-load is thus taken through

the drawbar, pin and draw casting to the main

frames. Safety chains are also fitted to the

draw casting.

Fig. 4.14 Drawbar bracket, pin and safety chain.

Rear frame tie behind

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4.4 Front end, pilot and draw-gear The 12¾ in wide front beam on #40 is of ‘sandwich’ construction, being wooden with iron or steel strengthening

plates to front and rear. The beam, which

has probably been replaced during the life

of the locomotive, was raised, probably by

the GTR, to maintain a standard coupling

height when the 5 ft 2 in driving wheels

were fitted. The frame-ends, which are

therefore bolted directly to the lower edge

of the beam, are supplemented with paired


Fig.4.15 Right side frame and front beam

(upward view)

When constructed, #40 was fitted with a ‘front draw casting’ (CB, p.242), but this is no longer present. Instead, a

substantial welded framework has been inserted into the front-end of #40, bolted to its main frames and front

beam. This auxiliary frame was probably

added during the 1951 restoration in the

CNR’s Stratford shops. This was

preparatory to #40 being hauled around

Canada as one of the vehicles in the

‘Museum Train’. It allowed the draw-

load to be transmitted from the centre

coupler to the main frame members,

without strain on the front beam.

Fig. 4.16 Auxiliary frame (upward and

rearward view)

Surviving drawings and 19th century

photographs of #40’s contemporaries show that

they were equipped with a simple coupling bar

and bracket on the front beam for local haulage

within station and yard limits. They were also

fitted with vertical rib wooden pilots.

Fig. 4.17 Frame front, coupler and pilot on shop #196,

delivered August 1871 (MHS Drawing #1960 – detail)

No evidence has been seen to determine when the GTR

fitted ‘knuckle’ couplers to its rolling stock, but

Fig.4.18, taken in #40’s early years of service on the

CVR, shows it fitted with an early form of the coupler.

It also shows levers, transverse rod and arm for un-

coupling. It would therefore seem likely that this

arrangement was fitted by the GTR in #40’s later years

of service on that railway.

Fig. 4.18 #40’s front beam, knuckle coupler and pilot pre-1910 (CMST 670008SI – DM, App. 6, Ref. 15 - detail)

Fig. 4.18 also shows #40 fitted with a horizontal rib

pilot. Still fitted in c1925 (Fig.3.4), it had been

removed by c1949 (Fig.3.5). The replica wooden pilot,

fitted in the 1950 restoration, portrays the 1870s

vertical rib form, but its depth is greater due to the

raising of the front beam, to which it is hinged on the

top. This allowed it to be raised to an upright position

and secured for transit. Two vertical iron stays, with

forks, behind the beam, support the base of the pilot.

Fig. 4.19 Replica pilot, coupling base and bar, with retained un-coupling lever (CMST 670008SI – DM, App. 6, Ref. 22 - detail)

The CVR’s lever arm un-coupler remained in place in 1950. However, the centre coupler now fitted to #40 is a

standard American Association of Railroads (AAR) type ‘E’ ‘knuckle’ design. It is cast in two sections, the base

bolted to the front of the beam, and the knuckle itself attached to the base, in a mortise and tenon arrangement, and

secured by a vertical pin. The cast steel unit has several identification codes including 5-51, presumably a casting

date of May 1951, and hence fitted in the July restoration in Stratford shops that year.

The unit was undoubtedly fitted to meet the CNR’s

operational requirements for the Museum Train. The

larger unit required a more robust un-coupler, and the

CVR lever arm has therefore been replaced by a new

transverse rod and lever arms, together with a bracket

and eyes on the top of the front beam.

Fig. 4.20 Front beam with coupler base and ‘knuckle’ unit,

transverse rod and lifting arms

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5 Wheels 5.1 Driving Wheels

The diameter of the original driving wheels was 5 ft 6 in (CB, p.247), with 5 ft 2 in castings (CB, p.241) and 2 in

thick tyres. They had 16 spokes and either two balance weights, or two full and two partial balance weights. A

later pencil entry on page 247 suggests that the tyre thickness was 2½ in, a discrepancy probably explained by the

tyre cone. In 1901, #40 was shown to have driving wheels of 5 ft 8 in diameter (GTR’s annual return of

locomotive stock, 1.1.1901, p.2). It is likely that this discrepancy arose from the fitting of 3in thick tyres.

Fig. 5.1 16-spoke left side front driving wheel fitted to Fig. 5.2 14-spoke left side rear driving wheel as now fitted to #40

Portland shop #238 [Jan. 1873] (MHS 33-68 - detail)

The wheels now fitted to #40 are 5 ft 2 in diameter, with 4 ft 8 in castings and 3 in tyres. They have 14 spokes and

three full balance weights. This was the wheel dimension of the second batch of locomotives for the GTR,

including shop #251-3 (CB, p.241). Each crankpin has been stamped “378” by the GTR, indicating that they were

originally fitted to #40’s sister locomotive

of that number. GTR #378 was Portland

shop #252, built in June 1873, and built

with 5 ft diameter wheels including 2 in

tyres. Although the wheels date from

1873, they were exchanged with #40 prior

to sale to the CVR in 1903.

Fig. 5.3 Crankpin end for left side front driving

wheel, inscribed with GTR #378

The spokes and rim were

cast solid (CB, p.241). The

5¾ in wide wheels are

secured to the axle-ends by

single 1½ in x ½ in keys.

The centres of the steel

crank-pins are 12 in from

the wheel centres, to

accommodate the 24 in

piston stroke.

Fig. 5.4 Cross-section of wheel,

crank-pin and axle arrangement

similar to #40 (Drawing #1460

for shop #227-30)

The original tyres were formed from steel imported from the German Krupp Company (CB, p.247). The

surviving tyres are hardly worn and it is likely that new ones were fitted by the CNR, probably in 1951 prior to

movement on the Museum Train. They are stamped with latter-day identification marks (see Appendix).

5.2 Driving axles

The front and rear driving axles were forged to different specifications. A pencil entry in the CB (p.246) for #40’s

driving axles records that they were forged in accordance with drawing #1425, which remains in the Portland Co.

archive (Fig. 5.5). Whilst the wheel-seat and bearing journals are both 7 in diameter, the ‘shoulder’ diameters for

the rear axle are 7⅝ in rather than 7½ in for the front. In addition, the rear axle shoulders are supplemented by

cast iron collars acting as thrust rings to prevent undue stress on the shoulders that would arise when the

locomotive travelled round track of a tight curvature.

However, in other respects the axles vary from drawing #1425. On the leading axle, the length of the central

‘waist’ between the two ‘shoulders’ is 3 in shorter than depicted. Also, whereas the rear axle diameter is shown as

being ½ in less than the front axle, there is actually no waist at all between the two collars. It is possible that

either the axles fitted to shop #252 were forged to a variation of drawing #1425, or they were replaced by the GTR

at some stage.

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Fig. 5.5 Drawings of front and rear driving axles (Drawing #1425 – detail)

Fig. 5.6 Driving axle comparison: (a) Right side front axle (b) Right side rear axle, with collar 5.3 Axle-boxes and bearings The axle-boxes for the driving axles are each cast in two parts, the main bearing housing, described as ‘driver

boxes’ in the CB (p.241), and the keeps housing the lubricant-distributing felt on the axle undersides, described as

‘sponge boxes’. They are kept in place with horizontal iron rods, retained in place by split pins. Cast iron wedges

are fitted between vertical grooves in the axle-box sides and the tapered horn sides. The clearance of the wheel-

sets was set by these wedges, their vertical adjustment being achieved by studs through the horn-stays, raised or

lowered by nuts, and retained in place by lock-nuts.

Fig. 5.7 Right side front axle-box, with keep, wedge, and Fig. 5.8 Left side front axle-box, with half- bearing and under-felt

adjusting stud, also showing severe wearing of the wheel-hub,

The condition of the suspension or the end-float of the axles was apparently very poor during #40’s travels around

Canada in the 1950s. The inner faces of the wheel-hubs and rims are badly worn through rubbing against the

outer axle-box faces and against the firebox outer side plates, such action creating extraordinary friction and wear.

The axle-boxes are 14 in square. The front axle-boxes and keeps, and possibly the rear ones also, may be

replacements fitted by the GTR after 1898, being stamped with the running #40. The bearings will also have been

replaced from time to time. The CB (p.244) records that 12 ‘driver box brasses’ had been supplied with each

locomotive by the Portland Company when the locomotives were delivered.

The brass or bronze bearings acted only on the upper part of the axles. The oil lubricant was fed by gravity from

small reservoirs on the tops of the axle-boxes, and topped up through funnels by the train crew. On the underside

the oil was collected by the felt and re-distributed onto the revolving axles.

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5.4 Suspension

The spring-sets are mounted on inverted ‘U’ form stirrups that are seated on the tops of the axle-boxes and pass

over the frame-bars. Each spring-set is formed of 13 steel leaves held within a cast iron strap. The original sets

had 12 leaves (CB, p.246), but their 41 in length remains the same as built.

Fig. 5.9 Left side front spring-set: (a) mounted on inverted ‘U’-form


(b) inverted ‘Y’-form spring hanger

There are three forms of spring hangers. The fore-most and rear-most ones are of inverted ‘Y’ form, straddling

the frame members. The fork ends are secured below the underside of the frame by pins acting under cast iron

blocks, which are separated from the frame by rubber inserts to absorb the spring hanger shocks. The front

hangers are 10¼ in longer than the rear ones to accommodate the different frame profile.

The hangers are not

original, the one-piece

forgings shown on the

Portland Company’s

drawing having been

replaced by hanger

components bolted

together beneath the

spring leaves. The left

side front spring hanger

block has also been

replaced. That now

fitted is a GTR casting.

Fig. 5.10 Spring hanger drawing, for frame and equalizing levers, as adopted for #40 (Drawing #1762)

The rear-most spring hangers on

the front spring-sets, and the

foremost hangers on the rear sets,

are shorter and fitted to ‘equalizing

levers’ that served to maintain

wheel/rail contact when operating

over poorly aligned track.

Fig. 5.11 Left side front spring-set, with

rear spring hanger and forked-end

equalizing lever

Fig. 5.12 Equalizing lever as fitted to

#40 (Drawing #1506)

The CB (p.246) records that the

drawing prepared for shop #191/2

would be used for the equalizing

levers fitted to #40. The surviving

linen drawing (#1506) is included

in the Portland Co. collection.

The levers are forged iron, 57 in

long, with forked ends for fitting to

the spring hangers. They are

constrained from upward

movement by, and rotate under,

lugs fitted to pedestals which are

bolted to the frame. These two

lugs, together with the front of the

locomotive, allows it to maintain a

three-point suspension when

travelling over poorly levelled


Fig. 5.13 Left side equalizing lever,

pedestal and lug

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5.5 Brakes #40 was not fitted with air-operated brakes when completed in 1872, such brakes being still in their infancy at that

time. Locomotives were retarded by counter-pressure braking, and held when stationary by screw-down brakes on

the tender. The Westinghouse brake was introduced for general application from the 1880s, and was generally

employed by the 1890s. The GTR would no doubt have been an early user of the Westinghouse brake, although

no evidence has been seen regarding dates of introduction. #40’s driving wheels may therefore have had air-

brakes fitted in the major overhaul of 1890, or on subsequent visits to the Stratford shops, as they had been fitted

by 1901 (GTR Locomotive Stock Return, 1.1.1901, p.6).

The earliest photograph of

#40, in CVR service

sometime before 1910,

shows an air-brake

activating cylinder and

operating arm for the driving

wheels on the left side of the


Fig. 5.14 Left side brake fitting

pre-1910 (CMST 670008SI – DM

report, App. 6, Ref. 15 - detail)

There is a better view of the

brakes in the c1925

photograph, showing the

right side brake gear, with

clasp brakes in view for both

driving wheels. Compressed

air appears to be fed through

a pipe to the air-brake

cylinder from the direction

of the cab. There is no view

of the compressor however,

which was probably fitted to

the left side of the smoke-

box (Section 10.2).

Fig. 5.15 Right side brake fitting c1925 (CMST 670008SI – DM report, App. 6, Ref. 16 - detail)

Operating arms and levers for both front and rear wheel-sets can be seen. A small plate frame is in view, bolted to

the side of the main frame, which appears to offer an anchorage for the rear driver brake operating arm. Broken

off studs from this fixture can now be seen on the side of the frame (Fig. 5.13).

The photograph of #40 out of service in c1949 (Fig.3.5) show that the brakes, and compressor, remained in situ at

that time. The brakes were, however, removed in 1950, apparently in the restoration of that year, as shown in the

photograph taken shortly afterwards (Fig. 3.6).

5.6 Truck frame, suspension and axle-boxes

The original truck frame drawing

(#1490, relating to shop #232-5,

but dated November 1874) is of the

same arrangement as that now

fitted to #40, but of a different

pattern. The cast iron frame, which

carries no identification marks, is

6¾ in shorter than the 4 ft 8¼ in

shown on the drawing. It is

possible that the original frame was

damaged in the Onondaga accident

in 1873, and was replaced by the

GTR or a contractor at that time.

Fig. 5.16 Truck frame for shop #232-5 (Drawing #1490)

Fig. 5.17 Truck frame top (forward

view) fitted to underside of smoke-box


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Although otherwise of different form, the 1874 drawing offers an insight into the form of swivel for #40’s truck

frame. The weight of the

locomotive’s front end is

carried through the bracket

bolted to the underside of the

smoke-box saddle. The truck

revolves around the bracket,

and a 2 in diameter swivel pin

extends through the casting

body, secured on the

underside by a key.

Fig. 5.18 Truck frame underside (rearward view) with swivel pin

The frame is bolted to two truck rails, 7 ft 3 in long, between the leading and trailing axles. On the underside of

the rails are cast iron seats, into which sit the cast iron spring-set straps. The spring-sets each have 15 steel leaves,

the ends of which sit in ‘U’-

form hangers fitted under and

between paired forged iron

equalizing beams (‘equalling

levers’ – CB, p.246). These

distribute the front-end weight

between the two axle-boxes

on each side.

Fig. 5.19 Right side spring-set,

with hanger and paired equalizing


The ends of the inner and outer

equalizing beams sit in grooves in

the top of the axle-boxes. The right

side inner beam is inscribed ‘LF’,

presumably for ‘left front’ and has

thus been wrongly replaced by fitters

at some time during the life of the

locomotive. The axle-boxes rise and

fall in horns bolted to the truck frame rails.

The rear horn on the left side is cast with the GTR’s initials and is thus a replacement.

Between the bottoms of each pair of

guides are short hollow stays. The

front and rear horns on each side are

similarly unified by long hollow


Fig. 5.20 Left side rear axle-box and inner equalizing beam

A threaded bar is passed through the

bottom of the horn guides and the

three stays (‘truss pipes’ - CB,

p.241), bolts on the end of which draw the assembly together to provide a rigid frame. Although the left side long

pipe stay is un-identified, the right side one is cast with the GTR’s initials, indicating that the railway had replaced

it. It has also been repaired with a two part bolted collar at some stage. Fig. 5.21 Left side rear horn assembly, stays and axle-box

The axle-boxes are two part castings, similar to those described for the driving wheels, with the main bearing

housings and the under-side keeps (‘sponge boxes’) held in place by iron rods. There is no provision for taking up

clearance. They are, however, 7 in wide to accommodate the spreader grooves on both sides. None has any

identification marks.

The four bearings are brass or bronze, and again will have been replaced during the life of the locomotive. An

indication of their longevity, however, can be gained from the right side front axle bearing which is stamped ‘40’,

thus indicating its replacement after 1898, and probably whilst still in GTR ownership. Bearing lubrication was

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again using oil, fed through small funnels into reservoirs on the tops of the axle-boxes. Oil carried round the axle

journals was retained and re-distributed by the felt housed in the keeps.

5.7 Truck wheel-sets

#40 was built with 30 in diameter solid cast iron

wheels, (CB, p.241). From contemporary

photographs of sister locomotives, they were

cast with the Portland Company’s name and

pattern details around the rim.

Fig. 5.22 Truck wheels of shop #238 (MHS 33-68)

However, #40 is now fitted with 27½ in

diameter Davis tyre-less steel wheels of high

manganese composition, cast by American Steel

Foundries. The wheel casting dates are all 1924.

It would be likely therefore that they were fitted

in 1924 or 1925 during #40’s overhaul.

Fig. 5.23 Right side front wheel, with cast dates and


In spite of their high manganese content, and the

hardening of the tread surface, the wheels have

significant grooves in them, indicating many

miles of travel without turning. This contrasts

with the driving wheels, suggesting that the

1950s movements in the CNR’s Museum Train’, was not preceded by attention to these wheels. Fig. 5.24 Left side front wheel, with tread groove

The design of the original axles for #40 is shown on the contemporary drawing (#1445). They tapered from the

centre to the shoulders, over which were fitted cast iron thrust rings. Both axles now on the locomotive are of

later form, however. As part of the two truck wheel-sets, they probably date from 1924/5.

Fig. 5.25 Truck axle, with cast iron collars, fitted to shop #229-245 in 1872 (Drawing #1445)

Fig. 5.26 Leading truck axle of different formation

5.8 Wheel-Guards and ‘Portland Stars’

Wheel guards were fitted to both driving and truck wheels when #40 was completed by the Portland Company

(CB, p.250). However, #40 had none when

in service with the CVR (Figs. 5.14 and

5.15). Replica wheel-guards were fitted to all

wheels in 1950 during the restoration carried

out by the St. Albans shops. At the same

time replica ‘Portland Stars’ were fitted

between the driving wheel-sets on both sides.

This appears to be an endeavour by the shops

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to re-create the appearance of #40 when first built.

Fig. 5.27 Right side view of replica wheel guards and ‘Portland Star’

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6 Cylinders and Driving Gear6.1 Cylinders

#40’s two outside cylinders were cast with a 16 in bore and 24 in stroke, in accordance with Portland Company’s

drawing #1187

(CB, p.241). The


drawing, date

stamped 1878,

refers to later

locomotives, and

is likely therefore

to be a copy of an

earlier drawing,

the design being

first used for shop


Fig. 6.1 Cylinder cross-section and end views for 16” x24” locomotives (Drawing #1187)

#40’s cylinders appear to be of the same design as these drawings. They may therefore be the original ones, or

replacements of similar design. #40 was originally fitted with brass sheet cylinder casings (CB, p.251), but these

were later dispensed with, probably by the GTR. Simple steel sheet casings are now fitted around the cylinders.

Fig.6.2 Right side cylinder casing of shop #272 Fig. 6.3 Right side cylinder casing and front end cover

(MHS Memory Network, #5898)

The front cast iron cylinder end casings are different from those first fitted to #40. The original casings (‘cylinder

head casings’ - CB, p.242) were cast in accordance with drawing #1768. The present front end covers are flat

ended, with brass dome nuts, whereas when first made they had dished ends and more ornate hexagonal brass

nuts. The rear end casings are of the same form and measurement.

Fig. 6.4 Cylinder end casings originally fitted to #40 (Drawing #1768) Fig. 6.5 Left side rear end cylinder casing

Top: front End; Bottom: Rear end

The left side front end casing was removed during the survey,

giving access to the cast iron cylinder end cover. The cover is not

of the same form as that shown in cross-section in drawing

#1187, and has apparently been replaced at some stage. The rear

end casing was not removed, but the rear end cover and piston

rod gland is presumed to be of similar design to that shown on

drawing #1187.

Fig. 6.6 Left side front cylinder end cover

The left side cylinder end cover was removed to allow access to the cylinder bore itself. Although there are some

longitudinal scratches, the bore shows very little wear from a nominal 16½ in, suggesting that it had been re-bored

from the original 16 in either:

· By the CVR prior to withdrawal from service in

1947, or

· By the CNR in 1950, in anticipation of #40’s return

to steam.

The first option seems unlikely because of the expense for

the CVR. Further research is therefore recommended to

determine whether the CNR contemplated a return to steam

for #40 during the 1950 restoration at St. Albans shops. Fig. 6.7 Lower part of cylinder bore, with corrosion traces

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6.2 Pistons and Piston Rods

The left side piston is absent. Both pistons were probably removed by the CNR during the 1950 or 1951

restorations to reduce resistance when being

hauled in the railroad’s Museum Train. It is

just possible that they were retained by the

CNR in order to be re-united with #40 at some

stage, and a check of the Museum’s inventory

and stores from 1967 is recommended. As built, #40 was fitted with 5 in deep pistons

to a design shown on drawing #1765. The

drawing shows a form of piston ring using

steam pressure to close them on the cylinder

bore. The casting book (p.241) calls for

‘solid’ pistons with ‘Dunbar packing’, a

reference to a form of piston developed by the

engineer, Henry D. Dunbar of North Hartland,


Fig. 6.8 Piston cross-section and face (drawing #1765)

The original 2⅝ in diameter piston rods were made of Low Moor iron, from the Yorkshire Ironworks of that name

(CB, p.246). Drawing #1458 was used for their manufacture. Although no doubt similar in form, the surviving

drawing of that number, dated 1875, is for a 2¾ in diameter rod for a 17 in cylinder. Both ends were tapered,

respectively to fit the pistons and cross-heads. The right side piston rod is stamped ‘40’, whilst the left side rod is

unstamped. Brass drip-feed piston rod oil pots are mounted on brackets on the piston rod glands (Fig. 6.12 [a]).

Fig. 6.9 Piston rod design (Drawing #1458) Fig.6.10 Right side piston rod detail, stamped ‘ 40 R’

6.3 Cross-heads and slide-bars

The original cast iron cross-heads were different from those now fitted to #40. They incorporated side-arms

which drove the boiler feed-pumps

(Section 9.1). They were cast

according to drawing #1777 (CB,


The cross-heads now fitted were cast

by the GTR, the left side confirming

this by the railway’s initials.

Fig. 6.11 Original cross-head design for #40

(Drawing #1777)

The GTR cross-heads are each 17⅜ in long overall and 11⅜ in wide over the two slides, the same as the original

design. They are 7¾ in deep at the front

end to accommodate the piston rods,

reducing to 4 in at the rear end. The

tapered ends of the piston rods are

retained in the cross-heads by tapered

iron keys secured by split pins.

The straps of the connecting rod leading

ends are fitted over the cross-head pins,

and retained in place by two gib-head

keys and a tapered wedge (Section 6.4).

Fig. 6.12 Left side cross-head (a) Top (rearward view) (b) Bottom (forward and upward view)

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The original slides, on each side of the cross-heads, were 2 in deep between the slide-bars (drawing #1777).

Those now fitted are 1½ in deep,

and have ½ in deep gib-ended

brass sliders on their upper and

lower faces. The slides and

sliders have punched fitters’

identification markings.

Fig. 6.13 Left side cross-head outer

slide and sliders

Fig. 6.14 Drawing #1180 (dated 1879) showing slide-bar arrangement

The 50 in long steel slide bars (‘slides’) are not those originally fitted, the top slide being ‘fish-backed’ unlike the

parallel bar shown in drawing #1180, dated 1879. There are four

per side, providing the upper and lower sliding faces for both

slides. Their original 2 in separation has been increased by

9/16 in to accommodate the increased slide/slider depth, achieved

by spacers over the slide bar end blocks. The rear blocks of the

slide bar sets are secured to the spectacle plate with bolts.

Fig. 6.15 Left side front slide bar block, with spacer

Fig. 6.16 Slide-bar


(a) Original oil pots on

Portland shop #246 (MHS

33-95 - detail)

(b) Left side outer oil pot,

with GTR stamp

Bowl-shaped oil pots were probably first fitted on top of each of the four slide-bar sets (CB, p.244), as shown in

the early photograph of Portland shop #246. However, four straight-sided oil pots, stamped ‘GTR’, are now fitted,

and mounted on side brackets enclosing the slide bars (Fig. 6.12 [a]).

6.4 Connecting Rods

The connecting rods (‘main connections’ - CB, p.246) were forged to 84¾ in bearing centres. The rods now fitted

retain this dimension, and are both stamped ‘40’. The left side rod is also stamped ‘362' suggesting that it, at least,

is either original, or a GTR-forged pre-1898 replacement in the same form.

Fig. 6.17 Left

side connecting

rod fitted to

Portland shop

#246 (MHS 33-

95 – detail)

Fig. 6.18 Left side connecting rod fitted to #40 (a) Leading end (b) Trailing end The 4¼ in deep rods are fitted to both cross-head pins and leading driving wheel crankpins with ‘U’-form straps

enclosing two brass half-bearings. The rods are deepened from 315/16 in to 4⅜ in at their ends for the bearing and

strap fittings. The straps are secured to the rod-ends with two gib-head keys, between which is inserted a tapered

wedge. The wedge is secured, both by a split-pin below the strap and by a set screw inserted through the side of

the rod. The ends of the straps are also secured by bolts through the rods.

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It is likely that the bearings, and

probably the straps, will have been

replaced on one or two occasions during

the working life of the locomotive. All

the half-bearings are stamped ‘40’,

however, thus dating them from at least


Fig. 6.19 Left side driving wheel pin with

connecting and coupling rod ends, bearings

and strap

Fig. 6.20 Glass walled oil pots fitted to Portland shop #246, Fig. 6.21 c1925 view of #40’s right side driving

(MHS 33-95 – detail) wheel pin and straight-side oil pots with lids

(CMST 670008SI, DM, App. 6, Ref.16)

The bearing lubrication may originally have been straight-sided oil pots with lids and glass walls, similar to that

fitted to shop #246. Similar fittings apparently remained in place around 1925.

A later form of grease lubrication has been added to #40’s bearings. This patented ‘Alemite’ system of grease

nipples for use with a pressure-gun, was made by the Prime Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The nipples are

screwed into a steel block which is welded onto the connecting rods. The photograph of #40 after its 1950

restoration (Fig.3.6) shows that oil pots remained in use on the driving motion. It is therefore likely that the grease

lubrication was added by the CNR in the 1951 restoration, prior to #40’s haulage as part of the ‘Museum Train’.

Fig. 6.22 Prime-Alemite grease nipple lubricator

fitted to all connecting and coupling rod bearings

6.5 Coupling Rods

Fig. 6.23 Original design for the coupling rods (Drawing #1582)

The original coupling rods (‘parallel rods’, CB, p.246) were forged to 7 ft 6 in bearing centres (Drawing #1582).

Although this dimension is confirmed on #40’s rods, these are not parallel, but are tapered from 5 in deep at each

end to 5¼ in at the centre. Although it would appear that they have been replaced at some stage, removal of

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paintwork at the ends of the rods may reveal identification marks to determine

their period of manufacture. The rods, which are deepened from 5 in to 7 in at

their ends, are fitted over both driving wheel crank pins and incorporate two half

brass bearings. The bearings are held in place by a tapered wedge, secured

beneath the rods by split pins, and by a stud inserted through the side of the rod.

The oil lubricating pots for the bearings have again been replaced by Alemite


Fig. 6.24 Left side coupling rod Fig. 6.25 Parallel coupling rod fitted to Portland shop #238 (MHS 33-68 – detail)

6.6 Cylinder Drain Cocks

The cylinder drain cocks on Portland built locomotives were operated

by levers fitted to the right side hand-rail, which rotated a quarter-turn

in brackets fixed to the boiler-top mountings. The rail passed through

the front of the cab to a driver’s control handle. The lever activated

movement of the drain cocks, including the left-side pair via a

transverse rod. This lever and hand-rail arrangement was later

abandoned, probably by the GTR, in favour of a separate pull-rod

passing through the cab front beneath and outboard of the hand-rail.

#40’s rod has been badly bent in recent years.

Fig. 6.26 Portland

shop #316 with hand-

rail and lever

operated drain cocks

(MHS 33-71 – detail)

Fig. 6.27 Right side

drain cock pull-rod

The pull-rod moves a vertical lever, to the rear of the right side cylinder, fitted to a transverse operating rod that

moves through an arc. At the two ends of this rod are tappets which push on the valve stems.

Fig. 6.28 Right side, forward facing view between the frames, with Fig. 6.29 Left side control lever and drain

vertical lever and operating rod cock arm

The brass drain cocks have vertical threaded pipes screwed into the underside of the cylinder bores. Activation of

the cocks released water and steam through rear-facing ports.

Fig. 6.30 Left side front drain cock Fig. 6.31 Left side rear drain cock

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7 Valves and Valve-Gear 7.1 Eccentrics and Eccentric Rods

The reciprocating motion of the valves was driven by cast iron eccentrics fitted to the leading driving axle (CB,

p.241). They and their cast iron straps were made

to drawing #1674. The 3 ft long forged iron

eccentric rods were made to drawing #1622 (CB,


Fig. 7.1 Eccentric design (Drawing #1674) Fig. 7.2 Eccentric rod design (Drawing #1622)

The eccentrics, straps and rods are now absent, apparently removed by the CNR in 1950/1 to reduce friction and

maintenance requirements when #40 was moved in the ‘Museum Train’. A member of the Bytown Historical

Society recalls that these components came to the Museum with #40 in 1967. They may therefore remain in the

Museum stores, and could be re-fitted when opportunity allows.

The leading axle reveals witness of the missing eccentrics. A key remains in place on the right side, whilst

witness of another key on the same side, but closer to the axle-box, reveals that

the eccentric was re-located at some stage. A similar duplication is present on

the left side. Indentations in the axle from the set screws, adjacent to the keys,

reveal several re-fittings

of the eccentrics, a

characteristic feature of a

long-life locomotive.

Fig. 7.3 Left side leading axle

(a) eccentric key (b) witness of key and set screws nearer the axle-box

7.2 Link Motion

Fig. 7.4 Link, block and lifting pin (Drawing #1535) Fig. 7.5 Right side link assembly

‘Stephenson’ link motion is fitted to #40. The forged links are similar to those depicted in drawing #1535, and

their radius of 52⅝ in, is recorded in the casting book (p.246). They are both stamped ‘362’, confirming that they

date from before 1898; the left side one also being stamped ‘40’. The cast iron die blocks (‘link blocks’ - CB,

p.242) and forged lifting pins, however, are of different formation, and appear to be replacements. They have no

identification marks.

The lifting links were

raised and lowered by

forged reversing arms

(‘reverse arms’) fitted to

the reversing shaft

(‘reverse shaft’ – CB,

p.246 – Fig. 7.14).

Fig. 7.6 Reversing shaft,

reversing arms and

counterbalance piston rod

(forward view)

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7.3 Link Counter-balance

The link counter-balance was in the form of a spring rather than a weight (CB, pp.242/6 – drawings #1608/9). A

spiral steel spring, enclosed within a cast iron cylinder, pushed on a piston, and the piston rod pushed a lever on

the reversing shaft.

The rod was forged

in two sections with

adjusting nuts.

Where it passes

through the

spectacle plate, to

which is bolted the


cylinder, the rod is

forged to a square


Fig. 7.7 Counter-balance cylinder, piston and rod (Drawing #1609)

The leading end of the cylinder is braced to the rear of the smoke-box saddle by a forged iron rod. There are no

identification marks and the components, which may be original, closely relate to the drawing.

Fig. 7.8 Counter-balance piston rod and adjusters Fig. 7.9 Counter-balance cylinder and brace (rearward view)

(forward view)

7.4 Reversing Gear

The driver adjusted the links, for reversing and cut off, by the reversing lever (‘Reverse lever’, CB, p.246) fitted

on the right side of the cab. Whilst the reversing lever is similar to that depicted on drawing #1463, the release

handle has been replaced and fitted to the rear of the lever. It has a spring to ensure engagement of the locating

lug in the required cut-off notch. There are no identification marks to determine when this replacement was fitted.

There are eight notches for forward travel and six for reverse. The quadrant is braced to the side of the wooden

wheel-arch of the rear right driving wheel, whilst the lever fulcrum pin unit is bolted to the top of the frame.

Fig. 7.10 Reversing lever and quadrant as built (Drawing #1463) Fig. 7.11 Reversing lever and quadrant

The lever movement rotated the reversing shaft via the reversing rod and reversing arm. The 11 ft 5 in long,

forged iron reversing rod (‘Reverse rod’, CB, p.246) is cranked before passing through the cab front, to provide

clearance along the right side of the boiler behind the driving wheels.

Fig. 7.12 Right side, with reversing rod and arm behind front driving wheel Fig. 7.13 Top of reversing arm, showing shop #233

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The reversing arm (third of the three ‘reverse arms’, CB, p.246), transmits the reversing rod movement to the

reversing shaft. Its forked top is

cranked outwards to avoid the

boiler. This original component is

stamped ‘233’, the only example of

#40’s Portland Co. shop number to

have been found on the locomotive

during the project.

The 2⅛ in diameter forged

reversing shaft (Fig. 7.6) turned in

large cast iron brackets bolted to

both the forward frames and rising

diagonals of the rear frames. They

carry no identification, but appear

to be of the same formation shown

on drawing #1449, and may date

from the year of construction. Fig. 7.14 Reversing shaft and reversing arms (Drawing #1449)

7.5 Valve Drive

The die blocks transmitted the reciprocating action of the links to the valve rods via ‘rockers’ (CB, p.241). The

two rockers are integrated castings

incorporating inner and outer arms and

rocking shaft (drawing #1636). The shafts

are housed in cast iron ‘rocker boxes’,

which are bolted to the spectacle plates

(Section 4.2) and frames. The right side

rocker box is a GTR casting. Although

similar in form, the left side is not

identified. The boxes are centrally located

over the frames, rather than offset as

depicted on drawing #1636. Oil pots fed

lubricant to the rocker shaft. Fig. 7.15 Right side rocker box and rocker

Fig. 7.16 Rocker and rocker box (Drawing #1636)

The valves were driven from the outer rocker arms by two-part forged valve rods (CB, p.247), which were ‘bright’

rather than painted when built (Fig. 7.24[a]). Unlike the pinned joint first used, the 4 ft 3 in long, 1½ in diameter,

main rods are now joined with the valve ‘stems’ by collars, and retained in place by wedges. The valve stems,

forged with the valve bridles (‘spectacles’), are fitted through the cast iron steam chest glands and brass bushes,

and are only 22 in long to allow for their

removal (CB, p.241/4/6). Although not

dismantled as part of the project, it is evident,

from comparison with drawing #1187, that the

original glands have been replaced.

Fig. 7.17 Left side valve rod and stem (a) Rear end driven by rocker arm

(b) Front end with valve rod, stem and collar

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Fig. 7.18 Steam chest and cover, with balance valve and valve stem gland (Drawing 1187 – detail)

7.6 Slide Valves and Bridles

The rectangular cast iron slide valves are ‘balanced’ to reduce the down-force and hence friction. Steam was

released through a central hole into the cavity on the top of the valve. The cavity was sealed from the rest of the

steam chest by four interlocking steel bars whose upper faces slid on the underside of the steam chest cover. To

maintain the seal the bars sit on

springs within the periphery of the

valves. Their arrangement is similar

to that shown on drawing #1187 (and

#1619, not reproduced). The left

side cylinder’s valve face was only

partially visible during the project,

and it was not therefore possible to

confirm the 1¼ in steam passage and

2¾ in exhaust passage shown on

drawing #1187.

Fig. 7.19 Left side valve and bridle

The valve bodies are enclosed by the bridles forged with the valve stems. Both the valves and bridles are

replacements. The left side valve, cast by the GTR, is stamped ‘362’ and ‘40’, indicating casting before 1898, and

re-machining after that date. The bridle is only stamped ‘40’, suggesting that it might have been fitted new after


7.7 Steam Chests

The cast iron steam chests, 22¼ in wide x 23¾ in long, are fitted to the upper faces of the cylinder castings with

studs, which extend through to the covers, to enable the steam chest units to be bolted together. Copper gaskets

have been inserted into grooves around the periphery of the upper faces of the steam chests. The chests

incorporate brass guides in their front face to accommodate bridle spindles, contradicting the casting book (p.241)

which states that the chests were to be cast without one. The left side, and probably the right side, bridles,

however, have no spindle, and it would seem that they replaced earlier bridles that incorporated this feature.

These modifications indicate that

the steam chests are not original.

Although it is possible that they

have been substituted from

another locomotive, it is more

likely that they are GTR


The front steam inlet has been

blocked with lead, suggesting a

repair method for a crack in the

steam chest or cylinder casting.

Fig. 7.20 Left side steam-chest, with lining and lead plug in front steam passage

The cast iron steam-chest covers are of the same form as shown on drawing #1187. They have an overall chamber

with four exit holes at each end for distribution of cylinder lubrication oil either side of the valves.

Vacuum relief ‘snifting’ valves are fitted in the tops of the steam chest covers for air inlet when the locomotive is

coasting (Fig. 7.23).

Such valves were not

shown on drawing #1187,

nor referred to in the

casting books, and

therefore appear to be a

later fitting.

Fig. 7.21 Steam-chest cover (a) top side (b) underside

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Brass cylinder-oil cups were fitted on brackets on both sides of the firebox crown, although only the left side cup

remains. It has no identification mark to indicate if it is an original or later fitting (CB, p.245). Oil flowed down

to the steam chests through copper pipes fitted alongside the boiler and underneath the cladding, the heat reducing

its viscosity. Oil entered the steam chests through top-mounted inlet valves (‘studs for oil pipes with valves’ - CB,

p.245). In the absence of identification marks, the age of the surviving brass steam chest fittings is unknown, but

they are more robust than those first employed (Fig. 7.24 [a]).

Fig. 7.22 Left side cylinder-oil cup on firebox crown

Fig. 7.23 Left side steam chest cover,

with ‘snifting’ valve, oil inlet pipe and valve

The steam chest side and end casings were originally sheet brass, in common with the cylinder covers, whilst the

tops were of cast iron (CB, pp.242/251). The casings now fitted are similar, but formed of sheet steel for the side

walls. By comparison with contemporary locomotives, the cast iron lids are of a different pattern, and were

probably replaced when the snifting valves and cylinder-oil valves were fitted.

Fig. 7.24 Steam-chest casing:

(a) Original form (Shop #176) (MHS – un-referenced) (b) Left side casing on #40

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8 Firebox8.1 History

#40’s boiler was replaced in 1890 (GTR Loco. Stock Book 1st Jan. 1901, p.2). However, for locomotives in main

line service, the life of an iron firebox was only about three years, and steel about 15 years, assuming good water

(John H. White, Jr., A History of the American Locomotive, Its Development:1830-1880, p.105), and the firebox

may already have been replaced before

that date. The first firebox had been

made from Yorkshire-supplied Low

Moor iron plates (CB p.249). However,

drawing #1462, for shop #226-245, states

that it was fitted with a steel box.

The tube-plate was ½ in thick, whilst

the remaining plates were ⅜ in. The

firebox was made for wood-burning,

being deep and without any brick arch

that would have been required for

efficient combustion of coal or anthracite.

The outer firebox shell plates (‘sides of

shell, top of shell and waist plates’

[CB, p.249]) formed a ‘straight’, that is

parallel, rather than tapered configuration

with the boiler shell. The wrapper

plates were also ⅜ in thick, and made

from ‘BBS’ iron plates, without

stating their origin.

Fig. 8.1 Original firebox end and side views (Drawing #1462 - detail)

The historian, R.F. Corley had suggested (1967 Report, p.1), without reference, that #40 was ‘adapted’ to burn

coal during its time on the GTR (McGee Report, p.19). However, the surviving photographs of #40 in its CVR

days (McGee Report, Appendix 6, Photos.15-19) confirm that it was then a wood-burner.

It is now apparent from examination of #40 that its firebox has survived from GTR days, and that it was, indeed,

adapted for coal-burning as Corley had suggested. It is probable that the box is the same as that fitted in 1890, a

remarkable achievement for a steel firebox, even assuming service using soft water.

8.2 Inner Firebox

The surviving steel firebox is similar, but not identical to the first example shown in drawing #1462. Its depth is

characteristic of a wood-burning box, but there is evidence of its being used for burning coal at some stage. It is

internally 56 in long and 33 in wide

at the bottom, giving a grate area of

12.8 sq ft. It is c65½ in high from

the base of the foundation ring.

Above wheel-height, the box widens


The tube-plate is drilled for 144 x

2 in diameter boiler tubes, two more

than shown in 1872 (CB, p.251).

The plate is flanged and riveted to

the side-plates and crown-plate.

The four corners below the

Fig. 8.2 Firebox tube-plate shoulder-line are reinforced with

Fig. 8.3 Side-plates, with shoulders and brick arch studs angle-irons, wider at the bottom to

reinforce further the foundation ring.

The shoulders show evidence of

caulking to maintain pressure-tight


The inner back-plate is also flanged

and riveted to the side-plates and

crown plate. The oval fire-hole has

a maximum height of 14 in, and a

maximum width of 15½ in.

There are matching diagonal rows of

three cut-off studs, protruding from

both side-plates below the shoulder lines. These are the remains of cross-bracing for a brick arch, which was

fitted to allow coal burning during GTR service. The arch was probably removed when #40 was sold to the CVR

in 1903.

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The crown-plate, which has a centrally fitted fusible plug, has ten transverse crown stays. These forgings are each

fitted to the plate with eight rivets.

Fig. 8.4 Crown-plate (a) interior view with fusible plug (b) water-space view with transverse stays

8.3 Firebox Shell

The diameter of the firebox shell, where joined with the boiler barrel, is 4 ft 2¾ in. Its steel plates are lap-riveted

to the barrel and to each other with single rows of rivets. The shell is separated from the inner box by a 3 in water

space. The stays may have been replaced during the life of the firebox, but those now fitted appear to be in good

order. The relatively deposit-free stays and rivets indicate a soft water environment during #40’s operation on the


Fig. 8.5 Water space with stays Fig. 8.6 Left side firebox shell plate

Two brass washout plugs are fitted on the right side, just above the inner firebox crown, but only one is similarly

fitted on the left side. The plates have been reinforced around the plug holes.

Fig. 8.7 Left side washout


(a) Plug fitted

(b) Plug removed

The weight of the rear end of the boiler and firebox is taken on both upper and lower frame bars through four

brackets on each side. Each is fixed to the sides of the firebox shell plates by four studs and nuts, and has sliding

surfaces both above and below the frame bars to provide for firebox

and boiler expansion.

Two brackets on each side have

also been fitted to the shell, by

studs and nuts, to support the

wooden running boards (Fig. 8.6).

The left side shoulder of the shell

has been badly worn by the spring

and hanger of the rear driving

wheel, presumably during its 1950s

‘Museum Train’ operation. The

axle-box misalignment (Section

5.3) has resulted in the spring-set

being too close to the shell.

Fig. 8.8 Left side leading support

brackets Fig. 8.9 Left side plate wear

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8.4 Upper Back-plate and Fire-hole

Fig. 8.10 Upper back-plate

The steel back-plate is flanged and fitted to the firebox shell by a single line of rivets. There are 26 longitudinal

stays fitted between the back-plate and the smoke-box tube plate, and a double row of short stays to the inner

firebox back-plate around the fire-hole. Three washout plugs are inserted just above the lower longitudinal stay

line. At the top of the back-plate is a redundant hole that has been filled with a plug. There is a cut-off stud to the

left of the lower try-cock, probably used for fitting a steam deflector/water run-off tray and downpipe.

In the upper centre of the back-plate is the throttle rod gland with a circular flange. To its lower left side, the

throttle handle pivot mounting is fitted to the back-plate (Section 9.4). Above this bracket, and in the same arc, is

a similar, but redundant mounting suggesting that the throttle handle could be rotated clockwise if required.

Two methods of measuring the water level are fitted to the back-plate: a sight-glass fitting on its left side and three

try-cocks on the right. The sight-glass fitting, with brass steam, water and drain-cocks, and copper drain-pipe, is

complete, except for the glass itself and its protector. All

three cocks have different forms of circular iron handles,

suggesting replacement at different times. The drain-

cock is stamped ‘PENBERTHY PAT. 1.12.26’. The

Penberthy Company, founded in 1886, specialised in

water level gauges and pumps. The patent date suggests

that it was fitted from about 1927 by the CVR. The try-

cocks are un-identified, and may be older.

Fig. 8.11 Sight-glass drain-cock with patent date

A cast iron hood is bolted to

the back-plate above the fire-

hole. The casting, which

incorporates oil can restraints,

includes ‘GTR’ lettering, and

probably dates from the

fitting of the new boiler in


Fig. 8.12 Fire-hole and hood (also

showing the blow-down rod hinge

and handle outline)

The back-plate is flanged outwards around the fire-hole, and a steel ring is riveted to both this flange and the

flange of the inner back-plate. The fire-hole door jamb, incorporating upper and lower hinge brackets, is a casting

fitted to the back-plate, around the flange ring, by studs and nuts. The bottom left of the casting has a protruding

catch with which to engage the door latch.

The fire-hole door has a cast iron ring incorporating upper and lower lugs fitted to a hinge. There is a catch to

engage with the upper lug when the door is open. It is formed as a half circle and fitted to the hinge bracket.

Within the door ring is a cast iron baffle-plate rotating about a horizontal hinge, which is bolted to the outer ring

sides with brackets. The baffle-plate, which controlled air-flow into the firebox, incorporates an upper vent for

minimum flow. Rotation of the plate to increase air-flow was undertaken by a vertical iron or steel handle bolted

to a lug on the vent. A catch to retain the baffle-plate, in both its closed and 45 degree positions, is fitted to the

top of the door-ring with a bracket.

The door-latch is bolted to the left side of the

ring and protrudes below the door to engage in

the catch. Its handle is on the left (stoker’s)


The baffle plate incorporates the ‘GTR’ initials,

and probably dates from 1890.

Fig. 8.13 Fire-hole jamb and door

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8.5 Lower Firebox

A 3 in wide forged foundation ring is riveted to the firebox inner and outer shell plates. Five mud-hole plugs and

a blow-down valve are inserted above the foundation ring. The three plugs in the front plate are brass and

initialled ‘CN’. It would seem that they were inserted by the CNR, perhaps in 1950/1, but the reason for this is

unknown and no evidence has been seen that suggests that the railway was then contemplating steaming #40.

The other two plugs are inserted in the corners of

the back-plate. The cast iron blow-down valve

body has a flange fitted to the back-plate with

studs and nuts. The tapered quarter-turn valve

has a 7½ in long cast iron lever operated by a

40 in long operating rod that passes through the

draw casting and footplate in front of the fire-hole

door (Fig. 8.12). To avoid fouling the fire-hole

door when open, it had a hinged handle by which

it was lifted to activate the blow-down valve.

Fig. 8.14 Lower back-plate, blow-down valve and rear damper door The valve body has a GTR pattern number,

Fig. 8.15 Lower front-plate and front damper door whilst the lever has the railway’s initials cast

on it, these components probably dating from


34½ in wide x 11 in deep iron or steel damper

doors are fitted to the front and rear of the ash-

pan, regulating air-flow through the fire-grate.

Each has two hinges fitted to the firebox plates by

single studs and nuts. The hinges are fitted to the

doors with two bolts and nuts. The rear damper

door has a slot on the left side to allow for the

rocking-grate arm to pass through. The more

vulnerable left side of the door is reinforced by a bar, turned through a right angle above the slot and secured by

bolts and nuts.

The doors were opened and closed by forged

handles routed through the left side of the

footplate and through a slot cut in the left side of

the draw casting. The handles are forged

Fig. 8.16 Dismantled rear damper handle with notch

with crude notches to engage with the footplate, offering only fully open or closed positions. They are forged to

avoid conflict with other components beneath the footplate. The rear damper handle is routed between the rear

transverse frame bar and the rear driving axle. It is connected to a pin forged as part of the reinforcing bar on the

left side of the damper door.

. Fig. 8.17 Fig. 8.18 Fig. 8.19 Fig. 8.20

Both handles descending Front damper bell-crank and Front damper operating arm with hanger-bracket

through draw casting rear damper handle (rear end - forward view) (front end - rearward view)

(upward view) (side view) + rear damper handle

The bottom of the front damper handle is fitted to a bell-crank lever, the fulcrum of which is fitted to a bracket

bolted to the rising diagonal at the rear of the frame. The lower end of the bell-crank is fitted to the fork-end of

the front damper operating arm which passes along the length of the ash-pan on its left side. To steady it, the arm

has been located through a hanger bracket, bolted under the frame, originally installed to accommodate the feed

water pipe, and made redundant on the removal of the crosshead feed pump (Section 9.1). The operating arm is

bolted to a right-angle arm which is, itself, bolted to the front face of the damper.

On both sides of the firebox hood is a quarter-turn handle and quadrant. The handles are attached to vertical shafts

that rotated within cast iron extension wings of the hood

itself. The shafts drop to the lower back-plate where they

turned in brackets fitted to the plate with studs and nuts

(Fig. 8.14). Fork-ended levers, pinned on the bottom of the

shafts, which would have been bolted to horizontal rods, are

now left redundant. It is not clear what these handles

operated, but it is possible they opened the injector water

inlet valves (Section 9.5).

Fig. 8.21 Backplate view with quarter-turn handles and quadrants

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8.6 Rocking-Grate and Ash-pan

A rocking-grate was fitted to the firebox, probably when the locomotive received its new boiler in 1890, and from

when coal apparently became the normal fuel. The fire-bars themselves are now absent, but the cast iron fire-bar

bearers on each side of the firebox remain in place. The continued presence of the bearers indicates that the

rocking-grate remained in use during #40’s

CVR service when it was burning wood.

The bearers are slotted into three brackets,

which, apparently bolted to the underside of

the foundation ring, protrude into the fire area

to receive the bearers. The centre bracket on

the right side is broken. The bearers were cast

by the GTR.

Fig. 8.22 Left side fire-bar bearer and brackets

(rearward view)

The fire-bar clusters were connected to a forged rocking arm, the forward and backward movement of which

would rotate them within ‘U’-form pivots to break up clinker from coal deposits and otherwise shake ash into the

ash-pan. The rocking-arm, positioned on the left-side of the ash-pan, passes through the slot in the rear damper-

door. It is cranked to align it with a vertical lever, to the bottom of

which it is pinned. The forged lever has, as its fulcrum, a pin bolted

to the diagonal frame member. The lever is cranked and taken up

into the cab through a slot in the draw casting.

Fig. 8.23 Rocking lever and pin Fig. 8.24 Rocking arm and lever

The ash-pan is 71 in long, 34¼ in wide and 10¾ in deep. The bottom and two side steel plates are riveted

together with angle irons to form a trough. Both ends of the

bottom plate, which are reinforced with riveted steel bars, are

turned up by 2½ in to retain the ash. The sides of the fabricated

ash-pan trough are riveted to external angle irons, which are fitted

to the underside of the foundation ring with studs and nuts.

Fig. 8.25 Right side of ash-pan (rearward view) Fig. 8.26 Underside of ash-pan (forward view)

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9 Boiler9.1 History

#40’s boiler was replaced in 1890 (GTR loco. stock book, 1st Jan. 1901, p.2). From the evidence discussed about

the firebox (Chapter 8), it is most likely that the boiler barrel now on #40 has not since been replaced, and is that

installed in 1890.

The barrel of the original 1872 boiler was formed of two rings, 4 ft diameter on the front ring and ¾ in greater on

the rear ring (Drawing #1462). The

rings were single lap riveted together,

with double rivets for the longitudinal

seam. The barrel contained 142 x 2 in

diameter iron tubes (CB, p.251 +

drawing #1462). No tube ferules are

shown in the CB, suggesting that the

original tubes were fitted with a tube

expander. The dome was placed over

the firebox crown. The iron steam

pipe is shown as 5 in diameter in CB,

p.251, but 6¾ in on drawing #1462.

Fig. 9.1 1872 boiler barrel (Drawing #1462

– detail) Boiler lagging for locomotives that were contemporary to #40 was ⅞ in thick pine covered by ‘Russian sheet iron’

cladding, the sheets retained in place

by brass bands (McGee, Appendix 3).

The CB does not confirm the pine for

#40, but does record that eight x 3in

wide brass bands were fitted.

Fig. 9.2 (a) Shop #272 (GTR #255) of 1867 showing Russian iron cladding and brass bands (b) same view – colour tinted

(Photo. MHS 33-66) (Photo. Maine Memory #5898)

The boiler was fed by two x

2 in diameter brass water-

pumps (Drawing #1614). They

were bolted to the spectacle

plates and driven by the cross-

heads (Section 6.3 and Fig.


Fig. 9.3 1872 boiler feed-water

pump (Drawing #1614)

The feed-water pipes were routed from the tender between the ash-pan and the wheels, and were supported in

hanging brackets bolted under the frames. The boiler-feed check valves, fitted to the sides of the boiler at waist

height, had similar ornamentation to the water-pumps (Drawing #1737).

Fig. 9.4 Right side water pipe hanging bracket Fig. 9.5 1872 check valve (Drawing #1737)

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9.2 Barrel

With the cladding and lagging remaining in place, the boiler barrel could only be viewed from the inside using a

borescope. It has two rings, of ½ in thick steel plates,

which are lapped with two rows of rivets. The plates

are reinforced around the left and right side check-

valve holes.

The boiler diameter is 4 ft 2 in (first ring) and 4 ft 3in

(leading ring), or 2-2¼ in larger than the original

barrel. There are 144 x 2 in diameter steel tubes

(Section 8.2) which are 11 ft long providing 817 sq ft

of heating surface. The front tube-plate is riveted to

the front boiler-ring by an angle iron.

Fig. 9.6 Interior view of lap-riveted plates and tubes

There is asbestos sheet insulation wrapped around the

barrel, which, in turn, is covered by five steel cladding

sheets. These sheets, which are profiled around the

steam-dome and the sand-dome, are secured by six

steel bands. The bands are tightened by adjustable

clips on the underside of the barrel. The sheets have

wasted through in places to reveal the lagging.

Fig. 9.7 Left side cladding and bands

9.3 Steam Dome, Safety Valves and Whistle

The replacement boiler in 1890 would have included a new dome, housing the steam ‘riser’ and throttle valve,

which was positioned above the rear barrel ring rather

than above the firebox crown, as shown for the

original boiler. Into the dome’s flat cover is bolted a

steam whistle flanked by two safety valves. The

safety valves are unidentified, but may well be

contemporary with the boiler. They are a variation of

the standard American automatic ‘pop’ valve. They

would have been set to lift at the boiler’s stated

Fig. 9.8 Dome cover with safety valves and whistle column

working pressure of 135 lb/sq in (GTR loco. stock book, 1st Jan. 1901, p.2).

The cast iron whistle stem, which is identified as being of GTR origin, has a

control valve screwed on to the top. A short lever, which was bolted to the valve,

has been removed, but remains loose by its side. It was operated by a cord or

light rope from the cab. Steam passed into an iron chamber and escaped through

a peripheral gap in its upper face and into the whistle’s inverted brass bowl. The

bowl is secured to an upright stem from the steam chamber by a hexagonal nut.

Fig. 9.9 Whistle

The steam dome casing has the same form and ornamentation as that originally fitted to #40 in 1872. It is

therefore probable that it was re-fitted over the new dome in 1890. The dome casing used for shop #121 of 1864

was apparently also used for #40 (CB, p.242 + Drawing #1848).

It has a cast iron plinth which is

probably bolted to the boiler barrel,

although this was not viewed due to

the cladding. A cast iron lower

ornamentation ring is fitted over the

plinth’s upper flange. A wrought

iron or steel barrel casing is fitted

over the ring’s upper flange, and

this is mirrored at the top by a cast

iron upper ornamentation ring. The

cast iron cover is fitted into the

upper ring, to which it is secured

with four peripheral bolts. Fig. 9.10 Dome casing for shop #121 Fig.9.11 Dome casing (forward view)

(Drawing #1848)

The casing is topped by an ornamental brass casting, which is fitted over the casing cover, and secured with four

bolts. The surviving casing has a slightly different profile from that shown on drawing #1848 for shop #121. The

CB (p.245) records that the brass casing adopted for #40 in 1872 was the same as that for shop #128/133, and it

may therefore either reflect a change made by the Portland Company in that year, or a later substitution, perhaps in

1890. The casing has crudely cut notches to the rear of the upper and lower rims, to allow for the routing of the

whistle-cord. These may have been added during service on the CVR.

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9.4 Throttle Valve

The driver’s forged flat bar throttle handle, on the firebox back-plate, is pivoted at the bottom. The bottom of the

handle is pinned to a two-part swing-

link, which allowed it to move in an

arc, and which is, in turn, pinned to a

mounting on the back-plate (Section

8.4). Three-quarters of the way down

the handle is a pin, the underside of

which is attached to an extension to a

brass throttle rod sleeve. The sleeve is

fitted over the end of the throttle rod

and secured with a key.

Fig. 9.12 Throttle handle

Fig. 9.13 Throttle regulator segments The upper end of the throttle handle

was forged to a round section to assist

the driver’s grip. The degree of

throttle opening could be accurately

regulated by two integrated brass

segments with ratchet engagement. A

locking arm with five teeth, fitted to

the handle, engaged in notches in the

upper segment, according to the

degree of throttle movement. It is

held in place by a spring which was

withdrawn and released by a lever

pinned to the throttle handle. The lower segment rotates with the pin according to the throttle rod’s forward and

backward movement. The segments are stamped ‘GTR’ accompanied by both ‘360’ and ‘40’, the former being

scored through. The arrangement thus dates from pre-1898, and probably from the 1890 re-boilering.

The throttle rod passes through a brass gland in the back-plate flange. A brass outer ‘stuffing box’, for packing

adjustment, is bolted to the flange. The throttle valve itself would be fitted to the steam pipe where it exits the

dome. The original throttle valve was a balanced poppet type (CB, p.241), by then the most widely used form of

throttle on North American locomotives. A later form of balanced poppet valve was no doubt fitted in 1890, but

time constraints did not permit dismantling the dome to determine its exact form.

9.5 Injectors and Check-Valves

Two water-feed injectors were fitted to #40, probably in 1890. A brass manifold is mounted to the rear of the

firebox crown. It is fitted over a steam pipe and secured, through a flange, to the crown plate by four studs and

brass nuts. A master valve to open/close the steam supply was controlled by a top-mounted turn-handle. The

manifold has three steam exits, namely left and right side injector feed pipes, and a rear-facing feed for the smoke-

box blower pipe (Section 10.5).

Control valves, with top-mounted turn-handles, fed steam to the

injector feed pipes. These 1½ in diameter copper pipes are routed

down the sides of the firebox, through the rear wheel cover decking, to

the underside of the injectors located just to the rear of the trailing


Fig. 9.14 Firebox crown steam


Fig. 9.15 Left-side injector

steam pipe (inner) and water

feed pipe (outer)

The upright left and right side injectors are bolted, through flanges around the horizontal water inlet pipes, to

hanging brackets bolted to the rear of the cab end footplate casting (Section 11.1). The cast brass injector

housings include GTR identification, and may therefore date from the 1890 re-boilering.

The cast brass water-feed pipes are threaded for coupling with the

tender hoses. The pipes incorporate tapered quarter-turn valves,

with square nuts on top which were turned by extension rods.

Although the rods are absent, it can be determined from their

alignment that it would not have been possible for them to have

been operated from the footplate because of obstructions,

particularly the fall-plate. It is therefore probable that the taps

were turned by linkage from the quarter-turn rods fitted to the

firebox back-plate (Section 8.5 and Fig. 8.14) although the

geometry of the links is unknown.

Fig. 9.16 Left side injector, hanging bracket and water inlet pipe

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The injector overflow

pipes are directed

outwards from the

injector housings.

The quarter-turn

overflow taps have

square nuts on the top

which were turned by

extension rods from

the rear of the cab,

with handles located

above the wheel

cover deckings.

Fig. 9.17 Left side injector, overflow pipe, Fig. 9.18 Left side overflow tap handle

tap and extension rod (Rearwards view)

Water was lifted under pressure into the feed-water delivery pipes fitted to the top of the injector housings. The

1⅝ in diameter copper pipes are routed to the boiler check valves along the boiler, under the running boards (Fig.

9.15). The check valves were

inserted into the leading ring at

the boiler waist line. The check

valve holes are reinforced, and

incorporate threaded bosses for

the valves. Unlike the original

check valves (Fig. 9.5), the

surviving cast brass valves have

top-mounted turn handles to

shut off steam should the check

valves malfunction.

Fig. 9.19 Left side check valve

9.6 Steam Pressure Gauge

An ornate and early steam pressure gauge is mounted above the rear of the firebox crown. The back of the gauge

is bolted to a column, the bottom end of which is threaded and

screwed into the top of the cube-shaped blower manifold (Fig.

9.14). This manifold is itself fitted to the rear of the main steam

manifold (Section 9.5 above). That the small manifold has been

installed is indicative that the column could, at some unknown

stage, have replaced a steam feed pipe serving the back of the

steam gauge.

A replacement steam line has been provided from a hole tapped

into the firebox crown to the right of the main steam manifold.

A lever-handled tap has been inserted, feeding a ⅜ in diameter

copper pipe. The pipe, with an intermediate spiral, is fitted to

the bottom of the gauge. Fig. 9.20 Steam gauge and steam feed tap and pipe

The face of the gauge is inscribed:


35724 E.A. WOOD


The gauge could have been fitted to #40 in

1872, and transferred to the new boiler in

1890. Alternatively, it could have been

transferred from another locomotive at any

stage in #40’s life. It is even possible that the

gauge was inherited by the CNR and fitted to

#40 in 1950/51 prior to it forming part of the

Museum Train.

Fig. 9.21 Steam gauge dial and inscribed face

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10 Smoke-Box and Chimney Stack

10.1 History The replacement of #40’s boiler in 1890 would have been accompanied by a new smoke-box and chimney stack.

The original smoke-box shell (‘smoke arch’) was made from ⅜ in plate iron, 30½ in wide (CB, p.249, but 30¼ in

on drawing #1462). It was riveted to the boiler through a 1¼ in x 2½ in

forged ring, and to the front casting by a 2 in square section ring (CB,

p.247). Smoke-box plates were vulnerable to corrosion, and sometimes

had shorter lives than boilers. It is therefore possible that the shell was

replaced before 1890. The smoke-box front, together with its bulbous door,

its handle and hinge brackets,

were made of cast iron (CB,

p.242). The hinge was forged

(CB, p.247). The interior of the

door was fitted with a ⅛ in iron

plate that served as a

replaceable heat shield to

protect the door (CB, p.250).

Fig. 10.1 Smoke-box for shop #226-245 Fig. 10.2 Smoke-box front and door

(Drawing #1462 – detail) adopted for #40 (Drawing #1831)

From the photographs of the locomotives built by the Portland Company in the 1860s and 1870s, it is apparent

that there were three basic types of

chimney stack and spark arrestor. It

is very likely that #40’s original stack

and spark arrestor was similar to that

fitted to its sister locomotive, shop

#238. It is also likely that this would

have been replaced by a plain stack in

1890 when coal burning was

apparently adopted (Section 8.2).

Fig. 10.4 Plain stack as later fitted to shop

#253, GTR #379, converted to coal burning

(Photo. NAC 200781580)

Fig. 10.3 Original stack, spark arrestor and bulbous smoke-box door as photographed

on sister locomotive, Shop #238, GTR #364 (Photo. MHS 33-68)

The spark arresting fittings within the broad bonnet on top of the stack were

in three sections, a base, slightly wider than the stack itself, an angle ring

and an inverted cone. These were all of cast iron (CB, p.242). No drawings

have been seen to indicate the actual design of the original arrestor fittings,

but the accompanying drawing of shop #s 362 and 370 of 1880, provides a

useful indication of their layout.

The CB, p.247, also states that “one set of smoke lock valve gear” was

provided for #40. No drawing has been seen to explain this component, but

it would appear that the locomotive crew had the means to vary the smoke

ejection from the stack. Photographs of contemporary locomotives do not

show any external views of control apparatus for this valve gear.

Fig. 10.5 Cross-section of spark arrestor fittings for shop #s 362/370 (Drawing #1181)

10.2 Smoke-box Shell The shell is formed of a steel plate rolled into a cylinder of 51¾ in outside diameter. In clock-face terms, as seen

in front view, it is secured to the saddle (Section 4.2) at ‘25 past’ and ‘25 to’ the hour with eight bolts on each

side. At waist height on both sides, the shell is further secured to the leading ends of the longitudinal frame

members with 2¼ in diameter braces. These are forged to incorporate triangular brackets riveted to the shell

waist, with rectangular lower ends bolted to the frame. The smoke-box shell is riveted over the end of the boiler


Fig. 10.7 Left

side rearward

view of shell

Fig. 10.6 Right side forward view of shell

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The shell has been fitted with several components during its life, some of which survive, whilst others have been

removed. The bolts and studs of

the latter have been cut off on

the outside of the shell, and

painted over. Their residual

lengths have been left in place

inside forming plugs to maintain

the smoke-box vacuum. All the

studs and bolts have been

examined to identify the location

of each fitting. Some of the

fittings are common to both left

and right sides, others apply to

one side only.

Fig. 10.8 Left side smoke-box shell

interior, with studs and bolts


Petticoat pipe brackets:

Left and right side diagonal brackets are bolted to the upper shell close to the perimeter

of the chimney stack hole. The 10 in diameter iron or steel pipe, flared to 18 in at the

base, directed the exhaust blast up the chimney. The gap below the stack created the

vacuum to draw hot gases through the tubes. The brackets are extended as vertical

strengtheners for the pipe. Front and back vertical stays, with adjustment slots, are

bolted to the base of the flare and secured to the bottom of the shell. The blast pipe

beneath cannot now be seen as the bottom of the smoke-box is filled with debris.

Fig. 10.9 Petticoat pipe with diagonal brackets and stays

Hand rail supports and stay brackets:

Left and right side leading hand rail supports are rods forged into eyes for the hand rails

(Section 11.7). The threaded ends of the supports are fitted through the shell and

secured with nuts.

Left and right side stay brackets were not fitted to #40 when first in service with the

CVR (Fig. 10.12), but were fitted following the c1925 restoration. The brackets, which

are riveted at an angle, were used to secure the pilot when raised to an upright position.

Fig. 10.10 Left side leading hand rail with support, and stay bracket (downwards view)

Westinghouse pump brackets and exhaust pipe hole:

The Westinghouse brake pump was re-positioned during its service on the CVR to the upper left side of the

smoke-box. It was mounted on a vertical bracket, turned inwards at the top, and riveted top and bottom to the

smoke-box shell. The photograph of #40 in c1949, following withdrawal from

service, shows it to be a typical form of Westinghouse pump, with the jacketed

steam cylinder at the top and the air pump below.

The exhaust pipe from the steam cylinder was normally passed through the

smoke-box shell to allow for steam discharge up the stack. The plugged hole

in the side of the smoke-box, near the upper bracket traces, is the probable

location for the exhaust pipe.

Fig. 10.11 Left side - Westinghouse brake pump (Photo. CMST, Stephens 016139 - detail)

Headlamp platform brackets:

The headlamp platform was supported by curved brackets bolted to the upper

perimeter of the smoke-box on either side of the chimney stack. The c1949

photographs (CMST, Stephens 016138 and 016139) show that the headlamp

platform had been removed by the end of #40’s working life (Fig. 10.27).

However, two bolts, on both left and right sides, remain in situ (Fig. 10.7). Fig. 10.12 Headlamp platform and brackets (Photo. CMST 670008SI – detail)


Matching horizontal pairs of cut off studs can be seen on both sides of the smoke-box above waist height. It is

possible that, at some stage, these were fitted to secure footsteps to allow the crews easier access to the lamp. No

photographic evidence has been seen to confirm this suggestion however.

Smoke-box braces:

The braces fixed to both left and right sides of the smoke-box each have three rivets (Fig.10.7). The same rivet

patterns may be seen on the inside of the shell. Also evident on the inside, however, in the same position on both

sides, are the remains of earlier clusters of four rivets in a diamond form. These were apparently once used for an

earlier form of brace, and match those formerly used on Portland-built

locomotives (Fig. 10.3). This indicates that the GTR perpetuated this form of

brace after the 1890 boiler replacement, but that they had been replaced, either

by the GTR or the CVR, prior to the earliest (pre-1910) photograph of #40.

Fig. 10.13 Pre-1910 view of smoke-box braces (Photo. CMST 670008SI – detail)

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10.3 Smoke-box Front and Door

The 51¾ in diameter cast iron smoke-box front is stepped out from the shell with progressively deepening

concentric rings of reducing diameter. The outer ring forms

a flange which is bolted to a 2 in square section iron ring

riveted to the inside of the smoke-box shell. The inner ring,

around the 36 in diameter smoke-box opening, incorporates

16 lugs which are threaded to receive the closing bolts for

the door. The overall depth of the front casting is 3¼ in.

Incorporated on the right side of the casting (left side of

locomotive) are the upper and lower hinge brackets. The

letters GTR are cast in the lower bracket, indicating the

origin of the casting, and it is likely that this dates from the

1890 re-boilering.

Fig. 10.14 Smoke-box front

The cast iron door has a register which is a close fit inside the smoke-box opening. Its outer ring, with 16 lugs

housing the closing bolt holes, faces on to the inner ring of the smoke-box front. An interior iron or steel heat

shield is fixed to the door with bolts, and separated from it with spacing nuts. The convex door has an overall

depth of 2¾ in.

In the centre of the door is fitted a cast number plate showing ‘40’ and an outer ring. The casting incorporates a

bracket at the back through which it is

bolted to the door.

The door casting incorporates the upper

and lower hinge brackets. They are

however each reinforced with three

rivets. The casting again incorporates the

letters GTR, and it is likely that it also

dates from the 1890 re-boilering.

The hinge itself is a 1 in diameter iron

rod with a forged head.

Fig. 10.16 Smoke-box door hinges

Fig. 10.15 End view of smoke-box door, with heat shield

10.4 Steam Pipes

The steam pipe from the throttle (Section 9.4) is flanged on the inside of the front tube plate. Studs fitted to the

flange extend through the plate. The steam

manifold, on the outside of the tube plate, is

correspondingly flanged and, fitted over the

studs, is secured with nuts.

The cast iron manifold has left and right side

steam exits which are also flanged and, with

intermediate packing, is bolted to the flanges

of the two steam pipes.

Fig. 10.17 Steam manifold

The two 5 in diameter cast iron steam pipes are routed from the manifold to the steam chests around the periphery

of the smoke-box just ahead of the front tube plate. Their lower ends, which are fitted over the ends of short

intermediate steam pipes, have lugs cast in the base. Long iron studs with threaded ends, fitted into the floor of

the smoke-box, are passed through the lugs and tightened with nuts

to ensure a steam tight fit over the intermediate pipes. The short cast

iron intermediate pipes pass through the floor of the smoke-box to

the saddle casting below. Within the saddle, the steam is directed

outwards to the steam chests (Section 7.7).

Fig. 10.18 Left side steam pipe Fig. 10.19 Plan view of saddle with exhaust and steam passages

(Drawing #1544 – detail)

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10.5 Blower

The blower in the smoke-box is controlled by a steam valve within the cube-shaped brass housing, fitted to the

rear of the main steam manifold (Sections 9.5 and 9.6). It has a

round handle for control by the driver on its right side. When open,

steam feeds to the smoke-box through a copper pipe. This is routed

around the right side of the fire box before being turned, under foot

board level, to run along the length of the boiler and covered by the

lagging to minimise heat loss.

Fig. 10.20 Blower valve above the fire box crown

The pipe is exposed between the front of the boiler and its entrance into the

smoke-box, which it enters through a flanged sleeve fitted to the shell by studs

and nuts (Fig. 10.6). The sleeve, which protrudes into the smoke-box, has a

threaded extension, now broken, to which is fitted the interior blower pipe. This

pipe is routed to the underside of the petticoat flare, being secured to the bottom

of the smoke-box by a clip held by studs and nuts. It was not possible to see the

blower ring itself within the flare to determine its exact form, but it is assumed

that it is a standard form of ring with peripheral exit holes.

Fig. 10.21 (a) and (b) Blower pipe feeding into petticoat flare

10.6 Chimney Stack

The overall height of the stack is 74½ in from the smoke-box crown.

Its cast iron plinth is saddled to sit directly on the smoke-box shell. It

is fitted with six studs around the periphery and secured with nuts both

on top and, with washers, within the smoke-box crown (Fig.10.17 -

top). The casting incorporates four stud housings with which to secure

the stack itself. It also incorporates the letters GTR at the rear,

probably dating it from the 1890 re-boilering.

The 16 in diameter, 28½ in high shaft has a forged ring riveted around

its base. It incorporates four lugs through which studs are fitted to

secure the stack to the plinth. It dates from the St. Albans renovation

of 1950, and appears to fulfil a need to portray #40 in a 19th century

appearance when on exhibition.

Fig. 10.22 Plinth and shaft (forward view)

From the evidence of all the 20th century photographs, however, the

locomotive’s stack shaft was about a third of the present height throughout

its CVR operation. The spark arrestor bonnet appears to be that which was

fitted to #40 throughout its CVR operation. Its lower casing is a forged iron

inverted cone, at the base of which an internal and external collar has been

riveted. The internal collar is forged with two legs which are riveted to the

front and rear of the stack to stabilise the bonnet.

Fig. 10.23 Stack and bonnet as fitted pre-1910 (Photo. CMST 670008SI – detail)

The 60 in diameter vertical-sided body of the bonnet is riveted to the vertical lip of the cone. On its upper edge is

riveted an internal ring that forms a jamb for the lid. A lug to engage with the bonnet latch is riveted at the rear.

The bonnet’s lid, with a hinge at the front, is formed of an

outer iron ring and radial ribs to a central hub. It is

covered by an open-weaved mesh of an unknown

material. A hinged latch, riveted to the ring at the rear, is

adjustable to secure the lid in a closed, or two open

positions. Time prevented examination of the spark

deflector interior fitting, but it is assumed that it is much

in accordance with that shown in Fig. 10.5.

Fig. 10.24 Bonnet (forward view)

The bonnet was probably fitted by the GTR just prior to #40’s sale to the CVR in 1903, to allow for its conversion

back to wood burning. It would appear that the bonnet had been recovered from another, probably withdrawn,

locomotive at that time. Some sister

locomotives made for the railway by the

Portland Company were fitted with this form of

bonnet, but they had smaller dimensions. The

bonnet may therefore have been recovered from

a locomotive built by another manufacturer, or it

was possibly one built by the GTR itself.

Fig. 10.26 Bonnet fitted to Portland shop #176,

GTR #134 (Photo. CMST McQuinn 004169)

Fig. 10.25 Bonnet fitted to Portland shop #272, GTR #255 (Photo. MHS 33-66)

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10.7 Headlamp and Platform

In the latter years of #40’s operation on the CVR, its oil headlamp and ornate platform were replaced by an

electric lamp which was supported by two iron or steel

brackets, bolted to the top of the smoke-box shell and

cantilevered forwards.

In 1950, for the locomotive’s restoration, the St. Albans

workshops removed the electric lamp and provided a

replica oil lamp, in the form of those used by the GTR

in the 19th century, with ‘40’ shown on the front and

two sides.

Fig. 10.27 Electric lamp in c1949

(Photo. CMST, Stephens 016139 - detail)

The replica platform and brackets are of lightweight timber form, the weight of the lamp being born by two

cantilevered brackets bolted just in front of the stack

plinth, possibly those formerly used for the electric

lamp. In 1951, the CNR additionally provided two

diagonal steel braces, giving further support to the

platform during #40’s movements with the ‘Museum

Train’. These were bolted to the leading corners of the

platform and, at their lower ends, to two of the closing

bolts on the smoke-box door (Fig. 10.14).

Fig. 10.28 Replica headlamp and platform, with unbolted brace

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11 Cab and Upper Boiler Mountings11.1 Cab Supports The cab body is supported, at the sides by two vertical wrought iron plates (‘side boards’, CB, p.250), and at the

rear by two cast iron brackets. The lower edges of the side plates are secured at the rear by bolts to the outer sides

of the draw casting, which sits

over the upper frame members

(Section 4.3). Forward of the

draw casting, the plates have cut-

outs around the rear spring-straps.

Fig. 11.1 Left side support plate and


The upper edges of the plates are riveted to angle irons which support the timber planking forming the cab seats

and running boards (Section 11.3). The rear edges of the plates are riveted to the front faces of the cast iron

brackets. The brackets, identified by the letters ‘GTR’, are replacements of the original Portland castings

(Drawing #1427 originally adopted for shop #s191/2,

described as ‘long pattern’ in CB, p.242). Although

similar in function, they are different in detail from the

originals. The brackets support the rear ends of the

cab seats/running boards. Grab handles for the crew

to mount/dismount the footplate are bolted to the

underside of the brackets and the cab sides.

Fig. 11.2 Original bracket design (Drawing #1427)

Fig. 11.3 Right side bracket

Unlike the original design, however, the ‘I’-section bottoms of the castings are extended towards the locomotive’s

centre line, below footplate level, as far as the central buffer. They fit over the rear end of the draw casting and

are rebated to accommodate the short vertical ends of the locomotive’s two main frames (Section 4.3). They are

secured to the ends of the frame and the draw casting with studs and nuts.

Fig. 11.5 Left side bracket with draw casting, frame end and central buffer

(upwards and rearwards view)

Fig. 11.4 Right side bracket (fall-plate raised)

11.2 Cab Floor and Fall-Plate

The floor is formed of longitudinal timber planks laid on top of the draw casting. An iron sheet under the fire-hole

door protects the timber. An iron band is laid across the timbers towards the rear and secured to them with screws.

At the leading end of the cab floor there are left and right side iron boxes, covering the rear driving wheel spring-

sets, which are fitted alongside the cab seat side-support plates. The right side box also encloses the reversing

lever pivot (Section 7.4). To their rear similar, but wooden, boxes provide storage space.

The steel fall-plate has two hinge brackets riveted

to its leading face. Their forked ends are hinged to

two eye bolts, fitted in the rear of the cab support

brackets, with nuts and bolts.

Fig. 11.6 Cab floor and fall-plate

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11.3 Cab Seats and Running Boards

2 in thick wooden planking is placed on top of the cast support brackets, and the angle irons riveted to the tops of

the side supports, to which they are bolted. The

planks form seats for the cab, and their forward

extensions serve as the main running boards

(‘runboards’, CB, p.252). The planks were

probably replaced in the 1920s; their overall width

now exceeding that seen pre-1910 (compare Figs.

11.12 and 11.14). On the right side, a leather-topped

wooden storage box, which is screwed to the

planking, would have served as a seat for the driver.

Fig. 11.7 Right side cab seat

The running boards extend 9 ft 11 in beyond the cab at boiler waist height, reducing from three planks wide to two

part way along. On both sides they are supported by, and bolted to, two forged iron brackets. The rear brackets

are bolted through the firebox wrapper plate. The forward ones are made up of

two iron sections which are bolted to the boiler plate. Clips for supporting the

boiler water-feed pipes are

bolted to the underside of

the running boards.

Fig. 11.9 Left side main

running board and rear

support bracket (underside

and rearwards view)

Fig. 11.8 Left side main running board (rearwards view)

At the leading ends of the main running boards, further

boards are provided, but 10 in below them to allow passage

for the water-feed pipes and access to the check valves.

These 5 ft long forward running boards are also supported by

forged iron brackets bolted through the boiler shell.

Fig. 11.10 Left side main and forward running boards

11.4 Cab Body

Photographs of locomotives contemporary to #40 show a number of variations of style around a basic cab design.

#40 was stated to have been originally fitted

with a cab similar to that fitted to shop #s191-3

(Drawing #1501, CB, p.252). However, the

surviving cab, although similar in layout, has

several differences from that shown on the

drawing. It might be #40’s original cab

modified over time, or a replacement cab off

another locomotive. Its overall dimensions are

70½ in long, 99½ in wide over the cab walls,

and 54 in high from the running boards.

Fig. 11.11 Cab design for shop #s191-3, adopted for

#40 (Drawing #1501)

Fig. 11.12 Cab front and left side pre-1910 (Photo.

CMST 670008SI, McGee Ref. 15)

The earliest, pre-1910, photograph of #40

shows a bowed roof profile and window

pattern unlike that of drawing #1501.

However, it had the same form of roof and

window pattern of its sister locomotive (shop

#238) photographed in the late 19th century.

The surviving cab still has the same formation

as #238, but has been modified since pre-1910,

possibly arising from replacement of decayed


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Fig. 11.13 Cab front and left side of shop #238 (Photo. MHS 33-68) Fig.11.14 Cab front and left side The original cab front (CB, p.242) was a 4 ft wide cast iron plate with a semi-circular bottom, that sat over the

firebox crown, and which had two “square windows” (Drawing #1501). It was flanked by left and right side

wooden frames and doors. The surviving cab front is of wooden construction, with the exception of a pair of

wrought iron or steel plates. These together have a

semi-circular bottom edge, seating over the firebox

crown, with the horizontal upper edge 7 in above.

The plates are bolted to two stanchions and a cross-

rail. Above the cross-rail are two fixed rectangular

windows, separated by a central plank. The assembly

is topped by a slender rail.

Fig. 11.15 Cab front (exterior)

Fig. 11.16 Cab front (interior)

Holes in the right side plate allow passage of the

operating rods for the cylinder drain cocks (lower),

and the sand box (upper). Two further holes adjacent

to the latter suggest that it has been re-positioned on

two occasions. The change probably arose because of

the proximity to the injector steam pipe following its

installation, probably in 1890 (Section 9.5). This

suggests that the front plates, and perhaps the whole cab, pre-date the fitting of the injector.

The cab front, extended over the left and right platforms to the corner posts, has doorways with 11½ in high sills.

The corner posts, stanchions and sills are bolted to the platforms by interior corner angle irons shared with the side

panels. The 35¼ in high, 17 in wide doors, with lower beaded panels,

have different upper profiles. The right side door has an arched

window top, whilst that on the left side is horizontal. Both windows

were originally arched, but

the left side top was replaced

by the CVR sometime after

1925, possibly following

decay to the upper


Fig. 11.17 Cab doors: Fig. 11.18 Cab front, with arched door windows -

(a) Right side (b) Left side pre-1925 (Photo. CMST 670008SI, DM Ref. 16)

The doors both open outwards with hinges screwed to the corner posts. There are no door frames, and jambs are

nailed to the corner posts, stanchions and roof timber.

The doors have small iron handles at mid-height and

variable-opening restraints for ventilation at the top.

These take the form of iron bars fitted to hinges on the

upper door panels. The left side bar has been fitted to a

slider with a tightening handle, and with freedom to

move along an iron bar bolted to the cab side. The right

side slider is, however, absent, and a replacement hook

has been fitted, perhaps in 1950. Fig.11.19 Left side door restraint (disconnected)

The front roof beam, with a curved top, sits over the whole cab front assembly, and is anchored on the inside with

two diagonal wrought iron stays (Fig. 11.16). The stays are fixed at the lower ends to the firebox crown with

studs and nuts. Their upper ends, which are threaded, are fitted through angled eye brackets and secured with nuts.

The cast iron eye brackets include the pattern number 713 in the style of the GTR, indicating their pre-1903 origin.

There are two holes in the roof beam, one on the left side for the bell-cable (section 11.5), whilst that on the right

side, for the whistle-cord, has been enlarged at some stage.

The left and right cab sides are all-timber and have been modified by the CVR, probably in the 1920s re-fit. They

are formed of two corner posts joined by a beam up to roof height, and bottom planks inserted between the corner

posts. The planks are reinforced on the inside with top and bottom railings, and on the outside by steel plates, and

drawn together by exterior round-headed bolts and interior nuts. The plates replaced the former beading (Fig.

11.12). Horizontal grab rails have been fitted to the upper exterior of both sides (Fig. 11.14).

The sides are secured to the platforms by interior

corner angle irons, shared with the front and rear

cab structures. Their tops are secured by wrought

iron stays, bolted to both the beams and corner

posts, which pass down through the platforms to

which they are bolted on their underside. The right

rear corner post has a tubular holder probably for

the driver’s notices.

Arched side windows, in place before 1910 (Fig.

11.12), were also replaced by the CVR in the 1920s.

Between the beams and the lower panels fixed

square windows are in place at the front ends.

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Sliding windows occupy the rear ends when closed. They slid in top and bottom guides along the length of the

sides. Handles and two guard-irons are fitted to the sliding windows.

Fig. 11.20 Cab left side interior The 24⅜ in wide rear cab ends are each formed of corner posts and

inner stanchions joined by cross-rails at the bottom and mid-point.

The tops of both left and right sides are formed of, and united by, an

arched beam, also serving as a roof support. A horizontal iron grab

handle is bolted to the rear face of the beam. The upper parts of the

units are fitted with fixed arched windows, and the lower parts have

beaded panels. The cab ends are bolted to the platform with interior

corner angle irons, shared with the cab sides.

The tops of the grab handles for mounting/dismounting (Section 11.1)

are bolted to the corner post lower sides. The handles curve round the

platforms, which are recessed to assist grabbing (Figs.11.12-11.14).

Fig. 11.21 Right side rear cab end

The cab roof is arched, rather than being pitched from a central apex as shown on drawing #1501 (Fig. 11.11). It

is supported by three arched beams, above the cab front and rear ends, and another mid-way between. The roof is

cantilevered rearwards from the cab, and is stiffened by a frame-work of two longitudinal side beams and a rear

arched transverse timber.

Fig. 11.22 Cab roof profile

(forward view)

Fig. 11.23 Cab roof (rearward view with door removed)

The roof is formed of tongue and grooved planks,

probably from the 1920s re-fit, and covered in felt. The

sides only have a 3 in overhang, compared to the larger

pre-1920’s overhang (Fig. 11.12). A hatch is located in

the middle of the roof. It has a door of similar form to the

roof itself, with front-end hinges.

Within the cantilever framework, storage boxes for flags,

track detonators and other equipment have been fitted on

both left and right sides (Fig. 11.21). Ornamental roof

brackets are bolted to the rear of the cab ends and the

underside of the side beams. These were probably fitted in the restorations of 1950/51.

Fig. 11.24 Right side ornamental roof bracket

11.5 Bell-Pull and Bell

A bell-pull communication system was used by early railways, including the GTR. A cable from the train passed

through a hole in the centre of the rear roof timber and through a similar hole in the rear roof support. After

passing through this hole the cable was diverted to the left around a sheave screwed into the front face of that

beam. The cable continued forward under the

cab roof and exited through a hole in the cab

front beam (Fig. 11.16). The cable was fitted to

the bell lever, and could be operated by the train

conductor or by the stoker.

Fig. 11.25 Rear roof support with cable route and

sheave (rearwards view)

Fig. 11.26 Bell-pull cable run fitted to Portland shop

#246 (Photo. MHS 33-95)

The ornate cast iron bell cradle was originally fitted on the leading boiler ring, the bell-pull cable passing to the

left of the steam dome and sand box. With the re-boilering in 1890 the bell cradle was re-positioned to the firebox

crown, to which it is fitted

with studs and nuts. By

comparison with the bell

cradle photographed on sister

locomotive, shop #238, the

cradle appears to be an

original casting.

Fig. 11.28 Bell assembly on shop

#238 (Photo. MHS 33-68)

Fig. 11.27 Bell, holder, lever and cradle

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The cast iron bell-holder has a shaft which swings in bearings in the upper cradle arms. The shaft protrudes on the

left side, to which the lever is keyed. These also appear to be original, but the brass bell has no identity to

determine its origin, and the original diamond-top finial (Fig.11.26) has been replaced by a round brass one.

11.6 Sand Box

The sand box is fitted over the leading boiler ring. Its form resembles that of the steam dome (Section 9.3). It has

a 3 ft 4 in diameter cast iron plinth which is probably bolted to the boiler barrel, although this was not viewed due

to the presence of the cladding. A cast iron lower ornamental ring is fitted over the plinth’s upper flange. A cast

iron barrel is fitted over the ring’s upper flange, and this is

mirrored at the top by a cast iron upper ornamental ring.

A sheet brass casing (‘ornament’, CB, p.245) surrounds

the barrel.

The cast iron convex cover is fitted over the upper ring, to

which it is secured with four peripheral bolts. In the

centre of the cover there is a filling hole, into which fits a

cast iron lid. The sand box is probably original, although

the lid appears to be a replacement for one with a diamond

finial (Fig. 11.26).

Fig. 11.29 Sand box (forward view)

Fig. 11.30 Sand discharge control rod and lever

The sand discharge control handle in the cab (Section 11.4 – cab front) is at the end

of a control rod which is routed along the top of the boiler (Figs. 11.15 and 11.16) to

the right of the steam dome. The rod is fitted to a sand discharge control lever

which passes through a slot on the right side of the plinth. The sand discharge

valve, with approximately 20 degree

movement, is incorporated within the


Sand feed pipes exit the plinth on the left

and right sides. The upper pipe ends are

secured through flanges which are fitted to

the plinth with studs and nuts. The pipes

are routed diagonally from the dome to a

point in advance of the leading driving

wheels just above rail level. They are held in place by clips bolted to the frame.

Fig. 11.31 Left side sand feed pipe

11.7 Hand Rails

Fig. 11.32 Right side hand rail rear end

The left and right side 1½ in diameter iron hand rails have been inserted through eyes in iron supports fitted along

the length of the boiler, and into end holders bolted to the cab front plates. The three rearmost supports on each

side have threaded horizontal rods fitted to the cast bases of the bell-holder, steam dome and sand box. The fourth

supports at the leading end, have threaded ends, which are fitted through the smoke box shell and secured with

nuts (Fig. 10.10, Section 10.2).

Fig. 11.33 Right side hand rail as fitted for cylinder drain cock operation on shop #316 (Photo. MHS 33-71)

The right side hand rail used to rotate a quarter turn in the eyes, a link at the forward end opening and closing the

cylinder drain cocks (Section 6.6). The leading support was then fitted into the plinth of the chimney stack. This

arrangement was set aside and the rod fixed, probably by the GTR, at which time the forward support was re-fitted

to the smoke box.

Lamp brackets remain fitted to the leading ends of the hand rails on both sides. They would have been fitted by

the GTR for displaying colour lights in accordance with its operating regulations.

Fig. 11.35 Colour

light lamp fitted to

lamp holder on shop

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#253 (Photo. NAC 200781580)

Fig. 11.34 Left side lamp holder

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Appendix - Identification Marks (1)

No. Description Location Material Mark Identification No. Description Location Material Mark Identification

FR1 'Knuckle' Coupler Front Cast steel Cast E21096 C.S.F.L. AAR HT E50 C SF 5 -51 CY1 Piston rod Right side Forging Stamped 40 R

FR2 Rear draw casting Centre Cast iron Cast GTR 115 CY2 Crosshead Left side Cast iron Cast GTR

CY3 Crosshead Right side Cast iron Stamped 40

W1 Front driving wheel - crank pin Left side Steel Stamped LD 378 CY4 Crosshead slide top Left side Cast iron Stamped 7

W2 Front driving wheel - crank pin Right side Steel Stamped RD 378 CY5 Crosshead slide bottom Left side Cast iron Stamped 8

W3 Front driving wheel - balance weight Left side Cast iron Cast F CY6 Crosshead slide top Right side Cast iron Stamped 4

W4 Front driving wheel - balance weight Right side Cast iron Cast F F CY7 Crosshead slide bottom Right side Cast iron Stamped 3

W5 Rear driving wheel - crank pin Left side Steel Stamped LT 378 CY8 Crosshead bottom slider Left side Brass Stamped 8

W6 Rear driving wheel - crank pin Right side Steel Stamped RT 378 CY9 Outer slidebar lubrication pot Left side Brass Stamped G.T.R

W7 Rear driving wheel - balance weight Left side Cast iron Cast F CY10 Inner slidebar lubrication pot Left side Brass Stamped G.T.R Co

W8 Rear driving wheel - balance weight Right side Cast iron Cast F CY11 Outer slidebar lubrication pot Right side Brass Stamped G.T.R

W9 Rear driving wheel - tyre Left side Steel Stamped C A 25 30 52 9 CY12 Inner slidebar lubrication pot Right side Brass Stamped G.T.R

W10 Rear driving wheel - tyre Right side Steel Stamped C A 25 30 52 9 CY13 Connecting rod - little end bearings Left side Brass Stamped L 40 on both

W11 Front driving axle - box Left side Cast iron Stamped 40 LD CY14 Connecting rod little end - lubrication grease pot Left side Steel Stamped PRIME ALEMITE PAT'D 1265

W12 Front driving axle - box keep Left side Cast iron Stamped 40 LD CY15 Connecting rod - little end bearings Right side Brass Stamped R 40 on both

W13 Front driving axle - box Right side Cast iron Stamped 40 RD CY16 Connecting rod little end - lubrication grease pot Right side Steel Stamped PRIME ALEMITE PAT'D 1265

W14 Front driving axle - leading spring-hanger Left side Forging Inscribed RF CY17 Connecting rod - big end Left side Forging Stamped L362 L 40

W15 Front driving axle - leading spring-hanger block Left side Cast iron Cast GTR 304 CY18 Connecting rod - big end brasses Left side Brass Stamped 40 L on both

W16 Truck - truck rail Left side Forging Inscribed LR CY19 Connecting rod - big end brasses Right side Brass Stamped 40 R on both

W17 Truck - inner equalizing beam Right side Forging Inscribed LF CY20 Coupling rod - leading end brasses Left side Brass Stamped L 1 on both

W18 Truck - rear horn Left side Cast iron Cast GTR CY21 Coupling rod - leading end brasses Right side Brass Stamped R3 on both

W19 Truck - rear horn Right side Cast iron Inscribed RB RB CY22 Coupling rod - trailing end brasses Left side Brass Stamped L 2 on both

W20 Truck - truss-stay Right side Cast iron Cast GTR 219 CY23 Coupling rod - trailing end brasses Right side Brass Stamped R 4 rear only

W21 Truck - front axle bearing Left side Brass Inscribed LF LF 2 3

W22 Truck - front axle bearing Right side Brass Stamped 40 1 CA1 Cab front diagonal stay bracket Left side Cast iron Cast 713

W23 Truck - front wheel outer face Left side Cast steel Cast 7 - 25'16. DAVIS 11 - 15 - 24 A.S.F. PRO. PAT CA2 Cab front diagonal stay bracket Right side Cast iron Cast 713

W24 Truck - front wheel outer face Right side Cast steel Cast 7 - 25'16. DAVIS 11 - 15 - 24 A.S.F. PRO. PAT TAPE CA3 Cab support bracket Left side Cast iron Cast GTR 19 GTR

W25 Truck - rear wheel outer face Left side Cast steel Cast 7 - 25'16. DAVIS 4 - 22 - 24 A.S.F. PRO.PAT CA4 Cab support bracket Right side Cast iron Cast GTR 18

W26 Truck - rear wheel outer face Right side Cast steel Cast 7 - 25'16. DAVIS 5 - 6 - 24 A.S.F. PRO. PAT TAPE A.N. 1918 CA5 Bell - bridle Left side Cast iron Cast F

W27 Truck - rear wheel inner face Right side Cast steel Cast W 4012 CA6 Bell - bridle Right side Cast iron Cast F

CA7 Bell - stand Centre Cast iron Cast F



Cylinders and Driving Motion

Cab and Boiler Top Fittings

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Appendix - Identification Marks (2)

No. Description Location Material Mark Identification No. Description Location Material Mark Identification

FB1 Firebox protection plate Centre Cast iron Cast GTR V1 Expansion link Left side Forging Stamped L 362 L 40

FB2 Firehole door Centre Cast iron Cast 111 GTR V2 Expansion link Right side Forging Stamped R 362

FB3 Firebox - rocking grate bracket Left side Cast iron Cast GTR 13L V3 Reversing shaft bracket Left side Cast iron Stamped L 362 L 40

FB4 Firebox - rocking grate bracket Right side Cast iron Cast GTR 13R V4 Reversing arm Right side Forging Stamped 233

FB5 Firebox - blow-down valve housing Centre Cast iron Cast 62 V5 Rocker box Right side Cast iron Cast 46 GTR

FB6 Firebox - blow-down valve lever Centre Cast iron Cast GTR 38 V6 Rocker arm pin Left side Cast iron Stamped L 362

FB7 Firebox -frontplate - three mud hole plugs Centre Brass Cast CN V7 Rocker arm pin Right side Cast iron Stamped R 362

V8 Valve bridle Left side Forging Stamped 40 L

B1 Injector - body Left side Brass Cast 7 GTR V9 Valve Left side Cast iron Cast GTR 139

" " " " Stamped 99 on water feed flange " " " " Stamped 40 L L 362

B2 Injector - body Right side Brass Cast 7 GTR

B3 Injector - tender water feed valve flange Left side Brass Stamped 99 CA1 Cab front diagonal stay bracket Left side Cast iron Cast 713

B4 Injector - tender water feed valve flange Right side Brass Stamped 77 CA2 Cab front diagonal stay bracket Right side Cast iron Cast 713

B5 Injector - steam feed pipe Left side Brass Cast GTR CA3 Cab support bracket Left side Cast iron Cast GTR 19 GTR

B6 Injector - steam feed pipe Right side Brass Cast GTR CA4 Cab support bracket Right side Cast iron Cast GTR 18

B7 Injector - boiler water feed valve Left side Brass Cast 67 CA5 Bell - bridle Left side Cast iron Cast F

B8 Injector - boiler water feed valve Right side Brass Cast 67 CA6 Bell - bridle Right side Cast iron Cast F

B9 Injector operating valve Left side Brass Stamped [Indecipherable] CA7 Bell - stand Centre Cast iron Cast F

B10 Injector operating valve Right side Brass Stamped ASBESTOS PACK[?]

B11 Sight-glass drain valve Left side Brass Cast PENBERTHY PAT. 1.12.26

B12 Regulator lever Centre Brass Stamped GTR 362 40

B13 Regulator quadrant Centre Brass Stamped GTR 362 40

B14 Steam gauge Centre Brass Engraved UTICA STEAM GAUGE CO UTICA NY 35724

B15 Whistle - bowl Centre Brass Stamped 05

B16 Whistle - steam pipe Centre Cast iron Cast GTR

B17 Safety valve body Left side Cast iron Cast 8

B18 Safety valve body Right side Cast iron Cast 8

B19 Dome cover - flange Left side Cast iron Cast F

B20 Dome cover - flange Right side Cast iron Cast F

S1 Smokebox door hinge - fixed Front Cast iron Cast 21 GTR

S2 Smokebox door hinge - opening Front Cast iron Cast 6A GTR

Firebox Valves and Valve Gear


Smoke Box and Chimney

Cab and Boiler Top Fittings

Page 69: Canadian National Railways # 40...9 Boiler 45 10 Smoke-box 51 11 Cab and Upper Boiler Mountings 58 Appendix – Identification Marks 64 2 1 Summary This report sets out the findings

S3 Chimney saddle Centre Cast iron Cast 16 GTR