CAMOS-WA-01 CAMOS - Working Arrangements Edition 4.00 Page 1 of 28 CAMOS - Working Arrangements ARTAS Reference No.: CAMOS-WA-01 Edition Number: 4.00 Edition Date: 18/06/2015 Status: Issued Classification: Restricted Author: EUROCONTROL Intended For: EATM Stakeholders

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CAMOS-WA-01 CAMOS - Working Arrangements

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CAMOS - Working Arrangements ARTAS Reference No.: CAMOS-WA-01 Edition Number: 4.00 Edition Date: 18/06/2015 Status: Issued Classification: Restricted Author: EUROCONTROL Intended For: EATM Stakeholders

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Status, Audience and Accessibility Status Intended for Accessible via

Working Draft Internal Project Server

Proposed Issue Stakeholders One Sky Team

Issued General Public

Contact Point Contact Person(s) Telephone Unit


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Table of Contents 1.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 5 1.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................. 5

2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................ 7 2.2 LIST OF COMMUNICATION METHODS ............................................................................................... 7

3 STEERING GROUPS ...................................................................................................................... 8

3.1 GROUPS ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 ARTAS User Group (AUG) ................................................................................................ 8 3.1.2 Configuration Control Board (CCB) ................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 ARTAS User Forum (AUF) ................................................................................................ 8

3.2 MINUTES AND WORKING MATERIAL ................................................................................................. 8

4 COMMUNICATION CHANNELS ..................................................................................................... 9

4.1 ONE SKY ONLINE / ONE SKY TEAMS .............................................................................................. 9 4.1.1 Registration ........................................................................................................................ 9 4.1.2 “ARTAS - CAMOS team” library ...................................................................................... 11

4.2 ARTAS SUPPORT DATABASE (MANTIS) ..................................................................................... 14 4.2.1 How to subcribe to ARTAS Support Database ................................................................ 14 4.2.2 ATR (ARTAS Trouble Report) ......................................................................................... 14 4.2.3 ACP (ARTAS Change Proposal) ..................................................................................... 16 4.2.4 CAMOS Support .............................................................................................................. 16 4.2.5 Cloning process ............................................................................................................... 16

4.3 CAMOS FTP SERVER ................................................................................................................. 17 4.3.1 Patches ............................................................................................................................ 17 Patch Naming Convention ..................................................................................... 17 4.3.2 Documentations ............................................................................................................... 20 4.3.3 DATA for ATR analysis .................................................................................................... 22 4.3.4 USR2USR ........................................................................................................................ 23 4.3.5 Tools ................................................................................................................................ 23

4.4 EMAIL ......................................................................................................................................... 25 4.5 PHONE ....................................................................................................................................... 25

ANNEX A............................................................................................................................................... 26

A.1 DATA PREPARATION FOR ATR ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 26 A.2 ASTERIX FINAL FORMAT .................................................................................................. 28

List of Figures

Figure 1 - One Sky Online - Login page ............................................................................................. 9 Figure 2 - Service selection - OneSky Teams.................................................................................. 10 Figure 3 - Access to “All teams” ....................................................................................................... 10 Figure 4 - List of Teams ................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 5 - My Teams ........................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 6 - ARTAS-CAMOS team - Library ....................................................................................... 12 Figure 7 - Alerts management .......................................................................................................... 12 Figure 8 - Open with Explorer .......................................................................................................... 13 Figure 9 - Reporting ATR 1/2 ........................................................................................................... 15 Figure 10 - Reporting ATR 2/2 ........................................................................................................... 15 Figure 11 - Jumping to ATR ............................................................................................................... 16 Figure 12 - Selection list for cloned ATRs .......................................................................................... 16 Figure 13 - Root directory on ftp server ............................................................................................. 17 Figure 14 - List of released patches for ARTAS V8B1 ....................................................................... 18 Figure 15 - List of un-released patches for ARTAS V8B1 ................................................................. 19 Figure 16 - Documentation directory .................................................................................................. 20 Figure 17 - V8B3 documentation directory......................................................................................... 22 Figure 18 - List of the shared tools developed by various ANSPs ..................................................... 23 Figure 19 - Tools available in /tools ................................................................................................... 24 Figure 20 - ASTERIX Final Format .................................................................................................... 28

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1.1 Applicable Documents

Enter details of all documents which are applicable because of the authority of this document.

[ADx] Reference / Edition Title

[AD1] None

1.2 Reference Documents

Enter details of all other documents which were referenced in this document.

[RDn] Reference / Edition Title


[RD2] SRS-MANTISBT-UG Surveillance Services MantisBT User Guide

[RD3] ARTAS-CSOM-<B/L Version> ARTAS <B/L Version> Computer System Operator’s Manual (CSOM)

[RD4] SASS-C-IOSS-MAN-005 SASS-C Generic Converter User Manual

[RD5] ftp: /tools/Gengate GENGATE User Manual

[RD6] ARTAS-AUG-TOR ARTAS User Group Terms of Reference

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2 Introduction

The main task of CAMOS team is to provide support and maintenance for Users of the ARTAS software. This is done by providing advices, clarifications, releasing patches, distributing new version of ARTAS software and associated documentations.

2.1 Scope of the document

This document was created to address action AUG-32-A-13. It shall provide the current and new ARTAS Users with an introduction to working arrangements and communication means with the CAMOS Team.

2.2 List of communication methods

Steering Groups (See 3)

One Sky Online / One Sky Team (See 4.1)

ARTAS support database (See 4.2)

CAMOS FTP server (See 4.3)

Email (See 4.4)

Phone (See 4.5)

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3 Steering Groups

3.1 Groups


AUG is the official ARTAS steering group. Please refer to [RD6] for AUG Terms of Reference.


CCB is the technical subgroup of AUG.


AUF is an informal forum for the ARTAS users to voluntarily share experience, procedures and discuss issues.

3.2 Minutes and working material

Minutes and working material for the steering groups are published in

One Sky Online “ARTAS - CAMOS TEAM” library (ref. 4.1 & 4.1.2) under


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4 Communication channels

4.1 One Sky Online / One Sky Teams

One Sky Online is an agency-wide extranet which provides several services. One Sky Online is available at the following address:



To use “One Sky Online” portal, Users have to register themselves. (See Figure 1 - ).

Figure 1 - One Sky Online - Login page

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One of the online services is called “One Sky Teams (new platform)” (See Figure 2 - ). An individual can be a member of many teams. He or she has to apply for a membership of a particular team (See Figure 4 - ). The most interesting team for ARTAS Users would be “ARTAS - CAMOS team”. The application is then granted or denied by a “team leader” (EUROCONTROL representative).

Figure 2 - Service selection - OneSky Teams

Figure 3 - Access to “All teams”

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Figure 4 - List of Teams

Figure 5 - My Teams


Users can directly access to “ARTAS - CAMOS team” library: https://ost.eurocontrol.int/sites/ARTAS/

The “ARTAS - CAMOS team” library (See Figure 6 - ) is mainly used to store documents of managerial character like AUG/CCB minutes, presentations etc. It is also used to announce the meetings and workshops. Additionally there are stored many documents directly or indirectly related to ARTAS HW and SW. Users have read-only access to documents in the “Shared Documents” folder and read-write (including creation and deletion) access to documents in the “Public Documents”.

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Figure 6 - ARTAS-CAMOS team - Library

Please note that although some ARTAS documentations are duplicated here (for the Industries bidding to various CfT) the main distribution channel for the ARTAS documentation set (SSS, SRSs, SUMs…) will always be the CAMOS FTP server (Reference 4.3).

Users can manage their own alerts (See Figure 7 - ).

Figure 7 - Alerts management

For a convenient access to the documents, “ARTAS - CAMOS team” library can be opened with the Explorer (See Figure 8 - ).

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Figure 8 - Open with Explorer

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4.2 ARTAS Support database (MANTIS)

MANTIS is an open source problem reporting and change control system, available to the ARTAS User community.

MANTIS is available at the following address:


and from the One Sky Online portal (See 4.1).

The following paragraphs give an introduction to MANTIS functionalities. Please refer to [RD2]“ARTAS MANTIS User Guide” for the description of the basic steps to use MANTIS database as a Reporter.


To subscribe to the ARTAS Support Database, please click on this link here and send the pre-formatted email.


ATRs are created for recording, tracking and correcting bugs within the ARTAS software and can be raised by any entity (CAMOS, ANSP, and Industrial Partner)

If during the investigation of the ATR, it cannot be demonstrated that the issue violates any requirement(s), then the ATR will be rejected.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to specify a requirement for every single function in the system; therefore there might be a valid ATR without existing requirement. In this case, the CAMOS team will work as an arbiter between the originator and Industrial Partner and might justify the validity of the ATR. Then, as part of ATR work, even the new requirement shall be constructed.

In order to solve any reported problem, the CAMOS team needs to be able to reproduce it, therefore when reporting the problem (see Figure 9 - and Figure 10 - ), the User is kindly asked to provide the CAMOS Team with as much details as possible. In particular:

Time when incident occurs

Affected nodes, services, LANs, radars etc.

Database in savedb format

Input/Output recording in ASTERIX Final Format

Related parameter files

XtermLogs or other related log files

Steps to reproduce the error/crash

Platform being used i.e. Implementation Type


To transfer large files like databases or datasets, the User should use the CAMOS FTP server (See 4.3) rather than the MANTIS database.

Please refer to Annex A.1 for details on the preparation of data to be provided with an ATR.

The ARTAS database and radar recordings are crucial for the reproducibility of most of the problems. If not provided, the CAMOS Team can’t investigate the problem and ATR will be simply rejected as non-reproducible.

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Figure 9 - Reporting ATR 1/2

Figure 10 - Reporting ATR 2/2

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An ACP is raised when a User would like to request a change to the existing ARTAS Application. The ACP can be raised by an ANSP or the CAMOS Team.


CAMOS Support is the means by which a User can request assistance, advice or support on a particular issue not initially linked to an ATR/ACP.

Support can be any type of technical question or request for support as defined in the SLA (e.g. Installation, participation to SAT …). If the technical question/problem reveals however a bug, the support issue would be changed into ATR. Alternatively, the support request might be transformed into ACP.

The Support is also aiming to build up a “Knowledge base” - database of problems and solutions which Users can face in daily usage of their ARTAS System.


ATRs and ACPs are linked to particular ARTAS version. When the problem (proposal) is reported, the User has to select in the field “Product version“ the ARTAS version where the bug was found (respectively where the new function should be developed).

The purpose of tying both ATRs and ACPs to an ARTAS version is to be able to identify at any time which ATRs/ACPs are solved or opened in any ARTAS version.

After confirmation of the problem, CAMOS shall verify if it also exists on the other currently supported ARTAS version. If so, the ATR will be cloned (i.e. reported on the other version). This second issue will have the same ATR number but different version extension (e.g. ATR1500-V7A1 and ATR1500-V8A0 ). Both will be treated separately and follow their own corrective lifecycle.

In the case of the ACP, cloning will take place if the implementation of the change, made on one ARTAS Version is also to be implemented on another supported ARTAS Version.

The CAMOS team is in charge of cloning ATRs and ACPs.

The result is visible e.g. when trying to select a particular ATR (see Figure 11 - )

Figure 11 - Jumping to ATR

There might exist two (or more) issues with the same number but with different versions. (See Figure 12 - )

A User has to simply choose the one of his interest.

Figure 12 - Selection list for cloned ATRs

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4.3 CAMOS ftp server

The CAMOS ftp server is available on address: ftp.eurocontrol.int (See Figure 13 - ).

The CAMOS ftp server is the main means for the distribution of ARTAS patches, patch bundles, patch-sets and documentation. Additionally, it serves for exchange of all necessary data for ATR analysis (e.g radar recordings, databases, parameters …) and it allows the distribution of tools.

Access to this ftp server is provided on request to the CAMOS Team.

Besides password protection, the ftp is accessible only from registered IP address(es). Therefore the new Users are kindly requested to send their IP address of their gateway or particular computer to the CAMOS Team which will arrange the update of the firewall access rules.

Figure 13 - Root directory on ftp server


All officially released patches, patch bundles and patch-sets are available within /released_patches/{main_version}/{subversion}

Patches for testing purposes only, are available within /unreleased_patches/{main_version}/{subversion}

(See Figure 14 - and Figure 15 - )

The patch bundles are accompanied with a ReadMe (RM) document and include md5 checksums.

The patch-sets are accompanied with Release Notes, md5 checksums and a so called “extras” tarball (e.g. V8B_PATCHSET1_1-extra.tar.gz). This tarball contains files or tools related to ARTAS but that do not have to be installed on ARTAS machines. Currently, it contains ARTAS MIBs (artas.my and artasTrap.my) and a tool “artas-acp234-radar-export-1.2.tar.gz”. Patch Naming Convention

Standard Patches


E.g. V8B1_TRK_11_ATR1802_1-bin.tar.gz

Patch Bundles


E.g. V8B1_CAMOS_bundle2.tar.gz

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Patch Sets


E.g. V8B_PATCHSET1_1-bundle.tar.gz

Patches for Patch Installer


The patches, patch bundles and patch-sets are cumulative unless stated otherwise.

Figure 14 - List of released patches for ARTAS V8B1

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Figure 15 - List of un-released patches for ARTAS V8B1

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The complete set of released documents are available within: /administration/documentation/released/{main_version}/{subversion}

Figure 16 - Documentation directory

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Figure 17 - V8B3 documentation directory


Analysis of trouble reports usually requires radar recordings, databases, parameter files etc. This data can be uploaded to the following directories:


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This is the main directory where Users have to upload their data related to ATRs/ACPs. To protect the data from unauthorized usage, the Users can only upload their files, without seeing the content of the directory.

Please note that this visibility restriction has also a side effect; if the upload is cancelled prematurely, the truncated file cannot be deleted (by the User) and a file with a new name has to be uploaded.

The Industrial Partner has full access to this directory, thus can start the analysis immediately.


The Industrial Partner does not have any access to this directory, therefore, it shall only be used for private data (data to be used by Eurocontrol or other Users).

4.3.4 USR2USR

Some Users are willing to share tools which are used to simplify their day-to-day work. Eurocontrol provides storage space for these tools within the directory /administration/usr2usr/

Figure 18 - List of the shared tools developed by various ANSPs

4.3.5 TOOLS

The following tools can be downloaded from the /tools directory:

AOC: To compare two ASTERIX track recordings

AVTool: To visualise ASTERIX recordings

CRAFT: To run CRAFT test scenarios

Gengate: To record and replay ASTERIX data

JDiff: To visualise and analyse TRK recordings in JDiff format

RDL: To decode ASTERIX recordings


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Figure 19 - Tools available in /tools

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4.4 Email

Each member of the ARTAS and CAMOS teams is also part of the group address [email protected]. We suggest to always put this group address in copy unless there are some specific reasons no to do it. This will enable the other team-mate to process your email in case the original recipient is on mission or holiday.

4.5 Phone

CAMOS team +32 496 569 933

David Morton +32 2 729 3594

Stuart Hunter +32 2 729 3344

Axel Werner +32 2 729 3718

Antonio Principe +32 2 729 3952

Marian Jancik +32 2 729 3552

Pierre Gomord +32 2 729 3421

Benjamin Cramet +32 2 729 3135

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Annex A


This Annex identifies the expected format for the data to be provided with an ATR and describes procedures to record them.

Database (for ARTAS up to V8B2)

o ARTAS database should be provided in “savedb” format.

o As artas user run the following command:

> su – ingres (password is Laser)

> savedb <DB_NAME> -d /tmp/<ATR>_<ANSP>_<ARTAS_VERSION>_db_<date>

o The resulting file is named [<ATR>_]<ANSP>_<ARTAS_VERSION>_db_<date>.tar.gz

StaticGeo dataset (for ARTAS as from V8B3 )


ARTAS Input/Output recordings

o ARTAS Input/Output recordings should be provided in ASTERIX Final Format (Ref. 0).

o Recordings can be done directly in ASTERIX Final Format or can be converted from another format to ASTERIX Final Format.

o CAMOS suggests using GENGATE1 tool (available on CAMOS ftp – See 4.3.5 – Please

refer to the GENGATE User Manual for details [RD5]) to record directly in ASTERIX Final Format.

o Please rename ARTAS Input/Output recordings file [<ATR>_]<ANSP>_scenario_<date>.tar.gz

Related parameter files

o As artas user run the following command:

> collect_parameter_files –d /tmp/

o Please rename the resulting file /tmp/collected_parameter_files_<date>.tar.gz to [<ATR>_]<ANSP>_<ARTAS_VERSION>_params_<date>.tar.gz.

o Please refer to [RD3] section 5.2.10 CONFGURATION INFORMATION RETRIEVAL for more information about the command.

XtermLogs or other related log files

o As artas user run the following command:

> collect_log_files -s 0 -d /tmp/

o Please rename the resulting file /tmp/collected_log_files_<date>.tar to [<ATR>_]<ANSP>_<ARTAS_VERSION>_logs_<date>.tar

o Please refer to [RD3] section 5.2.9 LOG FILE ANALISIS for more information about the command.

Recorded data should be uploaded to CAMOS ftp server (ref. 4.3.3).

Please refer to the Copyright Notice for restrictions on usage and distribution of GENGATE tool.

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ASTERIX Final Format is defined in as follow (ref. [RD4]):

Figure 20 - ASTERIX Final Format

Time LSB 0.01 s

Time MSB 0.01 s

Error code

Time MMSB 0.01 s

One or more

Asterix data blocks

Byte count 2 LSB

Byte count 1 MSB

Board/Line No

Pad 0xA5

Pad 0xA5

Pad 0xA5

Pad 0xA5

Recording day

Final record format

One or more

Final records

Final file format