Camera Jacket

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  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    camera jacket

  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    Camera jacket is a concept exploring the idea of discreetly capturing image media in publiclocations.This design has a small digital camera installed in the lining of a jacket with the lens recordingthrough a small opening in the jacket breast. The camera is operated with buttons wired into the

    jacket cuff, the camera assembly is held in place with hook and loop fasteners and can easily bedetached to allow recharging and media recovery.

    The idea originated with the relationship between publicly recording police interactions andthe perceived threat presented when a high-profile job is captured and disseminated to bescrutinized by the public. There aremore than a few accountsof people recording police actions inpublic places being detained for their actions. Camera jacket came about as a reaction to thesearrests, however this concept can also be used to record many other daily interaction discreetly. *in almost all Western Countries if you are legally present in an area you are allowed to film anything

    that is in public view. Restrictions may apply when you are in/on private property*Regarding Police:Q: Is recording police actions in your country legal?A: In Canada, the UK and the US it is completely* legal to video record police officers (provided youdo not interfere) while they are executing their duties. That said, there areplentyof cases that justifywhy this is a controversial topic: sometimes the person recording gets emotionally involved andprovokes police, thereby getting detained and having the recording device confiscated; Andsometimes police feel threatened and have misunderstood the law and erroneously arrest/confiscateyour media. Neither extreme are excusable, but during conflict it's understandable to see why thishappens.

    *Canada - source/ UK- source/ USA - source

    Camera jacket investigates the idea that by hiding the recording device you can minimize your

    impact on police (mis)interpretation of your actions, thereby avoiding possible altercations

    altogether. There is an argument that by looking like you are recording police events that it will keep

    them more honest - The counter argument I propose is you want a more authentic interaction from a

    public servant, and covertly recording doesn't tip your hand.

    When filming anything, always keep in mind: "is there a reasonable expectation of privacy?"

    Here's what I used to make mine:


    soldering iron

    needle + thread


    UltraThin digital camera(can take video and still images)

    2xMini Push Button Switch

    thin-core wire

    self-adhesive hook+loop patches

    Ready to challenge the system and covertly film stuff? Let's go!

    Step 1: Camera breakdown,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.aWM&fp=31879831f04424b5&biw=1920&bih=955,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.aWM&fp=31879831f04424b5&biw=1920&bih=955,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.aWM&fp=31879831f04424b5&biw=1920&bih=955,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.aWM&fp=31879831f04424b5&biw=1920&bih=955
  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    There are no mechanical fasteners on this cheap, plastic camera. The housing was snap-fitted

    together, so a flat headed screwdriver was easily able to pry open the case and the electronics wasremoved.

    Noting the button configuration on the camera housing I was able to determine the function of the

    two surface mounted momentary switches on the circuit board. Using a soldering iron, I desoldered

    both existing camera function buttons (power/photo button and the video record button). Thin-core

    wire was soldered to the positive and negative terminals on each button location leaving a long lead

    on each - about 1m (3'). Mini push button switches were soldered to the other end of the wires,

    corresponding to the buttons on the camera.

    To keep the wires organized I wrapped thread around each wire group. This will also help when

    running the wires down the arm and through the cuff later.

    Step 2: Cuff buttons

  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    I wanted the camera to be operable from the jacket cuff. I left a longer lead on my wires to the

    buttons to account for flex in the garment so the wires didn't constrict movement. This design has thecamera on the left breast with the buttons operated on the left-side cuff by closing your hand.

    A small opening was made inside the pocket to install the camera and run the wires. Leaving the

    camera body in the pocket, the wires and buttons were fed through the opening and down the

    sleeve. A small incision was made inside the sleeve where the lining terminates at the cuff. The

    buttons were pulled through this opening and fed though another opening to inside the cuff.

    Finally, one last incision is made on the outside of the cuff, near the cuff edge, and in the inside

    seam so the buttons can be operated without rotating your hand (see picture 2).

    Once buttons are aligned, the button leads were bent flat and each button was sewn securely to the


    Step 3: Installing camera with hook+loop fasteners

  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    I had originally planned on using the camera housing, but to reduce bulk when installed the camera

    housing was removed. The hook and loop fasteners were applied directly to the camera circuit boardaround the camera lens.


    The actual lens of the camera is quite small, around 1mm in diameter. The corresponding opening in

    the breast of the jacket will be slightly larger. Using self adhesive hook and loop fasteners, I placed

    the hook side around the lens in a roughly square shape.


    After locating the place I wanted my camera lens to view from on the front of the jacket, I made a

    small opening by poking a bamboo skewer through the heavy fabric. The opening was reamed until

    the desired width was achieved. Then, with the skewer still inserted, a hobby knife was run along theopening (against the skewer) to trim off excess fabric after reaming. My opening was about 2mm.

    On the the inside of the jacket I used loop fasteners around the opening, using the same roughly

    square pattern I used on the camera. The camera is then fed through the opening in the pocket and

    affixed to the corresponding fasteners, securing the camera in place with the lens aligned with

    an unobstructed view through the opening.

  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    Step 4: Closing thoughts

  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


  • 7/30/2019 Camera Jacket


    After the camera has been installed, the small opening in the pocket where the electronics wereinstalled through should be left open to allow for the camera to be periodically removed for mediadownloading and camera charging.

    The freedom to film and photographing in public is something most of us enjoy and usually don'tthink much about until it is challenged or taken away. Keeping in mind a "reasonable expectation of

    privacy", it is always the responsibility of the recorder to ensure they are operating within theboundaries of their local law, and this method of recording should not be used to infringe onanyone's right to privacy.

    It has been suggested that thePatriot Act,Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act, andUK Terrorism Actsmayallow police (and other agents in positions of authority) to challenge what may be recorded incertain situations and places. This is a grey-area - While these acts are good for certain activities,they are not (and should not) be applied to restrict the freedoms we (as law-abiding citizens) enjoytoday.Camera jacket, when used responsibly, is a great tool for covertly recording your public interactionswith the world and a method to investigate your recordings at your leisure.

    What do you think - should filming police in the course of their duties be outlawed? How would you

    feel knowing a private citizen was filming you when you were out in public?

    Leave your thoughts in the comments below!