Minimal representations via Bessel operators Joachim Hilgert * , Toshiyuki Kobayashi †* , Jan M¨ollers Abstract We construct an L 2 -model of “very small” irreducible unitary repre- sentations of simple Lie groups G which, up to finite covering, occur as conformal groups Co(V ) of simple Jordan algebras V . If V is split and G is not of type A n , then the representations are minimal in the sense that the annihilators are the Joseph ideals. Our construction allows the case where G does not admit minimal representations. In particu- lar, applying to Jordan algebras of split rank one we obtain the entire complementary series representations of SO(n, 1) 0 . A distinguished feature of these representations in all cases is that they attain the min- imum of the Gelfand–Kirillov dimensions among irreducible unitary representations. Our construction provides a unified way to realize the irreducible unitary representations of the Lie groups in question as Schr¨odinger models in L 2 -spaces on Lagrangian submanifolds of the minimal real nilpotent coadjoint orbits. In this realization the Lie al- gebra representations are given explicitly by differential operators of order at most two, and the key new ingredient is a systematic use of specific second-order differential operators (Bessel operators ) which are naturally defined in terms of the Jordan structure. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 22E45; Secondary 17C30, 33E30. Key words and phrases: minimal representation, conformal groups, Jordan algebras, Bessel operators, Schr¨odinger model, complementary series representations, special functions. * Part of this research was done at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in the context of the trimester program “Interaction of Representation Theory with Geometry and Combinatorics” Partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (22340026), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Alexander Humboldt Foundation. Partially supported by the International Research Training Group 1133 “Geometry and Analysis of Symmetries”, and the GCOE program of the University of Tokyo. 1

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London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series: 360

Zariski GeometriesGeometry from the Logician’s Point of View


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Zariski geometries : geometry from the logician’s point of view / Boris Zilber.p. cm. – (London Mathematical Society lecture note series ; 360)

Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-521-73560-5 (pbk.)

1. Zariski surfaces. 2. Geometry, Algebraic. 3. Zariski, Oscar, 1899–1986.I. Title. II. Series.QA573.Z55 2010

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To Tamara, my wife

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Acknowledgments page xi

1 Introduction 11.1 Introduction 11.2 About model theory 7

2 Topological structures 122.1 Basic notions 122.2 Specialisations 14

2.2.1 Universal specialisations 172.2.2 Infinitesimal neighbourhoods 192.2.3 Continuous and differentiable function 22

3 Noetherian Zariski structures 253.1 Topological structures with good dimension notion 25

3.1.1 Good dimension 253.1.2 Zariski structures 26

3.2 Model theory of Zariski structures 273.2.1 Elimination of quantifiers 273.2.2 Morley rank 30

3.3 One-dimensional case 303.4 Basic examples 35

3.4.1 Algebraic varieties and orbifolds over algebraicallyclosed fields 35

3.4.2 Compact complex manifolds 363.4.3 Proper varieties of rigid analytic geometry 383.4.4 Zariski structures living in differentially closed fields 39

3.5 Further geometric notions 403.5.1 Pre-smoothness 40


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viii Contents

3.5.2 Coverings in structures with dimension 433.5.3 Elementary extensions of Zariski structures 44

3.6 Non-standard analysis 503.6.1 Coverings in pre-smooth structures 503.6.2 Multiplicities 533.6.3 Elements of intersection theory 573.6.4 Local isomorphisms 59

3.7 Getting new Zariski sets 623.8 Curves and their branches 69

4 Classification results 784.1 Getting a group 78

4.1.1 Composing branches of curves 794.1.2 Pre-group of jets 82

4.2 Getting a field 884.3 Projective spaces over a Z-field 93

4.3.1 Projective spaces as Zariski structures 934.3.2 Completeness 944.3.3 Intersection theory in projective spaces 954.3.4 Generalised Bezout and Chow theorems 97

4.4 The classification theorem 1004.4.1 Main theorem 1004.4.2 Meromorphic functions on a Zariski set 1014.4.3 Simple Zariski groups are algebraic 103

5 Non-classical Zariski geometries 1055.1 Non-algebraic Zariski geometries 1055.2 Case study 109

5.2.1 The N -cover of the affine line 1095.2.2 Semi-definable functions on PN 1095.2.3 Space of semi-definable functions 1115.2.4 Representation of A 1115.2.5 Metric limit 115

5.3 From quantum algebras to Zariski structures 1205.3.1 Algebras at roots of unity 1225.3.2 Examples 1255.3.3 Definable sets and Zariski properties 134

6 Analytic Zariski geometries 1376.1 Definition and basic properties 137

6.1.1 Closed and projective sets 1386.1.2 Analytic subsets 139

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Contents ix

6.2 Compact analytic Zariski structures 1406.3 Model theory of analytic Zariski structures 1446.4 Specialisations in analytic Zariski structures 1536.5 Examples 155

6.5.1 Covers of algebraic varieties 1556.5.2 Hard examples 159

A Basic model theory 163A.1 Languages and structures 163A.2 Compactness theorem 166A.3 Existentially closed structures 170A.4 Complete and categorical theories 172

A.4.1 Types in complete theories 175A.4.2 Spaces of types and saturated models 177A.4.3 Categoricity in uncountable powers 182

B Elements of geometric stability theory 185B.1 Algebraic closure in abstract structures 185

B.1.1 Pre-geometry and geometry of a minimal structure 186B.1.2 Dimension notion in strongly minimal structures 189B.1.3 Macro- and micro-geometries on a strongly

minimal structure 194B.2 Trichotomy conjecture 200

B.2.1 Trichotomy conjecture 200B.2.2 Hrushovski’s construction of new stable structures 202B.2.3 Pseudo-exponentiation 205

References 207Index 210

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The work on this book started in 1991, and through all these years, many peoplehelped me with their suggestions, questions, and critical remarks. First of all,in 1994 Kobi Peterzil used my very raw lecture notes to write a lecture course,which is now the core of Chapters 3 and 4 of this book. Practically all theexercises in these chapters are his work. Tristram de Piro read the lecture notesin 2000–1, and discussions with him and his further work on the topic had a bigeffect on the content of the book. A lot of the material in Chapter 6 is based onjoint work with Nick Peatfield; explicit references are therein. Assaf Hassonand I worked on a problem related to the content of Chapter 6, and althoughthe work did not result in a paper, it significantly contributed to the contentof the chapter. This chapter has also been essentially influenced by the thesiswritten by Lucy Burton (Smith). Jonathan Kirby made many useful suggestionsand remarks, particularly concerning Chapter 2. I am indebted to Matt Piatkusfor the present form of Lemma 2.2.21. Kanat Kudajbergenov carefully readChapters 2 and 3 of the book at an early stage and made many useful commentsand corrections.


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