Hosted By Melissa Bachmann

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Page 1: 爀屲Allright, looks good, Thank you....\爀屲Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortab對le signing

Hosted By Melissa Bachmann

Presentation Notes
Thank you Ari! Aloha and Mahalo to everyone for coming. Like Ari said, this is the presentation will take you from the beginning to the end of my senior project, Meditation for Stress Reduction Webinar. I am Melissa Bachmann and I am happy to be here tonight. Please give me a smiley face to show me that you can hear me okay. Allright, looks good, Thank you.
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Elementary Teacher in Hawaii - 11 years experience - 2 years as an Online Teacher Discovered Meditation at age 12 - helped headaches - Qigong group as adult, paper published - currently practice Chakra meditation, Affirmations and Visualizations - Level 1 Certified in Healing Touch

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a. No, skeptical about it b. No, but would like to c. Yes, at least once d. Yes, regularly

Presentation Notes
A, maybe you will be more convinced by the end of this presentation B, you can ask me to show you a breathing techniue if there is time after the questions, it only takes a minute C./d. great!
Page 4: 爀屲Allright, looks good, Thank you....\爀屲Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortab對le signing

Purpose The purpose of this instructional design project

was to design and evaluate a webinar on the topic of meditation to change the way adults feel about stress reduction and develop a web page on Facebook.

Presentation Notes
This screen shot if from a Jing recording I put on the FB page to familiarize particpants with the webinar format. I taught elementary school classes online for 2 years using slide shows and Moodle. So, I am comfortable teaching using web conferencing formats. I also plan to explore a career working with health professionals to develop and deliver health lessons.
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If • Stress Causes Illness

• Manning, Jackson & Fulisier, 1996

And • Meditation Reduces Stress

• Hussain & Bhushan, 2010


• Meditation is Beneficial to

Health • Chu, 2009

Presentation Notes
Research has been written over a decade ago that proves Stress causes illness. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and be beneficial to health, yet many adults do not meditate. If more people had a higher health literacy or were exposed to health research findings in an easy to understand manner, I believe we would have a healthier and happier world.
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“According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, only 12 percent of adults have Proficient health literacy. In

other words, nearly 9 out of 10 adults may lack the skills needed

to manage their health and prevent disease”

-U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services encourages health professionals to work with adult educators to develop and deliver health lessons.

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An average of 483 million people log on to use Facebook everyday. Learners can easily interact with each other and the information posted as part of their daily routine.

Presentation Notes
Wanted to have a community of learners, I figured this was the easiest way to integrate into their daily routine. They could receive up dates, easily navigate through the information, and chat with each other in a familiar format.
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“Facebook presents students with choices about how to use technology in creative and useful ways …” EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

Presentation Notes
This quote from The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, in 2006, shows more of the rationale for choosing facebook instead of a weebly or google site to accompany the webinar So, the first thing I did after getting IRB approval was create the M4SR FB page shown here.
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Presentation Notes
The page was designed to be a place where adults can learn about Meditation and participate in a support system that encourages a daily meditation practice. Before the webinar, informative articles, research papers, demonstration videos and audio podcasts of sample meditations were posted. Each link was read, watched or listened to prior to posting to be sure that it would validate meditation as effective and allow participants to explore different kinds of meditations for stress reduction. Care was taken not to include any links that were religiously biased or solely used for the purpose of marketing meditation classes or products. Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortable signing up. In addition to the date and time information of the class, two self-recorded Jing videos were posted. The first one demonstrated how to log on to the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing class, including where to find the link on the Facebook site. The second video showed what to expect once the class started, briefly highlighting the response tools participants could choose to use, and the overall format of the webinar. This shows how the page was automatically reconfigured when facebook altered to the new time line format. Which I actually prefer to the old format b/c more links appear on the screen at the same time.
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-Conferred with 3 Sources: John Moore, meditation expert Transcendental Meditation instructor Jody Hueschen, nurse and teacher Healing Touch International Mary LoVerde, author and speaker, “Life Balance Strategist” -Attended a Meditation Webinar online.

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Power Point Presentation for Webinar


Affective Domain

Gagne’s Nine

Events of Instruction

Presentation Notes
The next thing I did was design my webinar presentation using Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, Techniques for teaching in the affective domain and the slidescool101 module that teaches how to prepare slide shows for education purposes. Using Blackboard Collaborate, two live, interactive webinars were taught to two different groups of adults. Each webinar lasted approximately 1 hour. The webinar allowed participants to see me via the video feature so breathing techniques could be demonstrated and non-verbal communication could be seen. The slides focused on the learning objectives, introduced the Facebook page, and aimed to build a learning community among the participants for ongoing support. Participants were encouraged to respond to questions but it was not a requirement, as detailed in the consent form they filled out prior to attending the webinar.
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Page 14: 爀屲Allright, looks good, Thank you....\爀屲Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortab對le signing

• benefits • explain how • practice • write • visualize • make time • focus

Presentation Notes
This slide came from the webinar and shows the learning objectives. Participants will be able to : state 3 benefits of stress reduction. explain how meditation can decrease stress. practice deep, rhythmic breathing for one minute. write an affirmation you can use to reduce stress. visualize your “happy place” and explain what you imagined referencing at least 2 senses. identify a time in the day you can set aside to meditate. name strategies for reducing distractions during a meditation practice. Each objective was infomally assessed during the webinar and I offered feedback for participants who chose to respond. In some cases participants were asked to give each other feedback as well. The explanations of the relaxation response, diagrams of the body under stress and other benefits of meditation where also presented in the slides.
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- 2 easy breathing techniques - personal affirmations

- a 3-minute visualization

“Increased self-efficacy, that is, a person’s belief in his or her ability to accomplish a desired task, is a key factor in decision-making. A high self-efficacy for a task may mean that a person is more likely to try it”. (HHS)

Presentation Notes
The meditations introduced included two easy breathing techniques, how to write and use personal affirmations, and a 3-minute visualization to give participants simple ways to start their own meditation practice. A quote from the “Quick Guide to Health Literacy” written by the HHS states, “Increased self-efficacy, that is, a person’s belief in his or her ability to accomplish a desired task, is a key factor in decision-making. A high self-efficacy for a task may mean that a person is more likely to try it”. This is why I chose quick, easy to do techniques and had frequent checks for understanding with positive feedback after participants attempted each meditation.
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ETEC Student



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Page 19: 爀屲Allright, looks good, Thank you....\爀屲Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortab對le signing

According to the HHS, “There is a mismatch between the reading level of health information and the reading skills of the public. In addition, there is a mismatch between the communication skills of lay people and health professionals”.

Presentation Notes
The second webinar was taught after their suggestions for improvements were integrated. Suggestions included changes in the flow of the class and several slide revisions. For example, the alternative breathing technique exercise went first to calm everyone, including me, the presenter! (If time at the end, I can teach it to you in a couple of minutes) Long explanations of medical processes were avoided and replaced with clear diagrams and drawings. I spoke slowly and clear because according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012), “People’s ability to understand health information is related to the clarity of the communication. Health professionals’ skills, the burden of medical jargon, and complicated healthcare delivery systems affect health literacy.” elanorlawrence.blogspot.com
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Page 21: 爀屲Allright, looks good, Thank you....\爀屲Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortab對le signing
Page 22: 爀屲Allright, looks good, Thank you....\爀屲Participants were solicited with a Facebook Event so anyone could see who was attending and possibly feel more comfortab對le signing

I asked participants questions during the Webinar to see if Learning Objectives were being met.

They responded in the chat box by choice. Writing Affirmations was the only objective that

was not fully met to my satisfaction. It really needed more time and practice.

One participant was unable use their chat box feature,

but later sent an email stating “You really got my curiousity [sic] up for meditation.

I really enjoyed when I learned.”

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Number of Participants Meditating








Attempted Practicing for Stress Reduction

Before Webinar

After Webinar

Presentation Notes
Now, on to the Results: This graph shows that the webinar provided an opportunity for 6 participants to attempt meditation for the first time. After the webinar, at least 45% of the class started a new practice of meditation for stress reduction. The post-survey was anonymous, so it is assumed that the person using meditation for stress reduction prior to the webinar continued with their practice.
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Appears on a person’s profile wall as something they approve of

Promotes the page to others Sends “Status” updates to “News Feed”

when someone writes on the page Community of Learners

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People who “Like” the Facebook Page

Webinar Participants

Unable to attend

ETEC students


Presentation Notes
When a person likes a page, this shows up on their profile wall for other people to see what that person “Likes”. It also enables the person to receive status updates from the page. In other words, anytime someone posts a link or writes on the Wall of the M4SR page, if you like the page, that posting will appear on your News Feed for you to read when you log on to FB. This graph shows that most “Likes” were from users who were not solicited or were unable to participate in the live webinar. Use pointer to discuss the sections of the graph. The “Others” section was comprised of people that were not my friends on FB, but must have either discovered the page from my friends or maybe a random search? I wanted to run an advertisement to gain attention to the page, but at $50 a pop, and the potential for too many participants, I chose not to. When I solicited people for the webinar with the facebook event, I invited a total of 60 people.
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Chat Box Comments during Webinar: After participants practiced a meditation technique, they were asked how they felt.

I feel relaxed and actually am breathing fully which is not normal for me.

wow just that little bit made me feel so good, i need to do this more often

I am more relaxed then when I began.

It is relaxing, thanks melissa

Presentation Notes
During the webinar, participants immediately experienced stress reduction benefits from the breathing and visualization techniques. This table shows what participants wrote in the chat box when asked how they felt after having a chance to practice the technique. One participant was unable use their chat box feature, but later sent an email stating “You really got my curiousity [sic] up for meditation. I really enjoyed when I learned.”  
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Post Webinar Survey Comments for Question 10: Overall, describe your feelings towards using meditation for stress reduction.

I feel more relaxed and I noticed I try not to fly of the handle. Meditation makes me think relax., relax, relax. Melissa I want to thank you for your presentation. Meditation has reduced my blood pressure 20 points.

I am certainly beginning to be a believer, I have felt less stress.

I feel compelled to incorporate meditation in my daily life more now then ever.

beneficial yet I find clearing the mind can be difficult... but even a little clearing of the mind helps keep me sane!

I think it is highly beneficial, because you can use it anywhere. When I am on my job site, I can use my mantras and affirmations. It helps me not beat myself up.

Presentation Notes
Participants completed the same pre- and post-webinar survey form to assess learning and evaluate if there were any shifts of attitudes regarding using meditation for stress reduction. Most questions were open-ended. Responses indicating a shift of attitude in participants towards using meditation for stress reduction are shown in this Table .
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Recorded Video/ Narrated PPT for each objective • benefits • explain how • practice • write • visualize • make time • focus

Presentation Notes
While immediate feedback and interactivity were a benefit of the live webinar instruction, attendance was low due to unfamiliarity with the web conferencing format or conflicting schedules. Several people who could not attend the webinar requested that another session be held. Posting the power point presentation in a narrated Voicethread format or making a video recording of the webinar in the Blackboard class would most likely have elicited more participants. Although the webinar format may become more popular in the future as web-conferencing becomes more prevalent, this study showed that adults feel too busy or hesitant to participate in live sessions. For future revisions, an asynchronous delivery method could be more beneficial.
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“The way we ‘package’ health information and services can greatly increase self-efficacy” (HHS)

Presentation Notes
Many people are still unsure of how an online webinar works. One participant originally signed up, but then canceled because her webcam was not working. Although she was contacted and assured that was not necessary for her attendance, she still did not log on for the class. Other potential participants may have been just as hesitant to come simply because of their lack of experience with the web conferencing format. Despite the fact that two self-recorded Jing videos were posted. The first one demonstrated how to log on to the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing class, including where to find the link on the Facebook site. The second video showed what to expect once the class started, briefly highlighting the response tools participants could choose to use, and the overall format of the webinar. In addition, not only does the general public need better health information literacy, health professional are learning how to better give information. This picture was from a flyer advertising a webinar. HMO’s are realizing that they need to get in on the social media buzz. http://www.aismedia.com/press/ais-media-ceo-harpointner-featured-on-social-media-webinar-panel-for-health-insurance-industry/
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There are many known health benefits of stress reduction.

A low level of health literacy could be the reason that adults are not developing a practice of Meditation for Stress Reduction.

Presentation Notes
Stress reduction has many known health benefits including lower blood pressure and a stronger immune system. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognizes the relaxation response as having broad health benefits. Meditation triggers the relaxation response and lowers stress hormone levels. Meditation has long been linked to spiritual or religious practices. It is not common knowledge or practice to use it for stress reduction, { for example, there are no ads on TV for meditation. All we see are ads that want to sell us medication, even though meditation has been proven to be just as effective in lowering blood pressure as some medications are. I wonder if Maybe this is b/c it is free to meditate and therefore it is not a big business like the business and marketing of prescription drugs. } The design of the Meditation for Stress Reduction Webinar promoted health literacy through clear communication using layman’s terms. Meditation techniques explained were easy, giving particpants confidence and motivation. The webinar showed examples using pictures and diagrams explaining how meditation reduces stress, participants were allowed to practice the mediations and received feedback from the instructor and peers. http://www.easy-meditation-for-beginners.com/relaxation-response.html
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6 people tried Meditation for the first time 45% of participants started practicing

Meditation for Stress Reduction

Presentation Notes
Participants in the Meditation for Stress Reduction Webinar learned to view meditation as a method to reduce stress and were encouraged make efforts to integrate it into their daily routine. Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction kept participants in an active, social learning mode during the webinar. Affective domain teaching techniques added to the overall success, changing participants’ attitudes towards using meditation for stress reduction. newbieyoga.com Much Mahalos to all my participants, my supportive family and friends and wonderful instructors during this project and the last 2 years of this program!
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Easy to use, familiar page that learners can interact with as a part of their daily routine

“Health websites need to be designed for learners who may

have low health literacy.” (HHS)

Presentation Notes
The Facebook page provided a format adults are familiar with and gave clear access to links. Care was taken to provide information that featured mulitmedia including links to videos and audio podcasts to appeal to all types of learners. It provided a community-based learning environment and chances for participants to ask questions, give peer feedback or share their experiences. The Facebook page featured introductions to different types of meditation with clear evidence from reliable sources to validate meditation’s effectiveness for stress reduction. This study showed that using Facebook to increase health literacy is possible even without using a webinar b/c most of the people who liked the page and some who wrote on the wall did not even attend the webinar. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/37875033/The-Quick-Guide-to-Health-Literacy
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Mahalo Nui Loa! Participants Evaluators Professors “Critical Friends” Family and Husband

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