HEIDIMERIKA.COM.AU Calendula Common name: Calendula, Marigold Botanical/latin name: Calendula officinalis Family: Asteracea/Compositae Active constituents: triterpenoid saponins and flavonoids, carotenoids, bitter principles, essential oils, sterols, mucilage and resin, polysaccharides, minerals including iodine. Actions: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, antifungal, wound healing, immunostimulant properties, antiviral, emmenagogue, spasmolytic, cholagogue, choleretic, hypocholesterolaemic, hypolipidaemic, lymphatic, styptic Energetic qualities: The energetic potential of calendula depends of on how it is used. It can vary from having a cooling and drying potential (Thomsen & Gennat 2009) or can be warm in the first degree and both drying and moistening (Wood 2008) Taste: Indications/uses: External: You can use it for disinfecting and treating minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, chapped or chafed skin, bruises, burns, sunburn, athlete’s foot, acne, yeast infections, bee stings, diaper rashes, eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin, varicose veins and haemorrhoids and other minor irritations and infections of the skin, helps drain pus from infected wounds. It stimulates the production of collagen, which helps minimise scarring and assists with stretch marks. Internal: Mouth ulcers, stomach ulcers, IBS, and crohn’s disease, it is warming to the stomach and helps move heat to the periphery. It is used for irregular periods and period pain, high cholesterol, gallbladder pain, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, high liver enzymes, enlarged lymph nodes, sebaceous cysts, it helps promote sweating in fevers stimulates the immune system to fight infection as well a thinning purulent material so it can be expelled from the body. It is cytoxic to cancer cells depending on extraction methods and cell lines, and also has a role in healing damage from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cautions & Contraindications: Use internally under supervision during pregnancy. Avoid if allergic to the Asteracea/Compositae family THE HERB SESSIONS

Calendula, Marigold Energeti c qual i ti es: Acti ons: F ami l y: … · 2019-01-14 · Co mmo n n ame: Calendula, Marigold E Bo tan i cal / l ati n n ame: Calendula of f icinalis

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Page 1: Calendula, Marigold Energeti c qual i ti es: Acti ons: F ami l y: … · 2019-01-14 · Co mmo n n ame: Calendula, Marigold E Bo tan i cal / l ati n n ame: Calendula of f icinalis


CalendulaCommon name: Calendula, Marigold Botanical/latin name: Calendula officinalis Family: Asteracea/Compositae Active constituents: triterpenoid saponins and flavonoids, carotenoids, bitter principles, essential oils, sterols, mucilage and resin, polysaccharides, minerals including iodine. Actions: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, antifungal, wound healing, immunostimulant properties, antiviral, emmenagogue, spasmolytic, cholagogue, choleretic, hypocholesterolaemic, hypolipidaemic, lymphatic, styptic Energetic qualities: The energetic potential of calendula depends of on how it is used. It can vary from having a cooling and drying potential (Thomsen & Gennat 2009) or can be warm in the first degree and both drying and moistening (Wood 2008) Taste: Indications/uses: External: You can use it for disinfecting and treating minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, chapped or chafed skin, bruises, burns, sunburn, athlete’s foot, acne, yeast infections, bee stings, diaper rashes, eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin, varicose veins and haemorrhoids and other minor irritations and infections of the skin, helps drain pus from infected wounds. It stimulates the production of collagen, which helps minimise scarring and assists with stretch marks. Internal: Mouth ulcers, stomach ulcers, IBS, and crohn’s disease, it is warming to the stomach and helps move heat to the periphery. It is used for irregular periods and period pain, high cholesterol, gallbladder pain, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, high liver enzymes, enlarged lymph nodes, sebaceous cysts, it helps promote sweating in fevers stimulates the immune system to fight infection as well a thinning purulent material so it can be expelled from the body. It is cytoxic to cancer cells depending on extraction methods and cell lines, and also has a role in healing damage from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cautions & Contraindications: Use internally under supervision during pregnancy. Avoid if allergic to the Asteracea/Compositae family


Page 2: Calendula, Marigold Energeti c qual i ti es: Acti ons: F ami l y: … · 2019-01-14 · Co mmo n n ame: Calendula, Marigold E Bo tan i cal / l ati n n ame: Calendula of f icinalis


Calendula Dose Dry herb 3-12g per day Liquid extract 10-30mls per week of a 1:2 preparation Drop Dose 10 - 60 drops 3 -4 times per day Clinical trials and further study To view a list of recent clinical trials, studies and reviews on calendula copy and paste the URL below into your browser https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/1RW0b xc2Yylki/collections/57499326/public/


Page 3: Calendula, Marigold Energeti c qual i ti es: Acti ons: F ami l y: … · 2019-01-14 · Co mmo n n ame: Calendula, Marigold E Bo tan i cal / l ati n n ame: Calendula of f icinalis


Calendula Infused Oil


Ingredients Organic Olive oil, Rice Bran oil or Sweet Almond oil Organic calendula flowers (make sure specie is calendula officinalis

Method 1. If using fresh Calendula allow them to completely dry in a warm well-ventilated space for 1-2 weeks to remove most of the moisture (too much moisture will cause the oil to go rancid). To dry flowers quickly use a dehydrator and dehydrate for 12 hours. 2. Place Calendula flowers in a clean, dry glass jar. 3. Pour olive oil into the jar, making sure to cover the flowers by at least 3 cm of oil so they will have space to expand. 4. Stir well and cap the jar tightly. 5. Place the jar in a warm, sunny windowsill and shake once or more per day. 6. After 4-6 weeks, strain the herbs out using cheesecloth. 7. Pour the infused oil into glass bottles 8. Lable bottle with ingredients and date 9. Store in a cool dark place. 10. Oil will last 2-3 years if stored in a cool dark place.

Page 4: Calendula, Marigold Energeti c qual i ti es: Acti ons: F ami l y: … · 2019-01-14 · Co mmo n n ame: Calendula, Marigold E Bo tan i cal / l ati n n ame: Calendula of f icinalis


Calendula Ointment


Ingredients Basic Ointment Recipe: 90ml herbal infused oil 10g beeswax Vegan Ointment Recipe: 92 ml infused oil 8g candelilla wax Compound Ointment Recipe: 75 – 80ml infused oil 10g beeswax 10ml tincture 10-20 drops essential oil

Method 1. Measure the wax and and grate or cut into small pieces 2. Add the herbal infused oil and place in a double boiler or bain marie. 3. Bring to the boil then turn to a simmer and heat over a low heat until the wax is fully melted stirring occasionally. If adding tincture pour it in slowly now whilst whisking lightly with a fork. 4. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly but not set. You can test the consistency of the ointment by dipping the tip of a spoon into it. If needed you can return it to the heat and add a bit more oil/wax until you get it just right.

Page 5: Calendula, Marigold Energeti c qual i ti es: Acti ons: F ami l y: … · 2019-01-14 · Co mmo n n ame: Calendula, Marigold E Bo tan i cal / l ati n n ame: Calendula of f icinalis


Calendula Ointment


5. While the ointment is still liquid, stir in the essential oils 6. Pour into glass jars and cap immediately to stop the volatile oils from evaporating. 7. Allow to cool and set completely before using. 8. Label jar with ingredients and date.