Sustainer of Our life I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the Lord sustains me…(Psalm 3:5) Lying down, sleeping and waking are some of the most common routines of our life. They are such ordinary things that no one even considers them magical or special. When we want to go to sleep, we go to sleep. Once it is time to wake up, we wake up. It is the typical cycle of our biological life. Then, how did waking and sleeping become the special theme for a psalm in the Bible praising and giving thanks to God? David, known as the author, wrote Psalm 3 when he was on the run from his son, Absalom who had rebelled against him. David had to flee with such urgency that he had no time to put on shoes: he fled barefoot. He was not able to sleep, since Absalom’s army chased him all day and all night. While on the run, David came to realize that even the ordinariness of sleeping and waking should not be taken for granted as just a natural cycle of life, but should also be considered as God’s abiding sustainment and protection. This reminds me of an experience reported by a survivor of a World War II Nazi concentration camp. He witnessed that overnight the person next to him had died due to hard labor, starvation, and disease; there was now a cold corpse next to him. In the camps there were many people who could not survive through the night. The survivor went on to acknowledge that even our ordinary sleeping and waking do not happen according to our ability or will or our natural metabolic cycle, but with the help of God’s grace and care. After verse 5, King David continues: “I am not afraid of tens of thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around since deliverance belongs to the Lord; may his blessing be on your people.” In his suffering and distress, David found and relied on the powerful and delivering hand of God who sustained and kept him delivered out of harm’s way in his life even without his knowledge. We are now looking forward to seeing the New Year of 2018. As we look back on the year 2017, many of us may have endured countless difficulties and afflictions in life. I expect the next year will not be too different. Sometimes, like David, we may feel like ten thousands of afflictions have been set out against us all around. We may face all kinds of dangers and suffering throughout the New Year, but we do not fret, because our God is with us sharing his loving care and protection. We believe that deliverance belongs to our God who keeps sustaining and protecting our lives. We can find this faith even in our ordinary routines such as sleeping and waking everyday. Amen. In this Issue Page 1 Calendar/Sustainer of Our Life Page 2 Message from the President/Music Ministry/Benevolence Page 3-4 Prayer Section/A Salute to Our Members/Bible Study Notes/Advent Page 5 Oktoberfest/500 th Anniversary Page 6-8 Special & December Events Page 9-10 Birthday Celebration/Special Birthday Page 11 Council Report Page 12-14 News from the Pews Page 15 Trivia Corner Page 16-19 Serving in Worship 10774 Rhode Island Avenue, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 (301) 937-7646 www.APLChurch.org Calendar Every Wednesday 6:30 pm Bible Study 7:50 pm Choir Practice January 6 th Saturday Season of Epiphany begins 7 th Sunday Baptism of our Lord Un-green the church 28 th Sunday Annual Congregational Meeting February 11 th Sunday Transfiguration of Our Lord Festive Day before Lent 14 th Wednesday Ash Wed. Service 7:00 pm (Lent Begins) 21 st Wednesday Soup Supper & Mid-Week Lenten Service Begins March 10 th Saturday First Day of the Korean School Spring Semester 11 th Sunday Daylight Saving Time Begins 25 th Sunday Passion/Palm Sunday Holy Week Begins 29 th & 30 th Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Services 7:00 pm April 1 st Sunday Easter Potluck Brunch Volume 23 Winter Issue 2018

Calendar Sustainer of Our lifeaplchurch.org/newsletters/vol23-2018.pdf · 2018. 10. 3. · Sustainer of Our life “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the Lord sustains me…”(Psalm

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  • Sustainer of Our life

    “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the

    Lord sustains me…” (Psalm 3:5)

    Lying down, sleeping and waking are some of the most common routines of

    our life. They are such ordinary things that

    no one even considers them magical or

    special. When we want to go to sleep, we go

    to sleep. Once it is time to wake up, we wake

    up. It is the typical cycle of our biological

    life. Then, how did waking and sleeping

    become the special theme for a psalm in the

    Bible praising and giving thanks to God?

    David, known as the author, wrote

    Psalm 3 when he was on the run from his

    son, Absalom who had rebelled against him.

    David had to flee with such urgency that he

    had no time to put on shoes: he fled barefoot.

    He was not able to sleep, since Absalom’s

    army chased him all day and all night. While

    on the run, David came to realize that even

    the ordinariness of sleeping and waking

    should not be taken for granted as just a

    natural cycle of life, but should also be

    considered as God’s abiding sustainment and


    This reminds me of an experience

    reported by a survivor of a World War II

    Nazi concentration camp. He witnessed that

    overnight the person next to him had died

    due to hard labor, starvation, and disease;

    there was now a cold corpse next to him. In

    the camps there were many people who

    could not survive through the night. The

    survivor went on to acknowledge that even

    our ordinary sleeping and waking do not

    happen according to our ability or will or our

    natural metabolic cycle, but with the help of

    God’s grace and care.

    After verse 5, King David continues:

    “I am not afraid of tens of thousands of

    people who have set themselves against me

    all around since deliverance belongs to the

    Lord; may his blessing be on your people.”

    In his suffering and distress, David found

    and relied on the powerful and delivering

    hand of God who sustained and kept him

    delivered out of harm’s way in his life even

    without his knowledge.

    We are now looking forward to

    seeing the New Year of 2018. As we look

    back on the year 2017, many of us may have

    endured countless difficulties and afflictions

    in life. I expect the next year will not be too

    different. Sometimes, like David, we may

    feel like ten thousands of afflictions have

    been set out against us all around. We may

    face all kinds of dangers and suffering

    throughout the New Year, but we do not fret,

    because our God is with us sharing his

    loving care and protection. We believe that

    deliverance belongs to our God who keeps

    sustaining and protecting our lives. We can

    find this faith even in our ordinary routines

    such as sleeping and waking everyday. Amen.

    In this Issue

    Page 1

    Calendar/Sustainer of Our Life

    Page 2

    Message from the President/Music


    Page 3-4

    Prayer Section/A Salute to Our

    Members/Bible Study Notes/Advent

    Page 5

    Oktoberfest/500th Anniversary

    Page 6-8

    Special & December Events

    Page 9-10

    Birthday Celebration/Special Birthday

    Page 11

    Council Report

    Page 12-14

    News from the Pews

    Page 15

    Trivia Corner

    Page 16-19

    Serving in Worship

    10774 Rhode Island Avenue, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 (301) 937-7646



    Every Wednesday

    6:30 pm Bible Study

    7:50 pm Choir Practice


    6th Saturday Season of Epiphany begins

    7th Sunday

    Baptism of our Lord

    Un-green the church

    28th Sunday

    Annual Congregational



    11th Sunday

    Transfiguration of Our Lord

    Festive Day before Lent

    14th Wednesday

    Ash Wed. Service

    7:00 pm (Lent Begins)

    21st Wednesday

    Soup Supper &

    Mid-Week Lenten

    Service Begins


    10th Saturday

    First Day of the Korean

    School Spring Semester

    11th Sunday

    Daylight Saving Time Begins

    25th Sunday

    Passion/Palm Sunday

    Holy Week Begins

    29th & 30th

    Maundy Thursday & Good

    Friday Services

    7:00 pm


    1st Sunday


    Potluck Brunch

    Volume 23 Winter Issue 2018

  • Page 2

    Message from the President

    I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. During the Christmas holiday our church members

    participated in several outreach programs. We helped with the collection of canned food and toys for

    the holiday food and gift program sponsored by the Women’s Community Club of Beltsville. We also

    donated to Gifts of Hope and the Maryland Food Bank. Thanks to everyone for your generosity in

    giving to these programs. They were all a huge success.

    We had a very nice spread at our Christmas pot luck brunch and cookie exchange, and we had lots of

    fun at our Chinese gift exchange, on December 17, 2017. Again, thanks to everyone for making these

    traditional events very successful.

    As we are about to welcome in the New Year and reflect on all that is happening in our lives and

    around the world, we must be aware God’s presence in our life and be thankful for all the blessings

    God has bestowed upon us during the past year. We must also look forward to a good year and not

    forget to make some new resolutions and set some goals for the New Year. Maybe we will repeat

    some of those that we set for last year that we tried so hard to keep, but could not. Best wishes to all

    of you with your New Year’s resolutions, and I hope you have a happy, healthy, and blessed New


    The church council has already started preparing for the New Year and is busy planning for our

    annual congregational meeting to be held on January 28, 2018.

    Finally, I want to thank all of you for making our church such a beautiful place in which to worship.

    May God continue to bless all of you. Have a great year!

    Annie Gajadhar, President

    Music Ministry

    Abiding Presence is privileged to have our wonderful and faithful choir members: Rich

    Moore, Steve McKisson, and Donna Mertens (when she is in town.☺). Each week, they

    greatly enrich our worship service by offering their gift of song. This past Christmas

    Eve, Bette Deller, Annie Gajadhar, and Nathan Na made our service extra special by

    joyfully accompanying the choir with the bells. They all truly live by the directive

    proclaimed in Psalm 95:2, “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him

    with music and song.” Abiding Presence is truly blessed!

    Laura Kalshoven, Choir Director/Pianist


    From Thanksgiving through the Advent Season, our members again expressed their gratitude through

    generosity to The Maryland Food Bank, the synod’s Gifts of Hope program, and the Women’s Club of

    Beltsville holiday food and toy drive. It is too early for totals, but we will report them in the spring


    All budgeted benevolence for 2017 has been paid.

    Anna Graeber,

    Outreach Committee

  • Page 3

    In Our Prayers: Members: Anna Graeber, Laura Kalshoven, Martha McKisson, Ming Yee Chen,

    and Betty Wellborn Our Friends: Bernadine, Bob, Dale, Paul, David, Jerry, Jimmy, Ji-young, Julia,

    Kathy, Kevin, Kristine, Les, Linda, Lisa, Martin, Michael, Mick, Raz, Carl, Steven, Mike, Sam,

    Richard, Samantha, Jamie, John, Tom, Harold, Ricardo, Chris, Richard, Li, Walter, Wayne, Wol-Mak

    Park, and Zally.

    Happy Birthday to: Jan Kalshoven (1/1), Jongkil Na (1/20), Marlon Gajadhar(2/10), Sherlon

    Gajadhar(2/10), Ming Yee Chen (2/24), Josephine Kalshoven (2/25), Stephanie Boyd(3/1), Chris

    Ham (3/18), Joshua Ham (3/19), Pat Thornberg (3/20), Martha McKisson (3/22), Betty Wellborn

    (4/8), and Ramesh Das (4/20)

    A Salute to Our Members – Jeanne Byrnes

    In this issue we want you to get to know one of our members we don't see often enough! Jeanne

    (Behnke) Byrnes splits her "church time" between us and another Lutheran church, but we won't hold

    that against her as she actually belongs to Abiding Presence and was raised and married in our church.

    She and husband, Jim, were married by Pastor Taylor, and their two boys were baptized by him.

    Jeanne's parents and grandparents (who started Behnke's Nursery) were members of Abiding

    Presence, but when she was growing up her Dad was in the Air Force so they lived in many places.

    When her dad retired from the Air Force, her parents settled in Beltsville - helping out with the

    nursery business. Jeanne and her brother put in time at the nursery, but that was not to be her calling.

    She graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in Computer Science and swiftly

    landed a job with NASA at The Goddard Space Flight Center. There she met her husband, and before

    long their two sons, Ian and Christian arrived. Ian is in Norway, having gotten his doctorate in

    radiation physics. Christian works for a computer company specializing in making games.

    Jeanne's responsibilities include oversight of 12 data centers associated with NASA which are located

    all over the US. Consequently, she travels! This leaves little time for other pursuits, but she is a

    conscientious daughter who keeps in close contact with her mother, Ellie, living in southern Maryland.

    Her dad, Roland, died several years ago. Ellie does wonderful needlepoint work, and was very helpful

    in the production of our kneeling cushions that we still use today.

    In her meagre spare time, she enjoys music, and movies, but she fondly remembers being a

    participant in CROP walks with other Abiding Presence teens, as well as other Social Ministry

    pursuits of the years long ago.

    We are grateful for having had the whole Behnke family associated with Abiding Presence for many,

    many years.

    Bible Study Notes

    It is known that Paul wrote five letters, three of which survive, to the church in

    Corinth. This correspondence attests to Paul’s enduring relationship with the

    Corinthian church, a longer relationship than with any other of the congregations

    he helped plant. The three surviving letters are 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians

    chapters 1-9, and 2 Corinthians chapters 10-13. Thus, 2 Corinthians is not a single

    letter but a combination of 2 letters around the same general time period in the

    mid-50s of the first century, but each addresses different situations.

  • Page 4

    We moved on from 1 Corinthians to 2 Corinthians after Pastor returned from South Korea in

    November. 1 Corinthians reflects Paul’s sense of what the freedom in the Gospel means (not a license

    for quarrel, division, sexual immorality, etc.), the role and nature of love, the distinction between the

    Greek notion of wisdom and God’s wisdom, and his views on topics such as marriage. In 2

    Corinthians Paul addressed the Corinthians criticism of his ministry to them. Therefore, we can peek

    into Paul’s individual and personal perspectives in dealing with pressure under sharp attack in 2


    Prior to the writing of 2 Corinthians, the congregation had express complaints against Paul: he had

    postponed coming to them and had apparently written things to them that caused them pain. Calling

    on God as his witness, Paul defends himself saying that that he makes decisions with sincerity and frankness by God’s grace, not by earthly wisdom. He tries to convince them that certain actions he

    made were to spare them with his love and care, not with indifference. It is interesting and

    simultaneously perhaps a little embarrassing to see that the most prominent theologian in the New

    Testament, who is also responsible for the spread of Christianity all over the world, had to deal with

    ordinary grudges that are still common in churches even today.

    Paul was not for ‘everyone’ after all. He was just a human being. In other words, he had limits and

    weaknesses along with brilliant talents and a deep sense of calling. He was not daunted at all,

    however, regarding the distress and anguish the criticisms may have caused. With patience he waded

    through them with a wide range of arguments supported by a sophisticated mastery of Greco-Roman

    rhetoric, and especially, through faith and power in Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection present

    in his own ministry.

    Season of Advent

    Advent is a church season that is four weeks long in which we are to prepare our hearts for Jesus’

    birth. In the seventh century before Christ, Isaiah wrote many of his prophecies to comfort the Israeli

    nation in a time of great uncertainty, especially in relation to regional conflicts, the fall of Jerusalem,

    the exile to Babylonia, and the eventual return from the exile. In our time, many churches have short

    litanies for each week in Advent that express the beautiful verses found in Isaiah’s writings. Each

    week emphases one of four ideas: hope, love, peace, joy.

    The first week is about hope. The advent wreath is symbolic of these four ideas. Indigo, blue or

    purple candles represent each idea. As the weeks go on, a new candle is lit and added to what already

    has been lit. The second week, two candles are lit. One is the hope candle from the first week and

    then a second one is for peace and comfort. The third week is about joy, and the fourth is love. Many

    wreaths have a white, fifth candle in the middle to represent Christ the light. Day has come, and the

    fifth candle is lit on Christmas Eve and Christmas.

    For each week, there is a scripture related to the ideas. In Advent of 2017, the Old Testament readings


    Week Idea

    1 Hope Isaiah 64:1-9

    2 Peace Isaiah 40:1-11

    3 Joy Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

    4 Love Luke 1:46-55 (Mary’s Magnificat)

    5 Light Isaiah 9:2-7 (Candle is lit on Christmas)

    Quietly meditate on these verses and the changes Christ brought to the world. Imagine what a surprise

    the three kings must have felt when they saw the baby Jesus! Listen to The Messiah by Handel as

    well for several of Isaiah prophecies are set to music.

    Richard Moore

  • Page 5

    Oktoberfest & Celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

    On October 29, 2017 our church held a combination

    Oktoberfest and Reformation celebration at Abiding

    Presence. The décor was Bavarian and the program was

    about the Reformation. We had a delicious potluck, which

    included some German food and root beer bottled to look

    like real beer bottles! Lunch was followed by a program featuring

    activities about Martin Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. We also

    celebrated Murzeena Gajadhar’s October birthday.

    The program began with a quiz about Martin Luther. Next came two short entertaining videos about

    Luther, a rap about famous Lutherans, and a musical rendition of Luther’s song, “A Mighty Fortress

    is Our God,” which later became the hymn of the Reformation. Following that was a cartoon video of

    chickens and roosters dancing the chicken dance, which is traditionally danced at all Oktoberfests.

    Last, we played a game of “Pin-the-Theses-on-the-Church-Door.” Lydia Kalshoven painted a

    wonderful church door for us, and everyone seemed to enjoy being blindfolded, spun around, and

    dizzily trying to stick their miniature copy of the 95 theses on the Luther rose. Ann LaVigna’s aunt

    crocheted 10 small monks holding crosses, which we used for prizes. They were perfect! Attendees

    were sent home with handouts to read and complete, including a short biography of Luther, a maze to

    help Luther find his hammer and a Luther rose to color with an explanation of what the colors mean.

    It was a day of forgetfulness. Annie forgot to bring the skirt to her Dirndl costume so had to keep her

    slacks on and camouflage it with a long apron. Bette forgot the boxes of pencils she had for the

    Luther quiz and had to scramble around the office to find enough pencils and pens for the attendees.

    Jan forgot to bring his laptop computer and the cables to connect it to the projector that Chris Ham

    left for us to use. Like a trouper, though, Jan found a way to rig things up and make it all work out,

    and I think everyone had a good time.

    Lydia’s Church Door Our Men in Tyrolean Hats Three Ladies in German Dirndls

    Another Table of Members Honoring Murzeena’s Birthday Holding Our Crocheted Monks

  • Page 6

    Special Events

    Dinner at T.J.’s in Beltsville – October 25, 2017

    A few people from church took Anna Graeber and her sister, Martha, to dinner to enjoy some time together and wish Anna well before her surgery that was scheduled for October 30th. The social

    committee made the arrangements and took Anna a potted flower and card from the congregation.

    Martha was given some Maryland souvenirs, with which she was very pleased. All had a good meal

    and a good time!

    Holiday Bus Trip – November 30, 2017

    Pat Thornberg and Bette Deller celebrated the magic of the

    Christmas season early this year! They went on a bus trip to

    Lancaster, PA on November 30th with a local senior citizen group

    called the Beltsville Young at Heart Club to see a special Christmas

    variety show at the American Music Theater entitled Home for the

    Holidays. This was a musical extravaganza featuring the American Music Theater’s singers, dancers,

    and orchestra performing some favorite holiday songs and hymns. The singing and dancing were

    wonderful. The stage sets were colorful and festive. The costuming was beautiful, and the portrayal of

    the holiday traditions we all look forward to each year put to music was very creative and


    The trip included the bus ride up and back, lunch before the show

    at the Hershey Farm Restaurant in Strasburg, Pennsylvania, and

    time to browse in the souvenir shop right next door to the

    restaurant after lunch before boarding the bus again to head over

    to the show in Lancaster. Pat and Bette both had a wonderful time,

    and the show really helped put them in the mood for the holidays!

    It was a great show! They wished more of you from church could

    have come along on this one.

  • Page 7

    December Events

    The Greening of the Church – December 10th was the date chosen to decorate the

    church for Christmas. The social committee, Annie Gajadhar and Bette Deller, hung

    six wreaths on the sanctuary windows, and tacked greens around the doorways of each

    office and room and the sanctuary ahead of that date to make it easier. The tree and

    cross in the lobby were decorated beautifully with beads, ornaments, and lights by

    other members on Sunday morning. It was a great time of fun and fellowship.

    Cookie Exchange – Five members participated in our Christmas cookie exchange on December 17th this year: Jan Kalshoven, Laura Kalshoven, Annie Gajadhar, Gene Lehr,

    and Bette Deller. Each participant baked and packaged six or more cookies to exchange

    with the other participants and baked an additional dozen or so to share with church

    members at the holiday brunch held on that day. Each participant went home with a nice assortment

    of cookies baked by others to share with their family and holiday guests, and the congregation

    enjoyed some of those baked by each at our holiday brunch.

    This Year’s Cookie Bakers Bette Deller, Gene Lehr, Annie Gajadhar, Jan Kalshoven, and Laura Kalshoven

    Our 2017 Christmas Brunch – A holiday brunch was held on December 17th. The

    food was delicious, as usual, and included many tasty dishes including some Korean

    favorites. For dessert we had a delicious cake baked by Gene Lehr and a wide array

    of delicious Christmas cookies baked by those who participated in the cookie

    exchange. All enjoyed a wonderful meal and some tasty desserts on this Sunday

    before Christmas!

  • Page 8

    Chinese Gift Exchange – This game has become an annual tradition at Abiding

    Presence and one that is greatly enjoyed. Those who participated brought a wrapped gift

    that would be suitable for either a man or woman priced at or under $20. The

    participants then drew numbers to determine the order in which they would choose a

    gift for themselves. When their turn came, they could either choose a gift from the gift table or take

    one away from someone else. This year there was a lot of gift stealing going on, which made the

    game a real laughing event.

    It was a riot due to all of the “gift stealing” from one another that went on.

    Keisun Na was the first one to steal a gift, taking a beautiful reversible blanket

    away from Annie Gajadhar. Later, Julia Kalshoven stole the sleep collar that Pat

    Thornberg had received. Nick Hajek then stole the sleep collar from Julia so Julia

    stole the blanket from Keisun, who had stolen it earlier from Annie. Keisun now

    got another turn so she stole the candles from Jason Kalshoven. Jason then stole

    the sleep collar from Nick so Nick took his new turn to steal the flash light and insulated water bottle

    from Laura Kalshoven that she had chosen from the gift table. Laura was now without a gift so she

    chose the last one on the table, and it was a beautiful wooden platter with 4 coasters. Somewhere in

    all the confusion, Jan Kalshoven stole the tin of cookies from his daughter, Lydia, who was thrilled at

    the chance to choose another gift and loved the small ceramic soup bowls & pot she drew. At the end

    each participant who brought a gift went home with a gift from someone else, and we were all rolling

    with laughter during all the swapping of gifts during this year’s gift exchange game.

    Annie Gajadhar begins the Game Nick Hajek, Julia, Laura, Jan, Jason, Lydia Keisun laughs after gift stealing Kalshoven

    Advent Worship Service on December 24th – This year Christmas Eve Day fell on

    a Sunday so Abiding Presence had two worship services on that day. One was held at

    9:30 in the morning and one was a candlelight service held at 7:30 that night. The

    morning service was festive with the singing of traditional Christmas hymns, a

    beautiful choir anthem, and a wonderful sermon delivered by Pastor Na. The church

    looked festive after the greening that was done on December 10th, and the members

    were filled with the Christmas spirit. It was a delightful service, and we all looked forward to the

    candlelight service planned for that evening with a church full of poinsettias and lots of candlelight.

    This is such a beautiful and exciting time of year! Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service – On Sunday evening, December 24th, we had a beautiful candlelight service of worship at 7:00 pm. Red jar candles were lit

    in each of the six sanctuary windows, and members filed in carrying small white

    candles and singing the Christmas carol entitled Silent Night. The altar floor and the

    tabletops throughout the sanctuary and foyer were adorned with gorgeous red

    poinsettias covered in gold foil pot covers from Behnkes, and the Christmas tree in the corner of the

    foyer looked beautiful with its white lights and gold and white ornaments. The cross in the foyer was

    also decorated with gold beads. The church looked beautiful for the celebration of Christ’s birth! The

    choir sang special Christmas music, and Annie Gajadhar, Nathan Na, and Bette Deller played hand

    bells along with the choir anthem adding a special nuance to the music.

  • Page 9

    Birthday Celebrations

    As is our custom, we put a candle in whatever dessert we had and sang Happy Birthday to members

    who showed up at church on a Sunday near their birthdays in September, October, November,

    December. Here are the members with whom we celebrated during the fall of 2017.

    Annie Gajadhar – September 3rd Gene Lehr – September 11th Julia Kalshoven – October 2nd

    Murzeena Gajadhar – October 18th Jean Opeka – November 17th Jason Kalshoven – December 13th

    Special Birthday Celebration

    Jan Kalshoven turned 70 on January 1, 2018 so we decided to surprise

    him with a special observance during our coffee hour on Sunday,

    December 31st. Even though Jan is not an official member of our church,

    he feels like one of us. He comes to worship with us often and offers so

    much to our discussions during coffee hour! He has also frequently

    shared his technological and engineering knowledge with us and helped

    us resolve some issues in those areas. We also love his snow cone

    machine, which he generously leaves in our church to enjoy using

    whenever we like.

  • Page 10

    We consider Jan one of our own, and we really appreciate all that he has contributed to our church

    life so we took a little money from the social committee funds and bought him a couple of small gifts.

    One of them was a special photo frame with his birth year and this year engraved on it (1948 and

    2018) and a group photo of some of the church members taken this December inserted into it. Along

    with this, we added a bottle of wine with a special birthday label on it to help him celebrate at home

    and to remind him of this special birthday. We of course sang “Happy Birthday” to him and took a

    photo of that and then enjoyed some special refreshments provided by the social committee for the

    coffee hour on that day. Happy Birthday, Jan!!

  • Page 11

    Council Report

    September - Pastor Na thanked Billy Clark for handling our billing issues

    with PNC and WSSC and for taking care of our HVAC maintenance, exit

    and ceiling lights and malfunctioning hot water heater. The pastor also

    thanked the publication committee for their work, the fellowship committee

    for the pizza party and ice cream social, and the Kalshovens for providing a

    snow cone machine. He also thanked Jean Opeka for giving us a new

    printer/copier. Laura Kalshoven was given permission to use the church for weekly Girl Scout

    meetings again this year. Pastor announced that he would be visiting his parents in South Korea for 3

    weeks in October. We made plans for the Oktoberfest and the celebration of the 500th anniversary of

    the Lutheran Reformation to be held on October 29th. October – Bette Deller reported on the fellowship committee’s plans for the Oktoberfest on October

    29th. The décor and menu will be in keeping with an Oktoberfest theme, and the program will focus

    on Martin Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. The program is to include a quiz on Luther, a game

    of pin-the-theses on the church door, and some short entertaining videos about Luther and the

    Reformation. Ann LaVigna will provide prizes for the games.

    Billy Clark reported on the situation with WSSC and the need to repair or replace our hot water

    heater. We discussed reducing the size of our ad in the Beltsville news to cut the cost in half. Anna

    Graeber will contact the Beltsville news about it, and Bette Deller will design a new ad. Gene Lehr

    volunteered to place an ad in the Greenbelt newspaper for November and December and suggested

    that others could pay for an ad in that paper from time to time. We planned to get a group together to

    take Anna Graeber and her sister Martha from Germany to dinner before Anna’s upcoming surgery.

    We voted to accept Laura Kalshoven as Anna’s replacement as Treasurer during Anna’s recovery.

    November – Pastor Na thanked everyone for their support during his three-week absence while he

    visited his parents in South Korea. Billy Clark announced that the hot water heater has been fixed.

    Pastor Na thanked the council for their work on changing the Beltsville News ad to a smaller version.

    Pastor Na visited Anna Graeber on November 11th following her October 30th surgery and reported

    that she is doing well. He has also been visiting Ming Yee Chen at Riderwood every Saturday to keep

    her spirits up and to provide socialization.

    We discussed the repair of our organ, which no longer works. Due to its age, parts for it are no longer

    made and even if a part could be found, it would cost about $1000 to fix. We will continue to look for

    a solution. We also discussed our outreach programs for the holiday season. Again, this year we will

    participate in the Gifts of Hope charity and the Maryland Food Bank. A publications committee

    meeting was announced for this month to plan the January issue of the newsletter. The budget

    committee will work on the budget for 2018. We also made plans for the Christmas events for

    December and the dates for each were announced. Pastor announced that there will be two services on

    Christmas Eve since it falls on a Sunday this year. One will be the regular 9:30 am worship service

    and the other an evening candlelight service at 7:00 p.m.

    December – There was no council meeting held in December. The next council meeting will be on

    January 7th to make plans for the Annual Congregational meeting on January 28, 2018.

    Bette Deller, Council Secretary

  • Page 12

    News from the Pews

    - Anna Graeber is now recovering slowly (as is to be expected) after her 12-hour surgery for pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) at Johns Hopkins. PMP is a hard-to-detect and rare cancer striking about 1 on 100,000 people. A tumor in the appendix grows and eventually bursts through the wall of the appendix into the abdominal cavity, where the released mucinous material spreads cancer cells. Surgery attempts to remove as many cancerous cells as possible. If all goes well, the one-time bathing of the abdominal cavity in heated chemotherapy (during surgery) is the only chemo. Regaining appetite, weight gain, and strength are her present challenges. Anna give thanks for the congregation’s prayers and assistance. - Ming Yee Chen is able to get around in a wheel chair after breaking her hip last year. With the assistance of trusted aides, she enjoys watching television, and hearing from her girls and grandchildren, as she did on Christmas Day. - Betty Wellborn is unable to join us at church because of bouts of vertigo, but otherwise she feels generally well. The usual aches and pains of age appear, but she is fortunate to have loving family nearby, and spends her time curled up with good books and listening to the radio. - On Saturday, December 16, Stephanie Boyd Gajadhar graduated from the University of Maryland

    University College. She received her bachelor's degree majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Human Resources Management. With a lot of hard work and dedication, she received her degree in three and a half years while also working full time. Additionally, she was a part of the Alpha Sigma Lambda honors society throughout her college career. Next up.... her master's degree in business after a well-earned vacation and time off.

    - Pastor Na paid a visit to his parents in South Korea back in October. His father has been ill and slowly recovering. He spent very meaningful time with them for mountain hiking, shopping at Korean traditional markets, worshipping together at his father’s church, and having plenty of conversations about his whole family history from 1930s before Korea was divided into North and South. It was really hard for him to leave them alone there because none of immediate family members had survived in town since his brother untimely passed away in 2009. He is planning to visit them more often. - Chris Ham runs an after school supplemental education program, Kumon Math and Reading center, to help kids to do better. On the other hand, he has been working as a full time Program Manager at a US defense contractor, Raytheon Company, pursuing many new military programs in South Korea. In 2017, he made many trips to South Korea and other places around the world to support Raytheon’s current programs and new business pursuits. (He missed lots of Sunday services at APLC, though)

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    The fun facts about his trips to South Korea in 2017 are as follows... 1. He made total of TEN (10) business trips to South Korea (Every 1.2 months on average) 2. Total flight time "in the air" was 270 hours (14 hours outbound + 13 hours inbound = 27 hours round trip X 10 trips = 270 hours) 3. This is equivalent to 1.57 months in the air if you fly 8 hours per day for 5 days a week 4. He stayed total of 73 nights at various Hyatt hotels in Korea (according to Chris' World of Hyatt account) and 20 more days in non-Hyatt hotels. 5. Rental Car? (too many, lost count, had an accident in Korea, too) 6. Met Pastor Na and Mrs. Na in Seoul, Korea, and took them around for a day. 7. Plus about 7 additional trips to other places including US domestic, South America, and etc. As a result, Chris has 2 herniated disks on his back and lost lots of family time. - Bette Deller’s 16-year-old grandson, Mitchell, began looking at colleges with his family this fall. Their first trip was to Virginia Tech on October 7th, which was about a 4-hour drive from their home in Ashburn, VA. Here is a photo of Mitchell and a friend and former neighbor at a Virginia Tech football game and beside a statue of the mascot for that college. Also shown below is a photo of Mitchell and Brooke, Bette’s grandchildren, wearing shirts from Virid, their dad’s e-commerce company in Reston, VA. This photo was taken at a backyard pool party that Bette’s son held for his employees in September. Bette likes the photo in the matching shirts.

    Bette’s granddaughter, Brooke, turned 13 on October 29th. Bette and the other grandparents celebrated with her on October 28th at Brooke’s home in Asburn, VA. Her son, Steve, prepared a delicious chicken parmesan dinner for them.

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    - On Nov 15, Donna Mertens left the USA with Randy to go to New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia, West Java and Bali. She visited Fiona Cram in NZ, saw lots of seals and sea lions in Tasmania, and was a visiting professor in Australia and West Java. They worked on research to address the disenfranchised Indigenous people and youth through initiatives that focus on social, economic, and environmental justice. Bali was pure pleasure with son Jeff, Randy, and friend Pat coming over despite the Mt. Agung threatening eruption. SCUBA was awesome. She came home Dec 31.

    Donna & Randy in Hobbiton in New Zealand With a koala in Australia With Pat & Jeff celebrating where the Hobbit movies and Lord of the Rings Christmas in Bali movies were filmed.

    Sea lions on Bruny Island south of Tasmania Manta ray underwater in Bali

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    Trivia Corner

    January – Historical figures Paul Revere, Betsy Ross, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and Franklin D. Roosevelt were born in January. On January 1st, 1776, the first American flag, the "Grand Union" was presented. Betsy Ross later added the stars in place of the Union Jack.

    February - On February 2, 1967, the American Basketball Association (ABA) was

    established. It only had four teams (New York Nets, Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, and San Antonio Spurs) and later merged with its competition, the National Basketball Association (NBA). The cold month of February is a great time to stay warm indoors and watch basketball games on TV.

    March – On March 6, 1950 Silly Putty was introduced as a toy by Peter Hodgson. It was invented in 1943 by James Wright in an effort to make synthetic rubber. Silly Putty is noted for its unusual characteristics. It bounces, but breaks when given a sharp blow. It can also float in a liquid and will form a puddle if given enough time. In

    addition to its success as a toy, other uses for the putty have been found. In the home, it can be used to remove substances such as dirt, lint, pet hair, or ink from various surfaces. Because of its adhesive characteristics, it was used by Apollo astronauts to secure their tools in zero-gravity.

    April – April is grilled cheese month. A grilled cheese sandwich is probably the first meal that most of us learn how to cook at home by ourselves. It's the perfect midnight snack or soup-dipper. It's great for kids, but is never turned down by an adult. It's salty, gooey, crisp, buttery, and comforting in all the right ways. April

    would be a great month in which to make a yummy grilled cheese sandwich.

    Bette Deller

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    Ushers Billy Clark & Jean Opeka

    Jean Opeka Keisun Na

    Acolyte Josephine Kalshoven Annie Gajadhar

    A-Minister Ann LaVigna Anna Graeber

    Lector Jean Opeka Richard Moore

    Communion-A Annie Gajadhar Bette Deller

    Chancel Care Anna Graeber Annie Gajadhar

    Counters Annie Gajadhar & Pat Thornberg

    Billy Clark & Chris Ham

    21ST 28TH

    Ushers Anna Graeber & Annie Gajadhar

    Bette Deller Billy Clark

    Acolyte Keisun Na Nathan Na

    A-Minister Annie Gajadhar Bette Deller

    Lector Steve McKisson Ann LaVigna

    Communion-A Chris Ham Donna Mertens

    Chancel Care Bette Deller Ann LaVigna

    Counters Anna Graeber & Jean Opeka

    Annie Gajadhar & Bette Deller

  • Page 17


    Ushers Anna Graeber & Jean Opeka

    Annie Gajadhar Keisun Na

    Acolyte Josephine Kalshoven Marlon Gajadhar

    A-Minister Steve McKisson Anna Graeber

    Lector Richard Moore Steve McKisson

    Communion-A Jean Opeka Anna Graeber

    Chancel Care Keisun Na Ann LaVigna

    Counters Billy Clark & Chris Ham

    Jean Opeka & Pat Thornberg

    18TH 25TH

    Ushers Anna Graeber & Jean Opeka

    Billy Clark Ann LaVigna

    Acolyte Keisun Na Lydia Kalshoven

    A-Minister Annie Gajadhar Bette Deller

    Lector Bette Deller Jean Opeka

    Communion-A Anna Graeber Annie Gajadhar

    Chancel Care Annie Gajadhar Bette Deller

    Counters Anna Graeber & Annie Gajadhar

    Bette Deller & Pat Thornberg

  • Page 18

    MARCH 4TH 11TH

    Ushers Anna Graeber & Annie Gajadhar

    Bette Deller & Keisun Na

    Acolyte Nathan Na Annie Gajadhar

    A-Minister Steve McKisson Billy Clark

    Lector Billy Clark Jean Opeka

    Communion-A Bette Deller Chris Ham

    Chancel Care Keisun Na Jean Opeka

    Counters Billy Clark & Chris Ham

    Anna Graeber & Pat Thornberg

    18TH 25TH

    Ushers Billy Clark & Nathan Na

    Jean Opeka Anna Graeber

    Acolyte Lydia Kalshoven Keisun Na

    A-Minister Jean Opeka Richard Moore

    Lector Richard Moore Passion Sunday Reading

    Communion-A Donna Mertens Jean Opeka

    Chancel Care Keisun Na Ann LaVigna

    Counters Annie Gajadhar & Bette Deller

    Billy Clark & Chris Ham

  • Page 19


    Ushers Annie Gajadhar & Bette Deller

    Billy Clark Nathan Na

    Acolyte Nathan Na Lydia Kalshoven

    A-Minister Steve McKisson Anna Graeber

    Lector Bette Deller Richard Moore

    Communion-A Anna Graeber Annie Gajadhar

    Chancel Care Annie Gajadhar Bette Deller

    Counters Annie Gajadhar & Bette Deller

    Billy Clark & Chris Ham

    15TH 22ND

    Ushers Jean Opeka Anna Graeber

    Bette Deller Keisun Na

    Acolyte Marlon Gajadhar Annie Gajadhar

    A-Minister Richard Moore Bette Deller

    Lector Ann LaVigna Anna Graeber

    Communion-A Chris Ham Donna Mertens

    Chancel Care Keisun Na Jean Opeka

    Counters Ann LaVigna & Anna Graeber

    Annie Gajadhar Pat Thornberg

    29TH Ushers Anna Graeber

    & Jean Opeka

    Acolyte Keisun Na

    A-Minister Billy Clark

    Lector Steve McKisson

    Communion-A Jean Opeka

    Chancel Care Keisun Na

    Counters Anna Graeber & Pat Thornberg