CALENDAR DATES Term 4, 2014 19 th December School Banking last session 19 th December Last day School – 1.30 p.m. finish Please note earlier dismissal time Friday 19 th December - 1.30 p.m. Term 1 2015 28 th January Staff return 29 th January Students Years 1 – 6 commence 30 th January Students Prep commence 30 th January School Banking starts for 2015 18 th February PFA Meeting 18 th February Chess Ideas classes commence PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Farewell to 2014 We are at the end of another very successful year for Essex Heights PS. There have been many highlights across the year in terms of major events, but the main focus continues to be the learning that takes place every day in the classrooms. The daily educational opportunities for every child remain our goal, and form the foundation for our success. I’d like to thank all our School Councillors who contribute positively to the governance of the school and support our drive for continuing high standards of education, under the leadership of President Trevor Sharrock. Thanks also to the Parents & Friends Association who have organised many terrific school events for students and the community, whilst also raising valuable funds for the school, and to the leadership of President Betty Ciorciari. To all those who support us, the staff and students wish to thank you for all your contributions throughout this year which have “added value” to our school. Research shows that children who see their parents up and around the school helping out in some way feel more connected to their school and in many circumstances perform better in their studies. With your assistance, our school continues to be an extremely busy and dynamic learning environment. I’d like to sincerely thank the dedicated and hard working staff who have contributed to the success of Essex Heights Primary School in 2015. Your professionalism, diligence and the high level of care shown to all of our students are all highly valued. Our school continues to thrive across all areas of the curriculum and this was strongly endorsed this year through our School Review process. Staff, parents and students all contribute to our strong positive culture. In fact, the continued strong enrolment interest throughout 2014 is testament to the high regard Essex Heights PS is held in the broader community. Student Placement for 2015 The placement of students has been an enormous task taking hours of review and reflection. All students were informed of their placement for 2015 yesterday as they visited their new teachers. Wherever possible we have endeavoured to place each student with at least one friend they have nominated. Sometimes of course there are other considerations, however on balance we are endeavouring to do what we believe to be in the best interests of all students. I thank my teachers for the enormous time spent on this task given a myriad of other competing demands including moving classrooms in some cases, graduation, transition, celebrations, student reports and organisation of supplies and materials for 2015. ISSUE 39 17 th December, 2014

CALENDAR DATES - Essex Heights Primary School · CALENDAR DATES Term 4, 2014 19th December School Banking last session 19th Last day School December –1.30 p.m. finish Please note

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Page 1: CALENDAR DATES - Essex Heights Primary School · CALENDAR DATES Term 4, 2014 19th December School Banking last session 19th Last day School December –1.30 p.m. finish Please note


Term 4, 2014 19th December School Banking last session 19th December Last day School – 1.30 p.m. finish Please note earlier dismissal time Friday 19th December - 1.30 p.m. Term 1 2015

28th January Staff return 29th January Students Years 1 – 6 commence 30th January Students Prep commence 30th January School Banking starts for 2015 18th February PFA Meeting 18th February Chess Ideas classes commence


Farewell to 2014 We are at the end of another very successful year for Essex Heights PS. There have been many highlights across the year in terms of major events, but the main focus continues to be the learning that takes place every day in the classrooms. The daily educational opportunities for every child remain our goal, and form the foundation for our success. I’d like to thank all our School Councillors who contribute positively to the governance of the school and support our drive for continuing high standards of education, under the leadership of President Trevor Sharrock. Thanks also to the Parents & Friends Association who have organised many terrific school events for students and the community, whilst also raising valuable funds for the school, and to the leadership of President Betty Ciorciari. To all those who support us, the staff and students wish to thank you for all your contributions throughout this year which have “added value” to our school. Research shows that children who see their parents up and around the school helping out in some way feel more connected to their school and in many circumstances perform better in their studies. With your assistance, our school continues to be an extremely busy and dynamic learning environment. I’d like to sincerely thank the dedicated and hard working staff who have contributed to the success of Essex Heights Primary School in 2015. Your professionalism, diligence and the high level of care shown to all of our students are all highly valued. Our school continues to thrive across all areas of the curriculum and this was strongly endorsed this year through our School Review process. Staff, parents and students all contribute to our strong positive culture. In fact, the continued strong enrolment interest throughout 2014 is testament to the high regard Essex Heights PS is held in the broader community.

Student Placement for 2015 The placement of students has been an enormous task taking hours of review and reflection. All students were informed of their placement for 2015 yesterday as they visited their new teachers. Wherever possible we have endeavoured to place each student with at least one friend they have nominated. Sometimes of course there are other considerations, however on balance we are endeavouring to do what we believe to be in the best interests of all students. I thank my teachers for the enormous time spent on this task given a myriad of other competing demands including moving classrooms in some cases, graduation, transition, celebrations, student reports and organisation of supplies and materials for 2015.


17th December,


Page 2: CALENDAR DATES - Essex Heights Primary School · CALENDAR DATES Term 4, 2014 19th December School Banking last session 19th Last day School December –1.30 p.m. finish Please note

Graduation – Year 6 Last Friday we had an amazing night for our Year 6 Graduation. It was a memorable evening and I congratulate the efforts of our Parent Committee led by Betty Ciorciari and Caroline Thomas for their hard work and organisation. Others who played a significant role include Robyn Perkin & Anna Ascar on the production of the Graduation magazine. Additionally, Lisa & Andrew Hocking (assisted by Carolyn Walker in the Art Room) for facilitating the student’s Graduation Gift to the school, the magnificent sculpture at the front door. A big thank you also to our Yr 6 teachers in Anita Dix, Lauren Braithwaite and Renae Simpson for all their work with the students in preparation for the evening too. We were all very proud of our Year 6 students and the superb manner in which they conducted themselves. Congratulations!

Student Leadership Positions 2015 The Yr 5 children have recently nominated and been interviewed for our Student Leadership positions for 2015. I would like to thank all the children who were willing to make themselves available for these important positions in our school. Congratulations to the children who have been selected for these roles. A full list can be found in this week’s Contact.

Educational Contributions - 2015

At this stage we have not distributed information for 2015 about Educational Contributions. School Council has decided not to make any increases to these fees for 2015 so they will remain at the same level for 2014. Charges for 2015 will be: Educational Contribution of $300 per student Grounds Maintenance of $30 per family ICT Support of $30 per family Contribution to School Nurse of $30 per family These funds are critical to the support of our educational provision at Essex Heights. More information will be provided during the first week of February 2015.

Holiday Security Over the last few years we have seen an increase in the level of after hours community use of our school grounds. In most instances, the members of the community who use our school do so with regard to the values we place on our grounds and facilities. Occasionally this does not happen. In the past I have been delighted to find that our neighbours have contacted 000 and /or the Department of Emergency Management on 9589 6266. If you are in and around the school over the vacation please continue this practice. It strengthens our community and makes it safer for all our students and their families.

Holiday Program - 2105

Our School Council has reviewed and endorsed the program for the 12th

– 28th

January inclusive. The children will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and I thank Paul Davis for his enthusiasm and organisation in making this program available. Those attending will have the opportunity for both days held at the school and days to other venues as advertised in the Holiday Program. If you rely on this service I would encourage you to enrol promptly, as such program are increasingly sought and there are strict limits on total enrolment numbers.

Reminder - School Finish – 1.30pm – Friday 19th December

Please be aware that consistent with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and the direction of our School Council, school will finish on Friday 19

th December at 1.30pm. We will of course have After School Care

commencing from this time. As is traditional, we will have a final assembly at 12:45pm. This will be conducted in the school hall. We warmly welcome our parents and community members to attend to join this final Assembly for the year. School will resume for our students in Year 1 – 6 on Thursday 29

th January 2015.

Our Prep students will commence on Friday 30

th January, 2015.

Enjoy a restful and relaxing holiday and see you in 2015, Andrew Crossett

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PARENTS & FRIENDS NEWS The Essex heights Carnival will be held on 21st November 2015. We are in the progress of booking rides, it’s terribly exciting! Soon we will be asking local businesses to sponsor the event in exchange for promotion in our community. WOULD YOUR BUSINESS CONSIDER SPONSORING OUR CARNIVAL? If so please email us at [email protected] for a description of what we can offer. We have come to the end of another exciting and eventful school year. Thank you to the PFA for all their hard work and persistence which helps to ensure the events run so smoothly. I have had great pleasure in working with all parents, especially welcoming new parents and hope to work with many more in 2015. On behalf of the PFA we would like to wish all families a very merry christmas and a safe and happy new year and we look forward to seeing you all in 2015. Safe and happy holidays Betty Ciorciari

BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE (B.A.S.C.) Thank you for all your encouragement and support throughout the year. You are a caring and nurturing community that enables the program to provide the highest quality care. I would like to thank Mr Andrew Crossett, Ina Kuehlich, Joan Scott, Mrs Barb McCann, Mrs Katrina George and all the Essex Heights staff for their support. I would like to thank the School Council and The BASC Committee (Betty Ciorciari, Maria Skouteris, Nicola Sounas, Joan Scott and Lisa Carne) for sacrificing their time for the program’s development. I am so grateful to all these people and groups for their vision, support and total commitment to the success of this program. Thank you to all the Essex Heights Before and After Care staff who ensure all children are provided with the highest quality care. Congratulations to Mat, Maria, Helen, Sue, Abby, Jess, Viv, Angie, Kate and Jan on a great year!!! Thank you to the parents and children of the Essex Heights community that support the program. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Paul Davis, Co-Ordinator

Berita Bahasa Indonesia!

Indonesian Puppets – help required please We have some wooden Indonesian puppets that are in desperate need of repair. If there is anyone who would be able to assist, it would be greatly appreciated. They are mainly missing a central wooden stand consisting of a long ‘stick’ and base.

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School Captains

Andre A Mitha M. Petro P. Tiffany X

Music Captains

Victoria Y. Zoe G.

Jeremy L..

Library Captains

Inga G.H. Kailly S. Callum G. Ashika R.

Art Captains

Kristen M. Sapir T. Lynne Z. Anna L.

Sustainability Captains

Hugh C. Cindy L. Hayeon C. Sho T.

Indonesian Captains

Jane K.

Aaliyah M.A.

Sienna S. Tom P.

Sports Captains DRYSDALE Lauren T. Victoria P.

Leo Y. Ashley C.

Megan C. Kye B.

BOOK COVERING A great big, thank you! Thank you!

THANK YOU! to all the wonderful people who have helped us with covering hundreds of ‘Take Home and Guided

Reading’ books this year. Due to all your hard work, the Middle School will have numerous new books that they will be reading and working with in class. Take Home reading books will now be available for all Grade 3 and 4 children at the start of the school year 2015. All your children will benefit from the books that have been processed. An extra special big thank you to Eunice, Martha, Sam and Jenny S for doing an outstanding amount of work – cutting

out contact, covering books, laminating, photocopying and using their computer skills to create the labelling system for the Middle School reading. You will be very glad to know I will not be sending home any more books for covering in 2014. However, at the beginning of next year we will need your help to cover another Reading Scheme that we have purchased. So rest yourselves up during the holidays in preparation for more book covering next year. I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy book-covering 2015. Thank you to all my willing helpers. Judy McKay

Page 6: CALENDAR DATES - Essex Heights Primary School · CALENDAR DATES Term 4, 2014 19th December School Banking last session 19th Last day School December –1.30 p.m. finish Please note