Calderdale Forward April 2010

Calderdale Forward April 2010. Purpose Update the board in respect of Calderdale’s economy and narrowing the gap Reflect on the current position Consider

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Page 1: Calderdale Forward April 2010. Purpose Update the board in respect of Calderdale’s economy and narrowing the gap Reflect on the current position Consider

Calderdale Forward

April 2010

Page 2: Calderdale Forward April 2010. Purpose Update the board in respect of Calderdale’s economy and narrowing the gap Reflect on the current position Consider


• Update the board in respect of Calderdale’s economy and narrowing the gap

• Reflect on the current position• Consider where the Board would wish the

Delivery Group and Thematic Partnership to focus in the light of finite (reducing) resources

• Use this process as a further development opportunity for the board

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• In July 2008 Calderdale was independently identified as the 6th most vulnerable, out of 409 areas, to the credit crunch

• Further work done in 2009 identified that if the economy went into deep recession we were looking at 2020 before employment returned back to 2007 levels

• This analysis assumed a ‘V’ recession verses a double dip ‘W’

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• Jobs– Cross political party and partnership approach to

working with business including the following examples:

• Lloyds Banking Group (6,500)• Nestle (500)• Crosslee (400)

– Apprenticeships– Todmorden Medical Centre

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• Supporting People– Citizens Advice Bureau

• Surges in demand for CAB services in Q4 08/09 have passed

• A number of indicators suggest that the recession has flattened out

• Demand for CAB services still up on 2008 and 2009 levels.

• Many newly unemployed clients• Modified approach to outreach work in

poorest areas– Credit Union

• Empty homes loan• Mortgage repossession fund• Essential works loan

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• Fiscal– Against the recommendations of its housing regulators,

Pennine Housing 2000 reduced the increase in rent to all social tenants

– For the first time in more than two decades, average band D Council in Calderdale is lower than the average for England

– Council committed £2.5m to an economic fighting fund

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• Regeneration– Shay– Broad Street– Leisure Centres– Libraries

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InterventionsPrivate Sector Renewal Before

Private Sector RenewalAfter

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InterventionsPrivate Sector Renewal Before

Private Sector RenewalAfter

• The Dudleys

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Intervention Impact

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Council Administered Benefits

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Job Seekers Allowance

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Long Term Employment ImpactIntervention = Scenario 2

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Future Interventions• Economy and Enterprise Strategy

– Business• Diversified employment sectors• Exemplar enterprise culture• Increasing innovation and harnessing knowledge

– People• Raising aspirations and encouraging enterprise• Skills for an advanced economy• Increasing employability and learning• Enhancing neighbourhood cohesion

– Place• High quality and investable town centres• Delivering quality housing and neighbourhoods• Increasing collaboration and improving connectivity• Improving Calderdale’s profile

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Future Interventions

• Piece Hall• College Rebuild• University• Building Schools for the

Future• Dean Clough• Eureka• Copley• Bramsche Square• Housing Growth Points

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Board Questions

• Since 2008 what has your organisation (or the group that you represent) been doing to meet the challenge of the recession?

• How satisfied are you with the interventions made and would you be able to prove that they have had a positive impact?

• What plans do you have for the future?• What gaps exist in terms of partnership working?• In a period of austerity and finite resources where

should we focus in the future?

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Narrowing The Gap (NTG)

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Global & National NTG Context

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The Spirit LevelWilkinson & Pickett

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The Spirit LevelWilkinson & Pickett

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The Spirit LevelWilkinson & Pickett

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UK - Risk of unemployment

















Jul 2


Sep 2


Nov 2










Jul 2


Sep 2


Nov 2










Jul 2


Sep 2


Nov 2


Prosperous areas Disadvantaged areas

May 2008Smallest gap

2.0 pp

December 2009Gap

2.8 pp

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Calderdale NTG Context

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Calderdale Household Income

Prior to the recession, Calderdale was becoming more prosperous; however, there was a growing gap between the average and most deprived areas.

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Calderdale Worklessness

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Narrowing the Gap Themes

– Life Expectancy– Adults basic literacy, numeracy and IT skills– % Pupils achieving 5 GCSE A-C– Young people not in education, employment or training

(NEET)– Fuel poverty– Residents’ satisfaction levels– Super Output areas in 5% most deprived nationally– Feelings of safety– Crime rates– Unemployment rates

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NTG – Key Performance Measures• WORST WHEN COMPARED TO OTHER AREAS.• NI59 (initial assessments) RAG rated amber @28th Feb 2010 YTD 43.9% against a target of 85%.Oneplace

shows deteriorating and in worst 10%• NI60 (core assessments) RAG rated amber @28th Feb 2010 YTD 42.10% against a target of 65%.Oneplace

shows improving but in worst 5%.• NI01(people of different backgrounds getting on well) RAG rated red 2008/09 Place Survey result 65.6%.

Oneplace shows in worst 10%.• NI04 (influence local decisions) RAG rated red 2008/09 Place Survey result 26.4%. Oneplace shows in worst

25%. • NI117 (NEET) RAG rated red @ Jan 2010 8.70 against a target of 7. Oneplace shows deteriorating and in

the worst third.• NI87 (Sec school absences) RAG rated amber @ Dec 2009 YTD 6.80 against a target of 5.50.Oneplace

shows improving but in worst third.• NI155 (affordable homes) RAG rated red as at 31st Dec 2009, result 56 against target of 120. Oneplace

shows deteriorating and in worst 25%.• NI01 (people of different backgrounds getting on well) RAG rated red 2008/09 Place Survey result 65.6% .

Oneplace shows in worst 10%.• NI04 (influence local decisions) RAG rated red 2008/09 Place Survey result 26.4%. Oneplace shows in worst


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NTG – Performance Measures• AVERAGE WHEN COMPARED TO OTHER AREAS• NI120 (all age all cause) RAG rated red @ Oct 09. Result of 530.94 against a target of 487. Oneplace shows

as improving and average compared to other areas. • NI17 (perceptions of anti-social behaviour) RAG rated green 2008/09 Place Survey result 22.3%. Oneplace

shows average compared to other areas• NI153 (people on benefits in worst performing area) RAG rated red @Sept 2009 (30.50%) against target of

27.60. Oneplace shows deteriorating but average compared to other areas.• NI16 (serious acquisitive crime) RAG rated green @ Dec 2009 YTD result 13.8 against a target of 19.08.

Oneplace shows average compared to other areas.• NI20 (serious acquisitive crime) RAG rated green@ Dec 2009 YTD result 5.24 against target of 9.59

Oneplace shows average compared other areas. • NI153 (working age claiming benefits in worst performing areas)RAG rated red @Set 2009(30.50%) against

target of 27.60. Oneplace shows deteriorating but average compared to other areas • NI35 (building resilience to violent extremism) On target• NI146 (adults with learning disabilities in employment). Oneplace shows average compared to other areas.• NI138 (satisfaction people 65+) Place Survey Indicator 85.10% Oneplace shows average compared to other

areas • NI195b (detritus). Oneplace average.

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• NI195c (graffiti). Oneplace best 33%.

• NI08 (adults in sport) RAG rated amber. 2008/09 result of 23.70 against a target of 24.10. Oneplace shows as improving and in best 20%.

• NI56 (obesity Yr 6) RAG rated red Forecasting 16.60 against a target of 15. Oneplace shows as deteriorating and in best 33%.

• NI30 (re-offending) RAG rated green March 2009 result reduction of 15.5% against a target reduction of 15%

• NI111 (1st time entrants to youth justice) RAG rated green Dec 2009 result 789 against a target of 1780. Oneplace shows improving and in best 25%

• NI150 (adults secondary MH services in employment). Oneplace shows in the best 20%

• NI195a (Litter) RAG rated Green @ Dec 2009 YTD 8 against a target of 13 Oneplace shows in best 5%.

• NI195d (fly posting). Oneplace best 5%.

• NI112 (under 18 conceptions) Feb 2010 LAA result of 42 against a baseline of 35. Oneplace shows deteriorating but in best 20%.

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NTG Focus & Prioritisation

• NI117 (NEET) RAG rated red @ Jan 2010 8.70 against a target of 7. Oneplace shows deteriorating and in the worst third.

• NI112 (under 18 conceptions) Feb 2010 LAA result of 42 against a baseline of 35. Oneplace shows deteriorating but in best 20%.

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Young people ‘NEET’

• Calderdale’s NEET = c. 500 people (not homogenous group)

• Some recycle or “churn”, leaving NEET and returning• Approx 10% remain in NEET for >9 months• NEET peaks in September and declines through to

August• More likely to be NEET in Mixenden and Ovenden,

also Park and Town• Majority of NEET are white and less likely to have 5

GCSEs (e.g., 27.7% Ovenden)

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Young people ‘NEET’

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Calderdale’s NEET Strategy

• CMBC delivery is with Connexions• 14-19 Strategy group includes a “NEET Strategy group”• NEET Strategy 2010-11

– Develop and share data– Develop Marketing Plan– Clarify roles of different providers– Define different progression routes– Develop opportunities for young people– Extend range of support for NEET Young people

• Programmes in place with College and work-based learning providers and voluntary sector– Entry 2 employment = key programme

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Teenage Conception

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NEET & Teenage Conception

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Key Question for the Board

• We will all continue to undertake our individual/organisational roles and responsibilities for the foreseeable future, however, given the dramatic reduction in resourcing that is happening now and will continue until at least 2015, which areas of NTG performance should we be focusing our collective effort?