calcular Astrodinas_discordinas.doc

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  • 8/10/2019 calcular Astrodinas_discordinas.doc



    The importance of the events attracted into the lifedepends upon the power of the thought-cells desiringthese events minus the resistance of the environment.But the harmony or discord of the events attracted intothe life depends upon the harmony or discord felt bythe thought-cells thus working to bring events into thelife minus the resistance of environment to theharmony or discord of the power they thus exert. Theharmony of the thought-cells is measured inharmodynes, and the discord of the thought-cells ismeasured in discordynes.

    There are three things which may influence aplanet's harmony or discord: . The sign it is in. !. The

    nature of the planet making the aspect. ". The natureof the aspect between the two planets.


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    . #hen two planets are in mutual reception they aregiven $ harmodynes% when a planet is in its degree of exaltation it is given & harmodynes, when it is in itsexaltation it is given " harmodynes, when it is in itshome it is given ! harmodynes, and when it is in itsharmony it is given harmodyne.

    #hen a planet is in its degree of fall it is given &

    discordynes, when it is in its fall it is given "discordynes, when it is in its detriment it is given !discordynes, and when it is in its inharmony it is given discordyne.

    The number of harmodynes or discordynes, if any, tobe given a planet due to its essential dignity may readilybe ascertained from the Table of Harmodynes andDis ordynes D!e "o #ssen"ial Di$ni"y %see &df ' .

    Re ordin$ "(e Harmodynes or Dis ordynes of#ssen"ial Di$ni"y on "(e As"rodyne C(ar")

    ouse position alone always gives astrodynes, butnever gives either harmodynes or discordynes.owever, as essential dignity is not due to the relationof one planet to another, the harmodynes ordiscordynes of a planet due to essential dignity canmost conveniently be recorded on the second line to

    the right of B( )*+ )+., in the column headed bythe planet. )n this second line under thecaption sp't write /ig., and to the right on this same line,under the caption armodynes or /iscordynes write thenumber of harmodynes with a plus sign before it, or thenumber of discordynes with a minus sign before it. 0f theplanet has no harmodynes or discordynes due toessential dignity, leave thisspace blank.

    !. +aturn is the ma1or malefic and 2upiter is thema1or benefic. #hen +aturn is involved in an aspectone-half of its power is made discordant by its naturealone. #hen 2upiter is involved in an aspect, one-half of its power is made harmonious by its nature alone.

    #hen 3ars is involved in an aspect, one-fourth ofits power is made discordant by its nature alone. #hen4enus is involved in an aspect, one-fourth of its poweris made harmonious by its nature alone.

    The influence of the malefics and benefics applies


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    to the three neutral aspects 5neutral in so far asessential. harmony or discord is concerned6--con1unction, incon1unct and parallel-- as well as to thethree harmonious and four discordant aspects.

    ". The three harmonious aspects are: trine, sextile,semi-sextile. The power of the three harmo-niousaspects expressed as astrodynes is e7uivalent to the

    same number at harmodynes written with a plus signbefore the number expressing the power. Thus if a trineaspect has 8 astrodynes, it alsohas 8 harmodynes% if a sextile has $ astrodynes, it alsohas $ harmodynes% and if a semi-sextile aspect has !astrodynes, it also has ! harmodynes.


    The four discordant aspects are opposition, s7uare,ses7ui-s7uare, semi-s7uare. The power of each of thefour discordant aspects expressed as astrodynes ise7uivalent to the same number of discordynes, writtenwith a minus sign before the number expressing thepower. Thus if an opposition aspect has ! astrodynes,it also has ! discordynes% if a s7uare aspect has 9astrodynes, it also has9 discordynes, and if a semi-s7uare or ses7ui-s7uareaspect has " astrodynes, it also has " discordynes.

    The three neutral aspects are: con1unction,incon1unct, and parallel. The 3. ., sc., luto, ;ep-

    tune, *ranus, +un, 3oon and 3ercury are consideredneutral in so far as harmony or discord is concernedwhen their essential nature is uninfluenced byharmonious or discordant aspect. *nless +aturn,2upiter. 3ars or 4enus is involved in the aspect, theneutral aspects increase the power of the planet, but donot influence its harmony or discord. ower which isneither harmonious nor discordant is consideredneutral. 0t increases the amount of work the thought-

    cells possessing it can do, adding to the importance ofthe events or conditions attracted, but adding nothingto, and subtracting nothing from, the fortune or


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    misfortune of that which is attracted.

    But +aturn, 2upiter, 3ars and 4enus influence anyaspect in which they are involved by their essentialnature. Thus if a parallel aspect has < astrodynes andis between +un and +aturn it has $ discordynes, if it isbetween +un and 2upiter it has $ harmodynes, if it isbetween +un and 3ars it has !.!$ discordynes, if it is

    between +un and 4enus it has !.!$ harmodynes, if it isbetween 3ars and +aturn it has =.$< discordynes, if itis between 4enus and +aturn it has.!.!$ discordynes,and if it is between 3ars and 2upiter it has !.!$harmodynes.

    0f the trine aspect above mentioned as having 8astrodynes is between 2upiter and 3ercury, it has >harmodynes, if between *ranus and 4enus it has =.$&>, hischief occupation and interest for the balance of his lifeis to do evangelical work, going from place to place,establishing hurch of ight enters, lecturing and inother ways disseminating The Aeligion of the +tars.

    This completely new phase of his life commencedon ugust !>, >&>, when he started on the first such+tudent ontact trip% and it is for this date that theprogressed ma1or and minor positions, includingdeclinations, are given. The imiting /ate is /ecember>, 99!. The 3a1or rogression /ate for >&> is@ebruary =, 99", and the ma1or progressed positionsof the planets for ugust !>, >&>, are found bycalculating them on @eb. =, 99", for a minus 8h &!mD3T 0nterval. *sing the +olar onstant, the 3inorrogressed 3oon for Dreenwich noon, ug. !>, >&>,is found to be !9 4irgo &!. The 3inor phemeris /ateis /ecember >, 99=. Therefore, the minor progressedpositions of the planets for Dreenwich noon, ugust !>,>&>, are their positions calculated on /ecember >,99=, when the 3oon is !9 4irgo &!.

    The birth-chart ?odiacal positions are herewith givenin the chart, ma1or progressions for ug. !>, >&>, inouter circle of chart, and minor progressions for ug.!>, are given outside the chart.


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  • 8/10/2019 calcular Astrodinas_discordinas.doc


    astrodynesdiscor dynes.



    &&.>"discor dynes.



    8discor dynes.



    =!.$&discor dynes.



    &. 8harmodynes.

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    .discor dynes.




    &&.>"discor dynes.




    8discor dynes.

    ;one of the ma1or progressed planets thus shown isin +agittarius, and. none is in the first house. Thus thenormal progressed house, and normal progressed+agittarius, for >&>, have the same

    power and harmony they had at birth. Therefore, onthe top line of the lower section of the As"rodyne C(ar" , under the heading +agittarius, and the caption

    strodynes, should be recorded&

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    the top line of the lower section of the As"rodyne C(ar"%see &df ' , under the heading let. ouse, and the caption

    strodynes, should be recorded &.9

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    7uarius at birth has !8.=8 astrodynes. 0n it byprogression are sc., 3ercury, 3ars and the +un. #ehave already found that progressed sc. has 9.=8astrodynes, progressed 3ercury &=.

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    house, andthe caption armodynes or /iscordynes,should be recorded minus &.!&.

    There is no progressed planet either in isces or thefourth house. Therefore, using their birth-chart powerand harmony, on the top line of the lower section of theAs"rodyne C(ar" % see &df ' , under the heading isces,and the caption strodynes should be recorded !&.==,and under the caption armodynes or /iscordynesshould be recorded plus &.89.

    nd on the top line of the lower section of theAs"rodyne C(ar" % see &df ' , under the heading &thouse, and the caption strodynes, should be recorded!&.==, and under the caption armodynes or/iscordynes should be recorded plus &.89.

    There is no progressed planet either in ries or the

    fifth house. Therefore, using the birth-chart power andharmony, on the top line of the lower section of theAs"rodyne C(ar" % see &df ' , under the heading ries,and the caption strodynes, should be recorded &$.8=,and under the caption armodynes or /iscordynesshould. be recorded minus =.9".

    )n the top line of the lower section of theAs"rodyne C(ar" % see &df ' , under the heading$th

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    ouse, and the caption strodynes, should berecorded &$.8=,andunder the caption armodynes or/iscordynes should be recorded minus =.9".

    Taurus at birth has !&."9 astrodynes. 0n it areprogressed ;eptune, +aturn and luto. /ividing "$.

    Taurus at birth has !!."! harmodynes. /ividing9.= 5birth-chart ;eptune6 by ! gives >."8

    harmodynes. /ividing 8. & 5birth-chart +aturn6 by !gives ".

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    progressed 2upiter. /ividing 8&.

    discordynes. Therefore, on the top line of the lower

    section of the As"rodyne C(ar" %see &df' , under theheading Demini, and the caption strodynes, should berecorded &".&> before)ctober ", the seventh house had &"." harmodynes, or "harmodynes, or $.$$ harmodynes. Therefore, on theower section of the As"rodyne C(ar" % see &df ' , aboveandat the left of the heading =th ouse, should be

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    nd as the tenth house has the same progressed planet in it, onthe top line of the lower section of the As"rodyne C(ar" % see &df ' ,under the heading . = astrodynes. /ividing >..$< discordynes. !>.! plus ">. = gives89."9 astrodynes. 8 plus >.$< gives !