PROJECT NUMBER 738100 PROJECT LEADER Juan van Beek AUTHOR Rens Wilbers DEPARTMENT Offshore Grid NL DATE November 16, 2017 VERSION 1.0 VERSION DATE November 15, 2017 STATUS Final REFERENCE TTB-00429 PAGE 1 of 47 Calamiteitenplan Kabel Net op zee Borssele Revision History Rev. Reference Description of Changes 1.0 Ingediend bij bevoegd gezag

Calamiteitenplan - Home | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend … ·  · 2018-02-01U. Scenario – Fire 42 V. Scenario – Evacuation 43 ... Y. Scenario – Damage to underground utilities

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AUTHOR Rens Wilbers


DATE November 16, 2017


VERSION DATE November 15, 2017



PAGE 1 of 47



Net op zee Borssele

Revision History

Rev. Reference Description of Changes

1.0 Ingediend bij bevoegd gezag

TenneT TSO B.V.

DATE November 16, 2017


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In het kader van de verleende waterwetvergunning en Nb-vergunning voor net op zee Borssele dienen er

een aantal werkplannen te worden opgesteld en ingediend bij de bevoegde gezagen. De besluiten voor deze

werkplannen staan open voor beroep.

Het gaat hierbij met name om de volgende werkplannen:

• Werkplan kabels

• Plan van aanpak scheepvaart (kabels)

• Calamiteitenplan (kabels)

Daarnaast dient er nog een aantal werkplannen te worden opgesteld zoals o.a.: werkplan platform, heiplan,

verlichtingsplan en monitoringsplan. De werkplannen voor het platform zijn opgenomen in de separate

aanvraag, welke dezelfde procedure zullen volgen. Het monitoringsplan en Heiplan zullen separaat in een

later stadium worden ingediend.

Consultatie Voor het werkplan Kabels, Plan van aanpak Scheepvaart en het Calamiteitenplan heeft een uitgebreide

consultatie plaatsgevonden met verschillende stakeholders. TenneT beseft dat ook de uitvoering van de

werkzaamheden belangen van verschillende stakeholders raakt en door een goede consultatie de

werkplannen sterker zullen worden. Daarnaast is in het besluit van het politiek college van de Vlaams-

Nederlandse Scheldecommissie inzake de uitvoering van het project Net op zee Borssele d.d. 27 maart

2017 afgesproken dat er over de werkplannen consultatie zal plaatsvinden.

Proces consultatie

Om tot gedragen werkplannen te komen is de consultatie als volgt ingericht:

1 gesprek met bevoegde gezagen, waarbij per werkplan op een rij is gezet welke onderwerpen in de

werkplannen dienen terug te komen.

2 Individuele gesprekken met stakeholders. Hierbij is gevraagd wat men ten aanzien van de benoemde

onderwerpen wil meegeven. Deze input is gebruikt bij het opstellen van de werkplannen, maar dit

betekent niet dat alle input 1 op 1 is meegenomen.

3 Met de gehaalde input zijn de concept-werkplannen opgesteld

4 Concept werkplannen zijn afgestemd met bevoegde gezagen

5 Met alle stakeholders zijn de concept werkplannen besproken

6 Definitief opstellen van werkplannen

7 Indienen van de werkplannen

De betrokken stakeholders in dit proces zijn:

• Havenbedrijf Antwerpen

• Havenbedrijf Gent

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• Zeeland Seaports

• Vlaams Nederlandse Schelde Commissie (VNSC)

• vertegenwoordiging van RWS en Ministerie Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (MOW)

• Gemeenschappelijke Nautische Autoriteit (GNA)

• vertegenwoordiging van RWS en Ministerie Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (MOW)

• Nederlandse Kustwacht

Overzicht Consultatie

In het voortraject is er gesproken met bevoegde gezagen waarbij is verkend welke onderwerpen aan de orde

moeten komen in de werkplannen.

In de maand juni hebben er met de betrokken stakeholders consultatiegesprekken plaatsgevonden. Hierbij

zijn de onderwerpen die aan de orde dienen te komen in de werkplannen besproken en gevraagd of de

stakeholders hier ons input over willen meegeven. De aard van de input verschilde van tips, aanbevelingen

en wensen. Alle input uit de gesprekken zijn per stakeholder bijgehouden.

Vervolgens zijn de werkplannen opgesteld, waarbij de input vanuit de gesprekken is gebruikt. Niet alle

wensen konden 1 op 1 worden overgenomen, bijvoorbeeld door technische beperkingen.

De concept werkplannen zijn in een tweede consultatieronde met de betrokken stakeholders besproken. De

gegeven input en commentaren vanuit de stakeholders zijn zo veel mogelijk opgenomen en verwerkt in de

definitieve werkplannen.

TenneT heeft een matrix opgesteld, deze geeft het overzicht van de gemaakte input per stakeholder en hoe

we met dit punt is omgegaan. Deze matrix zal tezamen met de werkplannen worden ingediend.

Het Calamiteitenplan

Dit Calamiteiten Plan bevat de benodigde informatie voor de uitvoerenden ter voorbereiding voor een

operationele noodsituatie. Het plan omvat de contact gegevens van de betrokkenen bij de door VBNK

(consortium VBMS en NKT) uitgevoerde werken en:

• Een korte project introductie

• Het doel van het calamiteitenplan

• Toepassing gebied van het calamiteitenplan

• Overzicht van operationele documenten (VBMS, Klant en overige partijen)

• Hoe te handelen bij een Calamiteit

• Verantwoordelijkheden

• Hoe en wie te informeren bij een calamiteit

• Hoe te handelen en wie te informeren bij een archeologische vondst

• Contactgegevens van hulpdiensten, klant, aannemer en onderaannemers.

• Locaties van hulpdiensten (spoedeisend en niet spoedeisend)

• Lijst van denkbare calamiteiten en plan van opvolging

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Het Calamiteiten Plan geeft een overzicht van wat te doen bij denkbare calamiteiten en bevat de benodigde

contactgegevens ter voorkoming van vertraging bij calamiteiten met of zonder persoonlijk letsel.

Het Calamiteiten plan is een combinatie van twee reeds bestaande documenten: het "emergency response

plan" en de "emergency notification chart". De laatstgenoemde geeft een overzicht op 1 pagina waar de

belangrijkste contact gegevens op worden vermeld in geval een noodgeval waarbij geen moment vertraging

is gewenst.

De twee documenten worden als geprinte versie overhandigd aan betrokkenen in een zogeheten Project

Informatie Map. Deze map is beschikbaar op elke boot en/of locatie en bevat alle benodigde project


Zowel het "emergency response plan" als de "emergency notification chart" wordt gedurende het project vele

keren bijgewerkt om de toegepaste contactgegevens actueel te houden. Op elk schip en/of kantoor wordt de

laatste versie van de "emergency notification chart" geprint en opgehangen zodat men de contact gegevens

van de verschillende schepen, project kantoren, bouwplaatsen, autoriteiten en project leden in een

oogopslag terug kan vinden. De "emergency notification chart" is bijgesloten als bijlage A-17.

De tekst in dit Calamiteiten Plan is in het Engels vanwege de verschillende nationaliteiten die werken op dit

project en verwarring dient te worden voorkomen. De officiële projecttaal op het Borssele project is Engels.

Een voorwaarde voor werken op het Borssele Export Cable Project voor (ingehuurd) VBNK personeel is

beheersing van de Engelse taal.

Operationeel personeel wordt getraind volgens de bedrijfstraining matrix. Al het scheepspersoneel wordt

getraind volgens STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) Reference: bijlage A-18

Het "emergency response plan" en de "emergency notification chart" zijn bekend en getest binnen VBNK.

Gedurende het project zal er een aantal van de scenario’s opnieuw worden getest op effectiviteit en indien

noodzakelijk zullen het "emergency response plan" en de "emergency notification chart" worden bijgewerkt.

Tijdens het project zal op meerdere momenten oefeningen/ trainingen plaatsvinden waaronder:

• Ontruimingsoefeningen (per werk of boot)

• Communicatie lijn oefening van de "emergency notification chart" (3 maandelijks)

• Boot gerelateerde oefening (als gesteld in de IMO wetgeving)

Het "emergency response plan" en het "emergency notification chart" zijn de leidende documenten tijdens

de projectuitvoering. Dit calamiteitenplan is gemaakt uitsluitend ter verduidelijking van de opzet van het

systeem ten behoeve van de vergunningsverlening van het project.

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Voorwoord 2

1. Introduction 8

1.1 Project Overview 8

1.2 Scope 8

1.3 Applicable Work Scope 8

2. Abbreviations & Definitions 9

2.1 Abbreviations 9

2.2 Definitions 9

3. References 10

3.1 VBMS Project Documents 10

3.2 VBMS Standard Documents 10

4. Handling an Emergency Situation 11

4.1 Responsibilities 11

4.2 Emergency Response Notification Dutch national Coast Guard and GNA 12

4.3 Emergency Response Notification VBMS Project Team 12

4.4 Marine Pollution Contingencies 13

4.5 Archaeological find 14

4.6 Emergency Numbers 15

4.7 Main Companies and Subcontractors 16

4.8 External Services 17

5. Locations of Local Emergency Services 18

5.1 General Practitioner 18

5.2 Hospitals 19

6. Scenarios 21

A. Scenario – Casualty evacuation from installation or vessel 22

B. Scenario – Electrocution 23

C. Scenario – Casualty evacuation by helicopter 24

D. Scenario – Personnel stranded on installation by weather 25

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E. Scenario – Sudden approach of thunder storm 26

F. Scenario – Fire on Installation 27

G. Scenario – Marine Pollution from Installation 28

H. Scenario – Man overboard 29

I. Scenario – Treatment of hypothermia 30

J. Scenario – Fire on board a vessel 31

K. Scenario – Defective crew vessel or safety guard vessel 32

L. Scenario – Vessel not under command – Risk of collision 33

M. Scenario – Collision 34

N. Scenario – Dropped object 35

O. Scenario – SAR Assistance request from third party 36

P. Scenario – Marine Pollution 37

Q. Scenario – Bomb threat 38

R. Scenario – Unexploded ordnance 39

S. Scenario – Media 40

T. Scenario –Injuries 41

U. Scenario – Fire 42

V. Scenario – Evacuation 43

W. Scenario – Alarm on Power plant 44

X. Scenario – Road collision with third party 45

Y. Scenario – Damage to underground utilities 46

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7. Appendices 47

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1. Introduction

1.1 Project Overview

VBNK (VBMS-NKT Consortium) has been awarded the installation of the Borssele Alpha Export Cable. The

project is located westwards from the coast off Vlissingen in the Netherlands.

The project scope of work consists of two 220 kV subsea cables from substation Alpha to the onshore

substation in Borssele. As an option under the relevant agreements in place also two 220 kV subsea cables

from substation Beta towards the onshore substation and one 66 kV subsea cable between Alpha and Beta

substation have to be installed. An overview of the cable routes is shown in figure 1

Figure 1: Overview of Borssele Export Cable Project

1.2 Scope

The Emergency Response Plan provides the information required during an operational emergency situation

and covers all parties involved for the works executed by VBMS in reference to the applicable laws, permit

and regulation.

1.3 Applicable Work Scope

This Emergency Response Plan is applicable for the operational scope being:

• Cable operations

• Dike reinforcement

• Cable Terminations

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2. Abbreviations & Definitions

2.1 Abbreviations

Table 1. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable OWF Offshore Wind Farm

DPR Daily Progress Report PiC Person in Charge

ENC Emergency Notification Chart PM Project Manager

ERP Emergency Response Plan PoB Persons on Board

ERT Emergency Response Team PPE Personal Protection Equipment


Gemeenschappelijke Nautische

Autoriteit (common Nautic


HAZID Hazard Identification PtW Permit to Work

HAZOP Hazard and Operability RA Risk Assessment

IP Injured Person RI&E Risk Inventory & Evaluation

RWS Rijkswaterstaat

JSA Job Safety Analysis

2.2 Definitions

Table 2. Definitions

Term Definition

Employer The employer is in the first instance the party for which the contractor is obliged to work. That obligation may arise from a contract under private law (employment contract) or an appointment under public law (civil servants).

Contractor VBNK

Marine Warranty Surveyor TBA

Subcontractor Any party contracted by VBNK

Currenta Service provider and Owner of the chempark premises on which NKT Cologne is located

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3. References

3.1 VBMS Project Documents

Table 3. Project Documents VBMS

Ref Document Title VBMS Document Number External Document Number

[01] Emergency Notification Chart FA000281-VBMS-GEN-PR-

1011 BSA-VBN-00010

3.2 VBMS Standard Documents

Table 4. Standard Documents VBMS

Ref Document Title VBMS Document Number External Document Number

[101] Incident Form VBMS-QHSE-106-02-FM-01

[102] Dropped Objects VBMS-QHSE-203-00-11-


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4. Handling an Emergency Situation

Since each emergency situation requires a specific approach depending on the actual circumstances, only

guidelines can be provided to assist a person handling an emergency situation.

This Emergency Response Plan provides:

• Emergency Response Notification requirements on project level;

• Full contact details of the Employer, main contractors, subcontractors and external services (e.g.


• Locations of local emergency services;

• Emergency response guidelines for different situations via scenarios.

Reference is made to: Emergency Notification Chart [01]:

• Flowchart for project level emergency reporting;

• Contact details for key persons and all contracted vessels.

A copy of both the Emergency Response Plan AND the Emergency Notification Chart shall be kept on the

bridge of each vessel and at the Site Office or Mobile Offices as a minimum.

In the event of an emergency, each vessel will follow their own Emergency Response Procedures.

Contractor shall ensure that all their employees and those of any Sub-contractors record their attendance in

order that numbers can be satisfactorily accounted for in the event of fire or other emergency.

This plan, together with the Emergency Notification Chart, provides project level reporting information and

situation specific guidelines to assist any person handling an emergency situation on the project.

Definition: An emergency condition is an unforeseen condition resulting in direct danger to life, vessels or the

environment and requiring immediate action, possibly with assistance from external services.

4.1 Responsibilities

Table 5. Responsibilities

Position Responsibility

All persons (incl. Masters) • Report Emergency Situation without delay to Master or Construction Manager


• Act as On Scene Commander and take action according to vessel’s own Emergency Response Procedures

• Contact National Coast Guard NL and GNA (in case of marine emergency at sea or when in need of external services)

• Contact Port Control for any emergency within port limits

Offshore Construction


• Contact Vessel Employer Representative and VBMS’s ERT (via "Royal Dirkzwager")

QHSE Advisor • Assist Vessel Master and Construction Manager as necessary

• Assist Project Manager in investigation after emergency has been solved

Project Manager • Be the sole point of contact for VBMS to Employer

• Inform Employer and maintain communication with Employer

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• Be the sole point of contact for the ERT


• Maintain contact with Project Team and provide assistance

• Maintain contact with 3rd Parties (such as media and relatives)

• Maintain logbook with sequence of events

Dutch Coast Guard • Provide assistance as appropriate and as requested

First aiders (Site Office) • Start initial first aid and be the decision maker for requesting emergency services

Emergency Response Officer (Site Office)

• Responsible for evacuation of all personnel and informing others (in case of shared offices)

• Prepare access office for emergency services and Guide emergency services

• Inform Project Manager

Royal Dirkzwager • In an emergency situation, if you are unable to contact the Onsite Project Team of

VBMS, contact can be handled through Royal Dirkzwager

4.2 Emergency Response Notification Dutch national Coast Guard and GNA

When reporting, remain calm to provide the necessary information as accurate as possible. This is essential

for emergency services to provide the necessary response.

The following information will be requested upon reporting:

• Date / time

• Company’s name ("VBMS")

• Ships / Project name

• Name and function reporting person

• Description of the emergency situation

− What did happen;

− Where did it happen;

− When did it happen;

− Weather on location.

• Any casualties / injured / missing persons

− Status of IP.

• Vessel’s position

• Communication resources / tel. nr(s)

• All other relevant information given by the vessel

• Immediate action required from Dutch National Coast Guard

Each emergency situation shall be followed up by an incident report.

Reference: 4.6, [01] and [101].

4.3 Emergency Response Notification VBMS Project Team

On each emergency situation, notification of the Project Team is required as per the flowchart on the

Emergency Notification Chart.

VBMS has contracted Royal Dirkzwager to provide 24/7 coverage to handle internal emergency notification.

When reporting, remain calm to provide the necessary information as accurate as possible. This is essential

for emergency services to provide the necessary response.

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The following information will be requested upon reporting:

• Date / time

• Company’s name ("VBMS")

• Ships / Project name

• Name and function reporting person

• Description of the emergency situation

• Any casualties / injured / missing persons

• Vessel’s position or Work Location

• Communication resources / tel. nr(s)

• All other relevant information given by the vessel or Work Location

• Immediate action required from ERT

Each emergency situation shall be followed up by an incident report.

Reference: 4.6, [01] and [101].

4.4 Marine Pollution Contingencies

Pollution related environmental incidents or near misses may include: dropped objects, spillages (oils and

chemicals); poor waste disposal and/or waste storage.

In case of any marine pollution, Dutch National Coast Guard has to be notified without delay.

When reporting, remain calm to provide the necessary information as accurate as possible. This is essential

for emergency services to provide the necessary response.

The following information will be requested upon reporting:

• Date / time

• Company’s name ("VBMS")

• Ships / Project name

• Name and function reporting person

• Description of the emergency situation

− What did happen;

− Where did it happen;

− When did it happen;

− Weather on location.

• Any casualties / injured / missing persons

− Status of IP.

• Estimated spilled quantities

• Vessel’s position

• Communication resources / tel. nr(s)

• All other relevant information given by the vessel

• Immediate action required from Dutch National Coast Guard

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Each Marine pollution situation shall be followed up by an incident report and a notification to nature

conservation authority: [email protected], Dutch Coastguard and verkeerscentrale Vlissingen (channel

14 of 64)

The incident report shall be shared with RWS and GNA.

Reference: 4.6, [01] and [101].

4.4.1 Dropped Objects

In the event of a dropped object in the marine environment, initial focus will be on identification of the

dropped object and assessment of the location. In the case that recovery is required; an assessment shall be

made to the viability of recovery operations.

In any dropped object situation a notification to Dutch Coastguard and GNA will take place.

Reference: Scenario N.

4.4.2 Marine pollution (spillage)

In the event of any uncontrolled spillage in the marine environment, initial focus will be on identification

containment and assessment of the location. All project locations (vessels) are equipped with Spill kits to the

SOPEP Equipment standards according to their SOPEP Plan and where necessary, additional equipment

will be installed.

Reference: Scenario P

Emergency Response Contact Details

4.5 Archaeological find

If during the execution of the works objects, traces or remains are found of which it can reasonably be

expected that the finding is of historical-, antiquity- and/or scientific importance, the finding is to be reported


• the director of the Rijksdienst for Cultureel Erfgoed: via +31 (0) 33 – 421 7 456 and/or

[email protected]

• the permitting authority (Rijkswaterstaat) via [email protected]

• the GNA or the coastguard via the applicable radio channels, depending on the area of operations.

If possible the area of the discovery is to be marked. Immediate measures to prevent deterioration or further

negative influence on the objects, traces or remains found are to be taken.

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4.6 Emergency Numbers

Table 6. Emergency numbers

Company / Station

Info / vessels Address / name Contact details


in case of an Emergency / Medivac.

National Coast Guard NL

When outside GNB (Common Nautic Management/ Gemeenschappelijk Nautisch Beheer) Area

Coastguard Centre,

MHKC Building

Rijkszee- en Marinehaven 1, 1781 ZZ Den Helder

ALARM: +31 900 0111

Less urgent matters: +31 2 2354 2300

Radio: Continuous listening watch on: VHF Channel: 16

DSC: VHF Channel 70 & MF 2187.5

kHz Call sign during SAR:

>> Den Helder Rescue Call sign for other matters:

>> Netherlands Coastguard MMSI number: 002442000

GNA (Gemeenschappelijke Nautische Autoriteit)

When in GNB (Common Nautic Management/ Gemeenschappelijk Nautisch Beheer) Area


+31 118 424 700

24/7 available

Verkeerscentrale Vlissingen Commandoweg 50 4381 BH Vlissingen

+31 118 424 790

[email protected]

Port control Vlissingen

Zeeland Seaports

Zeeland Seaports

P.O. Box 132

4530 AC Terneuzen

+31 1 1564 7400

24/7 available

Rijkswaterstaat Poelendaelesingel 18

4335 JA Middelburg


Werner Helmich

[email protected]

For incident reporting and notification:

[email protected]

National alarm number on Land

In case of Fire , First Aid, Ambulance


24/7 available

Royal Dirkzwager Govert van Wijnkade 50

3144 EG Maassluis

+31 1 0593 1669

+31 6 2383 8159 (back-up)

24/7 support to handle internal emergency notification

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4.7 Main Companies and Subcontractors

Company / Station

Info / vessels Address / name Contact details

VBMS B.V. (*Consortium Leader)

Rietgorsweg 4

3356 LJ Papendrecht

The Netherlands

R. Lammes

Director Operations

+31 7 8641 7500

+31 6 5135 3620 (emergency only)

[email protected]

TenneT TSO B.V. (*Employer) Utrechtseweg 310

6812 AR Arnhem

The Netherlands

Dhr. W.J.D. Van Beek

Project manager

+31 26 373111

+31 6 10104392

NKT Cables GmbH &Co Düsseldörfer Strasse 400

Im Chempark

51061 Köln , Germany

+49 221 6760

Survey GEOxyz Harelbeekstraat 104 D

8550 Zwevegem,Belgium

Project Manager GEOxyz

( P.Dancet )

+32 567 068 48

+44 788 120 8733

Cable Laying Vessel +tba

Trenching Vessel + tba

Dredging Vessel + tba

(Post lay) Trenching Vessel + tba

Barges + tba

Crew Transfer Vessel(s) + tba

Accommodation vessel (if required) + tba

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4.8 External Services

Below contact details are of external services which may be contacted in an emergency situation.

(These details are taken from the Emergency Notification Chart):

Service Contact VHF

Radio Medical NL +31 22 354 2500

VHF Ch70 DSC or VHF Ch16 MF DSC 2187.5 kHz or MF 2182 kHz Inmarsat A/B/M Telephone - via Station 12 Inmarsat A/B/C Telex - via Station 12

Hospital Admiraal de Ruyter, Goes

‘s Gravenpolderseweg 114

4462RA Goes (NL)

First Aid dep. 24/7 available

+31 113 234000

+31 113 234250

112 (alarm/ambulance)

Hospital Admiraal de Ruyter, Vlissingen

Koudekerkseweg 88

4382 EE Vlissingen

+31 118 425000

112 (alarm/ambulance)

NOTE : First Aid department not available in Vlissingen

General Alarm number to contact Police, Fire department or ambulance in the Netherlands

General Alarm number


Dentists Walcheren


24/7 available, look on website for available dentist at that moment.

Or call +31 6 3049 6914

Emergencies only in evening and night-time.

General Practice Centre (doctor)

Koudekerkseweg 88

4382 EE Vlissingen


24/7 available

General Practice centre (doctor)

De Bevelanden Goes

s Gravenpolderseweg 114B

4462RA Goes (NL) 0900-1785

24/7 available

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5. Locations of Local Emergency Services

5.1 General Practitioner

General Practice Centre (doctor) Koudekerkseweg 88

4382 EE Vlissingen


24/7 available

General Practice centre (doctor)

De Bevelanden Goes s Gravenpolderseweg 114B

4462RA Goes (NL)


24/7 available

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Dentists Daytime

Dentist Office Arratoon

Stadhuisplein 6 4382 LG Vlissingen

+31 118 414643

Email: [email protected]

Daily appointments : 08.30-16.30 hr.

By Telephone : 08.30 – 15.00 hr.

24/7 emergency number:

+31 6 30496914

During evenings and night-times

Look also at :


for available dentist at that time

5.2 Hospitals

Hospital Admiraal de

Ruyter Vlissingen

Koudekerkseweg 88

4382 EE Vlissingen

First Aid department not available in Vlissingen

+31 118 425000

112 (alarm/ambulance)

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Hospital Admiraal de

Ruyter Goes

‘s Gravenpolderseweg 114

4462RA Goes (NL)

First Aid dep. 24/7 available

+31 113 234000

+31 113 234250

112 (alarm/ambulance)

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6. Scenarios

This section provides guidelines for different emergency situations via scenarios.

Each scenario provides guidelines for actions to take for different parties involved in the emergency situation.

Scenarios are colour coded by area:

Construction related

Vessel / marine related

Third party


Onshore Works or Site Office related

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A. Scenario – Casualty evacuation from installation or vessel




n r



Emergency location

Raise alarm by calling crew vessel, stating: o Nature of injury and number of injured persons o Location o Immediate assistance required

Initiate first aid

Determine best method of evacuation of injured person(s) o By means of harness or stretcher using rope rescue equipment o By means of assistance from SAR service (refer to scenario C)

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

Transfer (rescue) equipment to installation is requested

If possible and necessary, pick up extra personnel to assist

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive casualty o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

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B. Scenario – Electrocution




n r



Emergency location

Ensure own safety first

Do not touch the casualty until power has been switched off

Administer lifesaving first aid

Raise alarm by calling crew vessel, stating: o Nature of injury and number of injured persons o Location o Immediate assistance required

Initiate first aid

Determine best method of evacuation of injured person(s) o By means of harness or stretcher using rescue equipment o By means of assistance from SAR service (refer to scenario C)

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

Transfer rescue equipment to installation is requested

If possible and necessary, pick up extra personnel to assist

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive casualty o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

Casualty MUST be taken to a hospital for further examination

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C. Scenario – Casualty evacuation by helicopter




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Emergency location

This scenario continues after the initial casualty reporting (scenario A or B).

Move casualty to an unobstructed, helicopter accessible location (with or without stretcher)

Establish communication with helicopter, either direct on VHF 16 or via a vessel

When helicopter arrives, do NOT touch the hoist wire from the helicopter until it has touched “ground” in order to avoid electric shock

NEVER attach the hoist wire from the helicopter to a fixed point

Maintain visual contact with helicopter winch operator and follow instructions

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

Relay communication between emergency location and helicopter if necessary

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

Relay information about casualty to helicopter

Report back to involved parties on status of evacuation

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive casualty o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

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D. Scenario – Personnel stranded on installation by weather




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Emergency location

Remain in a safe and sheltered location

Familiarise with emergency and survival facilities available

Remain radio contact with crew vessel / Main vessel

Consider alternative means of evacuation (SAR service? Refer to scenario C)

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Get personnel off the installation as long as it is safe to do so; own safety goes first

Transfer additional survival gear to installation if necessary and if safe to do so

Report to Project Team: o Number of persons left behind including their names / ID numbers o Location (foundation nr) of persons location o Available means of communication

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting development

Standby in vicinity – as long as weather permits – in case assistance is required

When returning to port, remain on immediate standby and monitor next weather window to return to

evacuate stranded personnel

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive casualty o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

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E. Scenario – Sudden approach of thunder storm




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Emergency location

Do NOT leave the installation – Risk of electrocution from lightning

Seek a sheltered location within the installation

Do not touch ladders or installation wall

Remain in sheltered location until advised to leave the installation

Familiarize with scenario D

Evacuation of the installation will be initiated depending on weather conditions

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Report to Project Team: o Number of persons left behind including their names / ID numbers o Location (foundation nr) of persons location o Available means of communication

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

Monitor weather conditions and inform persons on installation about changes in weather conditions

Evacuate persons as soon as conditions permit

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

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F. Scenario – Fire on Installation




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Emergency location

Raise alarm

Immediately start fighting fire with means available

Remove any casualties from the fire, then refer to scenario A

Call assistance from other vessels as necessary

Prepare for evacuation

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

Standby in vicinity in case assistance or evacuation of personnel is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive any casualties o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

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G. Scenario – Marine Pollution from Installation




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Emergency location

Raise alarm, get assistance from CTV crew when needed

Interrupt operations if necessary

Localise source and stop leakage

Contain spilled quantity if possible with all means available

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting developments

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Inform Site Coordinator

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Inform all vessels in the wind farm of emergency situation and consequences

Coordinate assistance from other vessels in the wind farm as necessary

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H. Scenario – Man overboard



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Emergency location

Follow vessel’s own Man Overboard Procedure, otherwise o Loudly shout “man overboard”, “man overboard”, … o Throw lifebuoy towards man overboard o Delegate one person to continuously watch the man overboard o Initiate rescue manoeuvre

Broadcast PAN message on VHF to all nearby traffic stating man overboard position

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

If available and within reach, proceed to man overboard location in case assistance is required

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting developments

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive casualty o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

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I. Scenario – Treatment of hypothermia



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Emergency location

Hypothermia is a loss of body heat and is a major hazard that potentially causes death.

Raise alarm

Keep casualty in horizontal position to prevent cold blood to flow into the heart Recovery of a casualty from water shall be performed in a horizontal position

Determine level of hypothermia: o Moderate to severe hypothermia: person does not respond when spoken to o Mild hypothermia: person responds when spoken to

Treatment of moderate to severe hypothermia:

If the casualty does not breathe, perform mouth to mouth (NO cardiac massage)

Wrap casualty in blankets, wrap torso and limps separately

Keep casualty awake

Gradually warm the torso (not the limbs) with all available means

Call for medical advice

Monitor body temperature closely

Treatment of mild hypothermia

Get the casualty into warm clothes

Give casualty warm drinks in small amounts

Monitor body temperature closely

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Prepare for evacuation of casualty

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting developments

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

VBMS Site Coordinator

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive casualty o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

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J. Scenario – Fire on board a vessel



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Emergency location

Raise alarm on board

Remove any casualties from the fire, then refer to scenario A

Immediately start fighting fire with all means available

Call assistance from other vessels as necessary

Transmit safety message on VHF 16 stating “MAYDAY” or “PAN PAN” as appropriate

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Inform port authorities when vessel is in port

Assist Project Team as requested to: o Ensure emergency services are standby in port to receive any casualties o Hand over personal and medical details of casualty to emergency services

Consequences: o Fire on safety guard vessel stop all operations o Fire on crew vessel if any persons are on an installation, arrange replacement


vessel monitor weather forecast to assess urgency to

evacuate persons on installation

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K. Scenario – Defective crew vessel or safety guard vessel



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Emergency location

Personnel on installation: o Interrupt work until further notice o Familiarise with scenario D

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Defective vessel:

Report defective status to project superintendent

If any persons are on installation, inform them of defective status and report to project superintendent

Other vessels:

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting developments

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Consequences: o Safety guard vessel stop all operations o Crew vessel if any persons are on installation, arrange replacement crew vessel

monitor weather forecast to assess urgency to evacuate persons on


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L. Scenario – Vessel not under command – Risk of collision



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Emergency location

Raise alarm on board

Alert other vessels in the vicinity

Stop all operations

Risk of collision with installation: o Evacuate any personnel from installation if safe to do so

Risk of collision with barge / vessel: o Prepare to evacuate (part of) crew o Prepare firefighting equipment

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Maintain sharp lookout

Prepare for emergency evacuation

Prepare to assist the vessel not under command in order to prevent collision

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Inform other vessels in the field

Arrange further assistance from vessels in the field

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M. Scenario – Collision



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Emergency location

Raise alarm and alert other vessels in vicinity

Stop all operations

Transmit “MAYDAY” or “PAN PAN” message as appropriate

Consequences: o Man over board scenario H o Fire scenario J o Marine Pollution scenario P

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain listening watch on VHF 16 awaiting developments

Prepare for emergency evacuation

Prepare to assist in any possible way

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Inform other vessels in the field

Arrange further assistance from work class vessels in the field

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N. Scenario – Dropped object



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Emergency location

A dropped object is considered any object, larger than 0.5 m3, unintentionally dropped into the sea.

Any dropped, floating objects to be retrieved on board if reasonably practicable

Any dropped, non-floating objects to be considered to be retrieved (Include possible hazard to shipping or the environment in the consideration)

On any dropped objects left afloat or sinking and left on the seabed, record: o Date and time o Position (latitude, longitude) o Description of object o Possible hazard to shipping or the environment

Report any dropped objects left behind to National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Maintain listening watch

Assist if possible to retrieve dropped object

VBMS Site Coordinator

Gather information about dropped object

Assist Project Team to relay information to local authorities if requested

Reference: [102] - Dropped Objects

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O. Scenario – SAR Assistance request from third party





Emergency location

Where a third party is seen to be in an emergency situation, raise alarm immediately

Monitor emergency situation

Crew vessel / Other vessels

When observing an emergency on another vessel, attempt to establish communication with that vessel

If no communication can be established, transmit “MAYDAY RELAY” message

Provide any assistance required Crew Vessel only: When on standby at an installation, consider to take persons down from the installation, depending on the nature and distance of the emergency

Maintain listening watch on VHF 16

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with applicable vessel

Inform all vessels in the wind farm about emergency situation

Coordinate assistance from other vessels in the wind farm as necessary

Report back to involved parties on status of evacuation

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P. Scenario – Marine Pollution



Emergency location

Raise alarm, get assistance from vessels crew

Interrupt operations if necessary

Localise source and stop leakage

Contain spilled quantity if possible with all means available according to vessel’s SOPEP plan

When in port, inform port authorities

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting developments

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

VBMS Site Coordinator

Liaise with National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Inform all vessels in the wind farm of emergency situation

Coordinate assistance from other vessels in the wind farm as necessary

Report back to involved parties on status of evacuation

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Q. Scenario – Bomb threat



Emergency location

Person receiving bomb threat:

Remain calm, show understanding and try to get the conversation going in order to obtain as much information as possible:

o When will the bomb explode o Where is the bomb located o What does the bomb look like (box, case, bag, etc.) o Why is this bomb threat being made o Who is responsible for the bomb threat

Write down the information in the exact words used by the person making the threat

Try to get a second person to listen in to the call

Check if caller ID is visible on the phone

Consider evacuation of threatened area

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Maintain listening watch on VHF awaiting developments

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

VBMS Site Coordinator

Ensure local police, National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Advise all vessels in the wind farm to prepare for emergency evacuation

Inform VBMS Emergency Response Team

Follow instructions given by local authorities and relay instructions to all vessels as appropriate

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R. Scenario – Unexploded ordnance



Emergency location

All ordnances or suspicious objects should be treated as dangerous until proven otherwise by experts. The `Explosievenkaart Kustwacht` can be used for visual identification if unclear.

Do not touch, move or remove the object

Transmit a safety message to other shipping

Follow instructions from local authorities

Consider evacuation

Standby firefighting equipment

Crew vessel / Other vessels

Relay emergency notification if necessary

Prepare for emergency evacuation

Standby in vicinity in case assistance is required

Maintain radio communications on VHF awaiting developments

VBMS Site Coordinator

Ensure local police, National Coast Guard NL (+31 900 0111 or VHF Chanel 16) and inform GNA

Advise all vessels in the wind farm to prepare for emergency evacuation

Inform Employers

Follow instructions given by local authorities and relay instructions to all vessels as appropriate

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S. Scenario – Media



Emergency location

The following applies to all personnel on the project, contacted by any media, in any situation:

Be friendly but firm

No information is given to any media

No questions are answered, no comments or opinions are given to any media

Forward all media requests to the Project Manager

Crew vessel / Other vessels

As per above

VBMS Site Coordinator

In any situation:

Be friendly but firm

No information is given to any media

No questions are answered, no comments or opinions are given to any media

Forward all media requests to the Project Manager

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T. Scenario –Injuries





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Emergency location

Raise alarm

Initiate first aid or inform First Aider(s) or call 112

Assess injury and check cause

Prepare person and emergency location for evacuation

First Aider(s)

Start first aid if needed

Inform emergency service (112) when needed o Nature of injury and number of injured persons o Location site office o Location injured person

Keep contact with the Emergency Response Officer

Emergency Response Officer

Prepare access office for emergency services

Guide emergency service to injured person

Inform Project Manager

Project Manager to inform client

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U. Scenario – Fire





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Emergency location

Raise alarm

Remove any casualties from the fire, then refer to scenario T

Immediately start fighting fire with all means available

Call assistance from others

Inform emergency service (112) o Nature of emergency and number of injured persons o Location site office o Location injured person

Emergency Response Officer

Evacuate all personnel and inform others in case of shared offices, refer to scenario V

Prepare access to office for emergency services

Guide emergency service at arrival

Inform Project Manager

Project Manager to inform client, coastguard and GNA

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V. Scenario – Evacuation





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Emergency location

Follow instructions from emergency response officer Go to muster location

First Aider(s)

Make notes at muster station o Reason for evacuation o Start of evacuation o Names of evacuated persons o Names of missing persons o Time of full evacuation

Keep contact with the Emergency Response Officer

Emergency Response Officer

Evacuate all personnel and inform others in case of shared offices

Prepare access to office for emergency services

Guide emergency service to injured person if applicable Inform Project Manager

Project Manager to inform client

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W. Scenario – Alarm on Power plant





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Emergency location

Immediately shut all engines and position all equipment in a safe position

Remove all persons from the working site

Move to musterstation as mentioned in Borssele Nuclear Plant Instruction

Inform Emergency Respons Officer o Reason for evacuation o Start of evacuation o Names of evacuated persons o Names of missing persons

Emergency Response Officer

Inform Project Manager

Project Manager to inform client

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X. Scenario – Road collision with third party





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Emergency location

Stay calm and check for casualties

If any casualties, then refer to scenario T

Call assistance from others

Inform emergency service (112) o Nature of emergency and number of injured persons o Location injured person

Prepare access to office for emergency services

Emergency Response Officer

Provide assistance to involved personnel

Inform Project Manager

Project Manager to inform client

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Y. Scenario – Damage to underground utilities





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Emergency location

Do not touch, move or remove any parts of the utilities damaged

Inform Borssele Nuclear plant

Inform local authorities

Consider evacuation

Inform emergency service (112) o Nature of emergency and number of injured persons o Location site office o Location injured person

Emergency Response Officer

Evacuate all personnel and inform others, refer to scenario V

Prepare access to location for emergency services

Guide emergency service at arrival

Inform Project Manager

Project Manager to inform client

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7. Appendices

Table 7. Appendices

Document number Document Title / Description

Appendix A-17 Emergency Notification Chart

Appendix A-18 Training Matrix