Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc

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  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    (For use only with the new marine policy form) 1.1.1982



    1. Ricks clause

    This insurance covers all risks of loss or damage to the suect!matter insured e"cept as

    provide in #lauses $%&.' and elow

    2. General Aera!e clause

    This insurance covers general average and salvage charges% austed or determined

    according to the contract of affreightmnet and *or the governing law and pratice% incurred

    to avoid or inconection with the avoidance of loss from any cause e"cept those e"cluded

    in #lause $%&%' and or elsewhere in this insurance.". # $%&' lae c%llisi%n Clause*

    This insurance is e"tended to idemnify the +ssured againts such of proportion of liaility

    under the contract of affreightment ,-oth lame collision #lause as in respect of a loss

    recoverale hereunder. /n the event of any claim y shipowners under the said clause the

    +ssured agree to notify the 0nderwriters who shall have the right% at their own cost and

    e"pense% to defend the +ssured against claim.

    "clusion+. General E,clusi%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover

    $.1 oss damage or e"pense attriutale to wilful misconduct of the +ssured

    $.2 3rdinary leakage% ordinary loss in weigh or volume% or ordinary wears and tears of

    the suect!matter insured.

    $.4 oss damage or e"pense caused y insfficiency or unsuitaility of packing or

    preparation of the suect!matter insured ( for the purpose of this clause $.4 ,packing

    shall e deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan ut only when such stowage

    is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or y the +ssured or their servants).

    $.$ oss damage or e"pense pro"imately caused y delay% even though the delay e

    caused y a risk insured agaist (e"cept e"pense payale under #lause 2 aove)


  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    $.& oss damage or e"pense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing

    automic!or nuclear fission and* or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or


    &. 0nseaworthness and unfitness "clusion #lause

    &.1 /n no case shall this insurance cover loss or e"pense arising from unseaworthness of

    vessel or craft%

    unfitness of vessel craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the

    suect!matter insured%

    5here the +ssued or their servants are privy to such unseaworthness of the ship and

    unfitness% at the time of the suect 6matter insured is loaded therein.

    &.2 The 0nderwriters waive any reach of the implied warranties of seaworthness of the

    ship and fitness of the ship to carry the suect!matter insured to destination% unless the+ssured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthness%

    -. ar E,clu&i%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or e"pense cause y

    '.1 5ar civil war revolution reellion% or civil strife arising therefrom or any hostile act

    y or against a elligerent power.

    '.2 #apture sei7ure arrest restraint or detainment (priacy e"cepted)% and the

    conseuences thereof or any attempt thereat.

    '.4 erelict mines torpedoes oms or other derelict weapons of war.

    /. S&rikes E,clu&i%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or e"pense.

    .1 #aused y strickers% lock 6out workmen% or persons taking part in laour

    disturances% criots or civil commotions.

    .2 :esulting form strikes% lock!outs% laour disturances% riots or civil commotions.

    .4 #aused y any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.


    8. Transit #lause

    8.1 This insrance attaches from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of

    storage at the place named herein for the commencement of the transit% contines during

    the ordinary cause of transit and terminates either.


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    8.1.1 3ndelivery to the consignees; or other final warehouse or place of storage at the

    destination named herein.

    8.1.2 3ndelivery to any other ware house or place of storage% whether prior to or at the

    destination named herein% which the +ssured elect to use either. For storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or. For allocation or distriution% or

    8.1.4 3n the e"piry of '< days after completion of discharge overside of the goods herey

    insured from the oversea at the final port of discharge%

    whichever shall first occur.

    8.1.4 /f % after discharge overside from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge ut

    prior to termination of this insurance% the goods are to e forwarded to a destination

    other than that to which they are insured hereunder% this insurance% whilst remainingsuect to termination as provide for aove% shall not e"tend eyond the commencement

    of transit to such other destination.

    8.4 This insurance shall remain in Force (suect to termination as provided for aove

    and to the provisions of claused 9 elow) during delay eyond the control of the +ssured%

    any deviation% forced discharge% reshipment or transhipment and during any variation of

    the advanture arising from the e"ercise of lierty granted to shipowners or charterers

    under the contract of affreightment.

    9. Termination of contract of #arriage #lause

    /f owing to circumstances eyond the control of the +ssured either the contract of

    carriage is terminated at the port or place other than the destination named therein or the

    transit is otherwise terminated efore delivery of the goods as provided for in #lause 8

    aove% then this insurance shall also terminate unless prompt notice is given to the

    0nderwriters and contination of cover is reuested when the insrance shall remain

    inforce% suect to an additional premium if reuired y the 0nderwriters% either.

    9.1 0ntil the goods are sold and delivery at such port or place % or otherwise specially

    agreed% untill the e"piry of '< days after arrival of the goods herey insured at such port

    or place% whichever shall first occur% or


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    9.2 /f the goods are forwarded within the said period of '< days (or any agreed e"tension

    thereof) to the destination named herein or tonay other destination% until terminated in

    arcordance with the provisions of clause 8 aove.


    11. Insurale In&eres& Clause

    11.1. /n order to recover under this insurance the +ssured must have an insurale interest

    in the suect 6matter insured at the time of the loss.

    11.2 ?uect to 11.1 aove% The +ssured shall e entiled to recover for insured lossaccurring during the period covered y this insurance% notwithstanding that the loss

    occurred efore the contract of issurance was conclude% unless the +ssured were +ware

    of the loss and the 0nderwriters were not.

    12. 0%rarin! c'ar!es Clause

    5here a result of the operation of a risk covered y this insurance% the insured transit is

    terminated at a port or place other than that to which the suect!matter is covered under

    this insurance% The 0nderwriters will reinrse the +ssured for any e"tra charges properly

    and reasonlaly incurred in unloading storing and forwarding the suect 6matter to the

    destination to which it is insured hereunder.

    This clause 12% which does not apply to general average or salvage charges% shall e

    suect to the e"clusions contained in #lauses $%&%' and aove% and shall not include

    charges arising from the fault neligence insolvency or financial default of the +ssured ot

    their servants.

    1". C%ns&ruc&ie T%&al l%ss Clause

    @o #laim for constructive total loss shall e recoverale here under unless the ?uect!

    matter insured is reasonaly aandoned either on account of its actual total loss appearing

    to unavoidale or ecause the cost of recovering% reconditioning and forwarding the

    suect!matter to the destination to which it is insured would e e"eed its value on arrival.

    1+. In crease alue clause


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    1$.1 /f any /ncrease =alue insurance is effected y the +ssured on the cargo insured

    herein the agreed value of the cargo shall e deemed to e the increased to the total

    amount insured under this insurance and all /ncreased =alue insurances covering the loss%

    and liaility under this insurance shall e in such proportion as the sum insured here in

    ears to such to tal amount insured.

    /n the event of claim the +ssured shall provide the 0nderwriters which evidence of the

    amounts insured under all other insurances.

    1$.2 5here this /nsrance on /ncreased =alue the following clause shall apply

    The agreed value of the cargo shall e deemed to e eual to the total amount insured

    under the primary insurance and all /ncreased =alue insurances covering the loss and

    effected on the cargo y the +ssured% aand liaility under this insurance shall e in such

    proportion as the sum insured herein ears to such total amount insured./n the event of claim +ssured shall provide the 0nderwriters with evidence of the

    amounts insured under all other insurances.

    $e ne3i& %3 Insurance

    14 N%& inure Clause

    This insurance shall not inure to the enefit of the carrier or other ailee.

    5iniisin! L%sses

    1-. Du&6 %3 Assure Clause

    /t is the duty of the +ssured and their servants and agents in reuest of loss recoverale

    here under.

    1'.1 To take such measures as may e reasonale for purpose of adverting or minimising

    such loss% and

    1'.2 To ensure that all rights against carriers% ailees or other third parties are properly

    preserved and e"ercised.

    +nd the 0nderwriters will% an addition any loss recoverale here under% reimurse the

    +ssured for any charges properly and reasonaly incured in pursuance of these duties.

    1/. aier Clause

    >easures taken y the +ssured or 0nderwriters with the oect of saving% protecting or

    recovering the suect!matter insured shall not e considered as a waiver or acceptance of

    aandonment of otherwise preudice the rights of either party.


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    18. Reas%nale Des9a&c' Clause

    /n is a condition of this insurance that the +ssured shall act with reasonale despatch in

    all circumtances within their control.


    1;. En!lis' La an :ra&ice Clause

    This insurance is suect to nglish law and pratice


    @ote 6 It is necessary for the Assured when they become aware of an event which is

    held covered under this insurance to give prompt notice to the Underwriters and the

    right to such cover is dependent upon in compliance with this obligation.

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    ngHi lMm cng cEa hR HIc i^t ri]ng vL trBng thKi khng E khP nxng i iQn

    hoc khng thXch hIp \ vMo thi gian Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm HIc "^p vMo cKc

    phHng ti_n tr]n.

    @gHi HIc Po hiQm U ua mRi trHng hIp vi phBm nhDng cam k^t ngq tMu E khP

    nxng i iQn vz thXch hIp cho vi_c chuy]n ch Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm tNi ni kQ tC khi

    @gHi Po hiQm hoc ngHi lMm cng cEa hR HIc i^t ri]ng vL trBng thKi khng E khP

    nxng i iQn hay khng thXch hIp \.

    -. n l%Mi &r Pn' cQn!

    Trong St k` trHng hIp nMo Po hiQm nMy s khng Po hiQm cho nhDng mSt mKt%

    hH hUng% hoc chi phX

    }Oy ra i nhDng ngHi nh cng% cng nhOn J cSm "Hng hoc nhDng ngHi tham gia

    gOy rVi lao Zng% nKo loBn hoc Bo Zng dOn sj.

    u uP cEa nh cng% cSm "Hng% gOy rVi lao Zng% nKo loBn hoc Bo Zng dOn sj.

    }Oy ra i nhDng k~ khEng V hoc St k` ngHi nMo v Zng c chXnh trJ.

    T'i 'Mn >% 'i?


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    hi giao hMng vMo St k` mZt kho hay ni chYa hMng nMo khKc% d trHNc khi tNi hay ^n

    ni c\ ghi t]n trong hIp bng Po hiQm mM ngHi HIc Po hiQm chRn dng hoc.

    Q chYa hMng ngoMi uK trnh vn chuyQn nh thHng hoc%

    Q chia hay phOn phVi hMng hoc

    hi h^t hBn '< ngMy sau khi hoMn thMnh vi_c d hMng hoK khUi tMu iQn tBi cPng d hMng

    cuVi cng

    @^u sau khi d hMng khUi tMu iQn tBi cPng d hMng cuVi cng% nhHng trHNc khi k^t thc

    thi hBn Po hiQm% hMng hoK HIc gi tNi mZt ni khKc ni ^n ghi trong hIp bng Po

    hiQm% Po hiQm nMy trong khi giD nguy]n hi_u ljc theo uy Jnh k^t thc n\i tr]n s

    khng m rZng giNi hBn uK lc |t u vn chuyQn tNi mZt ni ^n khKc \.

    -Po hiQm nMy s giD nguy]n hi_u ljc (tu` thuZc uy Jnh k^t thc n\i tr]n vM uy Jnh

    trong iLu 9 dHNi Oy) trong khi J chm tr ngoMi khP nxng kiQm soKt cEa @gHi HIcPo hiQm% tMu chBy ch_ch hHNng St k`% d hMng |t uZc% "^p lBi hMng hoc chuyQn tPi

    khi c\ St k` sj thay Wi nMo vL hMnh trnh phKt sinh tC vi_c thjc hi_n uyLn tj do mM

    hIp bng chuy]n ch G dMnh cho chE tMu hoc @gHi thu] tMu.


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    HIc Po hiQm St k` chi phX nMo G ch ra mZt cKch hIp l vM thoP Kng Q thjc hi_n

    ngh{a vq nMy.

    1/. n k'gn &rhn! 'F9 l

    iLu khoPn cEa Po hiQm nMy lM @gHi HIc Po hiQm phPi hMnh Zng mZt cKch khn

    trHng hIp l trong mRi tnh huVng thuZc khP nxng kiQm soKt cEa hR.

    Lu& 9'9 @ &9 un


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    1.1.$ The vessels% oards% crafts or means of transport thrust or strike against anye"ternal oectives% e"cept under the water.1.1.& ischarging goods where the vessel meets with disaster.1.1.' arthuakes% =ocanic /ruption or To e thunders truck1.2 The suect! matter insured was lost or damage araising from

    1.2.1 to sacrifice }eneral +verage1.2.2 to ettison%throw the goods overoard or whirl pool

    1.2.4 ?ea water% river water or lake water spreads over vessel% oard% hatches% means oftransport% containers or pallets.

    1.4 Total lost of any pakages which was fallen into the water or fall during the time ofloading or discharging the cargoes on oard the ship.2. General Aera!e clause

    This insurance covers general average and salvage charges% austed or determined

    according to the contract of affreightmnet and *or the governing law and pratice% incurred

    to avoid or inconection with the avoidance of loss from any cause e"cept those e"cludedin #lause $%&%' and or elsewhere in this insurance.

    ". # $%&' lae c%llisi%n Clause*

    This insurance is e"tended to idemnify the +ssured againts such of proportion of liaility

    under the contract of affreightment ,-oth lame collision #lause as in respect of a loss

    recoverale hereunder. /n the event of any claim y shipowners under the said clause the

    +ssured agree to notify the 0nderwriters who shall have the right% at their own cost and

    e"pense% to defend the +ssured against claim.


    +. General E,clusi%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover

    $.1 oss damage or e"pense attriutale to wilful misconduct of the +ssured

    $.2 3rdinary leakage% ordinary loss in weigh or volume% or ordinary wears and tears of

    the suect!matter insured.

    $.4 oss damage or e"pense caused y insfficiency or unsuitaility of packing or

    preparation of the suect!matter insured ( for the purpose of this clause $.4 ,packing

    shall e deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan ut only when such stowage

    is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or y the +ssured or their servants).

    $.$ oss damage or e"pense pro"imately caused y delay% even though the delay e

    caused y a risk insured agaist (e"cept e"pense payale under #lause 2 aove)


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    $.& oss damage or e"pense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing

    automic!or nuclear fission and* or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or


    &. 0nseaworthness and unfitness "clusion #lause

    &.1 /n no case shall this insurance cover loss or e"pense arising from unseaworthness of

    vessel or craft%

    unfitness of vessel craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the

    suect!matter insured%

    5here the +ssued or their servants are privy to such unseaworthness of the ship and

    unfitness% at the time of the suect 6matter insured is loaded therein.

    &.2 The 0nderwriters waive any reach of the implied warranties of seaworthness of the

    ship and fitness of the ship to carry the suect!matter insured to destination% unless the+ssured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthness%

    -. ar E,clu&i%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or e"pense cause y

    '.1 5ar civil war revolution reellion% or civil strife arising therefrom or any hostile act

    y or against a elligerent power.

    '.2 #apture sei7ure arrest restraint or detainment (priacy e"cepted)% and the

    conseuences thereof or any attempt thereat.

    '.4 erelict mines torpedoes oms or other derelict weapons of war.

    /. S&rikes E,clu&i%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or e"pense.

    .1 #aused y strickers% lock 6out workmen% or persons taking part in laour

    disturances% criots or civil commotions.

    .2 :esulting form strikes% lock!outs% laour disturances% riots or civil commotions.

    .4 #aused y any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.


    8. Transit #lause

    8.1 This insrance attaches from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of

    storage at the place named herein for the commencement of the transit% contines during

    the ordinary cause of transit and terminates either.


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    8.1.1 3ndelivery to the consignees; or other final warehouse or place of storage at the

    destination named herein.

    8.1.2 3ndelivery to any other ware house or place of storage% whether prior to or at the

    destination named herein% which the +ssured elect to use either. For storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or. For allocation or distriution% or

    8.1.4 3n the e"piry of '< days after completion of discharge overside of the goods herey

    insured from the oversea at the final port of discharge%

    whichever shall first occur.

    8.1.4 /f % after discharge overside from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge ut

    prior to termination of this insurance% the goods are to e forwarded to a destination

    other than that to which they are insured hereunder% this insurance% whilst remainingsuect to termination as provide for aove% shall not e"tend eyond the commencement

    of transit to such other destination.

    8.4 This insurance shall remain in Force (suect to termination as provided for aove

    and to the provisions of claused 9 elow) during delay eyond the control of the +ssured%

    any deviation% forced discharge% reshipment or transhipment and during any variation of

    the advanture arising from the e"ercise of lierty granted to shipowners or charterers

    under the contract of affreightment.

    9. Termination of contract of #arriage #lause

    /f owing to circumstances eyond the control of the +ssured either the contract of

    carriage is terminated at the port or place other than the destination named therein or the

    transit is otherwise terminated efore delivery of the goods as provided for in #lause 8

    aove% then this insurance shall also terminate unless prompt notice is given to the

    0nderwriters and contination of cover is reuested when the insrance shall remain

    inforce% suect to an additional premium if reuired y the 0nderwriters% either.

    9.1 0ntil the goods are sold and delivery at such port or place % or otherwise specially

    agreed% untill the e"piry of '< days after arrival of the goods herey insured at such port

    or place% whichever shall first occur% or


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    18. Reas%nale Des9a&c' Clause

    /n is a condition of this insurance that the +ssured shall act with reasonale despatch in

    all circumtances within their control.


    1;. En!lis' La an :ra&ice Clause

    This insurance is suect to nglish law and pratice


    @ote 6 It is necessary for the Assured when they become aware of an event which is

    held covered under this insurance to give prompt notice to the Underwriters and the

    right to such cover is dependent upon in compliance with this obligation.

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    @HNc iQn% nHNc sng hay nHNc hb trMn vMo tMu% thuyLn% hm hMng% phHng ti_n vn

    chuyQn container hoc ni chYa hMng.

    TWn thSt toMn Z St k` ki_n hMng nMo ri khUi tMu hoc ri trong khi ang "^p

    hMng l]n hay ang d hMng khUi tM hoc thuyLn.

    11. St mKt% hH hUng hay chi phX HIc uy cho hMnh vi cV cEa ngHi HIc Po


    Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm J r r thng thHng% hao hqt trRng lHIng hoc

    giPm thQ tXch thng thHng hoc hao mn thng thHng

    >St mKt hH hUng hoc chi phX phKt sinh do vi_c \ng g\i hoc chun J cho

    Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm chHa y E hoc khng thXch hIp (theo chE cEa

    iLu $.4 nMy vi_c \ng g\i s HIc coi lM ao gbm cP vi_c "^p hMng vMo

    ,container hoc ,ki_n gnhHng khi nMo vi_c "^p hMng \ HIc thjc hi_n

    trHNc khi hIp bng nMy c\ hi_u ljc hoc ti^n hMnh i @gHi HIc Po hiQm

    hoc nh ngHi lMm cng cho hR


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    >St mKt hH hUng hay chi phX phKt sinh do khuy^t tt vVn c\ hoc tXnh chSt

    ri]ng cEa Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm.

    >St mKt hay hH hUng hay chi phX trjc ti^p gOy ra do chm tr% ngay cP khi

    chm tr do mZt rEi ro HIc Po hiQm gOy ra (trC nhDng chi phX HIc trP theo

    iLu 2 kQ tr]n)

    >St mKt hH hUng hay chi phX phKt sinh tC tnh trBng khng trP HIc nI hoc

    thi^u thVn vL tMi chXnh cEa chE tMu% ngHi uPn l% ngHi thu] tMu hoc ngHi

    iLu hMnh tMu.

    H hBi hoc phK hu do cV gOy ra cho Vi tHIng Po hiQm hay mZt Z phn

    St k` cEa Vi tHIng Po hiQm do hMnh Zng sai trKi cEa St k` ngHi nMo.

    >St mKt% hH hUng hay chi phX phKt sinh tC vi_c s dqng St k` mZt loBi v khX

    chi^n tranh g c\ s dqng nxng lHIng nguy]n t% phOn hBt nhOn vM*hoc phPnYng hBt nhOn% ph\ng "B hoc tHng tj.

    1$. iLu khoPn loBi trC nhau khng E khP nxng i iQn vM khng thXch hIp cho

    vi_c chuy]n ch.

    Trong St k` trHng hIp nMo Po hiQm nMy s khng Po hiQm cho nhDng mSt

    mKt hH hUng hoc chi phX gOy ra i

    - TMu thuyLn khng E khP nxng i iQn


    TMu thuyLn% phHng ti_n vn chuyQn container hoc ki_n g khng thXch hIp \vMo thi gian Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm% n^u ngHi HIc Po hiQm hoc nhDng

    ngHi lMm cng cEa hR HIc i^t ri]ng vL trBng thKi khng E khP nxng i iQn

    hoc khng thXch hIp \ vMo thi gian Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm HIc "^p vMo cKc

    phHng ti_n tr]n.

    @gHi HIc Po hiQm U ua mRi trHng hIp vi phBm nhDng cam k^t ngq

    tMu E khP nxng i iQn vz thXch hIp cho vi_c chuy]n ch Vi tHIng HIc Po

    hiQm tNi ni kQ tC khi @gHi Po hiQm hoc ngHi lMm cng cEa hR HIc i^t

    ri]ng vL trBng thKi khng E khP nxng i iQn hay khng thXch hIp \.


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    #hi^n tranh% nZi chi^n% cKch mBng% nWi loBn% khi ngh{a hoc "ung Zt dOn sj

    phKt sinh tC nhDng i^n cV \% hoc St k` hMnh Zng th Jch nMo gOy ra

    hoc chVng lBi ]n tham chi^n.

    -|t giD% tJch thu% kiLm ch^ hay cm giD vM h uP cEa nhDng sj vi_c \ hc

    St k` mHu toan nMo nh[m thjc hi_n nhDng hMnh vi \.

    >n% thu li% om hoc nhDng v khX chi^n tranh hoang ph^ khKc.

    1-. % 'i?


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    theo uy Jnh k^t thc n\i tr]n s khng m rZng giNi hBn uK lc |t u vn

    chuyQn tNi mZt ni ^n khKc \.

    -Po hiQm nMy s giD nguy]n hi_u ljc (tu` thuZc uy Jnh k^t thc n\i tr]n vM

    uy Jnh trong iLu 9 dHNi Oy) trong khi J chm tr ngoMi khP nxng kiQm

    soKt cEa @gHi HIc Po hiQm% tMu chBy ch_ch hHNng St k`% d hMng |t

    uZc% "^p lBi hMng hoc chuyQn tPi khi c\ St k` sj thay Wi nMo vL hMnh trnh

    phKt sinh tC vi_c thjc hi_n uyLn tj do mM hIp bng chuy]n ch G dMnh cho

    chE tMu hoc @gHi thu] tMu.


  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    Q c\ thQ i bi thHng theo Po hiQm nMy @gHi HIc Po hiQm cn phPi c\ uyLn lIi

    Po hiQm Vi vNi Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm vMo thi gian "Py ra tWn thSt.

    TuOn theo iLu 11.1 n\i tr]n @gHi Po hiQm s c\ uyLn i bi thHng cho nhDng tWn

    thSt HIc Po hiQm "y ra trong thi gian Po hiQm nMy c\ hi_u ljc cho d tWn thSt G

    "Py ra trHNc khi hIp bng Po hiQm HIc k k^t% trC khi @gHi HIc Po hiQm G i^t vL

    tWn thSt \ vM @gHi Po hiQm chHa i^t.

    1+. n &n &'H& &%@n Y Zc &Wn'

    -Po hiQm nMy khng bi thHng cho cKc khi^u nBi vL tWn thSt toMn Z HNc tXnh trC

    khi Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm J tC U mZt cKch hIp l n^u "t thSy khng thQ

    trKnh khUi tWn thSt toMn Z thjc t^ hoc do chi phX phqc hbi% tu W lBi vM gi hMng

    tNi ni ^n thuZc phBm vi Po hiQm s vHIt uK giK trJ hMng tBi ni ^n.


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    1$.2 Trn! 'F9 >% 'i? n@6 >% 'i? !i &r[ &\n! &'] &'P s^ 9 _n! i=u

    k'%>n sau`

    }iK trJ thoP thun cEa hMng hoK s HIc "em nhH ngang [ng vNi tWng sV tiLn HIc

    Po hiQm cEa hIp bng Po hiQm gVc vM cEa tSt cP cKc hIp bng Po hiQm giK trJ

    txng th]m. >M @gHi HIc Po hiQm thjc hi_n cng Po hiQm cho tWn thSt \ vM

    trKch nhi_m thuZc phBm vi Po hiQm nMy s HIc tXnh theo t l_ giDa sV tiLn Po

    hiQm cEa hIp bng Po hiQm nMy vM tWng sV tiLn Po hiQm G n\i tNi. TrHng hIp

    c\ khi^u nBi% @gHi HIc Po hiQm phPi cung cSp cho @gHi Po hiQm [ng chYng

    vL nhDng sV tiLn Po hiQm thuZc tSt cP cKc Po hiQm khKc.

    14 n' &n &'H&

    1-. % 'i?

    @gh{a vq cEa ngHi HIc Po hiQm% @hDng ngHi lMm cng vM Bi l cEa hR Vi vNi

    cKc tWn thSt thu phBm vi cEa Po hiQm nMy lM

    1'.1 hPi ti^n hMnh mRi i_n phKp c\ thQ coi lM hIp l nh[m mqc Xch ngxn ngCa

    hoc giPm nh tWn thSt \ vM

    1'.2 hPi Po lHu vM thjc hi_n cKc uyLn khi^u nBi Vi vNi ngHi chuy]n ch% ngHi

    nhn k gi hMng hoK hay ngHi thY 4 khKc vM @gHi Po hiQm ngoMi trKch nhi_m Vi

    vNi nhDng tWn thSt thuZc phBm vi bi thHng cEa Po hiQm nMy s hoMn trP cho @gHi

    HIc Po hiQm St k` chi phX nMo G ch ra mZt cKch hIp l vM thoP Kng Q thjc hi_n

    ngh{a vq nMy.

    1/. n k'gn &rhn! 'F9 l

    iLu khoPn cEa Po hiQm nMy lM @gHi HIc Po hiQm phPi hMnh Zng mZt cKch khn

    trHng hIp l trong mRi tnh huVng thuZc khP nxng kiQm soKt cEa hR.


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    Lu& 9'9 @ &9 un


  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    +ssured agree to notify the 0nderwriters who shall have the right% at their own cost and

    e"pense% to defend the +ssured against claim.


    +. General E,clusi%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover

    $.1 oss damage or e"pense attriutale to wilful misconduct of the +ssured

    $.2 3rdinary leakage% ordinary loss in weigh or volume% or ordinary wears and tears of

    the suect!matter insured.

    $.4 oss damage or e"pense caused y insfficiency or unsuitaility of packing or

    preparation of the suect!matter insured ( for the purpose of this clause $.4 ,packing

    shall e deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan ut only when such stowage

    is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or y the +ssured or their servants).$.$ oss damage or e"pense pro"imately caused y delay% even though the delay e

    caused y a risk insured agaist (e"cept e"pense payale under #lause 2 aove)

    $.& oss damage or e"pense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing

    automic!or nuclear fission and* or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or


    &. 0nseaworthness and unfitness "clusion #lause

    &.1 /n no case shall this insurance cover loss or e"pense arising from unseaworthness of

    vessel or craft%

    unfitness of vessel craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the

    suect!matter insured%

    5here the +ssued or their servants are privy to such unseaworthness of the ship and

    unfitness% at the time of the suect 6matter insured is loaded therein.

    &.2 The 0nderwriters waive any reach of the implied warranties of seaworthness of the

    ship and fitness of the ship to carry the suect!matter insured to destination% unless the

    +ssured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthness%

    -. ar E,clu&i%n Clause

    /n no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or e"pense cause y

    '.1 5ar civil war revolution reellion% or civil strife arising therefrom or any hostile act

    y or against a elligerent power.


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    the advanture arising from the e"ercise of lierty granted to shipowners or charterers

    under the contract of affreightment.

    9. Termination of contract of #arriage #lause

    /f owing to circumstances eyond the control of the +ssured either the contract of

    carriage is terminated at the port or place other than the destination named therein or the

    transit is otherwise terminated efore delivery of the goods as provided for in #lause 8

    aove% then this insurance shall also terminate unless prompt notice is given to the

    0nderwriters and contination of cover is reuested when the insrance shall remain

    inforce% suect to an additional premium if reuired y the 0nderwriters% either.

    9.1 0ntil the goods are sold and delivery at such port or place % or otherwise specially

    agreed% untill the e"piry of '< days after arrival of the goods herey insured at such port

    or place% whichever shall first occur% or9.2 /f the goods are forwarded within the said period of '< days (or any agreed e"tension

    thereof) to the destination named herein or tonay other destination% until terminated in

    arcordance with the provisions of clause 8 aove.


    11. Insurale In&eres& Clause

    11.1. /n order to recover under this insurance the +ssured must have an insurale interest

    in the suect 6matter insured at the time of the loss.

    11.2 ?uect to 11.1 aove% The +ssured shall e entiled to recover for insured loss

    accurring during the period covered y this insurance% notwithstanding that the loss

    occurred efore the contract of issurance was conclude% unless the +ssured were +ware

    of the loss and the 0nderwriters were not.

    12. 0%rarin! c'ar!es Clause

    5here a result of the operation of a risk covered y this insurance% the insured transit is

    terminated at a port or place other than that to which the suect!matter is covered under

    this insurance% The 0nderwriters will reinrse the +ssured for any e"tra charges properly


  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    and reasonlaly incurred in unloading storing and forwarding the suect 6matter to the

    destination to which it is insured hereunder.

    This clause 12% which does not apply to general average or salvage charges% shall e

    suect to the e"clusions contained in #lauses $%&%' and aove% and shall not include

    charges arising from the fault neligence insolvency or financial default of the +ssured ot

    their servants.

    1". C%ns&ruc&ie T%&al l%ss Clause

    @o #laim for constructive total loss shall e recoverale here under unless the ?uect!

    matter insured is reasonaly aandoned either on account of its actual total loss appearing

    to unavoidale or ecause the cost of recovering% reconditioning and forwarding the

    suect!matter to the destination to which it is insured would e e"eed its value on arrival.

    1+. In crease alue clause1$.1 /f any /ncrease =alue insurance is effected y the +ssured on the cargo insured

    herein the agreed value of the cargo shall e deemed to e the increased to the total

    amount insured under this insurance and all /ncreased =alue insurances covering the loss%

    and liaility under this insurance shall e in such proportion as the sum insured here in

    ears to such to tal amount insured.

    /n the event of claim the +ssured shall provide the 0nderwriters which evidence of the

    amounts insured under all other insurances.

    1$.2 5here this /nsrance on /ncreased =alue the following clause shall apply

    The agreed value of the cargo shall e deemed to e eual to the total amount insured

    under the primary insurance and all /ncreased =alue insurances covering the loss and

    effected on the cargo y the +ssured% aand liaility under this insurance shall e in such

    proportion as the sum insured herein ears to such total amount insured.

    /n the event of claim +ssured shall provide the 0nderwriters with evidence of the

    amounts insured under all other insurances.

    $e ne3i& %3 Insurance

    14 N%& inure Clause

    This insurance shall not inure to the enefit of the carrier or other ailee.

    5iniisin! L%sses

    1-. Du&6 %3 Assure Clause


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    /t is the duty of the +ssured and their servants and agents in reuest of loss recoverale

    here under.

    1'.1 To take such measures as may e reasonale for purpose of adverting or minimising

    such loss% and

    1'.2 To ensure that all rights against carriers% ailees or other third parties are properly

    preserved and e"ercised.

    +nd the 0nderwriters will% an addition any loss recoverale here under% reimurse the

    +ssured for any charges properly and reasonaly incured in pursuance of these duties.

    1/. aier Clause

    >easures taken y the +ssured or 0nderwriters with the oect of saving% protecting or

    recovering the suect!matter insured shall not e considered as a waiver or acceptance of

    aandonment of otherwise preudice the rights of either party.AVOIDANCE O0 DELA7.

    18. Reas%nale Des9a&c' Clause

    /n is a condition of this insurance that the +ssured shall act with reasonale despatch in

    all circumtances within their control.


    1;. En!lis' La an :ra&ice Clause

    This insurance is suect to nglish law and praticeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    @ote 6 It is necessary for the Assured when they become aware of an event which is

    held covered under this insurance to give prompt notice to the Underwriters and the

    right to such cover is dependent upon in compliance with this obligation.

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    #hKy hay nW

    TMu thuyLn J m|c cBn% |m hoc lt W

    hHng ti_n Hng Z J lt W hoc J trt Knh

    TMu thuyLn hay phHng ti_n vn chuyQn Om va hoc va chBm vNi St k` vt thQ nMo ]n

    ngoMi% khng kQ dHNi nHNc

    hMng tBi mZt cPng ni tMu gp nBn

    Zng St% ni la phun hoc st Knh

    Vi tHIng Po hiQm J mSt mKt hoc hH hUng i cKc nguy]n nhOn

    y sinh tWn thSt chung

    @m hMng khUi tMu


  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    >St mKt hH hUng hoc chi phX phKt sinh do vi_c \ng g\i hoc chun J cho

    Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm chHa y E hoc khng thXch hIp (theo chE cEa

    iLu $.4 nMy vi_c \ng g\i s HIc coi lM ao gbm cP vi_c "^p hMng vMo

    ,container hoc ,ki_n gnhHng khi nMo vi_c "^p hMng \ HIc thjc hi_n

    trHNc khi hIp bng nMy c\ hi_u ljc hoc ti^n hMnh i @gHi HIc Po hiQm

    hoc nh ngHi lMm cng cho hR

    >St mKt hH hUng hay chi phX phKt sinh do khuy^t tt vVn c\ hoc tXnh chSt

    ri]ng cEa Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm.

    >St mKt hay hH hUng hay chi phX trjc ti^p gOy ra do chm tr% ngay cP khi

    chm tr do mZt rEi ro HIc Po hiQm gOy ra (trC nhDng chi phX HIc trP theo

    iLu 2 kQ tr]n)

    >St mKt hH hUng hay chi phX phKt sinh tC tnh trBng khng trP HIc nI hocthi^u thVn vL tMi chXnh cEa chE tMu% ngHi uPn l% ngHi thu] tMu hoc ngHi

    iLu hMnh tMu.

    H hBi hoc phK hu do cV gOy ra cho Vi tHIng Po hiQm hay mZt Z phn

    St k` cEa Vi tHIng Po hiQm do hMnh Zng sai trKi cEa St k` ngHi nMo.

    >St mKt% hH hUng hay chi phX phKt sinh tC vi_c s dqng St k` mZt loBi v khX

    chi^n tranh g c\ s dqng nxng lHIng nguy]n t% phOn hBt nhOn vM*hoc phPn

    Yng hBt nhOn% ph\ng "B hoc tHng tj.

    2". n\n! i i?n @ k'Qn! &'Wc' 'F9

    c'% ic c'u6]n c'.

    Trong St k` trHng hIp nMo Po hiQm nMy s khng Po hiQm cho nhDng mSt

    mKt hH hUng hoc chi phX gOy ra i

    - TMu thuyLn khng E khP nxng i iQn

    - TMu thuyLn% phHng ti_n vn chuyQn container hoc ki_n g khng thXch hIp \

    vMo thi gian Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm% n^u ngHi HIc Po hiQm hoc nhDng

    ngHi lMm cng cEa hR HIc i^t ri]ng vL trBng thKi khng E khP nxng i iQn

    hoc khng thXch hIp \ vMo thi gian Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm HIc "^p vMo cKc

    phHng ti_n tr]n.

    @gHi HIc Po hiQm U ua mRi trHng hIp vi phBm nhDng cam k^t ngq

    tMu E khP nxng i iQn vz thXch hIp cho vi_c chuy]n ch Vi tHIng HIc Po


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    hiQm tNi ni kQ tC khi @gHi Po hiQm hoc ngHi lMm cng cEa hR HIc i^t

    ri]ng vL trBng thKi khng E khP nxng i iQn hay khng thXch hIp \.

    2+. n l%Mi &r Pn' cQn!Trong St k` trHng hIp nMo Po hiQm nMy s khng Po hiQm cho nhDng mSt mKt%

    hH hUng% hoc chi phX

    }Oy ra i nhDng ngHi nh cng% cng nhOn J cSm "Hng hoc nhDng

    ngHi tham gia gOy rVi lao Zng% nKo loBn hoc Bo Zng dOn sj.

    u uP cEa nh cng% cSm "Hng% gOy rVi lao Zng% nKo loBn hoc Bo Zng

    dOn sj.

    }Oy ra i nhDng k~ khEng V hoc St k` ngHi nMo v Zng c chXnh trJ.

    T'i 'Mn >% 'i?


  • 8/13/2019 Cac dieu khoan bao hiem nhom A,B,C.doc


    hi h^t hBn '< ngMy sau khi hoMn thMnh vi_c d hMng hoK khUi tMu iQn tBi cPng d hMng

    cuVi cng

    @^u sau khi d hMng khUi tMu iQn tBi cPng d hMng cuVi cng% nhHng trHNc

    khi k^t thc thi hBn Po hiQm% hMng hoK HIc gi tNi mZt ni khKc ni ^n

    ghi trong hIp bng Po hiQm% Po hiQm nMy trong khi giD nguy]n hi_u ljc

    theo uy Jnh k^t thc n\i tr]n s khng m rZng giNi hBn uK lc |t u vn

    chuyQn tNi mZt ni ^n khKc \.

    -Po hiQm nMy s giD nguy]n hi_u ljc (tu` thuZc uy Jnh k^t thc n\i tr]n vM

    uy Jnh trong iLu 9 dHNi Oy) trong khi J chm tr ngoMi khP nxng kiQm

    soKt cEa @gHi HIc Po hiQm% tMu chBy ch_ch hHNng St k`% d hMng |t

    uZc% "^p lBi hMng hoc chuyQn tPi khi c\ St k` sj thay Wi nMo vL hMnh trnh

    phKt sinh tC vi_c thjc hi_n uyLn tj do mM hIp bng chuy]n ch G dMnh chochE tMu hoc @gHi thu] tMu.


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    thng Ko ngay cho @gHi Po hiQm i^t vNi phX Po hiQm vM nhDng iLu ki_n HIc

    thoP thun.

    K'iu nMi

    14. n !i &r[ &\n! &']

    1$.1 @^u ngHi HIc Po hiQm k k^t St k` hIp bng Po hiQm giK trJ txng th]m

    nMo cho hMng hoK G HIc Po hiQm nMy Po hiQm th giK trJ thoP thun cEa hMng

    hoK HIc "em nhH G gia txng vNi tWng sV tiLn HIc Po hiQm thuZc Po hiQm nMy


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    cZng vNi sV tiLn Po hiQm cEa cKc hIp bng Po hiQm giK trJ txng th]m cng Po

    hiQm tWn thSt \ vM tr Kch nhi_m thuZc phBm vi Po hiQm nMy vM tWng sV tiLn Po

    hiQm G n\i tNi.

    TrHng hIp c\ khi^u nBi% @gHi HIc Po hiQm phPi cung cSp cho @gHi Po hiQm

    [ng chYng vL nhDng sV tiLn Po hiQm thuZc tSt cP nhDng Po hiQm khKc.

    1$.2 Trn! 'F9 >% 'i? n@6 >% 'i? !i &r[ &\n! &'] &'P s^ 9 _n! i=u

    k'%>n sau`

    }iK trJ thoP thun cEa hMng hoK s HIc "em nhH ngang [ng vNi tWng sV tiLn HIc

    Po hiQm cEa hIp bng Po hiQm gVc vM cEa tSt cP cKc hIp bng Po hiQm giK trJ

    txng th]m. >M @gHi HIc Po hiQm thjc hi_n cng Po hiQm cho tWn thSt \ vM

    trKch nhi_m thuZc phBm vi Po hiQm nMy s HIc tXnh theo t l_ giDa sV tiLn Po

    hiQm cEa hIp bng Po hiQm nMy vM tWng sV tiLn Po hiQm G n\i tNi. TrHng hIpc\ khi^u nBi% @gHi HIc Po hiQm phPi cung cSp cho @gHi Po hiQm [ng chYng

    vL nhDng sV tiLn Po hiQm thuZc tSt cP cKc Po hiQm khKc.

    14 n' &n &'H&

    1-. % 'i?

    @gh{a vq cEa ngHi HIc Po hiQm% @hDng ngHi lMm cng vM Bi l cEa hR Vi vNi

    cKc tWn thSt thu phBm vi cEa Po hiQm nMy lM

    1'.1 hPi ti^n hMnh mRi i_n phKp c\ thQ coi lM hIp l nh[m mqc Xch ngxn ngCa

    hoc giPm nh tWn thSt \ vM

    1'.2 hPi Po lHu vM thjc hi_n cKc uyLn khi^u nBi Vi vNi ngHi chuy]n ch% ngHi

    nhn k gi hMng hoK hay ngHi thY 4 khKc vM @gHi Po hiQm ngoMi trKch nhi_m Vi

    vNi nhDng tWn thSt thuZc phBm vi bi thHng cEa Po hiQm nMy s hoMn trP cho @gHi

    HIc Po hiQm St k` chi phX nMo G ch ra mZt cKch hIp l vM thoP Kng Q thjc hi_n

    ngh{a vq nMy.


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    >Ri i_n phKp do @gHi HIc Po hiQm hoc @gHi Po hiQm thjc hi_n nh[m mqc

    Xch cYu vNt% Po v_ hoc khi phqc lBi Vi tHIng HIc Po hiQm s khng HIc coi

    nhH sj tC U hoc vL mt khKc lMm tWn hBi ^n cKc uyLn lIi cEa mi ]n.

    Trn' c' &rf


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