Words Their Way Spanish Interven3on Program: Palabras a su Paso Lori Helman University of Minnesota California Associa3on for Bilingual Educa3on March 4, 2015 palabras PALABRAS palabras palabras palabras PALABRAS palabras PALABRAS palabras palabras palabras PALABRAS

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Words  Their  Way  Spanish  Interven3on  Program:    Palabras  a  su  Paso  

 Lori  Helman  

University  of  Minnesota  California  Associa3on  for  Bilingual  Educa3on  

March  4,  2015  

palabras  PALABRAS palabras  palabras palabras PALABRAS  

palabras  PALABRAS palabras  palabras palabras PALABRAS  

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Goals  for  the  workshop  

•  Get  an  overview  of  developmental  learning  milestones  in  Spanish  literacy  

•  Examine  connec3ons  between  students’  reading  and  wri3ng  knowledge  

•  Analyze  examples  of  students’  developmental  spelling  

•  Consider  ways  to  differen3ate  literacy  instruc3on  based  on  students’  developmental  understanding  

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Word study =

phonics + spelling + vocabulary instruction

What is word study?

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Word study is an instructional focus on the spelling, sounds and meanings of words

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Most  languages  require  readers  and  writers  to  understand  increasingly  complex  

structures  in  wriSen  language  







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En  español…  

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Layers  of  Spanish  Orthography    




mesa campo

té gigante útil

exhalar juzgar

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The Slant of Development


spelling Spelling is a conservative measure of what students know about words.

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Reading  and  wri3ng  are  connected  

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To find out where students are, we can use observation and informal

assessments such as:

•  Informal reading inventories •  Examining unedited writing •  Assess phonics knowledge

-OR- •  Give a qualitative spelling inventory

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The Spanish Developmental Spelling Inventory may be found in Palabras a su paso and on the PD Toolkit for Words Their Way and Words Their Way with English Learners.

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The  Spanish  Developmental  Spelling  Inventory  

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-­‐vocal  prominente  ✔

-­‐consonante  prominente  ✔  -­‐vocales/consonantes  ✔  -­‐representación  de  sonidos  ✔  -­‐dígrafos,  sílabas  cerradas  ✔  -­‐contrastes,  letras  mudas  ý  

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Now  you  try  it  with  a  partner  

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Here  are  the  words  as  the  student  spelled  them:  

1.   el  2.   suma  3.   pan  4.   red  5.   campos  6.   plancha    7.   brincar  8.   fresa  9.   apietro  10.   gisante  11.   cisiera  12.   gigante  13.   ac?ses  

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We look for what a student is “using but confusing” to plan for instruction. What is this student “using but confusing”?

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Example  word  study  ac3vi3es  at  each  developmental  level  

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In  ac3ve  and  engaged  word  study:  

Students participate and interact.

Students use language and literacy in purposeful ways.

Teachers are explicit and systematic.

New learning builds on what students already know.

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We  are  thrilled  to  have  so  many  Spanish  word  study  materials  available  

through  Palabras  a  su  paso!  


Grupo 25: Leer palabras con sílabas abiertas99

Leer palabras con sílabas abiertas v, r, f, ch, y, j, c, b, n, d, m, s, l, p

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vaca vaso vela velo vena

rama ramo remo roto ropa

lava pavo vara nave chivo

rosa risa rima rojo rolo

mesa beso casa rana cuna

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Grupo 25: Leer palabras con sílabas abiertas 97

vela rayo







Leer palabras con sílabas abiertas v, r, f, ch, y, j, c, b, n, d, m, s, l, p 25


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