C.A. - October 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 C.A. - October 2013



    Issue No.690$3.00

    Fukushima Radiation2

    Situation in Syria4

    Collapsing System of Old Beliefs4

    A Meditation for Dissolving Dualism & Bringing

    Unity Consciousness into Being6

    Tracking a Werewolf6

    Integrating the Low, Middle and High Self7

    The M-Triangle: Heaven on Earth?9

    ET Contact: The Evidence & Implications9

    Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility10

    A Dark Male Predator is Stalking Her11

    He is ET in origin But Doesnt remember!13

    Fairies & Giants & Trolls, Oh My!14

    Monetary SecurityIs There Such a Thing?15

    Underground Cities Exist All Over the World16

    Three-Sided Pyramid in Area 5116

    An update of Dulce, New Mexico17

    Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs About Money17

    CDC Intentionally Contaminates Polio Vaccine with

    a Cancer Virus18

    The Hulda Clark Zapper for Dealing with Parasites

    within the Blood18

    Florida Man Awakens in Hospital Speaking


    Bob Marley & John Lennon: Martyrs to the


    Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends but no alterations or public

    dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.

  • 8/13/2019 C.A. - October 2013


  • 8/13/2019 C.A. - October 2013



    fy at that basic level, and see finally that whether it isFukushima or Syria or an economic meltdown thatbrings chaos and destruction forward, it is still time forone to put into play their own power and their owncapacity to create their realities, by not buying intoother realities, especially negative ones.

    This is the hardest thing of all for many to do, for itis so easy to feel threatened by external enemies andexternal events that one does so without even thinking

    about it. One abdicates ones power as one steps intothe fear of this nuclear meltdown that is spewinghundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive water intothe Pacific Ocean, and into the air, where it will travelalong and dump on those thousands of miles away. Isthis not truth? For many itis truth, a truth that theybelieve in. But this Awareness would still say it is notwhat it seems.

    It is being manipulated to create the fear and panicthis Awareness has already discussed and if thesetimes are the times of ending the old so that the newcan be born, then these events: Fukushima, Syria, theeconomic situation around the world are all simplyopportunities to break free of those who have for solong choked humanity and brought it to its knees and

    made it suffer.It is a golden opportunity to step into a trust and

    faith of that which exceeds the third dimension and thedualistic reality that one finds oneself in. The energiesof the God Force, Divine Consciousness, are stillpresent, are still part of what is unfolding, evenFukushima, and if one truly finds the inner connectionand if one truly comes from a place of knowing, offaith and trust that there are greater powers that areplaying a part in All, that are evenbehindAll, thenone will start to experience a new set of events in theirlives, factors unfolding, and realities shifting.

    This Awareness therefore says of Fukushima: beaware but do not energize. Know that much of theinformation surrounding this event is deliberatelybeing put out at a level that is designed to cause panicand fear. Trust that there are other forces: extraterres-trial, Divine, and even others on the earthly plane thathave answers and are here to be of assistance, but evenbefore this, trust in yourself. Trust that you are thecreator being and you do not need to energize theseevents with an obsession to a point of distraction.

    Rather, be one who discerns, and knows that theseevents are happening but they will not affect yourreality, your personal creation of life on this thirddimensional planet. These are challenging times inmany ways. There are many distractions that are beingput out now, but the fundamental task for one and allwho are spiritual seekers and participants in these EndTimes to help shift consciousness is to remain bal-anced, centered and stable, no matter what is happen-ing in the outside world that surrounds you. Thiscompletes this answer at this time.


    Thank you Awareness. That was from CL in Japan.His follow-up question is a concern for many mem-

    bers: Would it be wise to avoid eating fish from thePacific Ocean because of the radiation?


    From a practical level, even though one does notenergize the fear and panic, it would be perhapsprudent not to eat radiated fish from an area of the seawhere there are high levels of contamination. This is

    not the same as being obsessed with the radiation

    being omnipresent in all areas. It is localized. It iscommon sense. At the same time, for the entity CL inJapan, he is of course in a situation of living on theisland country that is being affected and beset upon atthis time. There are many considerations for this one,including the consideration of whether he shouldremain there with his wife or whether he should moveelsewhere, to Australia for example.

    He would need to look at the situation from that

    balanced place, from his center, and ask for guidanceon this matter. This way he would not simply be infear reaction, but would be looking at the situationfrom a balanced point where he is in control. ThisAwareness would say that It foresees certain timelinesfor Japan where there will be great hardship due to thisevent, but the hardship is being called in by thepeoples of Japan, as part of their karma, part of theirdesign.

    This individual CL has the opportunity to create hisown reality, either by staying in Japan and visualizingand holding that even though he stays in Japan, that heand his wife will be all right, or he has certain otheroptions to relocate, as long as he is not reacting onlyfrom fear, but from the highest level of his guidance

    that will lead him where he needs to be. This Aware-ness has never said that one cannot move away froman area that may be in the center of great upheaval ifone becomes aware and one understands that one hasthe right to create their reality, to reflect their powerand right to change their situation.

    For those who do not move away and stay in thoseareas where there is high conflict, or events of such amagnitude occur that are very challenging, that onecan still be in such a region, in such a situation andstill hold that they will be all right and can still followthe inner guidance that may even have directed themto stay where they are. Ultimately, as the events thatare unfolding are global in nature, it does not in theend really matter where you wind up. Whatdoes

    matter is what you will do where you are at the timewhen things erupt, when things explode, when thingsfall apart.

    This Awareness asks you to remember that these arethose times that have been called the End Times. Asthe End Times will involve the entire planet, runningfrom Place A to Place B may not be the solution, butthen again it may. Trust the inner guidance, and if youare directed to move, to relocate away from an area ofpotential destruction, then follow this instinct. If youare directed to stay, then followthis instinct. If it feelsyou have no choice and cannot move and thus aretrapped, stop seeing it as such.

    See that you are still where you need to be and thesituation that presents itself is the situation you havechosen to experience. If fear is making you want tomove but you do not have the means to do this, honorthat the situation you have created is the correct onefor you, and it is not that you do not have the means.Perhaps it is more that you are meant to be where youare, holding a space, holding the energies of Spiritwhile all around you collapses. It is but a time framethat humanity has always been designed to go throughand that Mother Earth herself has always intended togo through.

    It is an opportunity to switch the focus from externalto internal, to find the inner connection, not to respondto the manipulations of the controllers who have for solong determined ones destiny, but rather to connect toones inner being, ones Higher Sources and onesDivine Consciousness. For CL in Japan, take care of

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    business, do what you feel is correct for you at thistime.

    Deal with the local situation, and if this includes noteating irradiated fish from poisoned seas, then do notdo so, but do not give in to panic and fear and kneejerkresponses. Go deeply within and seek your innerconnection and let this guide you. This applies to CLspecifically, but it also is advice that this Awarenessgives to one and all in their own unique situations and

    their own unique experiences that they are having atthis time of unfolding. This completes this answer atthis time.



    Thank you, Awareness. Awareness has spoken ofSyria before, and these questions are from members,some of them regard the website Before Its News.One of the questions involves: Obama Fires Missile atIran and UFO knocks it down. And there is anotherarticle: There are videos of what appear to be large

    black UFOs patrolling the skies inside the Syrianwarzone. They are hunting down and systematicallytargeting locals using unknown weaponized technolo-gy. So would these be good UFOs or Bad UFOs orhow much are these aliens involved in the US defenseof Syria and Iran?


    This Awareness will take it that the question isreally asking: Are the extraterrestrials at this timeinvolved in the conflict? How much are they doing?How much are they initiating? This Awareness wouldsay that there is observation that is occurring by thoseextraterrestrial forces, both of the Light as well as theDark. Regarding the report of black ships shootinginto certain areasthese being in league with theregime of Assad. This Awareness would say thereseems to be some truth in it, but generally, the alien

    ships are not involved in the bombings and attacks bySyrias government.There is some manipulation of the truth here, but

    what is correct is that technologies in advance ofconventional weaponryeven super-weapons of aconventional nature are indeed being used. There ismuch more behind the scenes than is being reported.What was termed a missile that was shot down in Iranis seen rather to be a drone that was brought down by avessel that is not extraterrestrial in nature, but part ofcertain technologies available to Iranians. Theydohave high technology, more than is understood orknown by the world to be available to them.

    They are being perceived as a threat by the UnitedStates of America and certain of her allies because

    they are in possession of certain technology that issuperior to what is currently available to the Westernpowers. This Awareness will not go deeply into thismatter at this time. All It can say is that the report ofthe shooting down of the missile or drone is accurate,but it is not extraterrestrial technology. It was not anET craft that did this, but rather a craft that theIranians themselves have at their disposal. Thiscompletes this answer.


    Thank you, Awareness. Im sure the members willremember to go within and not be distracted byexternal events.

    Cosmic Awareness General ReadingJuly 11, 2013,

    Will Berlinghof InterpreterZoey Zen energizer & questioner




    Does Awareness have an opening message?


    This Awareness would say to one and to all thatthese months that have been marching by have beenmonths of high activity, both on what could be calledthe psychic and spiritual levels as well as worldlyevents that have been underway now for some time.One can look to the news, even the controlled mediaand see world events are such that many are beingimpacted by their local events, by their national eventsand by global events.

    The Snowden information that has been releasedover these last several months has created a stir in thesecret governments around the world. This is part ofthe dispensation of energies to effect change, but sotoo are world events, such as the events in Egypt oflate, the events in the United States, the events in

    Canadaworld events and local events such asflooding, bombings and rail disasters, and such asexposure of certain information that is challenging tomany at this time.

    This is all part of the collapsing systems: the oldparadigms of beliefs being challenged by energies ofthe Divine. The question here that one and all need toask is: How does this affect me? Many of coursewill choose to interpret the events as personal to them,especially if those events have taken place where theylive. Each and every individual may be facing thedestruction of the familiar, and the downfall of thestatus quo in their own unique ways.

    Rather than energize the negative, the destructivequality of events, see rather that the events both on a

    personal level, regional level, national level and evenglobal level are the energies of change that aresweeping through at this time. Astrologically, there ismuch happening as well. Many planets are in align-ment, in conjunction, or opposing each other, creatingvolatile energies for change as well as the downfall ofthe old systems.

    The planets Pluto, Uranus and Saturn are heavilyinvolved, as are the energies of Venus as well. Muchemotional turmoil is occurring in these water signswhere many of the planets are aligned, and whilemany may not believe in astrology as the singlegoverning force of their lives, what one can useastrology for is to see that the blueprint is there forchange, and that the energies have changed, especially

    emotional change is very prevalent at this time.Therefore, for many on a personal level, these are

    strong emotional times and they are being reflected inthe lives of the individual. The trick is to not takemuch that is happening and occurring at all levelspersonally. Making it a personal matter and blamingGod for a lack of result is bypassing the opportunity ofself-reflection and introspection that is available to oneand all at this time.

    Previously this Awareness has said that this is atime of compression for many. It has given theHourglass meditation to help many understand thatthis is a time when the sands of the old are runningout, but they have not fallen completely into the newway that lies beyond. Many are in the neck of thehourglass, that place of compression in their lives,

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    when many of the factors that govern ones life,especially relating to personal beliefs and personalsituations are in full bloom.

    Many are experiencing in their own personal livestheir own deepest fears, their anger, their confusion,and their mistrust. In this crucial time that falls withinthe 9-month period that this Awareness has oftenspoken of recently; this is the time where one couldexpect the crisis of their lives, the multiple crises that

    may be occurring to them to be the very factors thatneed to occur for them so that they can break throughthat invisible barrier, that glass ceiling that is stoppingthem from moving forward.

    At this crucial time, the belief is that the negativeones still hold all the power, or that one cannot,despite knowing that there are other factors in playhere, seemingly break through and be available toexperience the higher positive energies of the GodForce, the God Consciousness, so that their own livestruly take a turn for the better, and not the worse. Oneof the primary indoctrinational beliefs that have beeninstilled into humanity itself is that if something is toogood to be true, it probably is not true.

    This means that for many, even if good things startto happen, there is an undercurrent of belief that saysto them, This cannot be true. Good things like this arenot real. Something will come forward to mess thingsup. Or one simply believes that it will not happen forthem despite theirwanting good things to happen.

    At this stage of the process of the movement to-wards expansion, towards new realities, it is still verymuch imperative that when one is beset by ones ownnegative views and beliefs, that one digs even deeperwhen crises happen in ones life so that one does notfall apart, one does not hold this as evidence thatnothing good can happen, that God Itself is notavailable, but rather that this is still that opportunityfor self-reflection and introspection, to dig evendeeper, to ask why the crises that one might beexperiencing in their lives is there for: why is thishappening?

    What is this about? What beliefs am I holding evenon an unconscious level that still sabotage the occur-rence of the positive Divine Results that I think I

    believe in? Remember that this is a time when thosedeepest and darkest unconscious beliefs can berevealed to those who are willing to look deeplywithin, to ask the strong questions, to accept responsi-bility for what one is experiencing in their lives, andnot simply that God is not available, the Divine is notworking and what one has experienced is stronger, thenegative is stronger than the positive.

    Many fortunately are starting to see very strong and

    very positive results happening in their lives, but thefundamental matter here is not to doubt the changes,not to go back on them, not to accept that if things aretoo good to be true, they probably are not, and thatthere will be something that messes everything up foran individual. These unconscious beliefs have beenheavily programmed into the human psyche and theyare the biggest obstacles that most actually face.

    The allowance for the positive Divine Energies toflow, to not be distracted by seemingly negative eventsthat are still occurring, but rather to ask when suchnegative events occur: Why is this so? What do I stillhold in my psyche that might perpetuate this negativespin? Remember that governments around the worldare spin-doctors and they have many agencies of spin-

    doctoring. Often when one hears on the news that such

    and such a negative event happens despite the hopethat was held, it is more spin-doctoring to ensure anindividual stay in that negative energy of hopelessness,where they have no power, and feel they cannot effectchange. Even those who have a strong constitution ofbeliefs that change is coming are being very hard-pressed at this time to hold fast to this belief systemfor there seems to be no proof for many that anythingis actually happening.

    Yet muchis happening; much destruction of oldpatterns and old programs is underway, and it is seenthat there is an intensification happening due to manyfactors, some of which this Awareness has spoken ofthis evening. In the end, each individual is experienc-ing the reality of their lives in their own unique andindividual ways. To understand this may be thebeginning of an understanding that it is up to theindividual themselves to review their lives and theirbeliefs, to understand in this time of compression thatthe worst fears are likely to be those very ones that areshowing themselves now, and are being broughtforward for examination and for change to happenwithin.

    By reprogramming and maintaining a positive belief

    and positive expectation of change, more will beaccomplished than by simply throwing up ones handsand saying, Why bother! Nothing is changing! Inthis critical time of compression, do not fall by thewayside due to indoctrinated beliefs that one has noteven looked at, but rather make the extra effort to goeven deeper into the fears, into the beliefs, into theconfusion and doubt, and state completely and totallythat, This is an illusion that is being perpetuatedbecause of the negative energies within myself, not theenergies of influence from outside of myself!

    This critical time is also the time of extremebreakthrough, but it does not always follow thatbreakthrough is a completed event. What this Aware-ness means by this is that often one will feel the

    compression, will have the many negative events oftheir lives coming up, and in their work can breakthrough and experience an expansion of a sort, only tofind more compression, more crises happening in theirlives.

    Do not abandon the field at this point, but recognizerather that one has been brought into an even deeperposition of examination, and then carry on. Eventuallythis cycle of expansion, compression, shattering andexpansion again will complete itself. This Awarenesshas said that there are certain Divine Energies that arealso interacting on the planet at this time that arerequiring this cycle of expansion, compression andbreakthrough to occur for individuals until the groundis cleared of all debris and a path forward and through

    is achieved.This is at this time, the greatest promise of Spirit, of

    the Divine. As one continues in their effort to get tothe bottom of their own debris field of the obstaclesand barriers that they are encountering, the crises thatthey are experiencing; as one deals with this, as onemoves through thiseventually there will come thattime, in alignment with Divine Energies, that the GreatBreakthrough is made and the reality that lies ahead isno longer the reality that was once the truth of onesbeing.

    The new truth is ahead, not behind, and thisAwareness encourages one and all to keep on pressing,to keep on working at the inner levels and to not allowthe outside reality being forced on many to become

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    theirreality; to hold that, It is also illusional, but realenough if I energize the reality being served to me.

    As one realizes this, as one holds this, as one pro-gresses through the negative reality set that many areexperiencing, they will find their own personal livesbeginning to change more and more. To those who arealready experiencing this, share this with others. Manymore are becoming receptive now because of thenegative energies that they have been experiencing

    and knew not how to deal with.Do not expect all to simply believe as you might

    believe. Show them through the example of your ownlives that which is possible and many will begin toawaken to the truth of these times and the truth of theirown being, their own reality based on higher concepts,higher understanding, and higher beliefs. These timesare challenging, but they are also very rewarding andvery motivating to continue the process of inner work,inner reflection, and inner change.

    In the end, all that one can really do is change onesown individual reality. Understand as a creator beingthat you can either tie in to the projected reality thatcomes to and from the outside, or realize that you,within yourself, have access to higher truth, and thuscan create the higher realities that are directly ahead,as seen by this Awareness. These are exciting, if notchallenging times. Hold on to hope, trust and faithduring these exciting and challenging times.

    This completes the opening message.



    The first question is from VV, and she has comeacross a bit of practical magic, one in which twocandles are put in front of the meditating person, about

    8 centimeters apart, and the person then imagines thetwo candles merging into one, connecting the right andleft hemispheres of the brain in balance. This is agateway into the unknown, to move from the world ofduality in a mental way.

    You can place something between the two candles,anything of value to you: photos of people, loved ones,during this meditation. She would like Awarenesssopinion on this meditation, which she states has beenused in secret societies in Egypt.


    This Awareness sees that this would be a useful andbeneficial exercise to try for those who need anexternal type of process that can help them unify the

    two hemispheres of the brain. In a way, the brain itselfis a reflection of dualistic reality that is being experi-enced in this dualistic third dimensional reality, andthis exercise, in a practical way, fuses the two hemi-spheres by this cross-eyed effect of the merging of thetwo candles into one.

    There is seen by this Awareness, a biological actionthat results in this exercise and this can be very usefulto those who find it difficult to achieve Unity Con-sciousness, the consciousness of Oneness. By placingan object that would be something that you wouldwish to focus such Unity Consciousness on, is also ofbenefit and could be of a very practical nature andproducing practical results for those who are success-ful at holding the middle image of the object as it is

    brought into alignment with the One Consciousness,Unity Consciousness.

    First of all it creates a type of synaptic link withinthe two hemispheres of the brain, but it also creates anenergetic field around the objects of consideration, bethey a picture of an individual or an object that can beplaced in that space between the two candles. Thisexercise would not necessarily work effectively foreveryone, but nonetheless, this Awareness can say to

    those who are interested and those who are inclined totry this experiment, this meditation, to indeed give it ago. An exercise like this whether it is one that has aphysical basis as this where two candles are used, andobjects are put between in the field of perception thatis created in the cross-eyed merging of the twocandles, or one where entities would be able to do thisfrom a purely mental inner level, can be beneficial.

    The creation of the Unity Field of Consciousness, nomatter how it is achieved, is a very beneficial thing.Eventually, those who would use a practical means toachieve this effect may find that they move beyondneeding to use two candles and that they know thefeeling of the merger of the two hemispheres of thebrain, and the creation of Unity Consciousness that

    results, and they would not necessarily then need touse the candles or this particular approach, but as astepping stone to achieving this inner unificationprocess, this Awareness would say that this is amethod that could be beneficial for those who aredrawn to it and those who are inclined to try thisapproach.

    This completes the answering of this question.

    TRACKING A WEREWOLFGaining Control of the Beasts from the Dark Side


    All right. The next question is from L, (no lastname) and he sites an episode of Paranormal Witness,where a couple with their child bought a cabin in thewoods, and the woman started noticing that there wassomething rustling outside the home, and when shelooked out she saw a pair of eerie strange-lookingeyes, and when her husband investigated he saw thatsomething had jumped over the roof, and he foundtracks in the snow some twenty feet away.

    The tracks looked like human tracks, but were 14inches long and had what looked like claw marks. Heand his friend followed the tracks to a cabin and theydiscovered that the man who lived in the cabin was arecluse, other than going to work at a tire shop. Hewas mysterious looking; 6 foot high, with intense

    golden eyes.Three months later the man at the tire shop passed

    away, and upon inspecting the cabin, they found it wasbare, no furnishings or personal items, but it had aclosed room that reeked repugnantly of dogs, and hadcovered walls with steel plates with chains andshackles anchored to the wall, and reportedly the wallwas marked with claw marks.

    Sightings of the creature stopped after the man whoworked at the tire shop died, and he is wondering ifold George could have been a werewolf, and dowerewolves exist?


    There are many creatures that exist at this time, and

    during the annals of recorded history, the werewolf is

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    one such creature. There are two levels that this can beviewed at. One is that it is representative of that basewild nature contained in each human being that comesforward and takes control, and that transforms a manor woman into an uncontrollable beast.

    Such an energy must not be allowed to come to thesurface, and thus many fear the beast within them-selves, their wild nature, their evil side, and humanityhas learned to chain this part of the beingthe

    creature within, up to walls contained within, but oncein awhile such an expression of this wild one doesescape, due to certain factors that trigger it, thatrelease it, and often individuals can do evil thingswhen they are possessed by this inner creature, thisinner being.

    The second way of perceiving this is that there trulyare such beings, such creatures as werewolves that docome forward when certain conditions occur such as afull moon, causing a transformation of an individual tothis wild evil being that can slaughter others. Mankinddoes like to scare itself with such things, but this doesnot mean that such things do not exist. It simply meansthat humanity has a certain love for the horror story,for the stories that terrify one and yet intrigue one at

    the same time.In this particular case it is seen that the individual,

    this recluse, Old George did have that part of himselfthat was the wild creature that did transform outwardsand manifest itself. Was this the creature that istraditionally known as the werewolf? Did he actuallychange into a wolf-like being? It is seen there wassome degree of physical transformation that wasinvolved in this individual when he allowed that darkevil being out.

    The subconscious is capable of doing this in thephysical. Cases of multiple personality are knownwhere one personality may have diabetes and yet theother does not. One may need glasses to see, andanother expression of the personality does not needglasses to see. The subconscious can effect greatphysical reversals in the health and well-being, in thephysical stature even of the physical body, because ithas this capacity.

    In this case it is seen that this individual lived infear of this dark part of himself. It was never integrat-ed fully into the social being, the civil being that mostare normally, and as a result, when this occurred, thisindividual could leave the house and wander around,posing some threat to others, but on the whole simplybeing an expression of this wild and uncivilized darkand evil portion of the mans own psyche beingreleased to wander.

    As this Awareness has said, many love such horror

    tales and many have had certain experiences ofabnormal and paranormal things. One needs tounderstand there are many strange things out wander-ing about, but one still has the capacity to protectoneself through the invocation of higher powers andhigher truth.

    This story is one that this Awareness would say hasmany expressions, not only in the events in the life ofthis individual and this couple, but for others whodwell in the Dark Side, who subscribe to such crea-tures and beings. They too can very much be part of aphysical reality of experience if one is inclinedtowards this. On the whole, the evil beings that aremost encountered by others, are not necessarily thosethat can transform themselves into werewolves, but

    may present themselves as criminals, as molesters, as

    deviants that society is taught are very prevalent andare on the prowl all the time.

    It is less likely to create in ones reality a situationwhere one encounters a werewolf, but it is definitely apossibility for many who energize this belief andconviction: that there are many beasts out there, manypredators out there, that it is an unsafe world filledwith such dark ones and they can intrude and harmone.

    This reality can very much be experienced by thosewho hold these realities to be so, so remember thatwhen one encounters this, there is a reason why onehas called such a creature, such a beast into ones life,whether this be a werewolf or a rapist, or a pedophileor a con-artist.

    These creatures of the night are very much expres-sions of what lies within that must be harmonized andbrought into the Light and accepted as part of theirbeing, part of their own individual darkness, and asone begins to deal with the demons within oneself,there is less and less a need to call such creatures, suchdemons or beasts into ones life from outside.

    This completes the answering of this question at this




    Thank you, Cosmic Awareness. The next question isfrom JB, and he wants to know how to integrate thelow self and the middle self and the High Self, andmore specifically, how exactly how does one know ifit is the low self, the middle self or the High Self. Hegives the example of thinking that the low self is hisprimary sensation, when he wants to eat this or that, offeeling that he loves every girl that he sees in the street

    too much.The middle self would be, I have to do this,

    thoughts that suppress the feelings of the low self insome way, and he defines the High Self as when hesquiet in his thoughts, if he writes poems, and hasmoments of pure inspiration. Could Awareness pleaselet him know how he recognizes the low self, themiddle self, and the High Self?


    This Awareness would say he is already recognizinghis low self, his middle self and his High Self. Thisdoes not mean that there is not room for expansion andimprovement. It is just that he already has a way ofrecognizing those three components of the total

    individual, the Unified Being. What he is truly seekingis: how can each evolve? How can he become awareof that evolution and see it more effectively in his life?

    There is an area that this Awareness would com-ment on in his understanding and perception of thatwhich he called the middle self. The middle self ismore than one who is thinking about what to eat, orwhat woman or girl to pursue. The middle self is themind, the intuitive or spiritual mind, the sense ofidentity, the sense of ones beingness.

    It is that which comes and goes from the physicalbody but is often perceived as being stuck in the body,identifying completely with the physical body.However this is but an illusion based on the experi-ence of the person that too heavily identifies with the

    human body, the human condition, that has not

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    received instruction or teachings that help them toovercome this limited conceptualization of being onlythe body.

    Many associate their identity with their physicalstate of being, not recognizing that they are simplytemporary lodgers in that physical vessel and that theycome and go often during the day, mostly at nightwhen the body is put into stasis, when the body isrelaxed in the sleep state. The mindthe identity of

    the individualleaves the sleeping body and is thusavailable to higher states of being, higher states ofconsciousness.

    Of course for many, there is no remembering ofthis. Dreams are often not remembered and as a result,many do not perceive, understand or accept that themind is much more than the body, is much more than ateenager at the effects of hormones or the effects of thewill or the subconscious, be it to love all the womenthat are seen or to eat certain foods, especially thosethat are detrimental, or whatever other expression thelow self body might have that the middle self feels itmust comply to.

    The middle self is not the teenager. It is the adult,and as the adult it is part of the Trinity of Being and

    has the responsibility to guide and teach the low self,and to communicate effectively with the low self as towhat is acceptable and what is not. At this time, manyhave a limited version of the middle self that seems tobe active during the day that subscribes to the will-power and authority of the low self. In other words,many feel they cannot control their subconscious.They cannot control their subconscious needs or thepursuit of those needs.

    They feel they have no choice, and this is the majormistake that humanity suffers from in the understand-ing of the authority of the middle self over the lowself. The low self is that which of course controls thebody, maintains the body, and interfaces with thirddimensionality, that ties in to collective consciousness,

    and that has accepted a program upon entering intophysicality of how to function in a third dimensionalstate, but the middle self does not necessarily functionin the same way.

    It does so only if it does not perceive and understandthat it exceeds third dimensionality and that it has afoot in both camps, both the physical dualistic realityas well as the spiritual multidimensional realities thatlie beyond. As long as the middle self stays stuck inthe belief that it exists alone in third dimensionalityand there is nothing beyond that, or it cannot accesswhat is beyond the third dimensional veil, then onewill find that they will always allow the physicalmaterial reality around them and even within them asexpressed by the subconscious, the low self, to have

    the power over them and they cannot break free. Thisis an illusion, and this is in error.For one to begin to realize the true interrelationship

    of the three parts here on the physical, one must firstbegin to take control of the mind, of the middle self, ofthe expanded state of consciousness. One must acceptthe responsibility that they, the middle self, the mind,the identity, has authority and power over the low self.The low self has been allowed, like an indulged childto be in charge for so long that if it does not get itsway, often it has a temper tantrum and seeminglyrefutes the desire and will of the middle self, and thisis equivalent to a parent that has allowed the child togain control and is thus ineffective in monitoring thechild, controlling the child and guiding the child.

    What is now necessary for JB and for all, is to beginto take ones authority back, to realize one is morethan simply a being trapped in this body with nopower to effect change. The low self is there to notonly be of service to the middle self, but is there aswell to evolve, to grow up, and to expand. Therefore,when one is hit with subconscious, even unconsciousurges, one must stand up to the low self and claim theauthority over the low self, for otherwise it will be the

    low self that will lead and always have control andwill limit the growth and evolutionary process of themiddle self.

    This being so, the way forward, the way to realizethat change is occurring is to communicate with thelow self, to understand it, to present yourselfthemiddle self to it, as the authority, to work things out, toteach the low self to demand higher results from thelow self, and not to give in to the temper tantrums ofthe low self. As the low self begins to understand thereis a wise and responsible parent available, one that isloving and nurturing, but nonetheless firm and incontrol, the low self begins to alter its ways, andbegins to submit to the middle self, begins to open upto ones higher nature.

    Up until this point, this Awareness has not beenspeaking of the High Self in this process, for theHigh Self often cannot make any headway when thelow self is closed to it, when the low self will not openthe gateway for the High Self to become a part of theTrinity Personality. But as the low self begins toevolve, begins to release its control and begins torespond to the middle self that is seeking to takeresponsibility and to become the responsible parent,the High Self, which could be seen as a grandparent tothe low selfthe child, and a parent to the middleselfthe young adult, then this Trinity can begin towork together and the High Self can also begin toteach the low self as well as the middle self, and asthis happens the bar is raised, the low self begins to

    respond, and the middle self begins its expansion, andthe High Self is there to govern and guide this process.Ultimately this is when the Higher Magick can

    begin for the individual, miracles can start to happen,and life can begin to change, but as long as one holdsit down to more baser needs, such as which food toeat, which girl to go after, that this is the middle selfgiving way to the low self and is not the middle selfraising the bar, making demands and expecting morefrom the low and the High Self.

    The reason this Awareness has said expecting morefrom the High Self is because the middle selfdoescommunicate with the High Self when it is in its out-of-body state and knows there is more from theHigh Self, and is waiting for this guidance, but until

    the low self is brought into alignment and accepts thehighest plan of the soul for the individual, unless thelow self is brought on board and begins to cooperatewith the middle self, then often the low self willsabotage the efforts of the middle self and theHigh Self, and it is for this reason that the middle selfhas the greatest responsibility to take charge, takecontrol, to believe in itself, and to begin to access theHigh Self by commanding the low self to open to theHigh Self.

    This is part of the expectation of the middle self tothe High Self, and part of the expectation of themiddle self to the low self, to start to hear, to listen andeven to obey the commands of the middle self.However, this Awareness must add that thisdoes take

    diligent work and much hard effort, for the low self

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    often has been allowed to fall to that level of irrespon-sibility and juvenility that it is hard to retrain it, butnotimpossible.

    By far the best scenario is that the child is taughtfrom the beginning how to effect strong communica-tion and have mutual respect for the three parts of thebeing, and learns how to be in Unity from the verybeginninghow the low self works, how the middleself works, how the High Self works, and how the

    three can work together.This is simply not the case for the majority who

    have never been taught about the low self, the subcon-scious, and who do not realize they are multidimen-sional beings that have very much a reality that is out-of-body as well as that part that is focusedin the bodyduring wakefulness. They simply have no concept ofthe High Self or how it can be an effective force intheir lives.

    As an individual commits to growing up and learn-ing more and opening to the three parts of the beingand how to unify these three parts, one will indeeddiscover that miracles are possible, and magic is thenormal course of the day. This Awareness is completewith this answer at this time.




    Thank you, Awareness. The next question is fromLK, and hes writing about an isolated forested placein Russia, called the M-Triangle, where people comeout smarter than they walk in, and researchers therehave recorded sounds of traffic speeding by while theclosest road is miles away; theyve heard choirssinging, and cell phone use is impossible in the M-Triangle, unless youre standing on a small piece ofground.

    This is information from Mack Maloney. He goes onto say that there seems to be good evidence that ourNavy built a secret base within the Bermuda Triangle.The book is called Beyond Area 51. Theres alsoinformation about San Luis Valley, in Colorado Ibelieve, where people see flying men, and whererenegade scientists have been jumping universes, andhe wants to know if Mack Maloneys informationsummarized previously in the book Beyond Area 51 iscorrect.


    This Awareness says that this information is accu-rate and is correct. These areas could be consideredvery special portal areas where there is an intersectionwith other-dimensional states, and the normal rules

    and laws of physicality are somewhat suspended inthese regions. There are rifts, such as occur in theBermuda Triangle that open up from time-to-time.There is of course much evidence of such rifts in theplanes and boats that have disappeared from that area.

    The area in Russia that has been described as the M-Triangle is of a slightly different nature. There is anacceleration of consciousness in this region. In thisregion communication is possible both within andwithout that exceeds what is the norm outside of theM-Triangle. In other words there is an acceleration ofenergetic consciousness that has a real and profoundeffect on an individual. Such an effect would be asdescribedthe intelligence improving, but othereffects are also evident.

    This is an example of the accelerated consciousstate that is possible, that is being moved toward byMother Earth, Gaia, as she herself is going through herevolution, her process of expansion in consciousness.Such areas, even the area in Colorado, are stillconsidered by many as too strange to be true, andunfortunately many dismiss such places; for they havenot experienced these events, and it is very easy todismiss what sounds too incredible, as humanity has

    been very much programmed to discount the impossi-ble, but the possible is that such thingsare available.Thisis possible, and it isprobable in these timeswhere much is shifting and changing.

    This book, Beyond Area 51 describes such areaswhere expansion, acceleration, shift, transformationand transmutation have already occurred, and areoccurring and continuing to move forward. Manymore such areas of the planet will come forward in thetimes ahead, but as always, it is entirely up to anindividual as to whether or not they wish to believethat such things are possible, even if they have notseen or experienced them.

    There are many more things in life than are dreamtof in your philosophy, as the quote in Hamlet goes.

    The dreaming of the individual at this time can bringthese new realities into ones life; but at the same time,one is still challenged to believe that the impossible isvery much possible, and that there are areas wheremysterious and incredible events are happening, butone can also make this more personal, and canthemselves begin to experience amazing and incredi-ble miraculous events in their own life.

    One does not need to travel to these sites on theplanet where there is a natural opening to the higherstates of consciousness, to different dimensions. Thiscan happen from within, and one can open the innerconnection, the inner portal, and one can start tosummon to oneself these amazing incredible miracu-lous events, but as always, one needs to have a belief

    that these things are possible.One needs to do the inner work to rid oneself,

    deprogram oneself of the negative limiting beliefs thatare held against such possibilities, and one needs towork in an effective way with the low self, that whichis the manifestor in physicality as well as theHigh Self, which is the guide, mentor and teacher ofwhat is possible in these new altered dimensionalstates, and of course the middle self must expand aswell into its higher state of multidimensionality.

    All of these things coming together will help createsuch amazing incredible possibilities in ones own lifeand not only in those special areas as described in thisbook Beyond Area 51. This completes the answeringof this question.


    Dr. Steven Greer and the Sirius Disclosure


    Thank you, Awareness. The next question comesfrom AC, and he refers to the entity Dr. Steven Greer,who has written a paper called The Sirius Disclosure.Dr. Greer has many friends who are in deep covertoperations, and there is a book, ExtraterrestrialContact; The Evidence and Implications, and Dr.Greer is proposing that the disclosure that the PowersThat Be would like to see is a manipulated one,calculated to consolidate power and engender fear;

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    calculated in such a way that chaos and a deepeningneed for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into themasses.

    He writes that there is a warning that wolves insheeps clothing are very cunning and have limitlessresources. Most who work with them do not knowthey are wolves. Indeed, it is likely that many of thewolves have been convinced that they are sheep. Andhe goes on to talk about how the military industrial

    complex is invested in the scenario of disclosure, andthat it is calculated to manipulate the masses. CouldAwareness please comment on the validity of thisbook, and this scenario that he paints?


    This Awareness will immediately state the validityof the book is 100%! He is indeed describing thepresent situation that is in existence around the world,but in particular the United States of America. He hasbeen a voice for freedom, truth and justice for manyyears at great personal expense. He has spoken out

    previously, not only about the UFOs and their cover-up, but also about many of the deceptions and incon-gruities of the existing government in the United

    States and beyond.He has moved forward, as his search for the truthhas brought him into layers and levels of truth that hehad never expected to go into, but as he commencedhis journey, it was as if he grabbed the tail of a snake,and from the tail began to progress upwards to thehead of the snake, and the snake had in its mouth agiant egg of truth, an egg that most never see orunderstand, buthe has reached, he has seen, and hehas understood.

    He would be one that many have discounted previ-ously as a conspiracy nut case, and many did discounthim because he was so labeled; yet he has been at theforefront of the disclosure movement for many yearsand has now reached a level where his understanding

    includes the extraterrestrial card. He has an awarenessof how the Powers That Be are totally aware of thisand are engaged and interactive with extraterrestrialbeings and masters, and that there is a plan to spin thistruth, not to reveal it, but to use it in a way that willcontinue with the imprisonment of humanity, theimprisonment of Americans in a mind-set where asdescribed, the wolves are wearing sheeps clothing andthe populace are the sheep being led to the slaughter-house.

    His voice is one that is strong and clear and has beenfor some time. It has simply come to a point nowwhere his voice is speaking of truths that are beyondthe acceptance levels of many and they cannot trulyaccept that extraterrestrial beings are in charge, that

    the governments have sold them out, that there is anagenda to present to the people that will furtherimprison them in this slave mentality, yet many moreare listening now to Dr Steven Greer than was the casewhen he started. This is a result of his diligence andhis courage to stand up and to speak the truth and topush and to work toward bringing this truth to publicattention, to forcing the American government to facethis through inquiry and inquests.

    His courage is astounding and he is truly one of thegreatest patriots, not only in American history, but alsoin the history of this planet. This Awareness doesconfirm that his work, even if it is challenging tomany, is accurate and valid. This completes theanswering of this question.


    The Strange Research of Donna Higbee


    Thank you Awareness. The next question is fromLK, and he asks Awareness about the strange cases ofpeople who suddenly become invisible. He saw this ona rerun of an Art Bell show, and there is a book called

    The Research and Writings of Donna Higbee, whichchronicles her studies of the phenomenon that she callsHuman Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility and inthis case, the invisibility happens spontaneouslywithout warning, lasts a few minutes and then ends.

    She uses an example Daniel S, who became invisi-ble one day. He was with several friends who weresetting off firecrackers. They were ordered to stop andthe police put the men in two lines and he was at theend, very tall, and the policemen acted like they hadnever seen him. Another case, a man went into abathroom at a party and when he came out he wasinvisible. People could not hear him or see him, andwhen he went back in to the bathroom and came outhe was visible again.

    This article is wondering if this is in any way relatedto the practice of the Yogis and members of theRosicrucians, both of whom say that to becomeinvisible is not only possible, but controllable. And shesays this possibly might be related to UFO abductees,and there are more cases of involuntary invisibility.Theres a page on the Wingmakers site, which has anarticle on this, and would Awareness please commenton Donna Higbee and also the phenomenon of humansbecoming invisible?


    First this Awareness would state that DonnaHigbees book has high accuracy to it and doesdescribe many cases of voluntary and involuntary

    invisibility. This is an age-old practice among sham-ans, yogis and others of high spiritual natures, longknown and used by such ones. Many of the incidentsdescribed in the book however are not the practice ofthe yogis that are being used by the individuals withthe capacity and understanding of a trained shaman,but rather the result of certain shifts in energies infrequencies that are occurring around the world.

    Recently an acquaintance known to the Interpreterspoke of an incident when he was sitting on the stepsof the front porch of the home where he lived. Some-one was driving up the long drive, and could see himplainly and clearly, at least heshouldhave seen himclearly and plainly. The individual described how hehad felt and perceived a rippling in the air around him,

    and how he stuck his head up into the rippling effectand was thus made invisible to the individual drivingup the road to the house directly facing the porch areawhere the individual was sitting.

    It was only when the man sitting on the porchdropped his head out of the shimmering and ripplingenergies he was feeling in that region around him thathe became visible again to the friend who was ap-

    proaching him, upon which the friend said, Wheredid you come from? The man said, I have always

    been there! but the acquaintance did not believe thisfor he did not see him, and he suddenly appeared topop out of nowhere and seemed to be there.

    This example recently shared with the Interpreter isan example that many are having; these unique eventssuch as described in the book, where individuals step

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    into a space where there is an influx of energies or analteration of the frequencies of energy, and this couldbe understood to be the equivalent of invisible wavesof frequency that are passing through ones house, andones room at any one time. One cannot normally seeradio waves, or the wavelengths of television rays orX-Rays or any other vibrational rate for they arebeyond the visual spectrum of frequencies.

    Equally, in a room around one, there might be many

    entities and beings, none of which are visible, for theydo not exist in the same frequency or vibration asanother individual in the room. Does this mean they donot exist? Or does this mean that there are manyfrequencies that one can be part of and can step intovoluntarily or involuntarily, and that by doing so, onebecomes invisible?

    The entities and beings in the room with anothermay themselves not be seen because of their being insuch a frequency, but equally, they too might not seethe physical entity sitting in the room, for that entityhimself is not intheirfrequency range. This is a caseof double invisibility; one being invisible to the broadfrequency range of another being, another conscious-ness, and this being reciprocal of the other.

    Shamans, yogis, and masters of the psyche havelong known this. Mystery Schools have long knownthis, and they have taught the techniques to create thecloak of invisibility around an individual and there aremany examples historically of individuals who coulddisappear, or who would suddenly appear amongst agroup of individuals. These techniques are not thathard to comprehend or achieve, especially at this timewhen there are many points on the planet where thereis a natural weakening and shifting of frequencybarriers.

    With training, one can do this without these natural-ly occurring riptides where the frequencies aredifferent, but one has now the possibility of recogniz-ing these ripple effects, these riptides in frequency,and stepping into them. This is something that is agesold, but also newly comprehended and newly availa-ble. For those who are interested in such stories, thisAwareness would recommend this author and herbook. This completes the answering of this question.

    Are There Any Ways to Practice Invisibility?


    Thank you Awareness. Are there any techniques thatone can use to practice invisibility, and I would gatherit would be good to work on small objects first?


    It is not making objects invisible that is taught, butmaking oneself invisible. Taking an inanimate objectinto another dimensional frequency is a different thingaltogether, and much more difficult to achievenotimpossible, but much more difficult than an individualwho visualizes with his or her mind a cloak of invisi-bility around themselves. Many have acquired thisability very subconsciously, without consciousunderstanding of what they are doing.

    For example, those who have very low self-esteemand think that they are unimportant, and that Nobodysees me anyway! such individuals often haveexperiences of invisibility, although it is not necessari-ly of a nature that is as compelling as the examplesgiven by this Awareness today, or the examples in thebook.

    In other words, often individuals, because of theirown feelings of insignificance, fail to bring attentionto themselves. It is literally that because they believethey are so unworthy and insignificant that nobodywould notice them, that nobodyactually notices them,and of course, this perpetuates the problem of the lackof significance or worthiness for the individual.

    They could go into a crowded room and literally notspeak with anyone or have anyone approach them, as

    if they are not there, and even though they are standingthere, even though they are viewing everything in theroom, nobody will see them, for they have veiledthemselves. They have drawn invisibility to themunconsciously and without major effort. This is onetype of social invisibility.

    The best way to achieve the type of invisibility thatyou are asking for would be to see oneself in a cloak.This cloak is similar to the cloak of invisibilityportrayed in early Harry Potter movies, and as onewears this cloak, the frequencies of vision are deflect-ed. One moves out of synchronization with thespectrum or frequency of visibility.

    As one becomes practiced in this, this technique cancreate the result of invisibility and one will not be seenby others, even if one is standing right in front ofthem. This takes a major mental effort as well, for ofcourse the natural inclination would be that certainly,One who is standing in front of me,will see me! andit is this type of resistance or this type of belief thatwould make a raising of a cloak of invisibility impos-sible, for as long as oneholds that they will be seen,indeed they will be seen. This is a simple exercise thatthis Awareness can offer to those who would beinclined to try this out.

    This Awareness must also add that It does not seemuch merit in this, but if one is interested and onedoes not wish to do things of a negative nature whilein such a condition, then there is nothing wrong withtrying and playing with this. It is simply another layerand level of the control of reality that one truly has,and how one can step beyond the perceptions that areheld by most into the invisible zone, or that which liesbeyond the level of perception that most hold.

    Where this exercise may have merit is that it willopen up new possibilities to individuals who try this,and this could of course lead to even greater realiza-tions that perceptions are very much based on whatoneexpects to see, on what onebelieves they will see,and this opening of the door can lead one in many newdirections. This completes the answering of thisquestion.



    The next question is from BB, of HuntingtonBeach, and she is in a very precarious living situationand has lost hope in prayer and visualization and thespiritual hierarchy, and she perceives that a darkentity, as well as a male predator are stalking her. Shewants to know if you ever see her living in a peacefulplace, and can you give this entity, this person someguidance and good energy?


    This is a difficult case, for this individual is soenmired in her hopelessness, in her perceptions ofpersecution and victimhood that it is hard to send

    positive energies to her. This does not mean that this

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    Awareness doesnotsend her positive energies, but sheis exercising her freedom as a human being; thefreedom of choice to honor not that which is possible,that which lies within the spectrum of the Divine, ofSpirit, but rather that which lies in the mire of the darkstate of consciousnessthat which is fed upon andmanipulated by those in power.

    It is easy to manipulate human consciousness and totake away hope, take away prayer, take away any

    feeling that things will change and things will open up.This individual is in an extreme place of such negativebelief, and it thus has power over her. Unfortunatelyhere, even if this Awareness spoke of the greaterpossibilities of Divine Consciousness being part of herlife, she has already rejected it in the opening state-ments in the level of her belief. She rejects prayer andshe rejects visualization.

    She rejects Spirit, and rejects even this CosmicAwareness. Thus, how is it when this Awarenessrespects an individuals right to make such choices, toplace themselves in such constraints of belief, that thisAwareness can make changes for her? She can makechanges for herself, but to do so she must breakthrough the bars that imprison her, and must break the

    chains that bind her, and must be willing totruly lookat her demons and oppressors and predators.This Awareness sees this one in a supreme state of

    victimhood, and it suits her. This Awareness is nottrying to be cruel here, but at some level of the beliefsystem that she holds, she believes she is unable toescape these predators, these demons and they aremore powerful than her ability to acquire help, to pray,to open up and to receive from the Divine. Thus herbelief system also holds that the dark energies aremore powerful than the energies of Spirit and Lightand Love, which she has dismissed.

    The true problem here is not whether this Awarenesscan send her energies or bring her answers, butwhether or not she wouldacceptthese energies andanswers from this Awareness, and at this time it isseen that she would not and could not accept them,because it would interfere with her present beliefsystem that holds that powers of evil and darkness,both on this level of third dimensionality and otherlevels beyond third dimensionality are attacking her,are those powers that are greater than the powers ofthe Divine, of Spirit, of Light or Universal &Unconditional Love.

    It is sad, but this Awareness does thank this individ-ual for having the courage to express her state of mindso that this Awareness can use it to help illuminatehow it is that when one gets into such a deep state ofpain and hopelessness, of despair and negativity, that it

    is often that one is then not open to anything that canalter this. When this happens, one is stuck in their ownneed to make their reality so, to grant it validitythebelief that the world isevil and isdark, and that anindividualis a victim, and there are dark demons thatprey upon them.

    They believe there are predators that hunt them andthere is nothing that they can do, even if they pray, forwhat good does prayer do when there is no belief thattheir prayers will be answered, for there is no beliefthat the powers that are Divine and Spiritual have anygreater powers than the demons and devils thattorment her?

    These demons and devils are within her, and calledinto her life by her at unconscious levels and until she

    is willing to face her demons and devils, this Aware-

    ness cannot truly reach down to help her. It can onlysend to her energies that will hopefully assist her toquestion her own negative belief system, and give herthe courage to defeat these beliefs, to change them andtransmute them, but It cannot change them or trans-mute them for her, and as long as she holds hernegative hell on earth to be the reality of her experi-ence, and that there is no help from the Divine Spirit,then thereis no hope for her in this lifetime.

    This is not saying that she cannot break through andchange her beliefs and open up to those greater powersthat are indeed more powerful than those corruptionsthat have so imprisoned her, but the honor that is givento each individual, each spirit having its physicalexperience is of a degree that it allows these experi-ences to be had, for the knowledge that is of a highernature knows that this is a temporary situation.

    Even though one may experience years and years oftorment it is not eternal in nature and ultimatelyeventually the individual does return back to Spiritwhere it can review and understand the nature of thesouls difficult journey in physicality. The greatestdanger seen however is that an individual will carrythis belief with them, even through the vales of death,

    and thus hold that they are victims still, even thoughthey have crossed the vale and have entered into Spirit.Eventually this will be remedied in the higher states

    of consciousness, but it will take time for individualswho die with such strong negative beliefs, suchbitterness and anger and hatred, to heal from the stateof the conditions of that life; but even so, eventuallyfor those who return back into the Divine Forces, suchhealing will take place. The only way this is circum-vented is if there is not a return to 5th dimensionalreality and beyond.

    This is the case of those who are the Archons, thosewho have separated themselves, they think, from theDivine Spark, those who inhabit 4th dimensionality;that while this is free of the influence of 5th dimen-sionality, they feel that they do not need to reviewtheir life histories, and that they can avoid returningback into Spirit, and from the 4th dimension manipu-late third dimensionality, for they come from a levelbeyond time and space. These ones are the ones that atthis time in the journey of their continual existencesseemingly are free from being answerable for theircrimes and for their manipulations of third dimension-ality and humanity.

    The Bardo levels also exist in the 4th dimension, andit is for this reason that many get lost in the Bardolevels, in areas where they are in limbo from movingback into the 5th dimensional levels of consciousnesswhere they would review their lives and what was thejourney of their lifetime. It is here that the greatestdanger lies for those who hold such extreme negativi-ty, such extreme despair and despondency anddisbelief, for upon the completion of a physical deathmany such entities feel they cannot go back to 5th

    dimensional consciousness.They may feel guilty; they may feel angry; they

    may feel that they do not have the right; there aremany reasons. But this Awareness says that those whoare in such extreme negative states as this individualdo run the risk for a time of becoming lost, of stayingaway from the redemption of their 5th dimensionalreturn, of being caught up in the Bardo levels, of beingcontinually manipulated and controlled by thoseentities such as the Orion and the Reptilians that haveaccess to 4th dimensionality and use it as their hideout,

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    avoiding returning back into the active energies of 5 th

    dimensionality, but even this is not eternal in nature.Even the 4th dimensional escape, the avoidance of

    the return into Spirit and Divine Consciousness istemporary. Even if this means thousands and thou-sands of years, it is temporary and eternity willeventually see that even these ones, who seek toescape and avoid Divine Justice, will one day face thisjustice. It will not be that God punishes them; it will be

    that they themselves will see what they have done,how they have avoided the Divine Course of Devel-opment of Evolution and how they will have to redressthis in their own unique and individual ways.

    For this individual at this time, this Awareness doesnow send energies to her to help her break through theprison of her own negative dark shadow that she is in,but this Awareness also has no expectations or needsfor her to break through. It simply sends this energy toher now. It is hers to do with it, as she will. ThisAwareness honors her as a beautiful being, a spiritualbeing that has the right to experience this negativeexperience that she has planned for herself.

    If the energies of this Awareness are of assistance,it will be because they spark a deeper realization of hertrue being within her that may illuminate for her a pathout of the darkness. That is the hope and intent of thisAwareness, but it is her choice, and her journey. Theenergies have been sent to this individual and thisAwareness is complete with this question and theanswering of it.



    The next question is from NR, also known as T, and

    he wants to know if he is extraterrestrial in origin, whyhasnt he had an extraterrestrial visitation, and he alsogoes on to ask if all members of the Galactic Federa-tion are physical or nonphysical?


    In answer to the first part of his question, while itmay be so that he has an extraterrestrial origin, it doesnot mean he is not an earthling at this time, a humanbeing at this time. This means that he is a being who ischoosing an earthly experience, a physical experiencein earthly physical terms. There is difficulty here tocomprehend and understand how one might be ofextraterrestrial origin, might be a Star Being and yet bea physical being, not an extraterrestrial being.

    This Awareness would explain in this manner: allemanate originally from a state of Spirit of highdimensional consciousness. There is a choice by thesoul to have a physical experience. While it is so thatthe majority see this as being one-sided, that a humanexistence is all that is possible, in truth, there havebeen and are other expressions of human life forms inphysicality that have preceded the journey intophysicality as experienced by those on Mother Earth,those who could be called Terrans.

    For those who emanate from the stars, the soulchose to express itself in its original incarnations noton planet earth, but on other planetary systems such asArcturus, such as the Pleiades, Sirius or Andromeda,Lyra or other such systems that are currently under-

    stood to be part of the Galactic Federation. There are

    12 planetary systems that do have what is known ashuman life, or humanoid life forms, and there is aninterconnection to these planets and to the spiritualorigins of those who began in those planetary systems.

    Many who are part of the Galactic Federation havebeen involved in a conflict with the Orion system formany millennia. This involves the Reptilians as well.Even in early times, this battle was known of and thereis evidence available on planet earth of this conflict

    between the Galactic Federation and those who are ofthe Orion/Reptilian Grey factions, and others who aresubservient to those factions.

    Many of the star beings, those who commenced theirphysical incarnations from Spirit into bodies ofphysical human-type beings, have come here to thisplanet known as Mother Earth to continue this battleor conflict, but at this time the nature of this battle isalso about helping Mother Earth evolve and humanityto step up one step more in the spiritual evolutionaryprocess.

    It is not simply a battle to free humanity from theoppressive control of the Orion/Reptilians. It is also atask to help humanity itself evolve spiritually, toascend to a higher level of consciousness, just as manywho are of the Galactic Federation have themselvesascended to higher consciousness and are coming to beof assistance to humanity and Mother Earth at thistime, to help promote this evolutionary step forward.Many of the Galactic Federation, many of ascendedconsciousness have chosen to volunteer to be born ashuman beings on this planet at this time to assist thisevolutionary process both of humanity and MotherGaia as well.

    There are certain rules and laws accepted beforebirth into this physical state that are in play, and one ofthose rules, one of the accepted conditions of the soulthat comes through the Galactic Federation back-ground is that any being choosing to incarnate into thephysical reality of this dualistic world must agree thatthey choose to forget their spiritual nature or theirextraterrestrial backgrounds.

    Thus it is that many are alive who are of this naturethat are seeking to expand and move beyond thebarriers, both consciously and unconsciously. Thereare many who feel an affinity to their extraterrestrialGalactic Federation brothers and sisters and wouldwish to have contact in the physical with them onceagain. However, apparently for many such as NR, thisis not what is occurring, and he is vexed that eventhough this Awareness confirms heis a Star Beinghere to involve himself in the evolutionary spiritualprocess, he is not yet one who has made physicalcontact with his extraterrestrial Galactic Federationbrothers and sisters.

    Heknows this connection, as so many do, but hasnot yet experienced it, and yet he yearns for it, yearnsto reconnect with kindred souls who would understandhim, who would know him, who would recognize himand who would acknowledge him. This Awarenessdoes understand that this is vexing and trying on himas it is on so many who have this intuitive innerknowing, even if they do not consciously understandtheir own connection with the Galactic Federationbeings, with whom they originate in physical terms,but this Awareness can say thatall do have contact,not in a physical way, but in a non-physical way.

    Every night, most of those who are volunteers onthis planet, who are from the stars, who are Star

    Beings, who have contact with the Galactic Federation

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    brothers and sistersdo come together in the dreamstate, do have contact, communication and interactionwith the Galactic Federation, but when they returnback into the physical, due to their acceptance of theconditions of physicality and limited consciousawareness, they forget their communications andcontacts with their Galactic Federation brothers andsisters.

    This seems to be unfair, but it is part of the evolu-

    tionary process, for the major point that is of extremeimportance here is that humanity itself must reach acertain point of evolution of conscious awareness onits own, not simply because the ETs have shown upand taken charge and rescued them. This would not bea true evolution in consciousness if this happened inthis way. However, there is allowance to have thosewho would choose to be part of the human condition,part of the evolutionary process to be involved in theraising of consciousness, especially raising individualconsciousness.

    Thus it is that many of the spiritual warriors, LightWorkers, and Wanderers are those that are extraterres-trial in nature, who are Star Beings from beyond thisplanet who have elected to be part of the human

    condition, the human experience so that they can havethe right to be involved with the expansion of con-sciousness that is underway at this time. Many of theseStar Beings have been here on planet earth, on MotherGaia for many lifetimes and have returned many timesto partake in this spiritual evolutionary process, andnow things are coming close to the completion of thecycle that they have been involved with in raisinghuman consciousness to higher levels, to ascendedlevels.

    A divisional point is now being approached by thosewho are ready, this being that the Terrans themselvescan choose to take that next step or not. This is part ofthe danger for the volunteers from the stars, those StarBeings who have put themselves in this situation, that

    they can forget who they are, be totally wrapped up inthe illusion, the drama and the con of those Orion/Reptilians who are in charge and that they can forgetthemselves, but there is also working in their favor,energies that are promoting their memory of who theytruly are and of their extraterrestrial connections.

    That is again why so many who are Light Workers,Wanderers, Light Workers, spiritual warriors are thosewho so strongly remember their extraterrestrialconnection or at the very least are very fascinated byETs, by those that are in the ships up there, and whythey hold that it is real and they accept the reality andvalidity of such extraterrestrial beings.

    If you are one such as NR is, then it will be a natu-ral inclination, fascination or interest to be absorbedby extraterrestrial stories and information. It is why somany are looking upwards and wishing for FirstContact, hoping that they will be shown the truth andthe truth is that extraterrestrial beingsdo exist. This istruly known within, and it is from within that thisAwareness advocates a true connection, a true FirstContact being sought.

    When one awakens within, then one will understandthe timing is not yet right. The rescue of humanity isnot to be, for it is not that which is the sanctionedcourse of events. Humanity awakening itself is thatwhich is sanctioned and what is proposed and desired.As individuals begin to truly understand this, as theybegin to understand they are more than simply Terranswho have no higher nature, and as they truly acceptthat they have volunteered for this job and that they

    are not forgotten, nor are they abandoned and thatevery night they have access to their extraterrestrialGalactic Federation brothers and sisters, they willbegin to draw the energies of their extraterrestrialorigins to them in stronger more physical ways.

    There is a timing to these things as well. As thesurcharge of Divine Energy builds up as the forcesmove to that point of completion and breakthroughwhen the new dawning reality breaks, then many will

    finally connect, will finally see the ETs, see theirbrothers and sisters and make their way back to theships. But this Awareness does ask for those who aredrawn, those who are so connected at this deepemotional imaginative state, to be patient, and to seekthe inner connection, to call forth the highest levels ofyour participation with the extraterrestrial forces, andto know that you are not forgotten, you are notabandoned, and that you have chosen this course totravel, and that there is resolution and there is ananswer ahead.

    Be patient, and hold the inner knowing that you area Star Being here at this time to participate in thespiritual evolution of both a planet and of humanityitself. This Awareness is now complete with this


    FAIRIES & GIANTS & TROLLS, OH MY!And the Kicker, Dorothy, is That Its All Real!


    This last question for today is from LK, and hesubmits an article about the giants of Ohio and themound builders. LK lives in Ohio, so this is ofparticular interest to him. The first records of giants inOhio can be traced back to 1829 and throughout theyears mounds have been excavated, or revealed fromfarmers clearing fields, and there are many reports of arace of giants, from 8 to 9 feet tall, and its also in theNative American lore of almost all the tribes in thatarea, and it is estimated that possibly in 1000 BC thatthe giants arrived.

    The Smithsonian Institute in the 1800s used topublish papers but now the contents have been sealedoff to all but an elite few and modern anthropologistshave put forth the theory that once giants existed ingreat numbers and were the dominant race prior to theadvent of modern smaller races of men and women,and at one time there is estimated to be 20,000 moundsin the state of Ohio. Could Awareness please commenton the validity of a giant race of men and womenleaving their remains, their skeletons in Ohio? Thankyou.


    This Awareness confirms that this is so, but thisAwareness would add that it is not only in Ohio thatthese giant ones lived, nor the old ones, the ancientones. This was part of a global phenomenon, or aglobal reality that was in existence at that time. Thesegiant ones were part of an extraterrestrial race. Therewere others as well. There is tradition throughout theworld of these ones in those times, and this Awarenesswould also add here, that it was preceding 1000 BC,but they were still around, these giants, these extrater-restrial beings, these ancient ones, well before this,well before even Atlantis, but that theydidhaveconnections with Atlantis as well.

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    The Irish have many traditions of the early ones, theTuatha D Danann who were seen as red-haired andblue-green eyed, and they had much to do with thebuilding of mounds and megalithic sites in Ireland, inEngland, and in Celtic regions. These ones, includingthe giants who were separate from the Tuatha DeDanann, also are those connected with the building ofmounds in Ohio and the Eastern seaboard regiongenerally. The mounds and structures continued down

    even into Central America, and South America. Theyextended into Europe and even Asia. There are evenmounds in the subcontinents of Australia and NewZealand.

    This was a world civilization that preceded thecurrent civilization, even Atlantean civilization, whichin some ways is connected to modern times still. Thesewere a people that preceded them, and this civilizationdid fall into destruction and catastrophe many thou-sands and thousands of years ago.

    The Hopi Indians speak of the Four Worlds, andthis latest world came at the end of the precedingworld. Civilization and humanity was destroyed, butthe few that survived climbed a ladder and emergedfrom the Kiva into the New World, the 4th World. It

    was the world preceding this current world that theTuatha De Danann, the giants, the extraterrestrialancient ones controlled, dominated and lived in at thattime.

    The evidence is available throughout the world. Themounds in Ohio, even the serpent mount in Ohio, theburrows and mounds in England and Ireland, themegalithic sites such as Stonehenge; the pyramidsthe ancient pyramids throughout the world, many ofthese originated in the earliest times. These ones werein control, but they then disappeared due to manyfactors, not the least is world cataclysms. The floodingis the historical Biblical story of the ending of oneculture and the commencement of the new.

    This Awareness would thus again confirm that thegiants did live. The red-haired, pale-skinned, blue-green-eyed beings, the Tuatha De Danann, did exist,and in fact they still do exist in the hollow earth and incertain regions. The Tuatha De Danann have mingledtheir genetic materials with modern mankind and arestill there genetically. Many who have blood typeswith RH-negative factors have connections with theTuatha De Danann, the early people, the fairy folk,and they have deep racial cellular memories that arecontained within them.

    The giants are no longer as prevalent, although thereis some genetic legacy also in human DNA, which iswhy from time to time giants are born in the world, butgenerally, these ones are no longer as prevalent on thesurface of this planet, although it is seen there are stillgiants that reside within Mother Earth. These entitieswere opposed to the fairy ones, the Tuatha De Danann,and there were battles between them. It was not alwaysa peaceful situation, but these are stories also that arecontained in folklore and in early fairy tales andfables.

    The giants devolved into what are known as trollsand these trolls became the bogeyman for manychildren in the history of this planet. There are deepracial memories of these dark beings, for many werevery dark, but in terms of this question, this Aware-ness will confirm again that the giants did walk theland of Ohio many thousands of years ago, as did theTuatha De Danann, the fairy folk, and it was they whobuilt the mounds with the giants being the ones whooften did the physical labor.

    This completes this answer at this time.


    How Our Beliefs Keep Us From Acquiring Money

    and Worldly Wealth


    Thank you. Is there a closing message?COSMIC AWARENESS:

    This Awareness says to all, that many of the answerstoday have been challenging, but no more challengingthan the actual situation that many find themselves inat this time, a time where old beliefs and attitudes donot work any longer, but where the challenge is to letthem go without any evidence or proof that what isprojected to be, what is held to be available willactually present itself. It is a difficulty for many whoare in the last stages of an internal process, wheremany of their doubts and fears are being brought tothem now that they are facing things in their lives thatcould easily distract them and derail them.

    One of the major challenges at this time is the chal-lenge of financial resources, financial security, wealthand abundance. The major control that the dark oneshave at this time, the Powers That Be, is the creationand perpetuation of a belief system that involvesmoney as that which gives one freedom and securityand the ability for pleasure and luxury. The indoctrina-tion of this belief is so deep and powerful that fewcould see themselves stepping outside of the system asit exists now and not worry about how money comesto them.

    Part of the indoctrination is that money can onlyflow to one who works for the money and withoutworking one will not bring money into ones life andone will suffer as a result. This is so deeply engrained

    that if this Awareness here and now were to suggest toone and all to stop working and believe that moneywill flow to you and manifest in your life, very fewwould be able to do this, to stop working and let themanifestation of abundance happen in their life.

    This Awareness must immediately add that It is notasking individuals to do so, for they are not ready todo so. Most are still working at that level of belief andthe attitude that stopping their work or not havingwork is a deep problem. Thus it is that the many whoare unemployed at this time, who hold a belief systemthat money is necessary for them and yet they have noway of working for money and generating money, arebringing the crisis of a lack of financial resources tothem in a most real way.

    Do not think that the reality that you are experienc-ing at this time that has such a premise of faithinvolved is one that is easy. It is not. It is not easybecause more hold the power and sacredness of moneythan the power and sacredness of spirit. More hold thatthey are at the mercy of money or lack of it, ratherthan that they are participants in a creative force ofSpirit that gives them the power to manifest andmaterialize money in their lives, financial resourcesand well-being.

    At this time of compression, the very things that oneis most fearful of, the most disbelieving of andunaccepting of, are those which are presentingthemselves in ones life, and for many, financial crisisis most prevalent and most present. This Awarenessdoes say that it is time to dig deeply into your concepts

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    and beliefs of abundance, of financial security, ofphysical safety and satisfaction due to having enoughfinancial resources.

    The indoctrination process is a very deep one andthis Awareness does not ask individuals to give upemployment if they have it. It simply asks you to digdeep and see why it is you believe you will be all rightif you have enough money. Money is only th