
C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

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Page 1: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation


Page 2: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005

Commision Order G 114 05

Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations

Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C.

on the East Osoyoos Substation Project Nk'Mip Project

as presented by FortisBC to t h e BC Utilities Commission

as an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience

and Necessiwp /,Public Oral Hearing January 21st 2006 ...

Page 3: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

My i n t e r s t in this aHair, bgan when I was adviW by No pung women who were em p low by a wmparr)l who smializm in RighB af-Way Acqulremerrl, that FofiisBC was am& to build a WkV line an top of our presnt disaibaion sstem for eimri@Q*

This iine was to be Binisha by t h e end of Sptemkr 200% and I h q r q u i r d a!iI ofthe land owneE to sign rap fiat now-, Right now was JuQ 2mh 2W5,.

L a than No w w k s later I found a mle -&ion marCad on my driveway ~verrreM p l e ~ R i o a r 22% IbM it was by 1.2 mees and was adjamfit to the ex&tCng wie.

"$b pie ~ R i o n ks lw "Ian thim fwt from my front dmr, Bow fmt from where 1 p m k e of my meals and %- than six P e t from pasing f radfic..

Distribution is one? th ing High Vobge transmr"sic3on is qu&e "Ie other esmially in such a dangerous I ion in my Front yard,,

"B"S?is & my inteast, it breaths (lawn my nwk and it threatens my veq existen= on and in a p!am I retirM to in "r94,-

I am qu&e angv that 1 am bing threatend in this manner and by these means, amLhsugh what mn one are driven by "lhe bgom line and don2 gim a damn for p p l e or Pr~mW*-

Public mil%is are amially prone to this, as they want to efiraa as much rrronley as they ibiy mra from as IMle a -@gal outlay as

ible. Such is the re sf t h e k a a

h g e One.

Page 4: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

I w#ll do my w&h what D have, even 8 1 am old and kickd In, D am a

nwtive, lmk as though t h q warrtd 4x1 do this as an end run and do kt cheap at all --- Cheap for them, at any CW for us..

, =few "ee Bargst of considerations, mnsicleraaon "Ihe Beast, kwp m% to a (lawrate minimum.

% kt is w%h heaw hea& gal anger and dswir, that I s~fi this epistle. ii Qke the @me now to aplogize , for this may k a long and winding trail bcrB in the end 1 h o p it ma&= x n w to the Gcomranision and t h q make "re mar- dwisr'ons for us as well as Fofl8sBG.

There is a Io@mi long time wl&#on to th& mutual problem that we 6;-@iz8ns of KinGisher O r i e and FomBC k and it is to this end B swa k-.,

I wil! m y w&hin t h e material which has b n so kindly suppiid to me by ForlisBC and will wRh their own wads and @atemen& wsuade them -Icd Qke B more g!obal Imk at the problem, howfully t h e ~mmis ia ra wid! agfe, at least to va of it a d swh as reach a blegotiatd acmp@$le compmm&.

Page 5: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

ChaMer One:

This ail kgan on Wanmay July 2g)r:Z-r when NO flung women arr ivd on our p r o ~ m ~ sQting that IIlw were fmm h n d s W m t a comwrry which smializd in obQSning R i a & a f WayP Wuiskions and Esrvirow rrzrenQn S e w i s ,

Leabe= than the had-n Icr-usln- that they r e p r w n t a .

The gids had &n well briefs and it a p w r d they knew by rae what to wyI and how to m y it and how to handle various sReralions as

rn to faze them in any nd their a61:Rerde toward

a& did not undemnd or and their sm%c pu

One of the young women indimtd she had amaimed a 81nivesm kg rw Srr Mun ie i~ l PlannOng the other I think was along egher as a Sraclenl: in training or a Bhld mrl$r in t h e s&uatiora*

NmI- to ~y it was vev dimngts.rmi~g to hear that FoeisBC was planning on not on& bullding t h k 60kV line by t he end of Septembr but aim having it in o ~ m t i o n on OD" a b @ that date,

Thq impr"-a rawn us that time was of the =me so@ of corrrpndtion for our

I was apwlld to s y the leas, at t he ~ / I c ) u s aagude of th young women and as a r s u & b t h my wge, Pa and %, expr-4 our wish not to have 8nflhf~rg to do wRh such a p

Page 3.

Page 6: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

A-FIer t h e young women dewfia I anemptd to mnWa FQTBIsBC for some "Farr;lher expianations ber2, when I telephrsnd, I

not rewnct to my mil $a if there m s an emergenq9 to mrr&e arraher n u m k r or =mething to that 9-t was not an auspicious &ginning and it M e a dim bor$ure of this whole aRtia.

men I mOId the head office of bnds W e t in W~tMnlkb B-C, and was told all qu-ferns were srnswerd by their head ofliw on Mew Wstmin&er B-C,

When I finally found their niarsrkr by Iimking on the Web, I reachd their offie= only to h mid a very g W uo3fliendiy voie that they dldn"2 answer any cqumions btrl wmmne m i a t be there tomorr69w but he wasrs? sure and fmm his tone of mice I k n w his i n t e r s t in my mncerns were nil-

It was at Phis time ! realizd that the ih%8ii&is ammision might be able to answer =me qcrstians sn just what was going on,

to the B,C, Miiaim 6.mrmmisian was sent to a Mr, Peter Wergaard but was ae fud u s no one of that name was emplow in that E ) ~ W ,

i - l i d t h e Ba&-%isla mlrambia MSBi~s mmmbion and s ~ k e to a very pieamrrl. young woman there who mr&ully expiaind to me that "Ihe

prowr a d d r ~ would be to the *aeQv and s h e prwidd me w@h t h e emall a d d r w and the m r r a name of RokpB &lla"tlr--

My irrPormation was outdatd and inmrrm that 1 r s e i v a from t h e net an the BCUC.

At that ~ i n t in time, my w@e and I prepard a Omer to s n d to the iEZrgisl-8 blumbia WiIR;Bi= ~ m m i s i o n by email,,,

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Here b the email d a t a W a n d a y July 2C01h 2005 a"l4321rbi.6,

My name is Den& HUB! and I rs ide at Kisr@sher Drive in B,Ce

r"al supplier is FofllsSC., Tday I was innforma that th& m@isBC mmmny ws mnsiatering placing a 60kV Transmision line on @p of our exhting wlm on the disribrloion swem,,

This area Is wlid rwidentia! w%iEh warrow rmds and subjw to high win& oP6the lake .

ntativm from b n d s W e , who are mncluaiszg a S U W ~

for FoaBbBC wid that mn&ruaion may or muid mfl: as early as Sememkr and tt Zs this rush that mnwxns me that there may not have h n smcienh rch and wnsubticmr on the subjea Bbae an enginering shema was p a foeh..

P1eaw rep& to arzss~I:~e!ussnett Thank you,,

i d a rep& by email from "Ikme n, and it read.-" Please e aaachd dwarment regarding

My wmputer d w i d a to a@ up and as I r ~ u l l 1 had Bia wait for the haad copy to arrie*

I was wv anxious to read what the mrrrmision would m y abu t this psojm-.

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Fam on ChaMer One ::

For"risBC must have an awn pmjm in opratisn-

For Fo~isBC 80 hire the h n d muisatlion m m ~ n y of b n d s W W

inrdimt~ that d ~ i g n , esttglnwdrrg and material pmurement has W n

m e Prtdba ble deliverf9 bat= for material and s h d r a l i n g of the

heay en& and other re%ata pmnne9 and t h e ro&e !aid down where

the line is to k ecrrrsrsrad have no doubt i .n

apprcovd and

We asusrrd that t h e p m j a mars have

approvai from the BrKsh mbum bra Wi%im ~rasmis i a r a to p a w d on a

somwhat Iimitd bs& until the r a u b Pmm bnds Wsie arrlvd, the

offhis p m j a wmpf&d

to the Ie@I' dep@menB sti&aaion,,

infarmation @%n to me, remrding the m&hds!m of apprmch by

hnds W e , is that t h q r a d mone@r)P rewad g $150,80 for signin@,

promi= that the bnds Re@Ss)c cm"I;s would be mid for and theme &her

m e t h a s if =me m p l e refusd to

Page 6..

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Realme of Chapter One::

% was wmpiietely blind sidd by this approach clb b n d s W a and

my reaaiorr was s w f i and prdi-ble,

The %a that rather than face the %and ownea Fa= to face on this

a%a/n wmething they k n w mat FfifiisBG as a comwny muid not do in

"lhe F f s h t

Th-e young women emplow by h n d s W e t were sent out as a

p % q to get =me of the older p p l e mnvisra t h e shouqd sign,, "B"e will

to plea* d e p into all of u s exwpl: if yola are a ail@ wmwnyY

Some ofthe more elder D am tolid did have nd though& al=her

conferring w@h their younger generation.

The realQ of it ail is that the pian did not wo&, Band ownem did

not sign and the plan, if there was one, was not a g a one, nor was it

amble of convincing the ePI:wtd land owme=, mwIC jncIu&jd, that

there was any mer& in even a%em@iwg such a rrnbemlcirag,

Page 10: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

At this time, I mule5 only how that FoRisBC in their InfisaRe

wgsdom, MII:CIU(~ apw166"L a ~ S B W who was able to cornsrarrnimte w&h the

the mgle in the area and Ive t h k pmblem which FoelsBC had

t h r u a on us.*

This ends the rag@ ion of Clilager one we now

mnlinue wRh t"lh ermptisns..

The wrwpt1ons of Chamer One,,

so mild prwptions are my prm@io$os only and each of

the do~~owlng Chap2.e~ will have a Faa

Perception* ion,,

This is t~ deal w@h t he Fam and men the Realm

and then my w~eption af just what B &king plaw and whyla-

My ~rwp@on at "ris wirr'e is that FccI~SSBC is not &#ng "Fe)~hrimZ

egher in their p

mr young girls into this s&-luation,

T h q were pmbably just B~issg to earn m o n q on a summer job .

Page 8mms

Page 11: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

On ThuMay the 28h day of Jrriiy 2W5 1 i v d an email from

a wmn ideatwing hirnseg as KEITH SONES, PROJECT MANAGER,,

it was abo a d d r m d to a ME Gmrge Bsl-sewBQIJ who tails at the head

This email read as follows:

Mr* Hull:

I rweivd a wpy of your emaii to t h e BC Mi9%is mnasrstision wfth to the FoflisBC plan to mnstrrra a 60Kv p w e r line in

am the p r o j a Manager far that WO*, and would be happy tlo discus ahis w&h wlr in wmn in greater rJe&l'l, % am in @morrow (July 2SI-o )- wuid p u be awiiable to m H 3 D will pirechbllr; not have a email s"or the are& wvera6 hours, so pleas mil me on my =IS phone 8 250-.36&1821 W you would like to get together-

Senior Pmjm Manager, Tmnsmision and DiSrlbaion &@%a!

He then gave me some quaint old sy i rns from d a p of pre..

t h e easy "ehig is to quit

the right thing is to nems give up and be p u r h t evew ame:

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tf he was aaerrrpting mend Ir& wildst

When me finally m a I he was !ate, b& that was ex thorrghwu! enough to email me at hB plimt.

Vew nim chap earemety well w m d in all subj mffe and while we swke abu t vadous gems I nealizd that he was a p ~ m example of a fmnt man, orre "rat could -I! fridge to Bkirrrm.

He had arrswes to all qrmmions and we c l b u s d f r e l y a Icrl of topi=, =me of which I muld sense h e bristld at b& h e kept his CCDCI!,,

We wen go"l to "ehe subj- of expropriatie~n b& IeR that one alone far the Ie@l clep@mexll: bbll it was USA and &ken as a dir& threat- Pemption Is sorrretirn~ a @eater "FC3rw than t r a h and truth Is subjsti*,

We a@- to disgrm, on a Iot of topi= and a Oat of rang= but we kept it civil. I ~ndem- fmm our diwusion that his primavdbciplSne was ~mrrrae! and MW and that would explain t h e lack of the iron ring

I had a arange felingthat he was n& levelling wRh me on 2611 and it was Iater that this prern~)n@filon =me to fruRbn but that is

for later,, another aovp another place,, He %eR me some dmumearQtion on his proja* which aRer a %w

min&s aRer he IeR I read for an intewal and realfiza that the information was irrmherent unl- I had the indae t h e aflielw referend to in the rewe- $In 812% topic I emaila his om* for t he informatior bu;l died not ie all)l Curlher information

Sa R was on Friday Ju& 2%212W5, amund 320 Pm E T that Re? dep8rl:d and I knew at th& Birrre, and all t h e p p i t e wha l i vd around KinGirsher Drive were in for a fight to prot- our prop* and way sf is.

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That evening I sePlI an Email "Ice t he IZreish QOumbia Mil@ia @mmision as it -19:atM the f~llowing

"Weher to my mmmmniwtism re Foeis mnSruaOon, Thank you for giving me "Ilne crppr;tura@ -I8 swak wRh wmmne fmm Fofiis reefding this 60kV line- KeRh Sons, Senior Projm Manager

me this aftemmn regarding this m8-M:er and we d i s u s d the various problems facing ali paeis,,

Basimtiy this p m j a is king pm together under the p r e m i s of Cheap is B=t rather than L s h ~ n s i v e is kaer.

1 bad prepar4 =me QIkirrg win& in advan= and thee I would like to share wgh you For pr r r wru=i.

Origintally the p and the spira of the @wen for ssidenllal distdbu d as such may rquire a

The prser?"e rimlef-way may not be large errlaugh "lo a rrrrsraate the pro owmead-

Any change to the splrR of the @ven rimtaf-way should be in the I to each propP1")1 iand ownem and should

wnrwirn the format for flexible disrasioar con b t h slds, , Real BQte v a l u s ha= to k wrrsiclerd and -Ifre I- of real

=tat@ value in tdayvs ma&& and the pro I#@ of " fe change of m t e %r the fMure wrid OF use WQUM "ICD be mmpIIId, mmpred and agrW u p n by each iradilvidarai land owner*.,,

The B-C. brad appraiwl urr& should k msmsar&d as 80 what eff- the @ r a p 4 mrbrrilrd would ha* on land mS;um and the proj-4 liw of tax monq fmm this arm-.

financial mnsiderations for t h e landownem shsu8d k pirrtd ON and made available w th individuals may make their own decisions w&horrt any asmide darre,,

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Should t h e e pm Is of an oveauild be put foah and arrld on aelsast the rrrajorm of landowne~, the mmmny had Maes mnsider t h e financial rewnsibil@ which may sudber91y a p m r if =me of a@Sroplnic failure were to Qke ptace wER a rescrbnt i n j u ~ ~ I= of !We and pr~mm damage w u a by eonstrrrci:icrn and/or maintenan=.,

"n"e p h ~ i a l aB@b&s of the plan are Flawd use of the smw rqar-iremen&-- Kinssher Drive is wide enough on@ to alIc4w WO trame i ans and one lane for m&ing pu s on the s6ra;hh side of t he Drive-. The Zoning here is R i which is rsiclential for sin@e family dwellins and the raidencs cm me lakeide of the rmd ham b n pfiwcl at over sk harndrd thrsusnd pl i d s being narrow in wi&h, the Driw has wme of the fin@ rea available in & and placing a 60kV transmbiorr line on F"m Pcrot wls down one side would k a t

"The D r i e is tm crowd4 wRh reidencm and & subjm to somI-renQ winds from the lake which has in the WS blown down t and &ken rm% caCl the building abve the drke, l"e B crowded n~idesrtia1/E.c1urist area in t he summer and a cramm in transmision line has no plaw here, Just Fcrr t h e sf@@ reasons..

The =laion would k to turn east Fmm the p nt wwer station and go down that amnue to the wLI.rhernr Dane of Main Stre% and connm w&h the line easl: at that pint* . That a=rrue is %rai@& has rmm FOP subble ground aurchom and has the wicB$h to handle the overbuild.. I"I is a b in mirarer wind areas and would k more 8s"x:sibie to ground ere- for maintenance,, Kin#sRer D s i e has an average of WO hcandrd m s an hour budng "Ee summer and a rslyriad of wrnent true&, gram! trucks and shml bus=. The avenue adjawnt to the p w e r swRc$r station is much I-,,

I am agairrs this pro 1 hd on the foilowing win&, Safm9 b n d Vaiua, Tax L s , Amhetic Value and the line muld b p i a d etsewhere.,

Cheap is t he prior@ not iarexwnsive w%h intei!igerrce,-

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N& in my front mrd where spray Ifmm my hme mu9d me lethal, Not in my front psd where t h e sMher9y g a b auld prrt wirw and pis a c r w my house.. Not 8 my front kmuw should some wwer ! i n s mme down ewn the fire truck and ambulanm mu!rdar"l g f thmugh..

Not on my front yard kmuse F o e is only i n t e r d d in Cheap at ail cmB and haw never b k e n any of my cconerns aha the existing sptem wrious!y*

brmption is evewhing to do w@h valuw and Cheap at all Is ncrB acmpaable ... Than&,

"Bat evening of hiday July 2%h when I wmte that Ieaea to the BrRish miurnifria ammision I had no know8Mge of any of the projm plans of F o ~ & for %his 60kV line and as such was earerneiy Iimged 107

my s m ~ of ideas=

Ke&h Son= did m a t voluntet much informati~n ag:ept it would be ow me a wmin urgency in the

whole maser which a m u d my interm as to why the sudden rush,

Had KeRh %ns, given me a of the CPCN for EaS theme wcfu4d have W n a dmrenl wu!dn"i, it had ncrB b n made up and as it F u r n a oln was not available until Octokr 1 Z h 2005,-

it was morning obvious that =mething was amis in the timing of this /PIC)/&,-

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That was l as Friday and now tday is T u d a y and I rweiva that hard copy leaer from the BrRish mlumboia Mii@is bmmision refeming to my original email asking b u t this 60kV !ine,,

The m m m i s i o n did not know abu t this 6OkV p r o j a nor had it "fven

This is what the Ieaer w M:

It was add 60 Mr Gmrge !shew& of Trail BE, and =id

ipt of an Email from Mr- Denis HuO% who advir"ss t he mmmlsion that FoaisBC is planning %a instail a 60 kV p w e a fine through his rmidep-rlial neighburhw, The mmmision is unaware of the pmjwt and would Bike to raeive 33 rek)e31PL 6780 this mager,

Weaw review the enclmd Emai% and pmide the mmmision and the cuaomer wRh a rel;canse

Sigrid kR-BglSanw M- SmRh far R o k f i J$, kBIaB6.

Ke&h Sons sat. in my Iiving r w m and made out they were going to drive Phis p ro j e through come hell or high water,, and the bmmis ion did not know anshirrrg amfl I%!

What a s h w k , my irr-lraairsn and premosrnRion was corrWP be wasnY on the ievei-

If h e wid he dMn% knowI it show lack sf wmmoniation, if he s* h e did know but forgot to mention it, it 5190% a lack of masrPIayy

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More s u r p r i w were to come!

W a n d a y morning August 3rd pie pmora g a k s were p l a d along KinBsher Drive by a crew bird by %=errilisBC. On that day I s n f an Email to t h e SmreBry of t h e BrRlsh miurn bia MiHftla ammision and I quote:

ivM yous IeQer d a t a July 25th ~ t e d a y ~ stating that you B-C-

Pi=* h advisd "eat tday thw placd wle ~ R i s n inclimtos along the strwt and one of them, was 2-22 m & e ~ from a pin t in my driveway and I- than t h i m P e t From rary rmirlene,.- I objea

sion of pnkaw and the meaaaa! danger which may

on here 3 Very woaria, Sinmreiy Denis Hull ann~t~eDusSnr&

Anaher @a* of Ke&R Scms not lieveiling w&h mern. He mug have knwn t h e sumey csw was scharald, if he didnY ,

the seuatiars as& t h e qustiesn of lndfierenw, if be did know then it was a rnaaen of greater indwerence,

There had brm no mention of wle ~ R i s r r pgs to come. "he only remark he made of any signmwrnce in our mmting ,was an omand Satemel-ol that " H e wc)rz!cler;"c, want a 60kV nine in his front yad".

And to top it a11 csF%p when % enqu i rd if -9:1 could spak wRh Keah Sons, he had mnvenienfQ gone on Rolidap for a wmk of so and would get back to me when he got bckm-

Here we have a sRua2irso"r where a major MilR-eie mmpany is threatening the verj, core and living mndgions of dozens of & c%izerrs w&h a hiclmus proma! and then t he Senior P r o j a Manager dwidd to take a holiday- J u a how insens&ive a n an Mmme.

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KeBh % n s of FofiisBC would not have wrrQct4 me when he did. The reason he did all was -Is, r smnd to t h e r q u e t the mmmis ion had paJI $clr"rh rwpndirmg to my r q u & of July 2WR 2W5,

When I-re did a l l he did not mesllican t h e qnev that had b r r d i r m 4 to them by the mrnmision rqueting t h q wnQa me.

He spke to me as this proj- was a done deal and it was ju%l: a maQea of crwing the and dmiarg the em.

Na mention was made of any dueher ac%ican to be taken by Fort.isS6 and at that time I had no idea what was in the %e@er from the mrrrrrrision until the 8eEes a r r i d August 3rd-

"The mm2enB of "le Imer indimtw that Fo91BBC w a owrating wRhsM the knowldge 08 consent 616 the Brgish alumbia Milgia &mmlsion, and was months away from even kavisag a &pl@wte: of PubDic mnvenienm and iPtJ Ry premrd for subslaision,

He %eft me wRFa inwmpilete information and the irrabilw to ob&in the balanm of in@rmalicon 8qu r " rd - ( he went on hcrliria* ).

"Be ~wgaliraan sf all th It was ible "Ihat For"risSC h a m that "Iey might get this line in vev quickly and quietby and argue abm8 t h e fa@8 latec

The LDtiORiw m m m i s i o n would !earn of this conSrualsn aRer it was clone. It wou%d be dmcuR if not im ible wRl-rout a gr: dear r;>B probiems to return the sptem to its r>fl@naf state and thesefore b ai90wd to stand:

Any mmpiiainB aRer that "Birrre would be futiie.

Page 19: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

Chapter Thrm,

The r e p n s fmm the Br&ish mlumbia Mil%ie Wmmision arr ivd August 4th 2W5 in "1e form of an Email a d d r w d to me and to George IshelvrlW FoPaisBC in Trail,,

"The r spnse was S W ~ and dirm and read as fo!%o%,-

" Denis: Wah regams to p u r nt EmalOs corrwrnlng the mym 60kV

overbuitd, the mmmis ion will be wa&ing for Fleafiis136"s rewe that we askd for on July 25th-

& you indimt4 Ke&h mrrs did vCsR ~ l d and we crndemQrrd "eat he is S111 on halidap- Howwe1; we have wntaad Gmrge 1shewa in Tmil and a n adaris as follows:

1, "The projm has not %: Men finaliza. The pie ~ R i o n indiwtos that yola s e are how t h e and guy wirw would k piacd adjamnt to the prowP"lis aaL6-a,

2, For"risBC is wnsidedng having an o p n ~ Q U S in the area to inform adjacent prow@ owners; however, any such deBils has not *I: h n finalizd.

In future, wmmen& should not only mme to the BCUC but aiw to FoflisBC as they will be mmtmranicating the repa 80 t he @mmision as well,

Your Emaib mn go to Gmrge Ishew- at: gmrge-isilaew~WorZ&~~corn

I how t h s e wl%"rmenG help, as your waurplaint RBe is stiI% own,.

Page 20: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

A Imea, d a t a August i 6 t h 2005 arrivd by Email from Ke&h Son-.. The subjm :

The Pro Transmisisn ClrcuR -Sin

during our m e t i n g at your home on July 2%h 2005, FoflisBG is prowing to change the mrt"Figuralion of t he high mbge elarim8 circu& on Kingisher Driw in 0s There

at are requi rd , and we are Icsrakirrg to Beast imrr;3a and t h e low& reawnable

I have rweivd the cornmen& p u s n t -e(0 t he BC MiiRia mmsrrisiarr and undestand you are concern& a h & our pjans-

"L""he rsidenlial and mmmercial gr~Wh in the area is matchd

Wvetopment Plan, p n t 4 to t h e BC Mil%is &mmisiopr in late 2004, demonstrats the n@ for more w ~ c i r om t he eaa side of moyow. FofiisBC intends to provide this add%ima9~)3a4c@ in $Vro s&ge, By 2006, we wili mnSrua a new 13kV di;lfib&ion circu@ to east & fmm the existing subwtion, By 2007, we will corrstrara a new

F=eofiisBC intends to complete the fist s&ge by rebuilding the 13kV distribution circu& mat p ntly parallels Kingisher Drive and adding a s s o n d eircug on t h e sa 1s- The rebui& Ilne will k dslgn4 to ailow eventual 60kV transmision so "rat we a n nomimliy complete

nd s&ge of the plan- If the BC Ir;eil&.eis mrramision approvs t h e ccrnstruabn of the new subtation, we mmn u s the already eosostrarad v w e r line to sewe 8s the transmision connWion from the existing b subtation,

i have aaemptd 80 summarize t h e t h e m a that you pnsemtM in your Iaer -to the BC U t i i R i s &mmisian- You raise several s~8ima"c isurn, and I h o p my rwwnw help aria,, th

Page 21: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

l ine as it jleiats "iCd the public, %IS.

Fo@isSC 8s

our high& prior@* Power line d ~ i g n , corrSmmon QwhnSqus and materials are all *lad wRh sm in mind. WZgn cr&erSa rqrrire that the ! i n s and their srapwrling Hr r rau re b able to w&hSand for= much higher than t h aaualOy ant ic i~ta . Wind and ie loading are mth fa&c)rd , s ~ m m / & ~ as are ground clmmnm to ailow traFFic and other normal acfivftia, including lawn spdnkllng to m u r w&kaou;e risk,

In the weral that wm&hing d mum a struaure to fail and w i r s to wme to the ground such as a vehicle millding wRh a ~ i e , the wwer sstem will ~ 1 % b bui&-in protwicm to acrl:omatimliy d~rc?e@re the circu% ZImrrrdiaite!, there& preventing dsk "Lo t he public,

!sue #2: ""Cheap is

k e p down, we Iwk 10w rPIe ratepaps as a

whale From unrwsoo-rable wontsmic miul:I"on, w alw ensure that the sptem B s& and that synergic, such as &lancing long term wil&Corrs and shoe term fix=, are sought and em piow where Ibie.

We evaluatd =era! akernatr'w mMs for the new cf.l.@u&, but the one p m w d a!ong Klngmeher Dd* has the least impaa to the wmmunw as a whofe, as It d r"lC31: intrdum a mmpl&ely new wwer

IJiilf~fiunately, as the subQtiarrr is in a rwidential area, the connming

crC this option I r i m s the ovemead deigns and there is alw the Cat4 wRh pminrg singe mrrrce ["radial")

trarrsmisbn underground,

Page 22: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

The aaBemate roIrle you SUE- r r r ~ k i;rQraaive as a hcrmmwner along the p r o m 4 route, b a it would increase the impace to &her landownes as [MRWI] we11 as add wveral hurrdrd thousnd dollas to the g m j a wt. If an akerrratbe route was =!&dl the cinu&

nt& on Kingsher Drive would have to be rehabilgated in the n e ~ %W yeam from a maintenance (sm and relia bilw) p r s Sin= it was ~onstr~(IZd~ Sandards haw changa and we would still be r q u i r a to increase p i e height and anchoring cJisBnm irr several m s s *

placing the WQ circrr& on a single s t of s t r u a u r s and using a relatively straight line h W e n t he Highway 3, which the n w GIIGU@ US a are r 4 u d and the rate immc% is kept tcs a minimum,

[sue #3 Rean 6 W t e Va!us 81?d the %mma 53°F a Power Line,

There is tale doubt that given an oflion, few w p l e would indewnderrlly ch to haw an ove&ead ~ w e r Iine in their yard- Our b n d &en& are currently Qlking to each clirmly a landowner and arranging @r the appropsiale mmpnwtiora. (3nw again, by not adding a mend p w e r line to the town, the net efim on real "Ihe su men& should be kept to a mlnlmtrm-

s u e 4 Kingisher Drive is Tm Narrow -n;o mnsl:rua ZSlBe New Une

KinGisher Drive is i n d a dmi@d for rwidentiaf flow and wrrsruaing the pro However, it k wmi SbDe "lo build along that while not isnwirrg tragic flow* improving m s t r i a n "rafie fiow ( by moving the

that are currently in the middie 0f the sidewalk) and main&inlng a high leml of public sf@@- The transmision enanwr irrvolvecl has many sars of praei-l exprierrce and has broumt that insight into this line ad=ign.

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During our rwent wnvemation, YC)U mentiofid that you had wn@CrBd ForlisSC (and & p r d rs) on a n u m h r of ~ ~ S / O P I S w@BO

the s m R s and amlogize if yola did not iw the *mice you

and were ins in Maah 2085 to ensure they remalnd wfe- Our Owrations mBF anf i rma that the 1eveI of wslry is awpQble-

& t he projm ceirrtInus, t would N haplay to c S ! s u s thme and other i s u s wRh you and any other intersta paeie- We will engage in far t t and frank di:-c;rzu%ions w&h any irrtersw m e m b s of "khe pubIic, and if n qI- may hold an own houw or similar public forum in "Ihe early fa11, fn the meantime, I am availabie plrone,email, or in ~ ~ 0 8 1 sklouid a psonal visR be reqrrda. PI@@* k e p in touch.

Ke%h a n - S n i s r blaoj- Manager,

w: R J.h19a% BCUC Vancouver B.6,

Gm@e Islrewa ForllsBC Trail B,C,

This was the ieael" 1 rewivd fmm KeR"Bn4nm aRer he got h c k from his halldap and f t was in r=wnse to my emaii to Rok@ &19aQ, Friday July 2%h 2005.

bter in this dwument, I will refer back to thae mgm, ~Eering in my s-ion of reaiRia exaaly what was mnspirlng amrdissg to the fam of the day-

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"This ends the * r i d of time 1 have c lasf ia as a great question,

From al% what has taansplrd, t h e h n d s W a t appmch, the visk by KeRh

a n - of Fo&isBC , b.appam that the m m ~ r r y was under t he r"llusr"eon that they had wrmision to p wkh land awuismon, righB-4~f-way regisration and rnoramw exchangw for am=.

T h q even had s h d r r l d and a l l w l d money for the aaaaal suweying and p t mRlcrralrrg and may have b n in a WRian to provide materials and pmnnel isnrnaiately had this projm p r w W d in the manner in which t h q apwrelllly were aaernming to manipulate m p l e and sRuations.

There was no mention of this w&h my rn-ing w@h KeRh Son=, he already was in im C88 in%l)rmation that I would not have until t he following T u d a y maacerninrg the BCUC and he prohbiy knew of the suwq gang and the p i e m&lons that were going to Qke place, B& of f hwe f h ine , he did not s p a k and I wonder at the m@ive or reasoning khind it ail,

What FoIlowed w m the quiet wrid, wa%ing for FoflisBC ;I;B reply $0

the BrRish mlumbia Mil@!= mmrrrBisrr rqumt of Ju& 22th 2005.

The date was Semerrakr 23rd 2W5 when the eman"% of explana~cm and appiimtiora date of the CPCN arcrid and it was welwrrre. We had all w a R a a long time for this.

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Monday Sflerrrkr 26th 2065 1 remiW an email anom WrlisBC and R read:

" "S;ptemka 23rd 2005. Mr* RJ-hi!a% mmmision Swretav Brgish mlrrnnrbia Milit#- @mrrrisi~rr Box 250, SiHh Fimr; 900 Howe S t r e t Vanwuver 13-C, V6Z 2N3

mar Mr- PaiiaE Re: MKMirSip ( East C)is ) Subswtian Pmjm

At Page 62 oB the Daision acwrn~nflrrg BCUC Order G5245 regarding FoeisBC inc." 2005 Revenue Rqrriremen& Appl i~t ion~ S9tem Development Plan and Reokarm Plan, the mrnmision d i r m d FoPlisSC to file an appliation for a efi%ate of Public mnvenienm and NwsQ ("GWN") for the abve notd projw8, which at the time was

Sour=, This pmjm cronsise of a new line which would be wnndec8 to the existing sub&"gitan, Ismtd on the W& side of &

As pas 0446 the Deision, the mmmbion anso appro@ a projeel: ei;-rl"M as a N w & F M e s 4 to East (26305 Rwenue Rqui remenB Appiimtion, Tab 9, page 36).

This praj& invoivm overbuiiding an aisting 25 kV line wRbs andalher 25 kV distribrrlion circcr R- This second circuR is urgently rquired to m e t t he 2006 summer wak in East 0s ist the 2005 mp&al Plan, nor Setem belopmePl"I Plan, referad to ForlisSCs intention to mnvert t h e new u p ~ f circu% 10 63kV uwn ampletion of the NkWM igsbtatican, me mnvefled uppa circuit then Woirsaw t he 63kV line crming k W m n w s t and ea3

Page 23

Page 26: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

The mmpany is aware of mnmms by rsidfesrB of & par"licularly "ewe of Mr. kn i s W u!i, regadipag the FMer 4 pmjm, and was planning to hold an own house for the F M e r 4 p m j e -

The m m ~ n y now klievw that it sshclsald have ipacludd the F M e r 4 pro]- as the fist p h a s of the NkWMip Subtation Fsrojd. "rAlhi!e the double @ireuEing is cairn! to supplying p a k loads in t he east in 2006, it is appropriate to mmmR to the m m m i s i o n and Colsforraem that b@isBC wiil:

1, include the double drcuRi2ing proj& in t he Nk9MQ CPCN Appiimtian- 2. ~ ~ o r r r r no p h p i a l wnstruaion, other than shaking and planning on Fmer 4 until and lf the CPCN Mplimtion i v e approval from "Ihe

~ r r r m i s i o n , 3, file the C K N Mplimtion by the BM webe of W o k r 2885* and

4, hold a public own house on the App!iw%isrs by the third webs, of O a o b r 2135a5-

Given the caiwi ned for the c5ouMe circuRing FoflisBC intends to p r w d w&R pianning and enginwring the and will clrntinue to acquire easemeaaG-

Sholaid you rqu ine f a s~he r in%rmation in ahis maser, piease corsitaa t h e rrrmdesignd at 250 3M 0323.

George I s h e w a FortisBC m: Ma, Denis HuII ": Unquote,- BI is wcbrlh n;a"tr"ng that my original ge was sent "664 f he BCUC datd 4uiy 2&h 2005 and this leaer wa in seswnase a i m m WQ months later to the day

Page 27: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

This explanation of F6)rl:isBC For "ihe lack of dlsclmrrre mu% be IeR to -12ae mmrrrisiorr to cipher o a The mrramision have prohbly in their history, haw had lo& of various explanations for various s&rrations and 1 leave in their capable hands to dwipkaer just what For2isSC said and/or what they meant to s y - it -1. obvious t he f i r s try did n& work so IeB h o p "dis explanation is clear enough to unde~tand,

My prceptiaan is, that at this moment FoaisSC, has m n consistent mrrsistelat in not providing clear in-loamaticdn in aaem@ing to acquire Band eawment, m"ncomple& or ermnmus informalion by their agenB as confirmed by othes who have swken to me on this subj-,

mrrsistenl in providing incomplete or w&"aholdifig fa- of s&ualions, I: r q u e J a dmumenl that would have allows me 10 read and translate material which Ke%h Sons iefi me, I rewivd an acknow!edgemer?l. from his smre&8y thal h e had rseived the email but nothing was

farsdownes regarding compnstion- The figure of 150 do1181s has b n mentisnd and no one that I am p~oraally aquaintA wRh have signs any dwumerrS. & of spterrrkr 23rd 1 knew of no one who had rmeivd any of a feasible ofier, and there were no aclive easement acquiremen@ in p

I would asmme that an a m p " f 4 eal#iwte of Public bnvenience and Nw-iv would k a f i ~ t prior@ bfore any pians were made, any schdulirrg was set up or any Funds ail

But f h w PI= on apparently as Option 2 or 3 have not even bo%

csrssiderd as I ha= not s e n pie melon s taka out on Omion 2 and Option 3 a p p a s as a mpn o.FFerin$

So we have this promise that the CPCN will k in the bmmisiosa by the first w e k of Oaokr and "%at there will be a Public Met ing by t h e "eid wwk,

Page 28: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

On Oaokr 1%%r 2005 the NkWMip ( East

N s m i Q had h n a m m b l d and srrbmMd by FoirplisBC the Brgish blumbia Ml&iw mmrrrision for wnsideratian,

Foaunrately* tBhq alw sent a wia~, of this dwument to me, for my wrtrsir .

This was the fim o~; l~@uni& that I had to obwira any hard fa- k m u s this was a Iegal clmumenl and as far as susaina ble Pam and f l g u r s a b u t what is p r o m 4 under this projczc% It was preomisd to k deliwrd &the fim wwk in W o k r 2005 accodirsg to "re emaili of Spterrrkr 23rd 2005 and was rweivd dudrrg

The promise to hold a public m e t i n g was kept on s c h d u l e and as a r s u R t had Imle time to read, dig- and anal- t h e applimtiorr, The meeting was held the nea w e k mokr 201h 2005..

& a rmla6a of the msrrpr-d time Qine a i 1 m t d I answer4 as ks"h as t: couid wRh me irrd8rmatisn I muid glean from a few quick seadine of the applimtiaan-

bter, I apwndd a fuehes statement d a t d Woks 26th 2005 to rwtate my ararm at me projw seer the Public Meting put on by Fo6P-lisBG on %hire 21Peh of M o k r 2005 in & B.G,,,

statemen& may be obtain4 from a Imer of infer& mt& in the li* of information sent in by me da t a m o k r 2mka and 26th 2005..

They are len@hyv nong w i n d 4 by some s&wdards, but as badua8 as ible to the in%rmatiarn made available to me from the da& in the

appliwtion and the emnG at the Public Mmting held W o k r 2aI-r 2005

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The applimtian in my opinion is incomplae and m&leading in many saws,

Now that I have had the time to really digst the intent and scow of me projw appliation it k w m s apparent there are some giaring disrefsancle M W e n options.

In t h e first "Ie intent is to eaencl U L ( f he 63kV line Fmm Oliver) to EaS from the exi&ing serk"Iatiocdn h i d e "lhe daymre enter-

will build a new W s t & Submtion and fm the east Cb areas from mere,

Wekrin tkrB third option "Icy haw set aside funds for undergmeand WO* owa the museway to the amount of smeral rniiiions of dcoBlas, This amousr"c Is not mentiond in option one wen thou@ there wflraid be the =me amount of condueom over the narrow,

One of their Qlking pin& is that t h q would ham great dHi@;ra& in obtaining easement w&h wRags of f hat magnitude (138 kV )in this third option-

p in% are pM out as faa for the options, one they would build a line Bmm Oi le r de ignd for 13OkV and No, the Bmp option is vergr imprl:aM and the lack of it is paxl up as an argument against option wo-

ke% me explain this Imp cconwpt The NO saa ons woulrd have

wo subQtions would have a I i line k W w n "Iem s that one mufd f M the other and in this mse when one ea went down it would enable t h e other side to rwore the smem, Hence the deWna imp,

Page 30: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

it works great 8 the MiHQ has "Ihe apabiliv of co&ro!ling remotely or aut~matimlly~ sRuations of that nature, but "Ikis sHem is old by their own standards- In wme p l a w on the sstem it is unwise even -to t&

r~toration setems For fear of !wing coFl"lm( over the seeoation and not k ing abDe to a exwpt by manual means.

Manuai means, that a man with a "" HQTST!CKm manipulate s w & c h e manually w%-LZ-nin t he scr wrrm mnfiguration or us= push bwon wntroiins if available..

The FeofiisBG pople are installing wherever ible f i k r optic mble for e~)nfr~438 and mongoring and haw an uphill bare for a long time to wme-

This all CW% money and monq is what ail th8 is abut, My first impresion W8S 8 quick, cheap ," easy fix for now mentaiv, had W n chaew, M& Public BPe.il@i- should have a longer viewv in the range of tkrim @as or so, and plan awaa9ingly-

This KingFisher aption one d nothing but deprwiate lassdownem value of their prssww on a long time bsis for a shor"c term financial @in for the &r"iQ-

FoeisBC have known for some time thal t h q wifll have to m m the praent 0s ion and now is the opwn;eur%w to do Just that,

The prsent wo& around ,and, a Hazard to the Environment,

Page 31: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

On Page 27 of the MkMMip T r a n s m b b n and Sukwtion ProjW CPeN Appliation is also statd that failure of one of the WO transforme= at the exls8ing W e 0s SuMation will r ~ u d l Sn %reed Ioad shdding-

In another mrl: of theis reference material, they state that in t h e mw of an went such as smd shdd in& a signRimrmI: amount iab time wi%i p a s kfore they may be able to apply effmive measurs to restore t h e sptem and may or will amount to many mr"nMs ( h o u s 1 of oratage time.

Meanwhike, dewnding uwn t he sawn, a man#ofcb of problems may ensue, lack of water for hydraraB, lack of water and pumping bacil&is at the sewer plant, melting of Brezea whether commesciai or r~idential and lack of abilw to wmrm commercial am, such as buying gas, wg-lhdrawing funds fmm banks, pumping gas.. a, in &a this applslmtion prwidm CIS wgh ~nforrnati~n that

confirms the wn wndglon we find o u w ! ~ in regaaiwg t h e elmrical supply- From what I a n giean from the information, i% aapwam as though the rRsrrrpanyI rather than bing on top of the problem, is a few *as MPsind, and, we as citizens, and customers find ouae9vm threatend ,not on& w R ~ mr management but wRh the ibilw that

One of t h e character is of the Tmn-rmer saaaatianr is the fact that as long 8s the sflitem is not %ubj& to any quick changes of mndRiisn on load, it a n handlie it, gent&-

Howewr iff there should ur =me great outage such as a major accident where t h e p h a s e hit and or ground on t h e e Fmers, t he breakem may not have the chance of s dismneraion &fore insulation breakdown m u = in th transformem and they will faif in a

euiar s & ft is ,the 'rsanshrme may have problems handling any non

iinear @crosbRion, wrrsd by hi@ order harmonis = %me of these solid swte s@@ing device on the larger t h r e phase motors u s d in pumping for Irrigation, may intrduce qquge inn ntiy q.r, B h s e mndkions under ceaain circums"earag;:esSS

Page 29

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The &p%Smtblbi indim%= that Fofi&BC is intending Po % p a d millions Q 2-21 of dollars on Rehalailmtr"on and Replacing of t h e existing transfarmes in t h e exi;%hing W W 0s Srrb&ticsn in 2806-

"There is also a ground problem which will csl a few herndrd thouwrrrd dollam to bring up "eas s ~ i f i m l i o r ~

There ako the problem, that FoflisBC has adansM4 , that the groWh of and will grokb@ antlarue do out pace their -timalions in yea= 80 mme-

for furlher exmnsiow in ming mare rabjaianable to more male as time n more p p l e are indimting their displeasure at

having to be se rb jd to such a device in a rwidential area.

When t h e subtation is moved, the value of the land, will more than pay for the trouble it mused FoeisEZC to move t he subation in t he first place,

FoaisBC has laid out three choica, w&h t h r w sewrate cmt -timat=.

Option 1: 8-97 million-* this is via Kingisher Drive or in fmn"ef the shml, No bmp fa,

Option 2: 25-4 million This is to bring a fine from Oliver to f a the subBtieon, of which am@ 5 m111ion is aliocatd to Bsuiid the, and I quote" 338 kV rransmision iine. No Imp f a ,

Option 3: 14-3 midiion Build a new SuMa"lion in W s t of which 3.5 million is for underground eg; at the narrom- Bu e x p r ~ f& to East 0s T h q put away aiw 288,1460 dollas for land acquB&isrs- They already om land up in t he industrial area w&h ML line running right t h m u a it.

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W in Option 3 if p u subtra@r the 3.5 mi!Disn for the underground wo& and the $200,800 fand it beavs abe-rl WO million dmerenere,

This is abuts2 mn'lliocsrr over the pfiw of Option 1 but if taken into mnsideratiesn the $2-2 million set aside for the "h;an&omer rehabilmticsn there is smcienl: funds to mer the mt of a new s u ion on the land previorasiy pparrcha- far that p u n p e -

An exprm line a n k buik for East and a Brarsaamer, in t h e new W W C)s sarkWtlon ,wR"lla"rPl esumbirz ~airzrg on t h e Qp changem I.;, r e f l a t he long run could omet t he p r o m d load, Any bui& in mmeRor makeup may be r q u i r d and iaosta!il%cr to o*et the irr-duaive infnuenw of Vinwrs pump,

% fmm the * r e options given by Fe,fl&BG to adclr- this problem of t h e evev ending demand for more enere in t he saLCeh Okanagan , which one wcbuid be of the m a t long lasting the mo%t pnduaive and have the clksaraaeristis on which to build in t he B&ure* ?

Option one is out due to aBI som of reamns, it may k the chea will m 8 eveworae deasiy tin t he future. !"(,is the worn of c h o l ~ , ,

Option W0 sounds promising, we would have a b u t "ehe =me protmon as we do now bM the wmc@ wuid be doubid but....

OmSon Wo is out u s a&"lh%h this applimtion is datd W o b r l2kr 2005 a qastion was p8am by Man Wa@, an Irstewener* to FO~ISBC and it went Bike this:

if t h e new p r o m a Dine fmm the Oliver Terminal to t h e new East on were at 63kVs how may yeam out would ForLBBC

63 kV Imp to adwuately supply t h e greater area ";D

The answer was da td Oaoka 13h 2005 one day a-FIer Phis dwrrment was s u b m M d by Fo@PlisBC and I do n& know who was t h e ~ m o n who answers th& qrsstion but t h e answer aaolanda me,

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The answer is I on Page 5 of the &p&aS hpnd&"lure Plan Rqumt Date Septenrrhr 3CBeh, its the herrrcdra or w page dmumen%

Ma: uTlaere is no p r o m a new line from e&kr the Oliver

Terminal or Bentbey to the new East sumation wahirr "Else f Sve p a = of "lhe Plan, The pm I is to eaend the existing Line 44 from

sukQtiors to the n w east @ suk&tSon (INKMlp subtation "g A AMlrrre transmision imp through "ehe greater O area B goiannd after "re mmpl&ion of "Ie new ESesniiey Teminal SQtion ( 20lLg) and will k admuate For t h e rrllimate toads indim$@ in the Ioad

st sulsmmed wRh the 2006 &@gal Budget Applimticrn as Apwndix 1 of the " 2806 SBP U@a& ","

Another qrretiorr put forth by Alan WaR is featurd under qustiora numka Q18:

ds it the intention to progr~ively change %he Oliver and subQtions to k F a by %38kV instead of the existing 63k"rb, smfling w@h "te East CIS SubBtiona ?

Answer: There are nab plans in t he current 20 9 a r s ~ t e m su~aticrn to 938kVV

16 this be t h e ase, "Ihe why In t he appliwtion on h g e 35 Table 6: &em 2 r%w it Re&rBgB NkMip - Oliver 138kV Transmision Line.?

Why, on Page 5 of the 2006 SDP UMate &em 2-1-1-2 is there reference to 1.38kV buss -lo %we area to %he south from t he new Bentley Terminal 3

Whyv on Page Ib7 of the 20052024 T&D Sfitem DeveHopmenWPlan it say in &ern 2-43, New Bentley Teaminan Station .

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Quote : The 338 kV bus at Bentley will aim terminate a new "n313kV circraa which will supply a new east m y - distribution wurce subtation - Unquote

mge 33 of t h e =me applimtisn reads in Option 2: Saiasra 5.2.2 a t - BQblishr"ng a 18*0 Btm 138 kV aatd transmision iine from existing Oliver Tenmina8 (to be tra wsfena to "Ihe kntiey Teamirrai Station u w n it.. cornpietion ) to NkMMip Su

Option 2 on mge 33 of the appliation also reads : bnstm@icrn of a 63/13kV srr , f a from an

X8.O km " n k V rat& taansmision IIine energizd in&laal& at 63kV from t h e Oliver Tenminai Station to k fransferrd to the p r o p a Bentley Terminal later-

But one day later* "Be answer is that there Rave never W n any plans to mnstnrect even a 63W line &Wen Oliws and bqms for at seast and stretch this a% Ieas"eBI"ve yeam*

This Mil& mrnwny so it may be as much as eight pars &%re they have a busi build another line, and this cheap and nasw Option One will not ake "Ihe


Option W(3r is out use they have answerd that, t h e day a6ger this applimtion was i s u d , FofiisBC has no plans to build a dine as stated in Option two-

That 8eavs us wRh option thbpe-

replacement, for gro sumation and for building the East

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The amorrn& for the Subtation 7*"7,7millSon are t h e =me, just the DiSribartiern upgrade, the price of Option t h r w Is 14-3 million, @ke off 2-2 miiliora for the rehabi!&tion projm of t h e tman&ormes and t h e

ms to be wghin reach and will provide g m sewice until the Line 4 1ffe is reached at which time the new line to East

This would put the SubWtion in an area where it may be s e w i d more easity and the s l e of the r s i aa 'md land of t he old subs&tion will

some 01: the cmt of the move,

"8he appli~tion as p hltd should 5oe- r e f u d use of the conflic="ring sQteri?en& Mth in it. and aRer the srrbmision was made.

FoeisBC has a financial goal to make Option One succ~fu l , regs

They have made referen- to sptem charaaeristim which are Wen@ five yea= in the f&ure wRh mo mention of "1al f aa at the time of aterrrent. Only by mrefuI c r s examination of &he applimtion and the wnssing of the 26306 Qpgal ewnd&ure Plan burrrent was B able to realize that this one dimensional thought pswm by FoaisBC was alive and well-

ForhisBC have wntradiad "$hemselvm as to what thsq pldge to do in the appfimtion which lea- all wm of quwtbns for the kxrmmisicsn to sorl: out, "Pw have made =me Oflions apwaa to k more expnsive to aaain the =me aims- No doubt sommne w@h far kRer ewlght and pseveranre axauld and more rliscrewncie use aRer severai wmks of this reading and reading again i am geEing f i rd . ,

This concluds my input and notes on the applimtion paion and c1ws off Chapter Five-

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"Te more 1 read of this, "$he more it apwars as though this whole appiimtion is Just a t w h n i a l smoke wrwn for the uszwaw-

My wrmption of this situation so fan", Is that FbafiisBC is internst4 sn!y in the Wmrn line, T h q apwar 'to ham corrrplae disremrd for m p B e fwllns, for their f i n a n w or %I; their gmgraphiml ~limpticora is that 8 ibte they wrtorrid p a a pie right thm hommwners r~iclerrw &ont rmm if & meant t h q could s v e a dollar-

That is the nature of t h e k a s t we are aIO facing and & is driven by the dollar- Let it not be s i r 9 that we muss a dent in the 1.2 billion t he mrent mmpsny ma&- in each year-

& Bar as % mn s~ and read "there has W n no rean e ~ o a to just@ any of the pm k exmpt the one which ruins Kirrssher Drive, mere have W n no wnwm shown for "ie =fee of the c%i%izens and raiders& d iret!y a@@a uw the Transformer problem was not consider4 a prbrw- The prior@ was m e t i n g "lhe demand for enera prsentd by t he CdeveI~ping east side aaP Boyc%c)s= and ali else ws *orrtlany,

The easiat and mwt direct ro&e woraid be to mnnect to the 63kV %ine a"sthe n o ~ h e n d of the lake- "%he line wili everrtaaa9Q have to k buiR and this imp conmEo;e worrtd have to be p M on hold until then . In the meantime, if there is another way of wming to a common wnse soldion, it 1 j u s t migh"l. to mnnW 80 line 44 sroe-lh of the Bake on the s&fi of a line to the New Bentley Teaminaim "Tis would al!e,w the Eag 0s Subtation to b o r n e quRe feasible - This is another idea which wuld k considera.

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Chapter Six:

Sakv and al! defirr&"cins thermt

%%w means dfierenf t h i n e to cilmerenl organizaticms, Safe& may k a way of Ige to sira in f@ and sw is d@firaae& the way to avoid i n j u ~ and have a su ul mrwr in an 53isrsdara~ which is inherently dangerous.

Ss vev old and worn, qrripment which a n no longer be Ssted and adjust4 regularly

use R fails when t- $*ems are o p r a t d and annot be put back into wnrriw in a timeiy manner.

The impc=% is that this qu ipmen t am; mu= fainure of the transmision and biigar'baion sptems it SUP^^, or prevent rstoration

ible quipmew damage, ex$ewdd outage f ime, ibQ musing public =few i s u s =

This statement mme from Page 60 of the 2006 apml; Budget Applimtion.

F~fiisS(7: , in t h e a@em@ to I I ~ @ this %few problem is b a d w&hr a long aduorrs task, and when I% is &lid mat should an overhead three phase s m m come toppling to the ground, t he rstoraticsn setem will immdiateiy Qke effm and shu t down the swesn,, this statement mrs be judged by the w m ~ s r i w own admision "iat there is a ibilw this sptem would not s&CI;I down,

That is a safe@ isue ! lt is r epa t4 on Page 63.11 Under "re c i r e u m s ~ n ~ , we mnnoc in any wayv asadme that the

sptem will reaa in the manner whfcl-r wCI% guarant: our %.Few shcrudd some ataSropIRic evenmitre place which wound bdng mwe rr;rr%e 4cC9 the ground in a heavily ~pasia i ld reidentian area,

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The tran*rmes in t h e prmeM & ion have &n cerl%id as def-ive and running at a nducd in@& to prevezld failure, Negher one 5s able to mrs)r the ener@ lmd individual& and as such preen& a wrious pmblem,

Until t he Owd is r d u W w that one Bran*omer is able to handle the Imd it will be dniecr81 if n a im V repairs or nepiaeemerrd: of t h e e un&-

Rdercing t he ener@ rquirement sn t he subBtion B the only way to a f f a a solaion lo the problem. It is a problem of ga: magnRrrde,

Forli&BC has a b & 110 tranispormre~~ 350 clmu& breaks, 950 F u s d sw%cgls and elismnna&.

The average age of the transformem and many other devi- e x c d 30 *as*

FoflisKDC must addrw the isue of aging infrastru@ure,

This mnfirms my prceptlsn that the major@ of quipment is reaching the p i n t ohno return in & useful itgem

FofiisBC has 45 transmisiorr ! i n s and 63 terminals and stations, The transmbiczn s~terrr consim of apprraxirnaely 1,6W krn of llne and agrprrprximately 16,OW ~1a- CBwe to a% of t h s e l i n e are more than 30 ~ a r s old,

FofiBBG has approximately %I7 cdS~riblr4ion f a e a consisang of approximate& 5,OW bdm (3F line, 82,000 supma s t r u a u r e and 30,000 081 ni!d di%rlb&ion transformem-

DistribHion su-ining mp&al exwneJ&ura are a q e r i r a %r the aepiammenl of ~ 1 s cr- arms, condaraor and Bransformers, etc that are detenioratd, defaive or oblete- The pnoj in this group are primarib fmusd on mmaiantaining reiiabilw and

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in hi@ dens@ u r b n areas, WO Bmnsformer sraMations, are aimm alwap Imdd abve the rating sf a single tran&ormer- The

to be transfesra to an adjamnt "Iansformer during; maintenan= or hCIure of one of "lhe No tmnsforme~~

The mnfigusatbn at is not urarasrrar, rather the norm for the s@uatisn, What m a k s it more intersting is when M h "ransformers are under ratd k l o w their mpc@m,

In F"rs@&BCs judgement the paob bi t ity of failure of one of the f ran~forrnes is high- % h g e 5 &em 8 05 the 2W6 &p&l kpndRure Plan in rmwns Zca a qarsticdn from the SCUG.

Let me read furZI-rer,

the p r i d of time it Zmk to transwfi and set up me mobile stlbwtion. "The backup transformer at W s t mn only srappv appmximateIy

std 2006 WB k Ioad. "B@s would rear& in aoQtirrg o a a g s for apprmimate& 1,200 of the exkting 4,000 cuaorrrem in rn %n approximately 24 h o u s , This translate into approximate& 1-7 million customer minlr ls of 0 - g ~ - This , Ezrowmr, asurn- the amilabilm of the mobile as mobiia are u d for normal planna maintenance and if that was the s%"luation, the time to ex"rriwte the mobile will add "CCI the omge time.

mobilw wuid prmenl a S W C ~ problem where smm is at a premium, Such could be the satration in where t he remwalsf one transformer is r q l a i r d and another reha b i lb td -

asmges may nM be vew selmive, SO our water sstem may k invralw on one omge and t he swage 5-tern on the other- m m m e r e would be a tm up. For"hisBC d not wan"tthris scene anymore than m do,

Safew means many t h i n s to many wpBem

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Prwenting fa i lu re ereat= va!ue- To demonwate this va!ue9 t h e prevention col a failure of one mwer trarrdormer would sve t h e m r n ~ n y in ~PcIer of $"7OPOC)O. mere are apgmlmateiy 110 traneormes in For"lisBG sfitem, which are ern the average of 38 p a s dd, The lge cycIe of a Trarrgomer is %m *as9 s there is a g W ibilQ that FoflisSC

failura in the rse&ten yeas, Pr~venting3-PItransFc)rmerPailur~ owr the muse of the 1& of the CMMS would pay for the c a t of f he CMMS sstem. it is clear that only a few pfevewld far"furw ju*$ie the mt of the CMMS at $ -7W,84)0-

Wer the wurs of the wst th re flars, FSofiBBC has expalenca apprairrralely ten su on quiprnerrt wndgion relatd omgm. On t h e average* nt l a a a approximate& 3 2 hours, This aWcl.d,

f h s e Qaiiiurw, six of them may have ken iratereptd and preventd by a sk i l ld tmhrriciarr or engisaer* w&h an evb-ive management swem. The f a i l u r s were of a nature that they had some indimtions that there

t he sauation

A c~mprehensive GMMS sptem runs on f b r ~ p t i ~ linm for ukimate ~~ormanrm as the barrrSwicJII-r allows teal mntml and toQI anal*= wwbilRis. No other arrdiarm should k wnsidered, It is immune to EMF and, afier k ing prcsprv iinsalld and protmta, will last for *as*

This will allow r allwtiosr of man ~ w e r , blmoming pmblems and faa action on Remaial Won % h e m e ,

mat wiil mve a considerable amount of time, bliskr mnfidenm in the sptem by the wo&ers and s v e money as t he rerrfl.

A win win sguation for ail,

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The PCB grretiocrsn now w m a into t h e d ixusian an %@@ and on "e his subJ@ 1 am wondering why they was such a vehement denial of any such sumance in any sf t h e trans%nmem that were in the sptem,

F"aa~BBC is swsrding $870,000 annually* .,ginning in 2005,- w@h the commenmmenl (oI oil %mplin$ lab tsting and any n rY sngigation measurm taken on insewice, oil-filld disributian apparatus.

FofilsBC has aysproximateiy 32,008 in-sewiw, oii-filld distribMion apmratsrs that do not undergo oil %Wing: as wrl of regular maintenance. Fdeaai Ieglslation is ~ n c l i n g that will squire that ail remaining in sewice quipment wnaining PCB etarrwnlrations greater than 50 ppm must k inventoriedr and regaaaed annually- A rwuiremerrl also @xi= to labl any quipmerrl that is found to msrtaira ccrnwntrations greater than 50 ppm. To m e t thse rqrairemene, Foir48BC muS f i ~ t determine the eoncentrations in each d ~ i ~ e -

Sadev is of the greatwt mncem, even if it ie@s!atA, ry to prevent

any so^ of wrm@ct and undoaabtdly the Workmen" smpns t io r r h i r c a have pmtwols in ptam for the handiing of dangerous materials such as thee*

"There are enough probiems facing empi when afld to paS=oam remdiai a@liofa s c h e m e , in the dark, in the wet and coICd, wah [ale or no Mck UP and no dwumentation to Padi b c k oar for information so badly rm&M to make dwisive wrrwt dwisisrsaa

should be awarcld m4aBs for bsrave~~ abve and Myond the mII of job dwcription-

My thoughts go to a vev teEe memorandram Bmcam a field p m o n to his It iep amie but the meaning and rn gw are ~Iear and I know how h e must ha* felt kmuse I have been in his sffuation also,

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The Memo lmb something like this ::

breakem out- You have to wo& on them in place, which is ve8y tight, or rrnrbol. and drag out,

2) Vew hard 80 isolate. n W Bine crw to wrallel f a e s in the field,

3) b g house are old and not weafhepmf- & w by p ia r r r s the wising is all over the pitam, and t he relaying ( gamtmtion) is archaic-

5) Verl, slow at clearing f a u b by tMay3 twhnoies@ and we have no idea of t h e rating of the breaker

6) We have no maintenance manuals on th

Regards Jim O'B Fop"iisBC, your w m p n y has a long hard soad to go to get this

sptesrrr of y o u s s fe enoum for m p l e like Jim 0% to work on. It will be one tough rwd. Get your CMMS UP and running on @ a s f i k r * place p u r C)a urrb and all wntroI pin& and go &om there, Your own words put dorlh a g W b u s i n s mw and it should be fist prior&-

FoP4iBC should alwa* put =fee fist, and the ba6m iine, where it shouid be, at the M,

Page 41,

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The p ing memo mme from a v a o n who w o & 4 on the Kaleden Suktatiorn rment& and indimts just how much of a problem

as ii ble,

The priw a compny p~ for such a piicy is evident by "Ie mrrd&isn they find themslvw in at this time regading subta'lion quiprnerr8.

%few SaFeV at a!! meaning to dweresrl: p p l e , under elfierent c i r c l m m ~ n w and at t i m a this was a qust ion which was circulating in the mind of Jim 0% at Kaleden that day orr O a 3d 2W5-

No pa-, no marzuak, no e"rmreme~)tatic~n~ no hisoris, no help and liRie enmuragement, mm and pi falling awse clue to age, lack of moneys lack of in t e r s t , lack of Safe@-

Sakv at any

Page 42,,,

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Chapter *wen:

The Daision and all that wRh it :

There are hsimlb thre options sn the Wble for d i ~ u s i o n , =me have W n rndgi4 by later sWtemenB and &he@ wMradiad in tmi-

mere are wrne hsic gmblems that n d t h e rqariremenl for ancldher ssrMa1:ion in the e)s

ion, the lack of preotaisn and t h e l imRa size, r q u i r ~ inrrrrdiate miiakns.

Moving the ssr uesll removan; of a v e ~

ra2 danger, should be wnsiderd as a primary gml,

ThB is cwerd under Option ""b"rm pbEt foeh by FofiisBG in t h e appllation-

The rrrentiorrd imp wnfiguration wuId not k a faail" as this would not be r q u i r d until the Iine dmm Oliwr is boik in the far f&ure,

The answer to a qra-iorr p a Bo@h by Alan WaR remrrling me date of rrrsnarraalon of thb line -From Oliwr indimtw mat t h b !line was nwer considerd until at ileast 2014, or byond,

uentw m d M w Option Two, which is to run a Dine from Oliver as pafl of t he Pmjm-

Option TWO wiii reiy on mnnmion to Urre 4-4 f a until lCklis new wurm from Oliver is wmgale"64 in 201LA3,

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Option TWO pr~vitbs for the mwtruaorr of a sra SuBtafi~n than the W s t Subation wuld handle at

Option Two would k the rrrm deirable fmm the long term view as bt did provide a line from Oliver and wm tt t h e cbpp@usr@ to Ssing fibre -e)ptic a b l e for the CMW sptem to pmvide moalern ccorrlrol and suweifiane for the s@em at t h e East 0s

& mentiond More, this Option TWO should be rti7MHid to allow For a 60kV Dine to b wrrSrrra4 to the rrcrfih end of the & b k e to m n n a Une M ad: that wlnt Th& would negate " Ihe nm ell Kinssher DAw. The S u b OSne allsQ would allow the CMMS s@em to k Mught to "else new Ea& Su btatiosl-

it would allow the mmpany to say wRhin @s commffmerr.l nerl to build thb Iine from Oliver to until allowd in t he fism% -an of 2011.

This stub muid "Bhe be come me of t he Oliver line and defray m& in mat mannea: ! am sun"@ that %e prCe of iine materials will have ineread sign8imr"lt@ by the time the nw fine will be sla%M for cors~rueion-

At that time the noeh end of the b k e wilf pmbbly show signs of rquiring a thlrel suktation to toea that area 618 N u m b r 22 Rwd. "The juraaion of "che Irnr~) l i ne onto Line 44 will

phy which mn then be instlgatd at that time

future dwelopment

Option One is mia& a shoe term quick Fix at minimum cat, The baa ahat the trandormem in t he old SukQticm were even king mnsiderd to prmide an ears eraera lwd while rxmstrrraion of t h e East 0s Sumation indimts a eemin r m k l e n ~ ,

Page 47: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

The mnsideration of running 60kV , thre p h a s , on fim fim PmB pis thrcrrrm a rsiderrlial area, wRhr"n t h i m fiw .Fm or lm of w p l ~ rwidence show a mmplajte disregard k r the sfm and wela king of the cuSomem that p y p u for your %mice.

There will be , no doubt1 other mrrsicferations, such as the magnetic fields , chara@e&tic of wwea l ine wll! be w l c 4 by @he=

in this slabjw than I am,

In the par 2011, qu&e

tian which make Option: One ewn more of a quick Ci and a wage of 2006 funds.

Option One is j u g not easilale under the smw conSrain&.

B would invEe the m e m k s of the Cklilgis mmmbiorr to view the ro&e sf Option One and vim the wle marzn i rrdiwto~ g if

there any S i l l there 1 a h view the schml, ( no wOe m & b n ma&es found ) there again, the sk?a>awt

If FofiTsBC insist u p n swnding Wo million dalias to fix t h e W W ion "h"rart&omes problem plus a garrugad net problem

repair, theso t h q s%osu!el @ve mnsicleration to the bilawlng

Page 48: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

provide for a f M to EaS while the East 0s mmiirzg on nine.

mnstruc"r a 6OkV line Fmm t he EaS SerM8tion to Une 444 nclrdDa of *he h k e and canna at a wnvenient win% This will provide for t h e wnnmion to Oliver in 2011-20Q when t h e line is buiR.

mere is a g a demand for errere at oaln end rsl" the @ b k e which would n

This wnfiguratiola would give you f ulii imp mn2r01 when & will be available, i-em 204-1 or 20U when the Olker line Is bug&-

We do not have to mrrsiden the 238W uw when askd sm%wlly abu t "its IbllW* the answer was that t h e corrmpt was 9 i i i Wenw or so p a s in the future and had no baring aaan the p

We do not W- to kwp in mind this imp mnmpt that FoabBC in their appliation OnsbB is v&al, uw , urrlil t h e Oliver line is brriEl, In the p a s 2011-2012, the qu strialq, amdemlc. Both Cls subations will k bed on a ""Radial" , i s . on t h e end of t h e line and wig8 have no Imp mpabil%is until the 201%-2032.

w have actual@ Wo cho iw are bar as i a n @$her w&h t h e information, mnstemation and Indignation 09: t he I

Page 46

Page 49: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

C h o i e One : Move the p nt, oad k a t up scr on orrQ of the

Use the new qu ipmen l ode rd %r the East O plus all the mosr&or and wntml quipmenl and build a nw sarbtantial, W& SubQtbn in the Incl;rrstfial Area where It slaoutd have h n conSrears"r~ was age,,

Run a fikr-asptle line from Oliver to sta~on*

side and f@ t h e Omd ~"qrtiremen& from "Ihe new 1

This great amousrl: of money US^ "FC)r underground f@ ac musway is only sraerr-liond in Option Thrw, alllrorrm Option One worr;!d have the =me amoiirsr8 of w i s s running thmsrgh mere,

"Tq would be b t h mming Fmm me W s t SukWtisn, t he ion and t h e clmerenee in lenekr.

l"ha"lkrewnw has b h l a e r d me sinm I f i ~ t rmd through the Projrn-

Should the projw rquire an addgion of a mmbl;e generator to supply ~ w e r for a SW%C len@h of time, t h e wt Incurrd would have to be put down to the prim of doing busin-,

In the final ana obBirr a soum of 60h for the srrb@tia>n would i n v o k rnlnirnlrm e-FFofi as %e wsrGmaiorr would be mainly rural and w&hin the pro easement

Page 47-.

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Option Two m d f i d providing Just t he stub line to mnn- Line 4-4- at the n0flI-a end of the bke,

Ta considea anflhing GI to 0F);Ion One would k agaiiila all the m g l s wishes who rside in this area, We have had m e i n @ whereby %he indignation and anger haw Mila over to a p i r r l that is quite rwealing Plea* srOamd that the R i n s ~ h e r Ddm Reiden& and asmCatd Srwt areas are nM a m u d @&hem,

There haw W n nurnemras m p l e who ha* swken to me ab r r l the tsapmsenl disregard "Ilre Gr>mpany ( F"o@isB@) h;s% shown for t h e we!! king of the rsitllrerrB. Emn e W a of apprwch the b n d )zrcquls&icsn mmmny was sus nd the Pam that t h e m m r ~ n y ( h=:c)@isBC) had clsnwrrientb negl-a to inform the aS l i lMs a m m i s i o n as "ecr j u 3 what was goSng on. The faa that the FofikBG ~"epraeratative~ who was a majar figure in ahis sheme, was and had full! wntrols8 zbdulirrg and k n w what was aiiDou"l0 "lanspire, neg!Wd 80 inform me can the impnding plaemenl of the wle mR"lion staks, aRhocogh he a s u r d me that there was to k some wfl of inpa fmm t h e rwiden&. &fore anfllaing was to wnanue,.

OeJliezrr Orre is a ncrn s@r;a,er in any sham or form- I h o p the ~mrurlsicsrr rnerrakm will concur w&h Zl\e raiden& of

Ki w@shea &)rim to this comclcrsiOm~ of wwice and mairrtenanm, appararaw, rdwircnating land

valsas and the I s than aewptable dimrrce 'la the amd. On the mw of my reldenm me writer line is i a than semrrteo from "ce pOe and I- than five h t to the rmds age, t he only thing sew rating f hem

!k at a b & .F"we f e t in wish, me brr"ln"$errlranm to my nder t h i m S@ fmm t h e pie and the hous nea dma is

There is no rmm For a monstsmia, such as FofiisBC would piace in my front pd-

Page 51: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

"Tis pmblem will be pia& in the hands CIP the m e m k m 06 the BrRlslr Wlarrrbia MilRls &mmision for %heir wruml, disrrsion and dwision,

I a n only h a p mat =me of my pleadins that I Ram made in this Bong wind@ epMle do not fall on deaf WB and tha& mpeIC, Oike shes on this Kirrmsher Drive p& our trust into the hands of this Urrrrrrision to arrhe at a j u g and qrrhble solrrllon M a on the h& and real@- placd kfare !& 7: all other p p l e w h a t m s their view or in ters& may prove to be-

The Oong term sol&ilart sems to fawur a visiona~ p abie to read and deipher the f&ure. E m s and values smm to k m duerent now*.

Wrceptions:: We mn how for t h e and premre for t he wow., It

though big b u s i n s holds the u p ~ r hand and we have exampis of that at hand with the CNR probiem, Tenus lalrcarrr dBpute, Big MX Stor=,

ail rwerrl arrbals, ail strr'ving to bring the industrie to a mmmon denominator-

Wlaeher & be the [OW& or not is a rrraaer of debate but one thing wmmsn to all is the aaempt to g@ the bi@& Mng for the small& buck, and, so Br the CNR ms to be winning in their abllo to k e p their trains off the track,

Telers has srs%@d in dwimating its WO* %rw and will be yeam rmowring 9H ever-

m line le at t h e exprrs of t he mr SOUIS toSITng in the stor-

at aim& mlmCmum rat= . ForlisBC, whme purchase of t he W& Kmtenay Power Proj-

muS have Wra a great leap of fa&h in somwne" mind, & an old man, & kave me breath!- !

Page 52: C3-2 · Osoyoos B.C. December 8th 2005 Commision Order G 114 05 Final Summary of Objections and Recommendations Denis Hull 8310 Kingfisher Drive Osoyoos B.C. on the East Osoyoos Substation

This has &n one tough Joazrrrw for an old guy like me,

MY are sore from reading in wsrsistent& cold Imm wo&ing; on my word p r thing clown in my w!d bawmerrl,

"81s mmp&er has a h d ha be of "%r>rge%ing t h i n s , I know what a s i Hag "C-;e time, it won% turn on, the other hag, it won't turn OFF=

When I go to prirrt tkjns, f h w are nwen the %me as what the scrwn mey should be,

1 have gone thrraum a whole regme of miour w% ~r the pAnter* R won% pliant u n l s all t he s la are fills, [ Another big arrrpainy id-)

Have gone tf"arou@ Z\aro and ha% bb~nEJ1- of mws and haw @en up tying lo get email @ems off of t he n e t Hald the time t h q mu= t h e

go into a ciear and lim-

So I am right up to here w&h this th ing It may do t h i n e which ]us% a few yeas ago wouid be mnsiclerd magic bM rrrm of the time it mrn k downdght arneFy and a fw t ima I %rave g& my %Men vund sldge out to make a slight adjustment but rea9izd B didn"l ha* t h e arerssla to swing it I

b re w&h me, if this epistle ms a IWIe disjaintd and unclear, w@h a lack of memow or mheaenm, join t h e club, you wiii eventually get there p u w g but in the meantime j u g aeaIT% that % ha* done my b t w%h what I had and that is what this whole "Ilriog aa r ld o& as, if $rg)u

a e m e m h r t h e quaint ~yi,r"n@ r>"F the FofibBC repreenbtive. f am f i n i s h a , m k r 7th 2W5 (Anyone a e m e m k r that

Sunday morning In 19413)