Governance for C2C An introduction to ‘governance’ for sustainability: what and why? July 12th 2010 Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Introduction to C2C and governance aspects during the expert seminar in Leuven, July 12th 2010.

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Governance for C2C

An introduction to‘governance’

for sustainability: what and why?

July 12th 2010 Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Governance: “the act of governing”

“shifting pattern in styles of governing”

Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

Community governance

Relational governance



te g


ance Good governance

Network governance

Public-private partnerships

New public management

New governanceGlobal governance





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Institutions Legitimate power Positional / legal

Political bureaucracy


Stakeholders Legitimate interests

Relational / commitment

Community …


Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Governance within ‘government’

‘Good governance’, ‘new public manage-ment‘

New quality standards: efficient, transparent, accountable

Structure unchanged

Governance beyond ‘government’

‘Network governance’, ‘collaborative gover-nance’, ‘multi-actor’

Revised approach to governing: actors, partnerships, dispersed initiatives

Structure diversified


Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Governance within ‘government’

Governance beyond ‘government’


‘civil society’


Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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A double shift: The actors involved:

From government & society To multiple stakeholders

The organizing principles: From procedural: structures, roles and rules To relational: reciprocal commitments


Multi-actor governance

Johan Hovelynck – Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group

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Mechanisms of coordination

Market “Entrepreneurs will achieve sustainability through

technological innovations in response to scarcities” But: externalities, tragedy of the commons

Hierarchy “Government has to enforce sustainability” But: steering capacity of government limited

Networks / multi-actor governance Sustainability needs coordinated efforts from

government actors, business actors and civil society actors

Art Dewulf – Cradle to Cradle Network –

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Good C2C practices

Requires eco-effective design Technological innovation Investment …

Requires business-government-citizen triangle reconfigured for recycling Supply chain re-engineering Enabling legislation Citizen initiatives …

Requires large-scale application/impact Market share Sector-wide changes …

Art Dewulf – Cradle to Cradle Network –

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Multi-actor governance

Transition management kl

Network governance lml

Social learning klklklklkkll

Adaptive governance klkl

Multi-actor collaboration jkj

Policy agenda setting

Innovate now for change on the long term

Mobilize and tweak existing networks

Create spaces for dialogue

Be prepared for an uncertain future

Negotiate with your adversaries

Recognize windows of opportunity

Art Dewulf – Cradle to Cradle Network –

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Conditions for innovation in networks

• Creating ‘new connections’– Business alliances, public-private partnerships,

…• Platforms for committed partners: ‘minimal

structures’– Between understructured and overstructured

• Social learning: ‘communities of practice’– Learn from reflection on practice

• ‘Loose couplings’ between innovation networks and power networks

(Termeer & Kranendonk, 2009)

Art Dewulf – Cradle to Cradle Network –

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New strategies for government actors

Keying Tuning innovations and existing regulations

Improvising Trying out new things, pushing the

boundaries Certifying

Noticing and publicly supporting innovative activities

Integrating Incorporating innovations into existing

organizational identities and procedures

Art Dewulf – Cradle to Cradle Network –

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Dilemma’s and tensions

Change versus stability innovating versus structuring

Humility versus heroism long term processes versus pressure to score

Networks versus transparency complexity versus accountability

Governing innovation versus innovating governance new ideas versus usual routines

Art Dewulf – Cradle to Cradle Network –

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C2CN governance framework will be mailed to you will be available at

the C2CN website

Thanks for your attention!

Keep an eye on governance ;-)

Governance in C2C

Johan Hovelynck – Art Dewulf – Koen Siips Cradle to Cradle Network – Cycloop group