柏齡計劃定期安排企業策略研討會,讓平日工作 繁忙的高層可以在一個輕鬆的環境下,探討柏齡未來 的發展路向。是次研討會於7月份在惠州舉行,參加 者包括執行董事梁家棟博士及一眾經理等。 研討會上首先由執行董事梁家棟博士對柏齡的業 務作仔細檢討及展望未來的發展路向,及後各與會 者積極參與討論並提供具啓發性的意見,大家互相 分享經驗及心得,務求為柏齡尋找最合適的工作方 針,令會議氣氛熱烈,使柏齡能夠更有效率並盡心 、盡力地為客戶提供令人滿意的服務。同時,亦為 員工提供一個優質的工作環境,令員工繼續為公司 打拼,使柏齡業務更進一步。 最後,執行董事梁家棟博士將不同建議歸納及總 結為以下的工作重點: 1. 透過與其他公司互相合作以提供更多、更嶄新的 優質服務予客戶; 2. 推行一連串的獎勵計劃以鼓勵工作表現優秀的 員工; 3. 拓展更多業務機會等; 柏齡將會積極推行上述工作計劃並會作適時的檢討, 以監察成效。 雖然是次研討會的時間安排較為緊密,但一眾出 席者認為藉此分享和討論,使同事獲益良多。大家 期望研討會中所提出的工作計劃能迅速並有效地推 行,以提升公司的服務質素及競爭力。 Years Parkland 2012年11月〔第14期News Rm1103A , New Kowloon Plaza, 38 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KLN 九龍大角咀道38號新九龍廣場1103A室 Tel. / 電話: 2396 3377 Fax / 傳真: 2736 6990 Website / 網址: www.parkland.com.hk 柏齡三十五週年誌慶 暨企業策略研討會 柏齡三十五週年誌慶 暨企業策略研討會 Parkland plans to organize brainstorming trips regularly to provide a forum for the management team. This year, the brainstorming trip was held in Waizhou in July. Participants included Parkland’s Executive Director, Dr. Tony Leung and the managers. At the beginning of the conference, Dr. Tony Leung conducted an overall review and business outlook of Parkland. Thereafter, all participants actively participated in the discussion. Everyone shared their points of view actively and generated a good discussion atmosphere. Finally, Dr. Tony Leung concluded the following major points as Parkland’s upcoming major focuses: 1. Provide more new services to clients via co-operation with other companies; 2. Implement an incentive scheme to reward and encourage employees with outstanding performance. 3. Explore more business opportunities, etc. The above action plan will be implemented and will be regularly reviewed so as to monitor their effectiveness. Even though there was time constraints of the trip, every participant agreed that it was a fruitful event. All participants look forword to improving service quality and the competitiveness of the company through the implementation of the action plan.

第14期 Parkland News行,以提升公司的服務質素及競爭力。Years 柏 齡 通 訊 Parkland 2012年11月〔第14期〕 News 顧問 Consultant 談文基 總經理 Simon

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Page 1: 第14期 Parkland News行,以提升公司的服務質素及競爭力。Years 柏 齡 通 訊 Parkland 2012年11月〔第14期〕 News 顧問 Consultant 談文基 總經理 Simon




1. 透過與其他公司互相合作以提供更多、更嶄新的優質服務予客戶;

2. 推行一連串的獎勵計劃以鼓勵工作表現優秀的員工;

3. 拓展更多業務機會等;






顧問 Consultant談文基 總經理Simon TAM General Manager

編輯 Editor麥權禧 David MAK

委員 Committee Members伍偉文 Peter NG梁開明 HM LEUNG林志立 Patrick LAM

黃敏怡 Alice WONG袁靖芝 Elsa YUEN趙淑華 Ivy CHIU

編輯委員會 Editorial Committee

Rm1103A , New Kowloon Plaza, 38 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KLN 九龍大角咀道38號新九龍廣場1103A室Tel. / 電話: 2396 3377 Fax / 傳真: 2736 6990 Website / 網址: www.parkland.com.hk

鋁窗維修小貼士Tips for repairing aluminium windows鋁窗維修小貼士Tips for repairing aluminium windows

鋁窗的常見問題Characteristics of defective aluminium windows鋁窗的常見問題Characteristics of defective aluminium windows

保養鋁窗常識Regular maintenance of aluminium windows保養鋁窗常識Regular maintenance of aluminium windows

資料來源:屋宇署及亨輝工程有限公司Source of information: Buildings Department and THL Engineering Co., Ltd.

近年來,鋁窗墮樓事件經常發生,缺乏妥善的維修或使用不當是導致這些意外的主要原因,加上政府已經在2012年6月30日實施「強制驗樓及驗窗計劃」,要求大部分樓齡超過40年的大廈聘請合格註冊承辦商進行相關驗樓及驗窗工程並執行有需要的維修工程。有見及此,今期的柏齡通訊會為大家介紹鋁窗的常見問題及一些正確的保養常識,以確保公眾的安全。 Due to the rapid window dislodge accidents and the implementation of the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) on 30 June, 2012, we would like to introduce some common problems which lead to window dislodge and some tips for repairing aluminium windows.

‧ 窗鉸、鉸槽、螺絲及鉚釘呈灰白色粉狀物質,表示鋁質已受侵蝕 Appear grayish white powder at the hinges, tracks, screws and/ rivets

‧ 螺絲或鉚釘鬆脫或缺漏 Loosen or missing screws/ rivets

‧ 窗框和窗扇間漏水 Water leakage between window frame and sash

‧ 窗戶難以開啟或關閉 Windows sashes are too stiff to open or close

‧ 窗戶無法關緊 Windows could not be closed tightly.

‧ 窗鉸和窗框發現變形 Presence of observable distortion to the window hinge or frame

‧ 清理窗鉸及窗槽上的污垢和沙塵 Remove dust on the hinges and tracks

‧ 定期在鉸位加適量潤滑劑 Lubricate the hinges regularly 亨輝工程查詢熱線

Hotline of THL Engineering: 2787 7895

為確保家居鋁窗安全及避免不必要的意外及刑責,政府建議住戶需定期聘請合資格註冊小型承辦商進行鋁窗檢查。To ensure public safety and unnecessary criminal offence, government appeals to the residents to recruit appropriate prescribed registered contractors for carrying out of inspection and repair works of the aluminium windows.

‧ 用清水抹窗 Clean the windows with water

‧ 避免積水 Avoid leaving water.


Parkland's 35th Anniversary andBusiness Brainstorming Trip


Parkland's 35th Anniversary andBusiness Brainstorming Trip

Parkland plans to organize brainstorming trips regularly to provide a forum for the management team. This year, the brainstorming trip was held in Waizhou in July. Participants included Parkland’s Executive Director, Dr. Tony Leung and the managers. At the beginning of the conference, Dr. Tony Leung conducted an overall review and business outlook of Parkland. Thereafter, all participants actively participated in the discussion. Everyone shared their points of view actively and generated a good discussion atmosphere. Finally, Dr. Tony Leung concluded the following major points as Parkland’s upcoming major focuses: 1. Provide more new services to clients via

co-operation with other companies; 2. Implement an incentive scheme to reward

and encourage employees with outstanding performance.

3. Explore more business opportunities, etc. The above action plan will be implemented and will be regularly reviewed so as to monitor their effectiveness. Even though there was time constraints of the trip, every participant agreed that it was a fruitful event. All participants look forword to improving service quality and the competitiveness of the company through the implementation of the action plan.

Page 2: 第14期 Parkland News行,以提升公司的服務質素及競爭力。Years 柏 齡 通 訊 Parkland 2012年11月〔第14期〕 News 顧問 Consultant 談文基 總經理 Simon

悅翠苑「以物易物」環保回收日 Yuet Chui Court - Recycle day 柏齡物業管理有限公司、悅翠苑業主立案法團及亨輝清潔服務有限公司於2012年7月7日舉行悅翠苑「以物易物」環保回收日,透過甚具環保意念的活動,加強及鼓勵悅翠苑業戶參與及提高其環保意識。 A recycle day organized by Parkland Property Management Limited, Incorporated Owners of Yuet Chui Court and THL Cleansing Services Company Limited was held at Yuet Chui Court on 7th July, 2012. It aimed to encourage the eco-awareness of residents and to improve the attitude of environmental protection.

菱電發展集團繼續與香港浸會大學合辦暑期實習計劃。今年共有2名大學生分別在會計部和人力資源部進行為期約三個月的全職實習,以累積寶貴的實際工作經驗,為未來事業作好準備。 RDL Group continued co-organizing the Summer Internship Program with Hong Kong Baptist University. This year, 2 students joined the Accounting Department and Human Resources Department respectively to have the 3-month internship so as to obtain valuable work experience for later career development.


RDL Chairman was appointed as Chairman of theCouncil of the City University of H.K.


RDL Chairman was appointed as Chairman of theCouncil of the City University of H.K.

菱電發展集團活動剪影RDL Group Activities菱電發展集團活動剪影RDL Group Activities

環保活動 Environmental Protection Activity環保活動 Environmental Protection Activity

暑期實習計劃 Summer Internship Program暑期實習計劃 Summer Internship Program

菱電發展主席胡曉明BBS太平紳士Mr. Herman HU Shao-ming, BBS, JP, Chairman of RDL Group

菱電發展主席胡曉明BBS太平紳士獲委任為香港城市大學 (城市大學) 校董會主席,任期逾2年,由2012年10月1日起至2014年12月31日。對於獲委任為城市大學校董會主席,胡曉明太平紳士深感榮幸:「城市大學是世界知名學府,多年來培育了不少優秀人才。我能獲委任為校董會主席,感到十分榮幸,亦感謝香港政府對我委以重任。城大有很好的同事和同學,我將會竭盡所能帶領城大再闖高峰。我有信心憑著校內師生的同心竭力,可以攜手達成此目標。」 Mr. Herman HU Shao-ming, BBS, JP, Chairman of RDL Group, was appointed as Chairman of the Council of the City University of Hong Kong (City University) for a term of more than two years from 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2014. Mr. Herman HU said: "City University is one of the world's top-notch universities and has nurtured many talents in the past years. I am pleased to receive the appointment and I am honored by the Government's confidence in my capabilities. Benefiting from the good quality of staff and graduates I confidently believe City University will continue its robust growth and will scale new heights.”

柏齡物業管理有限公司執行董事梁家棟博士代表柏齡捐款予奧比斯用作支持月餅義賣活動,並將月餅送贈給柏齡各前線員工。Dr. Tony Leung, Executive Director of Parkland Property Management Limited represented Parkland to present the cheque of donation to ORBIS for supporting their charity sale of moon cake and the moon cakes were disributed to Parkland’s frontline staff.

柏齡義工隊參加由循道衛理觀塘社會服務處關懷長者中心舉辦之「循道賀中秋」活動並向長者致送月餅禮品包。Parkland Volunteers Team joined an event organized by Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Agape Community Care Centre to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with the elderly and delivered moon cakes to them.

菱電發展集團同事們踴躍支持公益金便服日。Colleagues of RDL Group showed their enthusiastic support to the Dress Casual Day organized by Community Chest.

菱電發展慈善基金受託人法團代表陳思銚先生(左一)出席香港中文大學舉辦「科研創新路」慈善步行籌款感謝酒會。Mr.Chan Si-zhao, (Left 1) represented the Incorporated Trustees of Ryoden Development Charitable Trust to attend the Thank You Reception for “Road to Scientific Excellence” Walkathon organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

柏齡物業管理有限公司於灣仔聖雅各福群會舉行了公司簡介及保安招聘會,招攬更多有質素的保安員加入柏齡。Parkland Property Management Limited organized a Company Introduction Briefing and Job Fair in Wan Chai St James’ Settlement to attract more good quality security staff to join Parkland.

Page 3: 第14期 Parkland News行,以提升公司的服務質素及競爭力。Years 柏 齡 通 訊 Parkland 2012年11月〔第14期〕 News 顧問 Consultant 談文基 總經理 Simon

悅翠苑「以物易物」環保回收日 Yuet Chui Court - Recycle day 柏齡物業管理有限公司、悅翠苑業主立案法團及亨輝清潔服務有限公司於2012年7月7日舉行悅翠苑「以物易物」環保回收日,透過甚具環保意念的活動,加強及鼓勵悅翠苑業戶參與及提高其環保意識。 A recycle day organized by Parkland Property Management Limited, Incorporated Owners of Yuet Chui Court and THL Cleansing Services Company Limited was held at Yuet Chui Court on 7th July, 2012. It aimed to encourage the eco-awareness of residents and to improve the attitude of environmental protection.

菱電發展集團繼續與香港浸會大學合辦暑期實習計劃。今年共有2名大學生分別在會計部和人力資源部進行為期約三個月的全職實習,以累積寶貴的實際工作經驗,為未來事業作好準備。 RDL Group continued co-organizing the Summer Internship Program with Hong Kong Baptist University. This year, 2 students joined the Accounting Department and Human Resources Department respectively to have the 3-month internship so as to obtain valuable work experience for later career development.


RDL Chairman was appointed as Chairman of theCouncil of the City University of H.K.


RDL Chairman was appointed as Chairman of theCouncil of the City University of H.K.

菱電發展集團活動剪影RDL Group Activities菱電發展集團活動剪影RDL Group Activities

環保活動 Environmental Protection Activity環保活動 Environmental Protection Activity

暑期實習計劃 Summer Internship Program暑期實習計劃 Summer Internship Program

菱電發展主席胡曉明BBS太平紳士Mr. Herman HU Shao-ming, BBS, JP, Chairman of RDL Group

菱電發展主席胡曉明BBS太平紳士獲委任為香港城市大學 (城市大學) 校董會主席,任期逾2年,由2012年10月1日起至2014年12月31日。對於獲委任為城市大學校董會主席,胡曉明太平紳士深感榮幸:「城市大學是世界知名學府,多年來培育了不少優秀人才。我能獲委任為校董會主席,感到十分榮幸,亦感謝香港政府對我委以重任。城大有很好的同事和同學,我將會竭盡所能帶領城大再闖高峰。我有信心憑著校內師生的同心竭力,可以攜手達成此目標。」 Mr. Herman HU Shao-ming, BBS, JP, Chairman of RDL Group, was appointed as Chairman of the Council of the City University of Hong Kong (City University) for a term of more than two years from 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2014. Mr. Herman HU said: "City University is one of the world's top-notch universities and has nurtured many talents in the past years. I am pleased to receive the appointment and I am honored by the Government's confidence in my capabilities. Benefiting from the good quality of staff and graduates I confidently believe City University will continue its robust growth and will scale new heights.”

柏齡物業管理有限公司執行董事梁家棟博士代表柏齡捐款予奧比斯用作支持月餅義賣活動,並將月餅送贈給柏齡各前線員工。Dr. Tony Leung, Executive Director of Parkland Property Management Limited represented Parkland to present the cheque of donation to ORBIS for supporting their charity sale of moon cake and the moon cakes were disributed to Parkland’s frontline staff.

柏齡義工隊參加由循道衛理觀塘社會服務處關懷長者中心舉辦之「循道賀中秋」活動並向長者致送月餅禮品包。Parkland Volunteers Team joined an event organized by Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Agape Community Care Centre to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with the elderly and delivered moon cakes to them.

菱電發展集團同事們踴躍支持公益金便服日。Colleagues of RDL Group showed their enthusiastic support to the Dress Casual Day organized by Community Chest.

菱電發展慈善基金受託人法團代表陳思銚先生(左一)出席香港中文大學舉辦「科研創新路」慈善步行籌款感謝酒會。Mr.Chan Si-zhao, (Left 1) represented the Incorporated Trustees of Ryoden Development Charitable Trust to attend the Thank You Reception for “Road to Scientific Excellence” Walkathon organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

柏齡物業管理有限公司於灣仔聖雅各福群會舉行了公司簡介及保安招聘會,招攬更多有質素的保安員加入柏齡。Parkland Property Management Limited organized a Company Introduction Briefing and Job Fair in Wan Chai St James’ Settlement to attract more good quality security staff to join Parkland.

Page 4: 第14期 Parkland News行,以提升公司的服務質素及競爭力。Years 柏 齡 通 訊 Parkland 2012年11月〔第14期〕 News 顧問 Consultant 談文基 總經理 Simon




1. 透過與其他公司互相合作以提供更多、更嶄新的優質服務予客戶;

2. 推行一連串的獎勵計劃以鼓勵工作表現優秀的員工;

3. 拓展更多業務機會等;






顧問 Consultant談文基 總經理Simon TAM General Manager

編輯 Editor麥權禧 David MAK

委員 Committee Members伍偉文 Peter NG梁開明 HM LEUNG林志立 Patrick LAM

黃敏怡 Alice WONG袁靖芝 Elsa YUEN趙淑華 Ivy CHIU

編輯委員會 Editorial Committee

Rm1103A , New Kowloon Plaza, 38 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KLN 九龍大角咀道38號新九龍廣場1103A室Tel. / 電話: 2396 3377 Fax / 傳真: 2736 6990 Website / 網址: www.parkland.com.hk

鋁窗維修小貼士Tips for repairing aluminium windows鋁窗維修小貼士Tips for repairing aluminium windows

鋁窗的常見問題Characteristics of defective aluminium windows鋁窗的常見問題Characteristics of defective aluminium windows

保養鋁窗常識Regular maintenance of aluminium windows保養鋁窗常識Regular maintenance of aluminium windows

資料來源:屋宇署及亨輝工程有限公司Source of information: Buildings Department and THL Engineering Co., Ltd.

近年來,鋁窗墮樓事件經常發生,缺乏妥善的維修或使用不當是導致這些意外的主要原因,加上政府已經在2012年6月30日實施「強制驗樓及驗窗計劃」,要求大部分樓齡超過40年的大廈聘請合格註冊承辦商進行相關驗樓及驗窗工程並執行有需要的維修工程。有見及此,今期的柏齡通訊會為大家介紹鋁窗的常見問題及一些正確的保養常識,以確保公眾的安全。 Due to the rapid window dislodge accidents and the implementation of the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) on 30 June, 2012, we would like to introduce some common problems which lead to window dislodge and some tips for repairing aluminium windows.

‧ 窗鉸、鉸槽、螺絲及鉚釘呈灰白色粉狀物質,表示鋁質已受侵蝕 Appear grayish white powder at the hinges, tracks, screws and/ rivets

‧ 螺絲或鉚釘鬆脫或缺漏 Loosen or missing screws/ rivets

‧ 窗框和窗扇間漏水 Water leakage between window frame and sash

‧ 窗戶難以開啟或關閉 Windows sashes are too stiff to open or close

‧ 窗戶無法關緊 Windows could not be closed tightly.

‧ 窗鉸和窗框發現變形 Presence of observable distortion to the window hinge or frame

‧ 清理窗鉸及窗槽上的污垢和沙塵 Remove dust on the hinges and tracks

‧ 定期在鉸位加適量潤滑劑 Lubricate the hinges regularly 亨輝工程查詢熱線

Hotline of THL Engineering: 2787 7895

為確保家居鋁窗安全及避免不必要的意外及刑責,政府建議住戶需定期聘請合資格註冊小型承辦商進行鋁窗檢查。To ensure public safety and unnecessary criminal offence, government appeals to the residents to recruit appropriate prescribed registered contractors for carrying out of inspection and repair works of the aluminium windows.

‧ 用清水抹窗 Clean the windows with water

‧ 避免積水 Avoid leaving water.


Parkland's 35th Anniversary andBusiness Brainstorming Trip


Parkland's 35th Anniversary andBusiness Brainstorming Trip

Parkland plans to organize brainstorming trips regularly to provide a forum for the management team. This year, the brainstorming trip was held in Waizhou in July. Participants included Parkland’s Executive Director, Dr. Tony Leung and the managers. At the beginning of the conference, Dr. Tony Leung conducted an overall review and business outlook of Parkland. Thereafter, all participants actively participated in the discussion. Everyone shared their points of view actively and generated a good discussion atmosphere. Finally, Dr. Tony Leung concluded the following major points as Parkland’s upcoming major focuses: 1. Provide more new services to clients via

co-operation with other companies; 2. Implement an incentive scheme to reward

and encourage employees with outstanding performance.

3. Explore more business opportunities, etc. The above action plan will be implemented and will be regularly reviewed so as to monitor their effectiveness. Even though there was time constraints of the trip, every participant agreed that it was a fruitful event. All participants look forword to improving service quality and the competitiveness of the company through the implementation of the action plan.