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OFFICE443.508.4338P.O. Box 136Hampstead, MD 21074

WEB CONTACTSwww.christianfarmers.comE-mail: [email protected]

EDITORSHeidi Lippy SprinkleJohn Vogel

GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRINTINGD’Anna Printing & Promotionals, Inc.

ON OUR COVERThese young men know the joy andprivilege of leading lost souls to JesusChrist. They are (left to right): CritLapp, Ryan Laughman, Ryan Lehmanand Jared Gehman, all of LancasterCounty, Pa.

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 20102


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INSIDE THIS ISSUE4 Outreach Luncheon celebration500 inspired by Herr, Carson

5 No more pain, only joy!Her life-changing experience

6 3,000 saved in 15 daysHow it happened

8 Testimonies from the boothsLives dramatically changed here

10 Faithfuls celebrateCFO picnic and workday

11 Bikers rally at Sturgis707 souls saved at two rallies

12 Reaching out in RussiaBeads work awesomely in Siberia

13 Reaching out in FranceSalvation message brings tears

14 Reaching out in AfricaChain evangelism spreads in Togo

15 Reaching out in MexicoMany adults, children accept Christ

16 Return on investment?“Priceless!” says this pastor

17 Awesome results!38,000 shared with in 8 months

OUR MISSIONTo build, maintain and strengthenfaith in God through presentingJesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


There is so much fearand uncertainty in the worldat this time. We have dailyassaults on our Christianvalues. And America is in amoral free fall like neverbefore in history.

Even so, this is awonderful time to be alive.

Today, many people feel great spiritual hunger to knowmore about Jesus. God desires to comfort people andgive them the gift of eternal life.

This world will be changed when the hearts of menand women are changed by God. People need theLord! We have received the greatest gift in the worldand we must pass it on!

By sharing the Gospel, God is honored and Hisname is glorified. Many churches are catching ourvision for the lost, and we are training them toevangelize through use of the beads. The greatestadventure in this world is to be a co-laborer with Godin saving souls. It is a joy you will find in nothing else.

Heeding His call to reach out

We will forge ahead with a worldwide missioncommunicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Theenemy would like to silence us. But no weaponformed against us will prosper! (Isaiah 54:17)

We heed the call – life is short – eternity islong! Souls are too precious and the Gospel toowonderful for us to be complacent.

The Bible makes it clear that once we receiveJesus into our hearts, our highest calling is to reachout for lost souls (Acts 1:8). Christian FarmersOutreach takes this very seriously, and we arestaying true to this calling.

The Lord has greatly expanded CFO’s outreachdue in large part to the easy and effective way weshare Christ through the different color beads.Churches in many areas of the United States wantCFO to help them be effective in this effort. Andmissionaries in many countries are getting resultsthey never dreamed possible.

When you read these pages, look for theexcitement. We are so thankful for more than 800volunteers across this country that help make thispossible.

There is a tremendous work involved in theCFO ministry: stringing beads on rawhides, drillingsticks, tying rawhides to sticks, training Christiansto share the message, as well as traveling long andshort distances to events.

We need to greatly expand our giving to coverthe increased costs of expanding across the U.S.and around the world. All of this is well worth theeffort to uplift and honor Jesus Christ for what Hedid for us.

3Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

The Holy Spirit gives

boldness, courage, a

sense of authority and a

new passion and

strength. This is not the

time to be lukewarm for

Jesus. He expects His

followers to put Him first

in their lives.

From the President’s Heart . . .By W. Wilson Lippy

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 20104

Before getting to hiskeynote remark to a fullhouse of more than 500 atthe 2009 CFO SpringLuncheon, Ed Herr,president of Herr Foods,said: “I’ve never before seenthe power of evangelismlike that of ChristianFarmers Outreach.” Hereare excerpts from his

testimony:I couldn’t ask for a better upbringing. My life was

so good that I thought “Leave it to Beaver” had itrough.

At 11 years old, I learned that sin had separatedme from Christ. While getting groceries for my motherat a small nearby grocery, a rack of candy – aboutpocket high – was right next to me. I really loveReese’s Cups! So I stuck two in my in pocket.

Once outside the store, I put them into the grocerybag and biked home. But when I pulled into thedriveway, my mother came out, thanked me for thebag and took the groceries into the house – Reese’sCups and all!

But the candy wasn’t on the receipt, and I was sobusted. My mother said, “Walk back to the store, tellthem what you stole, and ask them to forgive you.”

She said more than that; but that was the bottom line.The best day of my life was when all my sins went

out the window after asking Jesus into my heart at age12. His grace is sufficient, and He has an incrediblelove for us.

God’s plan for us

God loves us and desires to have intimacy with us.As Isaiah 43:18-19 puts it, He wants us to forgetformer things and not dwell on the past. He wants todo something new in you and I today.

For God to do that, we need to put the pastbehind us. It could be really bad or really good. Butmany things can get in the way of doing somethingreally good, something even better.

But no matter where you are, God wants to dosomething new in your life. Pray for it!

God wants something new for you!

Dr. Benjamin Carson, world-renown neurosurgeon fromJohns Hopkins, offered theseinspiring comments at theOutreach Luncheon:

“I’m often asked what it waslike to have a movie made ofyou.” (“Gifted Hands: The BenCarson Story” on TNTtelevision.) My answer is: “It

didn’t start out smoothly. The sponsors weren’t at allhappy about having a movie about spirituality andGod. They said it would have to be taken out.” Iresponded that “If you want to take that out, it is apart of me. You’ll need to take me out, too.”

Now in this post-modern era, many think God is

“politically incorrect” andthat we’re not supposedto talk about Him. Butit’s incumbent on each ofus to not yield to this.We must make it clearthat it’s good to live byGodly principles, andhave those values governour lives.

If we do that,America can remain as apinnacle nation. We’llhave one nation underGod, with liberty andjustice for all.

It’s absolutelyessential thatwe Americansrecognize that

God andChristianity areessential to and

a vital part ofwho we are.

That’s theheritage of this


God must be part of America’s future heritage!

“Sometimes Godshatters our dreamsto make new ones.”

5Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

Seven years ago while working at a foodconcession stand at Ag Progress Days, I kept seeingpeople carrying yardsticks with leather bracelets andbeads. So I asked what it was and where they got it.

After 37 years of marriage, I was in pain after myhusband left me. I was trying to survive and decidewhat direction my life would take.

Next morning, I located the Christian Farmersbooth and heard your message. That simple messagein those five beads spoke to me, calling me into a fullrelationship with Jesus! Then I knew I needed to domore than just call myself a Christian. I needed toreturn to church and walk in Christ’s light.

I started taking a Bible study – the first time I’dread the Bible. I was 57 years old and had no ideawhat doing that would do to heal me and make mewhole. So engulfed in the Word, I signed up for aSunday School Bible study and a small evening studygroup.

His purpose and plan revealed

Today, I even teach Bible study. After a so-rewarding mission trip to Tennessee, I did mission tripsto Washington, D.C., then Nicaragua. This year wasmy fifth Nicaraguan trip.

I borrowed your idea to spread the Word – makinghundreds of beaded bracelets to take this simplemessage to Nicaragua and Guatemala on mission trips.It’s such a wonderful way to spread the Word! Thebracelet on one’s arm reminds us of our personalrelationship with Christ and how God’s love makessuch a difference in our lives.

God helps us heal when we read and study theWord. Proverbs 3:5-6 has sustained me: “Trust in theLord with all your heart and lean not unto your ownunderstanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him andHe will direct your path.”

He helps us heal by putting other strong Christiansin our lives. I used to have nice friends. Now, I havewonderful Christian friends who make life so special.

I’m now living free of pain and have the joy ofbeing a follower of Christ. Thank you for your wisdomand for your ministry! My life is wonderful and I’m sohappy.

Reach out to be restored

Sometimes when we hit rock bottom, we havesuch a need for help, for someone to love us, forsomeone to guide us and give us direction, that it justbecomes the right time. I am whole today. But I wasthe one who had to reach out and be restored.

I might never have done that without the HolySpirit taking me on the right path. I could have beenmiserable for the rest of my life.

I guess in this day and age we are skeptical aboutsomething that's free for the taking. But that's the firststep, the beginning that so many of us resist taking. Itwas like I had been dead, and now for the first time inmy life I was alive!

Why I ever said yes to going on a mission trip isstill beyond me. Those trips have made such adifference in my attitude about what's important in life.It's not money, things or being with the in crowd. It'shelping one another. That's why God put us all here!

CFO, your guidance came at just the right time –when I hit rock bottom. God put things right in frontof my nose to guide me – your yardstick and thebeads. But I had to accept it. Once I took that step,my Christian life snowballed into the most wonderfulawakening.

I love Him and love being His hands and feet eachand every day. I need to be fed by the Bible, Christianfriends and church. Now that I’m 64, my greatestregret is that I didn’t have that faith all of those yearsbefore.

“I had to reach out and be

restored. I might never have

done that without the Holy

Spirit taking me on the

right path.“

No more pain . . . ONLY JOY!By Elaine Watschke

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 20106

During February 2009, Christian Farmers Outreach saw Godworking mightily. In just 15 days of sharing, 3,000 peopleinvited Jesus Christ into their hearts. Here’s how it happened:

Into the cold South . . . On February 5, Joe Mish and Wilson Lippy drove to North

Carolina for the three-day Southern Farm Show at Raleigh. Itwas the bitterest, coldest day this city had seen in 60 years.

Seven local churches volunteered to work in the CFO booth.Schools from all around closed or allowed their students to attendthis event.

On that one day, young people were continuously lined up atthe booth to hear the message. More than 400 high school ageyouths accepted Christ in a four-hour window that day. Duringthe three days, CFO saw 763 people ask Jesus into their hearts.

North to Pennsylvania . . .On February 7, Arley Johnsrud coordinated the CFO booth

at the Eastern Sports Show in Harrisburg, PA. Some 21 localchurches sent 120 people to volunteer.

Awesome results! Jesus became the personal Savior to 1,421people during those nine days in Pennsylvania. How could thathappen?! Glenn Simpkins had the answer:

“What do you mean man! We’ve beenpraying for this for four months!”

Dan Bulgiano and a team of volunteers from All SaintsChurch covered the booth on one of the historically slowestFridays. Yet, they saw195 decisions! Hischurch had beenpraying for this eventfor three months.Whether due to theeconomy or other lifestresses, people werehurting and beingdrawn by the HolySpirit.

We work hard drillingsticks, stringing

beads on rawhides,tying them on sticks

and travelingsometimes long

distances to sharein the booth. But

the Holy Spiritgives the results!

3,000 SAVED –

7Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

in just 15 days! How does this happen?In two words – through

prayer! Willing volunteersdon’t draw lost souls. TheHoly Spirit anoints thevolunteers and draws theseeking hearts to the booths.For this reason, we offer thissimple and very clearpresentation of the Gospel!

Glenn Simpkins, a CFOvolunteer, and his churchhelped at Eastern SportsShow on that Saturday inFebruary. They saw 300decisions that day alone!Asked how this happened,

he quickly replied, “What do you mean, man!We’ve been praying for this for four months!”They expected great results because they knewGod heard their prayers.

In each booth at the beginning of every dayand each shift, volunteers stop to pray. Theypray for those who will pass by the booth.They pray for each volunteer and for boldnessin presenting the Gospel. They pray to beeffective messengers of the promise ofsalvation.

That’s how more than 3,000 find JesusChrist and accept him as Savior. That’s how200 volunteers remain bold and present theGospel clearly – through the power of the HolySpirit and answered prayer!

And when each day closes, their voicesmay be hoarse. But their hearts are exuberantwith the precious gift of being able to help leadothers to Jesus. They often raise praise andprayer for those newly committed Christians.

Now more than ever, CFO needs people topray! Pray for those “chance” encounters andfor boldness! Pray that the tracts and thefollow-up books are read and effective!

Pray that even more volunteers will havehearts to share the Gospel with all who enterthe booths! Pray for those who accept Christ,that they might come to really walk with Himand discover the joy and peace found only inthe Lord!

Onward west to southernCalifornia . . .

On February 10, Gordon Flickinger, Ron Green andWilson Lippy flew to California to work a booth forthree days at the World Ag Expo in Tulare. (All travelexpenses are paid by the individual volunteers, not byCFO.)

Eight churches helped staff the booth with at least12 volunteers at all times. Each day saw a differentchurch filling the need. During two previous trips,Wilson had trained volunteers at the local churches.

During the Expo, CFO talked to more than 3,000and walked 845 people through the message of thebeads to the decision to accept Christ. Many were highschool kids who had waited in line at the booth to hearthe simple message of the beads.

That’s how, to be exact, 3,029 decisions came in 15days!

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 20108

An anniversary thanksgiving! A year ago, the Nolans

came into the booth and heardthe message of the beads.They did not pray that day inthe booth. But they went homeand talked all night about whatthey had heard. Next morning,they went to church, wentforward and accepted Christ.

Today, both are serving the Lord. He’s preachingand she has a bead ministry for children. Theystopped by the booth this year to say thanks, and tellus what wonderful things God has done in their lives.It all started in this booth. Amen!

A brother’s prayer answered!Ethan brought his sister

Amelia into the booth. Alreadysaved, Ethan started prayingfor his sister. When asked if heknew without a doubt he’d bein Heaven, he exclaimed,“Yes!” His sister just looked athim staring.

Then Amelia was asked ifshe, too, wanted to accept

Christ. She became so excited and said, “Yes!” Theirjoy just beamed through their smiles. Togetherforever!

Chain evangelism, and how!This 10-year-old girl came

to the booth asking for beadsand tracts. With them in hand,she left on her mission.

Soon, she came backlooking for more. She hadwalked the fairgrounds, sharingwith people. She was soexcited to tell us she’d prayed

with and led three people to the Lord! Wow!

What God put together!Leslie had been

praying for herhusband, Raymond –for years! They cameinto CFO’s booth, andRaymond agreed tohear the message. Helistened, but was reallytough. He didn’t wantto step out in faith.

The CFO volunteer asked if he loved his wife. Heanswered, “Absolutely!”

“Do you want to be eternally separated from yourwife?”

First silence. Then within moments, he replied,“How do I get saved?” There were smiles all aroundin this family. Now, they know they’ll spend eternitytogether. That’s real eternal bliss!

A ‘saving place’ indeed!“Is this where you come to

get saved? My brother camehere earlier and got saved. He isso excited! Now I am here andwant to get saved, too!” It was asure sign of the Spirit at work!Awesome!

And the Savior speaks in Chinese!

A show vendor booth nextto CFO’s was staffed by severalChinese men and women. Onespoke English and was acommitted Christian.

First, he shared with one ofhis friends at the CFO booth.Then he took the Chinese tractsback to his booth and sharedwith the others. All made

decisions for Christ that day – an eternal triple play!

Testimonies from

9Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

Walking sticks touchVirginia hearts!

As pastor of a small Baptist church, Ibaptized four members today, thanks toCFO’s ministry. Church friends receivedthe walking stick information the nightbefore last. Before our people werebaptized, the sticks were given andexplained.

It touched the hearts of the youngpeople being baptized. CFO’s beadministry is such a blessing!”—Pastor Bill Horton, Blue Run Baptist

Church, Somerset, VA

Young confidencerose with souls

saved!My high school Bible class worked the

CFO booth last Thursday at the EasternOutdoor Show in Harrisburg. For most, itwas the first time evangelizing and sharingtheir faith.

We had a great orientation provided byone of your members, and then anincredible day. We saw 15 people come tothe Lord in the four hours we were there.

While we were excited about the soulsbeing saved, an even greater blessing forme was seeing my students move fromtimidity and fear to confidently sharingwhat the beads meant and praying withpeople. It was an awesome experience!We hope to participate again next year.God bless, and thank you for theopportunity to serve in this way.—Daryl L. Weaver, Ephrata Mennonite


New life through Jesus!

Phyllis visited CFO at this year’sMaryland State Fair. In 2008, she’dasked Christ to be Lord of her life inthe same booth. She came back tosay thanks and to tell us how excitingher life has been since she startedserving the Lord. Praising the Lord!

Shades of Andy‘s sidekick!

Jack Long glanced upduring one of his long shifts andwho did he see? Looks likeBarney Fife to me! What do youthink?

The gentleman, dressed as aDon Knotts impersonator fromthe Andy Griffith (television)show, wanted to hear the

message of the beads, and intently listened. Then hesmiled, confirmed that he already knew the Lord andthanked Long for what he was doing. Nothing zany aboutthat!

A new light in the darkness!On the first day of the event, I

parked the truck in the exhibitor’s lot,and shared Christ with the parkingattendant. He excitedly acceptedChrist and I handed him a “BeginningAgain” follow-up book.

Four days later, I came back topick up my truck after dark. Thatsame attendant was on duty, sitting

under a lamp in the dark lot – reading his follow-up book. Itwas his second time reading the book, and he was soexcited to now know the Lord! He discovered the pathwaythrough the darkness. Indeed!

life’s traffic lanes

You’ve no doubt heard the song, “When we all getto heaven, what a great day it will be!” Well, CFO hasan almost as great a day during its annual summerpicnic. Last summer, close to 400 people wheeledinto Foggy Bottom Farm for great food, music andinspiring testimonies.

Lots of knots tiedEvery summer, 100 to

125 hearts lend their handsto tie beaded rawhides onto“walking sticks” andyardsticks at CFO’sworkday. Yes, the HolySpirit had a hand in it, too– bringing these dedicatedsouls together to preparethe sticks.

Last summer’s workdayat Foggy Bottom broughttogether a joyful mixranging from 2 years old to92 years. In a few shorthours, the eager workersstrung 17,000 sticks forthe coming seeding andharvest of souls. They werehappy to labor in the barn.

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 201010

Susan Oleganic, one of my church family,accepted my invitation to help tie beads at lastsummer’s Walking Stick Workday. During ourworkdays, CFO hosts 20-minute training sessions onhow to present the salvation message. Susan joinedthe session I was teaching.

When I asked: “If you died today, are you 100%certain you would wake up with Jesus?”, Susanresponded with a forthright, “No, I’m not sure! Ibelieve on Christ and what He did. I feel I’m saved,but hear confusing things about salvation, and I want

that assurance.”We quickly went to God’s Word for her

assurance. Realizing the truth, Susan wanted to prayto ask Jesus to be herSavior. She hears theGospel almost everySunday, but neededconviction to truly acceptthe beautiful gift beingoffered – and finally havethat special assurance!

Save thesedates!

2010 SummerPicnic –

Saturday,June 19

2010 WalkingStick

Workday –Saturday,

June 26

An unexpected workday blessing!By Ron Green

Celebrating CFO’s picnic and workday

Bikers rally in Sturgis and beyond“Thank you, CFO!”, exclaimed Chaplain Scott Bush.

“Using the beads, we saw 422 salvations at the SturgisRally in South Dakota and 285 at the Daytona BeachRally.

“Sturgis was the most successful outreach we’ve everdone. Thank you for your support of this ministry as wepartner together and help to change America bybringing people to Jesus Christ!”

Numerous Christian motorcycle groups have workedhard in CFO’s booth ministry for years. But Bush, aFlorida behavioral science specialist who leads theWheels of Faith Motor Ministries, first learned to sharethe message of the beads while ministering with CFOvolunteers at the 2007 Thunder Beach Rally in PanamaCity, Florida.

And the Spirit within roars!

Chaplain Scott and his chopper travel all over thecountry to bike rallies and other events. Everywhere, heproclaims the Gospel using the beads to explain themessage of salvation. Bike enthusiasts come into thebooth to look at his bike. They leave after hearing a clearthree-minute presentation of the Gospel.

Decision cards of the 422 persons at the Sturgis Rallywere taken to a local church where they filled the churchpews, aisles and flowed out the door. Just that one groupof newly saved souls would fill the church pews.

Bush and his team aremaking a difference for theLord by reaching out to

those in his community. The bikercommunity is filled with all types ofpeople from all walks of life – alldrawn together by their love of

motorcycles. At the intersectionof this diverse community,

Chaplain Scott’s ministryshares Jesus Christ.

11Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

“We use these colors to tellthe greatest story ever told– the story of salvationthrough Jesus Christ!”

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 201012

In a few

short years,

the CFO


ministry has

become one

of the most


tools of



To date, 51


are being

touched by

this ministry

and those

who use it

are reporting

back how

easy and

effective the

beads are

for sharing

the Gospel.

RUSSIAMissionaries, pastors, mission groups and locals areseeing results they never imagined. The beads wesend are anointed by the Holy Spirit and clearlyused by the Lord to reach people all over the globe.All 51 countries, listed on page 15, have numeroustestimonies. Following are just a few...

Reac�in� Ou� …Reac�in� Ou� …

“The most beautiful thing is whenthe people receive this braceletand have it on their wrists, thismessage speaks to them every

time they look at the beads.”

Praises from SiberiaThank you for the bracelets! We’re using them at

our church soul-winning in the parks of the city.Responses are so different each time. I can’t say thatall the people are 100% open. Some don’t want tolisten at all, even when you have something specialfor them.

But when we offer the bracelet as a gift, and askif they would listen for five minutes to learn what thebeads mean, most want to hear. The colors also helpus to not forget any detail about sharing the Gospel.

Recently, we had some good talks at our summerharvest in Yekaterinburg and then in Tyumen. Fromtime to time, we use our puppet theatre to attractpeople’s attention and to share Gospel. Many peoplecome to see the show on the street.

We use the bracelets to share with themafterwards. It’s such a blessing to see people lookingat the bracelet, and by the end of the messagethey’re looking at God.

Thank you for your ministry! In His greater grace,I remain.

—Christina Tolmacheva


13Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

Brin�in� In …Brin�in� In …

E-mails from the South of FranceGreetings from the South of France! We are having a very phenomenal time in

Lyon. CFO bracelets work so incredibly well here! We see the Holy Spirit at work!We go soul-winning in Lyon every other day using beads and tracts. They are suchincredibly great tools to use as a bridge to reach people we meet!

Today, a young Lyon woman of 16 years prayed and accepted the Lord as herSavior. I preached the good news to her using the bracelet and told her how muchGod loved her and wanted her to be forever with Him. I gave her the bracelet soshe wouldn’t forget that the Lord Jesus suffered and gave his life for her eternalsalvation.

Atop a mountain . . .

On this day, I met a man reading one of our tracts. When asked if heunderstood what he read and if he knew the good news, he replied: “What goodnews?”

I told him about the finished work and the perfectness of God’s forgiveness forus. (Ephesians 3:20) He was deeply touched and so desired to understandthe Bible. He had read it twice, but didn’t get that salvation was free.

I explained to him again the meaning of each bead, and he read thecorresponding verse in his Bible. With tears of joy, he couldn't stop saying“thank you! thank you!”

—Laety Allier

“French peopleeven had tears intheir eyes as weshared themessage and gavethem the beadsas a gift. Manythank yous foryour heart for thelost and such agreat ministry!”


Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 201014

Reac�in� Ou� …Reac�in� Ou� …

E-mail from Togo, Africa …I can hardly express how useful the beads are for us. You were right about it.

They work very well in Africa! We evangelize every day and people are veryopen to the Gospel. Those that get beads, they tell others what the colors mean.That’s chain evangelism!

In Togo, we have 18 Togolese pastors. All are interested in the beads. Iequipped some of them, but I ran out. Even here, “the fields are white untoharvest.”

We definitely could use at least 2,000 beads for the Togo ministries, andsome 500 as we move to Benin to start a church in about four weeks. And wecould use an indefinite number for other pastors from Ghana, Liberia, Zambia,Niger, Nigeria, and Gabon. At a conference here, they were very interested inCFO beads. We pray the Lord provides the finances for this purpose.

They can’t afford to buy the beads. Their support is about $100 a month.But if we would have to buy them, we’ll fastand pray and wait on God.

—Daniel Timofte

Chain evangelizing in Africa . . . CFO worked with five people heading to Africa to startchurches, challenging them to use the beads to present theGospel. We told them that everyone will want a bracelet, hearthe message and come to church. Then they'll come to hearmore, and to grow in their new-found hope and relationshipwith Christ. Two weeks after arriving . . .

“That’s chainevangelism!”

Door-to-door evangelizingEvery day, a team went out on visitation with a

translator and someone from the church. At each home,team members were introduced as guests from the USA.

Our message: “I have come here to tell you that Godloves you very much and that He wants you to know howyou can go to heaven when you die. Has anyone ever toldyou how you can know for sure that you can go to heavenwhen you die?”

Usually, they would say, “No.” Then we would ask forjust a few moments to tell them how. If they said, “Yes,”and they most always did, we’d point to the bracelet andtell them that we wear it to help tell God’s story.

Then beginning with the gold bead, we’d share theGospel. As a team, we had about 75 decisions that week.


15Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

Brin�in� In …Brin�in� In …AlbaniaAustriaAzerbaijanBeninBotswana Brazil Canada ChileChina Croatia Cuba Ecuador England Finland FranceGermany Ghana Haiti Honduras Hungary IndiaIreland Kenya Korea LiberiaLithuania MoldovaMoroccoNepalPeru PhilippinesPoland Puerto RicoRumania RussiaSouth AfricaSpain SwazilandSweden SwitzerlandThailandTogoTurkey UgandaUkraine United KingdomUnited StatesVenezuela Zambia

Spreading His Word in Puebla“Thank you for the bracelet kits and Spanish tracts for our

mission trip to Mexico! We ministered in a very poor area ofPuebla, a city of 3 to 4 million people,” reports Pastor GaryBuchman of Taneytown Baptist Church. “Using the beads andbracelets, we saw about 100 adults accept Christ – and manymore children and teens.”

Partnering with the small Shekinah Baptist Church ofPuebla, our missions team held vacation bible schools, youthrallies and did door-to-door evangelism. The beads work great,since this area is plagued by high illiteracy rates and very limitedknowledge of the Gospel. We had the children – about 200 –make their own beaded bracelets.

Many of the mothers stayed for the program. So the TBCteam offered a craft table, where we helped them makesalvation bracelets. And 16 of these moms prayed to receiveChrist as a result of this Gospel-shared with the colored beads.

“We all are grateful for CFO’sgenerosity and help in ourmission effort to obey the GreatCommission of our Lord.”

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 201016

There aren’t many things in this world thatmoney can buy that we believers would call“priceless.” But there is something you can’t put aprice on – the value of an eternal soul.

Lost eternal souls are priceless because they’repeople for whom Christ died. But aren’t the souls ofcongregational believers worthy of the investment intraining and discipleship to allow them the joy ofboldly and effectively sharing their faith? What worksbest to prepare and motivate a congregation to beinvolved in outreach?

Now I have the answerThrough a series of divinely orchestrated events,

God led us to Christian Farmers’ Outreach. We’veexperienced the joy of working as a team to stringbracelets, tying them to walking sticks, andorganizing our congregation for effective outreach atthe 2009 Howard County Fair.

It began months earlier as we enlisted prayer,support and participation of other evangelicalcongregations. Dave Barkley, president of Howard

County Pray, had reserved a booth at the fair, andfelt led to offer it to our group.

We shared the vision of God using ourcongregation where people sit down right in front ofyou and allow you to share the Gospel of JesusChrist with them. To our great joy, two-thirds of ourcongregation age 13 and above pledged to be trainedto share the Gospel using the beads. They alsopromised to serve at least a three-hour shift at theeight-day fair.

They filled their three-hour shift. And theirenthusiasm to do even more caused me to restrictthem from over involvement. We had to give others achance to be involved! What a good problem for apastor to have!

My greatest joy this summer has been seeing thejoy, excitement and growth our teens and youngadults have experienced in the booth. They haddozens of opportunities to share their faith and watchGod work through them.Pastor Racer serves the Open Door Bible Churchin Elkridge, MD

Return on investment? PRICELESS!!!By Pastor Brian Racer

The cost of a 12’ x 12’ booth at the Howard County Fair = $500Give-away materials during a week of local church outreach partnering with CFO = $2,500The joy felt by a small church pastor seeing two-thirds of his congregation have the opportunityto share the Gospel with nearly 2,700 eternal souls = Priceless!

“Working the booth was exciting and edifying.Never before have I had the wonderfulopportunity to share the Gospel with so manydifferent people, with so many different beliefsand backgrounds – in just one week! One of themost important lessons I learned is how to sharewith people of so many different beliefs.”

—Caleb Lynch, Age 15

17Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

Shared DecisionsWith

Keystone Farm Show PA Jan 6-8 475 96Virginia Farm Show VA Jan 20-22 560 92Southern Farm Show NC Feb 4-6 3,325 763Eastern Sport Show PA Feb 7-15 4,770 1,421World Ag Expo CA Feb 10-12 3,150 845Galleria Bake Sale PA Mar 10-11 135 24Highland Maple Festival VA Mar 14, 15, 21, 22 1,025 172West Virginia Equine Show WV Mar 18-19 245 55Wertz Open House PA Apr 4-5 97 19Nature Quest MD May 3 8 3Multi-Cultural Fest PA May 9 255 62Mt Airy Fest MD May 16-17 500 200Wounded Soldier MD May 16-17 275 73Skate Park PA Ongoing 432 36Hampstead Days MD May 23 320 91Manchester Yard Sale PA May 30 90 12Pennsylvania Timber Show PA May 29-30 450 55Mason Dixon Fair PA July 6-11 533 170Harrisburg Block Party PA July 12 92 22Harrisburg Invasion PA July 18 252 21Westminster, Tri-street Ministries MD July 19 130 22Alabama Sport Show AL July 16-18 1,575 245Ag Progress Days PA July 18-20 2,650 395Orange County Fair VA July 23-26 512 115Carroll County 4H & FFA Fair MD July 25-31 1,080 175Harford County 4-H & FFA Fair MD July 30-Aug 2 1,450 195Howard County Fair MD Aug 8-15 2,790 159West Virginia State Fair WV Aug 14-22 6,300 620Jefferson County Fair WV Aug 23-29 185 46Maryland State Fair MD Aug 28-Sept 7 4,800 570York Fair PA Sept 11-20 2,720 345Parkville Street Fair MD Sept 13 450 103Hanover Car Show PA Sept 13 39 6Solanco Fair PA Sept 16-18 1,950 232Maryland Steam Show MD Sept 17-20 55 22West Lampeter Fair PA Sept 23-25 1,650 164Buckwheat Festival WV Sept 24-27 1,255 175

Sharings and results as of Oct. 1, 2009 46,580 7,821

The Lord continued bringing thousands into Christian Farmers Outreachbooths in 2009. By year’s end, more than 10,000 persons will haveprayed the Sinner’s Prayer, asking Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. CFOvolunteers worked in 13 new events. That doesn’t include results of manyministries trained and supplied by CFO that reach out across America –and now 51 nations around the globe!

Hearts, souls moved by the Spirit

Local outreaches ...chain evangelism ...more decisions!

CFO supports manyoutreach initiatives across thecountry. Following are resultsfrom just one of these localinitiatives, based in Virginia,which shared with 8,500people using the CFO beadministry. The results below arein addition to those on theright.

• 2 States

• 34 Locations

• 61 Volunteers

• 365 Days

• 2,100 Decisions for Christ!

This is what happenswhen you share the salvationmessage with another. Thenthat one shares with yetanother. It’s chain evangelismin motion! It’s the GreatCommission in action!

Deer meat ministrydelivers!

CFO continues tocooperate with Farmers andHunters Feeding the Hungryministry. In 2009, ourministry coordinated anddelivered enough deer meatfor 60,000 meals for thehomeless served by fiveBaltimore area shelters.

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • 201018

Your highest calling is . . .By Paul Steele

As a Christian who was challenged to share his faith, I embraced allthe excuses for not doing so. Here’s a few from my list that you mightidentify with:• I didn’t know enough about the Bible.• I really didn’t want to feel the sting of rejection.• I didn’t have the time or the inclination.

Yes, there were numerous others. But I was fearful of moving intothe culture, engaging someone about Christ,then being submitted to abuses. Fear is thegreat deception of the enemy! But that wasthen.

The perfect antidote

In the last 18 months, since my affiliationwith Christian Farmers Outreach, I’ve had theprivilege of standing with brothers and sisters,confidently sharing the good news of theGospel of Jesus Christ. Witnessing, for me,has become the perfect antidote for all myfears and excuses.

The Apostle Paul’s statement to thePhilippians in 3:10 took on a new and deeper meaning: “that I mayknow Him and the Power of His resurrection,…” You see, by sharing,we “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”(2 Peter 3:18)

I’m but one humble servant in this evangelistic endeavor. And I’m sothankful for the groundwork already laid by CFO. But the skilled use ofcommitted field workers is absolutely necessary if we are to make adifference in this fast-changing world.

A waiting and wanting nation

Being “a nation in disorder” brings a sense of anxiety to manyin our culture. Those who violated divine wisdom have createdturmoil for all – of almost prophetic proportions.

Hence comes a momentous opportunity for you and I! Becauseof that turmoil and anxiety, these are times when witnessing for theGospel often is appropriate and welcome. Whether at a farm show,state fair, another outreach, or even in a gathering of friends orfamily, more souls are open and receptive to salvation than everbefore.

I pray that you’ll join in this harvest. And I pray that we both willexperience many more years “under the tent,” witnessing heartstransformed by the Grace of God.

May our Lord’s words ring incessantly in our souls: “Follow me,and I will make you fishers of men.” That’s His highest calling forboth you and I.Steele is a retired educator from Virginia

What betterblessing canyou share withothers than this:“I, the worst ofman, met thebest of God atthe cross.”

19Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc. • www.christianfarmers.com

Partner with us in soul-winning!

CFO has finalized plans for outreachbooths at many fairs and expositionsduring 2010. Here are some of theearly events where thousands of unsavedsouls will be drawn to – for one reason.The Holy Spirit will lead them there!

That’s why many Spirit-led heartswill be needed to share the eternal life-saving message. Want to help? We’llneed you. Call our office at443.508.4338.

Jan. 5–7 Keystone Show York, PAJan. 19–20 Virginia Farm Show Fisherville, VAFeb. 3–5 Southern Farm Show Raleigh, NCFeb. 6–14 Eastern Sport Show Harrisburg, PAFeb. 9–11 World Ag Expo Tulare, CAMar. 13–14, 20–21 Highland Maple Festival McDowell, VA

Early 2010 ‘reaching out’ events: Be there!

Throughout this magazine, you’ve seen powerfulevidence of the Holy Spirit working in and through somany lives. We all (who love the Lord) have been calledto His purpose. (Romans 8:28) And when you respondto that calling, all things work together for the good.God promises so!

In the last year, more than 800 Christians answeredthat calling by serving through Christian FarmersOutreach’s diverse ministries. If you aren’t part of this800, we challenge you to join our team today, andpartner with us. If you’re already among this 800,thank you! And, we pray that you’ll continue. Here’show: • Commit yourself or a small group to stringing beads

on rawhides. Each bag takes about 15 total hoursof work for one person. Check the box on thecoupon, and send it in.

• Urge your church or organization leaders to openthe door to being trained in presenting the salvationmessage. Check the coupon box or have themcontact us at 443.508.4338.

• Virtually all CFO resources are dedicated to sharingthe Gospel message plus training others to do so.To touch more than 100,000 lives in the comingyear, many thousands of dollars are necessary. Byhelping us train and equip others, you multiply –not add to – the Lord’s outreach! Just complete thecoupon and enclose your much appreciated gift.

� I want to help string beads on rawhides.

� I want to share CFO with my church or group.

� Enclosed is my check, payable toChristian Farmers Outreach.

Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Gifts are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt from CFO.

Please Charge My: � VISA � MasterCard � Discover

� Amount $ ____________________________________________

Name on card ___________________________________________

Card # ___________________________________ Exp: _________

Sig. ____________________________________________________



Permit #357

Christian Farmers Outreach, Inc.P.O. Box 136Hampstead, Maryland 21074www.christianfarmers.com

CFO Monthly Prayer & 2nd Wednesday Baugher’s RestaurantTestimony Breakfast 7:30 am Westminster, MD

Spring Outreach Luncheon March 6 Pleasant Valley Community Fire Hall11:30 am Westminster, MD

Summer Picnic June 19 Foggy Bottom Farm4 pm Hampstead, MD

Walking Stick Workday June 26 Foggy Bottom Farm9 am–1 pm Hampstead, MD

Important dates, events for your calendar