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C Ruby On Rails - Project Management Certification ... · Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application different ruby Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser

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Page 1: C Ruby On Rails - Project Management Certification ... · Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application different ruby Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser

Ruby On Rails

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Page 2: C Ruby On Rails - Project Management Certification ... · Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application different ruby Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser

Ruby on Rails – Fundamentals

Ruby on Rails - Database Fundamentals

Databases in Ruby on Rails: Advanced Concepts

Duration: 1.5 Hour Duration: 1.0 Hour Duration: 1.0 Hour

Start the course

Create a ruby on rails project

Add a static web page to a ruby on rails project

Create a dynamic web page in a ruby on rails project

Use redirect_to to redirect a url in a ruby on rails application

Add user specific menus to a ruby on rails application

Use the rails console

Generate scaffolding for a ruby on rails project

Examine the controller in a ruby on rails application

Migrate a ruby on rails data model and populate it with data

Examine the routes generated by scaffolding in a ruby on rails project

Examine the routes that serve get requests in a ruby on rails application

Rename and direct routes in a ruby on rails application

Define parameters for the routes in a ruby on rails application

Use route constraints in a ruby on rails application

Define a route to the root url of a ruby on rails application

Use cookies in a ruby on rails application

Configure permanent cookies for a ruby on rails application

Start the course

Create an activerecord model with ruby on rails

Add data to a ruby on rails project database

Seed a ruby on rails project database

Define default values to activerecord objects

Alter a database using active record's migration features in ruby on rails

Use built-in ruby on rails methods to display the first or last record, all of the records, or even one particular field of data in a table

Use the delete and destroy methods in ruby on rails to remove records from a database

Use the ruby on rails update_attributes method to edit a record and save it automatically to the database

Compute sums, counts, and averages in the rails console

The minimum and maximum values of both numeric and lexigraphical items in a table using the rails console

Use the activerecord finder joins method to perform a join that combines the data from two tables while querying the records

Use activerecord's includes method to combine data from two or more tables and contrast it with the joins method

Perform a search type query of a ruby on rails project database using a defined scope in the rails console

Start the course

Demonstrates the uses of star schemas and explain an example showing fact and dimension tables

Up a range of models through the use of a star schema

Use a star schema in a ruby on rails application for warehouse type queries

Represent a child table of objects as an ordered list in ruby on rails

Use ruby on rails to build a calendar table with multiple fields, and use code to insert data into the table

Create a table for multi-valued dimensions in ruby on rails

Write a query for data stored as multi-valued dimensions in a database in ruby on rails

Work with a columnar database using ruby on rails.

Set up the innodb engine in ruby on rails to support transactions that the default mysql storage engine otherwise doesn't support

Work with innodb locking in rails using a transaction and a controller

Resolve deadlocks when working with databases in ruby on rails

Uses various tools and ways to avoid table scans and negate table locks in ruby on rails databases

Outline ways to efficiently deploy multi-threaded ruby on rails applications on a multi-threaded server and a multi-process server.

Page 3: C Ruby On Rails - Project Management Certification ... · Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application different ruby Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser

Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application

Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser session to be reset

Configure a ruby on rails application to enable sessions to be saved to the database

Use the tests generated with ruby on rail's scaffolding to write and test validation rules and analyze their results

Run functional tests on a ruby on rails project

Create unit tests for ruby on rails projects

Use static fixtures to generate yaml test data for ruby on rails projects

Write integration tests for ruby on rails projects

Generate statistics for a project in ruby on rails

Lay the foundations for a ruby on rails web application

Add a parameter to a class scope method before using an argument to return different ruby on rails project database query results in the rails console

Use active record in ruby on rails to create new records in a table of data using scopes

Examine how forms are generated in ruby on rails projects

Execute a sql query on model data using the like operator in a where clause in ruby on rails

Manage and maintain a database using ruby on rails

Fine tune your application to effectively deal with concurrent requests in ruby on rails

A unique key constraint and then have the ruby on rails model validate it with a couple of simple commands

Index a ruby on rails database variable as a foreign key

Create and use a star schema

Page 4: C Ruby On Rails - Project Management Certification ... · Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application different ruby Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser

Web APIs with Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails for .NET Developers

Working with Databases in Ruby on Rails

Duration: 2.0 Hour Duration: 2.5 Hour Duration: 1.5 Hour

Start the course

Use the rails-api gem

Set up a rails api

Add an api to an existing ruby on rails project

Create an api endpoint for index

Create an api endpoint for show

Create an api endpoint for create

Create an api endpoint for update

Create an api endpoint for destroy

Render json manually

Render json with the jbuilder gem

Render json or xml with the rabl gem

Render json with active_model_serializers

Generate xml with xml builder

Speed up json with the oj gem

Speed up xml with the ox gem

Implement versioning for an ruby on rails api

Authenticate a web api manually

Document a web api with rdoc

Document a web api with apipie-rails

Implement testing of a web api with rspec

Manually test a rails api with postman

Test the performance of a ruby on rails api with rails-perftest

Create an api and api endpoints in a given scenario

Start the course

Outline the features of ruby

Contrast ruby with .net languages

Install ruby and ruby on rails

Use the interactive ruby (irb) shell

Create a class in ruby

Work with instance methods in ruby

Implement inheritance in ruby

Work with private methods in ruby

Create class access methods in ruby

Use if statements in ruby

Work with while and until loops in ruby

Handle exceptions in ruby

Work with simple data input and output in ruby

Work with arrays in ruby

Use strings and substitution in ruby

Work with symbols in ruby

Work with hashes in ruby

Set up a ruby on rails projects

Generate scaffolding in a ruby on rails project

Customize the home page of a ruby on rails project

Create an activerecord model in a ruby on rails project

Use seeds to add data to a ruby on rails database

Examine routes in a ruby on rails project

Examine the controller in a ruby on rails project

Start the course

Create and use a basic crud in ruby on rails

Create various data models in a ruby on rails database

Implement one-one relationships between two activerecord models

Link one database in ruby on rails to multiple other tables using a has_many relationship

Use the joins keyword or the includes keyword to query two ruby on rails databases that have a has_many relationship

Up a polymorphic association in active record by generating models, declaring the association, and modifying the migrate

Examine a foreign key for an has_many relationship association in ruby on rails

Manage foreign keys in ruby on rails databases

Ensure referential integrity in ruby on rails databases

Identify the three main reasons duplicate data might be added to a ruby on rails database

Resolve duplication in a ruby on rails database by writing a validation rule in the model, as well as by adding an index to the database

Recap on how avoid duplication in ruby on rails databases and use the consistency fail gem

Add validation rules to the activerecord in a ruby on rails database

Handle invalid data in a ruby on rails database

Migrate a not_null database in ruby on rails

Outline the difference between an empty string and a nil value in ruby on rails

Page 5: C Ruby On Rails - Project Management Certification ... · Enable breadcrumbs in a ruby on rails application different ruby Configure a ruby on rails application to enable a browser

Examine and modify views in a ruby on rails project

Work with view templates in a ruby on rails project

Work with the asset pipeline in a ruby on rails project

Work with sessions in a ruby on rails project

Work with cookies in a ruby on rails project

Manage and maintain a ruby on rails application

Overview how to implement optimistic locking in a rails application

Implement optimistic locking in a rails application

Use the internal counter with optimistic locking in ruby on rails

Review the implementation of optimistic locking in a rails application

Overview pessimistic locking and the different types of pessimistic locks you can have in ruby on rails

Implement optimistic locking in a rails application

Review the implementation of pessimistic locking in a rails application

Make decisions involving basic database concepts in a ruby on rails application