r 3 1T 1f rfk9r > T1Zw Wmmm Y1l11 < j Herd tJ P1eise u Jjjst send them to us for we select our goods fQr thefastidf > ous womenthe ones other merchants findS hardest to please As to our Dress Goods we have the newest diagonal weave in all colors from 89c to 98per yard Our FOULARDS are the choice of the seasons silks Handsome patterns and all shades from 89c to 179 per yard Beautiful Swiss Embroideries in white and colors at all prices MUSLIN UNDERWEAR the prettiest and cheapest in town Wash Materials and Novelties Look at our Readymade Waists and Skirts All styles and prices Owen Tt4cKee See Our Bargain Counter > j Butterick PatternsI The Richmond Climax niSUSoED ETFRT WEBSESOAT IT THE CLIMAX PRINTING CO Incorporated A D MILLER EDITOR Member ol KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION ud t EIGHTH DISTRICT PUBUSIERS LEAGUE FBICE flOO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WEDNESDAY JULY C 1910 Democratic Ticket FOR COXGUESS HON HARVEY HELM Of Lincoln County As tho Madison County Fair is ono of tho live topics of the day it might not bo amiss for us to say a word in be- half ¬ of thfee who are laboring to mako it a success The people at large seem to have an idea that a fair company is organized with a view of making monoy but if they only know the history of the fairs of tjie State they would know that it is anything but a paying venture Tho men who are members of the Mad- ison ¬ County Fair Association are men who have tho welfare of the county at heart and it is for the purpose of cd ucating the masses to the importance of raising tho best of everything that they spend time and money in an effort to create public sentiment along that line There is no doubtbut that county fairs have done more to make tho scrub give way to goodblooded stock than all other agencies combined When a man sees his neighbor in the show ring with fine corn wheat tobacco chickens sheep cattle horses mules etc it creates within him a desire to raise the best and win prizes alsbAs a con ¬ sequence he sells the old brindle cow the razorback hogs the sheep with hair on them instead of wool chickens that are mixed with every known breed tho horses and mules that are fit only for Jockey Row and invests in goodblood ¬ ed stuff and when the next fair rolls around he is ready to compete with his neighbor and in this way a goodnatur ¬ ed rivalry is engendered and the county is benefitted The people of tho county should remember that when they pay the sum of fifty cents to get into the fair grounds they are not putting money into the pockets of someone who is tryingto got rich but that they aro paying that amount for a days schooling which if heeded will make them better farmers and stock raisers Let tho people throughout the county cooperate with tho publicspirited men who are trying to give to Madison county a fair second to none and Ihocoming fair will surpass any ever hold in this county I To our mind one of the best laws en ¬ acted by tho last Legislature is the one giving to the judge the right to assess the penalty instead ofthe jury Heret- ofore the jury not only passed upon tho guilt or innocence of tho accused but if found guilty fixed his punish ¬ ment also Now they only say whether or not he is guilty and the judge fixes the punishment This law shoulU save the State many dollars for such a tiling us- a hung jury will or should be a thing of the past Not only does it appeal to us because of this fact but jt will do away to a great extent with many of tho abuses of tho jury box A KANSAS editor keeps his subscrip- tion list paid up by running tho follow ¬ ing at the masthead of his paper You may gather the stars in a nail keg hang tho ocean on a grape vino to dry wipe the noso of fc cyclone with a towel cut- off the tan end of a tornado for a keep sake put tho sky in tho ground to soak unbuckle the bellyband of eternity and open up tbo sun and moon as health ro aorta butnovcr t >o deluded with the idea that you can escape perdition if you don J pay for your paper GEJ P WATT HABDIH is spoken of as a probable candidate for Congress in the Eleventh district to oppose either Caleb Power or D 0 Edwards which- ever wins the Republican nomination llirpuld be a fitting climax to his event lol Jlfe if ho should be fortunate enough to bo tenHo congresu Heros hoping M will A ewiMcia yaU Anier 1cm will be iMeIM vltbte NGrcs yw tIt 4iai g W11ry1 U 1M fJg W hIbI M < 7 Iy iI t > ljr4 c 1a f j I THE census returns show that the an ¬ nual salary of a minister of the gospel counting all denominations is but GKS per year This is a burning shame No other class of people is worked so hard for so littlo pay A good many people seem to think that the life of a minister is an easy one and that whatever they got bo it much or little amply pays them for their labors The minister is expected to preach two sermons every Sunday which will please every member of his congregation Sermons that il would take weeks for most of his congre- gation ¬ to prepare if they could do it at all and yet if he happens to say something that doesnt exactly suit some pious brother ho goes homo or it may be he gets on the street and crit ¬ icises the efforts of a man who does more in one day to save the world from sin than all his congregation put together docs in a month Not only must he peach twice on Sunday but he must take an active part in the Sun ¬ day School lead the prayermeeting visit the sick preach the funerals of the dead perform marriage ceremonies make social calls at least once a month and during all this he and his family must dress nicely and cat a lilllo some thing to keep soul and body together all on the paltry sum of 3603 a year The layman of this country should blush with shame to know that such condi ¬ tions exist COLORADO has established a precedent by having women sit on Juries ler ¬ sonally we do not believe they will make good jurors for the reason that they aro too sympathetic From a standpoint of trying to do the right there is no doubt that they would be the equal if not the superior of the men for they would not be swayed bypetty prejudices such as often creep into our juries of the present time but a silvertongued lawyer wilh flowery language and path e ¬ tic appeal could sway them almost at will This is not true because woman is the weaker vessel but because of the Christlike spirit which so perm cater her being Through the goodness of her byI THK Democrats are nearer to elect- ing a President of the United States than they have been since 1892 says Govenor Claude A Swanon of Virginia who icccntly completed a tour that ex ¬ tended to the Pacific coast Not in years have tho Democrats shown so much activity so much desire to shako off lethargy to hold harmony banquets and to get together as is manifested in all sections of the country at this time With such a spirit pervading the leaders and rank and file of Democracy taken together with the dissension among Re- publicans ¬ I can see no other result than a democratic House and Democratic President in 1913 JUDGE Boon who is serving a fourteen year sentence for stealing about 40000 from the State willin a few days make formal application for a parole It is to bo hoped that he will be made to servo his time out Ho is guilty of an pence that a year or two in the penit ¬ entiary cannot recompense It is the fact that many men believe they can through the influence of friends bo pardoned or paroled that leads them to commit a crime Make him servo his timo out Grafting and bbodling must be stopped and that is the most ethic ¬ tive way THERE is a family in South Somerset who live chiefly on dirt and wood ashes and they seem to thrive on this unique diet Somerset Times If prices go much higher a good many of usJ will be forced to cat dirt gras bark or something else of that nature IK a fight at Covlngtona few days ago a man had his noso bitten offand his face otherwise mutilated A man who can deliberately chew off the nose of another must have a stomach lined with steel and must belong somewhat to the bull dog tribe THE appropriations made by the ses- sion of Congress just closed amounted to 81027133410 according toan announce mont made by the House Appropriation Committee The only consoling thought thatcomesto us Is that it might have been worse THE Danville Advocate passed its WednesdayTho sIncerelyhope etc will live to HfJ their paper ay yean older Jf TKAT M ryknl coup wbv q terM MA Ink vtof forty ihs M wu 0 WIlllfI M 3 < J ri i < i PERSONALS Hr Richard Cobb of Danville visited friends hero last week Mr and Mrs Herman Hicks are visiting relatives in Winchester- Mr Ruben Todd of Irvine was among the crowd here Monday Miss Jano Stockton has as her guest Miss Martha Burke of Illinois Mr and Mrs Wm Marcum aro in Indianapolis for a fifteen days visit Mrs S W Tudor and Miss Anna Jones aro visiting relatives in Winchester Mary Francis and Walker McKinnoy are visiting relatives at Winchester- Mr Ford frock of Oklahoma is visiting his brother Mr D H Breck Mrs Cal Snyder of Anderson county was hero last week mixing with friends Mrs Harrison Branaman of Mt Yer non is in this city for medical treat- ment ¬ Miss Buchinani of Lexington is the attractive guest of Miss Edna Guinchig lianL Mr and Mrs G Sam Dcatheragc of Auburndale Fla are visiting relatives heroDr and Mrs J W Harris havo re ¬ turned from a visit to relatives at Lan ¬ casterMr Stove Turner of Chicago is visit- ing Iricnds and relatives in tho town and county Mr Sidney Turner of Savannah but formerly of this city was a visitor here last week Mrs J S Collins has been visiting her daughter Mrs Robert Burke in Danville Mr and Mrs Harry Schlcgel of Nich olasville spent Sunday with Mrs L J SchlegeL Mrs J H Severance of Stanford visited her lather Dr M C Heath last week Mrs Charles Boyd and son of Pecas Texas are visiting Mr Cyrus Tudor and family Mr C E Woods is at Crab Orchard Springs taking Kceley cure for the butt- ermilk habit Mrs J A Stevens and daughter Regina spent the week end with < lark county relatives Mr James Wallace of Irvine spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother Mr C C Wallace Mr and Mrs M H Williams of Silver Creek left Saturday for a visit to relatives in Illinois Mr Robert Walker and sister Anna May have returned from a visit to re ¬ latives at Lancaster G W McKinney of Waco attended the Epworth League Conference at MU Sterling last week Professor Joseph Porter and wife of Lexington spent the Fourth with Mr and Mrs T S Hagan Mrs C Rucker Adams left last Friday for Frankfurt to join her husband in tho physical culture work guestsMrs White of Nashville Tenn lIr Clyde Hart the effecient foreman of the Winchester News spent the 4th with Richmond friends Mr R A Jones of Union S C has been visiting his father Capt Wm Jones and family in tho county Mr Luther Sanders who is in tim revenue service at Silver Creek visited his family at Nicholasville Sunday Misses Ada Booker of Louisville Irene Sewoll and Dell Parrish of Winchester are tho guests of Mrs J It Parrish IndianapolisInd Kays at the Pattlo A Clay Infirmary Winchester Democrat Mrs Anna Swift Turley and Miss Julia French are in Richmond attending Normal School MaryPickeLs n where they attended the Chi Omega eon vention Mr Silas Cobb Jr and wife of Pitts burg Pa aro visiting the formers parents Mr and Mrs Silas Cobb at RcdIIoiuo Mrs Henry White and Mrs Fannie Bennett of Lexington aunt and sistef of Mrs Mary Bennett are spending the week with her f Mrs Edgar Blanton ami jttftdreti have returned from a visit of vraj wMki to her J XFL Will Di Woo atBIrM1Mi Xsky Tfcwe will f4ra nforml reception JMWla U Ists of the FIrM ytii t i w Iff li Ii iJ iic 0 n f of > w J Bright Mt9rUln a with lovely card jpiJfy fttttrday afteraooa for Mrs Lacy 1 BrigK of New York City 1 Mrs Tb odoce Wilson Md daughter Mte JCate WUteoQ aad0rca Isaacs v ii rsG W Frazksr and Other r ltfve in Esuli last weej Mrs TSP Dudley of Richmond is In tho city for a low days the guest of her cousin Abner Oldham and Mrs Annie W James Loxington Herald Mr E L Clark wife and daughter of Cincinnati aro spending several woks with friends hero Tho Clarks formerly hived hero and are always welcomed back Mr J w LewIs of Collcgfc Hill pass ed through Richmond iaslFrrday on his why to clnip poison Jessamine county to on a at one of the distl11ericsthereI Irai1l1 Mrs T L Hamilton are back from an extensive bridal trip and have gone to house Keeping on the Sum mitt in the house recently vacated by Prof and Mrs J R Johnson cMrs E T Burnam and Mrs DM Chen ult s thcir annual Fourth of July picnit Monday for their children Miss Elizabeth Buriiam was dressed as Columbia her dress being made entire- ly American flags Winchester SunSentinel Miss Mari anno Collins of Richmond visited Miss catherine McConl for the dance Friday evening Mr John Doty of Rich ¬ mond attended the dance hero Friday eveningHon Jerry A Sullivan will sail July 9th on tho White Star S S Baltic for a summer abroad Ho will tour the British Isles the ConlSricnt and north ernEuropo returning to Richmond in SeptemberMrs S Park and Mrs William Park have returned to their homojin Los Vegas They were called hereby tho serious illness of Mrs W B Smith whom we are glad to note is improving and Her condition is most encouraging Mrs C E Eliwanger and daughter Miss Jacqueline Ellwangor left yester ¬ day for Estill Springs to spend the sum- mer ¬ Mrs Ellwangcr will bo tho society correspondent to tho different papers over the State from that popular resort Frankfort Journal Mrs and Mrs George Marischen havo returned from Boonovillo Owsley county where they visited the latters parents It will be pleasing news to their many friends to know that their little son has about recovered from his recent illness Mrs C D Miller is inNashvillo Tenn where sho was called on account of tho serious illness of tho little son of Mr and Mrs R Ii Gentry Jr Tho physi ¬ clam give but little encouragement to his recovery which news will be asourco of deep regret to tho friends of the family Mr and Mrs Frank E Jennings of Jacksonville Florida are summerIng at the latters old home Dreaming Creek Heights near this city They have been entertaining a delightful house party composed of Mrs G C Burrows and three daughters who wero guests of honor at a bridge party given last Friday by tho hosts- Lancaster Record Miss Tommie Francis is in Richmond visiting Mr and Mrs George Ballow Miss Mary Elm re and sister MissLydia aro visiting rel ¬ atives in Richmond and Versailles Little Miss Elizabeth Dudley is at home again alter a visit to her grand ¬ mother in Richmond Mr Alex Doty and daughters were Jn Richmond Mon ¬ day for the burial of Mr ilalcolm Miller Mesdames Merritt Harbor and Sal lie Rayburn of Richmond are vIsit- ing Mr and Mrs Parkqr Gregory Tho following formed a delightful party which sailed last week for a trip abroad Misses Louise Mary and Elizabeth Covington of this county Francis Lail and Ruth Covington of Missouri and Mr Walter Quinn of Illinois Miss Louise Covington will probably accept a position as chaperono for touring parties which position pays a handsome salary and all expenses Woknow of no ono better fitted than Miss Covington who aside from her al ¬ ready wide experience as a traveler and her brilliant literary attainments pos- sesses a charm of manner and a person ¬ ally of great magnetism Narrow Escape Houston Stone a freight cpnductor on tho L and A railroad hall a narrow escape from death last Friday night Ho was spending the night at K N junction as is his custom when at that end of tho line and to keep from being bothered with liens ho poured some car- bolic ¬ acid ontho sheet and went to bed About two oclock the next morning his roommate was aroused by groans and going to Mr Stones bed found him unconscious All efforts to arouse him proved futile and ho was placed on an engine and started for this oily By the time ho reached hero ho had regained consciousness but it was found that his body was badly burned by tho acid Ho is still suffering onsidorably but it is thought ho will be out rin a few days He had a very narrow escape for had ho not been discovered when ho was it is thought by the physicians that he would have died within twenty or thirty minutes Ladles OXFORDS AND PUMPS > t f jr have just received an i < ii4 ti J of Ladies < i if i other shipment < i r f- lV z J Pumys in one and two straps in Suede 4 > < s yj VAt JV t C Patent and Gun metal See them B r2 7 i c- VVI l i I Rice Arnold TRY OUR LAUNDRY ONE PRICE HOUSE Pony Stung to Death The Cyntluana Democrat says Floyd Lairs excellent pony stallion Bacna was stung to death by bees at Mr Lairs homo atMrs Dubs near LCynthlana Monday The pony was tied to a tree near a boo hive and per ¬ haps disturbed tho bees in some way They swarmed out of the hive and att- acked him Ho was tied with a heavy halter and could not break loose In his efforts he became tangled in a wire fence and foil and the bees stung him so badly that ho died in a couple of hours after ho had been noticed and released front the tree and fence Tho animal was a fine littlo fellow valued at 5500 Aside from his worth in money it is a great pity ho had to meet such a dreadful deat- hSuccessful Trip A baseball team composed of Madison county boys Went to Corbin and Tcllico last wok and played three games two with Corbin and one with Jollico win ¬ ning all of them Tho first one was played with Corbin last Wednesday the score being 3 to 2 after thirteen hard fought innings Edwards homo run in that round deciding the game H Par ¬ rish was pitted against tho great Rube Watkins Parrish doing by far tho best Work Ho allowed only six hits and struck out 18 men Thursday the boys journeyed to Jollico and defeated the team there by the scoro of 4 to 2 Jim Parks pitched this game and allowed only four hits three of them coming in the ninth inning They camo back to Corbin Friday and again defeated them this time by tho score of 10 to 4 Pitman who was in the Blue Grass League for a while last year was on tho mound for Corbin but our boys found his offerings easy whjlo Edwards hold the Corbin boys sate Those who made the trip were Harvey Parrish Jerry Parrish John Burton Goo Gintcr Hugh Lewis Kavanaugli B road d us Del Azbill Joel and Jim Parks And Wilbur Edwards Public Sale of Lots lor City Taxes III will on Thursday July 21st 1910 be ¬ tween the hours of one and two f clock in front of the City Hall door corner of First and Irvine street in tho City of Richmond Ky sell for cash for unpaid city tax bills penalty interest and costs for tlo year of 1900 the following parties property real estate or enough to pay tho amount specified below if not paid boforo said dateV T 0 ONcil City Tax Collector WHITE LIST for 1009 Anderson Joe mid Carlton 8 427 Bush and Whiteuuu 13 18 Bush Joo ri i 20 59- Bybeo Malvina I 6 32 Byboe Malvina Gdni 8 40 Coats Wm 7 20 Dcatherago G S 3 43 Jarman Mrs Roscu 47 00- Ransdall II llisL 20 59 Roberts Dmiolu 7 21 Trowers Thos B i 7 21 Turpin Haydca andJohni 4 27 COLORD LIST Ballow Goorgeu 10 55 Black Salllc u LS 40 Bennett Cam 5 51 Brock BelLu 11 81 BiggersUiir Alice 5 11 Bronston JalQuuO 37 ± Burgin Martha hrs 3 43 Burnam Jno 0 5 11 Craig Henry C 37 Campbell Elder 2 91 Chenault Alice 5 11 Chenault Tobe p 79 Collins Sam 8 05 Crutcher Lizieu C37 DeJarnett Sarah 511 Embry J mau u 5 11 Embry IilUeu 5 54 Fife Mary uu 4 27 Fife Martha S 577 cLUOo F Lodge 18 50 Harris Benu 7 20 Harris Hattio 5 11 Hjll Wyattu 0 37 Irvine Joe Sru 5 11 Jarman Robt Srl 8 SS Martin Jnou 5 11 Miller Thos B 837 Miller Chancy 2 01 Moss Alex i 8 SS Muncy Sallie 427 Palmer Jim Sr 7 20 Phelps William C 37 Phelps Mary 3 44 Pope Green hrsu 3 II Shearer Jako 3 44 Smith Scott 11 70 SmilhEtlau 4 27 Tevis Tom8 05 Todd Jos C 805 Turner Mattie 5 11 Tye Wm 0 S7 Turner Tilinu = 4 27 Winkfiold Millio C 80 Walker Ann hrsu 5 95 Walker Ed 1055 Willis Lizziou 5 93 White Korcis 0 86 While notlau 0 37 Yates Wm Buster 9 72 Yates Nannie 5 11 Feel languid veak rundown Headache Stomach offJnstn- a plain case of lazy liver Burdock Blood Bitters tones liver and stomach promotes dhreBtiton purifies thebood Commissioners Sale Lyman Bulnor o Plaintif- fs Davis Munday c Defendants Under and by virluo oft a judgment and order of sale rendered at tho May term of the Madison Circuit Court in the above styled action tbs undersigned Master Commissioner of said Court will onThurdayJu1y 28 10 at 10 oclock a m on the premises near Kingston Ky sell to the highest and host bidder the following described pro¬ perly A Certain Tract oi Land on the waters of Hays Fork ol Silver Creek near Kingston Madison county Ky and bounded on the east by Farris land on the north by J H Crawford on the south by the lands of Douglas Young antI Alex Gibbs on tho west by the Richmond 1 Big Hill pikexnd con¬ taming 97 12 acres more or less Said land will be sold in two separated tracts tho first tract containing 40 acres and the second tract containing 57 12 acres then ns a whole and tho bid producing the most money will ba accepted Said property will bo sold on a credit of C npd 12 months Purchaser will be requiredto execute bond with approved security thereon payable to the Commis- sioner bearing C per cent interest until paid with lien retained upon said prop- erty until all Iho purchase money is paid J II C RICE M C M 0 C r The Great REO Car I THE BEST MADEV I 12 and 4 Cylinders I It will be to your advantage to see me before purchasing an automobile i JT COY Agent KIRKSVILLE KENTUCKY I Taken Up There came to my place near Gum Springs on Walnut Meadow and Paint Lick pike on May 18th a red yearling steer weight about 050 Ibs Owner can havo same by proving property and pay ¬ ing all charges B B Reynolds Paint Lick Ky R H- Lost A ladies dark green leather shopping bag with brass chain probably on Lan ¬ caster avenue Please return samp to this office Report oi the Condition OFT- ITFarmers Bank Doing business nt Klrksvillc county of Madison Stateof Kentucky at the close of business on the OUtli cloy of June 1910 RESOURCES Loans anti discounts with one or more endorsers as suretyNl17 49 Real estate mortgages nJ600loo Cull loans on collaternLooRM UO Due from National Bunks n 3790 SI Due front State Banks and Bkra 20S Kl US and National Rank notes 1702 m SpecieV 36 Overdrafts sccured 00 Overdrafts unsecured 2139 3T Real estate banklnc house 240001 Furniture aud fixtures 2500 TO Total J753SS G5 INABILITIES Capital Stock paid Inln Cash 1 15mo 00- SurpluR FIII1I1noooo 25Q01 Undivided IroOtsoouJ71 S Depots subject to check on which interest is not pnldu 37613 97 Notes und Bills Redlscountcd wum m ITotot 75358 C5 cicy I ct- I County of Madison I s I II S Newton Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly wear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief H So NEWLOX Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me by IT- S Xettlon the 5th day of July RiO J T COY Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb 171011 JAS R CLAY II N HENRYI Directors N WHITE WILL BOIN hIS ANNUAL Clearance Sale tV On Saturday July 9th c 0 0 t I t The Women of Richmondand vicinitYwbohave attended 1 our Clearance > r1o > Sales know that we mean what we say and that everything in our t r 1g t > J < store will be sold regardless of cost It is the time of the year when 3 l > cost or former prices are lost oL It is our desir to dispose ot everything in QUr house We haveI J MARKED < GOODS ID1CUOUSLY LOW and wc waht youytOngetf may of these 1rgin aou can uteau th savings on evty pucbase Jil C4rne JJffi rer3P One tl What Wfei Uer < t F S S PAKKES PKESIDKXT W N BKITNKTT VICE PRESIDENT Condensed Statement of the Condition of Ciittiz en Nato ll 13arik RICHMOND KENTUCKY At the Close of Business June 30 1010 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts305191 58 Overdrafts 12105 Kl U S Bonds 58500 00 Banking Housoetcn 900000 Cash and Due from Banks 8942139 Total 174008 60 LIABILITIES Capital StockulOOOOO 00 Surplus Fund 11000 00 Undivided PfolitsJ 31G 07 Circulationu i 55 COO 00 Deposits 307091 = 63I Total 474008 Ol2Deposits Deposits Juno 30 191Ou v 307001C3 Wo respectfully solicit and invite a share of your patronage promising in return prompt And efficient Jv service and courteous and honorable treatment I RooKE0ASHIERV Much f to cutoff and wo will como pretty nea getting exactly tho quantity you want You dont have to worry about the quality of our meats We takaso much > pains in selecting them UnLyqu can be assured they are the choicestto bo had And a trial wilJprovcitV C C CULTON Successor to Douglas Cultdn 231 WEST MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 125 MILL WORK- INTERIOR < TRIMS Ij I LUMBER I The quality everything you buy is guaranteed by us We spare no effort in making our building mater ials the best j 1 Blanton = Condetoti Lumber GO mcordoraled Successors to Ed Blanton Co NrLA Depot Telephone 425 Electric Irons T Electric Fans 1 i 11 i 1 Richifiohid EIectFic > PoerCo 1 announce an > Afternoon Service < < > beginning June 27- f c > r 1 d i Hat Rate ir Fans 3Q3 t r t C r II MitrbyMe < b J trrl JL- r H Use F4iii < 00 7 t d

c- Rice i Arnold - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pm73h/data/0390.pdf · THE CLIMAX PRINTING CO Incorporated A D MILLER EDITOR Member ol KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION

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Page 1: c- Rice i Arnold - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pm73h/data/0390.pdf · THE CLIMAX PRINTING CO Incorporated A D MILLER EDITOR Member ol KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION


1T 1frfk9r>

T1Zw Wmmm Y1l11

< j Herd tJ P1eise u

Jjjst send them to us for we select our goods fQr thefastidf >

ous womenthe ones other merchants findShardest to please As to our

Dress Goodswe have the newest diagonal weave in all colors from 89cto 98per yard Our FOULARDS are the choice of theseasons silks Handsome patterns and all shades from 89c

to 179 per yard

Beautiful Swiss Embroideriesin white and colors at all prices MUSLIN UNDERWEARthe prettiest and cheapest in town Wash Materials and

Novelties Look at our

Readymade Waists and SkirtsAll styles and prices

Owen Tt4cKeeSee Our Bargain Counter >

jButterick PatternsI

The Richmond Climax





Member ol





Democratic TicketFOR COXGUESS

HON HARVEY HELMOf Lincoln County

As tho Madison County Fair is ono oftho live topics of the day it mightnot bo amiss for us to say a word in be-


of thfee who are laboring to makoit a success The people at large seemto have an idea that a fair company isorganized with a view of making monoybut if they only know the history of thefairs of tjie State they would know thatit is anything but a paying ventureTho men who are members of the Mad-


County Fair Association are menwho have tho welfare of the county atheart and it is for the purpose of cducating the masses to the importanceof raising tho best of everything thatthey spend time and money in an effortto create public sentiment along thatline There is no doubtbut that countyfairs have done more to make tho scrubgive way to goodblooded stock than allother agencies combined When a mansees his neighbor in the show ring withfine corn wheat tobacco chickenssheep cattle horses mules etc itcreates within him a desire to raise thebest and win prizes alsbAs a con ¬

sequence he sells the old brindle cowthe razorback hogs the sheep with hairon them instead of wool chickens thatare mixed with every known breed thohorses and mules that are fit only for

Jockey Row and invests in goodblood ¬

ed stuff and when the next fair rollsaround he is ready to compete with hisneighbor and in this way a goodnatur ¬

ed rivalry is engendered and the countyis benefitted The people of tho countyshould remember that when they paythe sum of fifty cents to get into the fairgrounds they are not putting money intothe pockets of someone who is tryingtogot rich but that they aro paying thatamount for a days schooling which ifheeded will make them better farmersand stock raisers Let tho peoplethroughout the county cooperate withtho publicspirited men who are tryingto give to Madison county a fair secondto none and Ihocoming fair will surpassany ever hold in this county I

To our mind one of the best laws en ¬

acted by tho last Legislature is the onegiving to the judge the right to assessthe penalty instead ofthe jury Heret-

ofore the jury not only passed upontho guilt or innocence of tho accusedbut if found guilty fixed his punish ¬

ment also Now they only say whether ornot he is guilty and the judge fixes thepunishment This law shoulU save theState many dollars for such a tiling us-

a hung jury will or should be a thingof the past Not only does it appeal tous because of this fact but jt will doaway to a great extent with many oftho abuses of tho jury box

A KANSAS editor keeps his subscrip-tion list paid up by running tho follow¬

ing at the masthead of his paper Youmay gather the stars in a nail keg hangtho ocean on a grape vino to dry wipethe noso of fc cyclone with a towel cut-

off the tan end of a tornado for a keepsake put tho sky in tho ground to soakunbuckle the bellyband of eternity andopen up tbo sun and moon as health roaorta butnovcr t>o deluded with the ideathatyou can escape perdition if youdon J pay for your paper

GEJ P WATT HABDIH is spoken ofas a probable candidate for Congress inthe Eleventh district to oppose eitherCaleb Power or D 0 Edwards which-

ever wins the Republican nominationllirpuld be a fitting climax to his eventlol Jlfe if ho should be fortunate enoughto bo tenHo congresu Heros hopingM will

A ewiMcia yaU Anier1cm will be iMeIM vltbte NGrcsyw tIt 4iai g W11ry1

U 1M fJg WhIbIM

<7 Iy iI t

> ljr4c 1a fj


THE census returns show that the an ¬

nual salary of a minister of the gospelcounting all denominations is but GKS

per year This is a burning shame Noother class of people is worked so hardfor so littlo pay A good many peopleseem to think that the life of a minister isan easy one and that whatever they gotbo it much or little amply pays them fortheir labors The minister is expectedto preach two sermons every Sundaywhich will please every member of hiscongregation Sermons that il wouldtake weeks for most of his congre-gation


to prepare if they could doit at all and yet if he happens to saysomething that doesnt exactly suitsome pious brother ho goes homo or itmay be he gets on the street and crit¬

icises the efforts of a man who doesmore in one day to save the world fromsin than all his congregation puttogether docs in a month Not onlymust he peach twice on Sunday buthe must take an active part in the Sun ¬

day School lead the prayermeetingvisit the sick preach the funerals of thedead perform marriage ceremoniesmake social calls at least once a monthand during all this he and his familymust dress nicely and cat a lilllo something to keep soul and body togetherall on the paltry sum of 3603 a yearThe layman of this country should blushwith shame to know that such condi ¬

tions exist

COLORADO has established a precedentby having women sit on Juries ler¬

sonally we do not believe they will makegood jurors for the reason that theyaro too sympathetic From a standpointof trying to do the right there is nodoubt that they would be the equal ifnot the superior of the men for theywould not be swayed bypetty prejudicessuch as often creep into our juries ofthe present time but a silvertonguedlawyer wilh flowery language and path e¬

tic appeal could sway them almost atwill This is not true because womanis the weaker vessel but because of theChristlike spirit which so perm caterher being Through the goodness of herbyITHK Democrats are nearer to elect-ing a President of the United Statesthan they have been since 1892 saysGovenor Claude A Swanon of Virginiawho icccntly completed a tour that ex¬

tended to the Pacific coast Not inyears have tho Democrats shown somuch activity so much desire to shakooff lethargy to hold harmony banquetsand to get together as is manifested inall sections of the country at this timeWith such a spirit pervading the leadersand rank and file of Democracy takentogether with the dissension among Re-


I can see no other result thana democratic House and DemocraticPresident in 1913

JUDGE Boon who is serving a fourteenyear sentence for stealing about 40000from the State willin a few days makeformal application for a parole It isto bo hoped that he will be made toservo his time out Ho is guilty of anpence that a year or two in the penit ¬

entiary cannot recompense It is thefact that many men believe they canthrough the influence of friends bopardoned or paroled that leads them tocommit a crime Make him servo histimo out Grafting and bbodling mustbe stopped and that is the most ethic ¬

tive way

THERE is a family in South Somersetwho live chiefly on dirt and wood ashesand they seem to thrive on this uniquediet Somerset Times

If prices go much higher a good manyof usJ will be forced to cat dirt grasbark or something else of that nature

IK a fight at Covlngtona few days agoa man had his noso bitten offand hisface otherwise mutilated A man whocan deliberately chew off the nose ofanother must have a stomach linedwith steel and must belong somewhat tothe bull dog tribe

THE appropriations made by the ses-sion of Congress just closed amounted to81027133410 according toan announcemont made by the House AppropriationCommittee The only consoling thoughtthatcomesto us Is that it might havebeen worse

THE Danville Advocate passed its

WednesdayThosIncerelyhopeetc will live to HfJ their paper ayyean older Jf

TKAT M ryknl coup wbv q

terM MA Ink vtof forty ihs Mwu 0 WIlllfI

M 3 < J

ri i <i


Hr Richard Cobb of Danville visitedfriends hero last week

Mr and Mrs Herman Hicks arevisiting relatives in Winchester-

Mr Ruben Todd of Irvine wasamong the crowd here Monday

Miss Jano Stockton has as her guestMiss Martha Burke of Illinois

Mr and Mrs Wm Marcum aro inIndianapolis for a fifteen days visit

Mrs S W Tudor and Miss Anna Jonesaro visiting relatives in Winchester

Mary Francis and Walker McKinnoyare visiting relatives at Winchester-

Mr Ford frock of Oklahoma isvisiting his brother Mr D H Breck

Mrs Cal Snyder of Anderson countywas hero last week mixing with friends

Mrs Harrison Branaman of Mt Yernon is in this city for medical treat-ment


Miss Buchinani of Lexington is theattractive guest of Miss Edna GuinchiglianL

Mr and Mrs G Sam Dcatheragc ofAuburndale Fla are visiting relatives

heroDrand Mrs J W Harris havo re ¬

turned from a visit to relatives at Lan ¬

casterMrStove Turner of Chicago is visit-

ing Iricnds and relatives in tho townand county

Mr Sidney Turner of Savannah butformerly of this city was a visitor herelast week

Mrs J S Collins has been visitingher daughter Mrs Robert Burke inDanville

Mr and Mrs Harry Schlcgel of Nicholasville spent Sunday with Mrs L JSchlegeL

Mrs J H Severance of Stanfordvisited her lather Dr M C Heathlast week

Mrs Charles Boyd and son of PecasTexas are visiting Mr Cyrus Tudorand family

Mr C E Woods is at Crab OrchardSprings taking Kceley cure for the butt-ermilk habit

Mrs J A Stevens and daughterRegina spent the week end with < larkcounty relatives

Mr James Wallace of Irvine spentSaturday and Sunday with his brotherMr C C Wallace

Mr and Mrs M H Williams ofSilver Creek left Saturday for a visit torelatives in Illinois

Mr Robert Walker and sister AnnaMay have returned from a visit to re ¬

latives at LancasterG W McKinney of Waco attended

the Epworth League Conference at MUSterling last week

Professor Joseph Porter and wife ofLexington spent the Fourth with Mrand Mrs T S Hagan

Mrs C Rucker Adams left last Fridayfor Frankfurt to join her husband in thophysical culture work

guestsMrsWhite of Nashville Tenn

lIr Clyde Hart the effecient foremanof the Winchester News spent the 4thwith Richmond friends

Mr R A Jones of Union S C hasbeen visiting his father Capt WmJones and family in tho county

Mr Luther Sanders who is in timrevenue service at Silver Creek visitedhis family at Nicholasville Sunday

Misses Ada Booker of Louisville IreneSewoll and Dell Parrish of Winchesterare tho guests of Mrs J It Parrish

IndianapolisIndKays at the Pattlo A Clay Infirmary

Winchester Democrat Mrs AnnaSwift Turley and Miss Julia French arein Richmond attending Normal School

MaryPickeLs nwhere they attended the Chi Omega eonvention

Mr Silas Cobb Jr and wife of Pittsburg Pa aro visiting the formersparents Mr and Mrs Silas Cobb atRcdIIoiuo

Mrs Henry White and Mrs FannieBennett of Lexington aunt and sistefof Mrs Mary Bennett are spending theweek with her f

Mrs Edgar Blanton ami jttftdretihave returned from a visit of vrajwMki to herJ XFL Will Di WooatBIrM1Mi Xsky

Tfcwe will f4ra nforml receptionJMWla U Ists of the FIrM

ytii t i

wIffli IiiJ

iic0 n

fof >


Bright Mt9rUln a with lovely cardjpiJfy fttttrday afteraooa for Mrs Lacy 1

BrigK of New York City 1

Mrs Tb odoce Wilson Md daughterMte JCate WUteoQ aad0rca Isaacsv ii rsG W Frazksr and Otherr ltfve in Esuli last weej

Mrs TSP Dudley of Richmond is Intho city for a low days the guest of hercousin Abner Oldham and Mrs AnnieW James Loxington Herald

Mr E L Clark wife and daughter ofCincinnati aro spending several wokswith friends hero Tho Clarks formerlyhived hero and are always welcomedback

Mr J w LewIs of Collcgfc Hill passed through Richmond iaslFrrday on hiswhy to clnip poison Jessamine countyto on a at one ofthe distl11ericsthereI

Irai1l1 Mrs T L Hamilton areback from an extensive bridal trip andhave gone to house Keeping on the Summitt in the house recently vacated byProf and Mrs J R Johnson

cMrs E T Burnam and Mrs DMChen ult s thcir annual Fourth ofJuly picnit Monday for their childrenMiss Elizabeth Buriiam was dressed asColumbia her dress being made entire-ly American flags

Winchester SunSentinel Miss Marianno Collins of Richmond visited Misscatherine McConl for the dance Fridayevening Mr John Doty of Rich ¬

mond attended the dance hero Friday

eveningHonJerry A Sullivan will sail July

9th on tho White Star S S Baltic fora summer abroad Ho will tour theBritish Isles the ConlSricnt and northernEuropo returning to Richmond in

SeptemberMrsS Park and Mrs William

Park have returned to their homojinLos Vegas They were called herebytho serious illness of Mrs W B Smithwhom we are glad to note is improvingand Her condition is most encouraging

Mrs C E Eliwanger and daughterMiss Jacqueline Ellwangor left yester ¬

day for Estill Springs to spend the sum-mer


Mrs Ellwangcr will bo tho societycorrespondent to tho different papersover the State from that popular resort

Frankfort JournalMrs and Mrs George Marischen havo

returned from Boonovillo Owsleycounty where they visited the lattersparents It will be pleasing news totheir many friends to know that theirlittle son has about recovered from hisrecent illness

Mrs C D Miller is inNashvillo Tennwhere sho was called on account of thoserious illness of tho little son of Mrand Mrs R Ii Gentry Jr Tho physi ¬

clam give but little encouragement tohis recovery which news will be asourcoof deep regret to tho friends of thefamily

Mr and Mrs Frank E Jennings ofJacksonville Florida are summerIngat the latters old home Dreaming CreekHeights near this city They have beenentertaining a delightful house partycomposed of Mrs G C Burrows andthree daughters who wero guests ofhonor at a bridge party given last Fridayby tho hosts-

Lancaster Record Miss TommieFrancis is in Richmond visiting Mr andMrs George Ballow Miss Mary Elm reand sister MissLydia aro visiting rel¬

atives in Richmond and VersaillesLittle Miss Elizabeth Dudley is athome again alter a visit to her grand¬

mother in Richmond Mr Alex Dotyand daughters were Jn Richmond Mon ¬

day for the burial of Mr ilalcolm MillerMesdames Merritt Harbor and Sal

lie Rayburn of Richmond are vIsit-ing Mr and Mrs Parkqr Gregory

Tho following formed a delightfulparty which sailed last week for a tripabroad Misses Louise Mary andElizabeth Covington of this countyFrancis Lail and Ruth Covington ofMissouri and Mr Walter Quinn ofIllinois Miss Louise Covington willprobably accept a position as chaperonofor touring parties which position pays ahandsome salary and all expensesWoknow of no ono better fitted thanMiss Covington who aside from her al¬

ready wide experience as a traveler andher brilliant literary attainments pos-sesses a charm of manner and a person ¬

ally of great magnetism

Narrow EscapeHouston Stone a freight cpnductor on

tho L and A railroad hall a narrowescape from death last Friday nightHo was spending the night at K Njunction as is his custom when at thatend of tho line and to keep from beingbothered with liens ho poured some car-bolic


acid ontho sheet and went to bedAbout two oclock the next morninghis roommate was aroused by groansand going to Mr Stones bed found himunconscious All efforts to arouse himproved futile and ho was placed on anengine and started for this oily By thetime ho reached hero ho had regainedconsciousness but it was found that hisbody was badly burned by tho acid Hois still suffering onsidorably but it isthought ho will be out rin a few daysHe had a very narrow escape for hadho not been discovered when ho was itis thought by the physicians that hewould have died within twenty or thirtyminutes


> t fjr have just received an i < ii4

ti Jof Ladies < i if

i other shipment <i rf-

lVz J

Pumys in one and two straps in Suede 4 >

< s yjVAt JVt C Patent and Gun metal See them B r2 7



i I


Pony Stung to DeathThe Cyntluana Democrat says

Floyd Lairs excellent pony stallionBacna was stung to death by bees atMr Lairs homo atMrs Dubs near

LCynthlana Monday The pony wastied to a tree near a boo hive and per ¬

haps disturbed tho bees in some wayThey swarmed out of the hive and att-

acked him Ho was tied with a heavyhalter and could not break loose Inhis efforts he became tangled in a wirefence and foil and the bees stung himso badly that ho died in a couple ofhours after ho had been noticed andreleased front the tree and fence Thoanimal was a fine littlo fellow valuedat 5500 Aside from his worth inmoney it is a great pity ho had to meetsuch a dreadful deat-

hSuccessful TripA baseball team composed of Madison

county boys Went to Corbin and Tcllico

last wok and played three games twowith Corbin and one with Jollico win ¬

ning all of them Tho first one wasplayed with Corbin last Wednesdaythe score being 3 to 2 after thirteen hardfought innings Edwards homo run inthat round deciding the game H Par ¬

rish was pitted against tho great RubeWatkins Parrish doing by far tho bestWork Ho allowed only six hits andstruck out 18 men Thursday the boysjourneyed to Jollico and defeated theteam there by the scoro of 4 to 2 JimParks pitched this game and allowedonly four hits three of them coming inthe ninth inning They camo backto Corbin Friday and again defeatedthem this time by tho score of 10 to 4

Pitman who was in the Blue GrassLeague for a while last year was on

tho mound for Corbin but our boysfound his offerings easy whjlo Edwardshold the Corbin boys sate Those whomade the trip were Harvey ParrishJerry Parrish John Burton Goo GintcrHugh Lewis Kavanaugli Broadd us Del

Azbill Joel and Jim Parks And WilburEdwards

Public Sale of Lots lorCity Taxes

III will on Thursday July 21st 1910 be¬

tween the hours of one and two fclockin front of the City Hall door corner ofFirst and Irvine street in tho City ofRichmond Ky sell for cash for unpaidcity tax bills penalty interest and costsfor tlo year of 1900 the following partiesproperty real estate or enough to paytho amount specified below if not paidboforo said dateVT 0 ONcil City Tax Collector

WHITE LIST for 1009

Anderson Joe mid Carlton 8 427Bush and Whiteuuu 13 18Bush Joo ri i 20 59-

Bybeo Malvina I 6 32Byboe Malvina Gdni 8 40Coats Wm 7 20Dcatherago G S 3 43Jarman Mrs Roscu 47 00-

Ransdall II llisL 20 59Roberts Dmiolu 7 21

Trowers Thos B i 7 21Turpin Haydca andJohni 4 27

COLORD LISTBallow Goorgeu 10 55Black Salllc u LS 40Bennett Cam 5 51Brock BelLu 11 81BiggersUiir Alice 5 11

Bronston JalQuuO 37


Burgin Martha hrs 3 43

Burnam Jno 0 5 11

Craig Henry C 37

Campbell Elder 2 91

Chenault Alice 5 11

Chenault Tobe p 79

Collins Sam 8 05

Crutcher Lizieu C37DeJarnett Sarah 511Embry J mau u 5 11

Embry IilUeu 5 54

Fife Maryuu 4 27

Fife Martha S 577cLUOo F Lodge 18 50

Harris Benu 7 20

Harris Hattio 5 11

Hjll Wyattu 0 37

Irvine Joe Sru 5 11

Jarman Robt Srl 8 SS

Martin Jnou 5 11

Miller Thos B 837Miller Chancy 2 01

Moss Alex i 8 SS

Muncy Sallie 427Palmer Jim Sr 7 20

Phelps William C 37

Phelps Mary 3 44

Pope Green hrsu 3 IIShearer Jako 3 44

Smith Scott 11 70

SmilhEtlau 4 27

Tevis Tom8 05

Todd Jos C 805Turner Mattie 5 11

Tye Wm 0 S7

Turner Tilinu = 4 27

Winkfiold Millio C 80

Walker Ann hrsu 5 95

Walker Ed 1055Willis Lizziou 5 93

White Korcis 0 86

While notlau 0 37

Yates Wm Buster 9 72

Yates Nannie 5 11

Feel languid veak rundownHeadache Stomach offJnstn-a plain case of lazy liver BurdockBlood Bitters tones liver and stomachpromotes dhreBtiton purifies thebood

Commissioners Sale

Lyman Bulnor o Plaintif-fs

Davis Munday c Defendants

Under and by virluo oft a judgmentand order of sale rendered at tho Mayterm of the Madison Circuit Court inthe above styled action tbs undersignedMaster Commissioner of said Court will

onThurdayJu1y 28 10at 10 oclock a m on the premises nearKingston Ky sell to the highest andhost bidder the following described pro¬


A Certain Tract oi Landon the waters of Hays Fork ol SilverCreek near Kingston Madison countyKy and bounded on the east by Farrisland on the north by J H Crawford onthe south by the lands of DouglasYoung antI Alex Gibbs on tho west bythe Richmond 1 Big Hill pikexnd con¬

taming 97 12 acres more or less Saidland will be sold in two separated tractstho first tract containing 40 acres andthe second tract containing 57 12 acresthen ns a whole and tho bid producingthe most money will ba accepted

Said property will bo sold on a creditof C npd 12 months Purchaser will berequiredto execute bond with approvedsecurity thereon payable to the Commis-sioner bearing C per cent interest untilpaid with lien retained upon said prop-erty until all Iho purchase money is paid J



The Great REO Car I


12 and 4 Cylinders I

It will be to your advantage to see me before purchasing an automobileiJT COY Agent


Taken UpThere came to my place near Gum

Springs on Walnut Meadow and PaintLick pike on May 18th a red yearlingsteer weight about 050 Ibs Owner canhavo same by proving property and pay ¬

ing all charges B B ReynoldsPaint Lick Ky R H-

LostA ladies dark green leather shopping

bag with brass chain probably on Lan ¬

caster avenue Please return samp tothis office

Report oi the ConditionOFT-

ITFarmers BankDoing business nt Klrksvillc county ofMadison Stateof Kentucky at the close of

business on the OUtli cloy of June 1910

RESOURCESLoans anti discounts with one or

more endorsers as suretyNl17 49Real estate mortgages nJ600looCull loans on collaternLooRM UO

Due from National Bunks n 3790 SIDue front State Banks and Bkra 20S KlU S and National Rank notes 1702 mSpecieV 36Overdrafts sccured 00Overdrafts unsecured 2139 3TReal estate banklnc house 240001

Furniture aud fixtures 2500 TO

Total J753SS G5

INABILITIESCapital Stock paid Inln Cash 1 15mo 00-SurpluR FIII1I1noooo 25Q01Undivided IroOtsoouJ71 SDepots subject to check on

which interest is not pnldu 37613 97Notes und Bills Redlscountcd wum m

ITotot 75358 C5

cicy I ct-I

County of Madison I sI II S Newton Cashier of the above

named bank do solemnly wear that theabove statement is true to the best of myknowledge and belief

H So NEWLOX CashierSubscribed and sworn to before me by IT-

S Xettlon the 5th day of July RiOJ T COY Notary Public

My Commission Expires Feb 171011JAS RCLAYII N HENRYI Directors


Clearance SaletV On Saturday July 9th

c0 0

t I t The Women of Richmondand vicinitYwbohave attended1

our Clearance >

r1o> Sales know that we mean what we say and that everything in our


1gt >

J< store will be sold regardless of cost It is the time of the year when 3

l> cost or former prices are lost oL It is our desir to dispose oteverything in QUr house We haveI J

MARKED< GOODS ID1CUOUSLY LOWand wc waht youytOngetf may of these 1rgin aou canuteau th savings on evty pucbase Jil

C4rne JJffi rer3P One tl What Wfei Uer<




Condensed Statement of the Condition ofCiittizen Nato ll 13arik

RICHMOND KENTUCKYAt the Close of Business June 30 1010

RESOURCESLoans and Discounts305191 58Overdrafts 12105 KlU S Bonds 58500 00Banking Housoetcn 900000Cash and Due from

Banks 8942139Total 174008 60

LIABILITIESCapital StockulOOOOO 00Surplus Fund 11000 00

Undivided PfolitsJ 31G 07

Circulationu i 55 COO 00

Deposits 307091= 63ITotal 474008Ol2DepositsDeposits Juno 30 191Ou v 307001C3

Wo respectfully solicit and invite a share of your patronage promising in returnprompt And efficient

Jvservice and courteous and honorable treatment I


fto cutoff and wo will como pretty nea

getting exactly tho quantity you wantYou dont have to worry about thequality of our meats We takaso much


pains in selecting them UnLyqu can be

assured they are the choicestto bo hadAnd a trial wilJprovcitV

C C CULTONSuccessor to Douglas Cultdn






The quality everything you buyis guaranteed by us We spare noeffort in making our building materials the best j

1 Blanton=CondetotiLumber GO mcordoraled

Successors to Ed Blanton CoNrLA Depot Telephone 425

Electric Irons T Electric Fans1 i 11i 1

Richifiohid EIectFic>


announce an>Afternoon Service < <> beginning June 27-





Hat Rate ir Fans 3Q3t r


rII MitrbyMe <

b J trrlJL-



UseF4iii< 00 7 td