#D4CB95 #D4CB95 Copyright © 2014 by HFR, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publicaHon may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmiJed in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise — without the permission of HFR. HFR, Inc. Peter K. Cho Sep. 2014 CRAN architectures toward next generaHon ECOC2014 WS5: Is NGPON2 an ulHmate access soluHons? Is there anything coming aXerwards?

C-‐RAN architectures toward next genera on - ECOC

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#D4CB95   #D4CB95  

Copyright  ©  2014  by  HFR,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publicaHon  may  be  reproduced,  stored  in  a  retrieval  system,  or  transmiJed  in  any  form  or  by  any  means  —    

electronic,  mechanical,  photocopying,  recording,  or  otherwise  —  without  the  permission  of  HFR.    

HFR,  Inc.  Peter  K.  Cho  

Sep.  2014  

C-­‐RAN  architectures  toward  next  generaHon    

ECOC2014    WS5:  Is  NG-­‐PON2  an  ulHmate  access  soluHons?  Is  there  anything  coming  aXerwards?  

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  +   D-RAN vs. C-RAN

§  D-RAN (Distributed RAN) : Standalone BTS where both baseband unit (BBU) and remote radio head (RRH) are co-located in a cell site. The stable power supply and A/C facilities are required in a cell site.

•  C-RAN (Centralized RAN) : For centralized baseband processing and easy maintenance, BBU moves to the central office from a cell site.

•  “C” of C-RAN extended to “Cooperative Radio”, “Cloud Computing”, and “Clean Systems”

Copyright ⓒ 2014 HFR Confidential 2

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  

3 Copyright  ⓒ 2014  HFR    ConfidenHal

Fronthaul Solu,on   Demands

C-­‐RAN Evolu,on Scenario

※ the number of C-RAN macrocell sites new addition (Source : Maravedis, 2013)

38,000 sites

59,000 sites

62,000 sites

58,000 sites

51,000 sites

Prospect  of  C-­‐RAN  and  Fronthaul  

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  C-­‐RAN  Deployment  Considera<on  I  

4 Copyright  ⓒ 2014  HFR    ConfidenHal

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  

Copyright ⓒ 2012 HFR Confidential 5

C-­‐RAN  Deployment  Considera<on  II  

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  Op<cal  Transport  of  CPRI  

Copyright ⓒ 2014 GB Confidential 6


#D4CB95   #D4CB95  

7  Copyright  ⓒ 2014  HFR    ConfidenHal

CWDM Lambda Allocation (1)

1270  nm


1290  nm

1310  nm

1330  nm

1350  nm

1370  nm

1390  nm

1410  nm

1430  nm

1450  nm

1470  nm


1490  nm

1510  nm

1530  nm


1550  nm

1570  nm


1590  nm

1610  nm



General CWDM Lambdas (16 lambdas)

6WL or 2WL CWDM Lambdas (72 lambdas) : Non-Standard Technology

1270  nm


1290  nm

1310  nm

1330  nm

1350  nm

1370  nm

1390  nm

1410  nm

1430  nm

1450  nm

1470  nm


1490  nm

1510  nm

1530  nm


1550  nm

1570  nm


1590  nm

1610  nm


Water-peak Reserved for DWDM

•  6WL : 12 General CWDM lambda x 6 = 72 lambdas •  2WL : 12 General CWDM lambda x 2 = 24 lambdas

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  

8  Copyright  ⓒ 2014  HFR    ConfidenHal

CWDM Lambda Allocation (2): 6WL

Parameters Wavelength Remarks

λC 1271/1291/1311/1331/1351/1411nm 1431/1451/1471/1491/1511/1591nm

λ1 λC - 3.05

λ2 λC - 1.45

λ3 λC + 0.15

λ4 λC + 1.75

λ5 λC + 3.35

λ6 λC + 4.95

λ6λ5λ4λ3λ2λ1λC - 7.5nm λC + 7.5nm

1.6nm 1.6nm 1.6nm 1.6nm 1.6nm


(CPRI  36  ch)

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  HetNet  Deployment  Scenario    

•  Macro  Cell  :  C-­‐RAN  •  Small  Cell  :  Backhaul  based  on  Fiber  or    Microwave  Backhaul  •  Small  Cell  RRH  :  CPRI  over  Fiber  or  CPRI  over  Microwave(under  400M)  •  WiFi  :  Ethernet  Backhaul  

Copyright  ⓒ  2014  GB  ConfidenHal   9  

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  Ac<ve  WDM  Fronthaul  

Copyright ⓒ 2014 GB Confidential 10

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  Ac<ve  and  Passive  Fronthaul  

Copyright ⓒ 2014 GB Confidential 11

#D4CB95   #D4CB95  Epilog  

•  No  doubt,  C-­‐RAN  shall  be  the  majority  of  Radio  Access  Network  of  MNOs.  –  No  one  solu<on  but  various  combina<on  dependent  on  MNO  –  Co-­‐exit  C-­‐RAN  and  Tradi<onal  Technologies  

•  Network  flexibility  in  Backhaul  and  Fronthaul  technologies  •  HetNet  for  Macro,  Micro,  Pico,  Femto  cell  

–  MNOs  shall  define  own  C-­‐RAN  topologies.  –  New  transmission  technologies  

•  Extended  WDM  :  6WL  CWDM  +  DWDM  •  OTN,  NG-­‐PON2,  Milimeter  wireless  

•  C-­‐RAN  shall  improve  Radio  performance    –  CoMP,  IC-­‐IC,  eIC-­‐IC  

•  Moving  from  Centralized  RAN  to  Cloud  RAN  –  Accelera<ng  virtualiza<on  of  the  baseband  processing  –  Ready  for  so`ware  defined  network  

Copyright  ⓒ  2014  GB  ConfidenHal   12  

CoMP:  Coordinated  MulHPoint  IC-­‐IC:  Inter  Cell  Interference  CoordinaHon