香港的在職人士出名拼博及工作勤奮, 但是很多人卻因此忽略了健康;亦有很多人因為工作性 質或者工作環境的關係,患上職業病而不自知。其實,職業病 的成因很多,工作及環境因素固然重要,但部份亦和僱員忽略 工作安全健康及個人健康生活有關。有見及此,本期通訊將介 紹健康生活模式,希望「打工仔」能多加留意並實踐,以保持 身心健康並積極面對工作。 Hong Kong workers are known for their striving spirit and diligence and tend to ignore their health. Many people also suffer from occupational diseases unconsciously due to their job nature or work environment. In fact, there are various causes of occupational diseases. While work and environmental factors are critical, some occupational diseases are caused by employees’ negligence of work safety and health as well as healthy lifestyle. Therefore, this bulletin will introduce healthy lifestyles to all employees, so that they can stay healthy physically and mentally to deal with their work in a positive manner. Introduction 健康生活模式 Healthy Lifestyles 其實香港的「打工仔」面對最大的壓力應該算是來自工作,其次還有來自家庭、人際關係、財政等等。打工仔活在 忙碌奔波的生活中,普遍養成不健康的生活習慣,而這些不良習慣更容易誘發多種嚴重疾病的高危因素,包括肥 胖、高膽固醇等,增加患上嚴重疾病的機會。如工作環境潛藏危害因素,再加上不健康的生活習慣,便很容易引致 慢性疾病或甚至患上職業病。 We may say that the greatest stress of employees in Hong Kong comes from work, followed by their family, interpersonal relationship, finances, etc. Unhealthy lifestyles are commonly founded in the busy life of employees. These bad habits may easily induce high-risk conditions, including obesity and high cholesterol, for multiple severe illnesses and increase the chances of getting such illnesses. Coupled with potential hazardous factors in the work environment, chronic illnesses and even occupational diseases will be resulted easily.

健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別

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Page 1: 健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別


引言Hong Kong workers are known for their striving spirit and diligence and tend to ignore their health. Many people also suffer from occupational diseases unconsciously due to their job nature or work environment. In fact, there are various causes of occupational diseases. While work and environmental factors are critical, some occupational diseases are caused by employees’ negligence of work safety and health as well as healthy lifestyle. Therefore, this bulletin will introduce healthy lifestyles to all employees, so that they can stay healthy physically and mentally to deal with their work in a positive manner.


健康生活模式 Healthy Lifestyles其實香港的「打工仔」面對最大的壓力應該算是來自工作,其次還有來自家庭、人際關係、財政等等。打工仔活在忙碌奔波的生活中,普遍養成不健康的生活習慣,而這些不良習慣更容易誘發多種嚴重疾病的高危因素,包括肥胖、高膽固醇等,增加患上嚴重疾病的機會。如工作環境潛藏危害因素,再加上不健康的生活習慣,便很容易引致慢性疾病或甚至患上職業病。

We may say that the greatest stress of employees in Hong Kong comes from work, followed by their family, interpersonal relationship, fi nances, etc. Unhealthy lifestyles are commonly founded in the busy life of employees. These bad habits may easily induce high-risk conditions, including obesity and high cholesterol, for multiple severe illnesses and increase the chances of getting such illnesses. Coupled with potential hazardous factors in the work environment, chronic illnesses and even occupational diseases will be resulted easily.

Page 2: 健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別

均衡飲食A Balanced Diet打工仔最常見出現腸胃病。由於工作繁忙,只容許匆匆地進點簡餐,還未有足夠時間消化就要返回工作崗位。假若經常因超時工作,令到食無定時,不但消化系統首當其衝,而且身體機能亦會受到連串的影響。我們應注意自己身體的生理警號,避免養成不良的飲食壞習慣。以下例子詳列良好及健康的飲食習慣應具備的條件:

Digestive problems are the most common illnesses among workers. Busy schedules only allow them to grab a bite and get back to their work without having enough time for digestion. If you eat at random time every day because of frequent overtime work, your digestive system will be the fi rst to malfunction. Then, a series of problems related to your bodily functions will emerge. We should pay attention to the biological alerts from our bodies and avoid forming bad eating habits. The following examples illustrate the requirements for a good and healthy eating habit:

1. 吃早餐 Eat Breakfast很多打工仔會爭取多睡一點,而選擇不吃早餐,直接上班去。一日之計在於晨,一個輕便簡單的早餐其實可補充營養,亦提供正能量給我們面對工作。不吃早餐就不能補充血糖濃度,上午就會出現四肢無力、精神不振等症狀,甚至出現低血糖休克,影響正常工作。

Many workers would skip breakfast and go directly to work in exchange for more sleeping time. At the start of a day, having a simple breakfast can replenish nutrition and provide us positive energy to cope with our work. The concentration of blood sugar could not be restored if we skip breakfast. It will result in lassitude of limbs, general fatigue and low blood sugar seizure before noon and disturb your normal work.


Before a work-health balance is achieved, we have to learn about and practice healthy lifestyles. Healthy and happy lifestyles are not concerned with luxurious treatment but a full understanding of the physical condition of oneself. Our bodies are talking to us all the time and delivering messages about health, happiness and those need our additional care. However, we are always busy attending to other external factors that we become insensitive to the messages from our bodies. What makes things worse is we apply antibiotics, pain killers, laxatives, etc. to block our feeling to these messages. So what strategies should we take to strike a balance between health and life? The answer is simple. We should sense the messages coming from our bodies carefully and respond appropriately. For example, we should put on clothes when we feel cold; take a rest when we feel tired. We do not need to learn to give such simple responses. The most important point is to alter poor lifestyles with a positive attitude. We should never put aside the signals given by our bodies and try to hide or suppress them by force.

Page 3: 健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別

2. 吃午餐 Have Lunch因為方便省時或懶得走路,上班族最愛選擇快餐和即食麵。但這些食物都是高油脂、高味精、高鹽分的食物,常吃對身體一定不太好。午餐食物可以挑選以較少量油烹調的小菜,這樣的午餐吃起來更安心。午餐時段也可以考慮出外走一趟,令身心稍作休息及精神放鬆。

To save time or just being too lazy to walk, employees love fast food and instant noodles. Yet, all of them are high in oil and fat, MSG and salt. Frequent intake is certainly not a good idea to your body. We can choose dishes cooked with less oil for lunch to make us feel more comfortable. You may also consider having a walk at lunchtime to let your body and mind rest and relax.

3. 避免吃宵夜 Avoid Meals Before Bedtime很多香港人愛吃宵夜,但吃宵夜會攝取過量卡路里,再加上睡前吃宵夜,熱量較難消耗,而且吃進去的東西會積聚成脂肪。很多人喜歡在下班後好好享受一頓美食,但很容易就吃過量。如果晚餐後仍感覺肚餓,盡可選擇麵包等低熱量的食物。

Many Hong Kong people love meals before bedtime. However, such meals cause excessive intake of calorie as calorie obtained before sleep is hard to be consumed but easy to be converted into fat. A lot of people are fond of having a feast after work and are very likely to eat too much. If you feel hungry after dinner, the best choice is food with low calorie like bread.

4. 多吃蔬果 Eat More Vegetables and Fruits外出用膳,最容易造成纖維攝取量不足。青菜含有豐富的鉀,能降低血壓;植物中的纖維也能降低血糖和膽固醇,也能減少腸胃不適。如果希望控制食量,一開始先吃沙律和青菜,再吃魚或肉,這樣就可以減少卡路里的攝取量了。

Insufficient intake of fibers occurs easily when dining out. Green vegetables rich in potassium can lower blood pressure; fibers in vegetables can also lower the level of blood sugar and cholesterol and alleviate stomach discomfort. If you would like to control your food consumption, consider eating salad and vegetables before having fish and meat. This can help reduce calorie intake.

5. 充足運動量 Suffi cient Exercise長期從事文職工作的,愈來愈不愛動,只會造成自己愈來愈不健康,也容易造成身體過胖。運動是長壽的秘訣之一,在日常生活中,嘗試不坐電梯爬樓梯,和近距離盡量不要搭交通工具,倒可當作少量運動,讓雙腿多一點機會伸展。如能每天做運動,並持之以恆,必有助健康。

People working sedentarily for a lengthy period of time tend to lose motivation for doing exercise, which makes their health deteriorate and causes obesity easily. Exercise is one of the secrets to live a longer life. In daily life, we may try to climb stairs instead of taking an elevator and choose to walk for short journeys. These could be seen as a form of light exercise and let our legs have more opportunities to stretch. Doing exercise daily on a constant basis is defi nitely good for your health.

居室環境與健康Home Environment and Health除食物以外,空氣是我們不可缺少的生活元素。都市人患上呼吸道疾病也十分普遍,所以我們身體對空氣質素的反應是不容忽視的。無論你於室內或戶外工作,每天平均逗留在家中的時間,少則六、七小時,長則可達十多小時。因此,良好的居室環境非常重要。為免安樂窩變成疾病溫床,我們須注意下列事項:

Apart from food, air is another indispensable element of life. Respiratory illnesses are common in urban citizens and hence, our bodies’ reaction to air quality cannot be overlooked. Whether you work outdoor or indoor, you spend an average of 6 to over 10 hours a day at home. As such, it is essential to have a good home environment. To prevent our sweet home turning into a breeding bed for diseases, we should pay attention to the followings:

Page 4: 健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別

1. 室內空氣 Indoor Air若終日關閉窗戶,空氣不流通,空氣中二氧化碳的含量便會上升,氧的含量則相對降低,我們會感覺呼吸不暢順、噁心、頭暈、疲勞等。所以要室內空氣保持新鮮,窗戶要經常打開,讓新鮮空氣進入。長期處於污濁空氣中,細菌病毒容易滋生,人們容易患有呼吸道毛病,令抵抗力降低。

If windows are closed all day long, the concentration of carbon dioxide will increase and that of oxygen is thus reduced in the poor ventilated room. We will feel diffi cult to breathe, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, etc. Therefore, we should keep the indoor air fresh by keeping the windows open to allow fresh air entering our home. Situating in polluted air for a long period of time provides bacteria an opportunity to grow and increases our chance of getting respiratory diseases, resulting in weakened immunity.


The main culprit of indoor air pollution is cigarettes. The smoke released by burning tobacco comprises over 4,000 chemicals with some of them being carcinogenic and indecomposable particles. Smokers should be considerate to their own health as well as others and quit the bad habit.

2. 室內溫度 Room Temperature室內溫度過高或過低,都會令人不適。在冬季,暖爐成為家中最重要的家電。最理想的室內氣溫為攝氏18至23度。若室內氣溫過高,會令人感到烘熱、缺氧、頭暈不適。當出入室外時,內外氣溫懸殊,身體較容易患上感冒。若室內氣溫低於攝氏16度,會減弱呼吸道對疾病的抵抗力。如低於攝氏12度,四肢出現發冷、體內溫度降低,引致血壓上升、血液黏度增加,容易誘發心臟病。長者如患有慢性疾病,例如:冠心病、甲狀腺分泌失調、哮喘、支氣管炎等,病情在寒冷的天氣裏更容易惡化,以致生命受到威脅。It is uncomfortable if the room temperature is too high or too low. In winter, heater becomes the most important home appliance. The most desirable room temperature is between 18°c and 23°c. If the room temperature is too high, people will feel hot, suffocated and dizzy. When entering or leaving their house, the great temperature difference will expose people to catching a cold. Immunity of respiratory tract against diseases will be weakened if the temperature is below 16°c. Below 12°c, chills of limbs coupled with a drop of body temperature will cause the increase of blood pressure, blood viscosity and chances of having a heart attack. The conditions of elderly who suffer from chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, thyroid disturbance, asthma, bronchitis infection will worsen in cold weather and become life threatening.

夏季的時候,許多家居都會開空調以調節室內溫度,提供一個舒適涼快的休息及工作環境。最理想的室內氣溫為攝氏25度。若長時間在空調室內逗留,或使用空調不當,會出現「空調毛病」,症狀是頭暈頭痛、發冷、四肢疼痛、工作效率下降等。In summer, air-conditioners are switched on in most families to create a comfortable and cool environment to rest and work. The most desirable room temperature is 25°c. Staying in an air-conditioned room for prolonged hours or misuse of air-conditioning will lead to “air-conditioning illness”, symptoms of which include dizziness, headache, chills, painful limbs and lowered effi ciency.

3. 濕度 Humidity溫度低及濕度高的時候,會令身體散熱加速,以致體溫下降令人感到寒冷。室內若過於潮濕,家俱、衣服容易發霉,病菌繁殖迅速。另外,濕度過高,人體的氣血運行會受阻,以致出現風濕病等毛病。Heat loss of our bodies accelerates when the temperature is low and the humidity is high, causing a drop of body temperature and the feeling of cold. When the room is too humid, mold grows on furniture and clothes easily and bacteria breed rapidly. In addition, a high humidity also hinders the blood circulation and causes illnesses like arthritis and rheumatism.


Page 5: 健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別

職安健訓練課程介紹 OSH Training Courses職安局訓練中心定期舉辦有關職業健康的課程,以下列出有關課程資料。如欲報讀課程或索取更多有關職安健課程資料,請致電2311 3322或3106 2000與本局訓練中心聯絡。OSHC organizes the related courses regularly, and the details are as follows. For further information, please contact our OSH Training Centre at 2311 3322 or 3106 2000.

職業健康推廣及健康檢測課程 Occupational Health Promotion and Health Check(課程編號 Course Code: OHP)內容 Highlights:1. 健康指標的概念 Concepts of health indicators

2. 解剖生理學和體重管理 Anatomy & physiology and weight management

3. 健康指標的量度: 體重指數、血壓、肺功能測試、肌力及柔軟度測試Measurement of health indicators: Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, lung function, muscle strength and fl exibility test

4. 預防肌肉筋骨勞損運動 Stretching exercises

5. 如何在工作場所建立自助健康檢查區 How to establish a self-help health check station in the workplace

6. 職業健康的推廣 Occupational health promotion

如濕度過低及空氣乾燥,會令皮膚乾裂,口腔、鼻黏膜、氣管和喉部的水份大量散失,出現口渴、乾咳、聲啞、喉痛等問題,呼吸道防禦功能因而降低,微絲血管破裂出血,可能誘發呼吸道感染。Low humidity and dry air lead to chapped skin, drastic loss of water in oral cavity, nasal mucosa, trachea and throat, causing problems such as thirst, dry cough, hoarseness and sore throat. Respiratory infection may be evoked as a result of the weakened defensive functions of the respiratory tract and bleeding of ruptured capillaries.

濕度過高時,應使用抽濕機將過量的水份抽除。若使用暖爐,最好使用有加濕功能的增溫設施,若沒有,可以在暖爐旁放一盤水,使水蒸發,保持室內濕度。Dehumidifi er should be switched on to remove excessive moisture when the humidity is high. In case of heaters, models with humidifying function are preferred. If such function is absent, place a tray of water beside the heater to maintain the indoor humidity.

4. 陽光 Sunlight

陽光照射到室內,可產生溫暖感和光電效應,從而提高人體的免疫力,促進新陳代謝。陽光中的紫外線有殺菌功效,可降低室內傳染病的感染。對嬰兒來說,適當的日照有利於骨骼發育。長者體質較弱,居室適宜有充足的陽光。為使居室有適當的陽光照射,應保持窗戶玻璃清潔,同時不要長期把窗簾拉上。若居室內沒有陽光照射,應多到戶外活動,以補不足。Sunlight shining into indoor area can generate warmth and photoelectric effect to enhance the immunity of human bodies and improve metabolism. The ultraviolet rays in sunlight can kill bacteria and reduce the chances of getting infectious diseases. Proper sunlight is benefi cial to the development of bones for infants. Suffi cient sunlight should be allowed to enter the homes of the elderly as they are generally weaker. To allow sunlight to enter your home, you should keep your windows clean and avoid closing your curtains all the time. People who lack sunlight in their home should have more outdoor activities to replenish their defi ciency in sunlight.

5. 清潔及衛生 Cleanliness and Hygiene


A dirty environment not only promotes the breeding of bacteria, it also facilitates the spread of infectious diseases. Respiratory diseases such as asthma as well as digestive problems are easy to be evoked in a home full of nasty bugs, crawling cockroaches, fl ying mosquitoes and buzzing fl ies. To protect your family, you should clean your home frequently and keep it hygienic and tidy.

Page 6: 健康生活模式 - oshc.org.hk · 健康快樂的生活模式,並不在乎於富豪級享受,而 只不過是需要完全了解自己的生理狀況。我們的身體無時無刻都與我們對話,並且傳達有關健康、快樂及需要特別


© 2010 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 9/2010 (1)

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主席 Chairman

郭慧良先生Mr Anthony KWOK

香港中文大學賽馬會骨質疏鬆預防及治療中心The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control

副主席 Vice-Chairman

關樂平先生Mr Denys KWAN

香港地產代理專業協會Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd

委員 Members李綺華女士Ms Fiona LEE

公務員事務局Civil Service Bureau

初維民先生Mr Weiman CHU

香港中華廠商聯合會The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong

李賢勝先生Mr Leslie LEE

香港中華總商會The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce

謝順禮先生Mr Calvin TSE

香港地產代理商總會Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association

吳民輝先生Mr William NG

香港保險業聯會The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

李淑霞女士Ms LEE Shuk Ha, Grace

香港華商銀行公會有限公司The Chinese Banks’ Association Ltd

陳贊春先生Mr CHAN Tsan Chun

香港僱主聯合會Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong

王舜義先生Mr WONG Shun Yee, Albert

香港總商會The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

李健穎女士Ms Venus LI

香港文職人員總會Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union

陳慶生先生Mr Alexander CHAN

香港文職及專業人員總會Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

湯仲敏女士Ms TONG Chung Man

香港洋務工會Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment

胡伯賢先生Mr Andrew WU

香港保險業總工會Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union

鄭永生先生Mr Vincent CHANG

香港銀行華員會Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong

梁偉明先生Mr LEUNG Wai Ming

高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)

李煒敏女士Ms LEE Wai Man

製造業管理文職技術人員協會The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry

王金嶺先生Mr WONG Kam Ling

勞工處 Labour Department

李志明先生Mr LI Chi Ming, David

香港人力資源管理學會Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management

文職系安全及健康委員會委員名單(2010-13)Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List (2010-13)

職安局已委任新一屆的委員,期望文職系安全及健康委員會在主席及委員的領導及積極參與下,業界的職安健水平能得以提昇。The OSHC has appointed members for the new session of committee. With the leadership and active participation of the Chairman and the members of the Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee, the industry’s OSH standard is expected to be enhanced.

職安熱線 OSH Hotline : 2739 9000

請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回2739 9779本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2010年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fi ll in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2010.

姓名 Name: 香港身份證號碼 HK Identity Card No.: 必須與香港身份證姓名相同 As appeared on HK Identity Card 只須填寫首四個號碼 HK Identity Card No. (First 4 digits),例如 i.e.: A123XXX(X)

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

中文姓名 Chi Name: 英文姓名 Eng Name:

電話 Tel. No: 傳真 Fax No: 電子郵件 E-mail Address:

填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局. Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)

1 健康生活模式包括以下那項?Which of the following leads to a healthy lifestyle?

A. 均衡飲食習慣 A balanced dietB. 充足運動量 Suffi cient exerciseC. 以上全部皆是 All of the above

2 以下那種飲食方法可減少卡路里的攝取量? Which of the following eating habit can reduce calorie intake?

A. 進餐時喝紅酒 Drink red wine at mealtime B. 每餐必吃餐後甜品 Eat dessert after every meal C. 進食前先吃沙律及青菜,然後才吃魚或肉 Eat salad and vegetables before having fi sh or meat

3 充足的運動量,有助保持健康體魄。在日常生活中,我們可以嘗試甚麽活動來增加運動量?Suffi cient exercise helps us to stay healthy. What can we do in our daily life to increase the amount of exercise?

A. 步行 Walking B. 行樓梯 Stair Climbing C. 以上全部皆是 All of the above

Free Subscription Form

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會Occupational Safety & Health CouncilSedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee

參加細則1. 歡迎年滿15歲或以上的香港居民參加。 2. 每人只限參加一次。 3. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。4. 得獎者的姓名必須與香港身份證上的姓名相同,否則將被取消得獎資格。 5. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 6. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 7. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 8. 歡迎複印參加表格。個人資料聲明本局會保留 閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。若 閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息所有資料將於活動完後銷毀。

Rules for Participation1. Hong Kong citizens aged 15 or above are welcome to participate.2. Each participant may only enter once. 3. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.4. Winner will be disqualifi ed if their name is not identical to that appeared on the HK Identity Card.5. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is fi nal.6. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.7. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are fi nal. 8. Welcome to photocopy the form.

Personal Data StatementWe will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement.

□ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明本局會保留 閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若 閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information Statement

The information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement.

□ I do not want to receive the information stated above