Marine Monitoring Implemented by This slideshow gives an overview of the CMEMS In Situ Observations products LEVEL1 – For Beginners- Slides have been prepared in Nov 2016 CMEMS In Situ Observations

C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

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Page 1: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring




d b


This slideshow gives an overview of the CMEMS In Situ Observations products

LEVEL1 – For Beginners- Slides have been prepared in Nov 2016

C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s

Page 2: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring

O u t l i n e

• What is In-Situ Observation and why?

• Which Characteristics and Parameters?

• What is CMEMS added value?

• Who are the CMEMS In-Situ data integrators?

• Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue?

Page 3: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring

O u t l i n e

• What is In-Situ Observation and why?

• Which Characteristics and Parameters?

• What is CMEMS added value?

• Who are the CMEMS In-Situ data integrators?

• Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue?

Page 4: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring


• In-situ observations are on-site local measurements of sea water


• They are obtained using ad-hoc on-site sensors on board of various

platforms like buoys and ships for example to capture ocean variability

at different scales. • In-situ observations are made locally. CMEMS In-Situ TAC gathers them

into ONE data base.

• INSTAC data provide a global picture of 3D ocean state and ocean

variabilty based on the integration of thousands of local data.

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Marine Monitoring


• Many organizations outside of CMEMS acquire in-situ data in different

locations at sea.

• CMEMS’s job is not to acquire in-situ data and CMEMS does not

operate or maintain any observing systems. It is rather to gather and

integrate them into ONE DATA BASE.

• « Gathering data » from outsider organisations requires strong mutual


• « Integrating data » into ONE data base requires strong format

standard definition and quality control procedures.

Page 6: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring

CMEMS integrates data from various platforms (3/5)

Moorings, fixed observatories

Research and opportunity vessels Sea level stations and

Coastal moorings

Sea mammals and fish tags

Gliders and AUVs

Argo and bio-Argo floats

Drifting buoys

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Marine Monitoring

C M E M S i n t e g r a t e s d a t a f r o m m a n y o r g a n i s a t i o n s ( 4 / 5 )

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Marine Monitoring

C M E M S i n t e g r a t e s d a t a f r o m m a n y I n - S i t u D a t a P r o v i d e r s ( 5 / 5 ) • ARGO and its European component EuroArgo

• OCEANSITES and its European component EMSO


• DBCP (Data Buoy Cooperation Panel)

• GTS (Global Telecommunication System)

• GLOSS (Global Sea Level Observing System)

• EGO (Everyone’s Glider Observatories)

• Carbon BGC

• European vessels (mainly ferries)

• Arctic-ROOS* (above 60°N)

• Baltic-ROOS*

• NOOS* (North Sea)

• IBI-ROOS* (Iberia, Biscay, Ireland)

• MONGOOS* (Mediterranean Sea)

• Black Sea GOOS*




Page 9: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring

O u t l i n e

• What is In-Situ Observation?

• Which Characteristics and Parameters?

• What is CMEMS added value?

• Who are the CMEMS In-Situ data integrators?

• Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue?

Page 10: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring


CMEMS INSITU OBSERVATIONS provide products with the

following parameters: •Surface and at depth TEMPERATURE •Surface and at depth SALINITY •Surface and at depth OCEAN CURRENTS •And also •SEA LEVEL •WAVES (height, period and direction), •BIOGEOCHEMICAL (Dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, etc )

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Marine Monitoring


• In-situ observations are made locally at different places to capture

ocean variability at different scales –from local to global- and at

different depths. CMEMS In-Situ TAC gathers them into ONE data

base, hence providing a global picture based on the integration of

thousands of local data (L2 discreet in-situ products).

• To get a global picture of the ocean based on multiple local data,

CMEMS In-Situ TAC combines in-situ data into an Objective Analysis

(L4 gridded -interpolated into a regular grid- in-situ products).

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Marine Monitoring

C O R A O b j e c t i v e A n a l y s i s ( 3 / 3 )

All in-situ data are combined into an Objective Analysis

Temperature and Salinity only

standard 3D grid, monthly means

Global coverage, 1990-2015

152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km

Real Time and Reprocessed

Product reference 013_002a and 013_002b

TEMP, Jan 2013 TEMP Errorbar, Jan 2013

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Marine Monitoring

O u t l i n e

• What is In-Situ Observation?

• Which Characteristics and Parameters?

• What is CMEMS added value?

• Who are the CMEMS In-Situ data integrators?

• Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue?

Page 14: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring

W H A T I S C M E M S A D D E D V A L U E ?

▪Data integration: CMEMS gathers in-situ data from many non-homogeneous sources into ONE DATABASE. ▪Formating

▪NetCDF format ▪Uniform metadata based on internationally agreed vocabularies and standards

▪Quality control and duplicate check ▪Delete the duplicated data ▪Run automatic quality control checks on NRT products

▪Synchronization between regions to ensure similar level of service in all regions ▪L2 and L4 products: L2 in-situ discreet products are provided, but also L4 gridded in-situ interpolated products by performing an Objective Analysis. ▪Validation: REP products are scientifically validated following a thorough methodology.

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Marine Monitoring

O u t l i n e

• What is In-Situ Observation?

• Which Characteristics and Parameters?

• What is CMEMS added value?

• Who are the CMEMS In-Situ data integrators?

• Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue?

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Marine Monitoring

C M E M S I N - S I T U T A C D A T A P R O D U C E R S

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Marine Monitoring

O u t l i n e

• What is In-Situ Observation?

• Which Characteristics and Parameters?

• What is CMEMS added value?

• Who are the CMEMS In-Situ data integrators?

• Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue?

Page 18: C M E M S I n S i t u O b s e r v a t i o n s · • Which In-Situ Products in CMEMS catalogue? ... 1990-2015 152 vertical levels, horizontal grid: 50km Real Time and Reprocessed

Marine Monitoring

W H I C H P R O D U C T S I N C M E M S C A T A L O G U E ? ( 2 / 2 )

In-Situ Observations products over the GLOBAL Ocean and European

Seas are sorted into 2 categories:

• L2 discreet - Real Time or Reprocessed -INSITU_(AREA)_TS_L2_(NRT)or(REP)_OBSERVATIONS_013_XXX

• L4 gridded Objective Analysis - 1/4°- Real Time or Reprocessed

(Global Ocean only) INSITU_GLO_TS_L4_(NRT)or(REP)_OBSERVATIONS_013_XXX

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Marine Monitoring

A n y q u e s t i o n , a n y t i m e : s e r v i c e d e s k . c m e m s @ m e r c a t o r - o c e a n . e u

M o r e a b o u t I n S i t u d a t a : h t t p : / / w w w . m a r i n e i n s i t u . e u /