©2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03621-8. MITRE | 1 | BZAR Hunting Adversary Behaviors with Zeek and ATT&CK Mark Fernandez John Wunder @MITREattack

BZAR Hunting Adversary Behaviors with Zeek and ATT&CK · What we’ll talk about Background: ATT&CK and Threat Hunting Threat Hunting with BZAR –Zeek Network Security Monitor –How

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©2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03621-8. MITRE

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BZAR – Hunting Adversary

Behaviors with Zeek and ATT&CK

Mark Fernandez

John Wunder


© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

What we’ll talk about

▪ Background: ATT&CK and Threat Hunting

▪ Threat Hunting with BZAR

– Zeek Network Security Monitor

– How BZAR works and what it can see

▪ Examples

– Service Execution

– Remote File Copy to Windows Admin Shares

▪ Takeaways

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© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Free, open,

and globally


A common language



What is

?A knowledge base

of adversary behavior

Based on



© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

t al e

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o a o t ol

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Ta t : the a e a ’ te h al oal





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Procedures: Specific technique implementation

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

How can we seethese behaviors?

How can we identify the malicious ones?

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Image Source: Pirates of the Caribbean

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

How can we see these behaviors?

Perimeter monitoring is not enough

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Initial Access

Execution PersistencePrivilege

EscalationDefense Evasion

Credential Access



Command and Control

Exfiltration Impact

so we do endpoint monitoring.

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Defense in depth, amirite?

Image Source: The Office

What can we do with internal network monitoring?

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Initial Access

Execution PersistencePrivilege

EscalationDefense Evasion

Credential Access



Command and Control

Exfiltration Impact

The Problem: Internal Network Traffic Can be Very Noisy

Server Message Block (SMB) protocol

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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The Technology: Bro / Zeek Network Security Monitor

Open-source, highly-customizable

Deep-packet inspection

The Result: B Z A R

Bro / Zeek ATT&CK-based Analytics and Reporting

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Bizarre – very strange or unusual

BZAR – open-source Bro/Zeek scripts


l ttle o e about Zeek…

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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• SMB Protocol Analyzero Message Types 145

• DCE-RPC Protocol Analyzero Interface Definitions 81

o Method Definitions 1,471

• Authentication Protocol Analyzerso Used in SMB and RPC Authentication

• File Extraction Analyzero Extract Files from Network Traffic

o Lateral Movement

How Many Exist in Windows?

How Many Exist in Windows?



ATT&CK Techniques Detected with BZAR

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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ATT&CK Techniques Detected with BZAR

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Execution PersistenceDefense






T1035 Service Execution

T1004 Winlogon Helper DLL

T1070 Indicator Removal Host

T1003 Credential

DumpingT1016 System Network Configuration

T1077 Windows Admin Shares

T1047 Windows Mgmt Instrum. (WMI)

T1013 Port Monitors

T1049 System Networks Connections

T1105 Remote File Copy

T1053 Scheduled Task T1018 Remote System

T1033 System Owner/User

T1069 Permission Groups

T1082 System Info

T1083 File and Directory

T1087 Account

T1124 System Time

T1135 Network Share

What ou a ee etwo k t a …

Techniques that necessarily generate

network traffic

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Desktop 1

Desktop 2

Te h que that a e ’t normally executed over the network, but can be


T1035 Service Execution

T1047 Windows MgmtInstrumentation (WMI)

T1053 Scheduled Tasks

BZAR Example – Remote Execution

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Execution PersistenceDefense






T1035 Service Execution

T1004 Winlogon Helper DLL

T1070 Indicator Removal Host

T1003 Credential

DumpingT1016 System Network Configuration

T1077 Windows Admin Shares

T1047 Windows Mgmt Instrum. (WMI)

T1013 Port Monitors

T1049 System Networks Connections

T1105 Remote File Copy

T1053 Scheduled Task T1018 Remote System

T1033 System Owner/User

T1069 Permission Groups

T1082 System Info

T1083 File and Directory

T1087 Account

T1124 System Time

T1135 Network Share

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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• Indicators: Four (4) RPC Functionso svcctl :: CreateServiceA

o svcctl :: CreateServiceW

o svcctl :: StartServiceA

o svcctl :: StartServiceW

• Analytics: Simpleo Detect any of the 4 RPC functions

o Zeek event handlers

• dce_rpc_request()

• dce_rpc_response()


T1035 Service Execution

BZAR Example – T1035 Service Execution

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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• Reporting: Write to Zeek Notice Logo “ :: ”

o “svcctl::StartServiceW”

o IP addresses & TCP/UDP ports

o Zeek connection ID


T1035 Service Execution

BZAR Example – T1035 Service Execution

Important: MUST be tuned for your environment!

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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Lateral Movement

T1077 Windows Admin Shares

T1105 Remote File Copy

Execution PersistenceDefense






T1035 Service Execution

T1004 Winlogon Helper DLL

T1070 Indicator Removal Host

T1003 Credential

DumpingT1016 System Network Configuration

T1077 Windows Admin Shares

T1047 Windows Mgmt Instrum. (WMI)

T1013 Port Monitors

T1049 System Networks Connections

T1105 Remote File Copy

T1053 Scheduled Task T1018 Remote System

T1033 System Owner/User

T1069 Permission Groups

T1082 System Info

T1083 File and Directory

T1087 Account

T1124 System Time

T1135 Network Share

BZAR Example – Lateral Movement

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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• Indicators: Two (2) SMB Commandso SMBv1 Write

o SMBv2 Write

• Analytics: Complexo Detect SMB Write to Windows Admin Shares

o ADMIN$ or C$ only

o Ignore IPC$ (e.g., names pipes)

o Zeek event handlers

• smb1_write_andx_response()

• smb2_write_request()

BZAR Example – Lateral Movement

Lateral Movement

T1077 Windows Admin Shares

T1105 Remote File Copy

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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• Reporting: Write to Zeek Notice Logo “ ::Lateral_Movement”

o “ :: ”

o IP addresses & TCP/UDP ports

o Zeek connection ID

o Full Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path and file name

Lateral Movement

T1077 Windows Admin Shares

T1105 Remote File Copy

Important: MUST be tuned for your environment!

BZAR Example – Lateral Movement


▪ Monitor your endpoints

– – ’

▪ Think outside the box

– – ’

▪ Think at different levels of abstraction

– – Low-fidelity indicators can help you build-up analytics and reporting

▪ Integrate into your overall monitoring approach

– – Network alerts and endpoint alerts can co-exist

▪ Tune for your environment!

© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.

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© 2019 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 18-03730-14.